The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 21, 1906, Image 2

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J. C. WINK, cditoh 4 Proprietor.
1906 MARCH 1906
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
45 6789 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24:
:25 26 27 28 29 30 31
$ Quarter
O ft. in.
Vl Quarter 1 1 a.m
New n H :("
Moon I'k p. la
10 p.m.
Vi Moon
Tkrms. Congress, $20; Senate, $15;
Assembly, $12; District Attorney, $7.
The cash iniiHt invariably accompany the
order for announcement.
Krpulilirnn rrimnrlro, Snt., Mny S, lOOO.
I desire to presont my name for the
consideration of the Republican voters of
tins Congressional District as a candidate
for member of Congress, subject to the
will of tbe county primaries and the dis
trict conference. O. C. Ar.LKN,
Warren, Pa.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for representative in Congress from
the twenty-eighth district of Pennsylva
nia. 11. II. Cuminos, Tidioute, Pa.
We are authorized to announce John
II. Romertson, ol Tionesta Borough, as a
candidate lor Assembly, subject to Re
publican usages.
We are authorized to announce T. D.
Collins, of Ureen township, as a candi
date tor Assembly, subject to Republican
We are authorized to announce A. C.
Bkown, Esq.. of Tionesta, as a candidate
for District Attorney, subject to Republi
can usages.
We are authorized to announce Asa H.
StawoRTR, of Jenks township, as a can
didate for Delegate to the Republican
Stale Convention.
We are authorized to announce Clifton
Cassatt, of Harnett township, as a candi
date for Delegate to tbe Republican State
We are authorized to announce Otto
Runou-H, of Hickory township, as a
candidate for Delegate to tbe Republican
State Convention.
Thr great Democratic question: What
is the feeling of Bryan, Hearst and Tom
Johnson toward each other?
Life insurance people are finding It a
hard matter to go against a legislature
without an educational fund.
Some men are born grafters, some ac
quire the art after hard practice, and some
are elected to the U. S. Senate.
It will take more lhan thirty years to
complete the Panama canal if all of the
work has to be done in Washington.
Prksident Roosevelt was glad to see
bis Standard Oil callers but he bad tbe
presence of mind to keep his "lingers
crossed" while talking to Mr. Rogers.
About tbe best that can be said for the
Senalejust now, is that it is putting up
some splendid arguments in favor of the
election of Senators by popular vote.
JnxtK Pakkrr says be is convinced
that President Roosevelt will ask for an
other nomination. Let's see, who is
Judge Parkei?-Oil City Blizzard.
Who was J udge Parker?
Of coarse the coal operators resent the
interference of President Roosevelt Still
they do not like to say much as the Pres
ident already is much too popular to suit
Public interest in bis case has modified
some Bince the cable assures us that Mrs.
De Casiellane even if she is divorced will
allow Boni a sufficient allowance fur cor
sets and shoulder pads for the balance of
bis life.
The Mississippi legislature has con
sidered a bill to abolish bridge wbist, eu
chre and other card games, and now a
law-maker proposes to legalize lynching.
The Mississippi taste for amusement is
evidently peculiar.
The Fianklin News learns that "A
Massachusetts Yankee has patented a
device to make tombstones out of con
crete. Happy thought! Any man who
can buy a barrel of cement and a load of
sand, can get some wooden letters and
fix his own tombstone to suit himself.
The date of death need not matter; few
care whether the departed died at one
time or anothor. From the way some
grave-stones misrepresent the facts, it
would also be a good idea to make con
crete from tombstones."
Bearing upon the need of drastic leg
islation against discriminations and re
bates to favored shippers, the New York
Evening Post says: After tbe solemn as
surance we have bad that the railways
bad voluntarily stopped rebating, it is
surprising yet not so very surprising to
read Saturday's testimony by the general
fright agout of the Big Four. He ad
mitted that both coal and steel had been
carried by bis road at loss than scheduled
rates, the difference being paid back to
certain shippers in cash. This was done,
It is true, 'Mast year," but the law was
explicit and was Hhamnlessly violated,
and the coining to light of the facts at
this juncture cannot fail to infliintire leg
islation at Washington. Senator Tillman
will be upheld in calling for an amend
ment to the Hepburn bill which will "put
stripes" on any convicted rebator. And,
although such rebates have no logical or
legal connection with the rate making
clauses, tboir disclosure now will un
doubtedly aid those who would pass it in
a sweeping and dangerous form. For
tliis, the lawless railroad officials have
only themselves to thank. They are the
rivals of agitators and anarchists in in
viting attacks upon property.
Andrew Carnegie Is williug to Invest
a few of bis loose millions in tbe great
cause of spelling reform. Will he please
start tbe good work by spelling his name
just as be would have it pronounced as no
two persons appear to agree on that Im
portant raattei?
When Speaker Caunon snt down at bia
desk at the capltol the other day he found
slip of paper on it, asking him to call
up on the telephone "East 1428." The
speaker went to the telephone, asked for
the number and when an answer came,
said: "Do you want me?" "I don't
know," came back the answer. "Well, I
haven't time to be fooling around here;
do you want me?" insisted the spoaker.
"Who are you, anyway? This la the
government hospital for the Insane,"
came back (he answer. "If you think
you ought to be here, why come along."
It waa all the speaker said, as he sat
down and realized that some one had
been playing a joke on him.
Cream of Die Sows.
Don't tbink that because riches have
wings you will bo able to catch them on
tbe fly.
Wanamakor A Brown were tbe origi
nators of tailor-made suits from tbe sam
ple book. IIopklu8 is the agent. It
A woman never pays much attention
to her husband's talk unless he talks In
his sleep.
Prospects are good for tbo largest at
ttendance in the history of Ediiiboro
Normal for the spring session which be
gins March 27lh. John V. Bigler, Prin
cipal, it
There is consolation in tho Biblo for
all except the woman who isn't Invited
when her neighbor gives a party.
It will not cost you a cent to try
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets, and they are excellent for stomach
troubles and constipation. (.let a free
sample at Dunn & Fulton's drug store.
If you want the Tribune Farmer and
the Forest Republican, one year for
$1.25, now Is your time. You've had a
sample copy of the Farmer and you
know its all right. The offer will not
extend longer than the month of March.
Z. T. Drake, McGraw, Warren coun
ty, Pa., bad a felon on his hand that kept
him awake three uiuhla. San-Cura Oint
ment stopped tbe pain, drew out the pus,
and healed it completely. San-Cura
Ointment, 25 and 50c. All druggists, tf
Soou as we get over the chilblains we
can begin to expect the mosquito season.
I was afflicted thirty years with piles
and spent $000 for pile medicines Two
bottles of San-Cura Ointment cured me
and I have no return of the piles in three
years. James Lynch, Enterprise, Pn.
San-Cura Ointment, 25 aud 5(lu. All
druggists. tf
Any man who trusts to cunning for
success is next door to a thief.
Alwnys Kfrp I'liniiibrrlnln'a CoiihIi Item.
city in the Hoiihp.
"We would not be without Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy, It is kept on
hand continually in our borne," says W,
W. Kearney, editor of tbe Independent,
Lowry City, Mo. That is just what every
family should do. When kept at band
ready for iustant use, a cold may be
checked at the outset and cured in much
less time than after it has become settled
in the system. This remedy is also with
out a peer for croup in children, and will
prevent the attack when given as soon as
the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the cronpy cough appears, which can
only be done when the remedy is kept at
nanu. tor sate ny Dunn & Hilton.
I told mv wile I did not care whether
I lived fifteen minutes or not, I telt so
weak and miserable. Six bottles of
Thompson's Bsrosma completely re
stored my health. M. R. Waid, 61 Pros
pect St., Titusville. Pa. 60c and $1. All
druggists. tf
Eczema, Teller, halt ltlii-11111, Ilrli, Ring
worm, Herpes, Bnrbers' Itch.
All of these diseases are attended by in
tense itching, which is almost instantly
relieved by applying Chamberlain's Salve
and by its continued use a permanent
cure may be effected. It has, in fast,
cured many cases that had resisted other
treatment. Price 25 cents per'box. For
sale by Dunn & Fulton.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund the money if it falls
to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on
each box. 25c.
A III id cil With Khcnninthjiii.
"I was and am yet alllicted with rheu
matism," says Mr. J. C. Bayne, editor of
the Herald, Addington, Indian Territory,
"but thanks to Chamberlain's Pain Balm
am able once more to attend to business.
It is the best of liniments." If troubled
with rheumatism give Pain Balm a trial
and you are certain to be more than
pleased with the prompt relief which it
affords. One application releives the
pain. For sale by Dunn & Fulton,
I tad been sick' for two years with
backache and kidney trouble. It was
only with great effort and a great deal of
pain that I could got up out of a chair or
bed. I tried all tho leadiug kidney cures
and doctored with one doctor all winter,
but got vory little relief. After taking
three bottles of Thompson's Barosma I
was entirely cored aud have been for
three years. My wile also had been
troubled wi'b her back, but one bottle of
Barosma cured her. P. M. Smith, Plum,
Venango county, Pa. tf
If you have Bright's disease of the
kidneys and have been given up by the
doctors take Thompson's Barosma. It
will euro you. fine and $1. tf
A Favorite Uemeily for liable.
Its pleasant taste and promptcure have
made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a
favorite with the mothers of small chil
dren. It quickly cures their coughs and
colds and prevents any danger of pneu
monia or other serious consequences. It
not only cures croup, but when giveu as
soon as ihecroupy cough appears will pre
vent the attack. For sale by Dunn it
l'rolect I'roiiriftiirjr .Meiliclnes.
Did it ever occur to you that proprie
tary medicines are a blessing to maukiud
generally? The good ones have long
continued sale; the poor ones have short
lifo and soon leave the market.
If we had to depend entirely upon phy
slcians and druggists it would be expen
sive and very inconvenient at times, es
pecially in tho country and at night when
neither could be conveniently reached.
For nearly forty years Boschee's German
Syrup lias been used in many families,
and thousands nt lives of adults and
children Lave been saved by its use,
when it was impossible to reach a physi
cian, German Syrup is tbe best house
bold remedy lor coughs, colds, throat
and lung trouble. It quickly relieves
the backing cough, loosens the phlegm,
and brings sound and refreshing sleep.
Twenty-live and seventy-five cents. Get
a copy of Green's Prize Almanac. For
sale by Dunn A Fulton.
'rocker' Btheuninlle Cure
Is for sale ill this community by Dunn
A Fulton at 50c the bottlo. It's made in
Warren, Pa., by a reliable company of
business men who are convinced of Its
merits. Tbo medicine is taken internally
in small doses and cures a larger per cent
01 cases man any miier similar remedy
The Phillips Drug Co., Warren, Pa.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
rues. DriiuglstM are authorized to relund
money if Pazo Ointment falls to cure in
0 to 14 days. 50c.
I had a sore on the back of my hand
for over a year caused by cutting it on a
barbed wire. 1 used all the different
remedies and the doctors opened it and
treated, but it seemed to grow worse. My
druggist advised me to try Sau-Cura
Ointment, and one bottle cured the sore
in two weeks. It is wonderful. E. A.
Thompson, Hutchinson, Kansas. San
Cura Ointment25and 50c. A II druggists.
Did you got a sample copy of the
Tribune Farmer? How do you like it?
This remarkably able farm journal, pub
lished weekly, can bo hail during this
month in jonncction with the Reitbli
can for the small sum of 25 cents for the
coming year. Old subscribers on the
Republican's lUl cau have the Tribune
Farmer by paying up Arrearages, and
one year in advance and 25 cents extra.
The same advantage Is also extended to
new siihsoiibers. This offer will -positively
closo with this month of March, so
if you want tbe two best papers pub
lished, for $1.25, now is the time to get
Flour 'tH sack 1.15 1.40
Buckwheat Hour, ih .3
Corn meal, food, V 100 ft.. ($1.15
Corn meal, family, 'r 100 lb 1.75(i.2.00
Chop feed, pure grain ((1.25
Data .4,ri
Corn, shelled (jiliS
Beans bushol 2.75
Ham, sugar cured ,15
Bacon, sugar cured .15
Shoulders .13
Salt Pork, th 12)
Whiteflsh kit 50(iU)
Sugar .OS(.01
Syrup ;5($ .50
N. O. Molasses .35(g) .50
Coffee, Koast Rio 16
Coffee, blended Java .25
Tea 35 .50
Butter .25
Butler, creamery .30
Rice 05. 10
Eggs, fresh 15
Salt 8 barrel 1.25
Lard .12
Potatoes, bushel 80!K)
Potatoes, sweet, lb .21
Lime Tt barrol 1.25
Nails keg 2.75
Wool 2022
Tor Infants and Children. f
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the partner
ship of (ieorgia A Aylosworth, of En
deavor, Forest County, Pa., was dissolved
by mutual consent on tbe 15th day of
March, 1SXXI. All accounts of the said
firm will be settled by J. P. Aylesworth,
ol Endeavor, Pa.
County Bridge Painting.
As per Act of Assembly, approved
April 21, 1003, the Commissioners of For
est County will receive sealed proposals
for the painting of the following bridges:
Bridge across Tionesta Creek at Fox
bnrg, Howe Twp. Lennth of span, 173
feet; width of roadway 111 feet in clear.
Bridge across Maple Creek, at or near
the mouth, Barnett Twp. Length of
span, 041 feet, width of roadway, 10 feet
In clear.
Bridge across Allegheny River at Tio
nesta, two spans. One span 80 feet long,
aud one span 104 fe'ot long, width of road
way, 18 feet in clear.
AH guard rails and all iron and steel to
be first thoroughly cleaned by removing
all scales and blisters and then to bo thor
oughly painted one coat with a paint of
established reputation for five years' du
rability on metal surfaces, and to be
guaranteed to remain in good and effect
ive condition for five years from date of
painting; all loose nuts to bo tightened.
Contractor to furnish all materials, also
furnish and removo all scaffolding. Bids
will be received on each separate bridge
as above. All work to he completed on
or before the first day of September, 1900.
All bids must be on tile in tbe Commis
sioners' oflice in Tionesta, on or before
the first day of May, liH'O. Tho Couimis
sinners reserve the right to reject any or
all bids.
Leonard Agnew,
Andrew Wolf,
Philip Emeht,
County Commissioners.
Attest: J. T. Dale, Clerk.
Tionesta, Pa., March 12, 1000.
James Cook, having left his boarding
place at my home, tho public is hereby
notified that I will nav no bills of his
contracting. Mrs. J. Y. Armaoost.
Barnett twp., to rest county, Pa.,
March 12, 1000.
On Sale at Our
Or will be delivered in your bouse
tlie following papers :
The uh"ulo Illustrated Express,
The N. Y. Illustrated Record,
The Saturday Kvening Post,
The Pennsylvania Grit,
The Chioagi Ledger aud .Blade.
We also have (he Buffalo Daily
Morning Express, which we cau de
liver to you at noon.
Carson & Matson
WANTED: by Chicago wholesale and
mail order house, assistant manager
(man or woman) for this county and ad
joining territory. Salary $20 and rxpenses
paid weekly; expense money advanced.
Work pleasant; position permanent. No
Investment or experience required.
Write nt oncn for full particulars ami en
close self.aildrMssed envelope. COOPER
A Co., 1.12 LaWoXt., Chicago, 111.
Going to Paint?
05 A
Y f 5
Made by People who "Kuow How."
$1.50 per Gallon.
Tiouesta, Tu.
1 nesta Boro, March 12, 1006:
Bal. due from S. J. Setlev 1001 tax..$ 73 09
" " " '03 road tax 60 13
" " " 1!M4 lax 20 85
' '04 road tax 127 01
" " W.II.IIood 05 " ISO 04
Balance in hands of Treasurer 140 87
008 49
Outstanding orders , 67 10
Assets over liabilities 651 33
$008 49
Tbe above is a correct statement of the
finances of the Boro accounts as they ap
pear on the Boro books.
pVj"D') suitors.
nesta Township, for tbe year ending
March 11, 1900: .
Win. Lawrence, Treasurer. Dr.
Mar. 1.1, 1905, balance f 57 06
Reo'd from Jacob Wagner for
lumber sold 1 00
Reo'd from Win. Nichol, Col 182 02
" " " 449 09
" HenrvSlbble, old scraper 2 50
" Wm. Nichol, Col 05 00
" Co. Co in' rs, cash road 100 00
" " general road.. 274 00
" Wm. Nichol, Col 40 59
f 1212 00
By orders paid fi84 07
By 5 per cent." com. on $984 07 49 23
By balauco in treasury 178 10
f 1212 06
Win. Nichol, Col. Dr.
To duplicato 1905 8!U 45
To 5 per cent, added to 910.U9 2 03
f893 48
By S per ct. abatement on $005.58...$ S3 27
8 per cent. com. on $051.S6 19 55
Paid to Treasurer 632 31
Rebate on timber, O. W. Proper... 6 03
5 per cent, abatement on $0.03 -SO
3 per cent. com. on J0.03 18
8 per cent. com. on $10U 00 5 OO
Paid Treasurer 95 00
Land returus 41 60
Rebate on wide-tired wagon,
Henry Wnguer 81
Exoneiauona 10 71
5 per cent. com. on $12.72 2 13
Paid Treasurer 40 59
9-S93 48
Account of Koad Commissioners for
W. J. McKee, Road Commissioner.
By 12 days service $19 20
To orders drawn $19 20
tlenry Sihhle, Road Commissioner.
By 15 davs' sorvice $24 00
By 14 days' work 22 40
By 4) days' team work. 10 87
$03 27
To orders drawn $03 27
Jacob Wagner, Road Commissioner.
By 10 days' services $25 60
Toordersdrawn $25 00
Balance in treasury $178 10
Due unseated land 359 78
Due cash tax 102 12
$040 06
Net indebtedness $1178 00
Orders outstanding 149 71
$1327 71
Deficit 087 65
We tbe undersigned Auditors of Tio
nesta Township, hereby certify that we
have examined the above accounts and
found them to be correct.
J 11. VV'entworth, "I
A. L. Ntiuckknhkho, (-Auditors.
M. Jaun, J
Attest M. A. Cakrinoek, Clerk.
Flooring, Siding,
and material for
Window Casings
11 ml Inside Work.
A good supply to select
from always in 9tock.
Call on nr address.
or F. P. AMSLER.
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
It tar of IIoJcl Weaver
Telephone Ao. 20.
Chamberlain's Dtorrhoea Remedy,
ever falls. Buy it now. It may save life.
I 1 wm-tf I ' I
The Walk-Over Shoe.
We are showing the Spring Styles.
Regular Cuts and Oxfords.
A new inrnice of Earl & Wilson
Collars of over 100 dn.en has just
been opened, Better look at the
new shapes.
Handsome New Pprinp Neckwear,
Walt'in aud Kaiser' exclusivo styles
and Silks, 23e, 50o, 75c. 1 and $1.60.
Fashionable Fancy Vests the now
grays and lie" red whites; rich new
etnll'tlmt is right in style and price.
Spring weights iu Gloves tans
and yravs. Cadets aud regular sizes,
$1. $1.50, $2.
This is the tinio to order your
Shirts if you like to have them made
to your order. The spring and sum
mer selections of materials are here.
Prices $1.50 to $2. Not fit, nn pay.
The linen of a gentlaman you can
always fin it it here.
Some of those Unlaundered All
LiDpn Hemstitched Handkerchiefs,
just half ptice, $1.50 per dozen.
Fred. Orcttonbcrgor
All work irtnining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well TooIh, C5b8 or Water Kit
tines and General ltltu'ksinitliiii prompt
ly done at Low Kates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop iu rear of and just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
Itepalrtt ISoMers, Stills
Tanks, Agitators. Hiijn
and Nell Neeond hand
ItoilerN, Ete.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End ofSuepei'siou Bridge,
Third ward, OIL CITY, IA.
Dr Ileid wishes to announce that
since last Heplcmher ho has been tbe
proprietor of tbe Ntw York Painless
Dentists, buying out all the iuterests
formerly owned by Dr. Delloy. Dr.
Ileid gives every patient bis personal
attention aud is bringing good den
tistry within reach of all. Charges
are exactly as advertised.
Sets ot teeth from 5tn$K Gold erowns
any size, $.". Silver linings from $1 op,
Silvor lillingH any aissn, M cU. Painlesa
extraction by new method.
New York
52 Ken. Nt., Oil City only.
MaiiuluctiirorofHiid Dealer in
A ml nil Itintlx of
a 8 ik ffMVtn 0J3
Take Laxative BromO Quinine Tablets. ?
Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This Signature,
Spring is Nearly Here
We are now showing our full line of Spring Goods. Get
ting our goods as we do by our "Mills to Man Direct" system,
for our entire cliaiu of over 40 stores, wo have secured a slock
of fine woolens, uucqualled iu (ho city.
Why pay more when you cannot equal tbe foloction of
handsome patterns oven at d itible the price. Nor, quality for
quality, will any ordinary tailor equal ibem at double tho
Top Coats,
Rain Coats,
We not only know how to buy tbe materials, hut our tail
ors are proud to wotk out your own particular ideas. There
is stylo and tone in every garment we turn out, and at such a
modest price no man cau all'ord to miss it.
We urge you to come to the store this week. It will pay
you to be ahead of tho rush means a little more tiuio for
All garments tried oo before finishing.
Glasaow Woolen Mills Co.,
Anniversary Sale.
Monarch Clothing Co.
The regular anniversary sale of tho
Monarch Clothing Co. will begin Monday,
March 12, and continuo for 10 days. Some
remarkable values will bo offered and an
early visit to tho store will repay all pur
chasers from near and far. Special values
In Ladies' Waists, Skirts, Suits,
Jackets, Coats, Belts, and
In Our , Men's Clothing
Equal to Tailor Make.
Handsome funoy grey mixtures of nil
wool Cheviot, Ion coat with vent in
baek, excellent nore lining, slionldnrs
band padded, hair ninth front, excellent
llttiiiK garments and mado in the now.
est stylo. nw iq
Sale price ipl.iO
Globe Worsted Men's Suits, in trroy
Imbiuh anu nioRKS or mixtures, we have
them In light or dark gray or medium;
they are beauties beyond dosnription;
the make, the lit, the ntyle, the work
manship all combined make them bet
ter than tailor made and we are selling
thorn rapidly; extra good jj J Qg
IlandHOHie fancy mixod Cheviot .SuTli,
made in tbe Intent atyle with vent and
long out, with thB new style HlintilderH,
all lined with giKxlBergeori'uriiior'BNHt
in, an excellent $1:2.00 value. (JTry ( Q
Anniversary sain price p I .t"0
Kew Kpriug Hal, Miiri, Xei kmiir.l'liihlreu'N Dresses,
Ladies' or tieiiflenieii ICuiii C oats, Arc.
ran; i, a it rici i:s.
Oil Exchange Block, Oil City, Pa.
To Core a Cold hi One Daw
- $15
Made to Order,
Mado to Fit.
UIL Url I I, TM.
We have inaugurated an era of popular
prices and we keep it up. You can start
a bank account on what you save by deal
ing here.
Handsome blue serge for early spring
wear, made with vent and hand pudded
Hhouldera; coats all cut longhand, made
either double or single breasted, with
Venetian ni( aq
lining tffV.VO
Black Unfinished Worsted or Thibet
Suits, a lull description cannot do us
tiee to tbe value of these beauties; ihev
are excellent $10. fiO j t i jq
values J 1 I. IO
1")0 Suits from last season's make, a'l of
good all wool material; not a suit in
the lot worth less than $10.00 or I2 00;
there are all sizes Iu different lots, from
si.e ;u to 44; anniversary tfhe- rj o
sulo price 3t).i0
Cures Crin M
Cures Grin
In Two Days.
ft Jj
On everv