THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. t. WINK, - Editor t Pnopriitor. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1906. 1906 APRIL 1906 Su. Mo.l Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. 8910 11 12 13 14! 156 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MOON'S PHASES. -v Tint . 11:02 y Qimrter 1 1 p.m. (CiFull n 1:11 Mooa U jl til. a Third , r S:3 U Quartor 10 p.m ow A&ooa 23 11:01 ft. in axxouxcehexts. Terms. Congress, f-.'O; Senate, $15; Assembly, $12; District Attornoy, $7. The cash must invariably accompany the order fur announcement. Krimbllran Primaries, Sri., 3Inj 3, liHNI. CONHKESS. I desiro to present my name for the consideration of the llepuhiioin voter of tliis Congressional District a a candidate for member of Ci.ncress, subject to the will of the county primaries and the dis trict conference. O. C. AM.KN, Warren, Fa. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for representa'ive in Coneress from the twenty-eighth district of Pennsylva nia. 11. It. C'uminos, Tidioute, Pa. ASSEMBLY. We are authorized to announce John . RoiiKRTsoy, of Tionesta Horough, as a candidate for Assembly, subject to Re publican usages. We are authorized to announce T. P. Collins, of Green township, as a candi date for Assembly, subject to Republican usages. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. We are authorized to announce A. C. Brown, Esq.. ol Tionesta, as a candidate for District Attorney, subject to Republi can usages. STATE DELEGATE. We are authorized to announce Asa H. Siqworth, of Jenks township, as a can didate for Delegate to the Republican State Convention. We are authorized to announce Clifton Cassatt, of Baruett township, as a candi date for Delegate to the Republican State Convention. We are authorized to announce Otto Rcdolvh, of Hickory township, as a candidate for Delegate to the Republican State Convention. The U. S. weather bureau has cau tiously intimated that it does not expect much more wintnr weather this spring. It is already apparent that as a presi dential possibility, George B. McClellan will never get beyond the "also men tioned" class. It was a shrewd move to interest Sena tor Tillman in the railroad bill. While be is regulating rates he will have no time to Btir up race prejudice. Everything considered. Uncle Joe Cannon may be pardoned if his thoughts occasionally take a ramble in the direc tion of the Presidential chair. "Coin" Harvey, the free silver advo cate in the first Bryan campaign, is run ning a summer resort in the Ozark Mountains, but all money looks alike to him now. Chorus of consumers: Old King Coal was a greedy old soul, a grouchy old soul was lie; Iu the pile of consumers lie made a big bole, but he doesn't mind tutfm, not be. It looks as if it would bo necessary to nominate three or four Democratic candi dates for the Presidency in order to sat isfy the many different kinds of Demo crats now scattered over the country. Although nearly $:S,000,000 was spent on the Panama canal in March, the treas ury receipts for the month exceeded ex penditures by (1,801,(00. In national finances even the Democrats ought to be willing to stand pat. In a coal Btrike are involved the ope rators, the strikers and the consumers, and the only ones sure to lose are the consumers, dragged iu against their will. Some of the others make so much money out of strikes that they cultivate them. In bis candidacy for governor of New York, Mr. Hearst will not have tho sup port of the Tammany machine, the Dem ocratic bosses, nor the people. Little things like these, however, do not dis courage a statesman who has ambition, leisure, courage, money and persistency to cheer him on. Commenting on how Saimborii, of the North East Breeze, foil just outside the breastworks, in his contest for legisla tive honors, the Philadelphia Inquirer says: "With a very lew exceptions the country editor is nil right for the .TOi days In the year. The Board of Trade use him, the taxpayers' league, the civic as sociations, the village improvement so cieties, every local ludustry, every local enterprise, use him almost at thoir own pleasure. But when be wants something himself things are different." To which the Oil City Blizzard adds Ibis mournful requiem: "There's a heap o' truth in that. But one sweetly solemn thought comes to tlieiu o'er and o'er, they'll have rewards a comiu' when they reach the shining shorn." All over the country there are farms crying for tilling, and there are few re sponses. The lure of the city has ab norbed thousands of the best young peo ple ol the agricultural districts. If no plan Is found for keeping young men and young women on tho farms, then a lurge scheme of emptying the cities of their poor and helpless should be evolved. It is one of the incomprehen sible phases of the situation that no mat ter bow poor and suffering the average family of the city slums may be, the members prefer to suffer the incompre hensible phases of the situation rather than go Into the country where healthful employment awaits all, and where the pure air will revive debilitated bodies. West Chester Record. It is stated that one night last week 572 words were flashed by wireless telegraphy from Coney Island station to Ireland, a distance of 3200 miles. The previous best record was between Coney Island and Panama, 2100 miles apart. The ftirdte around the earth, with perhaps a rela or two, seems to bo in sight. It is with a good deal of pleasure that the Rki'iihlican notes the selection ol Hon. J. Ross Raymond, of North East, as one of tho Republican nominees for Assembly in Erie county, at the recent primaries. The writer knows whereof he speaks when he sn-s that Major Ray. uiond Is the right stuff for a good legisla. tor. Asa member of that body In the sessions of 18'.'.') and 1S'A he served hi constituents honorably and faithfully. leaving a record of which his people may well be proud. It is doubtful if any member of those two sessions has a bet ter voting r?cord than Major Raymond, and his vote was always on the right side of the question at issue, unhampered by any sort of bossism, for he was an "in depeudent cuss," who could not be in duccd to stand ior a measure that was not right. His people should return him wilh an overwhelming voto of confidence. REITIU.ICAN PRIMARY ELECTION. To the Republican Electors of Forest Umnty : By virtue of the rules of the licnubli can party of Forest County, I hereby announce that the primary election for nominating candidates, and electing a delegate to the Mate Convention, and members of the County Committee for the ensuing year, will be held m the fol lowing places in each township: Harnett Uanngton, Couksbunr, Red- clvtre. Green Nebraska, (iiiitonville. Harmony West Hickory,l'oglc Farm Hickory East Hickory. Howe Rrookston, Cooper Tract, Pig eon, Lynch, 1 orkey, 1 loughs, atson r arm. Jenks Marienville, Duliring, Lamona, Kingsley Newtown Mills. Mavbure. Kellettville, Starr. Tionesta Township At Election House. Tionesta Borough . OX SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1900, Rctwecn the hours of 2 o'clock p. m. and I a clock p. in., at winch tunc the qual ified Republican voters of each aforesaid named places shall vote as follows: line person for I ongress. One person for Assembly. One person for District Attorney. One person for Coroner. One person for State Delegate. Also each Election Precinct shall elect one person as member of the County Committee for the ensuing year. the candidates for the several offices hall have their names announced in one or more of the county papers at least three weeks previous to the Primary Election, stating the office and subject to action of the Republican party at the said primary election. The necessary blanks, etc., for holding primary election will be mailed to the Committeemen of the several precincts, whose duty it is to sec that the election board is properly organized, and that the polls are opened and closed at the hours above stated. Any two or more candidates having an equal number of votes for the same of fice, the return judges shall proceed to ballot for a choice, the person having the highest number to be tho nominee. The Return Judges shall appoint Con ferees Representative, Congressional and Senatorial whose acceptance of said appointment shall be a pledge to support the person who may receive the largest number of votes cast for that office. Attention is called to the Act of June, 29, 1881, regulating primary elections, that Judges and Clerks, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, shall take and subscribe an oathiir alfirmation in presence of each other. Attention is also directed to the fol lowing Republican Primary Rules, adopt ed by the County Committee at its last meeting held Feb. 27, 1905: "That all Republicans be required to vote in their proper primary precincts, where such is possib'e, and in case the voter is unable to reach his proper voting place he shall, before voting, be obliged to have at least two Republicans vouch for his Republicanism, and legal right to vote-" "The Return Judges shall be compe tent to reject by a majority the returns from any district where there is evidence of fraud, either in tho returns or other wise, and shall reject them where there is evidence of three or more persons vot ing at the Primary Election who are not Republicans." The returns shall be properly scared and addressed to the Chairman of the Republican County Committee, and then delivered to the judge of tho primary election, who shall be the return judge and represent tho precinct in the con vention. The said return judges shall meet in convention at the Court House, at Tio nesta, on Tuesday, May 8. 190(1, at 2 o'clock p. in., for tho purpose of count ing the votes and declaring the results, and the transaction of such other busi ness as may be brought before the said convention. II. S. Riiockwav, Chairman. Marienville, Pa., March 11, P.IIMi. Whereas, by the rules adopted by the Republican parly representing thc2.Sth Congressional District of Pennsylvania, composed of the Counties of Mercer, Ve nango, Warren Forest and Elk, govern ing the Republican primaries m said Congressional District, it is provided the said Republican primaries shall be held upon the same iUy in said Counties when a member of Congress is to be nominated, and that the date of holding said primaries to be fixed by the Chair men of their respective committees of each of the said Counties iu said Con gressional District; and, Whereas, a member of Congress is to hi- nominated iu said district at the coining Republican Primaries; . Therefore, We, the undersigned Chair men of the Republican County Commit tees composing the said Congressional District, hereby agree and fix Saturday, the 5th day of '.May, 1900, as the date for holding said primaries in said Counties. Witness our bunds the 20th day of February, 1900, at. Warren, Pa. W. .1. Whiklhon, Chairman Mercer Count'. M.MISHAI.L I'HII'I'S, Chairman Venango County. W. W. h, Chairman Warren County. II. S. lilKK'KWAV, Chairman Forest County. James A. Gkkh, Chairman Elk County. Tlint House of Your Will loel more comfortable during the cold season in a warm coat of Green Seal Paint. For sale by J. J. Landers, Tior uesta. jt Chamberlain's Salve is good for any disease of the skin. It allays the itch ing and burning sensation Instantly. For sale by Dunn & Fulton. A much neglected law Is to be en forced at Greenville, according to the News, which says: "Every town has certaiu element who deem it au aocom plishment to use profanity, vulgar and obscene language on the streets and lo public places. A warning to this class may save them from being arrested and paying a stiff fine, for Burgess MoNary will not tolerate I he use of such language on the streets, and police officers have been instructed to arrest all such violators of the law." This step by the Greenville authorities could be Imitated by other towns, not excluding Tionesta, where profanity Is a disgusting but quite com mon habit on the streets. Si I ( It t:V A It I), 81(H). Tho renders of this paper will be pleased to leain that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Its stages, and that Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fra ternity, lalurrh tieiug n constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly apon the blood and mucous surface ol the system, there in- ucstnn mg the toiimmlioii ot th dis ease, and giving tho patient, strength by ouilmug up me constitution and assist ing nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its cura tive powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it tails to cure, Svnd for list of testimonials. Address, V. J. Cll EN EY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Prusgists, 75o. Hall's Family Pills are thebest. Cream of Hip News. A lie soldom dies from inactivity. See I ho handsome shirt waists and shirt waist patterns at Hopkins'. No two alike, but all very pretty and nr-t ex pensive. It A good way to make money is not to lose it. Thompson's Barosma cures chronic or acute tnllsmiiiHliou of the kidneys and blander, or ulceration ol same. 50c and $1.00. All druggists. Motto of a confidence man: "Watch and prey." Muslin underwear, night gowns, cor set covers and shirt waist material, are found in great quantity at the Hopkins store. Call. It Money talks and the small change you get is back talk. San-Cura Ointment cured me of the piles over one year and they have never returned. Alired ru in sin, Tryon vllle, Pa. San-Cura Ointment, ioa and 60o. All druggists. When a man Is in the right be can afford to wait his turn. My daughter was troubled for over a year with a fever sure on Iter leg, and was helpless in bed for three months. To the great surprise of all, including the four doctors who had i tlended her, San-Cura Ointment healed the great soo iu less than six weeks. J. I). Hood, Townville, Pa. San-Cura Ointment i"0 and 50c. Some men talk too loud, and all women talk too much, "lliiiMin'a I.uiro-Finih" In a variety ol beautiful colors. It is truly wonderful what the ladies are accomplishing with this finish. It makes au old floor look like new. Old furniture and wood work brought to life. See samples at J. J. Landers', Tio nesta. it Siill'ercil for l"lve Venrs With Kidney ami I, Ivor Trouble. "T RnfVrtred I'nrtlDA rant's with lri.lnatr and liver troublo, which caused severe pains across me nacK ana a blinding headache. I bail rivSnAnwiu BnH waa ci constipated that I could not move my nnweis wiinoui a caiiiaruc. l was cured ll V ( 'l,rt 111 lir lit I It's Ntnmanli mirl Huap Tablets and have been well now lor six months," says Mr. Arthur S. Strickland, of Chattanooga, Tenu, For sale by Dunn ..v. tuitmi. San-Cura Ointment is pleasant and soothing, gradually drawing out all poi sonous and foreign matter, leaving a sound uoallhy skin. It is a great aid in preventing scars. San-Cura Ointmeut does not contain mercury or anything mat is injurious, hut is antiseptic and cleansing, it softens all intlamed parts 25c and 50c. All druggists. Crocker's Itlicuinnllt Cure Is ll! Mr. Thomas Secrist says, under date of Jan. .11, 1'.HHi, that he bad muscular rheu matism lor six years, part ol the lime su tiered so lie ecu Id not sleep nights. Says he has taken two 50 cent bottles of Crocker's Rheumatic Cure, and can sleep and has not lelt the pain iu his arms sin t'e. He recommends any one suffering with rheumatism to try a hlty-cent bottle. Hit, Thomas Heckiht. West Wheeling, Ohio. for sale ly llunn A Milton. For twenty years I was troubled with sciatic rheumatism and pain in the back aud hips. At times I could not walk. Several years ago I began using Thomp son's Barosma, Kidney, Liver and Blad der Cure, and have been perfectly free from rheumatism and pain ever since. J. A. Perry, Enterprise, Pa. Have You Dyspciisin, Iniliurslloti t If today vou suffer "from Impaired di gestion, sluggish liver or impure blood, and yon weie told of a preparation which won id cure you at niuall cost, would you try the remedy? There is a medicine Green's August blower. Go to your drugei-t's mid buy a test bottle fir 'St cents, or the regular size for 75 cents. If you have us' d all other dyspepsia reme dies without satis'aelioii, "or if you have never used nny preparation for thee dis tressing alleetions; if you have headache, biliousness, loss of appetite, sleoplessness, nervousness, or any disorder of the sto mach or liver, cure yourself quickly by using the inlallihle August Flower. It is not mi alcoholic stimulant, but quite harmless tor general use. (iet a copy of Green's Prize Almanac. For sale by Dunn it Fulton. TO tki: . I.N (INK lV Take Laxative P.rcmio (Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure. K. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. CiiiimIiI Cohl While llmiiiiiM a llurMlitr. Mr. Win. Thos. Luiiorgan, provincial constable, nt Chapleau, Ontario, says: "I caught a severe cold while hunting a burglar in Hie forest swamp last fall. H earing of ( hum herlnin's Cough Remedy I tried il, and Hl'ler using two small bot tles, I was completely cured." Tina rem edy is Intended especially for coughs and coiils. It will loosen and relieve a se vere cold in less time than by any other treatment and is a lavorite wherever its superior excellence has become known, For sale by Dunn it Fulton.. a ;rAitANTi:i:i vvkk for imi.ks. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Druggists re authorized to refund monev it Pa.o Ointment fails to cure in tl to 14 days. 5()c. The Sprliin I'liiming Is a task of no little importance to owners of property; lip-to-date painters, recom mend the use of Green Seal Liquid Paint because of its extreme purity. For sale by J. J, Landers, Tionesta. It Four years ago the doctors said I had Bright's disease of the kidneys. I was bloated and suffered great deal of pai n In the back and groin, 1 Dually took three bottles of Thompson's Barosma, which cured me eutirely, and I bare en joyed good health ever since. My wife la now taking Thompson's Barosma with with great benefit W. W. Goodrich, Shelmadiue Springs, Pa. Barosma 60o and f 1.00. All druggists. Notice lo Stockholders. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Tionesta Gas Company will be beta at the ollice or the company on Monday, April lt!th, 1900, at 2:00 o'clock p. in. A. B. Kklly, Secretary, CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Administratrix's Notice. Letters of Administration on the estate of W. Edward Kiser. late of Green town ship, Forest county, Pa., deceased, hav ing been granted to tho undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby not Hied to make payment without delay, ana those Having claims or demands will present them, duly authenticated, for set Dement. Sophia Kiskk, Adm'rx.. Tionesta, Pa. h. ii. irwin, Attorney. April 4, ltHKl. 0t Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration on the es tate of W. If. II. Dotterer. late of Kings. loy township, Forest County, Pa., de ceased, bavins been eranted to toe un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make pay nient without delay, and those having claims or demands will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. H. A. Dotterkr, Aum'r., Muzettn, Pa. A. C. Brown, Attorney. Ot Going to Paint? Made by People who "Know How." $1.50 per Gallon. G. W. ROBINSON & SON Tiouesta, Pa. Car Load nf Buggies, Road-wagonp, Surreys and Spring-wagons. All Bujrffies Guaranteed and Prices Right. Come early and get your choice. Am also headquarters for Farm Machinery, Wagons, Ready-made Harness, &c. KIND! Land 1'nie in stock ready for drill, Always at my ware rooms on Satur days. Come in 1 J. G. BROMLEY TIONESTA, PA. On Sale at Our NEWS ROOM Saturdays . Or will he delivered to your house the following papers: The Buffalo Illustrated Express, The N. Y. Illustrated Record, The Saturday Evening Post, The Pennsylvania Grit," The Chicng.i Ledger aod Blade. We also have the Butialo Daily Mortiiug Express, which we cau de liver to you at noon. Carson & Matson Newsdealers. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, -OF- TIONESTA, - PENN. S.S.CANFIEID PROPRIETOR. job TEJLicizsra- OPTIOIA1T. Ollice I fc 1 National Bank Building, OIL CITY, PA. Eyes examined free. Exclusively optical. 65 A Y I 8 A I A'y-"'"''rr7 IirOTBQV FASHION FORM COKSE1VI.VA AM :7 J 69 Cents We are closing out five numbers ot the well known Henderson Corsets These are regular $1 00 values at Gil cents. A chance to save money it your size is here. moBin & son. Not Every Man Likes (he long Spring Overcoats wilh the flaring skirts aud fitting waists. Some young business men are wed ded to the Top Coat. We are showing a new Top Coat, the Manhattan, a very ewell gar ment, loose box back, wide shoulder, the material a Ian covert cloth of an exceptional quality. Two grades, prices $15 and 8 'JO. Money Savers We have about 30 Tan Covert Top Coats, carried over, some one season, some two seasons, and some three seasons old. On these coats there ia a distinct saving in price; they were priced from 12 to 621). Priced now, $5, $7.50, $10. THE McCUEN CO. 2b AND 29 SENECA ST. , OIL CITY. PA. Fred. Grottenbergor GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. AU work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and General Blacksmlthing prompt ly done at Low Katea. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, aud satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of and just west of the Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa, Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENBERGER PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER, Repairs Holler, Stills, Tanks, Agitators. Biijn aud Nells NccoihI - hand Boilers, VAe. Wire or letter orders promptly at tended to. End ofSuspenaion Bridge, Third ward, OIL CITY, PA. NOTICE. Dr. Reid wishes lo announce that since last September he has been the proprietor ot the .New York Painless Dentists, buying out all the interests formerly owned by Dr. DeRoy. Dr. lieid gives every patient his personal attention and is bringing good den tistry within reach of all. Charges are exactly as advertised. Hcta ol teeth from tfttnSH. Cold crowtm any aize, Silver lillinga from $1 up. Silver lillines any aize, M eta. Painless extraction by now method. New York 53 Men. Nt., Oil City only. JORENZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer In HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. ai mm Take Laxative tfromo Quinine Tablets. Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 months. This Signature, Suits, $15 to order. SPRING OPENING And display of critically correct woolens for ' Men's Suits and Topcoats. Our mill men have demonstrated their clever ness most forcibly in our new spring goods. You will need no tailorman's wisdom to recognize this fact. We have always had the best lines of woolens for $15 Suits in the world, but wo have more oc casion to be proud of our line this season than ever before. This spring brings many n new thing both in material and design. Tho fabrics, blue and black unfinished worsteds, serges and fancy mixed tweeds and cheviots, both foreign and domestic weaves, in all the popular shades, the most prom inent of which are the new grays. Just come for samples that you can compare elsewhere and see for yourself their goodness. All garments tried on before finishing. Itain Coats, $15 to order. Glasaow Woolen Mills Co., WORLD'S LARGEST TAILORS. OO SENECA ZC STREET. Monarch Clothing Co. Special Selling of New Spring CLOTHING 'For Men, Boys and Children. Men's! Sty lish llnln Coals Nobhv awairirnr nntinrna will, rll ...... ny-day atyle iu addition lo rainy-day acr vice. Our Roods are made Irom all wool fabriua, proofed by tbe cravenette nor- flS.OO values $11.98 Stylish Spring Overeoats Short top coats of different shades, all wool covert; also hands mie black thibet ton coata. m tliA nn nut lina.i wot. haunter's aatm and a ready Q( (q seller aif u.ou tjiu ,J(J Stylish and Xobby Hats Our new spring bats are gcttin scat tered all over the county. Derbys and Bolt batx. We tind tlmi I,IU i,,iu r ....... are willing to pay f:i.U0 and fl.oo for a hut, they are alao perfectly willing to accept ft.OOhat at $1.98 Men's Spring Suits HandaomA fanov mlTinfa. oil i Cheviot; long coat of the new make with vein iu uaca; an 01 me new- t0 (Q est style and make 5O.U O ClothlnR made by Snellenberg lms a world-wide riiinilminn w ..r .....i.. - . ... .... ... v (IA. Itl sive aeula lor this high-Krade make of auit. and we feel nmurl initilriin.ui i some all wool worstod suit, of tho now lruiK inaKo, cobim witu vent and swa Kercut; the trousers are with full ness where it belongs; (tT on an elegant $10.00 value . V O Globe M illsiiiuli irrmlti equal to custom make, such n yuu pay -.j.uvur f.iu.iiu nir, iu any tHilor. Die shoulders are bin and awKKr shaped, the coat is cut long with veut in back. The material ia all wool ij t r-t worsted O 1 4.i 11 I MONARCH CLOTHING CO. Oil Exchange Block, Oil City, Pa. Tgrrrigia,; To Cure a Cold in One Bav lop Coats, 15 to order. Trousers, $4, $5, (i to order. OIL CITY, PA. Two hundred men's odd suits; these are the accumulation of our past season's itoods. Among the lot are nil wool blue Herges, black worsteds, all wool fancy mixed cheviots and gray clay worsteds, not a suit in the lot worth ' CT l Q less thau $12.00 lotlU.SO .IO One hundred scuff suits from our past season's accumulation, all of one or more dillerent lots, sizes 31 lo 44; these are from our cheaper grades and are worth from J.S.00 (hi r0 tofio.oo p-.Uo Koys mid Children's Clothing louhle-breasted boys' suits of black or blue cheviot, ages 7 to 18, good and strong malerial and made to wear h 1 o well. I'rice tpl.JJo All wool cheviot suitsofgrav and fancy mixtures, hIso a number of worsted suits made doiiblo-hreaslcd stvle, with good strong silk and linen sewing, ihf) r Hm value, l'tiee ..L J.'Jo Double-breasted or the new Norfolk style of boys' suits, with bloomer pants made of good, all wool plain or lancv cheviot; punts are double-Boated anil double at the knee and extra good value: S.!!: $3.98 Children's Suits Our now styles of children's suits aie now here in all the new shades and stylos, sorgos, homespuns, worsteds, cbevlotv $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 ISoys' Waists llandsoiint stylo of boys' blouse waists the minimis' friend r to' Joe, 48c Our ladies' department is overflowing wilh stylish suits, skirts, waists, jackets aud coats. J Cures Crip In Two Days. & yfTCyr on everv frvtrijr box. 25c