THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. C. WINK, . COITON 4 PROPRIETOR. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1000. - - t tiiiiitittt 1 1906 OCTOBER 1906 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. 791011 1213 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31 I I j ..I..M. !.l .., , , - . . Full v4.Moon r Third X. Quarter MOON'S t IAS O a.m. , 10:J lJ Mil. fi run i. Moon PHASES. Now Moon Tint lor 11:40 p. in. 17 24 849 p. in. 8:41 a. in. 31 llcpubliciui Ticket. NTATK. Governor, EDWIN 8. STUART. Lieutenant Governor, . KOBEKT S. MURPUY. Aiulitor General, ROBERT K. YOUNG. Secretary of Internal A ffairs, UENRY UOUCK. COl.MTY. Congress, lion. N. P.WHEELER. Mate Senate, JOHN K. WILSON. Assembly, T. D. COLLINS. District Attorney, A. C. BROWN. Coroner, Dr. C. Y. DETAR. A Refutation. I And a Btory is being circulated that T. D. Collins, if elected to (lie Legisla ture, will try to get a bill passed exempt ing timbered lauds that have been cut over from taxation for twenty years. I want to say that tills Is utterly false and without any foundation whatever. Also, if such a bill were passed by a unanimous vote, It would not amouut to anything, because it would be unconstitutional. T. D. Colmns. Sinc'R the dedication of Pennsylvania's new capitol the mails have been weighted with souvenir postal cards sending to all uornnrs of the State such messages as these: "It's the greatest ever," "I have soen it aud am satisfied," "It is worth every cent it cost." Those who went to criticise and find fault have remained to praise. "You can judge for yourselves if I look like a dissipated man. You can judge it I am a drunkard. I think my blood is pretty good. I Bay that these charges made against me are lies. The man who makes them is paid by the Standard Oil Company, and I can proye it." Lan guage of candidate Emery in beginning his speeches. Mr. Emeu Y has at length made a quiet and dignified reply to Mr. Castle, which ought to settle the mattor. He said "There is a little pea-shooter going about the State saying that I opposed bills In the Interest of the miners. It's as false as bell and as mean as the devil." Qreat language, that, for the Governor of the Commonwealth. Edifying nice for the rising generation to hear. It develops that Mayor Michael Liebol, Jr. who made it possible for Emery to SO' cure the Erie county delegates in the state Democratic convention, will support Ed win S. Stuart ior governor. The mayor has changed front because of the speech delivered there by Emery two weeks ago ou the occasion of the opening of bis campaign. The fusion candidate has a weakness for talking about woman suf frage. There are many foreign born citizens in Erie, the number running into the hundreds. Most of them are Demo crats. In Emery's attempt to please the women he spoke In a slighting way of the naturalized voters. This has angered Mayor Liebol and his friends and Stuart will receive their support. The new may or has a big following among the political workers of the city and the announcement of bis Intention to punish Emery means the loss of hundreds of votes to the fusion ticket. Mr. Emery must remember tbat Pennsylvania has thousands of natural ized voters who are as good citizens as he is and many of them showed their loyalty to their adopted country by responding to Lincoln's call for help to savo it from secession, while he was conspicuous by bis absence. Hard I'p For An Issue. Finding that the voters are taking no stock In their calamity howling and cam paign of slander and mudslinging, the (unionists have seized upon the new State capitol as an issue whereby they hope to turn the disgruntled vote In the direction of Emery and bis crowd, but that effort is also falling flat, especially since the dedi catory exercises are over, and tho tons of thnusauds of people who visited the great structure are coming home and telling of its bewildering beauty and grandeur. Every oue who has seen it says without hesitation "it is worth all the money it cost.:' It must be under stood that the building covers more than two acres of ground, and the distance around it is just one-half mile. There are seven floors, each magnificently adorned, and 475 rooms. Every depart ment ofstate government 1b located in the building and fully equipped in gor geous style. In fact to attempt even a fnint description of tho building and its furnishings would be futile. It must be seen to be appreciated. President Roose velt was charmed with it and said it was tho finest publio building he hud ever seen. The New York capitol doesn't compare with it, and that has cost nearly thirty millions already, aud is yet un finished. The magnificent Congressional library at Washington is far outclassed. In short, competent judges say it's the durst public building in the world. It's all paid for, the corporation tax has done it, and so far as any individual citizen of the State is concerned in the cost, he is not effected in the least, for there's enough money left in the treasury for Mr, Lldlifter Hurry to look after to build another just as grand. Why then Bhould we Pennsj'lvauians not swell with pride as we point strangers to "our building." Grafi? Not one penny, saya Architect Huston, and they'll never find any. It's all there, and the Stato has got its mon ey's worth. Nevertheless there are small, peanut politicians who will go about trying to stir up and prejudice the public mind by yelling extravagance, graft, when perhaps their own graft rec ord of a single term in othee amounts to more than can be found In this whole great building. Nothing Is too good for the grandest State in the Union. Speak ing on this subject, the Philadelphia North American, the arch enemy of the Republican party in this State, has this to say, which ought to shut the mouths of those who seek to slander our grand old Commonwealth: "The man who conceived it, the artists who adorned it, the work men who wrought it, have erected for themselves a monument which will speak their fame for centuries. Hereafter the people who wish to perceive what American archi tecture Is capable of will turn from the best lu Boston and tho better in Wash ington and seek in Harrisburg the crown and glory nf the science. Pennsylvania deserves the noblest of all state buildings. In many ways iu richness of her cat' ural gilts, iu the wonder of her industrial forces, In the glory of her history, and in the exalted character of her people she has a right to claim the first place among the great commonwealths of the union. It is fitting, then, that the building in which her law-givers meet, and which is to typify and represeut her to the world, snouui tie a masterpiece or design, a miracle of art aud a thing of perpetual loveliness," OF LKGISLATUKE AND, BOTE CAl'HOL fennsylvanians Everywhere Are Proud of Commendatory Words From the President. STATE'S ADVANCED POSITION Edwin S. Stuart, Republican Nom inee For Governor, Quickly Dis posed of a Democratic "Issue." Special Correspondence. Harrisburg, October 9 Since the visit ot President Roese velt and his magnificent tribute to the Pennsylvania legislature and his most complimentary allusions to the beauti ful state capitol, Republicans here' abotits have been in excellent spirits. The president certainly gave high, praise to the work of the Republican majority in the senate and house for the legislation passed at the recent ex tra session of the general assembly, which was called at the instance of a Republican governor, and of which President Roosevelt said: ' "It is surely not too much to aay that this body of substantive legls tion marks an epoch in the history of the practical betterment of political conditions, not merely for your state, but for all our states. I do hot recall any other state legislature which, In a similar lenqth of time, has to its credit such a body of admirable legis lation." In leading up to this commendatory reference to the legislation enacted by Pennsylvania law-makers the president in referring In detail to the laws pass ed at that extra session said: "I most heartily congratulate the people of the state of Pennsylvania upon what its government has accom plished during this present year. It Is a remarkable record of achieve' mcnt. "Through your legislature you have abolished passes; you have placed ths offices of the secretary of the com' monwealth and the Insurance commls. sinner upon an honorable and honest basis of salary only by abolishing the fee system; you have passed a law compelling the officers and employes of great cities to attend to the duties for which they are paid by all the taxpay ers, and to refrain from using the power conferred by their offices to In fluence political campaigns; you have prohibited the solicitation or receiv ing political assessments by city em' ployes; you have by law protected the state treasury from depredation and conserved the public moneys for use fluence political campaigns; you have by a law for the protection of the elec tive franchise made tampering with the ballot boxes and the casting of Il legal votes so difficult as in all prob ability to be unprofitable; you have provided a primary election law which guarantees to the voters froe expression-In the selection of candidates for office; you have by law regulated and improved the civil service systems of your greatest cities; and, finally, you have passed a law containing a pro vision which I most earnestly hope will in substance be embodied like wise In a law by tho congress at the coming session a provision prohibiting the officers of any corporation from making a contribution of the money of that corporation to any candidate or any political committee for the pay ment of any election expenses what ever. President Praises Capitol. Poi-sihly the president's reference In the new state capitol has been the sub ject of greatest gratification here. "Governor," suid President Roose velt. In ail.lresslng Governor Penny packer, "this is the finest state capitol I ever saw." Looking in admiration upon the splendid structure, examining in detail its mugniiieent furnishings, praising Its architectural beamy, and Its grand pro portions, the president was most en thusiastic In his comments. eiinj uue woo t.C - capitol cannot but speak in the high est terms of praise of the character of the workmanship and the materials employed In Its construction. It Is a source of satisfaction to the taxpayers of the state to know that every dollar expended upon the build ing and Its furnishings was collected in taxes levied upon coriniratlons. Not a penny was contributed from any other method of taxation. Attempts are being made to manufac ture campaign material for the Emery Democratic stato campaign by Inslmi atlons that there has been extrava pence in the furnishing of the building, but every citizen of Pennsylvania ha heen assured t hat tuts matter will be thoroughly Investigated and every item examined into. Stuart Meets "An Issue." Edwin S. btuart, the Republican nomlneee for governor, was the first to meet this issue. He had no hand In the work of erecting or furnlshln tne miiuitr.g, nut ne tins made quite clear the course he will pursue when he shall be elected governor. I pon this subject Mr. Stuart has made this prepured statement: "It has been snld that we have con structed the finest capitol in the coun try. "In alluding to this, however. I do. not wish, nor do I propose, to be misunderstood. "Whether the capitol is entitled to the high praise which has been accord d to it or not. if, in its construction or furnishing, there has been any fraud Dr willful extravagance which to ray mind is almost the equivalent of fraud surely there is no man who will not nsree with me that those who have participated in or protiled by such fraud should bn met with prompt pun U'uih nt. and also be compelled to make losuumon. "If elected governor, I promise you, fully realizing the responsi bility resting upon me, that I will see that a thorough investigation shall be made of the entire ques tion, and If such investigation dis clcses that any man or set of men have been guilty of wrong-doing In the abuse of their trust, or guil ty of frsud or illegal profit in the furnishing of supplies, they shall meet with the punishment they surely, unjer such circumstances, would Justly deserve. tr. as I am intormed, the money pent in furnishing the capitol was without specific itemized appropriation first having been made for the pur pose, I would recommend to the legis lature that In the future It shall be made unlawful to exOend anv surh large amount of money without first having a specific appropriation made, based upon an approximate estimate of the cost. "Any other rourse is In opposition to correct business principles and con trary to the safe, economic policy that should govern all expenditures of the people s money. It Is a Noble Building. Robert S. Murphy, the Republican nominee for lieutenant governor, In commenting upon this "Issue," said: The new state capitol is one of the noblest buildings to bo found with in the limits of the country. There is not a man or citizen of Pennsylvania that can view that mag nificent structure without a sense of pride, without a feeling of thankful ness that he Is a citizen of Pennsyl vania, and that this great state, with Its population of seven million people, with Its groat wealth and material re sources, with its reputation abroad as not only the keystone of Republican ism, but the keystone of the republic, is entitled to a building of that character." In referring to the Itemized state ment of the expenditures In furnishing the new capitol, made by Governor Pennypacker and Auditor General Snyder, Mr. Murphy said: "No man has ever heard the honesty or the Integrity of a member of the board ever questioned, publicly or pri vately. I submit that before you de ckle this case In your own mind you must hear the testimony and you must analyze It, and I desire to say here that they themselves have furnished the testimony, upon which they are willing to stand or fall. The publio statement of Samuel W. Pennypacker, tinder his own hand and seal, Indicates precisely how that, large sum of money has been expended, and It has been spent in equipping and furnishing that great capitol, in ornamenting It, in decorating it, and completing it, and I am not willing to take the uncorrob orated testimony of our opponents that there has been any wrongdoing upon the part of the officials vested with the power of completing that work. But I say to you that I here express myself In complete accord with my colleague upon the ticket and that if there is any man or set of men who have through conspiracy or fraud rob bed the treasury of the common wealth of Pennsylvania In that under taking, I say to you that every one of them should be thoroughly questioned, and If found guilty properly punished. "The Republican party does not and never has stood for anything but what was right and proper In the admlnis tratlon of public affairs, and she is to day as fair nd as honest as ever." Warning to Republicans. Special Correspondence. Philadelphia. Oct. 9. Chairman Wesley R. Andrews, of the Republican stato committee, has sounded a note of warning to Republi can committeemen throughout the state owing to tho discovery of tho de tails of a plot among Domocrata and Llncolnites to defeat Republican can didates for congress. In fully 11 districts In this Btate there are at work today active agents of the Democratic National Congres sional committee wno are won sup plied with funds and who have been directed to take advantage of the fac tional differences among Republicans to bring about the election of Demo crats to congress. The Emery campaign managers are aiding Democrats In their congres sional fights In many districts and are making deals by which they are to get Democratic votes for Emery for gov ernor In return for Lincolnlte votes for Democratic nominees for congress. I'resiueni uooseveit is greatly con cerned over the election of Republicans to congress. He is watching Pennsyl vania and New York particularly, ow- Ing to the complications In a number of congressional districts arising from the Hearst and Emery Independent campalsins for governor. Senator Penrose was present with Chairman Sherman, of the Republican congressional committee, as guest of President Roosevelt at a dinner at the White House, and they gave particu lar attention to tne doubtful rongres- p.onal districts In rennsvlvar'. Men's Working Pants A Problem Thompson's Baroama at once corrects the kidneys, soothes the nerves and re stores the stomach and heart to their nor mal conditions. Thompson's Baroama is pleasant to take. 50c and f 1.00. Dunn Fulton. Don't worry over trifles. If you must worry, pick out something worth while, then get busy. Mirk Ilendnrlie Cured. Sick headache is caused bv riflranirflmnnt of the stomach and liver. Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liyer Tablets correct tnese disorders and etfeot a cure. By taking three tablets as soon as the first indication or the disease appears, the at- tacK may be warded off. (Jet a free sam. pie and try them. For sale by Dunn & r unon. a woman wouiu be much ernsser man Hie is if she weren't so busy trying to keep her husband from getting cross. lion's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh, that cannot ue cured ny Mail s t atarrii cure. r . J. Chknky A Co., rrops., Toledo, O. we, tne undersigned. Jiavo known K.J, Chenoy for the IunI 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out anv oiiiiuiuioiiM made lv tlieir linn. kst c J kaux. wlioiesale uriiiririMlM. To ledo. U., WALDINO, JWNNAN it MARVIN, wholesale druuirWts. Toledo. O. Hull s Catarrh Cure is taken internally. auiiiig uirocuy upon ino uioou aim inu cons surfaces of the system. Price 75o per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi monials froo. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Have You n llmr I rlciiil . Who is affected with Rheumatism? If so tell them tbat by reason of the cures wrought in the com m u uity of Warren, Pa,, by Crocker's Rheumatic Cure, a number of business men have associated them selves together to manufacture and extend tho sale of the medicine. It's taken inter nally in small doses and the percent of permanent cures is above the average. at 60o per bottle. For sale at Dunn & Ful ton a. Thompson's Barosma, Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure la purely vegotable, perfectly harmless and should be given to young children for any weakness of the kidneys or bladder. 60c and 1.00. Dunn & Fulton. flM . nioinpBou s mrosma lias oured a great number ofchronio cases of Kidney, J-iiver and Bladder diseases. It is purely vegetable, reducing Inflammation aud carrying off all impurities that Irritate the organs. 60o and $1.00. Dunn & Fulton. A tiUAKANTEKI) VVUK FOB PIMM. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Druggist are authorized to refund money if .Kazo Ointment fails to oure in u to 14 days. 50o. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration on the estate of Mary Bruce, late of Tionesta, Forest County, Pa., deceased, haying been grauieu O llie undersigned, all persons luueoieu lo said estate are Hereby notified to make payment without delay, and those having claims or demands will pre sent them, duly authenticated, for settle ment. L. J. Hopkins. Adm'r. Tionesta, Pa. a. u. linowN, Attorney. 10-3 (it The kind that wear -that do not rip. The kind that you can de pend upon for service the kind YOU want. Exceptionally well made, and splendid values for the price. $1.50 to $3.00 Wounds, limine, anil Hums. rsy applying an autlseptlo dressing to wounds, bruises, burns and like Injuries before Inflammation sets in, they may be healed without maturation and In about one-third the lime required by the old treatment. This U the greatest dlscovsrv nd triumph of modern surgery. Cham- oo.-iam s rain isalm acts ou this same principle. It Is an antiseptic- aud when applied to such injuries causes them to beal very quickly. It also allays the pain and soreness and prevents anv dan ger of blood poisoning. Keep a bottle ol rain isaim in your bouse and It will save iuu iime ana money, not to mention tbe uconvenience and suffeiinorsuch iniurles eumu. r or sale oy uunn d t niton. As a rule the more leisure people have, the less time they spend In sell- improvement. I had been troubled with bleeding and itching piles for seven years and was entirely ourid by San-Cura Ointment J. C. Sterling, Waplewood Stock Farm, Titusville, Pa. San-Cura Ointment, Z5o. Wash with San-Cura Soap. Dunn A Ful ton. Stockholders' Meeting. The annual meetina- of the stockholders oi me forest Telephone and Telegraph company win oe beld in the Dlreotors' Koom of tbe Uold Standard National Bank, at Marienville. Pa.. October 18th. at 1 o'clock p. in., 190U, for tbe purpose of eieuuug oiucers ior tne ensuing year. a. u. jneill, president. J. B. Cottlr, Secretary. Nothing to Fenr. M Ithers need have no hnsltnncv In nnn. tlnuing to give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to their little ones, hi it contHirm ausoiuieiy nouuug Injurious. This rem edy is uot onlv nerlectlv safe to ulvn small children, but is a medicine of great wunu ana merit, it nas a world wide reputation tor its cureB of oomrhs. oolds and croup and can alwavs be relied upon. oaio uy luoq r unon. -If you are built right, you can look an honest man or pure woman in the eye. L'an you do ItT My husband's left arm was covered with carbuncles. The Doctors gave him medicine internally, and to apply exter nally, butuothing helped him. San-Cura Ointment healed his arm iu a few days, leaving It sound and without scar. Mrs. Prenatt, Lima, W. Va. San-Cura Oint ment, 25o and 50o. Dunn & Fulton. TO ICRK A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brouao Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund the monev if It lulls to cure. hj. w. drove's signature is on ouuu uux. zoc. There Is NO NEED of continually carrying about au umbrella in these days of uncertain weather. Get a Preiss-Priestley Coat. It's a raincoat and it's a whole lot more, too. It's as stylish an outfit for euo8hiny days as any reg ular overcoat. It keeps out the cold in tbe same way as it luros off the rain. It is really two coats in one at the prico of one good coat. Prices $10.00 to $25.00. Come in, try them on aud see tbe new styles. That confronts men of moderate means at all times is how to dress in clothing of stylish ap pearance and good quality, at the same time stay within the limit of their means. Here's the Answer : "NVe make Suits and Overcoats, Rain Coats and Top Coats to your personal measure from the highest quality woolens, coming direct from our mills, and guarantee a perfect fit in all cases, at Made to Measure $15 Mado to Fit Prompt and careful at tension to all mail orders and samples sent free on request. Glasaow Woolen Mills Co., WORLD'S LARGEST TAILORS. 22 sEim: OIL CITY, PA. Monarch Clothing Co. THE McCUEN CO. 2b AND 29 SENECA ST.. OIL CITY. PA. WHITE PINE Flooring, Siding, and material for Window Casings aud Inside Work. A good supply to select from always in stock. Call on or address. JAS. J. LANDERS, TIONESTA. Pi. or j). r. amslek. Fred. Grettenberger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work vertaininir to Machinerv. Kn. (tines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and General BlacksmitniiiK prompt ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Alill Machinory Riven special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop In rear of aud Just west of tbe Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENBERGER of Leeper, Pa., have moved to Kellettville, Pa., Where we do ' Merchant Tailoring;, Cleauiug, pressing and repairing. Located iu W. W. Kribba' store, up stairs. Recommended by good people. Give Us a Call. Grand Fall Opening Sale. For tho special etitertaiument of patrons visiting the Mon arch Clothing GVa grand fall openiDg Bale, there has been brought from Paris, France, an exact reproduction ol the fa mous Grugnol Lyonnatse, wherein celebrities of Revolutionary times are made to otter their world-famous cynics, humorous and tragic. The French puppet shows tell tbe story of the Revolution by means of figures carved and dresred to represent the char acters of that day. The gay Puppet Show with its tiny stago, electrio lights, carved actors, and its comic curtain will be exhibited at tbe Monarch Store for one woek beginning Monday, Oct. 1, at 10:30 a. m. There will be three entertainments each day under the supervision of Mr. Milton P. Lyons, the unique en tertainer of Philadelphia. For further pnrtioulars of sale aod entertainment see program on our hand bills which will be distributed in due time. Store will be closed Saturday, Sept. ilOtb, till 5 p. m. MONARCH CLOTHING CO. NEXT TO CHAMBERS' nil AITV DA NEW BUILDINC, OIL CITY, PA. 9 PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER, We Want You Ilepalrs Ilollerw, Tuuks, Agitators, and Sells Necoud Holier, Etc. Stills, ItllJ'N hand To think of the advantages to be derived from a course iu a GOOD business school. Business is the King of all professions .. . . and the demand for tho right kind of young men and women will never be filled. 50 calls during the months of July. August and SBntmhnr n,i piactioally all of our graduates employed at tbe end of June. Students mav fintnr t n. tm f 'min a formation free. !Tpnlvll r'n.i. i g- An "The School That Gets Results." Meadville, la. ' Wire or letter orders promptly at tended to. End of Suspension Bridge, Third ward. OIL CITY. PA. To Cure a Cold in One Day - Take Laxative Bromo yuinme Tablets.? Seven Million boxes sold In post 12 months. This Signature, Q'SfJ&yy a'rarTTBjl7 Cures Crip In Two Days. on every ?rmrL0 box. 25c