"V Sa rv 'S. n 0 r r i J' tr'- ' ' THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. i. C. WINK. COITOR PROPRIITOII. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1907. 1907 JANUARY I9Q7 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. lXjai 3 J4J5 J6J7J8I9 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28129 30 31 T MOON'S PHASES. fr Third rt MT Thlri I 4T i Tint 342 y Quarter 41 a.m. Cnew Moon NeW , . 0:07 8:45 a-m. It a.m. .Township Caucuses. OREEIT TOWNSHIP. . The Republicans of Green town8hlp will meet at the Township Houi-e on Saturday, Jan. 26, 1907, at i o'clock p. m., for the purpose of nominating a ticket for the February election. M. E. Sibhi.k, Committeeman. N ' ' TIONE1TA TOWNSHIP. Xbe Kepublican voters of Tioneata .townsdip will meet at the Township House on Saturday, January 26, 11107, at 3 o'oloi fca. ui , for the purpose of placing io-DOL-lnalioii a ticket for the February lectloc. - , ' .J. B. Edkn, Committeeman. . . ,.' .' . ;- Our New Governor. " Governor Edwin S. Stuart was Induct ed lcto his bigb official station at Harris- ' iirg yesterday with all the dignity and splendor befitting that exalted office. The crowd was immense and the enthusiasm of the visitors wag in keeping with the ' occasion. The Governor's inaugural ad drexa was able and digniSed, and was .listened to with marked attention by the '''great throng which heard it. The people xpect Governor Stuart's administration to be among the best ever given the Slate . of Pennsylvania, and tbey will not be Jisappointed. The new cabinet was tamed as follows: . Attorney general M. Hampton Todd, j'hiladelpbia. Secretary of the commonwealth Rob '" ert McAfee, Allegheny. Adjutant general Thomas J. Stuart, Norristown. V Private Secretary -A. B. Miller, Phila-Jelphia. Some men think they are turning over a new leaf when they try s different kind of plug tobacco. ' Wb renew the suggestion to Senator Foraker that If be keeps on investigating the negro troops, be -rill get a lot more information than be desires. Kansas baa a man wbo is a minister, a doctor, an undertaker, and a tombstone dealer, all combined. There is a man wno is ready to stand by you from start to Bnish. The now uniform primary law is so , incomplete and indefinite that practically every section of the act will have to be ' amended by the legislature says Tbe Phlladelpbio Chronicle Telegraph. It is believed that an entirely new bill should be introduced. Tbe principal cause ot tbe confusion is tbe clause which pro vides that it shall be optional with bor oughs and townships whether the pri maries shall be held uuder tbe old or the row law. As a result of this provision, some districts in a township or borough are going to bold their primaries under the old law while other districts of tbe same townships or the same boroughs nd townships are proceeding under tbe new law. A bill of particular Interest to all pen sioners has been introduced by Senator Penrose providing that pensioners of tbe government sball be paid each month in Btead of every three months as at present. It la proposed to have peosiun agents mall checks on the last day of each month, "with restrictions no more oner ous than are made by the treasury de partment in paying interest on govern ment bonds." This means that tbe vouchers sworn to every pension period at an expense of 25 cents will be done away with. Uuder the bill pensioners are to file with tbe pension agent an affi davit showing their residence and post office address and must keep tbe agent informed of any change of address. Many thousands of pensioners in Penn sylvania will be affected by the measure. The suggestion is often put forth that tbe assessment lists for tbe boroughs, townships and counties be published once in three years, or immediately after each triennial assessment 1b made. Nothing that could be devised would have so great a tendency to improve the manner of assessing, or to lessen the amount of fault finding. Every taxpayer would bave an opportunity to compare bU val uation with that of his neighbor and the assessors would be more careful to pre serve a greater equality in valuation, knowing that any inaccuracy would be quickly detected. Greater interest would be manifested by the citizens in tbe mat ter of equalization of taxation, for in tbe unequal assessment of properties is where tbe mischief U done. No more meritorious measure could be placed upon tbe statute books than a law to com pel tbe publication of tbe triennial assess ment lists. Architect Huston has performed a distinct service in setting tbe publlo right as to the exact proportions of tbe cost of building and equipping the new state capitol. By falsely classifying all the expenditures of the board of public grounds and buildings as for "trimm ings," the muck-rakers made out an ap parently good case of "extravagance," giving tbe impression that $9,000,000 bad been expended on furnishing for a build ing that cost only 4,000,000 to erect. As a matter of fact a very considerable por tion of the money spent by the board ol public grounds and buildings was for those permanent features of tbe capitol which properly are to be classed on con struction. When at least the true pro portions are set forth we find that the co9tof the building proper was almow 17,000,000, while the decorations, furnish ings and office equipments cost some thing over 15,000,000. The farther we get into tbe capitol business the more appar ent it becomes that if there was any crookedness it was not in the alleged con ditions uncovered by the munk-rakers. Harrisburg Telegraph. The announced retirement, on tbe fourth of March next, of Ethan Allen Hitchcock ffom tbe post be has so ably filled as Secretary of the Interior, will be viewed with rejoicing by every land thief, by every trespasser on tbe publlo domain, and hy every one who bas sought to pervert tbe land laws to the purposes of monopoly and greed. For tbe old .Secretary .has beeu in truth "a terror to evil doers" and a foremost In strument in the breaking up of systems of fraud which had become 'so widely adopted as to bave gained a semblance of respectability. The workers for reform will, on the contrary, view bis retire ment with unfeigned regret. As tbe head of a department famous fur the exacting labors demanded of its chief, and which touches In its operations a larger number of interests than any other except tbe Posloffice, be has met every requirement with exceptional ability. Not tbe least of his titles to distinction will it be that he organized the Reclamation Service, with F. H. Newell at its bead, and inaugurated the system of the National Irrigation. It la unfortunate that Secretary Hitchcock's retirement comes just at this time, when the government is apparently only be ginning to lay bare the real magnitude of the gigantic land frauds tbat bave de bauched the public service and plundered tbe publlo domain. The Ilasslnger Lumber Company About Ready lo More. The Hassinger Lumber Company, of Lamona, Forest County, Pa., is busily engaged in planning for the removal of its plant to Azen, Va., where the com pany bas purchased a 16,000 acre tract. Azen is but 30 miles from Abingdon, tbe county seat of Washington County, and at tbe present terminus of tbe White Top Railway, which is owned and controlled by the Hassinger company. Tbe new town is growing rapidly under the directions of Messrs. Luther C. and Will A. Hassinger, who have been there tbe past throe months. Already 20 well built, commodious houses bave been completed and tbe foundations are in for as mady more, one large store and a well arranged boarding bouse, while Ike plant bas progressed to the machinery part, which will be supplied after the cut at Lamona is finished. In the strict sense of tbe word, Azen is not a new town. F r many years, two stores a post office and several families have been in the quiot mountain place, but with the coming of this hustling energetic northern company tbe citizens are well pleased and intensely interested, saying tbat "tbe old town will be new when you get everything arranged for business," and with this increase of popu lation genial Postmaster Heusley will be kept pretty busy. Mr. John H. Hassinger bas remained in Lamona looking after the finishing of tbe various lines of work, and aims to bave the cut finished by tbe 20th of this month. Then comes the difficult and particular part getting the machinery into shape for shipping. When all this is completed, and the miles of railroad taken up, tbe families wild their house hold effects packed for moving, 11 means careful and systematized planning. Tbe company hopes to have tbe plant Installed and families moved and settled ready for tbe big whistle to blow in Azen for business not later than May 1st. For many years this firm operated in Warren county before coming into Forest and by their excellent methods and care ful attention to business bave been thor oughly successful, and while going into a new and undeveloped country among strangers, their experience and energy must surely continue their success. Farmers' Institute Programs. Following are tbe programs of the Farmers' Institutes to be held in the Court House at Tionesta, Friday and Saturday, Feb. lBt and 2d, and In the M. E. church at Clarington, Monday and Tues day, Feb. 4lh and 5th, 1007: tionesta program. Friday afternoon, 1:30. Music; Prayerj Address ol welcome, A. C. Brown; Re sponse, R. S. Seeds; Breed, feed and car of the dairy cow, Geo. E. Hull; Lime, Prof. M. S. McDowell; Gardening for profit, Samuel D. Irwin; Value of Barn yard Manure, R. 8. Seeds. Friday evening, 7:30. Music, by the Skidoo Club; Question box; Why Edu cate? Prof. M. S. McDowell; Should we encourage higher education at homef Discussion opened by Prof. D. W. Morri son; Essay; What constitutes a country home? R. S. Soeds. Saturday morning, 0:15. High grade farm butter, Geo. E. Hull; Commercial fertilizers, Prof. M. S. McDowell: Soil improvement the keynote of agriculture, R. S. Seeds; Planting and trimming of fruit trees, Samuel D. Irwin; Raising sheep for profit, Geo. L. King. Saturday afternoon, l:30-Question box; Music, by tbe Skidoo Club; Marketing farm products, Geo. E. Hull; A few facts about bacteria, Prof. M. S. McDowell; Tbe value of fertility and cheapest way to get it, R. 8. Seeds; Observations on tbe new rosd law, abolition of work tax, etc., discussion opened by T. D. Collins. Saturday evening, 7:15. Music, by the Skidoo Club; Question box; Agriculture and art, Prof. M. S. McDowell; Reading, Mrs. Verna Watson; Our farm homes, Geo. E. Hull; Mistakes of life exposed, R. S. Seeds. CLARINUTON PROGRAM. Monday afternoon, 1:30. Music; Pray er, .Rev. G. E. Hill; Address of welcome, George M. Dunkle; Response, R. S. Seeds; Breed, feed and care of dairy cows, George E. Hull; Insoluble phosphates, Prof. M. S. McDowell; Value of bardyard manure, R. S. Seeds; Music; Question box. Monday evening, 7:15. Music; Ques tion box; Agriculture and Art, Prof. M. S. McDowell; Essay, Education of the farmer's boys and girls, Mrs. Jennie Pot ter; Higher education for Forest county, Prof, I). W. Morrison; Proper vaccina tion of school children, should It be en forced? Dr. A. R. Brewer; Mistakes of life exposed, R. S. Seeds. Tuesday morning, 9:15. High grade farm butter, Geo. E. Hull; Commercial erlilizers, Prof. M. S. MoDowell; The - k i value of fertility a dehear.. way to ge ltk R. S. Seeds; uYjwto realize good profits on our farms, discusion by J.J. Heuderson, W, A. Croasuiun, R. 8. Seeds and Joseph Hall. Tuesday afternoon, 1:30. Feeding steers for market, George E. Hull; Lime, Prof. M. 8. McDowell; Question box; Should tbe road tax be paid in cash and tbe use of wide tires for heavy hauling be made compulsory? Discussion by Joseph Hall, J. C. Work, A. Slaugbenhaupt and oth ers; Music; Soil Improvement the key note of Agriculture, R. S. Seeds. Tuesday evening, 7:15. Music; Ques tion box; Our farm homes, Geo. E. Hull; Essay, The primary Education, its im portance to the child's future life, Mrs. W. A. Croasmun; A few facts about bac teria, Prof. M.S. McDowell; Essay, Home lite on the farm, Mrs. G. E. Hill; Should teachers receive higher salaries and re ceive a pension after 30 years services? Disoussion by John Hall, Prof. D. W. Morrison, Prof. M. S. McDowell and others; What constitutes a country home? R. S. Seeds. Boro School Report. tionesta school fourth month. B a p S3 4 T3 5 2 2 7 a o 3 a a a i No. No. No. No. No. 27 25 1)5 17 24 22 94 15 ;i8 94 16 35 84 96 20 37 33 93 14 Kil 14!) 04 82 Total. PRESENT ENTIRE TIME. Room No. 1. Blanche M, Pease, Teach er. Dora Honshu w, Marion Carson, Jos ephine Sanner, Agnes Morrison, Eliza beth Bowman, Gertrude Rhodes, Corinne Wymau, May Lusher, May Osten, Rich ard Carson, Lester Weaver, Harry Whit man, Sheltnn Davis, Robert Ellis, Jack Bigony, Lester llepler, Clyde Potter. Visitors, five. Room No. 2. Bess II. Byers, Teacher. Geuavieve Grove, Beulah Amsler, Eva Bromley, Frances Dewall, Margaret Bowman, Ida Whitman, Irene Morrison, ,ora Vandermark, Frank Ellis, Joe Ulassner, Gilbert Rillmer, Fred. Zuver, Maurice Joyce, Walter Sigwortb, Claude Bromley. Room No. 3. Katharine Osgood, Teach er. Arthur Zuver, Arnold Henry, Har rison Charleston, Linus Ledebur, Mary Fitzgerald, Bessie Hepler, Lillia Weaver, Anna Charlestcn, Gladys Baumgardner, Flora Sanner, Kathryne Bigony, Era Whitman, Marie Brook houser, Edith Mays, Laura Bromley, Esther Jamiesnn. Room No. 4. E. M. Walter, Teacher. -Janet Jamieson, Fred. Clark, Marguerite Blum, Florence Maxwell, Glenna Wea ver, Cbas. Fliok, Nyetta Moore, Hazel Clark, Fern Dunn, Marguerite Haslet, Frances Grove, Mae Lanson, Sarah Ag new, Eva Hunter, Marguerite Huddle son, Glen Ledebur, Marie Mealy, Parker Flick, Robert Sig worth, Claire Huling. Room No. 5. J. O. Carson, Principal. Robert Huling, Roy Noble, James Grove, Ralph Siggins, Donald Grove, Delbert 'Decker, Harvey Zuver, Merle Dunn, Clare Henry, Maude Head, Iva Emert, Nellie Davis, Bessie Sigwortb, Bertha Scow den. Cream of the News. Instead of trying to beat his record, the average man should fry to forget it. Great bargain days these at Hopkins' store. It A man seldom prays that his friends may be saved from him. Thompson's Barosraa, Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure makes a permanent cure. 50o and $1.00. Dunn & Fnlton. Once in a great while a cook gets con trary and refuses to quit. Tbe "after inventory" sales at tbe Hopkins store are making 'em all sit up and take notice. If you want your sbare ot the bargains call early. It IT If a man is easily bought, it's difflcutl to make him stay bought, Skin diseases and sores. Wash with San-Cura Soap and apply San-Cura Oint ment. 25o each. Dunn & Fulton. A child's first impression is usually made by tbe paternal slipper. Pine Salve Carbollzed, acts like rt poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively used for eczema, for chapped bands and lips, outs, burns. Sold by J. M. Morgan. Old bachelors are men who have given marriage a serious thought. San-Cura Ointment cures old sores, fever sores and ulcers, leaving a sound, healthy skin. 25c. The 60o size holds three times as muoh, Dunn fc Fulton. Ever notice how polite the average man is when he bas something to sell? Our annual inventory haying just been completed we find we are greatly overstocked with many "just in season" goods, all of whlcb we're going to let go at great reduction in prices. Don't wait, but come while the assortment is yet In tact. Hopkins. It . Some men are so mean that tbey even refuse to let tbeir wives bave the last word. "Pineules"(non-8lcoliolio) made from resin from our Pine Forests, used for hundreds of years tor Bladder and Kid ney diseases. Medicine for thirty days, $1.00. Guaranteed. Sold by J. R. Morgan, IIHJIIEMT TRUMP CAKDM. The Plllsbum Sundny IHiatcli Clears the Bonrd With Exlrn Fine Featurm. The Pittsburg Sunday Dispatch is al ways doing something surprising, but its latest coup really takes every trick and leaves the table clear. Its tabloid maga zine section of 32 pages, printed on su perfine paper and artistically illustrated, outshines every opposition in tbat line, and now there bave been added four new comic pages, making the greatest comic department published by any newspaper. All the old comic favorites Peck's Bad Roy, Little Growling Bird, Madge the Magician's Daughter and the rest have been rotaiued,-and another complete set, including Val the Ventriloquist, Barney Blue, Little Alright, Sawdust Sim and still more, have been added, making a series of comics containing easily a thou sand laughs. Ifyou feel all tired out and weak, bave no energy, and sutler with a weak back, take Thompson's Barosuia, Kid ney, Liver and Bladder Cure at one. 50c and f 1.00. Dunn & Fulton. Toiora. White is the emblem of light, reli gious purity, innocence, fnlth, joy nutl life. In the judge it Indicates Integ rity; in the sick, humility; in the wo ninn, chastity. Red. the ruby, signifies fire, divine love and royalty. White and red roses express love nud wis dom. Blue, or the sapphire, expresses heaven, the firmament, truth from a celestial orlffln, constancy and fidelity. Yellow or gold is the symbol of tho sun, of marriage and faithfulness. Green, the emerald. Is tlu color of spring, of hope particularly of the hope of immortality and of victory, ns tho color of the laurel and palm. Vio let, tho amethyst, signifies lovo nnd truth or passion nnd suffering. Purple and scarlet signify things good nnd true from n eelostial origin. Black cor responds to despair, darkness, earth-' llness, mourning, negation, wickedness nnd death. A Hhuimodr on Mnttnn Chop. When a primitive niim wants break fast he takes a sheep, kneels upon It, holds It between his legs and cuts Its throat, lie skins It, and, taking a slice out of It, fries It on the coals for break fast We also demand not less Imper atively cutlets for our breakfast, but we manage It nuother way. We pro cure nu Individual some way off to kill the beast and another out of our sight to cook It. We have a paper frill put arouud the bone to disguise It, and set a pot of flowers straight before us to look at while we eat It; but, to the sheep to the sheep It can make little difference which way It Is eaten. We still do our unclean work, but we do It by proxy. And It may be questioned whether what wo gain in refinement we have not lost In sincerity. Fort nightly Review. Au Itrlilna; One. Miss Country Maid I understand that In some hotels one often sees palms about the dining rooms. What kind of palm Is the most prominent? Mr. PlneoM The waiter's. Society takes us away from our selves. Pe Innibert A friend of mine was afflicted with Brlght's Disease and given up by tbe doctors. He was urged to try Thomp son's Barosma, and today he is as well as ever. Amos Goodwin, 126 W. 19th St., Erie, Pa. Tbe dollar bottle contains much more than two 50o bottles. Dunn & Fulton. TO Cl'RK A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly olean the system, good for lazy livers, make clear complexions, bright eyes and happy thoughts. Sold by J. R. Morgan Charter Notice. Notice is hereby Riven tbat an applica tion will be made to tbe Governor of Pennsylvania on Thursday, January 31st, 1907, by FranK K. Brown, George R. Johnston, Leon Watson, T. D. Collins, F. X. Kreitler, E. L DeWoody. W. P. Crouch, O. W. Proper. L. J. Hopkins, F. R. Lanson, A. M. Doutt, J. D. W. Reck, R. M. Herman, J. C. Bowman, a. S. bib worth, D, W. Morrison and A, C, Brown, under the Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," ap proved April 29, lSii, aud tbe supple ments thereto, for the charter of an In tended corporation to be called Tionesta Trust Company, tbe character and object of whioh is the insurance of owners ol real estate, mortKaires, and others inter ested in real estate, from loss hy reason of defective titles, liens and encum brances, and for these purposes to have, possess, and enjoy all the rightB, benefits, and privileges of said act ot assembly and supplements thereto. A. C. Brown, F. W. Hays, 3t Solicitors. Notice of Appeals. Notice Is hereby given that the Com missioners of Forest County will be at the following places at the time desig nated, for tbe purpose of holding appeals from the triennial assessment ot I'.HIT: Kintsley Township, Monday, January 21. at Kellettville. Howe Township, Tuesday, January 22, at Pigeon. Jeuks Township, Wednesday, January 23, at Marienville. Barnett Township, Thursday, January 24, at Clarington. Green Township, Saturday, January 26, at Nebraska. Harmony Township, Monday, January 28. at (VestHickorv. Hickory Township, Tuesdsy, January 29, at Endeavor. Tionesta Township, Wednesday, Jan uary 30, at Court House, Tionesta. Tionesta Borough, Thursday, January ai, at uouri House, Tionesta. Leonard Aonew, Andrew Wolf, Philip Emert, Commissioners of Forest County, Attest J. T. Dale, Clerk. Tionesta, Pa., December 31, 1906. COMMISSIONERS' LAND SALE. By virtue of various Acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania made and provided, we, the undersigned Commissioners of the County of Forest, will expose to sale by publlo vendue or outcry, at tbe Commissioners' uttlce In the Court House, in Tionesta Borough, on tne 6TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1907, at 2 o'clock p. m., the following de scribed tracts of land, viz: SEATED LANDS. JENKS TWP. War. Acres. Name Assessed In. i Kendall, Ira. TIONESTA TWP. 132 oil and gas. Erie Co. Pet. Association. UNSEATED LANDS. . HICKORY TWP. 200 Unknown. 330 Dayton, Jesse. 63 Dayton, Jesse, JENKS TWP. 3182 1073 Baker, Hammond it Co, TIONESTA TWP, 200 May, S. T. and Irwin. Leonard Aonkw, Andrew Wolp, Philip Emert, Commissioners of Forest County. Attest- .1. T. Dale, Clerk. Tionesta, Pa., December 31, 190(3. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration on the estate of George Klinestlver, late of Green Township, Forest County, Pa., deceased, haying been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and those having claims or de mands will present them, duly authenti cated, for settlement. Geo. Klinestiver Jr., Adra'r. Kollettville, Pa. A. CJ Brown, Attornoy. 1-2-Gt KedAced Prices. Dress Goods. We have about 30 pieces of Drees Goods which ive wish to close out, and offer them at 25 per cent. Itcduoi Ion Furs. 15 per cent. IKeduction This is our first and final cut in the price of furs. Some of our best pieces are unsold. Take advant ge of this opportunity. Sweaters. Men's, Boys', Wotuons, X Masses', Children's, X 2 5 per rent. ISodurl Ion G. W. ROBINSON & SON One-Third Off on all Overcoats. It will pay any o e to buy Overcoats now. Every Overcoat in our house is reduced 'one third. The loss is ours. Tho Coats are your. ICead Our Large Ad. on the First l'age. THE McCUEN CO. 2b AND 29 SENECA ST.. OIL CITY. PA. Fred. Grcttenbcrgor GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. AH work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and General Klacksniitliing prompt ly done at Low Kates, ltepairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and .satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of and just west of the Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patrouage solicited. FRED, GRKTTKN BERBER PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER, Repairs Hollers Stills, Tanks Agitators. Itiijs and Nells Second - hand. Hollers, Etc. Wire or letter orders promptly at tended to. Eud ofSuaperisinn Bridge, Third ward, Oil. CITY, PA. DR. KENNEDY'S FAVORITE HIEDY t ieoiHini iu lane, :. And Welcome In Every Home. ' KIDKEY AND LIVER CURE lt. David Kennedy's Fnvnrito Romedy la adapted tnaMiiHnitdbUi afxea, atlunlini; pcrinaiu'iit r-' lief in all cnics cauwl hy impurity of t lie blood, uh n Klilni-.v, ISLiii.l.T ami l.lvr Cor. IIhIiiI; curca onelijiaUoii audWeHknea.ua peculiar lo woiiu'it. U proves niicrevrfnl In cues whcroall otliermpdU Clnea have totally (ailed. No kiHIltctxIiouIiI despair an Iohkm thin remedy in untried. It has an unbro ken record of siiccchs for over 80 ycure, aud has won horns of wnrm friends. Are yon miiTcring from anydifoaeo traceable to the cam es mentioned? If au, r, Kennedy haa ataked his personal and profeiedonal reputation oil the atalemcuttuat Fnvorite ltuuiedy will do you gooL Send for a free trliil Ixittln and booklet con taining valuable inedicnladvice on the trcutmentof vnrioiiHdipcartefi. Write also for an "Kiuy Tenf' for findinpoutif you have kidney disease. Addrea lr. IIiivhI KenniMlv'H Koiih, Komloiit, N. Y. REMEMHiCR, the full name i a Dr. David Ken nedy's Ji'AVolU'i E lil!MEI)Y,nindcat liomlout, N. Y., and the price IsWI.OO (xix hottlea fr.u")at all driiL'lita iu tho liuited Stales, Canada aud foreign countries. WANTKD: by Chicaiin wholesale and mall order house, assistant manager (man or woman) for this county and ad joining territory. Salary fLDanil expenses, paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent. No Investment or experience required. Spare time valuable. Write at once lor lull particulars anil enclose self-addressed envelope. Address, GKNliRAL MAN AGER, 134 Lake St., Chicago, III. 8-l-l()t to Cord Take Laxative Bromo Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 We Start the Aon YetV With a New Idea Woolens Sold Havinir just completed an extensive addition to our mammoth Woolen Mills, we find that our output will be almost doubled, and we have cl icided to allow our pat rons to take advantage of this c indition by offering wool ens of the finest quality for sale by tbe yard. Worsteds, Serge, Vicunas, Meltons', Tweeds, Thibets, Kerseys aud all Fancy Plaid an! Mixtures at Prices Less than tbe Custom Tailor is dom;ielled Jo pay. Just a week left to secure a pmr of our $5.00 Toua ers Free of Charge. ,1 Order one of the Glasgow made to measure Suits or Overcoats now and bave an extra pair of trousers made to order absolutely free. $15, $18, $20.00 Suits and Overcoats 22 SENECA ST. Monarch Clothing-CJo. , Clear ancel Sale , t' . Now The greatest cut ill prices that ever existed in order to1 clear our stock clean of all Winter Clothing, ready-to-wear for Ladies', Gentle men, Boys or Girls. Jleii's .Suits and Overcoat. 10.00 values now 4.98 12.00 values now 6.98 15.00 values now 8.98 20.00 values now... 10.98 Hoys' .Suits and Hoys' Overcoats. f3.00 to 10.00 values now .. $1.98, 2 98, 3.98 Clearance Sale is On in I Full Bloom. - Big bargains in'SwcajterIats,1 Caps, Shirts and Underwear. ,1 Also great cut prices aiid extra big bargains in Ladies' Waists, kirts, Wrap pers, Jackets, Children 's, presses, &c. I ii The only one-price fish store in this 1 V M. county. . MONARCH ClOT OIL EXCHANCE BLOCK, TUY EPUBLICJ for your for Job We do everything from a larca Po Callir a Cold in C Swine Tablets. X month! by the Yard Made to Measure OIL CITY, PA. liiilles' Coats. 8.00 to 12.00 values 5.00 12.00 to 1).00 values 9.98 Lnjtiea'' Suits. 10.00 vallfs - ...$5.00 12.00 to J.00 values 10.00 Jills' Coats. $3.00 to l('j)0 values:..... now..Ji..1.98, 2.98, 3.98 I ; I ! ; ING CO. IL ITY, PA. niK VN OFFICE ext orcfer Printirg. tt r Sheet to a. Prated or Engraved Jard. -1 : j i r Day in Two Days. II on every ; box. 25c.