The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 23, 1906, Image 2

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i. C. WCNK, - Editor Propmiitok.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1900.
i.iii... .........
:i906 MAY 1906
iSu. Mo. Tu.jWe.Th.Fn Sa.
13 1415 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26!
27 28 29 30 31 j
J Quarter
(T Third , c
It Quarter 10
mm 23
irsi qi
Quarter 0 1
Republican Ticket.
Congress, , .
District A ttorncy,
Senator Bailey may atmwer for the
Democratic choice, if over anxiety to
make party capital is what is chiefly de
sired in the leadership for 1908.
Russia's new parliament may be
stormy, but Its advent stiffened prices on
the St. Petersburg bourse. In this age
of the world the freest countries enjoy the
best credit.
It costs Uncle Sam $22,500 in tolls to
get the naval drydock through at Suez.
The isthmian canal proposition in all its
forms requires a big roll, but the grati
tude of posterity is reasonably sure.
The people of the United States ran
draw the line between those who sin
cerely wanted a just rate bill aud those
who worked the subieut for party bun
combe. Tillman and Bailey tried to turn
It into a bucket of whitewash for the
Democratic party.
'The Titusville Herald learns thatState
Treasurer Berry now admits an ounce of
experience to be worth a ton of theory.
It has required several clerks working
through long hours to take care of the
avalanche of money which is rolling in
upon him. The financial basis of the
Keystone state Is pretty tolerably sound.
The Philadelphia Press very perti
nently remarks: Governor Pennypack
er's proclamation ought to be translated
and printed in all the different languages
spoken by the alien miners who make
most of the trouble in the coal regions in
the strike times. They do not under
stand the English, and those who are
likely to explain the proclamation will
much of the force of it. Intelligently
and conectly translated into their own
language they would be able to grasp its
meaning, to comprehend that the laws
for the preservation of the peace are to
be enforced. This is a kind of informa
tion they are very much in need of.
Mr. Stone's Position.
While in Philadelphia last week meet
ing friends, former Lieutenant Governor
Charles W. Stone, of Warren, gave ut
terance to the following very straight
forward statement of his position ou the
quesiion of his candidacy for the Repub
' liean nomination for Governor:
"If the public are Interested In my
movements, I certainly have nothing to
conceal. I was in Washington Tuesday
and did discuss the political situation
with some members of Congress. I did
not see either Senator from this State.
After completing my business at the
Post Office Department and Pension Of
lieo, I spent my time very pleasautly and
satisfactorily with my old friends and
former associates in the House. It is also
true that I saw Justice Elkiu before go
ing to Washington, bnt the newspaper
report of an 'alliance' being formed Is a
fiction of the imagination. Judge Elkin
is a member of the highest court of the
State, and is not in the 'alliance' business,
and it may as well be clearly understood
first as last that I am making no deals,
alliances or bargains and am profiting by
none. I should appreciate the honor of
the nomination for Governor, but It must
be squarely, honorably and cleanly made,
or not made at all. I am a Republican,
desirous of party harmony and party
success, but above all desirous that the
practices as well as the principles of the
party be kept pure and unstained, and a
'square deal' be givon to every man in
politics or out: high or low, rich or poor.
That I demand for myself, that I am
willing to givo to every other man."
These words have the right ring and
will be accepted bs coming from one who
has always been frank with the public,
and upon whose record, private or pub
lic, no taiut of dishonor has ever lodged.
Snakes at President.
While still a little early for snake sto
ries of hair-raising proportions, our
President uorrepoudeut is able furnish a
little excitement in that line. He states
that on April 12 George Hardy and John
Hargcr found two rattlers. They killed
one and the other escaped. On April 15
Mr. Hardy and Jame Kelly killed lour.
On May 1 the same gentlemen captured a
blacksnake tlve and one-half feet in
length. Last weok Eugene Hillsborough
Blew a rattler and this week increased his
scalps by three more. Ou Tuesday Har
dy and Hargor killed three and Arch
and Fred Billsborougb each brought one
into camp alive, making a total of fifteen
rattlers and one blacksnake to date. But
where is that Pine Creek reptile. The
Ileiald will present a volume ol Isaak
Walton bound in rhinoceros hide, to
the first person bringing a fully authen
ticated accouut of this monster to this
olbce, supported by the proper aifJdavits.
Titusville Herald.
Cream of the 'ews.
Any one can live on love alone for a
few minutes.
To build up your health and restore
your nerves, take Thompson's Barosma,
60c and f 1,00. All druggists.
Most men want to test their relortu
theories on others,
truding or Bleeding Piles. Wash first
with San-Cura Soap. Druggists. i"oeaeh.
Money yqu bet on the mare doesu't
always make her go.
Thompson's Barosma is guaranteed
to cure all diseases of the Kidneys, Liver
and Bladder, or money refunded. 50o
and f 1. 00. All druggists.
Matrimony has destroyed many sweet
and pleasant delusions.
All the loathsome skin diseases
Eczema, Pimples, Tetter, Salt Rheum
are cured by San-Cura Ointment and
San-Cura Soap, used' according to direc
tions, 25a each. All druggists. Keep
on hand.
Never put off till tomorrow the mean
ness you can cut out today.
Letter to J. C. Jtowniun,
Tionesta, Pa.
Dear Sir: Mr. II. II. Stephenson,
Cashier of Oil City (Pa.) Saviugs Bank
writes: "Nine years ago I painted my
bouse with your paint. It wore so well,
I want to use it again."
That's nothing wonderful except for the
fact that the soft coal region of Pennsyl
vania is pretty bard on paint with its oil,
smoke and grime. All we see in It is
that Devne is good. for nine years some.
times. There are thousands of people
that know it, and millions that don't.
There's the rub! We advertise for the
millions; we want to make paint for the
Mr. Cashier, do you know that Devoe
lead-aiid-Etnc is twice as cheap as lead
and-oll, or mixed painU? Is luO per cent
a fair profit in your bushiest?
Three-quarters of the people paint lead-and-oil
mixed by hand; while tbe U. S.
Government use lead, zinc and oil ground
together by machinery same as Devoe
lead and zioc The majority never is
right about anything.
Yours truly,
F. W. Devoe A Co.
P. S. Dunn & Fulton sell our paint.
Self Maslery tireiilatlng'Librarr.
Mr. E. J. Johnson, the general mana
ger, was in our city Monday and ar
ranged for the installing of one of the
Self Mastery Circulating Libraries with
our popular druggists, Dunn & Fulton.
The Library is for tbe free use of all sub
scribers to the Self Mastery Magazine
and contains all the best copyright works
in fiction, as well as books on history,
science, art, and in fact any line of read
ing ths member may desire. There is no
exchange fee, dius or fines connected
with tbe membership in the Library.
You are also inyited to call and look
over the Library at Dunn A Fulton's
drug store at any time. It
Tbe self-made man is usually an
easy mark for tbe machine-made poli
ticians. One Wrll-Pnliilrd Hollar
In a neighborhood creatcB a demand for
others; leads to general improvement in
public taste and increases property valuo.
A liberal use of Green Seal Liquid Paint
is sound business policy. Vor sale by
J. J, Landers, Tionesta.
No man is as bad as some other man
thinks he is, or as good as. some women
know he is.
ilnve Yon Uy.prp.ln, IiiiUgrNtlon f
If today you suffer from impaired di
gestion, sluggish liver or impure blood,
and you were told of a preparation which
would cure you at small cost, would you
try the retnedyf There is a medicine
Green's August Flower. Go to your
druggist's and buy a test bottle for UTi
cents, or tbe regular size for 75 cents. If
you have used all other dyspepsia reme
dies without satisfaction, or if you have
never used any preparation for these dis
tressing affections; if you have headache,
biliousness, loss ol appetite, sleeplessness,
nervousness, or any disorder of the sto
mach or liver, cure yourself quickly by
nsing tbe infallible August Flower. It is
not an alcoholic stimulant, but quite
harmless for general use. Get a copy of
Green's Prize Almanac. For sale by
Dunu A. Fulton.
Nothing pleases the modest man
more than to be detected lu the act of do
ing a good deed.
l'nint InsurHiirc.
You may have fire, accident, tornado
and burglar Insurance. Why not insure
your buildings against decay? Green
Seal Liquid Paint will do it. For sale by
J. J. Landers, Tionesta.
And many a man's progress down
the stream of life is impeded by his get
ting stuck ou a bar.
Mciallc n Cured After Twenty Year of Tor.
For more than twenty years Mr, J. B.
Massey, of 3322 Clinton street, Minneap
olis, Minn., was tortured with sciatica.
The pain and suffering which he endured
during this lime is beyond comprehen
sion. Nothing gave hi in any permanent
relief until he used Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, One application of that liniment
relieved the pain and made sleep and rest
possible, and less than one bottle has ef
fected a permanent cure. If troubled
with sciatica or rheumatism, why not try
a 25-cont bottle of Pain Balm and see for
yourself how qujckly it relieves the pain?
For sale by Dunn fe Fulton.
Mauy who have kidney disease do not
know it. The first symptoms are often
mistaken for something else. Thomp
son's Barosma will at once relieve any
inflammation of the kidneys aud has
mado remarkable cures in Bright's Dis
ease and Sciatica. Thompson's Barosma,
50caud1.00. All druggists.
It in IlniiKcrous lo Neuter! a fold.
How often do we hear it remarked :
"It's only a cold," aud a few days later
learn that the man is ou his back with
pneumonia. This is of such common oc
currence that a cold, however slight,
should not be disregarded. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy counteracts any
tendency of a cold to result in pneumo
nia, and has gained its great popularity
and extenstve sale by its prompt cures of
this most commou ailment. It always
cures and is pleasant to take. For sale
by Dunn & Fulton.
A Native of Ah) salnla Thnt TVaa
TrniiNortt,l to Arnhlu.
The origin of coffee Is lost la the
mists of antiquity, but the plant Is be
lieved tJ bo n native of Abysslulu nud
to have been carried thence Into Arabia
early in the lU'tcviiUi century, whence
the Mecca n pilgrim. soon carried it to
all parts of the Moliaininedau world.
A bureau of commerce and labor pub
lication notes that lturtou In his "Anat
omy of Melancholy" (li"Jl) makes this
reterence to It: "lurks have n drink
called coffee, so named from a berry
Mack as soot and na bitter, which they
sip up hot, because they find by experi
ence that that kind of drink so used
hclpcth digestion and promoteth alac
rity." Although brought to Venice by a phy
sician In lo'.M, it was only in 1052 that
the first coffeehouse was established
lu London, and It only became fashion
able In Paris in liiiU), says tho same
authority. England gradually forsook
coffee for tea, but the progress of the
beverage, though slower, was steadier
In France.
I'ntil W.W, when the Dutch began to
successfully grow coffee trees In Java
from the Malihar (India) bean, all cof
fee came from Arabia. The coffee cul
ture of the West Indies nnd C'eutral
aud South America had its beginnings,
It Is said, in a slip taken from a tree in
the botanic gardens at Purls, which
had obtained n vigorous growth from a
cutting said to have been stolen from
the botanic garden tit Amsterdam. All
the plantations of the old and new
world are practically derived from the
specimens taken from Arabia, first to
India, thence to .lavn and elsewhere.
Prrfnmr. and Their tar In (he lrc
tier of Mcilli-lnc.
Odors, whether agreeable or dis
agreeable, are not causes of disease in
the sense generally taken. They may
disorder certain healthy functions by
Impairing nervous energy, by diminish
ing wholesome respiration and thus
creating n predisposition to attack by
Severe faintness Is sometimes observ
ed to overcome persons upon their en
trance into n room In which tuberoses
are kept. Headache Is often produced
by the, odors emanating from the hon
eysuckle, lily, rose of Sharon or carna
tion. The odor of betony In flower in
said to have caused Intoxication in
those who gather it. The making of
linseed decoctions nnd the triturating ol
roses, pinks, walnuts or eolocynth nre
often accompanied by attacks of syn
cope. Attempts have been made to utilize
odors In therapeutics. The odors of
vanilla and heliotrope nre credited with
possessing a soothing Influence ovci
persous subjected to attacks of nerv
ousness. The use of toilet water lu
the form of a spray will often restore
those exhausted with the cares of busi
ness, social or domestic duties. In tin
east the use of perfume Is eonslderod
a purifier, though we look upon It mere
ly as a luxury. It is asserted that those
who are employed lu laboratories
where perfumes are mnde or among
growing flowers nre healthy to an ex
tent exceeding those not so employed.
Medical Record.
State op Ohio City, or Toledo, )
Lucus County, J M'
Frank J. Cu en ey makes oath that he
is the senior partner of tbe firm of F. J.
Cheney A Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore
saiit, and that said firm will pay the sum
each and every ease of Catarrh that can
not be cured by the use of Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 0th day ot December,
a. u. isyo,
seal. A. W. G LEASON,
Notary Public,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
ana acts directly on the blood and mil
cous surfaces of tbe system. Send for
testimonials, free.
Ilaiinn'a I.u.lro-Fliilnh.
Beautiful and durable. Used on floors
and other woodwork. "Made to walk
on." The only way to properly finish a
floor. Seethe finished samples at J. J.
Landers', Tionesta.
ins woman who- says that all men
are alike probably has bad an experience
she would like to forget.
Ithpuinntlaiii Cured in Ten liny. Why Will
Yon Snll'rrf
Mr. Harry Knox, of Beverly, W. Va.,
under date of Jan. 23, 190G, says he was
laid up with rheumatism for more than
two and a half months; part of the time
could not get out of bed. Could not walk
without the aid of crutches, and says he
took one-half of a 50 cent bottlo of Crock
er's Rheumatic Cure and was entirely
cured, Harry Knox.
For sale by Dunn A Fulton.
Automobile caps are frequently worn
by young men who couldn't buy an auto
mobile if they weje selling at $5 a dozen.
Always Tlilu the (Jreen Sent I'nliitx
With pure Linseed Oil for all outside
work. This paint is of heavy body and
needs thinning. It thus becomes more
economical for the consumer. For sale
J. J. Landers, Tionesta.
Hlniiiuch Troubles.
Mrs. Sue Martin, an old and highly re
spected resident of Fuisouia, Miss., was
sick with stomach trouble for more than
six months. Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets cured her. She says: "I
can now eat anything I want, and am the
proudest woman in the world to liud
Biiuh a good medicine." For sale by
Dunu A Fulton. Sunplesfree.
Too many men spend their time try
ing to make molehills out of mountains.
JHitny ol Ynnr Neighbors Jitilgo Yon
By the appearance of your house. Green
Seal Liquid Paint adds a dressy appear
ance to your house the perfect finish.
For salo by J. J. Landers, Tionesta.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. E. W, Grove's signature is on
each box. 25c.
KUHNS REYNOLDS. At the home of
the bride's parents, Mr, aud Mrs. J.
M. Reynolds, on German Hill, May IS,
1900, by Lyman Cook, J. P., A. L.
Kuhns, of Nebraska, Pa., aud Miss
Rosa M. Reynolds.
Not If n Itleh nn Itnekefeller.
If you had all tho wealth of Rockefeller,
the Standard Oil magnate, you could not
buy a better medicine for bowel com
plaints than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remody. The most eml
nent physician can not prescribo a botlor
preparation for colic and diarrhoea, botli
for children and adults. The uniform
success of this remedy has shown it to be
superior to all others. It never falls, and
when reduced with water and sweetened,
is pleasaut to take. Every family should
be supplied with it. Sold by Dunn A
Nli-kel Pinto l'xeiimlon Opportunities.
Homeseekers excursions on the
first and third Tuesday each mouth to
the south, west and northwest.
St, Paul, Minn., and return for one
tare plus 82, May 27th, 28tb, 29th,
30th and 31,-t.
New Haven, Coon., ami return for
otto fare plus $1.50, Juue 2d, 3d, 4th
and 5th.
Portland, Ore, Tacotna, Seattle and
Everett, Wash., Vancouver and Vic
toria and return, June 17th to 22d
inclusive, for one fare plus 81.
Omahs, Neb., and return for one
fare plus $2, July !Hh, 10th, 11th,
12th and 13th.
St. Paul, Minn., and return for me
fare plus $2, .Inly 23, 24, 25 and 2G.
G. A. K. National Encampment,
Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 10th, lltl),
12th and 13th.
Milwaukee, Wis , and return, one
fare plus $2, Aug. 10, 11. 12 and 13.
Write C. A. Asterlin, D. P. A., 807
State St., Erie. Pa. 3tmyl(i
Enclosed find 2oo. Please send mo a
bottle of San-Cura Ointment. I have been
using it for a varicose ulcer with better
results than I have obtained from any
othor preparation. F. A. Hoinan, Glass
boro, N. J. San-Cura Ointment, 25o and
50c. All druggists.
Low round trip rates to nearly all
points in the West, via Nickel Tlate
Road, on sale the first and third
Tuesdays of each month. Write C.
A. Asterlin, D. P. A., 807 State St.,
Erie, Pa. 15tjul31
Flour Tt sack 1.151,40
Buckwheat Hour, W tb )
Corn meal, feed, "0 100 tb (Hi 1.1ft
Corn meal, family. W 100 lb 1.7au.2.oii
Chop feed, pure grain to 1.25
Oats ,4,-,
Corn, shelled (,j.iio
Beans bushel .- 2.75
Ham, sugar cured ,it(
Bacon, sugar cured .15
Shoulders .m
Salt Pork, "j lb pjj
wtiitclish " kit 50(iii0
ugar ; .Olifii.UtiJ
Nvrup. 35(g) .50
N. O. Molasses .'Ao'g .50
Coffee, Koast Rio. id
l oflee, blended Java
Tea H5 .50
miner (a). 2.1
B.itier, creamery .no
Bice Oo. 10
Egas, fresh ,7& 1ft
Salt barrel "1.2ft
Lard .12
Potatoes, bushel 80!K)
r 01 sums, sweet, p lb .2
Lime p barrel 1,2.1
Nails ken 2.75
Wool 20di22
flfl REWARD.- Wanted, Mill
J'J,rJ tarv Bounty Land Warrants.
Will pay S5.00 for telling me who has one
wntMner 1 liny or not. Dealers excepted.
11. a.. Keiiey, Kansas City, Mo. it
Notice of Appeals.
Notice is hereby given that the Com
missioners of Forest County will meet at
tuoir otnee, in Hie Borough of Tionesta,
on the 5th day of Juno, l?J0tf, for the pur
pose ot holding a Court of Anneals from
the assessment of money at interest for
tue year r.iuu.
L. Aonkw.
Andkkw Woi.k,
P1111.11 Kmkkt.
County Commissioners.
Attest-J. T. Dalk, Clerk.
Tionesta, Pa., May I I, l'.tnG.
Car Load of Buggies, Road-wagons,
Surreys and Spring. wagous. All
Buggies Guaranteed
and Prices Kight.
Cotno oarly aud get your choice.
Am also headquarters for
Harness, &c.
Land Tine in stock ready for drill.
Always at my ware rooms on Satur
days. Come in I
I'roinptly obtampd, or f EE RETURNED.
THE LOWEST. Send niiKlel, pliuto or Bki-leh for
exMrt Meni-i-h Rnd froo reort on patentability.
INFRINGEMENT Full,'tell before all
eourta. 1'utenU obtained tlii-ouch lis. AOVER.
SIONS and COPVRICHTS quukly oblainod.
Opposite U. S. Patent Office,
N. T. B.IXRI'1 JIOrSB oTerlns
rimiMTKA: K.Wl.KOA JIllON' US,11
entrutfo the Hervlres) of tmltinnii-n who can Cfn
trul in v est 111 oil 1 1 mis i new k tv i th ill their Jl'-hrb-buiJiuuU.
AJJrcs.sLotk JUix:iii."7, New York Citj-
From a large wholesale
house making an early
clean-up of Summer
Goods, we purchased
325 Yds. Wash Goods
and hought them at a
price that enables us to
offer them at the
Original Wholcsalo
10 patterns. Sec window
GlEHn k SDN.
Tho Regatta
Wash Suits
for this Season
Have Arrived.
The styles are Eton 15louse, Rus
sian Sailors, with variations in makes
and trimmings.
I lie materials are Duck. Liueus,
Galatea, Madras, P. K , Crash, all
guaranteed lo hold their color in the
The prices are 81 00, 81. 25, $1.40.
il.50, $1.75, ?2(I0, $2 25, 82 50,
82 73 and S3 00.
Miss Morrieay w'll be glad to show
these i little suits iu all ages from 2i
years to 10 years.
No wash suits will be sent on ap
proval to any one, so please 'do not
ask it.
2b AND 29 SENECA ST. .
Fred. Grcttenbcrger
All work iiertalning to Maeliinory, En
gines, Oil W ell Tools, Uas or Water Kit
tinfrsantlGoneral ISIncksniitliiufr prompt
ly done at how Kales. UepuiriiiK Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and just west of the
Shaw lloune, Tidioute, Pa,
Your patronage solicited.
Jos, JJC. B?ivm
Itepairs ISoiiero, .Stills,
Tank, Agitators. Ituyst
and Nells Kecoinl - hand
Hollers, Etc.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End ofSiispennion Bridge,
Third ward, Oil. CITY, PA.
Now is the time to havo the teeth
attended t'.
Sets of teeth, 85 and S3.
Gold crowns, extra thick cusps, 85.
Gold fillings from 81 up.
Silver fillings any size, 50 c'b.
Platinum fillings any size, 75cts.
Painless IMrartioii
Either by freezing gums or by the
wonderful new anaesthetic, Soemno
forme. New York
'2 Ken. .St., Oil i'ity only.
Dr. Reid, Proprietor.
MHiiiilm'tnrer of'uiul t'mtlerln
A ml all kindH of
Toe laxative isromo iuimnc Taints,
Seven Million boxes sold in post 12 months. ThlS Signature,
Particular Man
Who knows good stylo and values
will buy Glasgow Woolen Mills
Company's clothing every time.
Tho operating of a tailoring sys
tem such as ours, devised to fash
ion garments of tho very highest
grade, must insuro the benefits of
expressive tailoring such as dis
tinctiveness and character, just
the points a particular man wants
Top Coats,
No man ever paid so little for
such value, and wo guarantee our ,
work. All garments tried on bo
foro finishing to insure a perfect
Glasaow Woolen Mills Co.,
Monarch Clothing Co.
Great Selling of
en's Clothing
Nobby new Spring Suits that are correct in style and fabric,
and which surely must please the most fastidious dresser. Our
Clothing is so fur superior in style, quality and price that our
extra force of salespeople have all they oan do in showing Suits,
Top Coats and llain Coats.
Nohby all wool Scotch mixed chev
iot suits; pretty erev'mh rmtturna nmrln
double or siugle breasted, coat with
vent in bacK, cut the new stylo long,
and shapely collar and la nets: regular
$14 value; our urice
All wool blue serco or black worst.
ed suits, also grey fancy worsted suits,
made in the new Longworth style and
very pretty. Perlent tit iu evory de
tail and workmanship by "Snellen
berg," the leader of style in high
makes of fine clothing. $1(1 value
at ftio.fitt
Nobby Globe Mills fino worsteds,
equal to Ihe high class tailor make.
Broad and shapely lapels, coat cut
long with vent, the front inside work
of hair cloth and every detail perfect.
We recommend these suits to any oue
drsiring a custom tailored suit, as
they are better than tailor made and
guaranteed 818 value.
Our price $13.08
Rain Coats $8 OH, 810 9H, 812.98.
Top Coats 87.1)8, 88 98, $9 98.
Itig Sale ol' ImIIcm' Nulls
uikI KkiriM.
. Tailored Eton Suits that may cost
you 820 if the doinand keeps up, and
of which we were fortunate eunuch in
securing a limited quantity. Mado
nl handsome greyinh mixture of all
To. Cure a Cold m Om Bay
Made to Order,
Mado to Fit.
wool Scotch cheviot. The Eton jack
et is made absolutely of the vory
newest style with belts or girdle to
match, the skirl is cut circular, also
of very late dasign; regular 815 value;
sale price S.iKS
Handsome pastel shades of Alice
blue, old rose, retoda green, Lung
worth grey or bluck, in Panama or
broadcloth. The style of these suits
needs little description from the fact
that we only secured them through
the influence of one of the large de
partment stores of Philadelphia with
whom we have direct connection;
values from 818 to 825;
sale prico $12.98
Ladles' Skirt.
Handsome pastel shades of ladies'
skirts, made of Panama in Alico blue,
old rose, reseda green, Grey or black;
cut circular in very newest effect and
designs; elegant 85 value;
sale price $3.98
Handsomo voilo skirtn iu pastel
shades, also broadcloth of black and
mannish elfocls, as well as high class
Panama, Venetian and pauella cloth
or worsted, in all late shades of
Longworth greeu or pastel shades,
values from 87..r)0 to 812.
$ 1.98, 5.98, .98
Sale of Waists, Jackel3, Ladies'
Itaiu Coats aud Girls' Dresses.
Cures Crip
in Two Days.
on every
box. 25c.