The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 01, 1906, Image 5

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Smart k
Cleaning Up
1,000 Yards Wash Goods, 10c
A general cleaning up of "Wash Fabrics of all
sorts and classes. It means that we have simply
assembled on one large table every yard of wash
goods leit over from the season's selling. In the
lot are goods that sold as high as 50c a yard and
hardly a yard priced lower than 25c. All must
go. None carried over.
1,000 Yards White Goods, 10c.
Lace Batistes, Mercerized Madras, Lingerie
Muslins, Swisses, &c. A table full of goods that
were 25c and 35c a yard. The price asked is
not one-half their actual value.
100 White Embroidered
Waist Patterns, 69c.
At 1.00, the price we formerly sold these at,
we considered these particularly good value.
Women's Fancy Hose, at 25c.
The last of our 50c and 75c Colored Hose.
Excellent in quality and desirable styles. Simply
put this price on them to close them out.
Oil City Trust Company.
Vice President,
Capital s e amoun f cash actually paid in by the
stockholders of a company.
Su.IDl.US s additinal money paid in by the stockholders
or profits earned and allowed to remain in the
. business.
Undivided -nt Prfits
. n i surplus nor withdrawn.
Our Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits amount to
AncFevery dollar of it protects
CENT, paid on Time Deposits.
$10 From Tionesta
Atlantic City, Cape May,
August 1 15 and 24, 1906.
TickeU good going on all regular trains
coiiuiMuing iraing iu HeaHUore poiuiN.
Stop-Over of Ten Days at Philadelphia
allowed on going trip if ticket is deposited
trip, wiiuout deposit, wltlun limit. Tickets good to return within fifteen clays.
Dirrrt Connection to. Atlantic Cil via Delaware River Bridge Route.
Full Information of Ticket Agents.
J. R. WOOD, Passenger Traflio Manager.
$1.25 from Tionesta to
and Kirn it
Saturday, August 4, 1906.
Special Fast Train leaves Tionesta 7:25 a. m. Hemming Steamer leaves Celoron
6:00 p. in., Chautauqua 6:211 p. in.
TICKETS I3lnn flM I V DM HPl'fHl. TP i TXT
Y . n.AiiuiDUIII,
General Manager.
Passenger Tratlic
earned and not transferred to
our Depositors. FOUR PER
on date of excumion to Philadelphia and
with Station Ticket Agent, or on return
GEO. W. BOYD, Oen'l Passenger Agent
General Passenger Agent
Office 4 7X National Hank Building,
Eyes ezaiuiaed free.
Exclusively optical.
by Umpires
t Fencing
Various are the uses for fans In Ja
pan. Properly manipulated, they many
times take the place of speech,. The
umpire at wrestling and fencing
matches uses a heavy fan shaped like
a huge butterfly, the handle being the
body and rendered imposing by heavy
cords of silk. The various motions
01 the fau constitute a lauguuge
which the wrestlers fully uuderstand
and appreciate. Formerly In time
oi war the Japanese commander used
a large fan, having a frame of Iron
covered with thick paper. In case of
uunger it would be shut, and a blow
liotu its iron bones was no light at
lair. One notable variety of fau Is
made of waterproof paper, which can
be dipped in water and creates great
coolness by evaporation without wet
ting the clothes. The flat fan made
of rough paper Is often used us a
grain winnow, to blow the charcoal
lii'i's and as a dustpan. The Japanese
gontk'inan of the old school who nev
er wears a hat uses his fun to shield
his eyes from the sun. His head,
bare from childhood, hardly needs
shade, and when it does he spreads
nn umbrella, and with his fan he di
rects his servants and saves talking.
Weeping at a Wedding.
A Chinese marriage Is all ceremony
jio talk, no levity and much crying.
The solemnity of a funeral prevails.
After the exchange of presents the
bi'ido is dressed with much care iu a
red gown, brocade or silk, if she can
get it; her eyelashes are painted a
deep black and she wears a heavy
red veil attached to a scarlot head
dress from which imitation pearls are
pendant over the forehead. A feast
in i-pread upon a table, to which the
blushing bride is led by five of her
best female friends. They are seated
at the table, but no one eats. The ut
most silence prevails, whin finally
the mother leads off In a cry, the
maids follow and the bride echoes in
the chorus. Then all the bridesmaids
have the table, and the disconsolate
mother takes a seat beside the chair
of state where the hrldo sits. The
ridegroom now enters, with four of
his best men. The men pick up the
throne on which the bride sits, and.
eceded by the bridegroom, form
in procession and walk around the
room or Into an adjoining pallor, sig-
Hying that he is carrying her away
his own home. The guests then
irow rice at the happy couple a cus
tom we have borrowed from the
Unbreakable Crockery.
It is reported that a Bdgiun firm Is
nking a hardened crystal dish which
n appearance closely resembles trans
lucent china of uniform shape and
uiaiiulacttire. The resistance to
hocks and sudden changes ol tempi r-
nuue of this product are remarkable.
hardened crystal dish can be sub
stituted lor a hammer driving nails
into wood, while the tableware can
be put into boiling water at a high
degree, then plunged into ice water
repeatedly, without the least notice
able damage. A set of this ware has
een in use in one Delglan family io
ten years, and, with the exception of
a tew unusual local accidents, the set
presents the same fresh appearance
as when It came from the factory.
Hales ol the usual form iu this Hard
ened ware may be hurled to the stone
floor of a warehouse and go bounding
along the whole length ol the build
ing without suffering the least dam
age. Black Lungs and Whits.
At tile Anatomical Museum in Ed
inbr.rg.i L'n.versily there is a striking
objuct h.sson showing the actual harm
dune to health by log. There are pre
served three human lungs, one quite
white, one quite black, and the otner
a dirty gray compromise between the
two. Tne white lung belonged to
an Esquimaux who had breathed all
his hie the untainted air of the Arc
tic Circle; the black lung had been
the property of a coal miner, and it
was black simply because it was im
pregnated with coal dust; the gray
lung belonged to a city dweller who
bad breathed all his life the dust-lad-eu,
log-tainted air of a great town.
Caucasian Skull Growing.
By comparing modern skulls with
those of the same race in an old mon
astery Iu the Kedron Valley, Doctor
Ui;;iit, of the Americau College of
Beirut, Syria, has shown that thir
len centuries have added two inches
to the circumference and three and a
hall' cubic inches to the capacity of
the Caucasian skull. The brain is
developed iu the parts presiding over
the moral and intellectual functions,
growing higher and longer, without
increase of the lower portions, which
give breadth to the head and In
whicn the selfish propensities are
Longest Lived Race.
The Norwegians are longest-lived
of the European people, and the Span
iards ihe shortest. The average dura
tion of life in these foreign countries
is as follows: Norway 50, England
45, Belgium 44, Switzerland 44,
France 43, Austria 39, Germany 39,
Italy 39, Bavaria 36 and Spain 32.
The Emperor's Motto.
A mirror, a crystal and a sword
are carried before .the eniperor of Ja
pan on all state occasions, "Know
thyself" Is the message of the mir
ror; "B pure and shine" is the crys
tal's Injunction; while the sword is a
reminder to "Be strong."
Ilcliing, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding
Piles. Druggists are authorized to refund
money If Pazo Ointment fails to cure in
6 to 14 days. 60o.
Free Hummer Outlim
Booklet, containing list of amuse
roeot resorts and quiet summer homes
on the Nickel Plate Road. Call on
agent or address C. A. Aeforlin, D.
I . A., 07 State street, Erie, Pa., or
B. F. Horner, G. P. A., Cleveland, O.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough.
Snertncles, Scissors, IXtm, and
Kvrn Endorsed Check Found.
City libraries are proline produc
ers of odd Incidents. Articles of
every kind and description are found
in returned volumes. There Is. for
example, a well known book mark
endeared to Its owner by some asso
catlon, which has been found In re
turned books at least one hundred
times. On two occasions Indorsed
checks were discovered between the
leaves of works of notion. The first
check, for a large sura of money,
was left by a young girl, who quick'
ly realized her loss and came back
breathless to find the check still In
the book Just where she had left It
The second check was In a book re
turned by a young man one evening
Just before the library closed. He
was waiting haggard and wan on the
doorstll when the building was
opened next morning, and stated that
as the check belonged to his brother.
who was Ignorant of the loss, the
night had known no sleep for blm,
As may be Imagined, letters are
left In books by the wholesale. If
they are sealed, addressed and lack a
Btamp It Is supplied and they are sent
on their way. But opened letters ad
dressed to persons not known are
kept a reasonable length of time and
then destroyed. Spectacles and even
scissors are frequently found, but
usually claimed by the owner.
Oernslonnllr when subscribers de
sire some book not In the library
collection it Is purchased and added
to tVo list. Several years ago a sub'
jwrlher asked for a little volume en-
til I 'd, Monologues of the Dead. It
was bought. Weeks later and after
the gentleman's dAnth by suicide the
book was returned.
Wnteh Your Compass.
To convert n watch Into a compass
!' one hns to do !s to count the
mi .ihor of hours from midnight, dl-
?l:!o by t'vo, and point the hour at
'.he sun so that the shadow of a
mulch or lend pencil falls directly
vi oss the center of the watch;
welvo oclock will be north, six
south, nine wpst, and three east.
Suppose It Is nine In the morning;
number of hours from midnight is
nln; one-half Is four and a half;
point four-filrty nt the sun so that
the shadow of n match or lead pen-
It falls across the center of watch,
iiihI twelve Is north, six south, three
east, and nine west. Suppose It is six
n the evening: number of hours
iroin midnight eighteen; point nine
.it sun. and twelve Is north, six
south, three east, and nine west.
I.:i'Hr I. aw In England.
An old labor law In England in
nice In 17K3 contained the follow
ing six clauses: Any tailor who
Jnl.ircl a union was to be sent to Jail
fo:- two months. Tailors must work
fro:n Fix o'clock In the morn
Inj; until eight at night. Wages were
not to be higher than forty-eight
cc is a day. Fach tailor wns to be
ill. owed t'liee rents for breakfast.
Any tr'ilor who refused to work was
to be imprisoned for not more than
two moth. If any employer paid
blglier wages he was to be fined (25
and the workmen who took the In
crease were to be sent to jail for two
Prei-cKi of Hardening Wood.
Co:: Morable Interest has been
mo lsed by the announcement, as the
res ilt of a prolonged series of ex
pn Iimv.ts, of a method of so treating
tlmh'-r as lo rociire even from soft
voool a largely Increased toughness
and I. rdnss. The trentment to
which th" timber Is subjected is,
roiglily sneaking, that of saturation
at boiling point with a solution of
(ugar, the water being afterwards
evaporated nt n high temperature.
The result is to leave the pores and
Interstices of t!ic wood filled In with
solid in.-iM'T. pud the timber vulcan
ized, preserved und seasoned.
Str.ui'.to Wedding Custom.
Among the I.olos of Western
China It Is customary for the bride
on the wedding morn to perch her
self on the highest branch of a large
tree, while the elder female members
of her family cluster on the lower
limbs, armed with sticks. When all
ore duly stationed the bridegroom
clambers up the tree, assailed on all
fides by blows, pus'ics and pinches
fi om the downgnrs, and It Is not un
til he has broken through their fence
und raptured the bride that he is
allowed to carry her off.
Tradesmen i:i Japan.
Some of the Japanese tradesmen
in the smoller towns of Nippon have
a curious way of advertising their
business. On their right forearms
they tattoo figures the shoemaker a
shoe, the wodcutter an ax, the
butcher a cleaver. Underneath these
emblems are such Inscriptions as "I
do my work modestly and cheaply,"
and "I am zt good at my trade as
most of my fellows." When they are
looking for work they bare their
arms and walk about the streets.
Handkerchiefs in the Army.
Tli9 Russian government hns de
creed that In future all soldiers of
the Empire must, use handkerchiefs
heretofore not one soldier out of a
thousand has indulged In this luxury
and that all the handkerchiefs
must contain pictures emblematic of
a soldier's life, both in battle and la
time of peace.
Giraffe Cannot Swim.
Tho giraffe is the only animal
which is unable 'o swim. This is on
account of its loi.j neck. Every other
animal can. if put to It, manage to
keen alio it
My face and neck were one mass of
sores; the doctor said I had eczema and
erysipelas. Finally I used San-Cura
Ointment and slept all night for the first
time in weeks, and in a short time was
completely cured. Clios. Fay, Townville,
Pa. 25o and 50c, at Dunn & Fulton's.
U, A. It. NnlloiiRl Encampment,
Minneapolis, Mion. Low rates via
Nickel Plate Koad, Aug. 10th, lltb,
12th and certain trains on the 13th.
Good returning Aug 31st. For full
information and extension of limit
call on or address C. A. Asterlin, D.
P. A., 807 State St., Erie, Pa. 4ta8
Flow Meal AVer 1'reuared and SeT
ed In Chancer' Time.
Au ancient cookbook has been (US'
covered, written Iu the English of
Chaucer's time, which wns published
about i:'J0. It Is culled "The Form of
Cury" and contains 1!K! recipes. Ac
cording to the preface, "It techlth a
until for to make commune potage &
commune meetls for howshold, as they
should be made, craftly and holsomly."
Judging from the spicing und season
lug, Indigestion must have been a dis
ease unknown to the fourteenth cen
tury. (iiirlle, vinegar, cloves, clnna
nion, wine and even ale apnr Iu al
most every recipe and In appalling
quantities. For example, a "salaf
wns made of "parsel, snwge, garlic,
chlbolles (young onions), leek, borage,
myiites, fenel & ton tresses (cresses),
rew, rosmaj re, purslayue; lave & wnshe
hem elene, piko hem, pluck hem simile
with tliyu hoiide, & liiyng (mix) hem
well with rn we olle. Lay on vynegnr
& salt, & serve It forth."
Pork seems to have been the favor
ite meat with the Englishmen of this
century. And this Is not strange when
one remembers their taste for splee,
strong flavors and cloying 'sweets,
eal comes next In popularity, but
beef is not mentioned in one of the ll0
recipes. One Is amazed at the populari
ty of the whale, grampus, seal, swan,
crane, heron and peacock. The swan
was served up In roynl style and vows
of chivalry were made upon It. It was
skowered and roasted in a sitting pi.
Hire. Say the directions: "Make u stiff
bed of paste alxmt the thickness of
your thumb, color it green, comb it
out, und It will look like u meadow of
green grass. Take your hwuii and gild
him over with gold; then have a kind
of loose, flying cloak of n vermilion
color within mid painted with arms
without; then set the swan upon this
bed, cover some part of him with the
cloak, stick nNuit him small banners
upon little sticks, the banners painted
with the arms most agreeable to the
persons seated ut the table."
At ii grand feast when Edward I.
knighted his eldest sou, on the eve of
his Scottish expeditions, two swans.
gorgeously caparisoned, were Introduc
ed with n flourish of trumpets. I'pon
them the king swore in the presence of
Ood mid the ladles that he would
avenge the death of John Comyn and
the pewldy of Itoliert Bruce.
But, In spite of the popularity of the
swan for great occasions, It was tho
peacock which. In the romautlc lan of the age of chivalry, was "the
food of lovers mid the meat of kings."
Ho appeared on the festal board with
his gorgi6us feathered skin skewered
around Ills roasted bodv.
uiie very popular concoction was
called "tarts of flesh." and the quaint
recipe reads: "Take veal Ysode and
grind It small. Take hard ayren ysode
(Dolled eggsi & ygrouude & there
to put prunes hoole, dates ycarved,
pynes (seed found In pines, cones, com
mon in Italy) & raisins, corrauce, hool
splets, & powder, salt, sugar & make
littell collln, & do this furs therein.
& take & serve It forth." Another
much richer tart was made thus: "Bray
the pork smnle In a mortar. Take
fygges & boll them tendre lu small ale,
& bray them. & teudre cheese there
with, & pepper, salt & sarou. Then
take sugar, ayren (eggs), & flour &
mane a paste with n roller, thanne
make thereof smale pellets & fry them
uraun in clean grit."
Though the oyster was known and
eaten In the fourteenth century. It was
thought to luck flavor, so they seethed
it m wine with ground nlmonds and
rice, powdered ginger, sugar and mace.
curious tiling nliout old cookery
oooks is tneir silence concerning niinn-
uiy. lane plgges yscnlded;" "take
eelys, "take conynges or rabbits," Is
all the Information which Is given.
netrnttint In Holland.
iu n-aiMii puris or iioiiaud when a
young man thinks he loves a girl he
asKs uer for n match to light his cigar
i uie uoor or the beloved one's Iioihp
This Is done to let the parents know
that something Is Intended, and If the
Wtutf Ic ....1 ..... 4, .. .
T.on it-jt-jiieu nim me same tlilmr
occurs no umiiit is left In tho minds of
tho girl's parents, and they Immediate.
inm-Tu iu investigate um young
mans ennrncter and antecedents.
When he calls n third time, thev are
prepared to give him nn answer. If his
suit is looked upon favorably, he is giv
en a match. If refused, lie jiroduces
his own mutch, lights his clear nnt
walks away. If a favorable answer Is
given, he steps forward and joins hands
wiin the girl. Mhlle the engagement is
by no means n settled fact even at this
important stage. It is stated as n truth
that If, on the occasion of the vonnir
man's third visit, his Inamorata offers
him a second cigar mid f.j miokes It
In the house the engagement ij never
Life Is to lie fortified bv inimv friend
ships. To love iiml to he loved Is the
reatest happiness of existence. Syd
ney smith.
Flooring,- Siding,
and material for
Window Cafsings
and Iuside Work.
A good supply to select
from always in stock.
Call on or address.
or F. P. AMSLER.
1 TRDE-M1KS rnovmruic " I
Write to us and we will tell yon with,
cut suy charge whether your invention is
probably patentable, how to proceed to
obtain s pateul.sndjuit what it will cost
you. Cock service and lowed rales
O F ST. N. W. sf O l
That Prico on Two Great Tables of
Summer Cottons.
One all White, the other Fancy Colored Wash Quods.
Not a piece oo either table that sold oiiginally for less than a
quarter; from that they ranged up to o5o at)'! i0o fr the
white, and 3o, 4()o and 50o for the colors. Never have wo
offered choice, high-class summer goods at so great a reduction
from the regular price.
Fast as these two tables are cleared we'll replace these
sold with others just as good, or better, from the abolvos. Ex
pect at these two prices to sell off the bulk of Sutuuior Coltous.
In the Next Week
Or ten days visitors to this store will wituoss some mighty
strenuous merchandising.
Particularly in the Cloak Room, you'll admit when you
see the prices in force up (here that the above rather vigorous
phrasing doesn't over state the case a particle.
Time Dcponits Solicited.
A. Watm Cook,
A. B. Kbllt.
Q. W. Robinson,
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Wheeler,
T. F. Rltehev.
Collections remitted for on day of payment at low rates. We promiso our custom
era all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest pid ou time
deposits. Tour patronage respectfully solicited.
Seasonable Sensible
A look at our stock will suffice to show that we are com
pletely stocked up on everything in hardware fur tho seasoD,
Our large store room was never so crowded as now with all
things needful for the Farmer, the Mechanio, the Contractor,
the Builder, or the Householder.
Bissell Plows,
Syraouse Plows,
Lawn Mowers,
Hand Cultivators,
Garden Tools,
Farm Implements,
Ball Bearing Clothes Wringer
Turns so easily a child can run it, and does the work perfectly
Nice Stock of Buggies Al
ways on Hand
The Ilenl for (lie Ieiit Money.
J. C. Scowden,
J The Bert Court of Study. ' V ' '
I Lurire Faculty of ExDerimrw.1 Cwt.n... 4
Lame Faculty o( Experienced Specialist.
I rn.Viyn!r u,"or5 ?' e -epdinn Series of Commercial Textbooks.
"ldina- and Equipment, Gymnasium, Bath, etc.
KS.SJS?a?'iuH,ltC,M Lecturt'' Kntertainments.
r uf f?'Mi N?w Typewriters, and latest Office Devices.
mP".dSI.0l,.K,"lJood plttce exceeJ Entire Student Enroll,
ment by more than 54 per cent.
F?.A,.ie,I'B"et?11' Bllball, and Field Day Exercises.
Enthusiasm Every Department. Send lor Uualomie.
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Hear of Hole! Wearer
Telephone No. 20.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Autl all kinds of
Will pa f Four Per Cent, per Annum
Wm. Smkarbadoh,
Ylee President
Wm, Hmearbaugh,
J. T. Dale. A. H. Kellv.
m www
Building Papers,
Chicken Wire,
Screen Wire,
Screen Doors,
Kitohon Ware,
Paints and Oils.
- Tionesta, Pa.
Pleasant to Take.
Powerful lo Cure,
And Welcome
In Every Home.
nt. jiavirt KenT.mly's Favorite Is adapted
Jo a lanes and hmh sexes, (fnnlinK permanent ro.
Il.-f ill causeil hy Impuriiynrtliebloml.
Slid as Khlney, ltln,,i..r and Liver Vom
lllnU; cures Constipation and Weaknesses
peculiar towinni ii.
, It provi'ssiiccehsful in cases where all ntherniedl.
cincs have totally failed. No millcrcr should despair
Mlnni; as this remedy Is untried. It ha, an unhro.
ki n record of sun-ivs f,,r over 00 years, and lias
won hosts of warm friends.
Are ynu siiir.-rinu fr0ni any tllscasn traeenhle to
the cantes mentioned? If bo, Ir. Kennedy has
Slaked his personal and professional reputation on
good. m l-'avoajto Kemedy will do you
Send for free trliil J,tUo and booklet eon.
talnlng valuable lueiliealnilvicHon Ihe treatment fif
various diseases. Wriiealxofornn "Kiisy Tesl'
forilndiniroutif you have kidney disease. Address
lr. Ilic. nl Ki-iiiicflv's Sons, ltmxlnnt, N. V.
HEMKMUtH, tile hill inline I s Dr. David Ken.
nedy i'AVOltl'l K KE.MEDV.madeat uL,l,,'"i,
N. Y., and Ihoprlrn is .!. (sir unities 5.oo)at
sll dru-iiHlo iu tho Hailed States. Canada and
foreign countries.