RATES OF ADVERTISINCt One Square, one Inch, one week ... 1 00 One Square, one inch, one month. 8 00 One Sqnare, one inch, 8 months...- S 00 One Square, one Inch, one year .. 10 00 Two Squares, one year ......... IS 00 Quarter Column, one year 80 00 Half Column, one year .. 80 00 One Column, one year ...... 100 00 Legal advertisements ten cents per line each Insertion. We do fine Job Printing of every de scription at reasonable rates, but It's sash on delivery. Publlxhed overy Wednosday by J. E. WENK. Offioe in Bmearbaagh & Wenk Building, KLM 8TRKKT, T10NK8TA, PA. For PUBL Terns, (1.00 A Year, gtrletly la AJtum. No subscription recelvod for a shorter period thau three months. Correspondttnca solicited, but no notloe will bo taken of anonymous communica tions. Always give your name. VOL. XXXIX. NO. 20. TIONESTA, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1906. $1.00. PER ANNUM. THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. BOROUGH OFFICER. liurgcss.S. T. Carson. Justices vflhe Peace S. 8. Canfield, 8. J. Sotley. Oouncumen.J . B. Muse, J. W, Lan dora, U. A. I.siihou, Geo. Uuleman, G. T. . Anderson, Win. Smearbaugh, E. W, liOWIIIHII. Ootistable W. II. Hood. ()Utetor W. U. Hood. School Directors J. C. Scowden, T. F, Ritchey, A. C. Hrown, Vr.J.C, Dunn, Q. Jainioson, J. J. Landers. FOREST COUNTY OFFICKR.S. Member of Congress Joseph C. 8lbley, Member of Senate J. K. P. Hall, Assembly J. H. Robertson. President Judge W. M. Llndsey. Associate Judges F. X. Kreltler, P. C. Hill. Prothnnotary, Register A Recorder, it. J. U. Geist. Sheriff. A. W. Ktroup. Treasurer W. 11. Harrison. Commissioners Leonard Agnew, An drew Wolf, I'liillp Einort. District Attorney-ti. 1. Irwin. Jury Commissioners J. B. Eden, J. P. Castner. Coroner Countv Auditors W. H. Stiles, Cuaa. F. Klinestlver, 8. T. Carson. Omntu Surveyor D. W. Clark. County Superintendent 0. W. Morri son. . lUcalar Tenia ef Caarl. Fourth Monday or February. Third Monday of May. Fourth Monday of September. Third Monday of November. Regular Meetings of County Commis sioners Ut and 3d Tuesdays of montn. I'hanhaaaMaMHUh Mch..l. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:46 a. in. i M. K. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab bath evenliiK by Rev. W.O. Calhoun. Preaching In the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev. R. A. Zahniser, Pastor. Services In the Presbyterian Church every Sabbath morning and evening, Revi Dr. Paul J. Slonaker, Pastor. The regular meetings of the W. C. T. U. are held at the headquarters on the second and fourtli Tuesdays of each uirnth. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. pi'.NESTA LODGE, No. 869, 1. 0. 0. F. 1 Meets every Tuesday evening, In Odd Fellows' Hall, Partridge building. CAPT. GEORGE STOW POST. No. 274 G. A. R. Meets 1st and Sd Monday evening In each month. CAVT. GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. 137, W. R. C, meets first and third Wednesday evening of each month. KARL E. WENK, DENTIST, TIONESTA, PA. All work guaranteed. Rooms over Forest Oouuty National Bank. iR. ROSS PORTER, DENTIST. Vnrmnrlv nf Marlntl Vlllfl. 84 Seneca Street, OIL CITY, PA. R1TCHEY CARRINGER. ATTORN KYS-AT-LAW, Tionesia, Pa. c URTIS M. SHAWKEY, ATTORN X -AT- uA vv , Warren, Pa. Practice in Forest Co. AO BROWN, ATTORNEY-ATLAW. omceln Arner Building, Cor. Elm and Bridge Sta., Tlonesta, Pa. D R. F. J. BOVARD, rnyslcian a nurgeon, TIONESTA, PA. DR. J. C. DUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, and DRUGGIST. Olllce over store, Tlonesta, Pa. Professional calls prompt ly responded to at all hours of day or night. Residence Elm St., between Grove's grocery and Gerow'a restaurant. D R. J. B. SIGQINS, Physician and nurgeon, J OIL CITY, PA. HE. KIRSCHNKR, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of the Lunirs and Chest, Olllce hours by ap pointment only. OIL CITY, PA. No. 116 CENTER 8T. T? W. BOLTON, M. D. 1-J, Practice limited to diseases of the Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat. Special attention given to the fitting of glasses. Olllce hours 9-12 a. m., 1 fi p. in., 7-8 p. m. OIL CI TY, PA. No. 110 CKNTErl ST. HOTEL WEAVER, E. A. WEAVER, Proprietor. This hotel, formerly the Lawrence House, has undergone a completechange, and is now furnished with all the mod ern Improvements. Heated and lighted throughout with natural gas, bathrooms, hot and cold water, etc. The comforts of guests never neglected. CENTRAL HOUSE, ' GEROW A GEROW Proprietor. TlmmnU. Pa. This is the mostcentrally located hotel In the place, and has all the modern Improvements. o pains win be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for the traveling publio. First class Lilvery in conneciiuu. pilIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop In Walters building, Cor. Elm and Walnut Btreets, Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work Iroin the finest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to ?;lve perfect satisfaction. Prompt alten ion given to mending, and prices rea sonable. JAMES HASLET, GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PENN Kin,. trlii oil. Guaranteed for Rheumatism, Sprains, 8ore Feet, Pains. Ao. At all dealers CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Beat Couch Syrup. Tastes Good. Use In time. Sold by druggists. Terms of Sale of a Genuine Clearance Sale of All Seasonable Goods. You know our store, our reputa tion and the kind of goods we sell. We are not continuous performers on special or other kind of sales. We don't believe in them. But we have a sale twice each year, when prices are reduced to the lowest possible point, and reductions stated in our "ads" are actual facts and for thoroughly reliable merchandise that we can and do stand back of at all times with our guarantee of "MONEY BACK." t 41-43 SENECA (L OH OPENS SATURDAY aMaBillMaBillllBMasiiiMailiiiii CLOSES SATURDAY Cash. Positively No Goods Sent on Approval or Charged Except at Regular Prices. mm LA MMEES, One Price Clothier, STREET, n fP led (q 9 MORNING, JULY 28th NIGHT, AUGUST 4th f 1 OIL CITY, PENN' A. 1 wiJt.-ffiyjiii.ii-igi