Smart & Silberbersc Sale is on all this week. Women's Tailored Suits Worth $25.00 and r $30.00, at $17.50 Clearance Sale of Tailor- Made Suits. The women's tailor-made suits offered in this sale represent the latest and highest accomplish ments in designing and tailoring, every one mod eled for this season's wearing made from light weight materials in fashionable plain shades and fancy effects. To get these high-grade suits at such a reduc duction is indeed a splendid privilege, and we will not be surprised if the entire assortment is rapidly closed out. These suits are in Eton, Pony, Box Coat and Fitted Coat styles plain tailored and fancy trimmed, with full circular skirts. Great variety assures pleasing selections for all comers. The materials are Voiles, Chiffon Panamas, Wool Batistes and Serges in Alice and Navy Blue, Reseda, Rose, Gray and Black. SMART. & SILBERBERG, OIL CITY. PA. Oil City Trust Company, President, JOSEPH SEEP. Vice President, GEORGE LEWIS. REPORT MADE TO THE COMMISSIONER OP BANKING (Condensed) At Close of Business, May 26, liMXi. Time Lords $1,210,737 S" Keal Estate, Furniture and Fixtuies !K),381 62 Stocks and liouda.. 57,070 00 Demand Loans 5.":i,im8 84 Overdrafts 31,417 8'J Due from Banks... 20.(MW 2H Cash on baud 7U.2K1 !.) f 934,378 02 2,23o,4!W 2!) Trust Funds jiuti.820 72 Pennsylvania Eailroad LOW-RATE EXCURSION TO OIL CITY and TITUSVILLE Sunday, June 17, 1906. SPECIAL TBAI1T Kate to Oil City Train Leave. or Tltusvilie and return Glade 9.47 a. m. $1 00 Struthers 9.51 " 1 00 Warren 9 50 " 1 00 Irvineton 10.0(5 " 1 00 Tidioute 10.34 " 75 Hickory 10.50 " ' 75 Tionesta 11.02 " 75 Oil City Arrive 11.40 " Titusvillo Arrive 12.20 p. in. Reluming, special train leaves Tltusvilie 7.00 p. m,, Oil City 7.40 p. m. Tickets will be valid lor passage going only on special train. Returning, on special train June 17, and regular trains .Tune 18, Train 33 due to leave Oil City 3.30 p. in., June IS, will leave Titusville 'i.'M p. m. In consideration of reduced rate at wbicii sold, baicgage will not de checked on tlieie tickets and they will he valid for passive only on trains for which they are authorized to be sold. Children between live and twelve years of age, half rates. W. W. ATTERBURY, J. R. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, Oeneral Manager. Passenger Tralllo Manager. General Paasenger Agent & UGUST MQ8CK OFTIOIAF. Office fe 7 National Bauk Buildiug, OIL CITY, PA. Eyes examined free. Exclusively optical. The Great June White ' Treasurer, II. R. MERRITT. Capital $ 300.000 00 Surplus and Profits 381,126 70 Reserve for Taxes, Ao 1,016 78 Deposits 1,553,3.52.81 12,235,406 29 JORENZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONRHTA. PA. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. THEY HAD XOT MKT. Which Scorned Itatlicr Surprising Vnder tho ClrciiuiMnnci's. When P. T. Barnum wna at the head of hla "grout moral, show" It wiia his rule to send complimentary tickets to clergymen, and the cus tom Is continued to this day. Not long after the Reverend Doctor Walker succeeded to the pastorate of the Reverend Doctor llawkes la Hartford, there mine to the parson age, addressed to Doctor llawkea, tickets for the circus, with the com pliments of the famous showman. Doctor Walker studied the ticket! for a moment, and then remarked: "Doctor Hawkeg Is dead, and Mr. Bnrnum Is dead; evidently they have not met." Nature's Frst Law. "If you please," announced the grimy little person who had Just rapped at the door, "mother wants to know If you will kindly lend her your preserving kettle?" "Well," said tho liidy of the house dubiously, "I would do so with pleasure, but tho Inst time I obliged your mother she preserved It so ef fectively that I hnven't seen It since." A look of extreme hauteur passed over the mnlden's countenance. "Very well," she Bnld. "There'i no need to he nasty about It. The old thing wns full of .holes when we borrowed It, and mother wouldn't have troubled to ask you again, only we see'd you bringing home a new Mm. Tit-Bits. Mini's Idea of Vanity. DiMhloy (at a reception) It gives :u' ; nln to see these girls gnue at he'iiKiMves in' the mirror, Just to "i;i!ke sure their appearance Is catch .i..:. Whnt vanity. Ashley Quite rUht, old hoy. Vain n . .(,;!(.'! By the way, your tie Is a iiiie one sidod. Allow me to adjust :t. f'as'i'ey Great heavens, Aiii it in that shape when d:;.t!i:ig with Jilsg Sterling? man! I was What myself a i'ooI I as I didn't look jei ! Answers. Did .Ml He Could Do. Editor You say you write for tha lending magazines? I don't think I have ever seen anything of yours In any of them! Scribbler Well, I write for them ill the same. If they don't publish It, It's not my fault. A Case for the Lawyer. . Swell (writing to his tailor, who has applied for the sixtieth time for the settlement of a long-standing ac :ount ) : "Sir In regard to the settlement of your bill, I beg to Inform you that, If you worry mo about It any more, I shall place the case In the hands of my solicitor." Tit-Bits. Preposterous. Magistrate (to prisoner) You say that you took the ham because you are out of work and your family are starving. And yet I understand that you have four dogs about the house. Prisoner Yes; but I wouldn't ask aiy family to eat dogs, yer wusshlp. PIck-Me-Up. What's In a Xante. Fogt; I hoard a pretty compll- nent paid yon the other day. Mrs. Fassy Indeed! May I ask what It wns? Fogg ! hoard some one say how irotty you used to be. ' Mrs. Passy Used to be! Do you ;nll that a compliment? I call It an ibltunry notice. Judy. Immaterial. Barber (with apologetic cough) Which side shall I part your hair jn? Customer (with no hair to speak if) The middle will do as well as inywhere. It's about six on one side j nd half a dozen on the other. Chi cago Tribune. Confirmed. The safe which was recently stolen from llaxell's Hotel wns discovered Inst week In a lonely spot on Wan stead Flats, but Its contents, esti mated at 23, were missing. This confirmed the police theory that the object of the theft was to obtain the contents of tho safe. London Punch. Dressing a La Mode. He Honest, now, when you're go ing to some swell event do you ever succeed In dressing to please your self? She Oh, yes. I can always tell when I'm dressed perfectly; I'm ut terly exhausted. Brooklyn lite. "They say Dr. Jones is a fine bridge player." "No wonMer! He's a dentist." Princeton 'n- "r. Thompson's Barosnia oures Nervous ness and is acceptable to the most delicate stomach. 50c aiid $1.00. All druggists. A laiARANTEKIt ITttK FOR PI I. KM. Hulling. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money II Pazo Ointment fails to cure In 0 to 14 days. 50c. WANTED: by Chicago wholesale and mail order house, assistant manager (man or woman) for this county and ad joining territory. Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly; expense money auvancca. Work pleasant; position permanent. No investment or experience required. Write at once for full particulars and en close self-addressed envelope. COOPER & Co., 132 Lake St., Chicago, 111. m- if THE CHERUB RCCELLED. What a Visitor Overheard When Merh- er Made Haste. Ills mother had a culler down stairs, and with true maternal Intorest flie could not lot her go until she had gone up to got her young hopeful to bring him down for display. Not waltiug for the nurso to get tho child ready, she snatched a towel from tue rack and resorted to a method which all mothers at some time or other In dulge In. Kven then. It might never have leaked out If she hud not in her mad haste left the nursery door ajar. lut, as It was, the woman waiting below heard these flute-like baby tone flout down the stairway: "I say no, mamma." Mother's bw voice was heard In remonstrance. "I don't tare, Tompany or no torn pany, I won't have my face washed wlf spit!" Washington Post. NEWSPAPER WAIFS. "The old lady'Il give you hall Co lumhla for betting on a horse raio." "Xo she won't! This time I won'." Atlanta Constitution. Clerk "Is this to be charged, ma dam?" Lady "Oh, yes; you'll have to. My husband has Just lost hi position." Harper's Bazar. "Don't you feel at nil nervous about having your son play football, Mrs. Sprogglns?" "Xo. I would rather see him dead than married to the girl bo's engaged to." Chicago liei-ord-IIerald. They are speaking of the agllatina orator. "He Is a man who weighs his words," remarked the cl(se observer. "If he does." said the cynic, "he gives short weight." Chicago Dally Xews. Kwoter "The Lord tempers the wind to the shorn lamb." Xewltt "Yes but the grout trouble with the lamb, If he happens to have been shorn In Wall Street. Is that he can't raise the wind." Philadelphia Ledg er. "Young man," said the stern par ent' "do you know what is the great est aim in life?" "Sure!" said the un regenerate; "that feller on th' In dianny wot smashed th' bull's-eye live straight nt halt a mile with a thlr-teen-lncher." Baltimore News. Escaped Punishment. A Philadelphia schoolmistress was Riving her pupils instruction in the elements of physiology, and among other things told them that whenever they moved an arm or leg It was In response to a message from the brain. "The brain always sends a message to your arm or your leg whenever you wish to move that particular mem ber," she explained. At last a mischievous boy aroused her anger by his apparent inattention to the lesson. "Hold out your hand!" she ex claimed. The boy did not move. "Why don't you hold out your hand " said the teacher. "I'm waiting for the message from my brain." said the lad. Philadelphia Ledger. Now He Wonders. She I suppose if a pretty girl came along you wouldn't care any more about me? lie Xonsense, Kate! What do I care for good looks? You suit me all right. La Vie Tarislenne. A Sordid Soul. "Is Samson Husklman going to coach your football team this season?" asks the visitor of the quarterback. "Samson Husklman? Don't repeat that name on the campus." "Why, Is there anything wrong about " "Wrong? Listen. Instead of play ing with the boys this year, what do you suppose he Is going to do?" "Going Into professional athletics?" "Worse Infinitely worse! He has accepted the offer of a thousand dol lars a week as demonstrator for a hair tonic." Judge. What the Hog Was Doing. Teter McArthur was telling of trav eling down South when he sprung this one. lie said that his train had s'opped at a railroad station in North Carolina, and a red-complexloned hog was seen rubbing himself on a tele graph pole. "That Hog seems to be troubled with fleas or the mange," observed Mr. McArthur to a native. "Maiiffo nothing," replied the na'Ive to whom the remark was addressed. "Thnt hawg Is a ra.oibark an' he's stroppln' hlsself." A.C.UREY, LIVERY Feed & Sale STABLE. Pine Turnouts at All Times at Reasonable Rates. Hear of Hotel Weaver TIOHSTEST-A., 3P-A-. Telephone No. 20. DR. CBEWER MEDICAL AND SIRG1CAL INSTITUTE, M 01 AND BLOCK. Entrance No. 205 Centre street and 200 Sycamore street, Kooms 5 and 6. Oil City, l'oiuiwylvanla. Dr. Daniel Shannon, the well known Philadelphia specialist, is the physician and sugeon-in-ohlef of the Institute. He la permanently located at the above ad dress, where ho treats all chronic diseases of men, womeu and childien. He makes a specialty of all forms of Nervous Diseases, Blood Poison, Hecret Diseases, Kpileptio Kits, Convulsions, Hysteria, St. Vitus Dance, Wakefulness. Cured under guarantee. Lost Manhood restored Weakness of l oung Men cured and all Private diseases. Varicocele, Hydrooele and Rupture promptly cured without pain and no de tention from business. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism, Ncrotula, Old Sores, Mood Poison, and all disease of the Skin, Ear, Nose, Throat, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture, Tu mors, Cancers aud Goiters cured without cutting. Special attention paid to the treatment of Nasal Catarrh. HE WILL FORFEIT THE S1 1 OF $5,000 for any case of Flta or Kpileptio Convul sions that he cannot cure. Consultation free In Knglisb and Ger man and strictly confidential. Write If you cannot call. Otllce hours: From 0 a. tn. to 8::o p. in. On Sundava. from 2 to 4 p. m. only. WHITE PINE Flooring, Siding, and material for Window Casings and Inside Work. A good supply to select from always iu stock. Call on or add res?. JAS. J. LANDERS, TIONESTA. PA. or F. l. AMSLER. RAILWAY. To Take Effoct July 1st, I90A. NORTH Eastern Time SOUTH 3 1 ! Stations 2 4 p.mja m Leave Arrive p. in. p. in 6 30 !fl 05 6 00 !5 55 12 00 5 45 11 605 35 11 40 6 25 11 20 5 15 11 155 10 11 05 5 05 10 55 4 55 10 45 4 45 10 30 4 35 10 10 4 20 7 7 7 7 Nebraska Ross Run Lamentation Newtown Mills Kellettvilie Buck Mills Mayburg Porkey Minister Wollers Hastings Blue Jay Henry's Mill Barnes Sheffield Arrive Leave 1 007 1 10 7 1 25 8 1 45 8 1 608 1 65 8 10 8 2 25 8 2 40 8 3 05 9 3 15 9 10 00 4 16 p. nil a. m.lp.m T. D. COLLINS, President. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. Schedule in Effect May 27, 190(3. Trains leave Tionesta as follows : For OIL CITY, PITTSBURGH, and prlnoipal intermediate stations, 11:01 a. m. week days, Oil City only, 8:21 p. m. daily, 6:28 p. m. Sundays. For BRADFORD, OLEAN, and prin cipal intermediate stations, 7:53 a. m. daily, 4:16 p. m. week days. For Warren and Intermediate stations, 2:43 p. m. Sun days. W. V. ATTERBURY, Gen. Mgr. , J. Jt. WOOD, P. T. M. GEO..W. BOYD, G. P. A. DR. KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY Pleaaant to Take, Powerful to Cure. And Welcome In Every Home. KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE Dr. Daviil Kennedy's Favorite Remedy Is adapted tn aliases ami ttli wxeii, affording permanent re lief In all case canned hjr Impurity of t lie blood, uch as Kidney, nimbler and l iver Com plaints; curia ( onatiputlon and WeuknsMea peculiar to women. It prnvcssuccewfnl In caacs where all other medU Cincs have totally failed. No miflererahould despair as longM this remedy innntried. It has an nnhro kea record of ancccHa for over 80 ycara, aud has won hoHiBof warm friends. Are you aiiltirmu from any disease traceable to the cam eg mentioned? If ao, lr. Kennedy haa tnked his personal and professional reputation on the suitcmcuttbatl-'avorlie Keiuudy willdoyoa good. Send for a free) trlnl lmttln and booklet eon tainini; valuable, niclira Induce on the treaMnentof various diseases. Write also for an "Enny Tet' for flnliui;oiitir yon havo kidney disease. Address Dp. IIhvIiI Kennedy's Sons, Itoixlont, . Y. REMCMRtn, the full name I s Dr. David Ken. ned.v'e FAVOKI I K ItE.MKIiY.nmdeat Hondout, N. v., and the prireis M1.00 (six hottl-a f l.Oolat all druggists in the Lulled States, Canada aud f urelKti countries. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, -OF- TIONESTA, - PENN. S.S.CANFIEID PROPRIETOR. This Is To Be a Week of Un usually Aggressive Merchandising. A week filled with rare and unexcelled money ' saving opportunities. The entire week to be devoted entirely to sale of special merchandise that requires forcible price reduction to move it. First, there's to be the formal introduction of "Justrite" Corsets. Then the sale of 75c and 1 Black Lisle Hose. After that in importance comes the sale of Dol lar Costume Silks at GSc. Then a sale of Lawn Dressing Sacks. Come and sec the showing of bargains. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK. SURPLUS, Time Drposlta Solicited. A. Watni Cook, President. A. Wayne Cook, A. B. Kkllt. Caahier. DIRECTORS O. W. Robinson, N. P. Wheeler, T. V. Rltchev. J. T. Dale. Collection! remitted for on day of pnymeut at low rates. We romlae our euntoin era all the benefits oonalsteut with conservative banking. Interest ptld on time deposits. Tour patronage respectfully solicited. Seasonable Sensible HARDWARE A look at our stock will suffice lo show that we are com pletely stocked iip oo everything in hardware for tho seaaon, Our large store room was never go crowded as oow willi all tbiogs needful for the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Contractor, the Builder, or the Householder. Bisifcll Plows, Syracuse Plows, Lawn Mowers, Hand Cultivators, Garden Tools, Farm Implements, SEE OUB ISTEW t- I I I I VS W J-J -L.N . I1 I VV fc Ball Bearing Clothes Wringer Turns so easily a child can run it, and does the work perfectly Nice Stock of Buggies Al ways on Hand The Ileal for the Least Money. J. C. Scowdon, It's a waste time, waste of ... , ' vidua iiuu blisters and exposes the surface to dampness ami decay. There is nothing to risk with Lucas it? Paints They are backed by the knowledge and experience of sixty years mnkini? bv the testimony of thousands of satisfied users; by our "ChallenKe" of sui.e'hor brilliancy, gloss, covering capacity, and durability. Ask your dealer John Lucas & Co ThmireaoreMcCall PMtero sold In the United Itttca thtn of an? oikr mk o t pattarm. This it on ftccouat of ibdr stylo. Accuracy an4 tlnplklty. MeCall'a M aaTlB(TlM Oun o FaiMofkMii re subtiribert U any other LacitV Mafailnt. Ono yvar'i subscription (ujwnoori) ootg 00 eon la, Lateit ftuaabrr, 6 MBta Iwy aubacribar gU a McCaU i t tarn Vf fiuaacrloa today. IaJr Areata WtaijBfJ, tfan&toma premtamt of HVcral caaa cotawiaaloa. Pattern Catalog ua( of 6oo da. fen) aa4 Vara Catalogue (bowing premium) Aa4rtaa TB McCJUACCU w York. mm CHICHCSTtR'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal pills w.,. dim risooii. , s, M Mia,. HrfuM D(r Kakstltallras u 1 raits. DtMi.i. 'klfllMt'blil' m. Ma4lMa tfun.'i'aiU, I'C NATIONAL BANK, PENNSYLVANIA. $50,000. 155,000. mil poy your l'er Vent, per Annum Wm. Kmkarbauoh, Vice Trealdoiil Wm. SmearlmiiKli, A. 11. Kellv. Building Papers, Chicken Wire, Ssreeu Wire, Screen Doors, Kitchen Ware, Paints aod Oils. Tionesta, Pa, There's no economy in "rlipnn" nnmi of materials. Waste Of lillior irrwtn wood. I )(r-'l IWi 1 lilt 1 Wlltlf Srrw.1- n J Philadelphia Learn More About Poultry We will furnish you each month for five years the best readine matter published about poultry for $l.(K)aiid give you one Si-Uim'of llnrred I'lymoutb ltock KgKn ii"in iimuiry I31ts. 1 UOIllUSOllS' it i , ,Jo. , luonipsuns , OI Hawkins strains, or one setting of 8ln- tile enib While I culinrn Kkiti Knapp liros.', Hires'. Vvckollsfoi rm trttm or Van presers strainsasapremium, We also furnish eirts from other varieties and valuable premiums with subscriptions to roullry lievh w, a pupcr which con tuins each month the best articles pub lished on all branches of the poultry business. One live-year subscription fnd.?H? scAtlnK of thonniEhbred ecirs for $1.(10 One year i?5 cents. Sample copy and premium list Scentsinstamps l'oultry Keview. Ilox 7, Salem, N. ill N. T. IS AN KINO IIOISF. omrlnir prliuoNTKAM HAI I.KUA 1 llu.V UMwill eniiaitn tho xorvlceii of naluamcn who can enn trnl invcHtmoiit bunlness within tholr ncluh borhood. Address Lock Uox'1i37,NuwYork City Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures C0I1I4, Cruup and Wlukiping Cough.