THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. I. t. WINK, Editor 4 Propbicto. WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 190(5. 1906 JULY 1906 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. TTTjTTT 89 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOON'S PHASES. s,Ttill jr Third O p.m. 8 13 jt Tlllrfl n 0 1 J Qunrter 10 a.m. New Moon 21 ) Quarter 23 T5 p.iu Republican Ticket. KTATK. Governor, EDWIN 8. STUART. Lieutenant Governor, ROBERT S. MURPHY. Auditor Gaieral, ROBERT K. YOUNG. Secretin-) of Internal Affairs, HENRY HOUCK. 101 .TV. Congress, Hon. N. P. WHEELER. Assembly, T. D. COLLINS. District Attorney, A. O. BROWN. Coroner, Dr. C. Y. DETAR. TO REPCItLICAXS. We are anxious to bave every Repub lican lu close touch, and working in har mony with the Republican National Con grensional Coiuniittee In favor of the elec tion of a Republican Congress. The Congressional campaign must be based on the administrative and legisla tive record of the party, and, that being so, Theodore Roosevelt's personality must be a central thought in the campaign. We desire to maintain the work of this campaign with popular subscriptions of One Dollar each from Republicans. To each subscriber we will send the Repub lican National Campaign Text Rook and all documents issued by the Committee. Help us achieve a great victory. Jamks S. Siikrmak, Chairman, P. O. Box 2(163, New York. Mr. Bryan would have more competi tion in his party if the Democratic nomi nation under present circumstances was worth the effort. It seems from Mr. Bryan's definition of himself that he is now to be classed as a conservative radical, more conservative and more radical than ever before. PliTTiNH the breweries on a level with the churches, as candidate Emery does, may catch the votes of all who believe in morality and Christianity, but will it? French thrift Is proverbial, but the Chinamen who work in foreign 'coun tries seud home f0,000,000 a year. "John beats Poor Richard in understanding the value of a penny saved. Why did the Republican Congress de feat the Tillman bill which provided for exposing and puniNh'ng contributions to party campaign fund? exultantly shouts our neighbor, the Vindicator. Don't know, unless It was to save a lot of the Democratic corporation lata from going to jail. "Farmer" Crkaky is cute as the best of 'em. He has been re-nominated as a legislative candidate In his county, as well as having the Democratic nomina tion for Auditor General, and is holding onto both. lie is cock sure of eleutiou to the legislature, and a bird in hand is worth a whole covey In the brush. Candidate Emery says he was not at home at the time the brewery enterprise was started in his town of Bradford. "However, had I been at home, I would not have withheld my donation to that brewery no more than I would to the churches." Lewis is nothing if not smart. He endorses both the breweries and the churches in the same breath. One's as dear to him as the other, evi dently. There ought to be no trouble in that man getting all the endorsements going. He's just the style of man the people of Pennsylvania want for their "reform Governor," isn't be? The fusion Domocrat-Lincolnites in counting election chickens figure on car rying this Congressional district in No vember because the Democrats got a plu rality of the counties composing the dis trict last fall. Tha'.'s playing long chances, you bet. The Republicans of the district have a candidate, Hon. N. P, Wheeler, that can't be beaten by any mongrel combination. His private and business record is too good to be made the football of Buheiuing or disgruntled politicians. In fact his nomination strengthens the Republican tickets all along the line from Htate to local candi dates. Tidioute News. A com MITTRK of the Deinooratle-Lin-coln party held a meeting in Harrisburg last Friday at which the following reso lution was adopted: "That it is the sense of this ioint con ference ol the Democratic and Lincoln party executive committees that fusion on senatorial and representative candi dates is desirable in order that a reform governor may be supported by a reform legislature. This coulereuce recoinmeuds such action to the respective parties." Thus Is fusion on all local offices en dorsed. And thus is President Roose velt and his splendid administration to be turned down in the name of "reform." It needs no prophet or mind above the ordinary to see that with the election of Emery and a Democratic legislature this fall in Pennsylvania Bryan will carry the country two years bonce. We don't don't the voters are ready to return to "soup-house" limes Jnst to please a few malcontents of the Wanamaker stripe. Last year the Department of Agricul ture sent out 85,773,400 packets of flower and vegetable seeds. The amount of seed required to fill these packets would fill twenty -eight cars of 30.PO0 pounds each. The work of packeting the seeds Is done by contract. The contractor is paid at a flat rate tor so mauy thousand rackets. Most of the work is done by machines and about seventy-five men and womou are employed. The War Department has given orders to the authorities at Manila to keep the department informed daily of the spread and development of the cholera in the Philippines. The disease la of the most virulent type. Men who are in the best of health and w alking tho streets one hour, are in the death agonies the next, The igoraut natives pay no attontion to the warning not to eat uncooked fruit and vegetables, although they are almost panic stricken over the ravages of the disease. "You claim to have been drunk but 'once in your life, when a boy'. In this I rejoice with you, remembering that the word drunk is a variable term. One ad mite he has been drunk only when he awakes in the guardhouse; another when dragged out of the gutter; another when be has had a midnight 'bout' with the boys, and on his return home has lost the key or the key hole or both; while others admit that a glass of beer or wine or champagne produces an abnormal state, though to the onlookers invisible. You aay 'None of us love whisky and we rarely drink it.' We answer, peoplo differ in their tastes and appetites, Some prefer gin, others rum, others brandy, and still others beer or chani pagne. Some of the most dangerous drunkards in the world are wine and beer drinkers. They 'rarely drink whisk v.' " From Dr. Swallow's letter to candidate Emery. Swallow Can't Swallow Emery. The Rev. Dr. Silns C. Swallow, whom the Democrats were landing to the skies no great whilo ago for his honesty and bravery In slashing right and left at all sorts of political corruption and personal debauchery, has broken out again. This time in a new place, by writing a letter to candidate Lew Emery, and asking some durned stunning questions of that much-abusod and saintly office-bunter. The doctor wants to know a few tbiugs pertinent to the question before Lewis lands the Prohibition endorsement along with all the other Urns already dangling at his belt. Up to the minute of noinir to proas the fiery Lewis had failed to defi nitely answer these posers, although he does admit, in a letter to a friend, that Just once in his life he was a little "how come you so," but that was in his youth ful days, and presumably should not count now. The doctor's letter to Mr. Emery follows; "Judging from expressions heard on every hand by prominent Prohibitionists the Prohibition party of Pennsylvania is anxious to place your manie at the head of their State ticket for governor, as two other parties have already done. "However, reports come to us presum ably originated by your business enemies, that cause some of our people much trou ble, and a denial or explanation from you might help us over a hard place. If these allegations are true you can see that it would be suicidal for our party to nomi nate you. If not true we have reason to believe from our knowledge of your char acteristic frankness and candor in dealing with men that you will promptly deny these statements and thus place your Prohibition Iriends in a good position to make a good fight for you, and in so doing bring reformers in Peunsylvania a fair election and an honest count, without which the manufacture of publio senti ment for high ideals is all iu vain. "It is alleged that you were instrumen tal In securing a brewery for your city of Bradford; that you are financially inter ested in the manufacture of liquora and that your son is an ofiicer In the brewing company. "It is declared that you place Intoxi cants before your guests in your own home, and that thus young men bave been started downward in lives of debauchery. "That you have drunk and treated others to intoxicants at publio bars, and that while in Philadelphia, during the lust few mouths, you became so intoxi cated as to be unfitted for interviews with yonr friends, and had to go to bed to sleep off the debauch. "That before retiring you were swag gering through the corridors of the hotel displaying a roll of bank bills and boast ing of what you would do if made Gov ernor. "They state further that your reform movements In Pennsylvania have been confined to a defense of your own pri vate business, and to offensive move ments against those politicians supposed by you to be allied with corporations which were, directly or indirectly, hostile to you and your business, "An early denial of any or all of these allegations will enable your Prohibition friends to Intelligently lake up the ques tion of vour nomination at their gather ing in Pittsburg July 17." Dcnfnrni) t'nnnot llr Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of thi mucous lining of the Eu stachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you bave a rumbling sound or impurluct hearing, and when it is entire ly closed deal moms is the result, anil un less (ho iullamiitioii can be taken out and this lube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflHiuod condi tion of the mucous surfaces. We will givo One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. V. 3. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 15. Hall's Family Pills are tho best. Itl hl ( l:l KATK4 TO H.HETIII'OKT Via Pennsylvania Railroad, account North-Western Flremon's Convention. Tickets sold August 1, 2, and 3, good re turning until August 4, from Eldred, Erie, Ronovo, Franklin, Red Bank, Drift wood, and intermediate stations. Consult Ticket Agents. U Don't lln Ilnckwnrd. Do not hesitate to ask for a free sample ol Chamberlain's Btouiaob and Liver tab lets. We are glad to give them toanyone who is troubled with biliousness, consti nation, or any disorder of the stomach. Many have been permanently cured by their use. Dunn Fulton. RECENT DEATHS. WHITE. The death of Charles W. White, oldest and only remaining rod of Mr. and Mrs, William J. White, occurred at his home here at an early hour Tuesday morning, July 17, ItiOO, afier an illuesa of but a few hours. Mr. White was born In Forest county, Pa., iu IstH, and came to Chau tauqua county when a young man and has made his home here since that time. He was married to Miss Myra Gilford in 18H1. His father, mother, wife and one son, Clayton G. White, survive him. Mr. White has been one of the most exten sive dairy farmers in this locality and has a wide circle of friends who will sympathize with the family who are left to mourn their loss. Mr. While has al ways been a man of exemplary habits, a hard worKor, and a m in with little time for pleasure or recreation. The funeral was held from the United Brethren church at Magnolia, Mrs. Clara Watson officiating. The profusion of beautiful flowers showed in a measure the esteem in which he was held by He many friends which he has made in his years of residence hero. Interment in Magnolia Cemetory. F. A. B. Stow, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., July 20. (JBEAT SALE. Seiiii-Aiiiinal Clearance of Ladies' and (icnllpiiipu's Goods at the Monarch. The Monari h Clothing Co.'s great semi sniiual clearance is attracting people to Oil City from a 6V,on couuties. Hun dreds of bargains In ladles' coats, waists, skirts and children's dresses are to be had. Very pretty dresses at 3!o and white linen skirts for ladies at 6!o and DMo are selling like pancakes. Ladies' white linen Eton suits at i OS and covert jackets at i 08 are an awful bargain. Hoys' suits at f 1.08 and men's good all wool worsted suits at $8.08 are remarka ble values. Men's alj wool troupers at $1.00 and good working pants at l9o are less than cost of manufacture, and the beauty of all is tho goods are all new and of this season's manufacture. Sale con tinues for 10 days only, endiug July 31. An actor seldom retires until he is played out. Old Chronic Sorps. A a dressing for old chronic soresthere is nothing so good as Chamberlaiu's Salve. wnile It is not advlaable-lsvheal old sores entirely, they should be kept in a good condition, for which this salve is espec ially vaiuauie. tor sore nipples Cham berlain's Salve has no superior. For sale by Dunn it Fulton. Whr tlir Skin Clispn. Everybody knows that, generally speaking, the effect of cold Is to con tract and that of boat to expand. This general law of nature funis no excep tion iu our bodies, mid when any por tion of (lie body gels cold the bltiud vessels which traverse it contract, wllh the result that the flow of Mood is di minished. Subsequent exposure to heat causes the blood vessels to resume their former size nud, If anything, to slightly exceed it, owing to the reaction on the cITects of the previous cold. The result of these different operations Is very naturally to crack the surface of the skin and form the unpleasant little wounds which we call "chaps." This annoyance may be prevented by exer cising care not to expose the hands to the extfi'incs of cold and heat. If the hands do get thoroughly chilled, care should be taken to see that they are warmed again as gradually as possible. Anything like putting them ta a hot fire and thus inducing n rapid change In their condition cannot fall to induce "cuups." Dean Swift. It is related of Dean Swift, whose sa tirical wit furnished many of the keen est epigrams found in the history of this difficult type of literature, that two lovers came to his house one stormy night to be married. The dean having retired for the night, the rap at hia door soon brought him to n window over looking the expectant couple. Lenning out of it and over them and lea rnlng the object of their errand, he exclaimed to them without any vexing delay, "Join your right hands." Then, pronouncing them "man and wife," ho added the following rhyth mical elaboration of the Scripture "What God hath Joined together let no man put nsunder: Here, under this window. In stormy weather. I Join this man and woman tofrether. Lot none but he who made the thunder E'er put this man find woman asunder. PInntInK Par 'Winter. In planting for winter comfort must receive the first consideration. The rude north wind must have its force broken. This may be accomplished by planting evergreens for wind breaks. But it Is best to attain the cud without the formal array of a straight border, which is often too assertive. The out buildings should be placed to do part of the work, but so as not to show too plainly that this was In view. Between the buildings groups of evergreens may be placed so as to make a pleasing va riety, add n beauty of their own and effectually complete tho wind breaking circuit. In all our northern states the northwest wind Is the enemy whose as saults must be guarded against. But we have severe winds from the north and northeast, and these points should also be effectually covered. James Wood In Oard 'ii Magazine. 4. A. It. National Kiiriiifiiuiieiil, Minneapolis, Minn. Low rates via Nickel Plate Road, Aug. 10th, lltb, 12tb and cerlain trains on (lie 13th. Good roturuing Aug 31st. For full information and extension of limit call ou or address C. A. Asterliu, D. P. A., 807 State fit., Erie. Pa. 4ta8 MARRIED. SWIFT WEINGARD At the home of the bride, in liar nony township, Forest county, July 18, 1000, by Rev. L, W. Strong, Mr. Asa Swift, of Meadville, Pa., and Mrs. Belle Weingard. Executor's Notice. Whereas, Lotlers Testamentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Joseph Mong, late of Tio nesta Township, Forest County, Pa., de ceased, all persons indebted to"said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to me, or S. D. Irwin, At tcruey, Tionesta, Pa. J. W. Mono. Executor, 7-23 6t Shippenville, Pa. TO (TllK A COM IN ONK IAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, Druggists refund the money if It falls to cure. u. vv.urove'a signature is on eaoa dox. zoc. si: vm:i proposals. Commonwealth ok Pennsylvania,) Statu Highway Dkpaktmknt, Uarrisduro, Pa.) Sealed proposals will be received by the State Highway Department of Penn sylvania, under the Act approved May 1st, 1005, for tho construction of 8.831 feet of road, extending from Borough line of i mnesta on river road, to Hickory Town ship line, in Tionesta Township, in the County of Forest. Plans and specifica tions can be seen at the office of the County Commissioners, Tionesfa, Pa., and at the office of the 8tato Highway Department, Harrlsburg, Pa. Bidding blanks will be furnished by the State Highway Department upon request. Bids must be endorsed "PROPOSALS FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN TIONESTA TOWNSHIP. FOREST COUNTY." and received at the office of the State Highway Department not later inau August utn, ision. Joseph W. Ucntkr. State Highway Commissioner. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration on the estate of James M. Sanner, late of Tionesta liorough, forest county, Fa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned. all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make payment without ueiay, ana loose Having claims or de mands will present them, duly authentic caled, for settlement. Edward J. Sannkr, Adm'r, Tiouesta, Pa, Bitchey & Carringbk, Attorneys. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration having been gran tea on tne estate or Jennie M. Col lingwood. late of Kineslev townshin. rie ceased, all persona ludebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment, and those having claims to present me same 10 tne unuerstguea Administra tor, or 111s counsel. John W. Jamieson, Adm'r, S. D. Irwin, Attorney. 7-18-81 WHEN YOUR TEETH Start Breaking Away Or are soft, have them crowned, thus saving the tooth. For $5 we put on the best gold crown made, with extra thick cusps, and of 22k. gold rein forced by 18k. solder. These are what others charge (8 and (10 for, and we will do it painlessly. All work done by Dr. Re id personally. New York 32 Sen. St., Oil City only. Dr. Reid, Proprietor. Open Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Sundays by special appointment. lennsylvania RAILIIOAD. Schedule in Effect May 27, 190(5. Trains leave Tionesta as follows : For OIL CITY, PITTSBURGH, and principal intermediate stations, 11:01 a. m. week days, Oil City ouly, 8:21 p. in. daily, 5:28 p. m. Sundays. For BRADFORD, OLEAN, and prin cipal intermediate stations, 7:53 a. m. daily, 4:16 p. m. week days. For Warren and intermediate stations, 2:43 p. in. Sun days. W. vV, ATTERBURY, Gen. Mgr. J. R. WOOD. P. T. M. GEO. VV. BOYD, G. P. A. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE To Take Effect July 1st, 1905. NORT1I Eastern Time SOUTH 3 1 Stations p.m 7 00 7 20 7 251 7 30 1 007 45; 1 10 7 65 1 25 8 00 1 45 8 10 1 50 8 15 1 55 8 20 2 10 8 30 2 25 8 40 2 40 8 50 3 05 9 05 3 15.9 20 p. ma. m a. m Leave I 2 4 Arrive Nebraska Ross Run Lamentation Newtown Mills Kellettville Buck Mills Mayburg Porkey Minister Welters Hastings Blue Jay Henry'a Mill Barnes Sheffield Arrive Leave p.m. p.m 6 30 6 05 6 00 15 55 12 00 5 45 11 60 5 35 11 405 25 11 20 5 15 11 15;5 10 11 05 5 05 10 65 '4 55 10 45 4 45 10 304 35 10 W4 20 10 00'4 15 a. m.lp.m T. D. COLLINS, President. The man who pays the bill wants dollar for dollar as much in paint as in anything else. l ie jcts full valucin Lucas Faints. Not only is the first cost low, but Luras Paints are more economical all the way through. They spread easier and go farther, saving both labor and paint. They cover the surface thoroughly protecting and preserving against decay. They look better and last longer. Ask your dealer. John Lucas & Co Philadelphia 3 avemonev MONEY Saved is money earned. Take Advantage of our reduced prices on Ladies' and Men's Furnishings, Summer Dress Goods, Shoes, and other articles. lmdrd & soi. A Short Shirt Tale The month of roses and of brides is also the month of Netrlicee Shirts, It's a very chilly man who does oot appreciate the cool comfort of a Negligee Sbirt. The largest and most complete as sortment is here. We are exclusive distributors of the following great makes: The Star, The Quaker City, lae rriucely. Striking lioes at 50c, 69c, 75c, S1.00, 81 50, 2.00, $2 00. We court comparison. Match Us If You Can THE McCUEN CO, 2b AND 29 SENECA ST.. OIL CITY. PA. Fred. Grettcnberger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All wnrlr itnriaitilticr I i XfaitltltiAow (fines, Oil Well TooIh, Ga or Water Fit tiiiraiind General Hlacksmi thing prompt ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill MachinArv frivAn rdapIa! nft.Ant.Inn mH satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of and Just west of the Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENBERGKR PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER, Repairs Boilers, Stills, Tanks, Agitator. ISnys and Nells Second - hand Boilers, Etc. Wire or letter orders promntlv at tended to. End ofSusnentioo Bridge. Third ward, OIL CIT1, PA. IBS' MB! Car Load of Buggies, Road-wagon?, Surreys and Spring-wagons. All Buggies Guaranteed and Prices Right. Como early nod get your choice. Am also headquarters for Farm Machinery, Wagons, Ready-made Harness, &c. KINDS Land lime in stock ready for drill. Always at ray ware rooms oo Satur days. Come in I J. G. BROMLEY TIONESTA, PA. Chamberlain's S,! Never fails. Buy it now. It may save life. You'll Have to Hurry Our Free Pants Sale Is rapidly drawing to a close. Wo realize that such an offer as this, is not a daily occurrence, and wo want every man in town to benefit by it. Just think ot it. A suit or overcoat tailored to your personal measure and suitable to tho most fastidious at 15 $18 $20 and givo away, absolutely free, an extra pair of trousers. Wo givo special attention to mail orders, and will send free sam ples on request. Glasrjow Woolen Mills Co., WORLD'S LARGEST TAILORS. 22 m OIL CITY, PA. Clearance Sale Monarch Clothing Co. The clearance sale of tho Monarch Clothing Company is now on and attract ing people from far and near. Be sure and get some of tho good things, as sale will continue for ten days only. Hundreds of bargains not men tioned in our ad. are at tho store and should not bo overlooked. Specials for Ladle. WhHe linen dress skirts 11.50 value, . 6!)o White linen drees skirts 82 25 value, )8o White lioeo dress skirts 14 00 value, $1.98 Handsome Panama. Sicilian aud Mohair dress skirts, beautifully made aod trimmed, $l falue, $3 98 Handsome Panama and Sicilian broadcloth skirts, $5 value, $2 !)8 Due lot of unsses handsome dress skirts in 6ne Sicilian and Panama, $4 value. $i.5)x Ladies' white linen coats, hand somely made and trimmed, $3 value t 81 09 White 1 inen Eton suits, handsome Iv designed and beautifully, trimmed, $5 value, $2 69 Children s ciucham and nercale dresses, beautifully made and trimmed, 75o value, 390 Children s while lawn and line pequot or cbambray and linen dress es, $2 value, 98c men's Clothing. $15 00 to $16.f0 men's suits, $10.98 l. ftl) to 14.98 men's suits, 9.98 10.98 to 12.98 men's suits, 8.58 9.98 meu'a Buils, . 7.J8 8.98 men's suits; fj.98 6.98 and 5.98 men's suits, 4.98 IlojV Knits. $4.98 suits for boys, $3 98 3 98 suits for boys, 2 98 2.98 suits for boy, 1 98 1.98 and 2 25 suits for boys, 1 50 1.00 knee pants, 750 79o knee pants, 5()0 50o kuee pants, nnc 25o knee pants, ie Straw Hats. 81 50 and $2 straw hits, 50c 25c and 50c stcaw hats, 1j0 ' (Shirts. 81 00 shirts, (i)0 1.25 aud 2 00 shirls, 98q. COo shirts, 39c 25c shins, j0 Big values in men's pant9, under wear, hosiery, hats, working coats, etc. One very low cash price. MONARCH CLOTHING CO. NEXT TO CHAMBERS' All SSITSS r- A NEW BUILDING, OIL CITY, PA. To Cure a Cold in One Day s.x Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TaMeu. js y . OA every Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This Signature, VrVl'& bOx. 25c nil i -mm