THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WINK, - IDITOR 4 PHOPHIITOH-. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1900. gn 'T 1906 AUGUST 1906 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fn Sa ZA1AA 51789 10 11 1213 Id 15 16l7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 a " MOON'S PHASES. A Full 4 m. Nw n ' Moon la pro Flrat -to 1 Third i i ; Quarter i I 9 47 p. in. Quarter U p. in Republican Ticket. HTATK. Governor, EDWIN S. STUART. Lieutenant Governor, ROBERT S. MURPHY. Auditor General, ROBERT K. YOUNG. Secretary of Internal Affairs, HENRY HOUCK. COINTV. ConyreM, Hon. N. I. WHEELER. Asxemlilt, T. D. COLLINS. VMriet Attorney, A. C. BROWN. Coroner, Dr. C. Y. DETA R. Important to Republicans. Tbe duplicate copy of registry list of voters is now banging up, or should he at tbe voting place in each election district ready for inspection. Eacb voter who is twenty-one years of age or over should examine the registery litt and see if bis name is on the registry and if not to see the assessor at once aud have it put on be fore September fill). All voters twenty-two year of age or over who bave not paid a state or county tax within two years, which tax has been assexRed at least sixty (HO) days aud paid at least thirty (30) days before election, November 6th, cannot vole. September 5th is the last day to be assessed aud Oc tober 6tb the last day to pay taxes and vote November 6th, UKW. W'kll, well, Lewis! an anxious public hat its ear to tbe ground listening for that explanation as to why you'd as soon contribute to tbo fostering of a brewery industry as you would to churches, schools or hospitals. If you want the votes of the people they have right to be eulighteued on the subject. Wk notice that the approaching "inde pendent" demonstration for Lewis Em ery is being boosted by W. J. Brennen, Democrat, is to be presided over by George W. Guthrie, Democrat, and to be addressed by James Gay Gordon, Demo crat a very warm bunch of "independ ents" aud no mistake. Pittsburg Gazette. That the Lincoln party, despite its protests of uou-intrrlerence in national politics, does not propose to keep its hands olf tbe congressional contests throughout the state is made evident by the fact that already the Lincoln party name has been preempted in ten con gressional districts. In all of these the Democrats are counting on Lincolnite support to assist In the defeat of the reg ular Republican nominees and the elec tion ef Bryan Democrats. Sbeihold Ob server, A Dkmocbatio victory in Pennsyl vania this year would be the forerunner for the triumph of the principles of Bryan or Hearst two years hence. Our friends the enemy may sneer at this statement and proclaim it nothing but a piece of buncombe; it is policy for them to do so. But the fact remains that the Republican who refuses to support his own parly when it presents a faultless ticket is doing everything in bis power to bring about a Democratic victory iu the Stale now and in the nation two years later. Our neighbor of the Vindicator often gets mixed up In bis editorial clippings. In one item last week it is declared that "The administration has made no serious effort to punish the trust magnates, who in combination with the railroads are plundering the people." And a little far ther along is another itom which says: "The Sugar Trust has been caught rebat ing in league with the railroads and the general auditor of the trust lias been com pelled by the court to produce certain books and documents, which he had de clined to furnish to the grand jury." We guess the administration is suriuus work for the wicked trust, all right. Tun Johnstown Democrat, Warren Worth Bailey's sprightly organ of Dem ocracy, continues to dotnand the aboli tion of tbe state constabulary, "The Cossacks mu-it go," shouts our esteemed Cambria county contemporary. The at tltude of the Democrat is iu line with the platform declarations of the Demo crat hi state convention. Where does Mr, Kmery, its uominee lor governor, stand upon the question of the. slate coustabu laryT Is he in favor of its retention, for tbu preservation of law and order, or does he line up with supportois of law lessness and disorder in opposition to this legislation. Up to (lute he has failed to Indicate his position and his personal organ, the Bradford Record, while giving much space to denunciation of what it terms "gang rule" In Pennsylvania, is equally reticent upon the subject of its candidate's attitude upon this Important question. Titusville Herald. Emery's Untltiii'ss. In a letter written to the Altoona Tri bune, A, A. Stevens, without doubt the iiiont prominent Prohibition leader in the state, makes it very plain w hy candidate Emery cannot expect any support from that party, or from any oue who has tbe moral welfare of bis state at heart, for that matter. Mr. Stevens, among other straightforward talk, says: "That Mr. Kmery la against ..the Stan dard Oil Company aud its assistant cor porations will go without saying. A busi ness rivalry exists between tbem. He thinks he is getting the worst of it. I bave no doubt that, Judging him from the businena standard geuerally prevailing today, he would be the RockoMlor of the Standard Oil Company if he could, aud be is not the only one. He does not claim to be in the oil business for bis health, or fur the good be may do to his fellow-uieu, and who expects him to bef Why should be inane bis personal busi ness affairs I ho concern of tbe citizens of the state of lVun-ylvania and attempt to enlist the power of their votes to gather tbe chestnuts out of the lire for bis eating? "Mr. Emery's assaults upon himself, when in this enlightened age or Chris' ian civilization, he declaied the church, tbe brewery, tbe school and hospital stood on parity with each other and were each equally entitled to his influence and sup port, assured Lis political undoing. By such a declaration be insulted tbe Chris tian people of the land and demonstrated that with such judgment as that he was unlit to be entrusted with tbo veto power of governor of this commonwealth." Cream or the Nevfx. When crab meets crab they side step, Bargain? Well I should say. Hop kins. U Female detectives Bhould be good lookers. Korall blemishes of tbe face and skin use San-Cuia Ointment and San -Cur a Soap. 25c, at Dunn A Fulton's. tf Bargains, bargains everywhere! Wheu you haven't got a ceut. In shoes we have all tbe world's lead- ere, and the prices are right. Hopkius. It takes something stronger thau water to extinguish the toper's burning thirst. An Itching, burning pain, caused tv eczema, piles or any skin disease, is stopped at once by Sau-Cura Ointment. lic and Ma, at Dunu A Fulton s. tf The nicest thing about a summer va cation Is tbe way you enjoy being back from it. All of the month of August yet will l baruaiu days at (he Hopkins store. We have an endless variety of the most seasonable goods still in stock that inu-t move out, and tbe price we ve put on tbem will do the work. It When a man gets a chance to dispose of his troubles he always heaps up the measu re. The intense itching characteristic of salt rheum and eczema is instantly allay ed by applying Chamoerlain'sSalve. As a cure for skin diseases this salve is tin equaled. For sale by Dunn A Fulton. One kind of optimist is a self-saticlied bachelor who imagines he might be hap py if married. San-Cura Ointment is perfectly harm less and is a great aid iu preventing scars. San-Cura Ointment cures cuts, burns, bruises, boils, carbuncles, piles, old sores, pimples and eczema. 2."c aud 50c, at Dunn & Fultons', tf Of course, it's all right to be born a leader, but the man in the rear has a bet ter opportunity to getaway. Thompson's Barosma has nositivelv made wonderful cures in Brigbt's disease, sciatic rheumatism, kidney aud liver dis eases, lumbago and female weakness. Thompson's Barosma is purely vegetable and pleasant to take. 50c and fl.OO, at uunn x fuuon s. tl It sometimes happens that a shady diameter basks in the sunshine of popu larity. L. J. Hopkins, Tionesta, Pa. Dkar Sir: Now, may be, you catPt got the goods; if you can, your fortune is made. Cotton cloth they call It muslin iu some parts at about the usual price per yard, but wider, twico as wide as some, and better, wears better, keeps white and whole a surprising time in all sorts of wear. You could sell that cloth for hundreds of miles; there'd be no limit. A yard goes further; one buys less yards. Wears longer; one buys less of ten. It always looks right till well worn out. No one customer buys so much ot it, but think of tbe number of customersl May be you can't get it iu cloth: but you can in paint: Devoe. Devoe is as if it were wider; a gallon goes further; you buy less gallons; vou pay for less gal lons; you pay for painting less gallons as if one paid less for making a garment of that wide cloth aud it keeps its fresh look and sheds water till you bave for gotten how old it is. It isn't true in cloth, but it is in paints the less you' pay, tbe better it is; for tbe goodness of paint is reckoned by gallons; less gallons, more goodness. Goodness in paint is strength. Tbe stronger a paint, the 1 ss gallons it takes (or a job aud the longer it wears. Yours truly, F. W. Devoe & Co., 3 New York. P. S. Dunn k Fulton sell our paint. My face and neck were one mass ol sores; the doctor said I liad eczema aud erysipelas. Finally I used San-Cura Ointment and slept all night for tbe first time in weeks, and in a short time was completely cured. Cbas. Fay, Townville, Pa. 25c and 50c, at Dunn it Fulton's. Our idea of a mean man is one wbo will deliberately say things iu his sleep for the purpose of keeping his tired wife awake. Mlnke liny While Ike Sun Nhlnes." There is a lesson in the work of the thrifty farmer. He knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and he pre pares for the showers which are liable to follow. So it should ho with every household, Dyaentoty, diarrhoea and cholera morbus may ttllack some mem ber of Ibe home without warning. Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which is tbo best known medi cine for Ibese diseases, should always be kept at hand, as immediate treatment is necessary, and delay may prove fatal. For salo by Dunn ifc Fulton. It's a wise traveling man who knows when and where to stop. An Ohio l.uily.l'li'ii'il. A prominent lady of Geneva, Ohio, says Crocker's Rheumatic Cure is all right. Under date of Jan. 5, 1!J00, she says: This is to certify that I have had rheumatism more or less all my life, and bave taken only one and a half 50 cent bottles ol Crocker's Rheumatic Cure and have been very much bonelited by It. Mrh. Oka Patch. For sale by Dunn it Fulton. TO I I IIK A ( Ol.l) IN ONE DAV Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on eacb box. 25c. BMN AND they Are Linked Together Ic tht Pennsylvania Campaign, PLAYING NATIONAL POLITIC9 Republican Are Prepared to Meet the Issue With Roosevelt and Stuart At Their Leaders. Special Correspondence. Philadelphia, Aug. 28. The home-coming of Bryan this wees brings national politics to the front all over the country, and especially in Pennsylvania, where the democratic state convention which named Enierj for governor in its platform declared Bryan the certain successor to Roose velt. There is now a clean-cut issue whether Roosevelt or Bryan shall be indorsed by the voters of Pennsylva nia this fall. Republicans For Reform. It is the argument of the democrat! and of the so-called Lincoln Party, which has been swallowed by the Dem ocrats, that only local issues are in volved. They claim the Democrats and the Llncolnltcs that they alone can give good government. Yet, il we take into consideration the work ol the recent session of the special legis lature, we find that every reform de manded by the most drastic reformer was adopted. In other words, the Re publican party gave direct proof thnl it was not only willing but anxious to lend the movement for political re form and political regeneration. The platform of the Republican party and the candidates in person stand foi the purest and the most advanced ideas. The Republican state platform Is linked with that of the Republican party of the nation. To separate the two Is Impossible. When you vote for Stuart you vote for the Indorsement ol the policies of Throdore Roosevelt When you vote for Emery you give aid and sustenance to the supporters oi William J. Bryan. In plain words, we are going to de cide in November whether we are Roosevelt Republicans or Bryan Demo crats. There will be those who will declare that their support of Emery is not an indorsement of Bryan. But it will be, Just the same. The situation Is one of deep Interest and It Is useless to deny that it is also one of concern. Two years before the nominating convention will bo held, Bryan is as good as nominated nl ready. State after state has declared for him through Democratic state con ventions. During the past week two more stntes fell into line. Wisconsin went wild over his name and indorsed him outright as the standard bearer of 1908. Pennsylvania Democrats went on record In practically the same man ner, for they hailed him as the great "Democratic commoner, who is now regarded as the certain successor of Theodore Roosevelt." To drive the wedge in Pennsylvania the Bryan leadership has joined hands with the LIncolnites by taking the candidate of the latter for governor. Opening Mass Meeting. Philadelphia Republicans are deeply Interested In what will probably be the Initial meeting of the state cam paign. It will be given In the Acad emy of Music In this city on Wednes day evening. September 12. The meet ing is to be held in connection with an Immense demonstration to be given under the auspices of friends and neighbors of Mr. Stuart in the south em Bection of the city. Leading busi nessmen and manufacturers are work ing with the Republican clubmen to make this occasion a grand success. It is predicted that there will be the largest turnout of Republican clubs ever made in that section of the city, and that the Academy of Music will not be large enough to hold the thou sands who will Join in this tribute to one of the most popular Phlladclphiana ever named for public office. Stuart's Personal Strength. There are new evidences given dally of the admitted strenth of the Repub lican nominee for governor. The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, an independent newspaper which sup ported Berry and the entire fusion ticket last fall, says: "The nomination of Edwin S. Stuart for' governor places at the head of the Republican state ticket a clean, up right and respected member of the party. It would not have been pos sible to find among the regular Re publicans any other man of reputation who enjoys more of the good will ol the people of Philadelphia than the ex-mayor, and this good will extends in large measure into the state. "Throughout his career he has been associated with no scandals or abuses of his making or his sanction either it) official life or In party management; his personal character Is high, and hie instincts as a citizen and as a party man are In the direction of honest poll- tics and good government. His ad ministration as mayor of Philadelphia was one of the two best under the Bul litt act, and In every public or semi public post to which he has been sum moned, his tact, sense and integrity have enabled him to be useful and suc cessful. " "There is no doubt that Stuart Is In entire sympathy with the strong plat form on which he has been nominated, and that If elected governor he may lie depended upon to carry It out in the purposes of his administration. "Stuart today Is unquestionably stronger than his pnrty, or rather the party organization behind him." rniit-i'i'MMiiry l-'xin'iinn. Acute attacks of colic and diarrhoea come nu without warning and prompt relief must be obtained. There is no necessity of incurring the expense of i physician's service in such eases if Cham berlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is at band. A dose of this rem edy will relieve the patient before a doc tor could arrivo. It has never been known to fail, oven in the most severe and dangerous cases and no family should be without it. Hold by Dunn A f ulton. Meadvllle Commercial (College, Annual Opening, Tuesday, September 4, 06 Base Hall. TIONK8TA 22, KRYltriUI 2. On account of the Prospect team of liutlalo cancelling at the last moment Saturday morning, tbe home team took on the Fryburg team for a game hero Saturday afternoon. Tbe Fryburg boya were a nne lot ol lei tows and no one in tbo crowd enjoyed the game more than they, but they were hopelessly outclassed from the start and Tionesta wou with ease. The visitors could not solve Bank head's style of pitching and thoir fielding wa ragged. As will be seen the home boys chauged positions somewhat and all put up a good game. Tney also fat tened up their batting averages. The features of tbe game were Shriver's cap ture of Faller's tly iu the seuoud Inning, after a hard run in which he fell head long, and II. Hank head's home run in the fourth inning with the bases full. Tbe score: TIONKSTA. All R II l'O A K Weaver, 2b 5 2 2 1 4 0 Lawrence, lf-s 4 5 2 0 3 1 Haslet, s-lf. 6 4 5 1 1 0 Amer, lb (I 4 3 II 0 0 J. Bankhead, 3b (1 2 2 0 0 0 St roup, rf-2b 2 1111 Foreman, c 0 1 4 7 2 0 Shriver, mf 5 113 0 0 U. Bankhead, p 6 110 3 0 40 22 21 27 U 2 KRYIIUKU. All R H I'll A K Hufnagel. If. 3 0 1 0 0 0 11. Ditz, 3b 4 0 0 2 2 3 Eisenman, p-mf 4 0 0 0 0 1 A. Ditz, c 4 0 1 7 4 0 Faller, lb 4 118 0 1 Brown, uif-s 4 1110 0 Oreer, s-p 4 0 1 2 4 3 Shettler, 2b 4 0 0 4 2 1 Bauer, rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 34 2 5 21 12 0 Tionesta 4 1 0 11 0 0 0 22 Fryburg 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 at Summary Earned runs, Tionesta 15; home run, II. Bankhead; three base bits, Haslet, Arner; two base hits, Weaver, Lawrence, Haslet, Arner, Brown; stolen bases, Weaver 3, Lawrence 5, Aruer 1, Shriver 1, Hufnagel 2; struck out, by Bankhead 0, by Greer 6; base ou balls, olf Bankhead 1, off Eisenman 3; passed balls, Foreman 1, Ditz 1; double plays, Oreer and Faller, Shettler unasaisted; left on bases, Tionesta 6, Fryburg 5; first base on errors, Tionesta 7, Fryburg 2. Time, 1:45. Umpire, E. W. Bowman. YANIOANS 1(1, LKKl'KR 0. The Tionesta Yanigans went out to Leeper last Wednesday to show the boys there bow to play the game and evidently they are proficient teacLers. Tbe game was marked by heavy bitting on tbe part of the Yanigans. who won in easy fash ion. St roup and Foreman Were tbe bat tery for the Yanigans. The feature of tbe game was Foreman's clean home ruu with tbe bases full. . Thore is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until tbe hist few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great mauy years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remodies, and bv constantly tailing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to lie a con stitutional diseaso, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Halls Catarrh Cure, manufoctured by F. J. Choney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure ou the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonlul. It acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They oiler one hundred dollars for' any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars aud tes ti monials. F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. l.nbor Day t'f Ichrntion at Wnrren, I'n. For the Labor Day Celebrath n at War ren, September 3, the Pennsylvania Rail road Company will sell excursion tickets to Warren nu September 3. nood to re turn until September 4 inclusive, from Oil City, Salamanca and intermediate points, Corry, Kane and intermediate points, at reduced rates, (minimum rate 25 cents.) it Vt linl In Thinking Mnrliliirf A brand new remarkable series of de tective stories, the best ever written; will begin in The Philadelphia Sunday Press on September Second. Eacb story is complete In itself, and one will be pub- isneii eacn ween. Tun author lias con trived In an extremely ingenious way to invent a unique situation for each tale. The problems ottered are so involved that no solution seems possible until Prof, van uusen, the lalkinu Machine, is called up on wbo invariably straightens out tbe miucuiuea by remarkably uovel methods. One of these stories appears each week exclusively in The Philadelphia Sunday rre8s, wnicn is tne greatest Sunday news paper in the country. Be sure and tell your newsdealer to serve you with The Sunday Press as you cannot afford to miss this grra' series of stories. PROCLAMATION. Whkrkas. The Hon. W. M. I.indsev. President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Qunrtor Sessions in and for the county of Forest, has issued his pre cept for holdingA Court ofCommon Pious, Hiiarior sessions oi mo reaco, Orphans' uouri, uyer aim Terminer and Oenoral Jail Dolivory,. at Tionesta, for tbe County of Forest, to commence on the Fourth Monday of September, being the 21th day of September, 1900. No tice is therefore given to the Cor oner, Justices of "tbo Peace ami Con stables of said county, that they bo then and there iu their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., ot said day with thoir records, inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do Uiomo tilings wnicn to uicir oiiico appertain to Do done, andtothosewhoareboiiudin recogn i zauce to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in thejail of Forest County, that they may be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given un der my hand and seal this 27th day of August, A. D. lUOti. A. W. STROUP, L.s.1 Shoriff. Tltl VI. I.I.ST. List of causes set down for trial in tho Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania, commencing on the Fourth Monday of September, 1SI06: 1. George M". Miller vs. J. M. Remia and Harry Kemis, doing biisine-s as J. M. Bemis A Son. No. 17, September Term, 1004. Summons in assumpsit. 2. James Burnes vs. O. F. Miles aud Gardner, partners doing business as Miles A Gardner. No. 43, May Term, 1005. Appeal from J. P. 3. T. D. Collins, F. X. Kreitler, F, K. Brown and W. W. Dickey vs. L. S Cloiigh and T. K. Bradley. No. 5, Sep. tember Term, 1005. Summons in eject ment. 4. James J. Mnnross vs. A. Mahon No. 10, February Term, l'.HXI. Appeal from J. P. 6. T. I). Collins vs. South Pemi Oil Co. No. 12, November Term, 1005. Sum uions iu ejectment. Attest, J. C.GEIST, Prothonotary. Tionesta, Pa., August 27, 1000. Confirmation Notice. Notice is hereby given that the follow iim accounts have been tiled in my ollice and will 1)0 presented at the next term of Court lor eonlirmallon : First and final account of I). B. Shield", administrator ol inn estate ot reter V. Mercilliott, late of .looks township, For est county, fa ueceastu. First and final account ot D. It. Shields, administrator d. b. n, c. t. a. of the estate of Jacob Mercilliott, late of Jenks town shin. Forest county. Pa., deceased. First and final account-ot F. F, Hart, administrator of the esiate of James Nevison, late of Koek Creek, Ohio, do censed, J. C. GKIST. Clerk of Orphans' Court. Tionesta, Pa., August Z7, 1000. MM Walk-Over Styles for Fall and Winter, Sold only by mora & son. First Showina of Boys' and Children's Clothing for Fall Season. Some strictly new and up-to-date styles for Children, Boys aud Young College Men. Russian Blouse for the littlo fel lows, 2 to 4 yearn. Price, 5 to $8, with the bloomer trousers. Norfolk Suits for older boys, ages 7 to Hi years. Price, $3 50 to $8.50, with knickers or straight trousers. Stylish Fall Top Coats in covert clotb, ages 2 to 12 years. Price, $(. In fact we have everything here to dress your boy economically and well and everything we show is strictly new aud up-to-date. THE McCUEN CO. 2b AND 29 SENECA ST. , OIL CITY. PA. Fred. Grettcnborgor GENERAL. BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit titiKsaud General lilacksmithing prompt ly done at low Kates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, am) satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of and just west of the Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. O RETT EN R E KG K K Jos. M. E?xvm PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER. Repairs Hollers Mills Tanks Agitators ISiij and Nell Second - hand Hollers Etc. Wire or letter orders promptly at tended to. End ofSugpenRinti Bridge, Third ward, Olli CITlf, 1M. Car Load of Buggies, Head-wagons, Surreys and Spring-wagous. All Buggies Guaranteed and Prices Right. Come early aud get your choice. Am also headquarters for ALL Machinery, Wagons, jl Ready-made Harness, ccc. Lund limo in stock ready for drill. Always nt my ware rooms on Satur days. Come in I J. G. BROMLEY TIONESTA, TA. Chamberlain's wiShRiracdy. Never fails. Buy it now. U may save life. -.rxaTSirrrxmatx RlOICWO(lxVA(il0III!IIIG)rSWt Take Laxative Bromo Quinine i Tablets, Seven Million boxes sold in past 1 2 months. ThlS Signature, HELP! Wc want every man in town to help him self to the bargains wc arc offering. Here's Our Oiler oi' Quality. We will make you u Suit or Overcoat to your personal measure, such as you see on the backs of the best dressers, but at a price of less than half what they pay. The workmanship and materials will be of the finest quality, while the style and fit will be faultless. Suits or Made to $18 We are offering this inducement for men to buy clothes now, inasmuch as wo must clear our tables of all light-weight goods to make room lor our fall stock. Therefore if you want a suit or overcoat perfect in each and every detail, call on us and secure one at the famous Glasgow rates. Prompt and careful attention given to all mail orders and samples sent lrcc on request. Glasaow Woolen Mills Co., WORLD'S LARGEST TAILORS. 22 SEsYtT. OIL CITY, PA. Monarch Clothing Co. Clothing Selling Unparalleled In any Surrounding Territory. Clearing Our Shelves for New Fall and Winter Goods. Men's Null" All wool fancy mixtures, worsteds, plain Clay or serge, French black or Thibet, made by "Soellouberg" or "Hersbficld." High class goods per fectly tailored in tbe newest style, all cut loug with vents, double or single breamed. Values $10 to $20. At $5.J8, 8 98, $10.08. Men's suits of this season's goods, all wool mixtures, worsteds, plain cheviots or mercerized worsteds, per fectly tailored and made in the latent Styles, double or single breasted. Values $7 50 to $12. At $4.98, $(i 08, $7.98. ISoyM' Suits. All wool cheviots, mixtures, plain or fancy worsteds, for boys in agos 7 to 17, made double breasted or Nor folk style with straight or bloomer pants. These goods made by "Snel lenberg" or "The Viking." All new goods of new fall fabrics. Vxlnes $2.50 to $7.50. At $1.98, $3 98, $4.98. Men's lanl. Men's Jean or cotton pauts ol beBt materials made, guaranteed ueve to rip, aod made by Sweet, Orr & Co. We guarantee these better than any MONARCH CLOTHING CO. NEXT TO CHAMBERS' Oil flTV DA NEW BUILDING, UIL Ul I Y, MA. area inyFH:TrLIJW!JIl.Uii'!liJ;,'JUi; J To Cure a Cold in One Day In Two Da' HELP! Overcoats, Measure. regular one dollar pants. Our price is 98o. Dress mixtures or stripe worsted pants, made of best materials, perfect fitting aod eijual to tuilor intde. Our price $1.98 Fine Globe worsted pants of neat dressy stripes and latest patteriip, perfect fitting and equal to best tail ored $5, $0 aud $7 punts. Be con vinced by seeing for yourself. Our price $298 Ladles' Skirl. White linen skirts for dress or street, And made in latest Btyle. Plain or with embroidery, 69c, 98e, $1 98 Handsome Panamas, Secillian, mohair or broadcloth skirls, all late styles and newest pHtterns. Values $4 to $G.fi0. At $2 98, $3 98, $4 98 Voile skirts of fine black material, also extra fine broadcloth skirt", made and trimmed linndsouiely. Values $8 to $15. At 85.98, $7.98, $9 98 Ladies' Waists, Ac. Big lines of ladies' waists, shirt waist suitt, linuu or cloth tailored suits, jackets, coals, rain coats, chil dren's coats, dresses, etc., at popular prices. SfJCyT oa every frvn dox. 25c $9bb km