1 I THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. . WINK, - EDITOR 4 PROPRICTOR. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1906. 1906 APRIL 1906 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. s j ion 12 13 K 15 10 17 18 19 20 21: 22 23 24 25 28 27 28: 29 30 i 'i MOON'S PHASES First -i 11:02 p.m. gr Third 1 K 8:3 U Quarter 10 p.m ,rNrw 11:M Vj'Moon ttO cio ,tj, Jim U ILIU. A(K.(IM KXT8. Tkhms. CoiigreHM, fc!0; HftiBiB, I5j Aenil)ly, $12; District Attorney, tl. The cash iniiwt invariHldy ucoinpHny tbe order for miiHinnreinniit. KriMibllcnii Priinnrlom Mm., .liny i, IfHMI. CONUKESS. I ilosiro lo irent niv miuo for tlie consideration of the KeuiiliO"U voter of IlliK Coiinrt-sHioiml Dl.lrirt a candidate for member of Ui li:rein. miliject lo lliu will o the county primaries mid I lie dis trict conference. O. ('. Al.l.KN, Warren, Pa. We are authorized to a nouni-fl N. P. Whkklkk, f Hickory liiwiinhip, an a candidate I'nr reurecnttive In Uonirroas from IM, 'Hlh litrirt, MiljM-t lo Repub lican UHHIfCB. ASSKM BL.Y. We are Htiihnrizid to announce John II. Rohkrtson, nl Tim ala li"rnugb,Ra a candidate lor Aw-Hiihly, nubject to Ke ptililican tiHoupa. We are authorized to announce T. D. Collins, of treen lownMiiu, a a cmidi date lor Aiwetiiuly, mihji-cl to Republican usages. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. We are authorized to announce A. C. IIhown, Esq.. ol Tionesta, as a candidate for District Attorney, subject to Republi can usages. STATE DELEGATE. We are authorized to announce Asa H. Sioworth, of Jenks township, as a can didate for Delegate to the Republican Slate Convention. We are authorized to announce Clifton Cahsatt, of Barnett township, as a candi date for Delegate to tbe Republican Slate Convention. We are authorized lo announce Otto Rudolph, of Hickory township, as a candidate for Delegate to tbe Republican State Convention. The man with the eut spade would be more welcome than the man with the muck rake, provided he can keep out of the clutches of the trust. "What in cans the unrest of today," a-ks Joseph Medill Patterson. Oh, well, there's Die rate bill, the hall score and a lot of things like that. Take your choice. Let Forest county insist on sending one of her ablest business men and largest em ployers of labor, like X. P. Wheeler, to Congress. AVe have enough politicians there already. Unflinching honesty and stern moral courage is what is needed in Congress to back up the great work of President Roose velt, and that is what Forest county pre sents in Hon. N. P. Wheeler. He is second to none in the 2st h District. Mark thut. On Friday, April 13, the Thirteen Club of New York held a banquet, at which the thirteen tables were lighted with thirteen candles in thirteen skulls. The principal speaker was Mr. Miirkham, author of "The Man With the Hoe," who declared Maxim Gorky to be the Jefferson of Russia. But Thomas Jefferson in not responsible for all that the fools may sny about him. Evkby county in the Uxtli Congressional District will present a candidate at the conference. Can anyone give a fair reason why Forest county should not have the same privilege? Is there any reason why her right to have a home candidate should be contested by any one from another county, especially when she presents so able and clean a man as Nelson P. Wheeler? Who is there to deny the right and privi lege of Forest county to have a home can didate for Congress? For years she has danced to the music of others, modestly asking nothing for herself, but now she in sists upon a "square deal," and upon being granted the samecorirtesy that she has al ways extended to others. Why should our county be asked to turn down a home can didate for any outsider? The Republicans of Forest county arc enthusiastic in their support and desire to send N. P. Wheeler to Congress. They realize that his candidacy lias great strength in every county in the district, being most favorably known to all the business inter ests in it. Surely no one will feci like throwing away this golden opportunity of sending one of their best and ablest repre sentative citizens to AVasbington to look after their interests. Thk edict of Pope Pius X, which bull; ishes women from the choirs of all the Catholic churches, takes effect June 15 There had been some doubt as t whether the Pope's order would be carried out in ull the churches in America, as it met with considerable opposition, but such doubts appear to have vanished by reason of latest advices fronj the A'atican. After this date the Gregorian chant will replace the music now in vogue. The change will throw thousands of women out of employment, many talented vocalists being engaged in the churches of the larger cities at high salaries. Ity the recent decision of the United States supreme court, wliich provides that a slate cannot grant a divorce when but one party to the marriage is a resident within its jurisdiction, and which, therefore, nul lifies all divorces grunted in South Dakota or other states where one party has gained a temporary residence for the express pur pose of separation, it is estimated thut at least 20,(XI children will lose their legiti macy. The decision, wliich is one of the most sweeping in the history of the su preme court of the United States, was passed by the close vote of live to four, and will be a knockout blow for the long estab lished and pernicious Dakota game of free and easy divorce proceedings. FOREST COUNTY'S CANDIDATE. A Homo Man Will His County in tho Congressional District Conference. HON. NELSON The announcement of Mr. AVheeler of his awakened a wonderful sentiment in his favor throughout both the county and the dis trict, and from every section he bus already received the warmest assurances of support. Prominent men in other counties have written in his canvass and predicting bis success. Never in the history of Forest county has it been in so favorable an attitude to send one of its citizens to Congress. A man of stain less character, strictest honesty, eminent business capacity, broad education and rie experience in public uffairs, Mr. AVheeler is the ideal am plausible candidate of the district. Public Demonstration in Fruit Culture Two of the greatest troubles that tann ers and fruit growers experience in their work is insect pests and fungus diseases. Tbe ouly wise method of controlling these troubles is by spraying. The worst insect pest in the State is tbo San Jose scale. The Division of Zoology of the State Department of Agriculture has sent trained men into every county of the Mate to inspect tbe orchards for this and other posts. Frederick Z. Hartzell has been assigned to Forest county and be has been inspecting orchards in the vi cinity of Tiouesta duriug this week, and while he has not as yet found tbe Sau Jose scale In this vicinity, he considers it well to give a public demonstration in spraying at Tiouesta, and in this manner show tbe fanners and fruit growers how and when to spray for the several insect and fungus troubles that may bo troub ling tlieni. This demonstration will be bold at the borne of J. T. Dale iu Tiouesta, Saturday, April 28, at 1:30 p. in., and is free to all. Mr. Hartzell does not act in the capacity of agent lor any spraying apparatus, but gives this demonstration because he sees the need of carefully instructing the fruit growers iu the proper method of saving their fruit trees and their' fruit. Come, bring specimens of infested twins, ask questions and In this manner receive the id which the state offers free. !ioo iu:vai(i, $ioo. The readers of this paper will be pleased lo leain that there is at least one dreaded disease that science lias been able to cure in nil its stage, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to tho medical fra ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surface of the system, thero by dostroving the foundation of tlm dis ease, and giving the patient, strength by building up the constitution and assist ing nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its cura tive powers thai they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Sand for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CH EN EY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are tlieliost. The (irrrn Soul I'niiil Withstands the weai and tour of the ele ments far better than paint made by the old process of mixing by hand. Pig ments and liquids are lliorougtily Incor porated, thus assuring a liner and more durable product. For sale i.y J. .(. Lan ders, Tionesta. H HiiU'errd for Five Venn, Willi Kidney mid l.lver Trouble. "I suffered for live years withkidney and liver trouble, which caused severe pains across the back and a blinding headache. I bad dyspepsia and was so constipated that I could not move my bowels without a cathartic. I was cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Livor Tablets and have been well now lor six months," says Mr. Arthur S. Strickland, of Chattanooga, Tenn. For sale by Duuu A Fulton. Four years ago tho doctors said I had lirigbt's disease of the kidneys. I was bloated and suffered a groat deal ol pain in the back and groin. I dually took three bottles of Thompson's Itarnsma, which cured me entirely, anil I have en joyfd good health ever since. My wife is now taking Thompson's Harosina with with great benefit. W. AV. Goodrich, Shelmadine Springs, l'. Rarosma 50c and $1.00. All druggists. Crocker's Itlieuiiiiilie Cure 1 It! Mr. Thomas Secrist says, under date of Jan. 31, li)00, that ho had muscular rheu matism lor six years, part ot tho time suffered so he could not sleep nights. Says bo has taken two 50 cont bottles of Crocker's Khou matte Cure, and can sleep and bus not felt the pain iu his arms sin if. He recommends any one sufferingwitb rheumatism to try a fifty-cent bottle. Mb. Thomas; Seiiust, West Wheeling, Ohio. For sale by Dunn A Fultou. Ask Recognition for x, YV"'- v U V" 5 P. WHEELER. candidacy for Congressional honors has him that they will be pleased to aid him t'lariugton. Garden making, house cleaning and general ridding up has lha right of way these days. Kev. Kexroad, of Clearfield, has been assisting Rev. Wilson here in bis revival meetinus. Mrs. Nancy Shields is very poorly at tnia writing. Our village was visited by a Ore last week. t. A. Hull's bouse was burned with all tbe contents. Mr. Hull' did nol live in tbe bouse, but bad bis household goods nearly all in it. Mrs, Samuel Shields and son, of Fort Morgan, Colorado, are visiting at Mrs. Shields'. J. C. Work is running bis saw mill at tue mouth of Maple Creek. Ji. N. Henderson and Alex Ketb are home from Imperial, Pa. Alex Caughe , Clair Hepler and Uer inan SlHUgheriuHtipt were iu Pittsburg last week, taking iu the ball games and sights of the city. Mrs. W. I). Shields is home from Kit tanoing, where she was visiting. The announcement of N. P. AVheeler for Congress meets with the approval of the voters here. Our people believe in home rule. Coon it Callen are back from the city, having got their timber through to the city without an accident. vVin. and Jennie Reed have moved back to their old home from Johnson burg. It was reported, and denied also, that two of our young people were married last week, consequently we will not give any names at present. The TIioiimhuiIm of (.nlluna Of Green Seal Paint sold every year merely attests its worthintss as a paint for all practical purposes. For sale by J, J. Landers, Tiouesta. It Cream of tlie News. Thompson's Barosma cures chronic or acute inllaiuination of tbe kidneys and bladder, or ulceration of same. oOe and $1.00. All druggists. It is folly to tell a girl that hard work will enhance the beauty of bor face. San-Cura Ointment cured me of tbe piles over one year and they have never returned. Alired Putnam, Tryonviile, Pa. San-Cura Ointment, 2oo and 60c. All druggists. Most men who are willing to do good are nol in a position lo make good. --Cbamberlaiu's Salve is good for any disease of the skin. It allays the itch ing and burning sensation instantly. For sale by Dunn A Fulton. I'roiicrly Owners AYbn desire lasting results, should insist upon the use of Green Seal Liquid Paints. It's the greHl preserver of surfaces. For Bale by J. J. Landers, Tiouesta. It Have Yon llyNiemin, liHllKrstlnn f If today vou suffer from impaired di gestion, sluggish liver or impure blood, and you were told of a preparation which wouid cure you at small cost, would you try the remody? There is a medicine Greon's August Flower. (Jo to your druggist's aud buy a lest bottle for 'St cents, or tbo regular size for 75 cents. If you have used all other dyspepsia reme dies without satisfaction, or if you have never used any preparation for these dis tressing affections; if you have headache, biliousness, loss ol appetite, sleeplessness, nervousness, or any disorder of the sto mach or liver, cure yourself quickly by using the inlullihle August Flower. It is not an alcoholic stimulant, but quite hai in less tor general use. Get a copy of Greens 1 rize Almanac, for sale by Duuu At Fulton. San-Cura Ointment is pleasant and soothing, gradually drawing out all poi sonous and foreign matter, leaving a sound heiillhy skin. It is a great aid in preventing scars. San-Cura Ointment does not contain mercury or anything that is injurious, but is antiseptic and cleansing. It softens all inflamed parts. 25c and 50c. All druggists. Ilomeseekers' Low round trip rates to nearly all points in the West, via Nickel Plate Itoiul, ou sale tho first anil third Tnesilays of each month. Write C. A. Asterliu, D. I. A , 807 !tate St., Erie, IV 15tjul31 West Hickory. News In West Hickory is scaroe this -veelc, as tbo house-cleaning season ia at hand. John Young has accepted a lumber Job in West Virginia, aud will move bia family there In a short time. Frank Sbaw la moving bia family to McKeesport, Pa., where be has been em ployed all winter on a barge yard. AVe are sorry to lose such good citizens and hope they will return ofton to visit us. Geo. Hood baa returned from Buffalo with a car load of cattle for the Riverside stock farm. Mrs. Kighllinger, who has been visiting in Titusville, hat returned In tbe home of her sister, Mrs. W. W. Carson. Miss Alice Hood and friend hare gone to visit Miss Hood's aunt, Mrs. J. C. Moulin, at Tilusvllle. Miss Ida Siicgins. of Tidioute. ia the guest of M:ss Nellie Turner. Mia. Rrown of Home, Ind , is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Dr. W. G. Morrow. Frank Jones has (rone to Titusville to work ou the pipe line. Pkksidknt Rooskv kit's idea seems to be that tbe principal purpose of the muck rake is to pick up game thut has previously been brought down by the big stick. I'm Your Dollar Into (iooil l'nlnl. It pays every time. Ordinary paiut Is dear at any price. Green Seal Liquid Paint is an investment. For sale by J. J. Landers, Tiouesta. It irli Quickly Knocked Out. "Some weeks ago durinu tbe severe whiter weather both my wife and mvself contracted severe colds which speedily developed into tlie worst kind of la grippe with all Its miserable symptoms," says Mr. J. S. Elusion of Maple Lsnd'ng, Iowa. "Knees and joints aching, mus cles sore, bead stopped up, ees and nose running, with alternate spells ol chills and fever. We bewail using Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, ailing the same with a double dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, aud by Its lioeral use soon completely knocked out the grip." Sold by Dunn A Fulton My daughter was trounled for over a year with a lever gore on bor leg, and was helpless in bed for three months. To the great surprise of all, including the four doctors who had sttended her. Sin-Cura Ointment healed I be groat soro in less man six weeks. J. I). Hood, Townville, Pa. San-Cura Ointment 25o and 50o. A l.rARANTKKII t I KK FOK I'll. KM. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Druggist are authorized to refund money il Pazo Ointment fails to cure in li to 14 days. 50c. For twenty years I was troubled with sciatic rheumatism and pain In the back and bips. At times I could not walk. Several years ago I began using Thomp son's Harosina, Kidney, Liver and Blad der Cure, and have been perfectly free irom rneumattam and pain ever slnoe. J. A. Perry, Enterprise, Pa. PROCLAMATION. AVherkas, The Hon. AA'. M. Lindsey, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for the county of Forest, has issued his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the County of Forest, to commence on the Third Monday of Mav, being tbe 21st dav of May. l'.KMi. No tice is therefore given to the Cor oner, Justices of the Peace and Con stables of said county, that they be then and there in their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., ol said day with their records, inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their otlice appertain to be done, and to those w ho are bou ml i n recogn i zance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that they may be thon and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given un der my hand and seal this 23d day of April, a. u. 1!IUU. A. W. STKOUP, L.8. Sheriff. TRIAL 1,1 VT. List of causes set down for trial In the Court of Common Pleas of Forest County. Pennsylvania, commencing on the Third Mondavof May, 1008: 1. George M. Miller vs. J. M. Bern Is and Harry Hemls, doing business as J. M. Bemls A Son, No. 17, September term, 1904. Summons in assumpsit. 2. John Vautassel. father of Russell and Ed. Vantassel, minor sons, vs. Scott Bell aud Milt. Morrison. No. 32. Sontem ber term, 1003. Appeal from J. P. docket. 3. James Burues vs. O. V. Miles and Gardner, partners doing business as Miles l Gardner, No. 43, May tei m, 1005. Ap peal from J. P. 4. T. D. Collins. F. X. Kreitler. F. K Brown and W. W. Dickey vs. L. 8. Clougb and T. E. Bradley, No. 6, Sep tember term, 11KI5. Summons in eject- meut. 5. Jared P. Huling vs. W. H. Hood, No. 1, November term, 11)05, Capias in trespass. 6. J. M. Church vs. W. J.Grandln and C. P. Bucklio, doing business as Tbe Grandin Lumber Co., No. 23, February term, 1006, Summons in assumpsit. 7. R. O. Carson vs. J. A. Turner, No, 13, May term, 1004. Appeal rrotn J. P. Attest, J. C. GEIST, Prothonotary. Tionesta, Pa., April 23, lOOfi. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration on the es tate of AV. H. II. Dotterer, late of Kings ley township; Forest County, Pa., de ceased, having been granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make pay ment without delay, and those having claims or demands will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. II. A. Dottkrer, Adm'r., Mnzettn, Pa. A. C. Brown, Attorney, Ot Car Load of Buggies, Road-wagons, Surreys and Spring-wagons. All Buggies Guaranteed and Prices Right. Co mo early and get your choice. Am also headquarters for Farm Machinery, Wagons, Ready-made Harness, &c. Land lime in stock ready for drill. Always at my ware rooms oo Satur days. Come in ! J. G. BROMLEY TIONESTA, PA. ALL KINDS Break Away It is time to part company with your winter garments Get a new outfit of soappv, up to dalo furnishings. We have them. Monarch Shirt", Arrow Brand Collars, Silk Neckwear, Wash Neckwear, Wash Vests, Beits, Hals and Cap', Walk Ovtr Shoos and Oxford Not Every Man Likes the long Spring Overcoats with the flaring skirts aud fitting waists Some young btisiuess men are wed ded to the Top Coat. We are showing a new Top Coat, the Manhattan, a very swell gar meut, loose box hack, wide shoulder, the material a Ian covert cloth of an exceptional quality. Two grades, prices $15 and S20. Money Savers We have about 30 Tan Covert Top Coats, carried over, some one season, some two seasons, and some three seasons old. Oo these coats there is a distinct saving in price; thev were priced from $12 to 820. Priced now, $5, $7.50, $10. THE McCUEN CO. 2b AND 29 SENECA ST. , OIL CITY, PA. Fred. Grettenborgor GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, lias or Water FiU tines and General rllacksmithing prompt ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of and just west of the Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENBERGER PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER, liepalr Hollers, Stills, Tanks, Agitators. Buy and Hells Second - hand Boilers, Etc Wire or letter orders promptly at tended to. End of Suspension Bridge, Third ward, OIL CIT, PA. Painless Dentistry Is made possible only through the dentist being able to handle his in struments in a scientifio manner. In extracting, everything depends on the knack of the operator. Ask the pa tieols who have passed through our hands iu the last eight months. Dr. Re id dues all operating personally. Prices most reasonable for high class work. Sets ot teeth $5 to 8 Gold crowns, best 22k gold, .-. Gold fillings from fl up. Silver lilliiifis any size, 50 cts. Platinum fillings any sizo, 75 cts. All work guaranteed. New York 52 Svn. St., Oil City only. JORENZO FOLTON. Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS. COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TION ICSTA. PA. Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 Suits, $15 to order. SPRING And display of critically correct woolens for Men's Suits-and Topcoats. t Our mill men have demonstrated their clever ness most forcibly in our new spring goods. You will need no tailorman's wisdom to recognize this fact. We have always had the best lines of woolens for $15 Suits in the world, but we have more oc casion to be proud of our line this season than ever before. This spring brings many a new thing both in material and design. The fabrics, blue and black unfinished worsteds, serges and fancy mixed tweeds and cheviots, both foreign and domestic weaves, in all the popular shades, the most prom inent of which are the new grays. Just come for samples that you can compare elsewhere and see for yourself their goodness. All garments tried on before finishing. Itaiu Coats, $15 to order. Glasaow Woolen Mills Co., WORLD'S LARGEST TAILORS. 22 m Monarch Clothing Co. Great Selling of Men's Clothing' Nobby new Spring Suits that are correct in style and fabric, and which surely must please the most fastidious dresser. Our Clothing is so far superior in style, quality and price that our extra force of salespeople have all they can do in showing Suits, Top Coats and Itain Coats. JILLVS SUITS. Nobby all wool Scotch mixed chev iot suits; pretty greyish patterns made double or single breasted, coat with veot in back, cut tbe new style long, sod shapely collar and lapels; regular (14 value; our pric6 $8.1)8 All wool blue serge or black worst ed suits, also grey fancy worsted suits, made in the new Loogworth style and very pretty. Perfect fit in every de tail and workmanship by "Snellen berg," the leader of style in high makes of Cue clothing. $lfi value at $10.98 Nobby Globe Mills fine worsteds, equal to the high class tailor make, liroad and shapely lapels, coat cut long with vent, the front inside work of hair cloth and every detail perfect. We recommend these suits to any one desiring a custom tailored suit, as they are better than tailor made and gaaranteed S18 value. Our price $13.98 Rain Coats 88.98, $10 98, $12.98. Top Coats 7.98, $8 98, $9 98 Itlg Sale of Ladiea' Nnils and Skirls. Tailored Etou Suits that inuy cost you $20 if the demand keeps up, and of which we were fortunate enough in securing a limited quantity. Mado of handsome greyish mixture of all MONARCH CLOTHING CO. NEXT TO NEW BUILDINC, months. This Signature, Top Coats, 15 to order. OPENING Trousers, $4, , $ to order. OIL CITY, PA. wool Scotch cheviot. The Eton jack et is made absolutely of the very newest style with belts or girdle to match, the skirt is cut circular, also oi very late dasign; regular $15 value; sale prico $8.98 Handsome pastel shades of Alico blue, old rose, re;cda greeu, Long worth grey or black, iu Panama or broadcloth. The style of these suits needs little description from the fact that we only secured them through the influence of ooe of the large de partment stores of Philadelphia with whom we have direct connection; values from $18 to $25; , sale price 12.98 Ladle' Skirt.. Handsome pastel shades of ladies' skirts, made of Panama in Alice blue, old rose, reseda greeu, Grey or black; cut circular in very newest eflect and designs; elegaut $5 value; -Ba'e price $3.9S Handsome voile skirtn in pastel shades, also broadcloth of black and mannish effects, as well as high class Panama, Venetian aud pattella cloth or worsted, in all late shades of Loogworth green or pastel shades, values from $7.50 to $12. 8 1.98, 5.98, 0.98 Sale of Waists, Jackets, Ladies' Pvaiu Coats aud Girls' Dresses. OIL CITY, PA. Cures Grip Two Days. on every yJy yrznrtj vox. jsc