THE ARNER AGENCY RoproHOiitH all the lomllnit Fire In Htirance Companies of tlie world, andean Inmireyou airalnat lima at luwoHt raten obtainable. We are also aento In Kurent county for tlie TITLE GUARANTY AND TRUST CO., which furoiahoa aocurlty for Coun ty and township olUulals. Also furnluhos bonds lor HOTEL LICENSES at a nominal foe. A nice line of lteal EHlrtte Deals always to be had at tins agency. C. I AM & SOIl, TIONKSTA and MARII5NVILLK, PA, Annual Opening, TUESDAY, September 4th, 190G Prepare you rolf lor tho OPPORTUN ITY that is sure to coino, IM us tell you all about our organization, courses of utility, lamntv, etc, we irlvn yon an ed ucation THAT IS Of USE. ENROLL NOW. Soud for our catalogue aud liter ature. 91 end vl He Commercial College, McadvIIle, ln. TIIK SCHOOL THAT GETS RESULTS LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. . NKW AlHTEKTIMKMKNTrt. Joe Levi. Ad. Iainuiors. Ad. Hopkins. Locals. Win. B. James, Ad. Robinson S Hon. Ad. OiU'itv Trust Co. Ad. I'ror. H. B. Hydo. Ad. (Marlon Normal, Locl. Smart it Sllberborg. Ad. Ediuboro Normal. Local. Look Haven Normal. Local. V. R. Lanson. Adm'r Notice. Meadville Commercial College. Ad. Oil market closed at $1.5. You can get It at Hopkins' store, tf The subjoot of Rov. V. O. Calhoun' surmou at the M, E. church next Sabbath evening will be "Unreasonable People." Ediuboro Normal surrounds students by Influences favorable to study. Fall term, September 11th. John F. lligler, Principal. It -Win, Shellhouse, of Oormau Hill, has the thanks of the liKrum.icAN force lor a mess of nice eating apples from his prolillo orchard, Rev. Dr. Slouaker's subjects for next Sabbath at the Presbyterian church are: Morning -"Man's Duly to Man," Evening-" A Self-Made Man." At the rate all wai m weather goods are Belling at the Hopkins store these days it would pay you to lay iu a stock for next summer if you have no use for tliem thiB season. It Clarion Stain Normal School opens September 4. Expenses for the year (41 weeks) to jronp?ctive teachers, $1:10.00. Write for catalogue to J. Ooorge Recht, Principal, Clarion, Pa. . It If you ever expect to wear one of the fiimnus Woo hex skirts now is tho time to soon re the garment. They are selling at about half pri'o at Hopkins' store, aud the stock won't last long at the price asked, Among a long lint of new pensions souured by Congressman Sibley at Ibe late session of Congress for his constitu ents, the uame of Orlando ltingman, of Nebraska, this couuty, appearajts one of the fortunate ones, Recent heavy rains have resuscitated the blackberries aud the crop is turning out much bolter than appearances three wooks ago Indicated it would. Berries picked In the shaded places are large aud of a very flue flavor. Messrs. O. W. Nobllt and D. W. Morrison, of Tionesta, last week disposed of the timber which they purchased some time ago from Samuel Crawford, iu Howe township, to F. A. Kellor. They liBd not beguu to manufacture it into lumber. The annual state convention of coun ty commissioners will be held in Lan caster on the 111st, 22d and 23d of this month. Many Important questions aie tobetakon up. The program, which is an interesting oue, will include a paper rem! by State Highway Commissioner llUlllei Oil goud luttlin. The Department of Agriculture has issued its schedule of dates for Farmers' Institutes In the various conntles of the State, In this couuty thedatesand places Rre as follows: Tionosta, Fobrnary 1st and 2d, 1IKI7; and at Clarington, February 4th and 6th. Hou. C. A. Randall, Tlo nosta, Is the chalrmau. A slight riso in the Allegheny Rivor and Tionesta Crook the latter part of the week enabled the Forest Rarge Co. of West Hickory to move four barges, and the WslMon Lands Lumber Co. of Ne braska to move six barges, tho first In several mouths. All are tied up here, however, awaiting more water. Thomas Mays wishes to announce to t'ie farmers of this vicinity that he is prepared to do custom grinding of heat, rahnm, and buckwheat Hour at his grist mill, located uuat his home, iu Tionesta. The mill is well fitted up, using the burr stone process. He guarantees the flour to be as good as t lie best. Give him a call. Lorna, tho fl-j oar-old daughter of J. A. Small, of Nebraska, met with a pain ful accident last Saturday. Her brother was playfully running a speoder on tiie sidetrack near their home, and the little miss, who was In her bare fuel, got the great toe of her right foot caught in the cog gearing, tearing the end of the toe and nail nil'. The Lock Haven State Normal School closed the most successful year in its history. Its new catalogue contaiuiug 122 pagos, beautifully Illustrated, is now ready for distribution. This is one of the great schools of our state and affords the best available advantages for the traiuiuir. of teachers, fitting for College or llusiiiess. Its departments of Music aud Elocution are also largely patronized and thoroughly equipped. The fall term begins Septem ber 10th. Address for catalogue, the the Principal, J. R. Flickinger, Lock Haven, Pa. -R - The Tionesta ball team have received their new uuiforms and made neat ap pearance when thoy walked out on the field last Saturday. The suits are or gray flannel with a blank "T" on the breast, a black cap with a white "T," and black stockings, "Talk about the beautiful blue Juni ata," said an Oil City man, recently returned 1rnm a trip through the eastern part of the slate, "the old Alle gheny has It heat 40 ways for beauty, scenery and curves." And no it has. Blizzard, And llsh stories, The building committee of the Swed ish Lutheran church received acarload of lumber yesterday, a donation from N. P. Wheeler, the well-known lumberman of Endeavor, Pa. The stonework on the basement of the new church is well under way, and the contract for the entire build ing will probably be awarded In a few days.-Oil City Derrick, 11th. The Tionesta ball team has a good game scheduled for Friday afternoon of this week, at 3:30 o'clock, with the Mon-ongal-.ola City team, one of the leaders of the Monongahela Valley League. This ought to be a fast game and worth going miles to see. Don't miss it. The local team also expects to play the All-Tltus- villes at Titusville next Saturday. The suspension bridge at Tidinute was put out of commission Sunday after noon when an attempt was made to drive 150 mustang ponies across the structure at one time. The weight was too much for the iron cables underneath the drive way and the bridge sagged. This herd of horses will be brought to Tionosta and tomorrow will be offered at public sale by Johnson Bros. A train telephoue has been Invented and it Is expected that before long It will be possible for the engineer and other train-hands of any train to call up those on any othor train and talk as much as they please. This would enable the oper ator in the train dispatcher's office to cor root the kind of mistakes that now puts two trains over the same bit of track in opposite directions, Sdinuel Aul, of Loleta, who recently purchased the Rob Robinson place at the outskirts of Marienvillo, is making one of the finest farms in Forest counly. His farmer, Mr. Hoover, understands his business and his work is showing for itself. That the land about here will raise crops is a sure thing without a question of doubt, judging from the appearance of Mr. Aul's place. Express. The musical features of (lie week of August twentieth to twenty-fourth at Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, New York, will oonsist of three concerts: on Monday evening a performauco in which the Male Glee Club and Mandolin Club will take the principal part; on Wednesday afternoon the usual popular concert; and on Friday evening one in which all will feel a familiar intorest, "Auld Lang Syne." Contractor Joyce completed the work of erecting the stone abutments for the new bridge over Tionesta creek at Kel lottville last week, and on Saturday the County Commissioners made au inspec tion of the same, which thoy found to be yery substantial piece of masonry, strong enough to withstand the wear and tear, storms and floods of the next cen tury or two. The superstructure is to be a single span and will he placed in posi tion, no doubt, within the next two months. -On Saturday night last Aeronaut Leo Stevens, the airship loveutor, sailed Ma jor Miller's big ship several times over the city of Frauklln, landing finally in an open field on the opposite side of the riv er at 11 o'clock at night. The navigator made two ascensions, being accompanied Iu the early part of the evening by Mrs, Miller, wife of the Major, and it is said she is the first woman to take a ride in an airship. They were about 500 feet high when the gas engine declined to work, and It was necessary to come down aud make repairs. A Marieuville scribe writes that the ball team of that place went to Claring ton Friday, and for tho third time this season defeated the club of that town, 18 to 1 1. The heavy rains made the diamond so wet that fast playing was impossible and numerous errors were made on both sides. The game, was lively, however, and the spectators enjoyed it. The feat ure was the all-around playing of Harp. The Clarington infield was badly broken up by tbe absence of Dunkle. Batterie Marienville, Keating, Leech and Mor rison; Clarington, Shields, Royer and Hepler. The canning Beasnu Is now thor oughly ou and if you are a little chary about eatiug the "tailor-made" article it will be In order to get busy in the kitchen aud put up your own stuff, which you can approach next-winter with all con fidence that you are not devouring a big poicenlago of formaldehyde or some oth er poisonous preservative. Tho tomato and borry crops are claiming tlie moat attention just now, and soon the peach and other fruits will be ready for the cau. Corn is put up fairly well, iu the higher priced brands, and need not be canned at home iu order to secure a good quality. ' Iu connection with State Treasurer Berry's policy of paying tlie state school appropriation, Is an Interesting statement made from Hnrrlsburg to the effect that It has been the moans of losing the state some twenty thousand dollars interest without conferring any corresponding benefits upon tlie school districts of the state. This looks like reform of a rather expensive brand. If it is a fact that the various districts have no particular use for the money until the fall term of school opens, the old practice of delaying tlie payments until the money is needed, might be returnod to with profit by "Lid Lifter" Borry. Tlie first requisite for business suc cess Is to establish a reputation for the prompt payment of all bills. No man will succeed iu business unless he is thoroughly honost and pays his bills cheerfully, and with au apology rather than a yammer. A man who does not take pride In giving to every man his duo cannot maintain a standard of re spectability iu the community iu which he resides. Young iiihu just eutorlng business should have this truth forcibly impressed upon them, for credit is tlie best part of any man's capital, and with out a reputation for the prompt payment of his debts it is impossible to establish that coufideuce which one good business man should have Iu another. Punxy Spirit. PERSONAL. Miss Minnie White, of Erie, is guest of Mrs, James Landers. Miss Gertrude Bauslough, of Reno, is a guest of Mrs, James Haslet. Miss Elizabeth Dickluson, or Shef field, is a guest of Mrs. J. O. Oeist. Attorney A. C, Brown was a business visitor at Clarion a day or two of last week. Mrs, Frank K, Brown, of Mayburg, Is visiting relatives In town. Brookville Democrat. Supt. Leon Watson, of tlie S. & T, railroad, was down from Kellettville yes terday or business. J, B. Maze, of Barnett tovAiship, was a business visitor at tbe county seat a day or two of last week, Mrs, R, A, Hopkins and two chil dren, of Erie, Pa., are guests of Mr, and and Mrs, L. J, Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs, James Butler and Mr and Mrs, Charles Butler spent Sunday with relatives iu Warren, Misses Gertrude Stubier and Myra Weaver, of Oil City, are guests of their Bunt, Mrs. C, F. Weaver. Dr. Petar, L. A, Fehluian and A Beasnn, of Kellettville, were Tionesta visitors Monday evening. Misses Gertrude and Mary Louise Irwin, of Franklin, are guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Samuel D, Irwin. Mrs, Harry Carr, of Duquesoe, Pa., accompanied by her children, is a guest at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Blum. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Andrews and young daughter, or Cleveland, Ohio, are guests at the home of tbe Doctor's mother, atKollettville. Miss Clara Knhns, of Leeper, on her way to visit friends at Cambridge Springs, was the guest of heroousin, Miss Bertha Vo tight, Monday. Kribbs fe Ray, liverymen of Kellett ville, lost, one of their valuable horses Monday morning, the animal having been seized wiih colic Mrs. F. E. Schoolmaster, of Brad ford, Pa., accompanied by her two chil dren, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Suodgrasa, Frank McNeal, or Kane, geueral su perintendent of the Forest Chemical com pany's operations at Barnes and Lynch, was a business visitor in Tionesta last Wednesday. Win. II. Hunter went to Belmont, N. Y., this morning, where he will have charge of a drilling machine for a com pany which has a large amount of terri tory to drill for oil. Miss Olive Lanson came home from Jamestown, N. Y,, Friday evening for a two weeks' vacation. Miss Reed, her music teacher, camewlth berand remain ed over the Sabbath as her guest. We learn that our old friend Joseph Erb, of West Hickory, was taken severe ly ill on Friday with something in the nature of heat prostration. He was feel ing better at last accounts aud was able to be out Monday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs, Charles A. Cropp, of Cropp Hill, Aug. 11th, a daughter. To Mr, and Mrs. Win. Myers, of Nebraska, Aug. 11th, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ahlers, of ICiugsley twp., Aug. 9th, a son. Edward U. Hollingshead, of Brad ford, Pa,, on Saturday joined his wife and daughter, who were the guests of Mrs. A, A. Pease during tlie past ten days. They departed Tuesday morning for a visit with Mr. Hollingshead's par ents at Elk City, Pa. Mrs. 8. M. Whitehill, accompauied by her grand-children, Misses Jane Leech aud Margaret Yetter, slopped a few days with her daughter here, Mrs. J. E.Wenk, whlloon hor way home in Marienville, from a three months' visit at Cameron, W. Ya., and Muncie, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs, A, W, Cook and son, A, Wayne, Jr., returned tho latter part of last week from thoir trip to Europe, covering a couple of mouths. Their itinerary cov ered many places of interest on the con tinent, and the vacation was thoroughly enjoyed. Brookville Republican, Mrs. Suie Mary Sharpe, department president of the Pennsylvania W. R. C left ou the evening train Friday for Pitts burg, where she was Joined by her oifl clal staff, and together they journeyed to Minneapolis to attend the National En campment of tlie Grand Army of tbe Re public, which is held in that city this week. J. M. Chandler, of Dayton, O.,onoof the veterans of the 83d Pa. Volunteers who went to the front in 18C2 and fol lowed the flag to the end of the war, vis ited his brotlier-in law, ex-SherlQ' Nob lit, of Tionesta, last week. While hero be made the acquaintance of a number of Grand Army men and had a pleasant visit. He was formerly chief of police of Dayton, Albert Rudolph, of Newtown Mills, this couuty, and Miss Mary A. Fitzger ald, of Black's Corners, Clarion county, were quietly wedded at the Rural House, Tionesta, yesterday afternoon, Rev. Paul J, Slonaker, of the Presbyterian church, officiating. Those excellent young peo ple have many friends In this couuty who will wish thorn many years of happy married life. Shefliold Obsoryer, Aug. mh: Pro- thnnotary J. C, Gelst, of Tionesta, is in town to-day, Phil Ekas and Earl Yet- tor are iu from Lynch to-day, Mr. aud Mrs. E. A. Yetter aud daughter Madaline, of Lynch, were in town Monday, The Forest Chemical Co, drilled in a good gas well on their lease at Lynch last night. Postmaster James Campbell, of Lynch, was in town Friday and made a call at this olllco. August Stromiiiiist, of Marienville, was in town Friday and Saturday, and Mrs. Stromquist and tlie girls, who have been here since the iuueral of her mother, returned with him. W. C. Holmes, of Randolph, Pa., father of Conductor Holmes of tho S. it T., and Mrs. N. E. llolmos, accompanied Ueue to Sheffield on bis run Friday, and the Ob server was favored with a pleasant call. Sale of Horses. Johnson Bros, will bring iu a hundred horses which they will sell at public salo at 8. S. Cantield's livery bam, Tionosta, next Thursday, the llith lust., W. F. Molntyre, auctioneer. Terms of sale, three months' time with approved se curity. This will be a good clianoe to pick up good stock. It John Charleston Dies From Accident. John Charleston, a citizen for ninny years of Tionesta, was fatally injured on Thursday evening last, while driving down an old road on Tubbs Run with a load of ties, He was seated on fop of the load when crossing a bridge when the braces underneath gave way, tipping the wagon completely over, and throwing Mr, Charleston violently to the ground. The accident happened within a few rods of the home of Martin Saulsgiver, who, with bis son, and Mr. Charleston's son, James, were almost immediately present and gave what assistance they could The Injured man had s'ruck his right side Just above the hip against a stone or some hard substance, and was so pain fully hurt that be had to be carried to his home, a distance of about two miles, on a cot. Physicians were summoned, but it was Impossible to determine at once whether he had sustained any internet injuries, Friday night Dr. Siggins, of Oil City, was called in consultation, and on Saturday morning an operation was determined upon as the only chance of saving Mr, Charleston's lite. It was found that tbe concussion had been so great as to rupture the bladder; and con ditions were such as to render surgical skill unavailing, and at 10:30 the unfor tunate man passed away. The death of Mr. Charleston, especially under such distressing circumstances was a great shock to this whole community, where be was so well known and much respected. He was born near Stockholm, Swwlon, iu the year 181i. At tbe age of 25 he came to this country locating first at Youugsville, Pa, Iu 1874 he camo to Tionesta and here he was united in mar riage with Miss Louise W. Law.-on, Jan uary 8, 1884. To thorn fight children were born, seven ot whom are living- Charles, Benjamin, James, Huldah, El len, Anna and Harrison. Besides those children the deceased is survived by hs widow, one brother, August, a well known resident of tills vicinity, and a brother and sister in Sweden. Mr Charleston was a tnemberof the Lutheran church, having joined it in early child hood iu Sweden. The funeral services were held at the family home Sundiy afternoon at 2:30, tbe Rev. Paul J, Slonaker officiating, Tbe interment was .made in Riverside Cemetery, Mr. Charleston was one of our best citizens, quiet and unassuming but pos sessing all the qualities of a good man He will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to tbe widow and children in their Bad bereavement. " Bids Opened on New Macadam Road. All other things being equal, contractor R. A. Bigley, of Franklin, will be award' ed tlie contract for building tbe new mac adam road which tbe State Highway de partment will build from the mouth of Tubbs Run, in Tionesta township, to tlie Hickory township line, a distance of 8,831 feot. Bids were opened at llarris- burg on the 6th iust., and were as follows: W. R. Lyons, Harrisburg, H5,08fi.G5; Nelson Construction Co., Cbambersburg, ? 14,3.-2.88j R. A. Bigley, Franklin, $12,- 443.35; John J, Hanna, Jr., Franklin, (17,555.41. Tbe State department bad not awarded the cou tract when beard from a day or two ago, but Mr, Bigley's bid being the lowest be will doubtless be the one who will build the road. In consul tation with one of our county commis sioners a short lime ago Mr, Bigley said, if he secured the contract, be would bo- gin work at once with a view to com pleting the road before winter set in, Clarington. The Marienville base ball club can e down last Thursday and brought Mr. Leech, of Pittsburg, Pa., to throw the curves. We did not learn whether he was a member of tbe league or not, but by the way our fellows didn't bit him he is surely all right, as it was a merry-go-round, 18 to 11 in favor of the visiting team. W. H. Pickens, of the Marienville Ex press, was a visitor to our town one eve ning last week. Mrs, W. D. Shields is home from Cam bridge Springs greatly improved in health. 'Jack," everybody's dog, took his de parture by the chloroform route, A few amateurs performed the operation and we learn it was successful. J.J. Thompson, of New York, Wm. Truman and H. E. Darr, of Brookville, were in town last week. They are drill ing a well on Coleman. They did not get anything in the Speecliley or Bradford sands and are going ou down to the Kane. Mrs, Mecbling and children are back from Chautauqua, Jas, Reed, proprietor of Lone Creek Park, met with a serious accident, falling from a roof he was painting, and is going around on crutches. 'Squire Wilton was in town one day last week. He and his family are visit ing Mrs. Wilton's mother, Mrs. Piquig not, on Blue Ridge. Rev. J. E. Hillard, of Slippery Rock, was here visiting his father, Robert Hil lard. Mrs. VanHoru is visiting in Chicago. Curt Williams is home from Pittsburg for a short stay. The young couple of this place that have been .having so much trouble and contention have kissed and made up, burned all brldgos, cancelled all contracts made in tho past, and it is hoped by all they will have smooth sailing from this on. J. T. Cook, (he hustling proprietor of the restaurant, is fixing up his place of business by a new coat of paint. W. E. Slaugl.onliaupt has accepted a position as bookkeeper with B. A, Shotts Sl Co., of Leopor. The Clarington volunteer fire company turned out in force one evening last week to fight a fire at Maple Crock. By heroic efforts tlie mill was saved and thero was no loss of lumber. Nniiiitirr llinrrlim-n In ( lillilrrn. During tlie hot weather of tho summer months the first unnatural looseness of a child's bowels should have immediate at tention, so as to check the disease before it becomes serious. All that is necessary is a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil to cleanse the sys tem. Rov. M. O. Htoekland, Pastor of the lirstM. E. church, Little Falls, Minn., writes: "We have used Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy lor several years an I Mud it a very valuable remedy, especially ror summer nisorners in children." Sold by Dunn t Fullou. RECENT DEATHS. CHRISTINA S, OSOOOI). The subject of this sketch, who died at the residence of her ton, J, Edward Os good, on Monday, Aug. 13, 1008, at East Hickory, widow of Hiram Osgood, who died on January 21, 18S0, was an old resi dent of tills county. Hor maiden name was Christina Shelace, and she was born September 11, 1832, at Roherda, Hesse Cassel, (iermany. Coming to this coun try with her uncle, Bernard Bush, in a sailing ressel when right years of age, she might be called a life long resident of Pennsylvania. The voyage was made In seven weeks, which was considered to be great speed in those days, but very slow compared with tlie voyages now made in as many days. She left Germany about May 1st, landing in Baltimore in July. Went thence to Pittsburg by canal boat and up tlie Allegheny River to what is now Nebraska in a lumber wagon. These journeys are given to show the hardships and difliciilty of travel in those early days and are Interesting at the present time. Site remained in hor uncle's family one year and lived in the family of A. B. Root one year. In 1811 she went to Ross Run, living in the family of Atnasa Purdy, an old pioneer of happy memory, where sue remained for six yea's; thence coming to Tionesta, and lived in tlie fam ily of Robert McBiide, whereslie married Hiram Osgood in 1851, the wedding tak ing place at West Hickory, Oct. fith, Wm. Siggins, J. p., officiating. This history of her life is indeed interesting, as it re calls tbe names of i lie pioneers Forest county worthies who made "the desert to blossom as tho rose," and whose memory is revered to this day by their numerous descendants. She had eight children, all of whom mrvive her cave one, viz: Jennie H,, intermarried with W, F. Jones, who died Dee. 3, 1888. The names of the surviving children areas follows: George W. and John R., of Tionesta; William L. and Warren B., of Kingsley twp.j Mrs. La vinia Rudol h, of Endeavor; Mrs. Annie Behrens, of German Hill, and James Edward, of Fast Hickory, all of whom are numbered as descendants of an old and respected family. Mrs. Osgood's life was marked by en ergetic attention to" her family and tbe full perfoimance of all the duties and responsibilities of a good woman and was best appreciated by those who knew her best. She was generous and hospita ble and had a kindly interest in the wel fare of others aud of course the retained a large circle of steadfast friends all through ber exemplary and usolul life. In faitb she was a Christian and from early lite was a devoted aud consistent member of theGormau Reformed church, Tbe funeral services, conducted by Rev. Dr. Slonaker, takes place today, Wednesday, the interment being in the Evangelical church cemetery, German Hill, beside her beloved husband. She Is mourned by her relatives and her memory will be cherished by hosts of friends, s. n. i. In this connection the family of the de ceased desire us to express their grati tude to the friends and neighbors at East Hickory and Endeavor for tlie many acts of kindness shown their mother during her last illness. FREDERICK LACY. Many Forest county Irionds will sym pathize with Mr. Frederick C, l acy, ol Philadelphia, in the death of his son, which occurred last week while on a visit to relatives at Erie. The Evening Times, ol the 8th lust., has tbe following account of the young man's death : "The death of Frederick Lacy, Jr., at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Chester W. Stranahan, at 4 o'clock this morning, Is one of those strange providences that can never be solved on earth. He was the son of Frederick C. Lacy, of Philadelphia, and came here a few weeks ago to spend bis summer vacation, as bad been bis custom for several years. He was 15 years of age, cheerful and sunny in dis position, and dearly loved by all who knew him. He was always desirous of doing some kindness for someone and it seems such a strange thing that so sweet and pure a life, with so much of useful ness and helpfulness ahead of it, should be thus suddenly cut off. It is only a fow days ago that the young man was active in doing what he could to assist in seeing some of tlie little orphans trans ported to the country for two weeks, and one of tbe tenderest messages received at The Times ofllce was brought by his hands, Tho funeral will take place from the residence of Dr. Stranahan and the remains will bo laid to rest beside those of bis mother in tho Erlo cemetery." o. r. I.OUGKK. Oilman F, Lougee died at his home at tho Fogle Farm, Harmony township, on Friday, August 10, 1906, agod 57 years. He was born in Venango county and has resldod in Vonango and Forest counties all his life, the past twenty years being spout on tlie Allender farm in Harmony tow iiHiiip, but moved about one year ago to the Fogle Farm, where he died. Mr. Lougee married Miss Anua Holscel iu the year 1800, who with one daughter Susan, survives hiui. He Is also sur vived by oue brother, John Lougee, of Kellettville, aud two sisters. The funeral services wore conducted by Rev. E. L. Monroe at the White Church on Sunday afternoon at two o'clock, followed by the interment in tho church yard at the same place and hour. I have hail Briuht's disease for three years aud havo used several kidney rem edies ami employed four different doc tors, without benolit. 1 havo now taken two bottles of Thompson's Barosma and am 75 pur cent, butter. My general health and appetite aro improving every day, 0, 10. Riclitmyor, Thurston, Steuben Co., N. Y, Thompson's Barosma, 50c and $ I, at Dunn A Fulton's. tf Moitiiirli Trmitilfs mid CoicliiifitliMi. t No one can reasonably hope for good digestion when the bowel) are const i- paled. Mr. Chas. Baldwin, of Edwards ville, 111,, says: "I sull'orod from chronic constipation and stomach troubles for several yoars, but, thanks to Chamber lain's Stomnch and Liver Tablets, am al most cured." Why not got a package of these tablets and get woll and slay well? Price 25 cents. Samples froo. For salo by Dunn A Fulton. -San-Ciira Ointment is perfectly harm less ami is a great aid in preventing scar. San-Cura Ointment cures cuts, burns, bruises, boils, carbuncles, piles, old sure, pimples and eczema. 25rj and 50c, at Dunn A Fultons'. tf If You're Going to Paint This spring, you had belter investigate the superior qual ities of Patton's Sun Proof Paint. We give a written guarantee that it will wear 5 years, a "guarantee thai make good any deficiency in the value of the paint. This paint is guaranteed and the user is so protected because it Etaods the weather and will wear. It Is the Best Paint Made. Bovard's Pharmacy. HOPKINS' STORE. THE DULL MONTH. July is always called the dull month. A General Shaking Up. We are going to give the dull days of July a shaking up that will make them busy days, and we are going to Do It With Prices. . We Have too Many Goods. Too many Hats, Too many Shoes, Too many Shirts, Too many White Goods, Too much Summer Dress Goods. We are going to put a price on them that will hustle them out. Come early. L. J. HOPKINS. An Oxford There's a stir among the Men's, "Women's, Misses' and Children's Oxlords. We would rather count money than Ox lords. J udging from appearances we must have too many Oxfords by about 1,000 feet, all good styles and bought this season, but they don't want to be counted. They would rather be on somebody's feet, and our low prices will put them there. Sycamore, Seneoa aud Contre Untold Awaits the mail who will lind a way to keep trousers from bagging at tho knees up to this time the nearest approach to such a boon is an extra pair. In our spring and summer suits were many extra pairs of trousers aud there wuro innoy pairs of odd onos several hundred altogether and tnoro than we want right now and some very templing prices have bueu placnd o;i thorn to help this decrease. You cttu lind juNt wliut you want at $2.00 to $5.00 This is house-cleaning hi awn with us and we've applied the limniu with vigor iu many places, ami it' you ued a suit for next summer it will pay you to buy uow, as clothing will uot be less in price. Summer Comfort Manhattan Negligee Shirts. Si 50 to $'J. Our Own Brand Negligee Shirts, 81. Uuiou Suits, Mousing made, $1 to ?. Light Weight Wash Neckwear, 25o was 50c. ha M ME roFFEL PR 41 X43SENECA ST. Do You REALIZE This is a Season of Fancy Jewelry? Here is a list of articles you cannot afford to be without: Bead Necks, Festoon Necks, Lockets, Bracelets, Crosses, Shirtwaist Sets, Fancy Stone Brooche9, Fancy Stone Scarf Tins, Hat PiuH, Cuff Pins, Belt Bins, Buck Combs, Chain and Silk Fobs. Designs Xever So Ilcautlfiil Simply Irresistible. IIAItVEY litlTZ, The Leading Jeweler, 32 SENECA. St., OIL CITY, PA. Event Streets, OIL CITY, PA Riches ICE CLOTHIERS OIL CITY. PA, MS