The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 05, 1906, Image 2

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One Square, one inch, oneweek... J 1 00
One Sqnare, one inch, one month- 3 00
One Sqnare, one Inch, 3 months...- 6 00
One Square, one inch, one year .. 10 M
Two Squares, one year................. 15 00
Quarter Column, one year 80 00
Half Column, one year 60 00
One Column, one year 190 00
Legal advertisements ten cents per Una
each insertion.
We do fino Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, but It's cash
on delivery.
Publlshed'every Wednesday by
OJSoe in Bmearbangh & Wenk Building,
Termi,.S1.00 A Veiur, Htrlctly l AdTUM.
No subscription received for a Bhorter
period than three months.
Correspondence solicited, but no notice
will bo taken of anonymous communica
tions. Always give your nauie.
$1.00. PER ANNUM.
Burgess. S. T. Carson.
Justices of the Peace U. S. Canfleld, S.
J. Setley.
Counoumen, J. B. Mumb, J. W. Lan
derH, C. A. Lhusod, Geo. lloleman, G. T.
Anderson, Wm. Sinearbaugu, E. W.
Constable W. U. Uood.
Collector W. II. Hood.
Srhool Directors J. C. Scowden, T.
K. Kltchey, A. C. Brown, Dr. J. C. Dunn,
Q. Jauiioson, J. J. Landers.
Member of Congress Joseph C. Sibley.
Member of Senate 3. K. P. Ball.
Assembly J. II. Robertson.
President Judge W. M. Llndsey.
Afoetate JudyetV. X. Kreitler, P.
O. Hill.
Prothnnotarj , Register A Recorder, St.
J. C. (feint.
Sheriff'. A, W. Strou p.
Preasurer W. 11. Harrison.
Commissioners Leonard Agnow, An
drew Wolf, rhilip Kmort.
District A ttorney-U. D. Irwin.
Jury Commissioners J . B. Kdon, J.
P. Castner.
Coroner , , ,
County Auditors W. H. Stiles, thas.
F. Klinestivor, 8. T. Carson.
,4. County urtejor D. W. Clark.
Count tiuperinlendent). W. Morri
son, .
Hesular Terms mt Cnrt.
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Fourth Monday of September.
Third Monday of November.
Regular Meetings of County Commis
sioners 1st and 3d Tuesdays of month.
Church mut Mabbnik Hckl.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at9:45 a.
in. J M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. W. O. Calhoun.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
K. A. Zahniser, Pastor.
Hervloes in ihe Presbytorlan Church
every Sabbath morning and evening,
Rev. Dr. Paul J. Slonaker, Pastor.
The regular meetings of the W. C. T.
U. are hold at the headquarters on the
second and fourth Tuesdays of each
'"PI'.N ESTA LODGE, No. 869, 1. 0. 0. F.
1 M eets every Tuesday evening, in Odd
Fellows' Uall.Partridge building.
G. A, R. Meets 1st and 8d Monday
evening la each month.
137, W. R. C, meeU first and third
Wednesday evening of eaoh month.
All work guaranteed. Rooms over
Forest County .national ou.
DENTIST. rr rf Mnrinnvllle.
31 Seneca Street, OIL CITY, PA.
iaitY f!ARRINGER. '
Tionesia, Pa.
1 i iTvrniiVRY.T.LAW.
Warren, Pa.
Practice in Forest Co.
Office In Arner Building, Cor. Elm
and Bridge St., Tionesia, ra.
R. F.J. BOVARD, . -
ciivuidiiAii V rsu ri'Hmi.
and DRUGGIST. Otllce over store,
riroUia v ProfaKtiinnal calls irronilil-
ly responded to at all hours of day or
null. KHHUleilce Eillll OU, uomrou
Orove's grocery and Gerow's restaurant
llivl,. an and surireon.
ti w ctnsnnuvB M. T.
lit Practice limited to diseases of the
Lunirs and Chest. Olllce cours oy ap-
OIlT'paI No. 116 CENTER ST
... miT niAXf ftf T
. Practice limited to diseases of the
Eyes, Ears, JNose ana lorum. opBim
. . : . ,u At.inar nf cvlANMRft.
siieniioa givou w mo i..un n-
, i nio. .n I ?n in 7.SI1.IT1.
Will' ll"Mir- n-i- a. . " r- " -
to k WKAVER. Pronrietor,
This hotel, formerly the Lawrence
1 louse, iia8iinuergoiioacJiiiMi--uiiiimo,
and is now furnished with all the mod-
n,.ii. TiimiiM rihI lighted
tiru miifiwvwiii.'.i". - -
throughout with natural gas, bathrooms,
imt and cold water, etc. The comiorts of
guests never neglected.
I J okhow A (JEROW Pronrietor.
rrinnuia Vi TIiIh is the most centrally
located hotel in the place, and has all the
modern improvements, sxo panm win
i.. .A ,., It a nlflfwant stODIiins
UOBmiDU v. i j
place for the traveling public, first
class Livorv in coiniortion.
Shop In Walters building, Cor. Elm
and Walnut streets, Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work Irom the finest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perlwisHtislttWiou. Prompt atten
tion given to mendinn, and prmes rea
sonable. JAMES HASLET,
Furniture Dealers,
Electric Oil. Guaranteed for
Rheumatism, Sprains, Sors
Feet, Paius. &o. At all dealers
M Bast Coush Syrup. Tasto Good.
Jg Un in time. Sold by druggists.
Italians Killed Two Officers and
Wounded One Fatally.
Bryan's Reception Involuntary Bal
loon Ascension Experiments In
Chicken Feeding Situation Darker
In Cuba Review of the Atlantic
Fleet Tribute to Emperor William.
In a bloody buttle Sunday evening
near Punxsutawney, Pa., between for
eigners and the 21 members of Troop
D. state constabulary, In which fully
500 shots were fired, two troopers were
killed and one fatally wounded, while
ihree other persons received bullet
The trouble began late in the day
when Sergeant Logan went to Flor
ence to search for Leopold Scarlat,
who Is charged with having shot hla
brother-in-law. Logan was in a doc
tor's office when Salvatore Waltsoch,
who Is said to be one of the most des
perate members of the "Black Hand,"
started a fight with a countryman In
front of the house where Waltsoch
When Logan placed Waltsoch under
arrest the latter Invited him into the
boarding house to prove his good char
acter. Logan had scarcely passed the
door when one of three Italians in the
house made an ineffectual lunge at hltu
with a stiletto. Logan retreated but
an Italian opened fire upon him with
a niagar.lne shotgun.
Logan returned the fire and the two
men emptied their weapons at eaoh
other. Logan pot a buckshot wound
In the foot and the Italian was seeu to
fall back Into the house, perhaps fa-
tolly wounded.
Logan, by Inquiring of the residents,
learned that he had a "black hand"
man to deal with. He telephoned to
the barracks and a detachment
of five privates was detailed by Lieu
tenant Eagle to assist him.
When the detachment arrived at
Florence Private John Henry Immedi
ately started for the house, but when
about 20 feet from It was shot down.
Chambers and Mullen, in atteoiptini;
the rescue of Henry, were both chot
before they reached him. A tele
phone call was sent In for the entire
force and 15 additional troopers were
hurried to the scene.
The second detachment arrived at
dusk. While 12 of the constabulary
kept firing Into the windows and f,-out
doors of the house six policemen nutdo
a rush for, the side door, which they
battered In. Three of the officers,
Zehrlnger, Gross and Cummtngs, dash
ed up the stairs but were confronted
by three of the Italians who opened
fire. Zehrlnger fell at the first volley
but the two other men escaped.
The house where the Italians were
barricaded was finally destroyed by dy
namite and two Italians were arrested.
One of the Inmntes was dead and an
other fatally wounded.
Great Welcome to William J. Bryan.
William Jennings Bryan, who arrived
In New York harbor Wednesday after
noon and spent the night with friends
on a steam yacht down the bay, en
tered New York city Thursday at 4
o'clock and was the recipient of a con
tinuing ovation from that hour until
late at night, when he had finished a
notable 80-minute address before 20,
000 persons gathered in Madison
Square Garden. Mr. Bryan outlined
clearly and vigorously the principles
he thought should guide the Democrats
In thoir next campaign.
Greeted by nearly every prominent
Democrat In the country and accom
panied by them, Mr. Bryan was driven
from the yacht landing at the Battery
to the Victoria hotel. He was con
stantly cheered by those on the crowd
ed sidewalks.
Once at the hotel he was fairly
mobbed by thpusands of his admirers,
was called upon for an Impromptu
speech and then shook hands for more
than an hour with an apparently never
ending line of citizens. He dined with
his family nnd friends and then was
driven In an automobile to Madison
Square Garden where his welcome
home was made complete in a series
of some of the most remarkable dem
onstratlons New York has ever known.
The garden meeting was presided
over by Mayor Tom L. Johnson of
I Cleveland. There were brief addresses
by Governor Joseph W. Folk of Mis
souri, Augustus Thomas, the play
wrlght; Harry W. Walker of the Com
mercial Travelers' Anti-Trust League,
under whose auspices the reception
was given, and Mr. Johnson.
Mr. Bryan also addressed an over
flow meeting outside the garden. He
was then driven to his hotel, where he
was personally greeted by William R.
Hearst, who had been loudly cheered
as he sat in a box at the garden meet
ing. Died Just Before Policy Expired
Dr. Shaw F. Neeley of Kansas
City, Kan., former United States
marshal of Kansas and several times
mayor of Leavenworth, died 15 min
utes before the policy of $15,000 on his
life would have expired. The filing
of his will developed that fact.
Dr. Neeley had a policy for $15,000
In the Mutual Life of New York. He
had allowed payment to become over
due and taken advantage of the 30
days' grace allowed by the policy. He
died at 11:45 o'clock at night. Had
he lived until midnight the 30 days
would have been expired.
F. N. Cheney, St. Louis manager for
the company, says satisfactory proof
of the time of Dr. Neeloy's death has
been furnished and the policy will be
An Involuntary Balloon Ascension.
Caught by the anchor of a balloon
and whirled GOO feet In the air over
the heads of 5,000 spectators, a Mrs.
Hoper of Brooklyn was seriously hut
not fatally hurt at the Ulster county
fair at Ellenvtlle.
Maggie Dalley of Mlddletown, who
has been making daily ascensions at
the fair grounds In a hot air balloon,
had just entered the car and was
about to glye the order to cast off
when the balloon broke loose and salV
ed upwards with the anchor trailing.
Before the bystanders could scatter
Ihe anchor fluke caught in Mrs. Ro
per's dress Bnd she was whipped up
Into the air screaming.
The weight' on the anchor rope
caused the balloon to tip over and
Miss Dallcy, looking out of the car to
ascertain the cause of trouble, caught
jight of her Involuntary fellow voyager
swinging far below at the end of the
rope, and at once pulled the safety
The balloon, which by that time had
reached an altitude of 5U0 feet, quickly
descended and reached ground a quar
ter of a "'Ue from the point of as
cension. Mrs. Roper struck the
ground heavily and when picked up
was found to be unconscious and to
have sustained fractures of the should
er, ankle and several fingers. She" had
been summering at Walker Valley, Ul
ster county.
Experiments In Chicken feeding.
The hen must do more work. This
Is the Idea of the agricultural depart
ment. Robert R. Slocum, a poultry ex
pert, has been employed to devise
ways and means by which chicken
raising can be rendered more profit
able. Mr. Slocum will be attached to the
Bureau of Animal Industry. His first
step will be to found a poultry-feeding
establishment In connection with the
Dureau's quarantine station near Balti
more, where experiments in hog feed
ing have been carried on for some
There will be three pens constructed
(or the accommodation of 25 hens each.
rhe fowls will be fed on different
plans. One of the pens will be fed
with whole grain end cracked corn,
together with a wet mash, and the oth
er the same with a dry mash.
The chickens in the third pen will
be fed from self-fef ding hoppers, and
will have food available at all times,
jo that they can eat as much as they
want. The effect on egg production
and fattening will be recorded.
Situation Darker In Cuba.
The war situation In Cuba Is far
iarker today than at any previous
time sluce the insurrection broke out.
News of an uprising In Santiago prov
ince is causing the gravest concern.
When Mr. Sleeper, the American
charge d'affaires here, was told the
contents of the Santiago dispatch he
endeavored to verity it through the
state department, but was told it was
absolutely untrue. Subsequently the
dispatch was verified from private
sources and from newspaper sources.
It Is the opinion here that the worst
calamity of all to the Palma govern
ment would be an Insurrection in
Eastern Cuba.
Two rellablle eye witnesses say that
Cardenas, which hlthertp has been
considered a perfectly peaceful city,
was the scene Thursday of desultory
fighting between police and rural
guards on one side and roving Insurg
ents on the other.
The only province remaining peace
ful Is Puerto Principe.
Tribute to Emperor William.
Colonel Lambert of Chicago says
France and Germany are more pros
perous than Great Britain, and espec
ially Germany, owing to Emperor Will
lam's surpassing gifts as a ruler.
The emperor, he said, had put Ger
many In the way of becoming the
richest nation in Europe, had perfected
the finest army on the continent nnd
was laying the foundations of one of
the greatest fleets nfloat.
His consular service, Colonel Lam
bert said, was an unmatched triumph,
and behind it subsidized railways and
steamships, methodically fostered
trusts and a tariff like a Chinese wall.
"If we are not careful," Colonel Lam
bert added, "he will lick us out of our
boots all over the world."
Chicago and New York Electric Line.
Elaborate ceremonies Saturday at
tended the turning of tho first shovel
of earth near Laporte, Ind., by Pres
ident Alexander C. Miller, In the con
struction of the Chicago & New York
Electric Air Line railway. The com
pany proposes to build un electric lino
between Chicago und New York 750
miles long. After the turning of the
first shovel of earth, two construction
gangs with steam shovels and dredges
started, one working each way. Pres
ident Miller says that the line will be
In operation In four years as all sur
veys have been made and much right
of way has been purchased.
Review of the Atlantic Fleet.
Monday, Labor day, what was prob
ably the greatest assemblage of war
vessels In the history of the Western
hemisphere was reviewed by Presi
dent Roosevelt In the waters of Long
Island sound, off Oyster hay. In the
fleet were- the newest and best of
the vessels of the American navy. In
the fleet, commanded by Rear Admiral
Evans, there were 15,000 men to
cheer President Roosevelt as the May
flower steamed through the lines of
Church's 200th Anniversary.
On Saturday, at Oyster Bay, Presi
dent Roosevelt will attend the cere
monies In celebration of the 200th an
niversary of. Christ church, Oyster
Bay, and will deliver an address.
Battling Nelson Lost the Fight
by Fouling Joe Gans.
Sans' Endurance Surprised Everyone.
In the 33rd Round He Oroka His
Right Hand and Afterwards Did All
His Work With the Left Hand.
Fought a Clean Fight.
Goldfield, Nev., Sept. 4. Battling
Nelson lost the fight by fouling Joe
aans In the 42d round of the best and
longest fight seen In many years.
Both men were tired when the fight.
snded but Gans was apparently , the
stronger. He was away ahead on
points and had smashed and cut Nel-
jon all through the fight without be
ing severely hurt himself.
Shortly after the 42d round began
he men were In their usual clinch.
Melson had his head on Gans' shoulder
and his arm down. Several times he
nit Gaus below the belt, apparently
feeling for a vital spot. At last he
irew back his right arm and hit Gans
i vicious blow squure Into the groin.
The colored boy sank to his knees and
rolled over on his back. Referee Slier
without hesitation ordered Nelson to
lis corner and awarded the fight to
3a us on a foul.
Decision Had Unanimous Approval.
Silui't decision received almost
unanimous approval. The foul was so
obvious that not even men who had
bet on Nelson could say that it had not
been committed. All through the long'
contest Nelson had employed rough
tactics. He lepeatedly butted Gans,
and had to have his head hauled away
by the referee.
Referee Slier said that while he
would not say that the foul was Inten
tional, there was no doubt but it had
been committed. Nelson, he said, had
employed his usual tactics all through
the fight and while be knew that Nel
son was butting whenever lie had an
opportunity he did not disqualify for
that because he saw that it was not
Hurting Gans and because no other
referee had ever disqualified Nelson
,'or doing the same thing. Besides, tho
people were there to see the fight and
he did not want to disappoint them.
Slier was loudly cheered as he left
the ring, as was Gaus, who was car
ried to his dressing room. Nelson nnd
his seconds were hissed as they de
parted. Billy Nolan, Nelson's man
ager, made a disconnected statement
In which he said that Gans had prom
ised not to claim the decision on a
foul and yet he Jumped at the first op
portunity to make such' a claim. All
Nelson would say was that Gans was
tired and quit.
Gans Broke His Hand.
Gans In many ways put up a remark
able fight. His endurance surprised
every one. His work was the more
wonderful when It Is known that In the
33rd round he broke his right hand.
Never after that did he strike a blow
with it with the exception of a few
short arm jolts while clinching. He
did all his work with the left hand.
Cans' generalship was shown when he
broke the hand. In the 33rd round he
landed a hard right punch on the side
of Nelson's face. A bone In the hand
snapped and Gans stepped bnck with
an expression of pain. He limped
around as though he had hurt a foot
and no one realized that he had in
jured the right hand.
Gans said after the fight that Nel
son intentionally fouled. He said ho
knew he could finish Nelson, as he was
comparatively strong and Nelson was
growing weaker all the time. "Larry"
Sullivan announced for Gans that he
would meet Nelson In two weeks in
another fight, as he was sure he could
whip him and did not want to take ad
vantage of the foul.
Gans explained that he did not want
to box Nelson for fear of tiring him
self. He found early that ho could
protect himself In clinches and real
ized that the exertion In fighting that
way was less than If he stood back and
did some showy boxing. He was hit
ting Nelson all the time and maHing
the Dane do most of the work.
The first 15 rounds of the fight were
list. After that the men slowed up.
Although Gans was far ahead of Nel
son In points and most of the time
looked like a sure winner, Nelson put
up a wonderful fight. Time and again
Gans would jolt him on the jaw, send
ing the Dane back. Ills knees would
bend and his eyes become glazed, but
he always fell Into a clinch and held
on and would then come back lighting
as hard as ever.
On occasions Nelson apparently had
the advantage. He would hit Gans as
they broke from a clinch and the col
ored boy would hang on and wrestle.
Gans Fought a Clean Fight.
Gans fought a clean fight. Twice
when he knocked Nelson down he
picked hlni up. Once when one of
Cans' punches knocked Nelson through
the ropes Gans picked him up and
helped him to his feet. As the col
ored boy stood with his hands down
waiting for Nelson to steady himself
Nelson gave him a vicious blow In the
stomach. Nelson was roundly hissed
for this by the crowd.
Although Goldfield Is a mining camp
there was no disturbance of any kind
and l.o rough language used. Gans
was the favorite. Ills behavior won
the admiration of the Goldfield people
and they showed it.
The attendance was about 5,000.
About 200 women were present. An
nouncdr Sullivan declared that one of
the sorts of President Roosevelt was In
the crowd.
Thought to Be the Only Way of Set
tling Cuban Revolt.
Havana, Sept. 4. Peace through po
litical compromises 13 the sole topic
of conversation in all the best Inform
ed circles, where It Is recognized as
the only ".ray of bringing about a set
tlement of the Internal troubles.
Therefore there Is a general disposi
tion not to agree with the stand taken
by President Palma, that the govern
ment should not treat with the Insurg
ents upon the basis of arranging a
compromise, and the president Is un
derstood to have already modified his
attitude to the extent that he has no
objection to privnte negotiations on the
subject. It Is believed that an attempt
to reach peace through some compro
mise will now be made.
Several bodies of insurgents have
been seen with Increasing frequency
between Plnar del Rlo and Consola
clou del Sur, in the province of Plnar
del Rio.
The government force commanded
by Captain Cardenas has dispersed a
rebel band near Gulnes, Havana prov
ince. A small party of insurgents Is
reported to have surrendered there.
A band of Insurgents-made an unsuc
cessful attack Sunday on an armored
train near Cruces, province of Santa
Grand Circuit Meet.
Hartford, Conn., Sept. 4. Nutboy,
the bay gelding owned by J. A. Crab
tree of Quincy, Mass., and driven by
McHenry, was the star performer at
the opening day of the grand circuit
meet at Charter Oak park, winning
the $10,000 Charter Oak trot. There
were 1C starters and when the horses
went to the post Golddust Maid, with
Geers up, was the favorite, selling for
$50 In the pools. The best she could
do was fourth In the first heat. Sec
ond money In this event went to Oro,
and third money to Mack. Nutboy's
time In the second heat, 2:07, Is a
Death of Herman Oelrichs.
New York, Sept. i. A special to The
Telegraph from Newport says that
Herman Oelrichs, the New York man
ager of the North German Lloyd
Steamship company, formerly promi
nent In athletics and a member of
some of the best-known clubs In this
city, Is dead on board the North Ger
man Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wllhelm
der Grosse, which is due to arrive In
this city this afternoon. No details of
the death were received, but it was
stated that Mrs. Herman Oelrichs and
her sister, Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt, Jr.,
left Newport yesterday for New York.
Rubber Boots to Protect Trainmen.
Westville, N. J., Sept. 4. Freight
hands do not relish a new order Is
sued by the West Jersey and Seashore
railroad. It is to the effect that they
must wear rubber boots on and after
Tuesday, until they are thoroughly
familiar with the third rail electric
system. The boots are to protect
them from electric shocks.
Mother Sees Train Kill Baby.
Bloomlngton, 111., Sept. 4. Missing
her 2-year-old girl baby, Mrs. Joseph
Hirst of Towanda began a search and
was Just in time to see her toddle upon
the tracks of the Chicago & Alton rail
way, where she was killed by a train.
New York Provision Market
New York, Sept. 1.
WHEAT No. 2 red, 78c f. o.
b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth,
CORN No. 2 corn, 57c f. o. b.
afloat; No. 2 yellow, Clc.
OATS Mixed oats, 2G to 32 lbs.,
35c; clipped white, 30 to 40 lbs.,
PORK Mess, $18.75 19.25; family
per bbl., $18.50(319.00.
HAY Shipping, C395c; good to
choice, 90c $ 1.00.
BUTTER Creamery, extra, 24
24c; common to extra, 18 24c;
western factory, common to firsts, 15
CHEESE State full cream, fancy,
EGGS State and Pennsylvania, 28o.
POTATOES Long Island, per bbl.,
Buffalo Provision Market.
Buffalo, Sept. 1.
WHEAT No. 1 noithurn carloads
in store, 82'4c; No. 2 red, 75'6c.
CORN No. 2 mixed, 54c f. o. b.
afloat; No. 2 yellow, Btlc.
OATS No. 2 white, 35c f. o. b.
afloat; No. 3 white, 33!633c.
FLOUR Fancy blended patect,
per bbl.. $4.755.50; whiter family,
patent $4.154.80.
BUTTER Creamery western, tx
tra, prints, 25c; state and Penn
sylvania creamery, 23V4C; dairy,
choice to fancy, 22c
CHEESE Fancy fiiull cream, 13
13V4c; good to choice, 1212'jC.
EGOS Selected white, 24(230.
POTATOES Jersey, fancy per
bbf., $1.701.75; home grown, per bu.,
East Buffalo Live Stock Market.
CATTLE Choice export steers, $3. CO
0.15; good to choice butcher steers,
$4.90iii.5.25; medium half-fat steers,
$4.00'4.25; fair to good heifers,
$3.754.75; good to choice heifers,
$5.005.15: good butcher bulls, $3.50
?i3.75; choice to extra veals, fS.'ialp
8.50; fair to good, $7.50(fT 8.00.
spring lambs, $8.25fi'8.l0; choice year,
lings, $0.00(0.50; cull sheep, $3.50f)
HOGS Best Yorkers, $G.70!frG.75;
medium and heavy hogs, $0.500.00;
pigs, light, $(i.7O0.75.
Buffalo Hay Market.
No. 1 new, baled, $14.00; No. 2,
$12.50(13.00; No. 1 rye straw, $0.50
7 00; No. 1 wheat Btraw, $0.00(3 6-50.
Summary of the Week's News
of the World.
Cream of the News Culled From Long
Dispatches and Put In Proper Shape
For the Hurried Reader Who It Too
Busy to Read the Longer Reports
and Desires to Keep Posted.
Special trains bearing delegations
to the Bryan reception on Thursday
arrived In New York from a score of
Ten Indictments were found against
the Standard Oil company by federal
grand juries In Illinois, charging the
acceptance of railroad rebates.
Cuban Insurgents are defeated in a
battle in which 17 revolutionists and
one rural guard are killed. Pardons to
all insurgents who will lay down their
arms are offered by the government.
Terre Haute distillers confirm the
report that the Standard Oil company
is seeking to buy up all the distilleries
in the country, so that it may control
the production of denatured alcohol.
It Is believed the Cuban Insurgents,
except Pino Guerra, are on the point
of yielding, ' but enlistment for the
army continues.
MrB. Mary Thaw has decided to sell
the Thaw family home In Pittsburg,
and It is expected that she will remove
to New York city.
W. R. Hearst repudiated Charles F.
Murphy and refused to say whether he
would accept a nomination from the
Democratic convention.
William E. Curtis writes of the
growth of revolutionary ideas in the
Russian army and navy, the main
props of the czar's throne.
French bishops will meet in Paris
next week to decide how to carry out
the terms of the pope's encyclical
against the separation law.
Question of the right to force au in
dicted corporation to give bond causes
a temporary cessation of hostilities be
tween Standard Oil and the govern
ment. Friday.
Falling from 400 feet In the air Into
a great elm tree, Frederick Owens, an
aeronaut, escaped death near South
port, Conn.
Radical changes In the British laws
will be proposed at the annual trades
union congress which will open In Liv
erpool Sept. 3.
Two chief lieutenants of Carlos
Mcndieta have surrendered, causing a
serious blow to the Cuban revolt in
Santa Clara province.
Dangers to the rights of the Individ
ual in the Increasing complexity of so
cial machinery are pointed. out to the
American Bar association convention
In St. Paul by President George R.
The receiver of the Real Estate
Trust company of Philadelphia an
nounced that It was hoped to resume
business shortly and that tho Presby
terian church funds were only slightly
' Saturday.
Investigation into the Paterson Ca
noe club scandal showed that about 25
girls have been attacked on Laurel Is
land. President Roosevelt has asked that
the Roosevelt Home club of New York
city be probed by tho postoffice de
partment. Rear Admiral Thomas In a letter to
the mayor of Newport Indignantly re
sents discrimination against bluejack
ets because of their uniforms.
Frank Hippie, president of the
wrecked Rpal Estate Trust company
of Philadelphia, was an embezzler, tho
receiver declared, nnd killed himself
to escape punishment.
George J. Gould and D-Cndy Herrlck
retired as directors of the Equitable
Life Assurance society, Mr. Gould
ending all connection between WTall
street and the society.
The Harvard crew, In a trial over
the Putney course, comes within threo
seconds of the record for the course.
It was announced that the north tube
of the Pennsylvania tunnels under tho
North river will be completed Sept. 27.
Arrangements have been iiiado for
the arrest of three persons In connec
tion with the failure of the Real Estato
Trust company of Philadelphia.
William Lakeland's Electioneer,
with Shaw up, won the 19th Futurity,
worth $17,110, at Sheopshead Bay, with
Pope Joan second and He Mund third.
Syndicate managers of tho Western
Power company, financing the Feather
river water power project of Califor
nia, include A. C. Bedford, F. H. Ray
and Edwin Hawley.
All tonnage and navigation dues In
tho Philippine Island:) were abolished
by the Philippines commission.
Depositors of the Real Estate Trust
company in Philadelphia have engaged
counsel to prosecute the directors of
the wrecked Institution.
President Roosevelt said that If the
changes In spelling which he had di
rected to be adopted by the public prin
ter were not approved by the public
they would be dropped.
Altou It. Parker expressed the opin
ion that the resignation of Charles A.
Walsh of Iowa from the Democratic
national committee Is for the purpose
of Joining the Independence league.
istlce to Be Meted Out to Those In
Collusion With the Suiolde ,
Philadelphia, Sept. 3Justlce Is to
ba meted out to the men responsible,
with Frank K. Hippie, the suicide pres
ident of the Real Estate Trust com
pany, for the collapse of that Institu
tion. Announcement was made that
the evldenco so far unearthed by Re
ceiver Earle has been placed In the
hands of District Attorney Bell, who la
expected to cause the arrest of th
Receiver Earle maintains that it was
impossible for President Hippie to so
entangle the company's affairs without
the knowledge of others connected
with the institution. Acting on thik
Impression he has been persistent In
his efforts to discover evidence of col
lusion. Directors, officials and clerks of the
trust company were examined du.'lng
the day and at night the receiver con
ferred with District Attorney Bell.
Among the witnesses were four of
tho directors who are said to have
heard of Hippie's heavy loans to Adolf
Segal, the promoter, at least several
weeks ago. Another witness was Will
lam F. Worth, the treasurer, who is
supposed to approve all loans made by
the Trust company. Theodore Preus
ser, the company's real estate officer,
who Is supposed to have approved the
mortgages on property offered by Se
gal as security for his loans, also was
Dining the day Receiver Earle said:
"The deeper I go Into this thing th
worse It looks. The trust funds which
I heretofore thought were intact hava
been tampered with and $50,000 taken.
This sum Is distributed among $20,000,
000 the bnnk had In trust and the loss
will not be heavy on any one."
Mr. Hippie's desk was opened and In
It was found a statement by H.- Hill,
the company's auditor, which Mr.
Earle says is materially different from
the statement Mr. Hill gave him.
Must Answer Charges of Swindling In
Get-Rich-Quick Schemes.
Philadelphia, Sept. 1. William H.
Latimer, familiarly known as "Hand
some Harry," manager of the Provi
dent Investment bureau, which was
forced out of business 18 months ago
and who has since been a fugitive from
justice, has surrendered. He was held
in $2,000 bail by United States Com
missioner Craig for trial in the federal
With Frank C. Marrln, alias Judge
Franklin Stone, and Stanley Francis,
alias Arthur S. Foster, Latimer was
Jointly indicted In September, 1905,
charged with conspiracy and using the
mails to defraud. These people were
alleged to have been the organizers ot
the Provident Investment bureau, a
get-rlch-qiilck concern. They were
also accused of being the principal offi
cials of the Storey Cotton company, a
swindling scheme, which failed In
March, 1905.
Francis was arrested, convicted and
sentenced to five years. Marrln and
Lntimer escaped.
Girl Saves Three Lives.
Toledo, O., Sept. 1. Alberta and
Ornce Neilson of Washington and C. A.
Foote of Toledo were bathing In the
Maumee river when Alberta got be
yond her depth and sank. Her sister,
an expert swlmpier, went to her res
cue, but was pulled beneath the sur
face by her drowning sister. Foote
attempted to save them, but became
exhausted and was also dragged un
der. Iva Taylor, 18 years old, Jumpod
Into a boat and rowed to them. One
by one she managed to drag the three
into the boat, half drowned. All were
Mrs. Phlpps Buys Mines.
Denver, Col., Sept. 1. From Tel
lurido, Col., comes a dispatch that
Mrs. Genevieve Chandler Phlpps, who
Is there with a party of friends, prac
tically hns closed a deal for the Japan
Flora group of 24 mining claims In
Savage Basin, purchased recently by a
syndicate for approximately $200,000
and rated as rich. It Is said Mrs.
Phlpps Is anxious to become a money
maker and add to her fortune until it
equals or exceeds that of her former
Copperhead on Library Steps.
Beaver Falls, Pa., Sept. 1. As Miss
Anna Montgomery was descending the
stone stairway of the Carneglo library
Thursday evening she almost stepped
on a copperhead snake, coiled on one
of the steps. She screamed and ran
Into the street Tho snake was killed.
It measured over three feet. How it
got on the steps of a public building In
tho most frequented part of the town
y a mystery.
No Verdict by Jury.
Washington, Pa., Sept. 1. The jury
In the case of Boyd H. StOnerod,
charged with a Coraopolis bank swln-"
die, on trial here for several days, re
ported in court a disagreement, after
being nut over 15 hours, und Stonerod
was remanded to the custody of the
sheriff to wait a new trial.
Two Young Women Drown In Creek.
Lovehind, O.. Aug. 29. Miss Flora
Mullen and Lucy Hill of Pleasant Hill,
near here, were drowned by tho over
turning of a buggy In a small creek
here Monday night. They attempted
to ford the creek, which was swollen
hy recent heavy ralus.
Nan Patterson at Conneaut Lake.
!k'H(tvllle, Pa., Sept. 1. A "Miss
Lester," who arrived here this week,
has been recognized as Nun Patterson,
the Florodoia girl acquitted of murder.