THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. t. WINK, Edito 4 Propriitob. WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 190(1. 1906 JULY 1906 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. A AAA All :89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ' i MOON'S PHASES. (?Moon p 11:2T O p m. New Moon 21 mira n Quarter 1 0 8:13 Ftrt no & PQuartur 4U p.ui llepubllcnn Ticket. NTATK. Governor, EDWIN 8. STUAUT. Lieutenant Governor, ROBERT 8. MURPHY. Auditor General, ROBERT K. YOUNO. Sccrctan of Internal Affairs, HENRY HOUCK. COINTY. Congress, Hon. N.P. WHEELER. Assembly, T. D. COLLINS. District Attorney, A. C. BROWN. Cbroner, Du. C. Y. DETAR. Mr. Bryan retrains from describing tbe "certain reforms" tuat be desires. It seeing that much Is to be left to tbe Imag ination in boom No. 3. From uow on it will probably be nec essary for President Roosevelt to stpout every few days aud tbrow a bucket of cold water on bis still smoldering boom for a third term. Wkix! Wkll! The Lincoln party con vention opeued with prayer and then put three Democrats on tbe ticket. This is the qu ickeet backslide on record. Brook yillo Republican. A flood in a town in central New York filled the streots with carp weighing from S to 30 pounds each. This looks like luck, but some ol tbe citizens are mad because they failed to get trout. Tub novelists seem to be conspiring to get possession of the politicsof thecountry. Booth Tarkington assures tu a Beet in Congress and Winston Churcbill wants to be governor of New Hampshire. A few days ago tbe health authoiities in Philadelphia pounced upon 19,5(10 pounds of decayed sea fish Just as the owners were about to freeze it for sale. The pure food crusade is no idle fad. Lkw Emery's failure to report his cam paiicu expenses according to law renders Li in liatile to fine and imprisonment. Maybe tbe gentleman wants to be locked up so that be can make a mai tyr play and corral tbe sentimental vote. Preliminary returns of the ageuts of the bureau of statistics, of the Department of Agriculture, show that tbe acreage of corn planted this year is about 05,535,000 acrea, on an increase of 1,524,000 acres as compared with the estimate of the acre age planted last year. Here conies a pesky Prohibitionist journal and calls on Lew Emery to state bis views on tbe liquor question before asking the cold waterites to indorse him. Get behind the door, Lewis, and leave it to Mr. Wanamaker's resourceful right bowers to get around this poser". Thk agitation for tbe purchase of "Henderson's Castle," a beautiful brewn Btone mansion on a commanding hill overlooking the entire city of Washing ton, as a home for the President, is stead ily growing. The increase of business necessarily done at the White House leaves tbe Presidont no private place to go to after the day's work is done, and be is virtually "at the office" all tbe time. Tub Depaitment of State is busy now trying to find same solution to a very vexing problem. There is a certain class of foreigners who take out naturalization papers here, then deliberately return to their borne country, and, becoming em broiled in some controversy with their neighbors, claim the protection of the United Slates government. A board of inquiry bas set to work to find a remedy for this troublesome condition. A statement is made in the Philadel phia Press, which paper is trying to bal ance itself on the top of tbe political fence this year, to the effect that the joint meet ing of tbe committees of the Emoryites aud Democrats to notify Lew and bis Democratic colleagues on the ticket of 'their nomination, has beeu postponed for the purpose of bringing about fusion ar rangements in the several counties on the legislative candidates. Of course, this will be all right for the Democrats, but what do the Republicans think of this attempt to turn the legislature over to the Democrats the great party of re form (?) Colonel Bryan has indicated bis willingness to accept the Democratic nomintaon for the Presidency in 11KIS, pro viding there is a unanimous demand fur him. He does not really want to be President, but there are certain reforms which he desires to see carried out, and would be willing to sacrfice himself for the public good. He would much prefer to see some other man elected President who would carry out the these Ideas, but rather than permit the Republicans to remain In power and continue to shower the bleeaiuga of prosperity upon the people of the Uuited States, be would taae the nomination himself. - Jt'lxiK Gaynor, of the N. Y. Supreme Court, a prominent Democrat, speaking of President Roosevelt, said: "I cannot conceive of better man for the place be occupies. His enemies call him erratic. I find hi in stead f k t to the pole of his purposes as changeless as the north star. Uo grasps his hour; be sees wrongs, aud remedies them; be meets troubles aud conquers tbem. When both parties fell back frightened before the frown of tbe railroads, be alone was not afraid. Single banded, be took hp arms against secret rebates. In the face of the mightiest money influence he proceeded. I caunot tell too strongly my admiration of Pres ident Roosevelt. He is filled with the genius of Bunker Hill. No age appre ciates its own great men. The present would be struck with wonder were It to gain glimpse of those heights to which posterity will llfi up tbe name of Roose velt. His popularity grows. No one since the day of Washington not even Lincoln was more in possession of the loyal confidence of the common people." Hon. 8. R. Drkssrr, of Bradford, Lew .Emery's home, in bis closing remarks of a speech bo delivered at the meeting of the congressional conferees, which was held at DuBnis last week, and at whose hands be refused a re-nomiuaiinn, said: "I wish I bad the power and eloquence to impress my fellow citizens with the dan ger I see ahead of us, if reformers of tbe Emery type are to get control or our state aud national governments. We now have prosperous times. Let us keep them. Let us build stronger than ever before the Republican party. Let it complete the wholesome work being done, and we will have more cause to be proud of our coun try than ever. As I love my country and desire its moral and material prosperity, I will stick, stay and stand fur tbe straight, unmixed, easily understood and sound principles of the old, but progress ive Republican party. . And I hope tbe intelligent voters of Pennsylvania, who gave Theodore Roosevelt more than 500, 000 plurality, will not desert the good cause at the polls next November." The State Chairmanship. There has been nothing quite so brutal In politics as t lie present effort of a cer tain element in the Republican party to rap Senator Penrose by bitting Wesley R. Andrews, chairman of the state com mittee. Seuator Penrose may or may not be open to criticism for countenancing what baa been done many times before In the suspension of the rules tn elect the state chairman, but that does not consti tute a reason for humiliating one who baa given the party such faithful service as Colonel Andrews, , If working dav and night for bis party is a reason for taking him by the scruff of the neck and throwing him bodily out of the chairmanship, these gentlemen may, perbai s, justify their course, but there are a fw thousand Republicans in Penn sylvania who still posxess sense of justice and fair play and will protest vigorously against that sort of treatment. Chair man Andrews has been simply a hard working, faithful and honorable party wheel-horse. While others have been doing their level best to wreck the party when pretending to reform it he bas.been going along attending to a thousand and one details which fall to the lot of the un lucky chairman. It is the fashion nowadays to abuse those who are active in support of their party, but we do not believe the body of Republican voters are golug to assent to any proirram which involves the humil iating of tbe present state chairman. If he believes his retirement will be for the best interests of the Republican party, we hae no idea that Colonel Andrews will insist upon remaining at the helm. But there is no occasion to kick and cuff tbe man who has been doing a lot of bard work withont thanks or hope of reward, merely to get even with Senator Penrose. Harrisburg Telegraph. Tbe kick on Col. Andrews is wholly in spired by the VauValkenburg-Wanama-ker gang, who are complete masters of the Emery party, bave made the Demo crats stand up aud take their medicine, and now attempt to dictate the course of the Republican party of the state. To hades with this gang of political pirates. The sooner they are made to understand that they are not running the Republican party, and that they have no standing In any respectable political organization, the sooner will the people rise in their might and put them where they beloug outside the pale of decent party organization. IJuse Hall. TIONESTA i, TITUSVILLE 5. TheTiouesta team vent to Tltusville Saturday and lost a hard-luck game to the AU-Titusville's before a large crowd. Tiouesta presented them with the game on two costly errors. The score shows two earned runs for Titusville, when tbe truth of tbe matter is it should be only one, and it all happened thusly: In tbe first inning a little error and a fluke borne run over the short left field fence, when tbe side should bave been retired, gave them two runs. Again in the third they got one on three bits, the next two were easy outs, and then another error on an easy chance gave them two more runs. After that tbey could not touch Bank head, who pitched a fine game and had good control, Roche, a lolt-hander, was a failure for Titusville, being very wild, and when he did get it over was hit bard, llo gave ns two runs in tho second on a hit, three bases on balls, and a bit batsman. In the fourth we got an other on a double, two bases on balls and a single, and then Mr. Roche took a seat on the bench, Onr boys could not do much with Benedict, who succeeded him, until the ninth, when a doublo, a sacri fice aud an error gave us another run, but the next throe were easy outs and it was all over. Nevertheless it was a good game aud no disgrace to lose. In regard to that fluke home run, doz ens of Titusville people iu the grand stand declared it to be a foul ball by many feet. However, it was the umpire's de cision and it stood without any kick be ing made. Mr. Leibrich is an honest man, he thoroughly understands the game and gave excellent satisfaction as an umpire. To tbe credit of the Tionesta players it can lie said that not an objec tion was raised by tbem, not even to that alleged home run. Titusville made no objections to any plays, and in that re spect the game wan a pleasure to the spectator. I lie score: TIONESTA. All K H I'O A K Weaver, 2d 4 113 12 Lawrence, c 3 0 0 8 0 0 Haslet, s 0 0 0 8 0 0 Arner, If. 5 0 110 1 Hagerty, 1st 5 115 0 1 Stroup, mf. 3 1112 0 Bankhead, J., 3d 1 10 110 Kliriver.rf.. 2 0 0 2 0 0 Bankhead, II., p 3 0 10 2 0 28 4 5 24 6 4 TITl'SVILLE. All R H 10 A K Peer, a 4 113 11 Mulhclland, mf 2 1110 0 McDonnell, 2d 4 1 2 2 5 0 July Clearance Sale. We have selected from our stock of Ladies' and Men's Furnishing Goods, Dry Goods and Shoes, a lot of goods which we desire to close out Before August 1st, 1906, and we give the public an opportunity to save money on goods that arc seasonable and serviceable. Shirt Waists. One-half price. Shirt Waist Suits. $1 50 quality at 1 00 2 00 quality at 1 40 3 00 quality at 2 00 Wrappers. 1 25 and 1 50 quality at 5)Sc 1 00 quality at 79c Summer Skirts. fl 00 quality at 75c 1 50 quality at 1 00 2 00 quality at . 1 25 Lace Boleros. $1 25 quality at 1 00 1 75 quality at 1 35 Ladies' Belts. 50c quality at . 38c 25c quality at 19c White Parasols. $2 00 quality at . 1 50 2 50 quality at 2 00 White Wrist Bags at 38c One lot $1 Corsets at 69c One lot Ladies' Gloves at 10c Make your purchases early. Save this advertisement. It will not appear again. G. W. Robinson & Son. Becker, If 4 2 2 10 0 Swandors, c 4 0 0 0 2 0 Preudergast, 3d 4 0 113 2 Acton, 1st 4 0 0 11 2 0 Uillen, rf. 4 0 1 0 0 2 Koc.lie, p 2 0 0 1 2 0 Benedict, p 1 0 0 12 1 33 5 8 27 17 6 Tionesta 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 14 Titusville 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 -5 Summary. Karned runs, Titusville 2, Tionesta 1; borne run, Becker; two base hit, Weaver, 8 1 roup. Peer, Becker; sac rifice bits, Lawrence 1, Haslet 1, Stroup 1, Mulbolland 1; stolen bases, Lawrence 1, Haslet 1, Sbriver 1; base on balls, ofT Bankhead 1, off HocbeO. off Benedict 4; struck out, by Bankhead 0. by Benedict 2; hit bv pitcher, Haslet, Sbriver; double play, Hoche, Swauders and Acton; left on bases, Tionesta 10, Titusville 6; first base on errors, Tionesta 5, Titusville 4; hits off Roche 4 In 4 innings, off Bene dict 1 in 5 innings. Time, 1:30. Umpire, Chas, Leibrich. lie anient Cannot lie Cured by local applications, as tbey cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of tbe Eu stachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or impertect bearing, and when it is entire ly closed dealness ia the result, and un less the intlamation can be taken out and this lube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever; nine coses out often are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inllamod condi tion of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any caso of Dealness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's t'utarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY it CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75. 1 Hall's Family Pilla are the best. Old Chronic Mores. As a dressing for old chronic sores there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Salve. While it is not advisable to heal old sores entirely, they should be kopt in a good condition, for which this salve is espec ially valuable, For sore nipples Cham berlain's Salve bas no superior. For eale by Dunn iSc Fulton. TO CfUK A COM) IN ONE DAV Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TableU. Druggists refund the money if it tails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature la on each box. 25c. Don't He llnrkwnnl. Do not hesitate to ask for a tree sninpfe of Chamberlain's stomach and Liver lab lets. Wo are glad to give them to anyone who is troubled with biliousness, consti pation, or any disorder of the stomach. Many bave been permanently cured by their use. Dunn .t Fulton. skam:i PROPOSALS. of pennsylvania, Statu Highway Dkpahtmknt, llAUKISBUHl), Pa.) Sealed proposals will lie received hy the State Highway Department of Penn sylvania, under the Act approved May 1st, 11MI5, for tho construction of ,8;ll Jfcet of road, extending from Borough lia of Tionesta on river mud, to II ickory Town ship line, in TionostH Township, in- tbe County of Forest. Plans and specifica tions can be seen at tbe office of the County Commissioners, Tionesta, Pa., and at the nlliee of the State Highway lieparlmnnt, Harrisburg, Pa. Bidding blanks will be furnished by the State Highway Department upon request. Bids must be endorsed "PROPOSALS FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN TIONKSTA TOWNSHIP, FOREST COUNTY," and received at the r.tlife of the Stato Highway Department not later than August iHI), 1!KM. JORKPH W. llUNTKR, State Highway Commissioner. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration having been granted on the estate of Jennie M. Col lingwood, late of Kingsley township, de ceased, all persons iodohted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims to present the same to the undersigned Administra tor, or his counsel. John W. Jamieson. Arlin'r. S. D. IuwiN, Attorney. 7-18-61 Fred. Grottenberger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and General Blacksmitblng prompt ly done at IiOW Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of and just west of the Shaw House, Tldioute, Pa. Tour patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENBKRGER PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER. Repairs) Rollers, Stills, Tanks), Agitators. Buys and Sells Second - hand Boilers, Etc. Wire or letter orders promptly at tended to. End of Suspension Bridpe, Third ward, Olli CITY, 1A. WHEN YOUR TEETH Start Breaking Away Or are soft, bave them croWDed. thus saving the tooth. For $5 we put on the best gold crown made, with extra thick cusps, and of 22k. gold reiu forced by 18k. solder. These are what others charge (8 and $10 for, and we will do it painlessly. All work done by Dr. Reid personally. New York 52 Sen. St., OH City only. Dr. Reid, Proprietor. Open Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Sundays by special appointment. See Our Big Clearance Sale Ad. In This Issue. G. Summer Dress Goods. (On Table.) 10c goods at 7c per yard 2c and 15c goods 10c per yard 22c and 25c goods at 16c per yard Men's Shirts, Etc. One lot Men's 1 Shirts at : 75c " 50c Neckwear at 25c " 25c Neckwear at 15c " Bow Ties at 10c " Linen Collars (soiled) 4 for 25c Water Proof Collars 3 for 10c " Men's 50c Hose at 38c " Men's 25c Hose at 19c " Men's Summer Underwear, 50c quality, at 35c per garment Straw Hats. At greatly reduced prices. Shoes. 4 dozen pairs Men's Shoes, odd pairs, . 30 per cent, off Boys' 1 50 Canvas Shoes at 1 00 Boys' 1 00 Canvas Shoes at 75c One lot Ladies' Shoes at 1 00 All Oxfords 10 per cent, off A Short Shirt Tale The month of roses and of brides is also the month of Negligee Shirts. It's a very chilly man who does not appreciate the cool comfort of Negligee Shirt. Tbe largest and most complete as sortment is here. We are exclusive distributors of tbe following great makes: The Star, Tbe Quaker City, lue Princely. Striking lines at 50o, (J9c, 75o, $1.00, 51 50, 2 00, $2 00. We court comparison. Match Us If You Can THE McCUEN CO 2i AND 29 SENECA ST., OIL CITY, PA. BIGGIES! MGGI! Car Load of Buggies, Road-wagons, Surreys and Spring-wagons. All Buggies Guaranteed and Prices Right. Co mo early and get your choice. Am also headquarters for ALL Farm Machinery, KINDS Land lime in stock ready for drill Always at my ware rooms on Satur days. Come in I J. G. BROMLEY TIONESTA, FA. Chamberlain's DUnhMhaRraiedy. Never fails. Buy it now. It may save life. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. & Seven Million boxes sold In poU 12 months. ThlS Signature, w.VSCfcrT' FREE Onco moro wo aro offering the public an opportunity to se cure Trousers of tho finost fab rics and tailored to measure, Frco of Charge. Our tables aro full of rem nants, loft there by tho season about to close, and inasmuch as these must bo disposed of, wo make this offer: With every Suit or Overcoat ordered wo will make, frco of charge, An Extra Pair of Pants. You select, wo measure and tailor to a guaranteed fit, at 15 Glasaow Woolen Mills Co., WORLD'S LARGEST TAILORS. 22 sWfcT. OIL CITY, PA. Semi - Clearing Sale Monarch Clothing Co. The great semi-annUal clearing sale of the Monarch Clothing Company begins Wednesday, July 18th, and continues 10 days. In order to effect a quick clearance all clothing'for men, boys and children, all men's and boys' fur nishings, ladies' waists, skirts, coats and suits, children's coats and dresses, etc., are offered at great cut in prices. Be on hand early and secure some of the rarest bargains in high class merchandise that was ever yet offered in the county. Specials for Ladle. Wb'te lioen dross skirts 11.60 value, 6!)o White linen dress skirts $2 25 value, J8e White liuen dress skirts 8400 value, $1.1)8 Handsome Panama, Sicilian and Mohair dress skirts, beautifully made and trimmed, $( value, $3 98 Handsome Panama and Sicilian broadcloth skirts, $5 value, $2 08 One lot of oiisses' handsome dress skirts in fine Sicilian and Panama, $4 value. $1.98 Ladies' white linen coats, hand somely made and trimmed, $3 value at $1 69 White linen Eton suits, handsome lr designed and beautifully trimmed, $5 value, $2 6!) Children's gingham and percale dresses, beautifully made and trimmed, 75c value, 39o Children' white lawn and fine pequot or chambray and linen dress es, $2 value, 98o Men's Clothing. $15 00 to $16.50 men's suits, $10.98 13 50 to 14.98 men's suits, 9.98 MONARCH CLOTHING CO. NEXT TO CHAMBERS' Oil "MTV DA NEW BUILDINC, UIL CITY, PA. To Cure a Cold in One Day fts PANTS 18 820 Annual 10.98 to 12.98 men's suits, 8.98 9.98 men's suits, 7.98 8.98 men's suits; (J 98 (5.98 and 5.98 men's suits, 4.98 Boys Nulls. $4.98 suits for boys, $3 98 3 98 suits for boys, 2.98 2.98 suits for boys, 1 98 1.98 and 2 25 suits for boys, 1 50 1.00 knee pants, 75c 79o knee psuts, 50c 50c knee pants, 39c 25o knee pan ts, 9c Straw Hals. $1.50 and $2 straw huts, 50c 25c and 50c straw hats, VJo Nhlrls. $1.00 shirts. COo 1.25 and 2 00 shirts, 98o 50o shirts, 39c 25o shirts, 190 Big values in men's pants, under wear, hosiery, hats, working coats, etc. One very low cash price. on every