The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 06, 1906, Image 3

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4. c. WINK, Editor t Proprietor.
1906 JUNE 1906
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
10 11 12 13 1415 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30!
tj,Full 4.11
iiMiwn V Ji m.
Third -I n 2:34
Vl Quarter 10 p.m.
,(-vNew ni 6:08
6L p.m.
-. Flrat oq 9:19
V Quarter a.iu.
Itepublicau Ticket.
JKitrict Attorney,
A Mighty I'oor Prophet.
Who is tho rattle pated Frank Mu scrib
bler that is sanding political forecasts to
the PltUburK tiazetto Times and other
"easy" sheet? There seems to be no
one miming from the Polk Institution,
and yet some of the stuff seut out from
the "Nursery" would seem almost to
necessitate a roll call among the feeble
minded to ascertain if all are present and
accounted fur. This unheralded political
prophet from the mouth of French creek
evidently thought it time that he "cut
loose" some, and so he unbosoms himself
in a dispatch to the Sunday Gazette, of
which the following is the most impor
tant, as likewise the most ridiculous, pro
nouncement: "Persona who claim to be 'on the in
side' assert that the contest for the Re
publican nomination for Congress in the
Twenty-eighth district has narrowed it
self down to a light between H. H. Cum
ings of Warren county and (Jen. John A.
Vil.y of Venango county. Mercer, Elk
and Forest counties each have a candi
date, but their names, according to gen
eral understanding, will not he seriously
considered by the conferees."
Just how this expert managed to got the
"inards" of this matter would be mighty
interesting to know. And just how he is
going to bowl out three of the five coun
ties comprising the district, all of them
with equal representation in the confer
ence, and give the thing over, body and
breeches, to Warren and Venango, will
be another mighty startling piece oi
"uoos" when it happens (?) The fact ol
the matter is that up to this time, we
don't think there is any "understanding,"
geueral or particular, as to what will be
the outcome of the coulerence, but that
moh county will receive fair treatment
and have its claims seriously considered.
Forest county, we have all along main
tained, has a candidate in the person of
lion. N. P. Wheeler who is second to
none In the district, and whose nomina
tion would at once settle the question so
far as the election in the fall is concerned.
Ilia friends, admirers and ardent sup
porters are not confined alone to his own
county, but extend to every portion of
the district, and that they will be in the
contest for him to the end, and wltb a
very good prospect of winniug, goes
without saying.
Republican State t'ourention.
At the Republican State Convention,
which meets today in Harrisburg, it
looks as though the ticket would be :
Governor, ex-Mayor Edwin S. Stuart,
of Philadelphia.
Lieut. Governor, Robert S. Murphy, of
Auditor General, Robert K, Young, of
Secretary of Internal A Hairs, Henry
llouck, of Lebanon, deputy superinten
dent of public instruction.
The sentiment for this ticket has been
spontaneous and has growu wonderfully
in the last two days, aud if nominated it
will make a strong ticket. Of course,
those with gubernatorial booms will be
somewhat disappointed, but as all can not
be nominated the disappointment of
those lett out would come just the same.
What the mass of Republicans have de
manded all along is a sure winner, re
gardless of individual preference.
TtiK Lincoln party, made up mainly of
soreheads and chronic kickers, who nev
er had enough Repnlican blood in their
veins to induce them to vole the ticket,
mot last week in Pblldolphia and named
a ticket with which only a small percent
age of their own followers even now are
satisfied, being composed of Lewis Em
ery Jr., of Bradford, for Governor, who,
a few years ago, made such a great (?)
run for Uougress ou the Democratic tick
et aguiust Mr. Sibley, who very neatly
placed the fidgety Mr. Emery on the list
of "also rans." For Lieut. Governor the
self-appointed delegates nominated Ru
dolph Blsnkenburg, of Philadelphia,
who is still fighting the late Senator Quay
with all the vigor of a billy-goat butting
a stone wall. For Auditor General one
George W. Merrick, a Tioga county "re
former" is named. E. A. Coray, the
Luzeene county feather-weight kicker,
brings up the rear a Secretary of Intern
al Affair, but, with his usual propensity
for dyspeptical knocking, threatens to
kick over the traces and refuse to act as
tsilender to such a combination. Should
Mr. Emory get generous, as lie used to
bo, the approsching campaign may de
velop some interest aud "make times
If yourBtomach troubles you do not
concludo that there Is no cure, for a great
many nave oeen permanently cured uy
Chamberlain's stomach and Liver Tab
lets. Get a free sample at Dunn & Ful
ton's drug store aud give tbem a trial.
They also cure constipation and bilious
ness. In these days chivalry must wear a
tag or it will not be recognized.
Senda Five Bullets After Fleeing
Thlevea Who Had Called Twice
In Wesk.
Philadelphia, June 2. When burg
lars for the second time within a week
tried last night to enter the homo of
Mrs. Ethel Abercromhlo Pell they
found her ready for them. Five times
did Mrs. Pell pull the trigger. Three
bullets ploughed holes in tho wains
coting of her room, and two went
through the window. The burglars
There were no marks of blood to at
test the accuracy of Mrs. Pell's aim,
but In their haste to get away the burg
lars tore up two flower beds and
smashed a section of grape arbor.
The police found a door nearly pried
from Its hinges. Mrs. Pell was for
merly the wife of Robert Gratz Pell
of Ited Oaks, and now lives In West
Coulter street, Germantown.
Say They Were Imprisoned In Filthy
Cells West Brownsville Feud.
Washington, Pa., Juno 2. Incident
to a feud between country milkmen
and the nuthoritlesof West Brownsville
nn assault and battery suit was filed
by Constable George Marker against
Winlicld King.
Archibald Watkius. Wlnfleld King,
William Bienton and James Kinder,
milkmen, were arrested a few days
ago for driving upon the sidewalks of
West Brownsville and were placed In
tho borough lockup. King Is alleged
to have assaulted Constable Marker
while the latter was eating his break
fast. King and his friends have Instituted
suit against the West Brownsville au
thorities for cruelty on the charge that
they were imprisoned iu filthy cells.
Gaikwar Sees High Society.
Philadelphia, June 2 The Gaikwar
of Baroda and his wife, the maharani,
were taken into the bosom of the or
iginal American 400 at a dinner given
in their honor at the Bellevue-Strat-ford
hotel by Mrs. George Law, who is
here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Reg
inald Vanderbllt. The dinner followed
an afternoon spent by the party at the
horse show and was somewhat upon
oriental lines. Eighteen plates were
laid. Some one apparently made a
wild guess in announcing in dispatches
sent out from here recently that it
would be a $"0.000 dinner. The af
fair probably did not cost more than
Ohio Pursues Bridge Company.
Columbus, O., June 4. Attorney
General Ellis has o"'erd ouster pro
ceedings to be begin' against the In
dianapolis Bridge company at Indian
apolis, Ind., for failure to comply with
the laws of Ohio while doing business
in the state. While it is not officially
admitted at the statehouse, it is known
that this is the first step of the at
torney general to move against the
foreign members of the alleged com
bine doing business in this state.
Cassatt Not Going to Resign.
New York, June 2. The Associated
Press has received the following tele
gram from the steamer Amerlka by
wireless from President A. J. Cassatt
of the Pennsylvania Railway company:
"No truth in the rumor referred to
in your Marconigram that I intend re
signing presidency of Pennsylvania
company. Cassatt."
Cream of the Xews.
Too much publicity spoils a good
If your skin is tender, sensitive, dry
or oily, wash with San-Cura Soap accord
ing to directions. 25c. All druggists.
Signing your name to a friend's not 8
is a bad sign,
San-Cura Ointment is antiseptic and
healing, pleasant to use and does not soil
the clothing. Wash witli San-Cura Soap
20c each. All druggists. Keep on band.
When riches come in at the window
friends flock to the door.
Thompson's Barosma, Kiduey and
Liver Cure, cures and strengthens all the
organs, restoring your youthful health
and vigor. 50c and f 1.00. All druggists.
The things that usually happen are
those that seem Impossible.
For twenty years I suffered with
Bleeding and itcbiing Piles. Two years
ago I began using San-Cura Ointment,
and one 50o bottle made a firm and per
manent cure, and have not been troubled
since. Rev. W. E. Gilbert, Pleasantville,
Pa. Drnggists, 25c and 50c.
Adversity lifts up many a man whom
prosperity has knocked down.
Our employes frequently cut them
selves and become poisoned, but are
quickly cured by your wonderful reme
dy, San-Cura Ointment. I always keep
it on hand. 8. S. Levy, Pres. of the Em
pire State Tanning Co., Smith's Mills, N.
Y. San-Cura Ointment, 25c and 50c.
Every man knocks his own line of
work and sticks to it like glue.
A Dully Orrurri-nre nt Ike Home of t'rwU.
rr' It lie ii m a lie Cure.
Columbus, Pa., Feb. 5, 1906,
Mr. Phillipi.
Dear Sir: Please seud me one bottle of
Crocker's Rheumatic Remedy. I got two
bottles a short time ago, and It Is doing
me so much good I shall keep on taking
it. It is a wonderful medicine for Rbeu
mutism. Mr. Frank Woopard.
Columbus, Pa., Box 177.
Money order euclosed.
For sale by Dunn A Fulton.
Free Summer Outing
Booklet, containing list of amuse
ment resorts aod quiet summer homes
nn the Nickel Plate Road. Call on
agent or address C. A. Astetlm, D.
P. A., H)7 State street, Erie, Pa., or
Ii. F. Horner, G. P. A., Cleveland, O.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Druggist refund the money if it falls
to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on
each box. 25c.
Low round trip rates to nearly all
points in the WeBt, via Nickel Plate
Road, on sale tho first and third
Tuesdays of each month. Write C.
A. Asterlio, D. P. A., 807 State St.,
Erie, Pa. 15tjul31
Sabbat li School Coil volition.
Minutes of tho eleventh annual con
vention of the Forest County Sabbath
School Association, held at Kellettvillo,
P May 22 23, 11M1:
First sessiou Tuesday 1:30 p. in. Devo
tional services led by Hev. F. M. Small;
address of welcome, Rev. F, M. Small;
response, D. B. Shields; roll call; Com
mittees appointed by President: Resolu
tions, Leou Watson, Rev. J. K. Adams,
Mrs. W. F. Jones. Nominations, Mrs.
Hagerty, Mrs, Small, Miss Guenther.
Paper on Revereucein the Sunday School
read by Win. Silr.lo, followed by discus
sion; How to Obtain the Best Teaching
Force, discussed by convention; papers on
Relation of the Sunday School to the Pub
lio School, by Mrs, J. A. Small and Miss
Kate Guenther, followed by discussion;
I'lsns for promoting attendance ot' Sunday
School scholars at the church service by
D. B. Shields fully discussed by pastor
aud delegates; singing by the choir.
Evening session, 7:30. Devotional by
Rev. J. F. Scherer; duet by Mrs. U. Y.
Detar and Miss Fianios Small; select
reading by Mrs. W. A. Shewman, com
posed by Mrs. Frank Honderson; anthem
by choir, after which wo listoned to a very
able sermon by Rev. P. J. Slouaker, text
from 1st Timothy, titu chapter; singing
by choir.
Wednesday morning, Devotional by
Rev. Slonaker; Way to Tearb the Books
of the Bible, Rev. Scherer; Primary Work,
Decision Day, Home Department, Cradle
Roll, Miss Ermina Lincoln; Should Cat
echism be Taught In Sunday School, Rev.
Irwin; Co-opeiation of Sunday School
and church, Mrs. Harry Dotterer; Musio
In the Sunday School, Mrs. Earl Callin,
Wednesday alternoon, Devotional by
Rev. J. F. Scherer; Delegates report; Elec
tion of Officers, as follows: President,
Rev. Paul J. Slonaker; Vice President,
Hon. F. X. Kreitler; Secretaries, Miss
Alice Arner, Miss KateOsg od; Treasur
er, Mrs. Ellen Catliu. Delegates to State
Convention, Rev. Slonaker, Rev. Scherer,
Mrs. G. F. Watson, Mrs. Orion Sigglns,
Miss Kate Guenther. Paper on Decision
Day by Mrs. Orion Sigglns; singing by
choir; Paper by Mrs. Hagerty, How to
Arouse Interest in the Sunday School;
Question Box conducted by Rev. Irwin,
very interesting; Paper by Mrs. A. B,
Kelly, The Teacher the Most Important
Factor in the Sunday School Work, read
by Mrs. W. A. Shewman; Paper, How to
Start a Teachers' Meeting, Rev. C. F. Ir
win. Resolution, That we as Forest
County Sabbath School Association create
the office and elect a superintendent of
temperance work. Mrs. Alice Siggius
nominated and elected.
Wednesday evening, Devotional by
Rev, Slonaker; motions made and carried
that expenses be paid and the rest of the
money put in treasurer's bands subject
to executive committee; that executive
committee provide a constitution to be
presented to next convention for adop
tion; that six names be added to execu
tive board as follows: N. P. Wheeler, En
deavor, G. F. Watson, Kelllettville, D. B.
Shields and H. A. Shipe, Marienville, A,
B. Kelly, Tiouesta, J. H. Murray, Gil
foyle, Select Reading, Mrs. Shewnan;
money raised to defray expenses of in
coming president as delegate to State
Convention at Gettysburg; duet, Frances
Small, Rev. Irwin; motions carried, that
convention accept invitation from Tio
nesta to meet there next year; that the
proceedings of this convention be printed
in the county papers. A very able ser
mon by Rev. Adams, text Psalms 3 aud
4. Convention adjourned sine die.
Ellen B. Catlik, Sec'y.
Whereas, in the good providence of our
kind Heavenly Father, and through the
kindly thoughtiulness of this church aud
the people of Kellettville, we have been
privileged to meet and hold this the
eleventh session of our Forest County
Sabbath School Association under such
favorable auspices and with so much
pleasure and profit to the delegates, there
fore be it' resolved that we hereby
1st. Devout thanksgiving to Almighty
God for His manifold mercies and His
good providence over us.
2d. That we tender our sincere and
hearty thauks to the officers and mem
bers of Kellettville M. E. church for the
use of their beautiful and commodious
church for our o invention.
3d. To the good people of Kellettville
for the hearty welcome they nave accord
ed and for the excellent and beautiful en
tertainmont so cheerfully provided.
4th. To the choir for the excellent and
appropriate musio furnished.
5th. To Mrs. W. A. Shewman for the
excellent readings given.
6th. To Rev. C. F, Irwin, Miss Lincoln
and Mr. Brown for the interesting and
profitable presentation of the various
subjects discussed Dy mem ana tne many
helpful hints given.
7th. To the President, Secretary, and
other officers of the convention for the
able and eUicient manner in which they
have discharged the duties of their re'
spective olUues. Lkon Watson,
J. K. Apams,
Mks. W. F. Jones,
Hon'g This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case ofCaturrh, that cannot
be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CllKNKY A Co.. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, ami believe
him perfectly hoiioralilo in all business
transactions anil (immcially alile to carry
nut any obligations 'iiadn by their firm.
West it- Thaux, wholesale drugirists, To
ledo, O., Wai.dino, Kinnan A Marvin,
wholesale druumsts, leiedo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon tho blood anil mu
cons hii r luces ot mo system. I'rice i;e
per tiotllo. Hold by all druggistH. Testi
monials tree.
Hall's Family Pills aro the best.
--He who has no faith lu himself Is
destined to becomes successful failure.
Have You l.vit-Nln, JiiiliKestion V
If today you sutler from impaired di-
gostion, sluggisn liver or impuro uioou,
and you were told of a preparation which
would cure vou at small cost, would you
try the remedy? There is a medicine
Green's August Flower. Go to your
druirnisl's and bnv a test bottle fr 2;
cents, or the reeular size for 75 cents. If
you bave iiifd all otner dyspepsia reme
dies without satisfaction, or if you have
never used any preparation tor these dis
tressing allei'lions; if yon have headache,
biliousness, loss ol appetite, sleeplessness,
nervousness, or any disorder of the sto
mach or liver, cure voiirsolf quickly by
nsing the infallible August Flower. It is
not an alcoholic stimulant, but quite
harmless lor general use. Get a copy of
Green's Prize Almanac, ror sale by
Dunn & Fulton.
Air ANTED: by Chicago wholesale and
V mail order house, assistant manager
(man or woman) for this county and ad
joining territory. Salary ?20and f xpenses
paid weekly; expense money advanced.
Work pleasant; position permanent. No
investment or experience required.
Write at once for full particulars and en
close self-n.idressed envolope. COOPER
it Co., 132 Lake St., Chicago, 111.
t'nknowa Frtrmla.
There are many people who have used
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy with splendid results, but
who aro unknown because tbey have
hesitated about giving a testimonial ol
their experience for publication? These
people, however, are none the leu friends
of this remedy. They bave done much
toward maklug it a household word by
thoir personal recommendations to friends
and neighbors. It is a good medicine to
have In tbe home and is widely known
foi its euraa of diarrhoea aud all forms of
bowel trouble. For sale by Duuu Jt
Fulton. '
Unless a man is willing to take
chances he never takes anything else that
happens to be lying around loose.
Flour 9 sack .,1.15 1.40
Buckwheat flour. W nt .3
Corn moal, feed, $ 100 tb. 1.15
Corn meal, family, f 100 lb 1.75(9)2.00
Chop feed, pure grain 1.25
Corn, shelled
Beans Tfr bushel
Ham. suirar cured
Bacon, sugar cured
Shoulders ,
Salt Pork, "fS ft
Wliltetlsb u kit
Syrup 35
IN. U. Molasses - .36 'a)
Coffee, Roast Rio
( otlee, blended Java
Tea .35(3)
Butter .15
Butter, creamery .30
Rice 05O.10
Eggs, fresh fl l-i
Salt$ barrel 1.25
Lard , .Vi
Potatoes, $ biiBhel, 8000
Potatoes, sweet, $t lb .2)
Lime barrel 1.25
Nails $ keg M.75
Wool 2022
ta Township School Fund for year
ending June 4, 1900:
William Lawronoe, Treasurer. Dr.
To bal. last settlement $ 436 54
To State appropriation 055 67
To Ww. Nicol, Collector 2021 H5
To Lawrence taxes 6!) 35
To Win. Nicol, orders 6 17
To Jacob Smearbaugh 118 12
To County Treasurer, building ... 453 00
To Harmony twp 30 19
4080 99
Byordors drawn 87
By 2 perct. com. on 3o22.87 72 46
By bal. in Treasury &S5 66
14080 99
William Nicol. Collector. Dr.
To amount or Duplicate $2315 73
To 5 perct. added ou 190.17 19 51
$2335 24
By Wiu. Lawrence, Treas f2087 47
By exonerations 42 05
By O. W, Proper, abatement 7 75
By laud returned 58 12
By abatements and commissions.. 139 85
?2335 24
Teachers' Salaries fir37 50
Auditors aud Clerk 6 00
Insurance 37 50
Tuition in other districts.. 588 06
Supplios 122 92
Repairs '. 07 14
Fuel 162 22
Directors' Convention 20 75
Secretary's Salary and Expenses.. 30 00
13022 87
Cash in Treasury $ 385 66
Due from County, School 537 83
Due from County, Building 244 18
(1167 67
We., the undersigned Auditors of Tlo
nesta Township, hereby cortify that we
have examined the above accounts and
found them to be correct to the best our
knowledge. J. H. W entworth.
A. L. Strickbnberu,
' M, Javn,
Attest, Auditors.
M. A. Carrinmer, Clerk,
June 4, 1906.
OK rf REWARD. Wanted, Mili
JpJ.JW tary Bounty Land Warrants.
Will pay $5.00 for telling me who baa one
whether I buy or not. Dealers excepted.
R. K. Kelley, Kansas City, Mo. 4t
Car Load of Buggies, Roadwagous,
Surteys and Spring-wagous. All
Buggies Guaranteed
and Prices Kight.
Co mo early and get your choice.
Am also headquarters for
'Land lime in stock ready for drill.
Always at my ware rooms oo Satur
days. Come in I
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
U ...I ..htainml nr rrr BrTllttNm.
ZO TIM. ,,r.,inu., """"
eipert mwiivh and free report on patentabUltj.
INFRINGEMENT !' conducted before all
cnurtn. 1'atentd obtained through in OVE.
IONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained.
Opposite U. 8. Patent Office,
Why Experiment?
wt have beta buying ind elllnf paint
for yeart and kno all about It. Wehavt
dont more to beautify the homes of aoma
of our beat men Ih.n th f reateal artlata
whoa masterplecei adorn the wall to
day. You ask, "How so?" and In eaally
captained I we hive been (elllnf paint
forth Inside and outalde ol buildings
and we have tried every kind of paint and
we guarantee there la nothing equal to
Uini Pioneer Prepared Paint.
We are backed up la this by great
big Concern and Hitmi aays every gallon
that I not right he will replace, and he
baa been miking paint for ality-four
year and la making an honeal practical
pilnt. We can tell you whit It will coat
to paint your house and will be glad to
give you free a color card ahowlng many
aample colon II you write or call to
day. G. W. K0DISI) & SON,
Tionrsta, Fa.
The Regatta
Wash Suits
for this Season
Have Arrived.
1 he styles are Eton Blouse, Kus
eian Sailors, witb variations in makes
and trimmines.
The materials aro Duck. Lioeus,
Galatea, Madras, P. K , Crash, all
guaranteed to hold their color iu the
The prices are SI 00, $1.25, $1.40,
$1.50, $1.75, $2 00, $2 25, $2 50,
$2 75 and $3 00.
Miss Morrissy will be glad to show
these little suits iu all ages from 21
yesrs to 10 years.
No wash suits will be sent on ap
proval to any one, so please do not
ask it.
2b AND 29 SENECA ST. ,
Fred. Grettenberger
All work tiertalninir to Machinery. Kn
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Kit-
lines ana ueneral Hlacksmithlnp; prompt
ly done at Low Kates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
saiisiacuou guaranteea.
Shop In rear of and just west of tbe
fsbaw liouse, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
Jos. IF. ?irm
llcpalrs) Boiler., Ntlll,
Tanks, Agitator. llnyx
and Nell Necoud - hand
Boilers Etc.
Wire or letter orders promptly at'
tended to. End nfSuspensinn Bridge
Third ward, OIL CITt, PA.
During June we will make the best
Set of Teeth, guaranteed 5 years, lor
$8 00. These teeth are the BEST
and especially natural looking. Paiu
less extraction free when teeth are
New York
52 Ken. St., Oil City only.
Dr. Rcid, Proprietor.,B Colic, Cholera and
LnamDeriain s i,irrhoi Kemriy.
Never fuils. Buy it now. It may save life.
Take IOXailVe BromO Uinme Tablets. SMjt
Seven Minion bores sold in post 12 months. Tfrife Sraatnr0 sdfTA&r
A Paying
How can you invest your money
to better advantage than in clothes
that fit you properly, and at a
price hat will keep tho dollars in
your own pocket, instead of put
ting them in tho other fellow's?
It requires but little money to
dress well if you let us make your
clothes. Wo will make you a suit
to order for no more than you
must pay for "good" ready-made
or about half what you would pay
any other good tailor. A trial
will surely convince you that
Glasgow Woolen Mills tailoring
is right in every way.
Top Coats,
Rain Coats,
All garments tried on before iin
ishing to insure a perfect fit.
Glasqow Woolen Mills Co.,
Special Sale
of Women's Skirts, Waists,
Shirt Waist Suits and
Children's Dresses.
Great Sale or Girls' and
Children' lree
Girls' Dresses, made of good giug
ham and percale, large bertha, of em
broidery on shoulder, also yoke of
percale and embroidery, made with
deep hem and full gathered skirts,
ages 5 to 16; A On
worth $1.00, at C7C
Girls' Dresses of different colored
cliambray, some have bosom of white
lawn and suspenders of same mater
ial, others are made of extra quality
percales, witb yoke of lace and em
broidery. Also handsome white lawn
dresses, with full bertha of fine lace
and handsome embroidery, all have
full gathered skirts and deep QQ.
hems; $2 00 values, at tOC
Large display of Children's Dresses
at 3!c; also very beautiful assortment
of fine net and lace dresses most
beautifully created and values unex
celled. Wash Skirls.
Ladies' and Misses' new Wash
Skirts, made of best quality duck or
pique, in white, blue aud polka dotted
materials, made with a row of ribhou
at bottom and tiny buttons on sides,
slso Wash Skirls ol Galatea rloth and
made very pretty; worth qq
$2 50; special at VOG
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Made to Order,
Made to Fit.
Ires Skirt.
Special sale now nn of Women's
handsome l)re"8 Skirts of Mohair,
Panama or Sicilian, in a variety of
fast selling colors. All made iu the
newest circular style and designed
very perfect; special UQ QQ
$5.00 value, at fpO,VO
Shirt Waist Suit.
White Lawn Shirt Waint Suits,
with bosom of waist of tiny tucks and
embroidery down front, yoke of lace
and tiny tucks and short sleeve) with
tucks and Val. lace. Tbo skirt has
rows of Val. lace with a full row of
lace above hem of six small tucks;
this is an exceptional value aud
easily worth $5.00; rfQ qq
special at Ipv.t0
$3.00 Lawn Waist, OSo.
One table full of white Lawn or
Lingerie Waists specially reduced for
this sale, trimmed with lace and era
broidery, front and back, long or
short sleeve; all made handsome,
and worth from $2 00 fiO.
to $3.00, at V OC
Sale or Women Fettleoats
Clonts, Jackets, Eton Suits, Celts,
Ilandbaiis and Children's Coats at
one price for cash only.
L'WW "M.Ul
oi every
' m
yrznri vox, 25c.