The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 05, 1906, Image 5

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Smart & Silberbers:
Lest You Forget !
Special sale of Winter Blankets at summer priors,
economy be an object, 'twill pay you to investigate. An
stance of foresight being syuonymous with frugality.
Advance Showing
of Authoritative Styles iu
Fall Suits and Coats.
This week one of the store's "Star" features will be an
advance showing of early fall m .dels in suits and coats. Al
though far from complete the gathering forecasts the trend of
fashion in women'n outerwear,iepre8eiitii)g, as it does, original
models or exact copies of early conceptions. It's au exhibit
that may be styled "educational" designed to furnish ideas
and inspiratiou, rather than induce sales. In titer words, we
invite you to take a peep behind the scenes before the raising
of the curtain.
Emery Campaign Orator Guaran
tees Defeat of Republican
Oil City Trust Company.
Vice President,
Two Per Cent.
Is about what government bonds will net you. Our Certifi
cates of Deposit can be readily converted into cash and pay
Four Per Cent.
Call Write Telephone Telegraph.
0 a
$eyeri Reasons
The Best Course of Stiidv.
Larue Faculty of Experienced Specialists.
Faculty are Authors of the Leading Series of Commercial Textbooks.
finest Buildinn and Equipment, Gymnasium, Baths, etc.
Free Course of High-Class Lectures and Entertainments.
Wore thantlOO New Typewriters, and latest Office Devices.
Calls for Graduates to fill (rood places exceed Entire Student Enroll-
ment by more than SO per cent.
Clean Athletics Baseball, Basketball, and Field Day Exercises.
Enthusiasm in Every Department. Send for Catalogue.
t .i i.a.BozoDcxJUjjfji.o30v
lutlo-c.v til t!ip Barren, Dnxty !
! of Si. u III Aiuorlc-a.
Iu h'.-.i "Coiumivciul Travel. t In SjuU
Amoilru" l'rank Wiborjf writes: "Vv't
stoppi-d at a number of the nitrate
town Pisiiguu. lijuiiiue, Atofng:iHti:
Pud I visitp.l some of the mi'N. 01
oflk'in:i, in tinier to see something oi
tin; tr.r. Deposit of the cnuW
nitrate of soda, railed hero caliche'
me f:niiiil In Hie piuupa. or rolling pin
teau. beyond (lie first range of foot
lii'i. In iJonie iilacpM this ilateau It
but ton i'ii!ri fi't,ni the vo;M, in other?
a i far as H fly milt's. The piimpu Is ui
u!'!.v ban en desert. On the sm fart
there i.i n ilhinir to tempt the heart ol
nr.U. but a few fet down lies the ui
trate stratum. This presents tuuch tht
Pp'.ieil-.inee of ruck salt and varies It.
color, aeeorcling to tho parity of tht
deposit, fr.nn a whitish tint to a dart
gray. The upper earth is blown awaj
with dynamite, and then the caliche h
..ill's out ilh pick anil shovel, loaded oi
iron carts and curried up to the mills.
"Here the caliche is first broken Ink
small pieces by heavy crushers nut
then put into large boiling vats, limidt
these vats are coils of steam pipes, bj
means of which the temperature can b
regulated accurately. Sea water b
poured in, and the caliche is boiled foi
u certain time. The liquid solution that
results is drawn off Into settling vats
which lire exposed to the open air and
the sun. Evaporation is rapid, and tin
pure nitrate of soda soon begins erys
talli.iiiK and settling to the bottom
After this has gone on for Rome time
the remaining lhmid is drawn olt anc
the crust or nitrate is Hcrapeu irtmi uit
sides and bottom of the vnt ami thor
oughly dried In the sun. Then it Is
graded according to quality and packed
for shipment in 100 pound sacks.
"Most of the nitrate exported Is used
as a fertilizer, but a part goes to tbt
manufacture of powder and high ex
plosives. The nitrate towns are even
barer and drier and less inviting that;
most of the other bare, dry towns ol
the coast. To some of them fresh wn
ter Is brought In pipes from a distance
of more than Km miles. Before the daj
of these pipes It used to he sold In the
streets by the gallon. That water evet
now, though not scarce, yet Is not plen
tiful, Is perhaps R'lnio excuse for th
awful dust that blows everywhere."
A Xew York Judge, speaking of a
mistake that had been made, said: "It
might have been embarrassing as em
barrassing as the position of u young
man of Toledo whom I heard ubout the
other day. He had beeu calling now
and Ihen on a young lady, and one
night as be sat in (lie parlor waiting
for her to come down her mother en
tered tho room Instead and asked him
in a very grave, stern way what his
Intom Ions wore. lie turned very red
and was about to stammer some Inco
herent reply when suddenly the youug
lady called down from the head of the
wtairs. .Mamma, mamma, that Is not
the one!'
A great lie Is like a great fish on dry
land; it may fret and fling and make a
frightful bother, but it cannot hurt
J-oit. You have only t; keep still and it
will die of ltself.-Crubbe.
Gubernatorial Contest va Side Issue
to Elect Members of Congress to
Support Bryanite Program.
Special Correspondence.
Philadelphia, September 4.
Manufacturers and business men of
this city have been sitting up and
taking notice since that demonstra
tion In New York over the home-coming
of William Jennings Bryan.
That pledge to Bryan that Pennsyl-
If vania will show a gain of at least
iu- cignt Democratic congressmen in the
returns of the November election,
made by one of the campaign orators
In the Kmery gubernatorial outfit, has
opened tho eyes of Pennsylvania Re-
publicans to the dangers that lurk iu
the fiiBlon movement iu this state.
The loss of one Republican congress
man in the Keystone state, tho Gibral
tar of Republicanism, with the uncer
tainty that exists In so many congres
sional districts in doubtful or debata
ble states, means much more in the
total result than is generally under
stood. Ono vote may decide the elec
tion of the speaker of the next na
tional house of representatives, and
the Democrats may get that vote from
Pennsylvania through the game that
is being worked in the deal between
the Democrats and the Lincolnltes.
President Roosevelt, In his recent
utterances in letters to members of
congress aud others, has sounded the
alarm, and has warned Republicans
everywhere to be on their guard in
every congressional district so as to
insure the election of members of con
gress, who villi co-operate with his ad
.iiiuibiiaiiou in carrying out the great
policies which he has inaugurated
the builditij of the transcontinental
canal, the control of the trusts, aboli
tion of freight discriminations, restric
tion ol Immigration and the other
great problems which he has under
taken to solve with the aid of a
friendly congress.
Aim of the Bryanites.
When several hundred Pennsylva
nia Democrats journeyed to New York
last week to greet Bryan they had but
one thought uppermost In their minds.
It was the election of Bryan to the
presidency to succeed Roosevelt. Ev
ery effort that they tan put forth be-
tween now and the next presidential
campaign will be directed toward that
end. Their activity in the state cam
paign in Pennsylvania this year is but
part of a general scheme, with the
election of the next president as its
ultimate object.
Carried away with the enthusiasm
with which their surroundings filled
them, the Pennsylvania Democratic
contingent at the Bryan reception in
discreetly revealed the cloven foot in
the fusion campaign for Emery for
John M. Carman, a former chairman
of the Democratic state committee of
Pennsylvania, who is booked to stump
the state for Emery and fusion from
now until election day in the Victoria
hotel. New York, away from the en
vlronmcnt of his Emery LIucolnite fcl
low campaigners, threw off the cloak
of the fusion conspiracy and revealed
to Bryan and to the world, unwitting
ly, the fact that the real aim of the
Democracy in Pennsylvania this fall
is the election of Democratic member
of congress.
Garman was spokesman for the dele
gation of Fennsylvanians who present
ed Bryan with a solid-silver shield,
suitably Inscribed and mounted upon
a heavy old-oak escutcheon, and gaily
decorated with flowers.
A Significant Testimonial.
Engraved in large script letters was
the following inscription:
The more than half a million Demo
crats of Pennsylvania Join with
pride in the national greeting
The most eminent private citizen of
America, upon his return from a
tour of foreign lands.
"As an Indication of the attitude of
the organized Democracy of the Key
stone state upon this Issue, they point
with gratification to the unanimous
adoption by the Democratic state con
vention, held In Harrlsburg June 27,
190fi, of a platform, the most note
worthy plank of which reads as fol
lows: :
We congratulate the country upon
the fact that the only prominence
which the present Republican national
dministration has attained has been
achieved by feeble and pretended ap
plication of the principles enunciated
by the
"The Great Democratic Commoner.
Who is now regarded as tho certain
successor of Theodore Roosevelt to
the presidency."
Tho above reproduction from the
platform adopted by the Democratic
convention which nominated Emery
for governor should In Itself be an
dmonitlon to Republicans of the Key
stone state of the great danger to the
future success of Republicanism !n
the nation that would follow a defeat
of tho Republican ticket in this state
this fall. They should recall how, af.
ter the two Democratic victories in
Gubernatorial campaigns In this state
iu the last 20 years the Democracy
triumphed in the nation with the elec
tion of Grover Cleveland to the presl
doncy upon each occasion.
Pledge to Their Leader.
But. added to tho warning that
should be contained In that plank from
the state platform, comes a speech by
Carman Iu presenting this token
esteem to Brynn.
Said Garman to the Nebraakau
We bring greetings from a unite
Democracy, who recognize In the denv
onstration of popular good will towar
yon an inspiration for every Demo
crat to look with confidence to the fu
"We at tho same time are not un
mindful of the importance of tho elec
tion of Democrats to congress, and
there Is every reason to believe that
we shall gnin from six to eight pepre-
sentatives to the lower "house, who
will co-operate with their fellow Dora
ocrats of other states to advance the
policies which you have so consist
ently and ably championed."
There is evidence that there has
been an awakening among Republicans
throughout the commonwealth to the
fact that nothing must be left undone
to thwart the Democrats and their Lin
colnite allies in the state campaign.
Itching. Blind. Bleedimr or Protruding
Piles. Druggists are authorized to refund
money if Puzo Ointment fails to cure in
to it days. 50c.
Free Summer Outing
Booklet, containing list of amuse
ment resorts and quiet summer homes
on tbe Nickel Plate Road. Call on
agent or address C. A. Asteilin, D,
'. A., 7 State street, Erie. Pa., or
. F. Horner. G. P. A.. Cleveland. O.
Lfgfnil of n Monk, Nntnn nitd a Quirk
Mllit' Work.
Stockholm's public library contutus
wonderful work which is called "The
Devil's Code" and which, iu addltiou
to its extraordinary mime. Is said to be
the biggest manuscript In tho world
Every letter Is most beautifully drawn,
and the magnitude of the work is so
great that It seems Impossible for tin,
single monk to have done It.
The story of the origin of the uiunU'
script, nowever, not only gives It as
tho work of line man, but also states It
to be tho work of u single night. The
story runs as follows:
"A poor monk had beeu condemned
to death, but was told mockingly by
Ills Judges that if be was able to copy
the whole 'Code' betweeu darkness nud
dawn lie would be saved. Relying up
on the Impossibility of the task, those
who sentenced him furnished him with
the original copy of the 'Code,' wltb
pen, In!: nnd parchment, aud left him
"Death must have been ns little liked
iu the middle ages ns it is now, for tbe
monk, forgetting the hopelessness of
his task, commenced it. Before long,
however, be saw that be could not sav
ins own life by such weak exertions,
nnd. fearing a cruel ami horrible death
be Invoked the aid of the prluce of
darkness, promising to surrender his
soul If he were assisted In the tnsk.
"'lhe levll kindly obliged by appear
lug on tho spot, accepted tho contract
and sat down to tbe work, nnd next
morning 'The Devil's Code' was finish
ed. the monk being found dead. The
npyhv; cleric from tbe Inferual re
g!om presumably fled nway with the
poor man's soul ns soon as the wicked
compact was finished." Tearson's
Rpmenilirrpd the Test.
A liltle Topeka girl came homo from
church the other day and was asked
w.iat the minister's text was. "I kuow
It nil right, she asserted. "Well, re
pent it, her questioner demanded
i miii i ue in rain ami l will get ,von a
neuipiiit, was the astonishing answer.
invest ig, turn proved that the central
thought of tne sermon had been, "Fear
not. an 1 I will send you a comforter."
Kansas City Journal.
I' ml f II In Urrnm,
"I thought you said you were going
r5 have a den iu your new house."
"les, I did expect to, but after It
had gme so far that we couldn't
change thlrg; my wife discovered that
she would need another closet." Tiiea-
gr ItrvviM Tor-iM.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of Administration on tbe estate
or Joun Charleston, late of Tionesta Bor
ough, forest County, Pa., deceased, hav
ing ueen granted to the undersigned, all
persons indebted to said estate are Imrnhv
notified to make ravment without rielsv.
and those having claims or demands will
present them, duly authenticated, tor
settlement. h. li. Lanson, Adin'r.
Tionnsta, Pa,
A. C. Brown, Attorney. H-15-tit
Bring on your
other paints, hand-or
machine-mixed. Make a
practical test of
Paints .
(Tinted Gloss)
against them. That's
the way we prove the
superiority id .mus
Faints for brilliant
colors that endure,
high gloss, and un
equalled covering
Ask your dealer.
John Lucas & Co
lvlriH(l Without rain
Before cold weather starts.
Set toeth, 8501).
Gold crowus, best 22k. pold, $5.00,
oiler fillings, any euo, 50 cents.
Over Oil C'lly Trust Co.
lttuik, Oil Cilr.
New York Painless Deutists.
Schedule in Effect May 27, 19()(i.
Trains leave Tionesta as follows :
principal intermediate stations, 11:01 a.
in. who imys, uu uity only, 8:1 p. in.
daily, 5;'J8 p. in. Sundays.
For URADFOUD, OLEAN, and prin-
uipm iiueruieoiaie stations, 7:.. a. in,
dally, 4:16 p. in. week days. For Warron
and intermediate stations, 2:43 p. m.iSuo-
J. R. WOOD, P. T. M.
GEO. W. BOYD, Q. P. A.
Usual custom most everywhere is to have a
Blanket Sale about this time of year so we're going
to have one.
This sale will differ from most blanket sales in
that we'll offer, right at the beginning of the season,
an unusual blanket inducement.
Practically every one knows that wool is consid
erably higher in price than it was a year ago. . Not
withstanding this fact we're going to offer for 6ale
during the next three or four days
55 Pairs Wool Blankets
At $2.90 a Pair.
That's last year's price. We bought them at
the old price carried them over and we won't
charge the advance price till we've to pay it.
To Take Effect July 1st, Witt.
3 1 !
Eastorn Time SOUTH
Time J)fposit Solicited.
A. Watni Cook.
Will pay Four Ver Vent, per Annum
I 2 I
p. m
i7 00
7 an
7 Zi
7 30
1 00 7 4ft
1 10 7 6 ft
1 2ft 8 00
1 4S 8 111!
1 60 8 1 "
1 6ft 8 20
2 10 8 30
2 25 8 40
2 40 8 60
3 OS 9 05
3 15 9 20
p.ui a. m
a. in ueave Arrive p. in. n.m
Nebraska ;8 30
Rosa Run JO Oft
Lamentation 6 00
Newtown Mills Is 65
Kellettville 12 00 6 4ft
Buck Mills ill 60 5 35
May burg 11 40 5 25
Porkey 11 20 5 15
Minister 11 155 10
Wellera 11 Oft 5 05
HaaliliKH 10 5.V4 65
BiueJuv 10 45 4 45
Henry's Mill 10 30j4 35
Barnes 10 10 4 20
Sbeflleld 10 DO'4 15
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Wheoler,
A. B. Kkllt.
O. W. Robinaon,
T. F. Rltohev. J. T. Dale.
Wm. Smkardauqh,
Vli President
Win. NmearbaUKb,
A. B. Kellv.
Collections remitted for on day of pnyment at low rates. We promise our custom
era all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest ptid on time
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
Leave a. m.lp.m
T. D. COLLINS, Prkhidknt.
Otlioe ) 4 7X National Bauk Building,
Eyes examined free.
Exclusively optical.
1 BB
Seasonable Sensible
A look al our stock will suffice to show that we aro com
pletely stocked up oo everything in hardware for tho season,
Our large store room was never so crowded as now with all
things oeedful for the Farmer, the Mechanio, the Contractor,
the Builder, or the Householder.
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Bates.
Hear of Ilolel Weaver
Telephone 2Vo. 20.
Biesell Flows,
Syracuse Plows,
Lawn Mowers,
llaod Cultivators,
Garden Tools,
Farm Implements,
Building Papers,
Chicken Wire,
Screen Wire,
Screen Doors,
Kitchen Ware,
Paints and Oils.
Ball Bearing Clothes Wringer
Turns so easily a child can run it, aud does the work perfectly
Nice Stock of Buggies Al
ways on Hand
The Best lor the lnt Money.
t J. C. Scowdcn, - Tionesta, Pa.
Plumbing Tinning
in anil out of town
Breaks no Hearts, Excuses
no Crimes.
Ir. Pnvid Kennedy's FAVOTtTTE 1?T"r.
TTiVI. . : , . - .. .
"u"m'i disguised enemy or the human
riice; where it cunuot help, it does not
urm, ic is composed of vegetable ingre
ioilts and (Ws not liimt. nr inHntn. (1.
blood but cools nnd nurilles it. In nil fnaoa I
ot Kidney troubles. Liver complaints, Con
"filiation of tho Itowels. uud thn ri,.Wtn
durauKumeuts which allliet women, tho ac
tion of Dr. Kennedy's FAVOIUTE KEM.
2ul is ueyouci liriuse. T imisntiil nf
pratefiil people voluntarily testify to this,
i junre iu ir. jvennei v: and wit i a
nrrath and fullness of wo'nla whieh mer
HKinesg certificates never tjosspss. It Oil WpII Knnrdioa
makes no arunkarils ptniupii ,m i.rtoa I 1 i
irealss no heurt.s. In its coininc there is
ipe, unci iu iu wiut's there is healing.
o cnaiieiij,'!' a trial and nro contldoiit of
e result, lour drilL'L'Ist has it. ONR
DOLIjA It n liottle. iu mind the
aiT. coated douWe looped wire man-
teis. &ee anil you will try our . lor 2oc mantels.
Examine our 65c clothes rack that you can buy for 3()c.
A 10c granite pie plate for 5c.
A few galvanized wash basing at Gc each.
Some home made pails at the right price.
v ruit evaporators and apple parers.
Nails, all sizes and kinds.
Building Hardware.
Steam and Water Gauges.
Swift Lubricators.
Genuine Willtom Gas Lights,
Write to us and wf will tell you with
out uy charge whether your invention is
probably jaU lllHblc, liow to proceed to
obtain a patent, and jut what it will cust
you. Good service aud lowcsl rales.
J i2 "'0 F ST. N. W. J'fS
Orders taken for wagons.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
.h.vb, viuuji auu nuuupiug VUUgH.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
f hamflPr1nin' Hlic Cholcra'and"
vnamoenain S Diarrhoea Renmly.
Never fails. Buy it now. It may save life.
Tionesta Hardware.
A liih Grade :
Commercial '
and Shorthand Traininf School, qualifying: young ;
mra and women foe the positions of tmft and moon- :
sibialy demanded in this (net Financial and Manu-
(aciuiini Center. Positions secured tor graduates. I
w.. r: i .:!... r. I
WANTKD: by Chito wholesale and
mail order bouse, assistant manager
(man or woman) for tuis county and ad
joininfj; territory. Salary flO Hnd expenses
paid weekly; expense money advanced.
Work pleasant; position permanent. No
Investment or experience required.
Spare time valuable. Write at once for
full particulars aud enclose selr-addressed
envelope. Address, GENERAL MAN
AGER, 134 LakeSt., Chicago, III. 8-l-10t