The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 13, 1906, Image 2

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4. C. WCNK, Editor 4 Propricton.
! 1906 JUNE 1906
:Su. Mo. Tu.jWo.lTh. Fr. Sa.
10 11 12131415 16:
17 18 19 20 21 22 23:
24 25 2G 27 28 29 30
1 1 p.m.
e Third . 8:3
13 p8;, on 9:18
t Quarter
.i-Quarter 4
Republican Ticket.
Lieutenant Governor,
Auditor General,
Secretary of Internal Affair,
Dixtriet Attorney,
Dk. C. Y. DETAR.
Hon. X. P. Wheeler, or Forest County,
Nominated on Sixth Itallot.
The Republican Congressional Con
ference for the 281h District met in the
Alsace hotel, Franklin, Pa., Tuesday
afternoon, June 12, and the result was the
nomination of Hon. Nelson P. Wheeler,
of Endeavor, Pa , on the sixth ballot.
The convention was called to order by
J. R. W. Baker of Mercer county. L.
Agnew, of Forest county, was named
chairman and James Itrann, of Warren
county, and W. II . Baker, of Elk conniy,
were chosen secretaries.
The Conferees representing the coun
ties of the district were as follows:
Forest C. A. Randall, and L. Agnew,
proxy for J. E. Wenk, of Tionesta, and
Gus B. Evans, of Endeavor.
Mercer Morris Baelnnan, of Sharon,
J. F. Mathers, of Greenville, and J. R.
W. Baker, of Meroer.
Warren J. A. Scofield and James
Braun, of Warren, and L. C. Baker, of
Elk W. H. Baker, of Ridgway, J. V.
Fleming, ot Kersey, and Alfred Joseph
eon, of Dagus Mines.
Venango O. D. Bleakley, of Franklin,
A. M. Breckenrldge, of Oil City, and
Marshall Phipps, proxy for Q. R. Eich
baum, of Emlenton.
Nominations being in order, C, A.
Ilandall nominated Hon. N. P. Wheeler
as the candidate of Forest county; W. II.
Baker nominated W. O. Wlnslow of Elkj
J. R. W. Baker nominated James P.
Whitla of Mercer; O. D. Bleakley nomi
nated General John A. Wiley of Venango;
J. A. Scofield nominated Hon. H. H.
Cuminga of Warren.
For four ballots each county voted sol
idly for Us home candidate. On the fifth
ballot the Forest county conferees cast
their votes for Mr. Whitla, the Mercer
candidate. On the sixth ballot Mercer
reciprocated the courtesy by casting their
votes for Mr. Wheeler, of Forest. Two
of Elk county's conferees voted for Mr.
Wheeler, and these with Forest's three
gave him eight votes, or the majority
necessary to a choice. By motion the
nomination of Mr. Wheeler was made
Mr, Wheeler was brought into the con
vention and formally introduced and
given a hearty welcome. He made a
brief,.but feeling address, thanking the
party and the conferees for the honor
conferred upon him.
Addresses were made by General H. Cumings, James P.
Whitla, Alexander McDowell, of Mercer,
and W. II. Baker, of Ridgway.
Peanuts are recommended by vege
tarians as a substitute for high-priced
meat. This is playing the galleries all
Anarchists are beut on proving that
the worst said of them is true, and that
they will go to lower depths if they can
find them.
It will be In keeping with the sottier
saults cf the Democratic party to put for
ward Bryan in 1008 as the conservative
gnldhug candidate.
Pipe lines for the transportation of oil
are to be included in the railroad rale
regulation bill. This will hit both the re
bale and the crowbait.
Beiokk the Britons get too critical
about American meat, It would he well
to look into all tbe uses made of Aus
tralian rabbits and kangaroos.
In Japan the average pay of cotton mill
operatives is 14 cents a day, a fact worth
tbe attention of the party that proposes
to make free trade its paramount issue.
Amon;i Mr. Rockefeller's rules for suc
cess In life is: "Do more than is expect
ed of you." In dividend clipping Mr.
Kocketeller is probably doing more than
he expected ol himself.
Mr. Parker's recommendation of a
southern man for 1908 seems to have
turned tbe attention of his party toward
Nebraska. Advice from Esopus is not
without negative value.
The fact that old Gen. Weyler sus
tained a glancing blow in the paunch
during the Madrid explosion will not
lessen the How of sympathy from the
country he once threatened to invade.
Republican State Convention.
The Republican State Convention which
met in TIarrisburg last week did its work
In a fair and business-like manner. The
result is that a ticket has been named in
which no reasooaldo Republican can tind
a flaw anywhere. The head of the ticket,
Edwin 8. Stuart, is one of the cleanest,
brainiest and most popular citizens of the
Quaker City, against whom no taint of
suspicion, either in Ills private or public
life, has ever rested. His colleagues on
the ticket are men of like puro character
in all the walks of lite, and the voter who
is not satisfied with these candidates is
not going to be satisfied with anything
short of the deleat of the whole Republi
can ticket from Governor down to the
smallest county otlli-o. No mini need
say that lie is loo independent to vote the
Republican state ticket when composed
ot such politically and personally pure
candidates, and still lay claim to being a
Republican and demanding to take part
in Republican councils. The ticket it
all right Iroin top to bottom and will be
The plat firm is broad, sweeping and
plain on all (he vital points of govern
ment and questions In which the people
today are most interested. In brief it is
as follows:
Congratulates the people of the United
States on continued prosperity under
Republican rule.
Condemns unfair methods of industrial
competition and transportation discrimi
nations. Approves President Roose
velt's enforcement nf anli-lrust and in
terstate com met ce laws.
Recommend, publicity for great cor
porations, especially common carriers.
Domands governmental inspection, su
pervision and regulation of corporations.
Approves railway rate bill, Approves
meat inspection bill.
Declares for maintenance of protective
tariff and against disturbance of existing
conditions. Favors restiicted immigra
tion. Endorses Pennypacker administration.
Approves reform legislation adopted at
the extra session last winter.
Pledges party to enact laws for two
cent railway fare; to prohibit excess
charge on mileage-books; to permit trol
ley companies to carry freight; to pre
vent railroads owning and operating coal
Recommends Increased appropriations
to public schools and charities.
Fledges creation of state railroad com
mission to compel impartial treatment of
passengers and shippers. Favors restora
tion of abandoned canals.
Demands abolition of franchises of rail
roads not actually in use. Opposes the
confiscation or reprisal of vested rights.
Favors limited franchise for publio util
ities and rotoution of water power rights
under state control. Favors employers'
liability law.
Recommends civil service for all coun
ty officers and employes and law against
mercantile appraisers holding any other
public office.
Favors return of personal property tax
and license fees to the county treasurers.
Promises establishment of free state
hospitals for consumptives. Advocates
liberal appropriations for good roads.
Endorses the action of Republican sen
ators and representatives in congress in
upholding the President's hands.
Cream of the Sews.
Corner lota are not always dirt cheap.
If your skin is tender, sensitive, dry
or oily, wash with San-Cura Soap accord
ing to directions. 2fc. All druggists.
Of two evils, pass the first up and
turn the other down.
Our summer dress goods department
is always kept up to the standard, stock
never allowed to run low or got broKen
up. Hopkins. It
It takes a woman to put up preserves
and a man to put up for them.
If you haven't caught onto that new
straw bat yet, don't put it off any longer.
Hopkins is selling a lot of 'em, just the
right style and price. It
A wise man doesn't attempt to pull
himself out of trouble with a corkscrew.
San-Cura Ointment Is antiseptio and
healing, pleasant to use and does not soil
the clothing. Wash with San-Cura Soap.
25c each. All druggists. Keep on band.
Tbe wise wife has a weigh of her
own, but lets her busbaud have his own
Thompson's Barosma, Kidney and
Liver Cure, cures and strengthens all the
organs, restoring your youtblul health
and vigor. 50c and $1.00. All druggists.
The brave and fearless man manages
to get there early and thus avoids the
Thompson's Barosma is absolutely
harmless and guaranteed to cure all dis
eases of the Kidneys, Liver and Bladder,
also Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous
Debility and Female Weakness. Drug
gists. 50c and $1.00.
May we say that the mob at an im
promptu banging Is one kind of string
band? ,
For twenty years I suffered with
Bleeding and Itchllng Piles. Two years
ago I began using San-Cura Ointment,
and one SOo bottle made a firm aud per
manent cure, and have not been troubled
since. Rev. W. E. Gilbert, Pleasantville,
Pa. Druggists. 25c and 50c.
If a man is unable to stand prosperity
be should sit down and give bis wife
If your stomach troubles you do uot
conclude that there is no cure, for a great
many have been permanently cured by
Chamberlain's stomach and Liver Tab
lets. Get a free sample at Dunn A Ful
ton's drug store and give them a trial.
They also cure constipation and bilious
It's a mean man who will bunco his
wife by not leaving any change in his
On the fourth anniversary of Cuban in
dependence a Havana paper published a
forty-eight page edition, printed partly
in English and partly in Spanish. The
Island has witnessed a great change in
itself since it was liberated eight years
ago by a generous neighbor.
Mr. Bhyan writes to his trieuds that
"It is time to call a halt on socialism in
the United States." Tbe Populist plat
forms on which Bryan jointly ran, both
in 181X5 and 1900, favored a greenback
currency and the government owneiship
of railroads, which may be as far in so
cialism as he desires to go, and farther
than will receive the support of reasona
bly conservative citizens.
Rev. F. M. Small and Mr. Whltchill of
Kollettville, spent Thursday night In
town. The reverend gentleman preached
veiy interesting sermon in the M. E,
J. E. Myers aud son, of Oil City, were
the guests of 11. A. and R. W. Shotts a few
days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Miller, of Cheerful
made a short call In town Sa urday eve
ning. Miss Taylor, of Shippenville, spent
Sunday with her brother, Bert Taylor.
Ralph Henry and lady, of Tionesta,
were in town Sunday afternoon.
O. F. Walker and wife were Marieu
ville visitors Monday.
M iss Theresa Obenrider visited Susie
Shotts Monday and Tuoda
Dr. Urmson Is at Kt-llettvlllo this week
doing dental work.
Miss Lola Kulins returned home from
CUrington Monday wlire she has beon
visiting friends a short lime.
C. S. Walberts pent Monday at Fry
burg. Wist Hickory.
Miss Josephine Siggins is home from
Beaver College. Mrs. Herman Cope
land aud son are up from W. Va. to visit
Mrs, Cnpeland's mothor, Mrs. Sadie
Whiltou. Mrs. J. A, Turner has goue
to her cottage at Allegheny Mprings
M. Bruner has resigned his position at
the depot as agent, a position which he
has filled for a numbnr of years. He Is
succeeded by A. A. Atherton. C. L.
Gibbs is In town today on business.
Miss Alice May Hood, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Hood, at the Riverside
Stock Farm, and Mr. Geo. Wilcox, of
Warren, wore married at Jamestown, N.
V , Friday, June 8lb, !!HMi. .We do not
know as to whoro they will take their
wedding trip, or when they will return,
or where they will be at home. Every
thing was done on the "quiet, but we
guarantee it will not be "quiet" when
tbey return. Gospol lent meetings
closed here last week aud the work ia
being continued on the east side. Prof.
Itateman, the singer, goes Friday to fill
another appointment at Rentloyville,
Washington county, Pa. Il has not been
decided as yet whether the meetings will
ointinue over Sabbath. The choral
class undor the management of Miss
Kate Wilson and Mrs. She asley, is getting
along finely. A concert will be given at
the close of the class. Theodore Snow
and family are in Oil City for the week at
the home of Mr, Snow's parents.
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh, that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chunky A Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations mado by their firm.
wkst ix l raux, wholesale druggists, 'lo
ledo, u., Waldino, Rinnan tt Marvin,
wholesale druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price 75o
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
Protect Proprietary Medicine.
Did it ever occur to you that proprie
tary medicines are a blessing to mankind
generally? Tbe good ones have long
continued sale; the poor ones have short
life and soon leave tbe market.
If we bad to depend entirely upon phy
sicians and druggists it would be expen
sive and very inconvenient at times, es
pecially in the country and at night when
neither could be conveniently reached.
For nearly forty years Boscbee's German
Syrup has been used in many families,
and thousands ol lives of adults and
children have been saved by its use,
when It was impossible to reach a physi
cian. German Syrup is tbe best house
hold remedy for coughs, colds, throat
and lung trouble, Il quickly relieves
the backing cough, loosens the phlegm,
and brings sound and refreshing sleep.
Twenty-five and seventy-five cents. Get
a copy of Green's Prize Almanac For
sale by Dunn & Fulton.
When I went into the drug store on
crutches I bad little faith in Barosma.
Than its to Thompson's Barosma I baye
not used my crutches for two years.
Since I was eighteen years old I had been
troubled with rheumatism. After tak
ing six bottles of Thompson's Barosma,
Kidney and Liver Cure, I was cured,
and feel well and vigorous enough to
work every day, which I bad not been
able to do. for ten years. J. N. Dunn,
Troy Centre, Pa.
How lo lirenk I'll a Colli.
It may be a surprise to many to learn
that a severe cold can be completely
broken up In one or two days' time. The
first symptoms of a cold are a dry, loud
cough, a profuse watery discharge from
the nose, and a thin, white coating on the
tongue. When Chamberlain's Cough
Romedy is taken every hour on the first
appearance of these symptoms, it coun
teracts the effect of the cold and restores
the syslpin to a healthy condition within
a day or two. For sale by Dunn tt Fulton.
If you know the value of Chamber
lain's Salve you w ould never wish to be
without it. Here are some ol'tbe diseases
for which it is especially valuable: sore
nipples, chapped hands, burns, frostbites,
chilblains, chronicsoreeyes, itching piles,
tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Price 25
cents per box. For sale by Dunn A
A daily OiTtirrem-e nl Hie llnme of Crock.
er'a Itheiiiiiulic Cure.
Columbus, Pa., Feb. 5, 1906.
Mr. Phillips.
Dear Sit: Please send me one bottle of
Crocker's Rheumatic Remedy. I got two
bottles a short time ago, and it is doing
me so much good I shall keep on taking
It. It is a wondorful medicine for Rheu
matism. Mr. Frank Woodard.
Columbus, Pa., Box 177.
Money order enclosed.
For sale by Dunn A Fulton.
TO ll'HK A ( 01,1) IN ONE DAY
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets,
Druggists refund the money if it falls
to cure. l'j. W. Grove s signature is on
each box. 25c.
Our employes frequently cut them
selves and become poisoned, but are
quickly cured by your wonderful reme
dy, San-Cura Ointment. I always keep
It on hand. S. S. Levy, Pres. of the Em
pire State Tanning Co., Smith's Mills, N.
Y. San-Cura Ointment, 25c and 50c.
It will pay you to lake a course in
The HolT Business College, Warren, Pa.
Make plans now to enter for tbe Fall
Term. Write for particulars. 2t
Unknown Fliraria.
There are many people.who have used
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy with splendid results, but
who are unknown because tbey have
hesitated about giving a testimonial ol
their experience lor publication. These
people, however, are uone the loss friends
of this remedy. They have done much
toward making it a household word by
their personal recommendations to friends
and neighbors. It ia a good medicine to
have in the home and Is widely known
foi its ou ran of diarrhoea and all forms of
iiowel trouble. For sale by Dunu Jt
of Tionesta Borough School Funds
for yoar ending June 4, 1IMKI;
J. C. Soowden. Treas. Dr.
To balance last settlement f 110 17
H. J. Setley, tax 1904 73 00
W. II. Hood, taxes old duplicates 210 74
State appropriation' 79t) 20
Tionesta Twp. tuition to June,'03 4!l 94
T. F. Rilchey, Amsler Judgment 274 27
American B'ook Co 4 80
S. J. Setley, J. P., fine 2 00
Old stove sold 0 50
Mayuard, Morrill A Co 1 70
Katharine Osgood, for honki 1 20
W. II. Hood, Col., tax 1905 2,04 1 89
$4,028 53
By orders redeemed 1-3.457 38
2 per cent com. on $3,457.88 6!) 15
ttaiance 002 00
f 1,028 53
W. II. Hood, Col. Dr.
To duplicate, 1U05 $2,402 42
5 per cent added on 243.70 12 18
$2,414 60
By 5 per cent abatement on
$ 1,56183 $ 82 60
Laud retm ned 5 07
Exonerations 44 49
Treasurer's receipts 2,014 89
2 per cent coin, on II ,569.23 31 38
6 ier cent com. on f.33 70 26 69
Halance uncollected, 1905 178 68
$2,414 60
statement op expenditures.
Secretary's sa'ary $ 40 00
Truant officer 1 SO
Commencement expenses. 27 75
Rent or organ 9 00
Toachera' salaries 1,070 00
.lauitor 134 70
Books and supplies 612 19
Gas and water 108 00
faid. on Crawford order 500 00
Interest and insurance 46 S3
Repairs 89 41
Directors' convention ; 18 00
$3,457 88
Cash in treasury $ 502 00
Uncollected lax, 1906 178 58
Bal. due on dup. prior to 1905 ..... 820 21
Due from county 15 116
$1,525 75
Orders outstanding $ 2 00
Assets in excess of liabilities 1,523 75
$1,525 75
We, tbe undersigned Auditors of Tio
nesta Borough, hereby certify that we
have examined tbe above accounts and
found them to be correct to the bestol our
knowledge. Joseph Joyce,
Harry P. Bankread,
Attest, Auditors.
M. A. Carkinoer, Clerk.
June 7, 1906.
ta Township School Fund for year
ending June 4, 1906:
William Lawrence, Treasurer. Dr.
To bal. last settlement $ 4:16 54
To State appropriation 056 67
To Wm. Nicol, Collector 2021 95
To Lawrence taxes 59 35
To Wm. Nicol, orders 6 17
To Jacob Smearbaugb 118 12
To County Treasurer, buildiug ... 453 00
To Harmony twp 30 19
$4080 99
By orders drawn 3622 87
By 2 perct. com. on $3622.87 72 46
By bal. in Treasury 385 68
$1080 09
William Nicol, Collector. Dr.
To amount of Duplicate $2315 73
To 5 perct. added on $390.17 10 51
$2335 24
By Wm. Lawrence, Treas i....$2087 47
By exonerations 42 05
By O. W, Proper, abatement 7 75
By land returned 58 12
By abatements and commissions.. 139 85
$2335 24
Teachers' Salaries $J537 50
Auditors and Clerk 6 00
Insurance 37 50
Tuition In other districts 588 06
Supplies 122 92
Repairs 117 14
Fuel 162 22
Directors Convention 20 7i
Secretary's Salary and Expenses.. 30 00
$3622 87
Cash in Treasury $ 385 68
Due from County, School 537 83
Due from County, Building 244 18
$1167 67
We,, the undersigned Auditors of Tio
nesta Township, hereby certify that we
have examined the above accounts and
found lb em to be correct to tbe best our
knowledge. J. H. W entworth.
A. L. Strickenberu,
M, Jaun,
Attest, Auditors.
M. A. Carrinoer, Clerk.
June 4, l'.HKi.
K HO REWARD. Wanted, Mill
SJ.UU tary Bounty Land Warrants.
Will pay $5.00 for telling me who has one
whether I buy or not. Dealers excepted.
R. K. Kelley, Kansas City, Mo. 4t
! BUS!
Car Load of Buggies, Road-wagoD?,
Surreys and Spriug-wagODB. All
Buggies Guaranteed
and Prices Right.
Come early and get your choice.
Am also headquarters for
Harness, &c.
Land lime in stock ready for drill.
Always at my ware rooms on Satur
days. Come in I
1 - 'rVV--.
Why Experiment?
VP have been buying and telllni paint
tor yeara and know ill (bout It. W hava
done mora to beautltjr tha homes ol aoms
ol our best men than tha (rcateat artliit
whose masterpieces adora the well" to
day. You ask, "How so?" and In eaallr
explained 1 vs hire been aelllnt paint
lor the Imlde and outilde ol bulldinis
nd wa hive tried every kind of paint ind
we fuarante then li nothing equal to
Uini Pioneer Prepared Paint.
We ire tucked up la this by a treat
bl Concern ind Hini iiyi every gallon
that li not right be will replace, ind he
tin been making paint lor alxty-four
yean ind li making in honeit practical
paint. We can tell you what It will coat
to paint your houae end will be glad to
give you tree a color card ihowing many
ample color if you write or call lo-
' 'c. W. KOUINSON & SON,
Tioncsln, l'n.
A Short
Shirt Tale
The month of roses and of brides is
also the month of Negligee Sbirts.
It's a very chilly man who does not
appreciate the cool comfort of a
Negligee Shirt.
The largest ami most complete as
sortment is here. We are exclusive
distributors of the followiug great
makfs: The Star, The Quaker City,
Tbe Princely.
Striking lines at 50o, UDo, 75o,
$1.00, $1.50, 2 00, $2 00.
We court comparison.
Mil tch I s If You tan
Fred. CJrettcnberger
All work pertaining to Machinery, Kn
ginea, Oil Well Tools, (ias or Water Kit
tings and General Blacksin I thing prompt
ly done at Ixw Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and just west of tbe
Shaw Ilouse, Tldioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
Repairs Rollers Stills,
Tauks, Agitators. Ruys
and Sells Second - hand
Rollers, Etc.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End of Suspension Bridge,
Third ward, Olla CITY, PA.
Why Not Take Advan
tage of This Oiler,
Goud during Juue set of
best teeth made lor $8.00.
These are absolutely tbe
best and guarauteed fur 5
years. Painless extracting.
New York
52 Sen. St., Oil City only.
Dr. Reid, Proprietor.
Open Wednesday and Saluiday
n.anlJ:'a Colic. Cholera and
InamDerlain S Diarrhoea Remrdy.
Never fails. Buy it now. It may save life.
,r Mit."a,r;. . , .
TiVo I .nvAtivfi Hrnmn Cluinine Tablets,
Seven Million boxes sold In past 1 2
A Paying
How can you invest your money
to better advantage than in clothes
that fit you properly, and at a
price that will keep the dollars in
your own pocket, instead of put
ting them in the other fellow's?
It requires but little money to
dress well if you let us make your
clothes. We will make you a suit
to order for no more than you
must pay for "good" ready-made
or about half what you would pay
any other good tailor. A trial
will surely convince you that
Glasgow Woolen Mills tailoring
is right in every way.
Top Coats,
Rain Coats,
All garments tried on beforo fin
ishing to insure a perfect fit.
Glasaow Woolen Mills Co.,
22 sW&t. Ol L CITY, PA.
Monarch Clothing; Co.
An achievement in selling that stands without a parallel,
demonstrating to the public the supremacy of the Monarch
Clothing Co., and asserting with emphasis the strength of our
buying opportunities, and proving conclusively our cash under
selling power. Customers have asserted time and time again
that they cannot do any better elsewhere and are perfectly will
ing to pay us cash while others are only too glad to extend
them credit. We are the lowest strictly one price casli store in
western Pennsylvania.
Sale Begins Saturday and Contin
ues Throughout the Month
of June.
June Male or Men's Mulls.
Two piece suits In all wool light colored
materials for mimmer wear.
$3.08, 15.98, $7.98.
Double or single breasted men's suits
of all wool fancy grey cheviot, aotno are
basket checks and box checks, while
others are or ueat greyuih plain colore;
lining la of good serge aud were made to
retail at $18 00.
Juue Sale Price, $8.98.
Double or single breasted all wool blue
serge suits, also plain black clay worsted
suite or black elievolt suite, all lined with
good alpaca or Venetian cloth, the coats
are cut, long or short to suit tbe wearer
and have deep vents In back and are ex
cellent swagger lilting garments, made
to retail at $16.00.
June Sale Price, $9.98.
Gun-metal grey worsted auits In box
plaids or checks, some are plain gun
metal shades of light or dark grey or
steel. Tbe style is very swBsger and are
made double or single breasted, lined
with best quality alpaca and equal to cus
tom tailored, coats have two vent and
are beauties, made to retail at $18.00.
. June Sale Price, $11.08.
Boys Wash Knit.
Hundreds of pretty styles or boys and
children's wash suits In all late styles.
June Sale Prices, 4;to, 69c, 98o, $1.08.
Boys' Mulls.
Double breasted and Norfolk suits, with
bloomer pants, all wool materials only,
in cheviots, serge, worsted and mixtures
$1.48, $2.69, $:t 98.
1 ium ,Fi"iBVia',i,uj.a Ti'ivi tutsjtamiw.,sss:s:
months. Thfe Signature,
Made to Order,
Mado to Fit.
Ladles' White Niinimer
White Eton Linen Suits, trimmed with
neat blue duck collar and some col Inrless,
trimmed with blue; a handsome girdle to
match suits and rowsofgraduatingstrHps
(embroidored) down back and front; skirt
made very neat and circular; slvle with
two rows of pleats at bottom; $8.00 values
June Sale, $'t.98.
Over 50 white linen coat suits mado In
dill'erent styles; some cut long Bnd some
half length and still some out 22 inches;
hkirts made In different stvles. These
have been purchased specially for our
June sale and will all he sold within a
few days; $S,00 value.
June Sale, $.1.08.
Linen Skirts.
White linen or duck skirts, mad cir
cular and plain; some have a row of pleats
at bottom and are worth $2.00; vory neat
and pretty.
June Sale, II80.
White linen or fine lialatencloth skirts,
made with folds of material and talis aud
straps, with lnitUiim on i-ido and bottom;
one pretty style has two rows of material
at bottom and are real f:t 50 value.
June Sale, fl.HH,
100 beautiful styles of white and lingerie
waists, trimmed with lace and embroid
ery front and back. Imig or short sleeves
aud very pretty; $.2 00 value.
. June iSale, 08c.
Hig baigaius in Underwear, Huts and
Children's C'ut8 and Dresses.
on every