The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 27, 1907, Image 2

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4. C. WINK. Coitor Proprietor.
1907 MARCH 1907
Su. Mo. Tu. We! Th. Fr. Sa.
J7J8 J9 20 2j 2223
Sl25U627 28 29 30
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3 44
Q. j)uartr
Qttwm 14
Terms. County Treasurer, $10. State
Delegate, (5. Strictly In advance.
We are authorized to announce Gkorob
W. Holkman, of Tionesta, a a Republl
can candidate for County Treasurer, at
the ensulug primary election, Saturday,
June 1st.
We are authorized to announce Joskt h
Grekn, of Hickory township, as a Re
publics candidate for County Treasurer,
at the ensuing primary election, Satur
day, June 1st.
We are authorized to announce Wade
H. Brazee, of Kingsley township, as a
Republican candidate for County Treas
urer, at the ensuing primary election,
Saturday, June 1st.
The country has outgrow a the Wall
street speculators. Their Black Fridays
no longer affect the general calendar.
It seems to be the contention of the
alienists that a man can be sane when he
chooses to be and Insane when he feels
like It.
Ballooning has been added to tlie cur
riculum of the United States army. An
airship navy will In all probability be the
next thing on the appropriation bill.
Wireless messages have been ex
changed between Point Lcma, on the
Pacific coast, Pensacola, Fla., and the
battleship Connecticut in New York har
bor. It will not be easy in the next war
to steal a march on a competent wireless
The Census Bureau has issued a bul
letin announcing that the per capita of
public indebtedness in the United States
is $35 60. The total indebtedness, Includ
ing national government, state, county,
township, precinct and school district
debts, is 2,789,!lJO,120. It Is poiuted out
however, that for every $2.65 of public in
debtedness there is $100 of national
wealth. In Great Britain this ratio is
$10.50, instead of $2. Go; in France $14.26;
In Italy $17.38, to $100 national wealth.
The local option bill was effectually
killed In the House at Harrisburg Mou
day night. The proposition to place
the bill on the calendar, notwithstanding
the negative recommendation of the com
mittee having it in charge, was defeated
by a vote of 06 to 89, less than a constitu
tional majority voting in the affirmative.
The fight lasted for three hours. A mo
tion to reconsider may prevail to bring
the matter up again, but it is evident the
bill has not friends enough in the legis
lature to pass it.
Representative McIntyre, of Mer
cer, has introduced in the Legislature a
bill to make possible a more general tax
ation of dogs. It requires that every dog
shall wear a collar to which shall be at
tached a metal tag supplied by the com
missioner and distributed by the tax
collectors when taxes are collected each
year. Should the tax assessed not be
paid and the other requirements of the
act not be complied with by the end of
each year, it becomes the duty of consta
bles to kill all dogs not equipped with
collar and tag. For each dog killed the
constable shall receive a fee of fifty cents.
Every person keeping or harboring a dog
about bis premises shall be considered
its owner for all purposes of the act.
On the subjeot of vaccination, which
is just now claiming a good deal of the
attention of the lawmakers at Harris
burg, the Franklin News very sensibly
remarks: A vaccination bill recently
introduced in the bouse, which requires
all children to be vaccinated within two
years after birth, will be opposed all over
the state because of Its drastic features.
All the state policeman couldn't enforce
it. The people wont have it. It is not
disputed that smallpox, the former
scourge and horror of mankind, has beeu
reduced to a minimum by means of the
vaccine virus. The anti-vaccination peo
ple oppose the present law as unfair and
unequal. Why, they aak, does not the
law compel teachers as well as pupils to
be vaccinated? And why not vaccinate
the directors and the parents, to say noth
iug of the people who crowd the church'
ei, the theatres, the basket ball games,
me bowling alleys and the bar rooms.
One of the most interesting announce
ments made for future consideration is
that ex-Judge Harry White, of Indiana
county will be a candidate for the Repub
lioan nomination to oougress next year
lu the Twenty-seventh District. Judge
White has been a more or less conspiou
ous figure in Pennsylvania politics for
almost half a century. He was a member
of the (Stale Senate H years ago, and of
the constitutional convention of 1S73,
served In the Civil War, later was elected
to congress, and then held the position of
Common Pleas Judge in his district for
20 years. Evidently be enjoys publio
life and the conflicts of politics, or at his
age he would hardly care to take the
field for another tussle. It is understood
that he believes It is anybody's fight tin
der the new primary election law; that it
wil not be a question of giving the nom
ination to this or that particular county.
and that the unwritten law under which
congressmen in many districts were con
ceded two terms and no more has been
abrogated. This is a fair estimate of the
etfect of the new system and there are
likely to be some highly iuterestingevents
in more than oue district in consequence.
Philadelphia Press.
Gen. Arnold and family, of Oil City,
are visiting (be former's father.
Mary Ray, of Warren, is visiting her
brother, Jake Kay, who has been seriously
ill, but is now slowly improving.
The bund concert at East Hickory,
given by the Kellettville Concert Band,
was a grand success. There was a large
Belle Southworth, who has been visit
ing her cousin, Mrs. K. M. Cohoon, has
gone to bjr borne at West uickury.
Jerry Jones waa home from Warren
oyer Sunday.
George Whitton, ot Stewart Run, visit
ed his daughter, Mra. W. C. Silzle, lew
davs last week.
Harry Plerson intends starling for
Washington the middle of next month.
We are sorry to see you go, Uarry.
Mrs. M. Andrews has gone to Cleve
land for a tew days.
John Wolfe is on the sick list.
The fourth numher of our lecture
course, the Jackson Co., will be giveu in
Andrews' ball, Wednesday night, March
Verna Miller expects to leave Monday
for Clarion, where she will attend school.
Edwin Slocum has been suffering from
a severe attack of pneumonia.
Starr and Surroundings.
Our beautiful summer days have been
suddeuly checked by the chilly winds
which were still in store for spring days.
Our farmers were already laying plans
how to arrange the roll of calculation for
their farms of the la-t approaching season.
A, Rboads had the misfortune of losing
one of his team horses bat since has pur
chased another in its place, so not many
days were idle from duly tor want of a
The drill is again hear4 in No. 2 on the
Transit Co. tract, of which the citizens' of
that vicinity have a leae. Well No. 1 has
been a fair pumper for some time.
Mrs, Andrew Weller was called by a
telegram to Kmlenton on account of the
serious sickness ot her mother.
Lawrence Zuendel and Florence and
Roy Jensen were at home during a week's
vacation between terms of the Clarion
Normal, where they are attending school.
James Miller, of East Hickory, baa
returned home from bis tie job in wbicb
he waseugaged this winter lor Cropp A
U. W. Ledebur has rented his two
farms lor the coming season to Mr. Ben
nett, who has been eugaired ou a tie job
for Amps Ledebur the past wiuter.
B. J. Weller Is moving to the farm
again from bis lumbering job at Fools
Creek, where he has been running tbe
establishment for A. L. Weller, of Kel
lettville. Tbe famous black crows have adopted
the silver men's motto; by the way the
droves gather on tbe farms it is almost 16
tol. .
Porkey Items.
Mrs. Frsnk Lltiletieid returned home
last week after paying a visit to her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Robert Powney,a Lynch.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fairweathor vis
ited their parents at Kane and Lamont
over last Sabbath. Mr. Fairweather re
turned on Monday leaving his wife to
continue her visit.
John Stover of Sheriff called on John
Littleneld'a Sunday.
Jonas Shunk of Wbig Hill was circu
lating among frionds in town Saturday
between trains.
John Littletield bad tbe misfortune to
fall from the top of an 84-foot oil derrick
and sprained his foot quite badly, which
will lay him olf lor some time.
Will Ledebur ot Tionesta visitea ills
cousin, Geo. Illuiii, and family a part of
last week.
Mrs. Clvde Reed and two sons of
Clarion visited Mrs. 11. E. Gillespie last
Grandma Bennett is reported as being
on the sick list, but was some better at
last accounts.
Willis Hunter of Minister has moved
his family to Tyronville. Mr. Hunter
expects to depart some time Boon for the
Tut i ii a.u
Mrs. Mabel Littletield and Miss Kittie
Hepler called on friends at Bluejay Sat
urday between trains.
Mrs. O. E. Rupert visited friends at
Bluejay a couple of days last week.
Mearl Kenneth, tbe three-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swatzfager died
at the Emergency hospital at Warren,
Wednesday morning, March .0, w after
a short illness from appendicitis. The
remains were brought to the home of bis
parents and then taken to Shippenville
tor burial. Tbe bereaved pareuts have
the sympathy of all in their sad ailliction.
Mrs. Wm. Slocum visited her daughter,
Mrs. A. L. Highvate, at Hastings Satur
day. She was accompanied home by her
little granddaughter. Twila uigbsate.
H. E. Gillespie visited friends at Kel
lettville Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Swatzfager of Ridg
way were called here last week to attend
tbe fuoerel of little Mearl Swatzfager.
Five children of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Durnsll are ill at present writing.
A. L. Welter's mill up Porkey run has
been shut down tor the past ten days on
account of a breakage of tbe engine.
which was taken to Warren to undergo
Trafllo was suspended on our railroad a
few days last week on aocount of high
water aud ice gorgts, but everything is
cleared up and trains are running on
schedule time sgain.
Letter to T. I). Collins,
Tionatta, Pa.
Dkar Sir: No man is in a position to
influence men with regard to their prop
erty more than you In that little room
where they tell you their troubles. Pity,
if you don't know bow to keep a bouBe
dry and Bound, any sort of structure
bouse store factory warehouse shop barn
fence any sort of fence, except rail; with
What paint? The paint that takes least
gallons; for paint costs money, and put
ting it on costs twice as much as the
That Is short; but that's all; it includes
tbe rest. One paint wears long, another
wears Bhort; but the one that wears long
is the least-gallons paint; least-gallons
means pure and strong, and most-gallons
means adulterated and weak, besides
small gallons.
Paint Is one of the biggest interests in
the United States; not the business of
making it; no, tbe business of paint, tak
lug care ot property, .faint is worth a
great deal more than it costs, aud the best
costs least: Dovoe.
Yours truly,
l!t F, W. Devoe A Co.,
New York
1', .S. Dunn A Fulton sell our paiut.
$100 KEVAltl, 9100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to team that there is at least one
dreaded dibease tnai science na been
able to cure m nil Its fctayos, and that Is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only
positive cure known to tne medical Ira
ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly apon the blood
and mucous surface of the system, there
by destroying me lounuation ot the dls
ease, and giving the patient strength by
building up uie constitution and assist
lng nature in doing its work. The pro
nrietors have so much faith in its cura
tive powers that they offer One Hundred
Dollars ior auy case mat n inns 10 cure,
Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CH EN EY A CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Hold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the! tost.
There is nobody you can hate as much
as tbe fellow who is smarter than you are.
Little: Daughter of Rev. Paul J. Slon
aker Badly Burned.
Rev. Dr. Slonaker, of Brockwayville,
through whose efforts the past winter's
lecture course was secured for Tionesta,
was missed from the last nutnlxr of the
course, the Jackson concert, ou Thursday
evening. In note to the Republican
Dr. Slonaker explains tbe reason aud
gives this account of tbe serious accident
which befell their sweet little daughter,
Frances :
"I had planned to be at the Jackson
Concert Company entertainment but was
hindered because of tbe serious accident
that befell our home. On Tuesday eve
ning, 19th Inst., Mrs. Slonaker had put
tbe children to bed and had gone down to
the library to read. Frances got up to go
to the bath room and in passing an open
gas stoye her night giwn took tire.
Paul, her nine-year-old brother, (and
what a hero he was,) hearing her screams,
ran to hor and finding his sister all In
flames, snatched a quilt from the bed and
wrapped her in it and smothered the
flames out. When Mrs. Slonaker reached
the room Paul said, 'I got It out, Mama!'
Paul saved bis sister's lite. As It was,
her left leg was burned from the ankle to
four inches above the hip, so that tbe
skin came off, and her left band, as the
doctor said, 'was Just cooked,' besides
other burns. Frances Is doing nicely
and is going to pet well."
Dr. Slonaker also says In his letter,
concerning the lecture course jui-t ended:
"You have always been very kind to me,
lor wbicb I thank you very much. I
wish now to thank you for your aid in
securing and promoting the lecture
course wbicb has just closed in Tionesta.
You were very kind in announcing each
attraction. Many, many thanks. I wish
through you to thauk the County Com
missioners for grauting tbe use of the
court bouse for the entertainments. And
also wish to thank those who made tbe
course posaiblo by purchasing season
tickets, and all who contributed in any
Cream of the News.
Farming is pretty good fun unless
you make a living at IU
Our new line of wash goods la tbe
finest ever sbowu in Tionesta. Call early
and get the pick of the lot. Hopkins.
Where Ignorance is bliss compulsory
education is apt to blister,
Takes the burn out; heals the wound;
stops the pain. San-Cura Ointment, 25
and flOo. Duun A Fulton.
The hand of fate is responsible for
quite a number of black eyes.
The salve that acts like a poultice is
Pine Salve Carbolized. No other salve
so good for cuts, burns, boils and chapped
skin. Ask about it. Price 25 cents. Mold
by J. R. Morgan.
If some artists see things as they
paint them they should quit drink lng.
New white goods in gorgeous array
at the Hopkins store. To see the stock
is to admire It. You're bound to be
suited. It
Probably there would be no fun in
feeling lazy if we didn't have to work.
We recommend Thompson's Baros-
ma as a positive cure for diseases of tbe
kidneys, liver aud bladder, 50o and $1.
Dunn A Fulton.
A man is apt to get awful lonesome if
be resolves to keep ouiy good company.
Thompson's Barosma cures cbronio
or aoute inflammation of the kidneys aud
bladder, or ulceration of the same. oOo
and $1.00. Dunn A Fulton.
One ot the reasons for a man's being
proud of his brains is that nobody else is.
Thirty days treatment for kidney
bladder troubles and rheumatism for
$1.00. Your money refunded if not sat
isfied. Pineules contain no alcohol. Do
not derange tbe stomach. Easy to take.
Sold by J. R. Morgan.
Mearl Kenneth, son of Jacob and Lau
ra Swatzfager, was born at Frosttown,
Forest county, Pa., January 8, 1904, and
died of appendicitis at the Emergency
hospital, Warren, Pa., at six o'clock a.
in. March 20, 1907, aged 3 years, 2 months
and 12 days. Mearl was taken sick on
Wednesday previous to his death but bis
condition did not Beem serious until Sun
day, but began growing worse until Tues
day morning, when he was taken to tbe
hospital where be was operated upon but
witnout success, and ne died in a few
hours. His Blckness was of short dura
tion but his suffering was intense, which
be bore very patiently. Mearl was a very
bright and intelligent child for one of bis
age, and uone knew him but to love him.
He will be missed very much, not only
in his own borne but among his play
mates as well. He leaves to mourn their
loss bis parents, three brothers and two
sisters, who have the sympathy of all in
their sad bereavement. Tbe remains
were brought to the home of his parents
at Porkey and from there taken to Ship
penville on Thursday, where the funeral
services we conducted Friday forenoon
in the Lutberan church by the Lutheran
minister, and the remains laid to rest in
tbe cemetery at that place to await the
resurrection morn. k. c. h,
Notice to Public.
At a meeting of tbe Board of Directors
of the Citizens National Bank of Tiones
ta, held at the Banking House, February
26, 1907, the following rersons, T. I). Col-
nus, ii. J. Hopkins, j. u. uowman. r
X. Kreitler, F. R. Lanson, 0. W. Proper,
A. M. uoutt, K. M. Herman. E. L. De
woody, executed a bond to protect all
Depositors and Creditors of the Citizens
National Bank, of Tionesta, from loss,
and guaranteeing tho payment of same
G. F, Watson was unanimously elected a
Director ior uie ensuing year.
T. D. Collins, President.
J. C. Bowman, Secretary, tf
Teller, Sul I Hlieiiin mid K.'.rma.
These are the diseases for which Cham
berlain's Salve is especially valuable. It
quickly allays the itching and smarting
BDd soon etlecls a cure, t rice, ii cents.
tor sale by Duun A t ultou.
Tbe safe, certain, reliable little pills
that do not gripe or sickeu are Dade's
Little Liver Pills. Best for sick head
aches, biliousness and lazy livers. Sold
by J. R. Morgan.
Four years ago tbe doctors said I had
unguis disease of tbe kidneys. I was
bloated and suffered a great deal of pain
in tne nacK and groin, l unaiiy took
three bottles of Thompson's Barosma,
wbicb cured me entirely, and I have en
joyed good health ever since. My wife Is
now taking IbompHon's Barosma with
great bene til. W. U. Goodrioh. bhelma
dine Springs, Pa. Barosma 50o aud $1
Duun A Fulton.
f'nuse of IMouinrh Trouble.
When a man has trouble with bis
stomach you may know that he Is eating
more than he should or of some article
of food or drink not suited to bis age or
occupation, or that his bowels are habit
ually constipated. Take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets to regulate
the bowels and improve the digestion and
see il the trouble does not disnppear.
Ask for a free sample. Sold by Dunn A
Gently moves the bowels and at the
same time stops tbe oough. Bee's Laxa
tive Cough Syrup. Contains Honey and
Tar. No opiates. Best for coughs, colds,
croup and whooping cough. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Children like it. Mothers
Indorse it. Sold by J, R. Morgan.
Chamberlain's Oush Remedy Is Both
Acraeable and Effective.
Chamberlain's Couch Remedy baa no
superior for coughs, colds and croup, and
the fact that it is pieasaut to take and
ooutains nothing in any wav Injurious
nas mane u a iayorite wnn moiners. mr,
W. S. Pelbam. a merchant of KIrksvlile,
lows, says: -'For more than twenty
years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
been my leading remedy for all throat
troubles, it is especially suooessiul in
oases of croup. Children like it and my
customers who have used it will not take
any otber." For sale by Dunn A Fulton.
For Sale.
A 30.000 capacity saw mill complete.
suitable for sawing long timbers; boilers
and engine of 120 h. p. Also, two 40-aore
farms with Improvements, and wild land
adjoining. Josiak Work A Sons,
ii Ulariogton, t a.
$41.o5 Erie to San Franchco, Los An
gclcs and Other Western Point!,
via Mokel Plate Road.
Also reduced rates tn nnlnta in Ilia
Northwest and Southwest Tickets dallv
March 1st to April 80th. Full Informa
tion of agent or address C. A. Asterlln,
n V A HIVT Ulaln .11 Vml Dn A
Do Not Crowd the Mrason.
The first warm davs ot anrinsr brlmr
with them a desire to get out and enjoy
theexhilirating atrand sunshine. Chil
dren that bave been boused up all winter
are brougnt out and you wonder where
they all came from. Tbe heavy winter
clothing is thrown aside and msny shed
tueir uannols. Then a cold wave cornea
and people say that grip Is epidemic
Colds at this season are even more dan
gerous than In mid-winter, as there Is
mucu more danger or pneumonia. Take
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, however.
and you will bave nothing to fear. It al
ways cures, and we nave never known a
cold to result In pneumonia when it was
used, it Is pleasant and sate to take.
Children like It, Sold by Dunn A Fulton.
License Applications.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing applications lor license have been
tiled in my elllce and will be presented
April 16, 1907, at the Court of Quarter
Sessions of Forest County, Pa. :
1. Geo. Vt . Buhl, Hotel Keystone,
Marienvllle, Pa.
2. Joseph J. loung, rew Marien
Hotel, Marienvllle, Pa.
3. C. F. Weaver, Hotel Weaver. Tio
nesta Borough, Pa.
4. G. E. aud M. L. Gerow, Central
House, Tionesta Borough, Pa.
Certitied from the Record.
J. C. Gkist, Clerk.
March 26, 1907.
County Bridge Painting.
As per Aot of Assembly, approved
April 21, 1903, the Commissioners of For
est County will receive sealed proposals
lor the painting of the following bridge :
Upper bridge across Tionesta Creek at
Nebraska, Green township. Two spans,
147 feet each in length, width of roadway,
18 feet In clear.
All guard rails and all Iron and steel to
be first thoroughly cleaned by removing
all scales and blisters and then to be thor
oughly painted one coat with a paint of
established reputation tor nve years' du
rability on metal surfaces, and to be
guaranteed to remain In good and effect
ive condition for five years from date of
painting; all loose nuts to be lightened.
Contractor to f urn iBb all materials, also
furnish and remove all scaffolding. All
work to be completed on or before tbe
first day ot September, 1907. All bids
must be on Uie in tbe Commissioners'
ollice in Tionesta, on or before the sev
enth day ol May, 1907. The Commis
sioners reserve tbe right to reject any or
an bids.
Leonard Aonew,
Andrew Wolf,
Philip E.mert,
County Commissioners.
Attest :-J. T. Dale, "Clerk.
Tionesta, Pa., March 27, 1907.
Administratrix's Notice.
Letters of Administration on the estate
of James K. Green, late of Harmony
township, Forest county. Pa., deceased,
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons indebted to said estate are
hereby notified to make payment with
out delay, and those having claims or de
mands will present them, duly authenti
cated, for settlement.
Cynthia E, Green, Administratrix,
3-20 Ot. West Hickory, Pa.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
Fred. Grettenbergor
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General Blacksroithiug prompt
ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
Jos. H. H&VMn
llepalrs Boilers, 81111s),
Tanks, Agitators. Buys
aud Nells) Second - haiid
Roller), Etc.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tendud to. End of Suspension Bridce,
Third ward, OIL CITY, PA.
Feed & Sale
Pino Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable RateB.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone No. 20.
Fui'iiislimirs for
Walk Over Shoes and Oxfords
Mooarch Shirts
Arrow Collars
Interwoven Hosiery
Hats, Caps aud Neckwear i
New Stock and Latest $
Knox and Younians
tEllC wllkm
For Spring.
There's do article of a man's drers
where style and quality count f r so
moon as in his hat. '
It pays to buy the best in most
things, but it pays double to buy tbe
best in a bat.
Io a Knox or Youmao's Hat you
are sure of tbe style and quality.
Koox and Youmao's Crushers, $1
to 82.50.
Knox and Youmao's New Wind
sors, (3.
Kuox and Youmao's New Pan-
touris, S3
Knox and Youmao's New Repub
lic $3.
Knox and Youmao's Derbies, i'i
to 85.
Knox Silk Hats, $7.
Knox Opera Hats, 86.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cure Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough.
Monarch Clothing Co.
Of tho Monarch Clothing Co. began Wednesday, March 20th,
and will continue until Easter.
Tremendous selling of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing.
Great selling of Women's Suits, Jackets, Skirts,
Waists, and Children's Dresses.
Women's A Misses' Suits.
To inaugurate tbe season and to show
the supremacy of this store, we are offer
ing at our opening sale 150 Woinon's and
Misses' Tailored Suits of new spring
models, Cotne in gray worsted and fan
cy mixed materials. Regular (frrj QQ
value f 12. Anniveisary price ? I .iO
Handsome Panama or Sorge Suits for
Ladies or Misses. Come in extra novelty
colors, snob as tan, blue, champagne,
brown, garnet, black and other colors.
These suits come in the new Eton style,
and coat is lined wild satin. The skirt is
the new pleated model, flaring at bottom
and very handsomely made. A number
of otber suits at this price come in fancy
mixtures and novelty effects; regular $15
value. Anniversary sale Q g
Pretty Suits of Serge, Panama, or
Broadcloth, made Eton or tight lilting.
Elaborately designed tand trimmed and
made by the best Philadelphia man tail
ors. Per foot tilting, with alterations fre
ofoharge. Rogular$18value.ffl1 I) QQ
Anniversary sale price 1 w,0
Women's New Spring
Handsome and nobby styles of Dress
Skirts, come in Panama or nobby mixed
materials, also Sicilian ami Mohair Skirts
in all tbe new shades, including, black,
blue end goldeu brown; Jft C fl C
value. Sale price ipO. O O
(Jbiffoo Panama Dress Skirts, in all the
Dewest makes, come in black, tan, blue,
golden brown aud steel grey; also, pretty
styles of fine Black or Steel Grey Voile
Skirts, trimmed nd made in the vnrv
latest mskee $5.98, 7.9S, 8.9S
Missus' Dress 8k irts in plain or fancy
colors, of Panama, mohair or fancy ma
terials, such as plaids, stripes or checks,
made pleated with deep folds and verv
pretty. $3.98, 2.98
Women's Waists.
Women's Lawn or Lingerie Waists,
made long or elbow sleeves, In a variety
of styles and patterns, made and trimmed
with lace, embrolnery and tiny tucks,
front and back; elegant values.
39e, 09e, 98c
Monarch Clothing. Co., - Oil City, Pa.
Next to Chambers' New Building. Oil Exchange Block.
Succeeds Like Success.
When we draped for publio inspection our Spring
and Summer Woolens it was with the determination to
make this city a regular "Broadway" of Style and Fash .
ioo, and we have turned the trick. We have placed
more stylish and fashionably dressed men upon the streets
than any other two concerns in town, and what's more,
every one of them represent satisfied and conteoted patrons
Are You Among Them?
Or did you tie your money up io a "Guess Fit"
ready made, wbicb is a poor example of the style of the
day, it haviog been made up at some faotory months ago?
Glasgow Clothing Costs
No More
Than ready-made clothing, and half of that charged by
otber custom tailors, yet it is perfect in fit, correct in
style and foremost in quality, and just because we tailor
to the personal measurement of our patrons, using only
woolens woven at our own mills, which insures tbe quality
$15, $18,
Suits and
Top Coats
Prewied and Repaired Free of Charge.
lme Depo$lU Solicited. WiU pay Four Ter Cent, per Annum
A. Watwi Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook, G. W. Robinson, Wm. Smearbangb,
N.P.Wheeler, T. F. Ritohev. J.T.Dale. A. B. Kelly.
Collections remitted for on day of payment at low rates. We promise our custom
rs all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest pld on time
deposit. Tour patronage respectfully solicited.
it-.j. AAjl AAA J
1 f )
Made to
Wm. Smbarbatjoh,
Vice President
Fine Black and Colored Taffuta Silk
Waists, also, imported China Silk Waists,
designed artUtically and the swellestgsr
moots lu this sectinn; all corns long or
elbow sleeves $2.98, 3.98, 5.98
Women's Gloves.
Women's Gloves and Misses' Long
Silk Oloves in black or colors to match
any suitor waist. QQ C1 Q P.
Special during sale ..VO C, tPl.cJ
9Ien's Clothing:, Anniver
sary Prices.
Fine Worsted Suits, in black and fin
ished fancy worsteds. An elvgant gray
worsted that comes in fancy plaids of box
or checkered effect; they are serge lined
and come in the long single-breasted
style. Also blue serge suits and hun
dreds of other styles, all made In the lat
est styles; easily cost from VI to f is In
any other storo in Franklin or Oil City.
Anniversary sale dQ QQ 7 OS
price pt7.t0, I tVO
Fine Globe Worsteds, in the new sty
lish grey and fanay box plaid effects,
made in the new long titled style; vents
at side and in back; brosd and shapely
padded shoulders; serge or alpaca Hoed;
pants with buckles at side and belt straps;
very shapely and perfect titting. Extra
tailored by union tailors; $16.60 value.
Anniversary sale
Several hundred Men's aud Yooug
Men's ScuffSults left from our fall and
winter suits, and are lu worsteds aud
cheviots and fancy mixtures. None of
these suits are worth loss than $10, and
(here are only two or three of a kiud. All
are perfect fitting and make a suit good
enough for the best dresser in town.
Anniversary sale ffir fin
price .1 3pJ.yO
Boys' Suits.
$1.98, $2.98, $3.98
Children's Top Coats.
$2.98, $3.98
Sale of Boys' Wash Suits, Men's Hats.
Shirts, Neckwear, Ac.
See our handbills.