The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 09, 1907, Image 1

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Two Squares, one year.,.......
Quarter Column, one year
Half Column, one year
One Column, one year M
Legal advertisements ten cents ps.
each insertion.
We do fine Job Printing of every 'w
soription at reasonable rates, but it'a oaa,
on delivery. '
1 .
11' (
OL. XXXIX. NO. 43.
. ;$1.00. PER ANNUM.
, t-
, .
. . ' - hz
In. T,
a of ecb
8d Monday
st and 'bird
Rooms over
Tloneata, Pa.
, arren, Pa.
: a. Cor. Elm
f Surgeon,
)NESTA, pa.
Hoe over store.
,1 calls prompt
.urs of day or
Ht.. between
w's restaurant.
Im' T).
3 diseases of the
Be hours oy ap
t diseases of the
Throat. Special
! ttlnsr or ft lasses,
!Kn. m..7-H d. m
: - : I
Casb.'er Killed antf the Aisas-
. ' " sin Blown to Bits.
Fugitive From, Justice Taken New
T York Legislature Seven Yeara Fop
Incendiary Earthquake Loaiea Re
pudiated 35 Dead In Rock Island
, Wreck Death In Hotel Fire.
With the finding Sunday of the
personal effects of the man who threw
the bomb In the Fourth Street Na-
. e. tloual bank at Philadelphia on Satur
day, killing Cashier W. Z.! McLear
Mid himself, there la little doubt left
In the minds ot the police that he was
Rollo Steele of Garner, la. -
The bomb thrower Is found to have
slept Friday night at the GrantHouse,
a hostelry on the outskirts of the
Tenderlolu, frequented mostly tjP re
sectable . working people. He (regis
.cred as J. R. Steele of New York.
Ilarly on Friday night he engaged a 50
lent room.. He carried a grip which
le refused to allow the colored por
er to carry to the room.
When detectives 'searched the room
unday they found several yardfc of
ow fuse, a number of detonating
I ps, a revolver, a box of cartridges, a
I imber of tools and dome clothing.
iere wag a suit bearing the tag of a
ilcago clothing house and a pair of
t erallg marked with the name, of a
t. ncliurg, Va., merchant There wns
J-.lsofi waybill for a box shipped Over
me Houtnern railway.
As Rollo Steele Is reported to have
been in Chicago and Lynchburg, and at
the- latter place lately, the police are
practically sure ot lyomb thrower's
identity. . .
It is probable that none 'of those
hurt by the explosion will die Will
lam J. Crump, the negro messenger ot
the bank,' is the most dangerously in
jured and was on Sunday operated on
to save his eyesight., His erej will
never regain their normal state.
The police Saturday found A frunch
of keys in a fragment of the clothes of
tbe bambthrower. It bore a tig1 mark
ed "R. 'Steele, Garner, la." badge
of the Modern Woodmen of the World
was also found which, it is' thoug'u,
belonged to him.
Those who know Steele well say
that for some time he had. been experi
menting with .explosives and" electric
batteries He frequently talked in a
way that indicated thoughts of violent
Steele failed 10 years ago Ls a con
crete contractor. He has had sickness
J In his rurally and been in deljt and his
menus' it'i'fl say mat ne prooaoiy was
driven to desperation by his reverses.
Alleged Mine Swindler Arrested.
R. V Flower, alias C. d. Dalney,
who bit been a fugitive from New
York slice 1903, where he is wanted
to answgr charges of grand larceny
and Bin- (idling credulous investors out
of about $1,000,000 on alleged bogus
mining Operations, was arrested In
Philadelphia Friday by Detective Ser
geant MtConvllle of New! York and
sevfr?.l ileal officers.- '''..- '
FlowerUwho the detectives say is
'Surgeon, J the- greaAst mine swindler of the
OIL CITY, PA. I tiEtg, wa -, captured in a room In one
ot the bleieSiee buildings in the cen
. .u.V,. . ,. , , ,
ter oi iiiBiiiy, woe re n ueveiopeu ne
has been 1'cated for some time. Un
der the na e of Professor Oxford, the
detectives fiy, he was Beeklilr to se
cure (mona from Investors' uy repre-
he had a-chemical spro-
I Tl
t h could make diamonds
'reclous stones .and a na-
rlck.1. .
arror.of Flower ends a chase
"t'e dej.tives i and postal autfaorl
" vfch carried them through Mex-
ltraj America, parts of South
i and Canada, besides many
f in the -United States.
I The Week In Congress.
'discussion of tbe Brownsville,
; ftalr htch resulted in the dls
fronv the army of a battalion
ro troops by the president will
ue tfils week, to he the topic of
! ount Interest in' the senate. .
Jer events set down for the week:
senate are a speech by Mr. Ov-
'i-'SLOan theauestlpn Jf
grtB'.B rights, growing out of the Jt'p;
i,se agitation; a speech on Wednes-'
y by Mr. McCnmber in support of
b service pension bill, and a vote on
Thursday on Senator La Follette's bill
Vegulating .the hours of service on
I jkilroadi.
Among the measures which will re
ceive committee attentlonn tne nouse
13 the ship subBldy blll.'TJiere Is rf i
newpd effort to reach a compromise oi
this measure and again some promise.
& that direction.
. Ncuy York Lealelature.
- -V ,
The uewly elected senate and as
sembly of New York convened Wed
nesday at noon to begin the 130th ses
sion of the state legislature, effected
organization in both houses by the
election of the nominees of the Re
publican .caucuses, received tne nrst
annual messago of the new governor,
Charles E. Hughes, and adjourned as
usi'il for one week, until next Wednes-
i i
MT evening-'. ' v i
iader. Senator Raines, as president
ffiro tempore of tne senate, and Speak
er -James W. Wadsworth, Jr., of the
assembly, both of -whornwere re
elected, Will arran6 b' hments
cf committee nie" ' tts
' V of committee n
"ig at
In t':o heart if the business sec
tion was blowi out about 8 o'clock
Sunday night. North Water street la
a narrow thoi lUghfare leading oft
from Main str 't.
After a car fu' Investigation the
cause of the explosion is still a mys
tery, but Is believed to have been
'caused by a dynamite bomb. The
building wheii the explosion took
place was occupied by a large shoe
repairing shopj , . -
Seven Yeani For an Incendiary. .-
Seven years Imprisonment and a
fine of $2,000 snd costs was the sent
ence at .Trenton,.- N. . J., by Jus
tice Rellstabon David H. Brand,
convicted of .attempting to burn his
store on July 2,. 1905.. The costs it is
estimated will -amount to $3,000.
Judge Rellstab fixed ball at $50,000
pending an appeal. "Brand cdllapsed
la court and had to be carried to Jail
by a constable. John Brand, a broth
er, convicted on a similar charge,
also senteqiea.
Earthquake Losses Repudiated, j
All the British insurance companies
have repudiated their liabilities arising
from : thf earthquake at Valparaiso
last year J Speaking at a meeting of the'
Royal Iilurance company cf Liver
pool, thekhalrman said that .In terms
of the ralparalso policies differed
from thse of San Fronclsoj. tho
company s, he added, had all agreed
to resli the Valparaiso claims and
lawsuit .had been commenced. .
, McCarren Trial Postponed.
,THe pub-committee appointed to try
Senator McCarren and the state com
mitteemen from Kings county for
political treachery during the last
campaign assembled at New .York
on Thursday and adjourned untfl Feb.
14.' Thjs step was taken because of
legtl steps of McCarren and his col
leagues who have begun an action to
test the authority of the state com
mittee to expel Its members or to in
vestigate their political opinions.
' Gunboat For Naval Militia.
.The little linked States . gunboat
Sandoval, intended for the use of the
naval militia on Lake Ontario, reached
her dock In New York City last Thurs
day, having arrived from- Norfolk
under the command of Lieutenant
E. N; Walbrldge, and manned, by
members of the Second Separate div
ision of the naval militia of Rochester,
N. Y. The Sandoval was captured at
Guantanamo during the Spanish-American
war. She. will be repaired in
New York and proceed, to Lake Ontar
io in the spring. - , .,
Record Year Fpr Immigrants.
.The fiscal yei)rjnded June 30, 1906,
produced a word eclipsing all former
ones Id Immigration ' '
During that period the population
of the United States was increased by
the addition of 1,100,735 Immigrant
aliens, whilst 03,018 non-Immigrant
aliens entered Its ports, making the to
tal admissions 1,166,353. -
Tbe Increase over last year's record,
ot 1.059,755 (1,026,499 aliens plus 33,
265 transits) was 106,598.
Great Year For Deer In Canada. .
Last year was a great year for deer
hunting in Canada. By latest returns
received by the Grand Trunk railway
system, whose lines tap some of the
best hunting grounds, the sportsmen
had better luck last year than in 1905.
Compared with the total weight of the
carcasses of deer for 1905, the season
last fall shows an increase of 11,820
pounds. A conservative estimate of
the nutnber of deer killed last season
In the highlands of Ontario is 11,000.
35 Dead In Rock Island Wrecks
Thirty-five persons, all Mexicans but
three, were killed, 55 persons were in
jured and the bodies of 30 Mexicans
were incinerated Wednesday, in a
head-on collision ot two passenger
trains or the Chicago, Rock Island &
Pacific railroad near Volland, Kan.
The wreck occurred while both trains
were running slowly on a curve in a
cut where the grade was step.
Ralaull's Stronghold Taken.
Zinat, Ralsuli's stronghold, near
Tangier, was practically destroyed by
fire and fell into the hands of the
troops of the sultan Sunday after 'a
short and almost bloodless fight.
"Raisull and his 700 followers suc
ceeded Jn eluding capture and reach
feif the mountains despite the elaborate
-planu of War Minister Gabbas to pre
vent their, escape.
Three Deaths In" Hotel Fire.
Three lives were lost In a fire that
destroyed the' American hotel at Del
hi, .Nf Y., early Sunday. r The dead
are: iWilliam kf Inter, druggist? Mrs.
Anna Winter, his wife; John O'Connor,
tailor. 4
All were residents of Delhi and
permanent guests at the hotel. They
had lived In felhl for years and were
prominent in tbe business community.
Inquiry Into Harrlman Roads.
The Interstate commerce commls
sfoii on Wednesday will meet at Chi
cap? to resume . its inquiry into- the
Harximan railroads. This hearing
durfng two days 'in New York brought
out some unusually Interesting test!
mJny, but the evidence forthcoming is
expected "to be more important . in
eiiowlngVu detail the financial opera
tions of tbe big Hurriman system.
National Automobile Show.
" The national automobile show will
pe opened at Madi'Bon Square Garden,
frew York, on Saturday. Especially
(elaborate, plans bnve been made lo
'make this the largest exhibition ot lis
. kind since the invention ot the mo'.or
Declare '. Hot Unconstitutif;?!
by C rt of Last Resort. "
. . It-
A ; ; . .. . -r
Justice K "'' Disposed of All the Ob
jections the Statute Case jWai
Brought Ly a Citizen of Connecticut
' to-'Seegre. ftversal of RulTigV'ol
New York 0urts. 1 jM
,Wahlngtonj Jan. 8. In lecidinj
the csBe, of Albvt J. Hatch verii Ed
ward latter a pfafcff ofll
cer of New Ytjrk, favorably'tq Rear
,don, the supremo court of the" United
States passed upon the validity of the
stock transfer' lax law, in ijffect hold
ing be not in' eontravention of th
constitution and thus sustaining the
decision of the' aurreme court of New
-York. , - V; ' , i f
The case, was brought 1) Hatch oc
a writ of error, to secure areversal o1
the rulIng8 .of the. New fork courti
by which ho -was refused release or
writs of haeas corpus. Tbe statute
imposes a fine and imprisonment for
failure to pay the requble fee on all
Btock transfers made in tie state.
.- Hatch Is a citizen of CJnecticut and
It is charged that in Ju ir H905, be sold
to another ConnectinV man eorae
shares without affixing .-.lamps. When
arrested Hatch immeately applied
for a writ of habeas
rled the matter to the
The question raised
forcement of the law
one of liberty ad 'p:
iipus and car-
ourt cf last re-
as that the en
would deprive
operty without
due process of Uiw,
Kile it was ar
gued that the New Ylrk state consti
tution had also been (violated in that
the amendment to tlii tax laws under
which proceeding f. XIb . had lain for
only one day Instead of three on the
tables of members if the New York
Justice .Holmes di posed of all the
objections to the Ne ' York statute in
succession. Of, the contention that a
tax on sales is a ti : on property, he
said in part: "W'lia ever the right oi
parties engaged Injcommerce among
the states, a sale l'Pends in part on
the law of the .ste where it takes
place for Its valldit.
, and in the courts
of that state, at ie
t for the mode of
proof. No one rmld contest the
power to enact a iatute of frauds for
such transactions.
therefore the state
may make parties
ay for the help of
Its laws, so far this objection Is
With reference -th
the argument that
tne tax is an interference with Inter
state commerce he jmtlined the court's
position as follows!
"There is not a ibadow. of a ground
for calling the transaction described
such commerce, .'the bargain was not
affected In an-y way, legally or prac
tlcally, by the fft that the parties
happened to have come from another
state before they inade it. It does not
appear that the petitioner came Into
New York to sell his stock, as it was
put in his behrlf. It appears only
that he sold after coming into the
state. But we are far from implying
that it would iave made, any differ
ence if he had couie to New York
with the supposed intent neot any
bargain was niaae."
House Passed a Bill Providing For
Judicial Review. ,';
Washington, Jan. 8. -rThe 'homse
passed a bill providing for a Judicial I
review of orders1 excluding persona
from the use of the United States mall
facilities, after a debate lasting most
of the session. This debate was par
ticipated In by Representatives- Crum
packer (Ind.), the author of the bill;
Overstreet (Ind.)', Dalzell (Pa.), Lit
tlefield (Me.), Perkins (N. Y.), and
Mann (111..), who led the opposition.
In arguing that the bill should be
passed, Mr. Crumpacker said the pow-'
er given the postmaster general, un
der the statutes, to issue fraud orders
was not all in the nature of adminis
trative discretion. It partook rather
of the nature of a aollce power for the
regulation of the morals of the people
of the country. . ".''
Mr. Mann read Several advertise
ments whlcB he said seemed to show
that concerns were still doing busi
ness which VBbt to'come within tha
scope of fraud orders. He said the
bill was defective and . that' there
should be no. permitting doubtful con
cerns to fleece the public. ,
XT '
Judgment Against Hyde and Others.
Albany, Jati. 8.-The court of appeala
affirmed by default the interlocutory
Judgment of the lower Court Overrul
ing the demurrer of James Idzen
(Hyde and others as officers' Of the
Equitable Life Assurance ' society to
the complaint . of Mary p. Young of
Saratoga Springs. c Mrs.' Young sued
to compel restitution ett funds of, the
society which she alleged were wasted
during the Hyde administration. At
torneys for Mrs,
tho court merely dismiss the appeal
but to this former Senator Brackett,
counsel for Mrs. K'oung,sbJected and
Judgment waa entered. An appeal in
volving 'practically the Bame parties,
that of Young h. the Equitable Life
Assurance wciety, Alexander and
others, is dovn for argument In the
court of apr;als today. '
'ark Denies Report.
Jan. 8. Commissioner
1 last night that he had.
by President Roose
DtWeooe lo 4'-tl'icg tho
str'.t od the
ralUM to Teiaa .'
Clark Ach,
I been refcii'ts'.e
velt to (s his
.oonmn'lip niror
1 y--vlheri PsoJUn
Wealthy Churchman1 to F!e duce
Veni'cVi' Tower at $ W.C00 4. r -t' -St.
LouIhJ Jan. fc. A St. Louis mil
lionaire, FvS.JiiflinGtbiv wIH Rftitlfy
personal- whlmii by spendlngj $40,000
to-see In this ally a reproduction of
tho Campanile' at Venice. ffte tower
is to be 200 feet high and wf be sit-
uated between' theauditoriu& and the'
chapel of the Second Eaptiast church,
which Is to be constructed Kings
Highway and Washington bi vard.
This corner Is one of tuif highest
points In the city, and "Lud's Tower,"
as the members of the church have al
ready named the edifice, will be a
land mark. It will serve the purpose
of a monunent to Its builder. -The
tower will be so solidly con
structed that 'the elements are not
expected to Injure it for centuries. It
will have many windows and observa
Hon qnenlngs. It is not Mr. Ludlng
ton's idea that the room in the tower
shall be wasted. Instead there will be
eight floors fitted up and furnished.
The second floor will be a meeting
room for deacons and board members,
As a finishing feature it Is probable
that a set of chimes will be installed
and that the tower will regulate time
in the West End residence-district,
' Requisition For William Stlnson.
Albany, Jan. 8. Governor Hughes
granted a requisition for William Stln
son of Terre Haute, Ind., on the charge
of burglary. Stlnson was the vice
president of the National Mine Work
ers of America for the 11th, dlBtrict
of Indiana. On Christmas day a burg
lary was committed in the office of
John H. Kennedy, Harrison, Ind., and
cheeks and money orders for upwards
of $000 to $700 were taken. Stlnson,
it Is alleged, the next day cashed one
of the checks In Terre Haute. Later
in Chicago he told John Mitchell, pres
ident of the United Mine Workers,
that he was going to New York city.
Mr. Mitchell saw in the papers an ac
count of the robbery and that Stlnson
was suspected. He telegraphed to Mr,
Kennedy, .who notified the Ne, York
police. Stlnson was arrested as a vag
rant at Mt. Morris. N. Y.( Dec. 31.
Some of the checks and money orders,
It is alleged, were found in bis posses
sion. Troops Sent to Scene of Strike.
City of Mexico, Jan. 8 A special
train carrying two regiments of sol
diers bas juBt left for Arlzaba, Vera
Cruz. Strikers in the textile factory
there have burned the company's store
to the ground and It is said are threat
ening to destroy, the mill. The prop
erty is owned by A. Garcln, a French
citizen. It was thought that the tex
tile strike had been amicably settled
through the intervention of President
Diaz and Vice President Corral, but it
appears that a number of men are
dissatisfied with the terms. The town
is about 40 miles southeast of the City
of Mexico and Is one of the most im
portant towns of the state ot Vera
Cruz. '
, Decision In Street Car Case.
'Washington, Jan. 8. Supreme court
of the United States affirmed the de
cision of the United -States circuit
court, Nortlffrn district of Ohio, in
the Cleveland street car case. The de
cision holds the franchise ot tbe Cleve
land Electric company' expires March
12, 1905, but Die Forest City coiriftny
s enjoined from using the old com
pany's tracks.
New York Provision Market.
New York, Jan. 7,
WHEAT No. 2 red, 88c f. o.
afloat; No.-l northern Duluth, 88
c. i. f. Buffalo.
CORN No. 2 corn, 490 f. o,
afloat: No. '2 yellow. 490 new.
OATS Mixed oatlj 26 t 82 lbs.,
39&39c; clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs,
PORK Moss, $17.50018.50; family,
$18.50(5)19.00. ' ' -
HAY Shipping. 8590c; good to
choice, $1.05 1.15. y
CHEESE State full cream, fancy,
14o. "''..'
EGGS State and Pennsylvania, 30c.
POTATOES State and Western,
$ " , ,. t
' - '
' feuftalo Provision Market.
tS: " , ' Buffalo, Jan. 7. '
1 WHEAT No. ' 1 northern carloads,
84&c; No. 2 red, 76&c.
CORN No. 2 CPinK 45H46c f. o.
b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 47c.
OATS No. 2 white, 39&39y4C f. a
b. afloat; No. 3whlt6.384f 38c.
FLOUR JTancy blended, patent
per bid. $455.&t) winter famllcr,
puient'. $4.154.80. -s ;, v
' BUTTEft .Cv?ra!N- -western ex
tr . f'uln. ?,2ei state and PeRDByl-
vantb crtaroery, Slo; dairy, cbatc.
to fancy. 28429c. - .
CHEESE -AFancy full cream, 14c;
toni to cholcel3g13ttc. -jjqGS
Selected white, 30c. ,
POTATOES .Home grown, fancy,
per bu., 43045c; fir to good, 4042o.
East Buffalo Llvttock Market.
CATTLKi-Cholce exSirt steers, $5.75
de sought to have6 00; Kooa u cii0iU stcuer Bieera,
$4 o5(tl-, IUCUIUMJ 'Vt' BlOCIOj
$3 65414 00; Mr to sood FHws, $.-50
&4 50; good to choice ho;ior3,- $4 85
6 75- good butcher bulls, $3.500O;
choice veals, $9.259.50; fair to good,
18.75fiii9.00. ' ' v -
lambs, $7.908.00; cholca .year
lings, $6.50&C.85; mixed Bheep, $j.00
HOGS Best Yorkers, $6.756.80;
medium and heavy hogs, $6.706.75;
pigs, lisht, $(f!SD6.95. . .
Buffalo Hay Market.
Choice timothy. $18.5019.00; No.
1 tlinotnv, I17.a018.00; No. 2 tlnr
othy. $15 5016.Q0,bet clover mixed,
15.lU((Ht).UU. - .
Summary of ItieVeek'i News
,of the Worlds.. .
ilv: . ,' rv
Cream eft the Ne9 Culle . f:crr Long
Dispatches sjbd Put In Proper' 6haps
For the Hurried ReadeiVho Is Too
'Busy to Reat(tho Longer Reports
, a'nrf Desires io Keep p6ted. - -
. Wednesday,
la the fighb at Touopah, Nev.,' be
tween Joe Gaus and Kid Herman of
Chicago Gans won by a' knockout" In
the eighth round. -
Hearst men and Mayof McClellan
are anxiously aStfTng 'developments
in the movement lo ha-f 9' the' mayoral
ty ballots recoft ' .a: ' ., -
John D. ftoci'.";'ller quotes Lamar
tine: "I have' set ii very little,, evil In
the world, Mr' -'X. rameiffber the
good," tor a -. V -a r.'s AeBUmenK
W. 8, w. on- i ioh Cleveland real
estate man, !; uujked In a Pittsbus&J
hotel by a t)1', who won, W "confi
dence, and in tiij in'd bo badly .hat he
is expected to tV
Metrqpoiltan ,,,, ''Insurance com
pany lets contract for teel to be used
In the construction of ihe 50-story
building to be erected 1n New" 'jtotk.
which will be the liin'.icst ttilldlng iji L-.
Thursday. f-"f-"-w"" ,.
John D. Rockefeller mnke it New
Year's gift of neatly "Ji.yiiO.OOO to the
University of Chicago, increasing, his
total benefactionB to $19,416,922..
Recent railway horr'irH stir up the
Interstate conimereroomyilsslon which
prepares a sensational-report asking
drastic legislation from cofigresa.', ' ' "
Archblshon -liv: '1 ' at ' his- New
Year's celebration ta WiTailglpaia.
likened the Frenojvo ,,uj;aiis for1
the government's treatment of the Ro
man Catholic church, : .,
Congress will ,bft asked by the
American Association :f iili'Ativaiice
ment of Science to esta.lUli.-aumt
forest reserves tit tl;i- White Moun
tain and Southern App;iJachian region,
New Hampshire l;i itunjibmikB
deadlock at polls and.eiucts Charjes
M.- FJoyd, Republican, .governor,
Girl shoots atijudo in St. Louis
court in plan of two Sisters to slay the
Jurist and then commit suicide.
James McCrea of ,FIttsourg was
elected president of the Pennsylvania
railroad to succeed the late A.. J. Cas':
satt. ' . ' ". .
Reports have been brought try Alex
andria, says a cable dispatch, tuat.the'
mahdi Is alive and Is preparhrg to re
conquer Algeria, Tunis and Egypt.
Talking o a government official,
James J. Hill says whenever he goes
on a rail J -'rney be is constantly fear
ful that be may be killed 4ja wreck.
London Throne, noeording tto a c&bla
dispatch, says that: the )uke and
Duchess ot Marlborough t are 4 recon
ciled. . ' -v .
Wonder was expressed r aftc't; the
Roosevelt had been placed In dryilock
that she had stood the trip back from
the Arctic regions. , ' '-.
Major General Von.der LaunHz, pre
fect of police of St. Petersburg, ivas as
sasslnated by a young man, who' was
in turn killed by an officer.
-.In Gnesen, Prussia, thetrlal has be
gun of a member of the Prussian house
of lords, a member of the lowejr.housb'
and other persons accused of renewing
Polish agitation.
Attorney General Jackson withdrew
the appointment of Gherardl Davis to
act as his representative in proceed
ings to compel William R. Hearst
file another statement of his campa
expenditures. '
Count Leo Tolstoi expressed feJlr in
an Interview Jest Japan should! yet
make Christian nations her vasslls.
Natural gas supply of Cleveland
was cut off by -an explosion, leaving
thousands shivering in the midst ?fa
cold wave- without either light or
Attorneys far Mayor McClellanob
talned a"' court order stopping wroceed
Ings In the quo warranto petition for
the recount of the votes in Mie contest
Harted by W. R. Hearst,'
Interstate commerce commission
hearirjs in New YorV in Harrlman
mct.iti'ende(f for Ve present, with
V'ifiluni RockefeIlr-under subpoena
to g.v detalls'-of big stock purchase
and isaWi K
Bomb, hurled hy a gold-seeking
crank, wrecks Philadelphia's loading
bank, blows its hurlcr and the cailer
trf atoms' and malms six other? and
causes a panic during the busiest hour
.of the da - '
' Tuesday.
Cuban papers discussed the proposal
for n protectorate form of government
mil warntH) the natives not to oppose
"V .. . . . .. . ..
lVinia uoiuniau anu Alexander
Berkiuan wero. arrested on a charge
of Inciting to violence against the gov-
Engliers on Uie Pennsylvania's
East river tunnel construct f machine
to foe artlllcial rock into the ground
and stop flow of air.
Railroads and the Interstate com
merce commission are engaged In a
struggle lor the mastery under the
new rate) regulation law.
The Bt-fimer City of Tanama, for the
safety of which fears were felt In San
Francisco, was reported as sighted off
Maiatlan, Mexico, apparently all right.
Finding- Most Interestluar Chapter.
Women as n class are credited with
, haying no scruples about opening a
book at the middle or end or anywhere
else tliey may expect to find the most
Interesting chapter. A frequent fern
nlno visitor at libraries was overheard
revealing to a friend of her own sex
her secret of locating at once the most
thrilling chapter in any book, no mat
ter' how unfamiliar one may be with
It. "You simply close It tight," she
said,, ?nud glance along tbe edge of the
leaves. ' It Is seldom, Indeed, that you
do not notice a distinct line, or even
more than one, caused by n numbei
of edges soiled slightly . more than
those about them. Open the book there
aud you have the beat chapter." ' A
librarian explained this by saying that
the reading and rereading of the par
ticularly interesting chapters of a book
naturally cuuso certain pages and their
edges to be more soiled. Of course the '
longer the book bus been In circula
tion tbe more distinct are the marks.
Philadelphia Record. , . ,
A Bit of FnlryUnd.
Cruising down Mllford sound, New'
Zealand, when..tlio clouds are clenrlng
after a showetT the mountains are like
and fenrful, they are lneed everywhere
xvlth the streaming silver of cloud
boru cascades. One day we watched
.rtenyldrty- tourney. of one of these cat-'
nracts. ItJjwung from the very top ot
. . , . . ....
UiCfXlon rocK,.a).3,wo root perpenuic
ular wall.,' Long -nud slender and glint-
ft, libn frlnect til tha aim If fall atl-ltlpht .
down over n.r btit never readied us.
It bad dropped, suy, 1,000 feet, when it
was caught by the. wind, swayed this
--ryniid that, and finally blown clean
away, dissolving 'in misty rain. We
steamed right under it, or, rather, un
der the place frhere it ought to have
been, and experienced the peculiar sen
pntiou of looking straight up at a wa
terfall that, as the launch skipper put
it, "never fell anywhere." Four Track
News,' . .' v '
, j . j
Eer Food. i
' 'Sutterjijlujljydro carbon, and all ex-.
cesRe.otiUare stored up as fat In the
POUr, l-l f;iU3 UUCIfcJ Uliu yyjni. w
work to thoso who eat heartily of It.
For any one mulcted with consumption
butter cookery- If .T'cnty of fat can
be digested, Is one of the best ways of
curlnj? tbe disease Bhould it be in Its
early sti-s ff of keeping It at bay It .
ndvn'umL1' It is not economy to spare
the butter' at titbit even to the healthy
people. Butter ' l not a simple fat
composed merely. of one sort. It is a
mixture of nd7ess'tlittn seven different
sorts ot fats", atuno more complex oil
can be takeivlhiui this. ' For dyBpcptic
a,nd llverl(?ople pood bread and but
ter, nlojiK fc ltli fi:ult7hould Invariably
W-iilts. ,rnstry for such people is only
nnothr naor poison, and biscuits
Are its often us not baked with lord.
t .,
EUmbrth Ctrtrt, ftlaeatocfclnsT.
Elizabeth Carter (1717-180C) was one
tho orlirlnnl "blue stockings" ot
whom a bioK'rupher 'says; "A perfect
knowledge of F?ncbj ncqnlred nt an
eurly oko frora-i Huguenot refugee
minister nt Canterbury, was the foun
dation of Elizabeth Carter's education.
Her fa.tUui.''tauKht her,- together with
her lrother.Latln, Greek and Hebrew,
thousli tlii .slwness of her apprehen
slou. tired jjirt- his putUwce. Italian,
Spanish nud German she taught herself
without any assistance, aud later in
life she set herself to learn Portuguese,
but for want of books she made no
l brent prou'n-M. lastly Hhe taught her-
mt Arabic T!illkAru,,f ulc"
tlpnary, contabiiiii; nrlous "innings
ot words which :!. whero lia(l.b,
l'nproperly translated. - ' '
j 1 , .j,
- , The IconorlaKla Baraacii Howe.
Twk'kenhnm belonged .successively t
Sir William Stanhope, who enlarged it
considerably; to Mr. Welbore Ellis, aft-
erwnrd Lord Mendip, ana lastly to
Baroness Howe, xnis iniiy was so
much annoyed nt the ;cuyiDer of plK"
grluis who enmo to nee the ptace that
sbo razed It to the ground, cut down
tho trees ana euueavoreu to ouim-ruio .
all vestiges of Its former distinguished
occupant London Notes and Queries. ,
Names and Divorces.
An Australian divorce court' Judgo
thlnkB that there Is a subtle connec
tion between high soundlug feminine
baptismal numes and matrlmortlitl un
hnpplnes. He has noticed that the
names which generally come under bis '
Judicial cognlzanco are Gladys, GweK- '
dolen, Ermyntrude and tbe like and
that ho seldom or never in his official
capacity hears of a Mary or Strldget
A Tame" or a Jake.
"Was 'that a bonafldo piece that
Ethelluda was playing?" asked Mr.
' "Certain ly," answered his wife. "That
was a selection from Wagner."
' "Well, of course I wouldn't express
any' doubts In company, but half tho
timo I can't tell whether Ethelluda Is
playing a. tune or a practical Joke.
Washington Star.
Ouly Thinks So.
"Does that young Featherbead play
poker?" asked Robinson of a mutual
. "No,'was the reply, "but bo tbluks
that lie doen, and wo are careful not to
undeceive hliu." Cincinnati Tribune.
A Retort Courteoan.
Student There must lie some mis
take In my examination marking. 1
don't t'l'uk I deserve nn absolute zero.
Professor-Neither do I, but It Is tho
lowest mark I am nllowed to give. .
New York Times.
Consciousness of error Im to a certain
extent 11 cqinsclimsuess of lindens' '
lutf, and cirrt'ctioii of error ,"
est proof of energy nn '
0- ,
A. I
( 4