The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 31, 1906, Image 2

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i. C. WINK, - Editor 4 Proprietor.
Tkrms. Congress, $20; Senate, $15;
Aseint)lv. li District Attorney. 7.
The eah niUHt invariably accompany tlie
oruer lor announcement.
I desire to present my name for the
consideration of the Republican voters of
linn congressional District as a candidate
for member of Ccnrens, subject to the
will m toe county primaries and the dia
trict conference. O. C. At.lkn.
Warren, Pa,
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for representative in Congress from
the twenty-eighth district of Pennsylva
nia. II, 11. Ccminos, Tidioute, Pa.
We are authorized to announce John
II. Roiikrtson, of Tionesta Borough, as
candidate lor Assembly, subject to K6'
publican usages.
Thk pictures of Miss Alice Roosevelt's
weddiug dress by artists who have never
been within 300 miles of It, mutit have
been made by the correspondence school
Former President Cleveland is weary
of his job as rebate referee tor 'he big in
surance companies. The question of what
to do with our ex-Presidents then is
still unsolved.
Marshall Fiki.d achieved distinction
not by being the richest merchant in the
world, but by being its greatest tax-payer,
A more substantial conception of
probity is not possible.
President Hadley of Yale saya that
only a man with spurting blood can ap
preciate football. Presumably then, such
a highly organized man would be in his
glory if be could witness a train wreck.
According to the forthcoming report
Of Secretary of Internal Affaiis, Isaac R.
Brown, a vast amount of detailed infor
mation concerning railroads In this stale,
will be made known. Tbe report shows
that 79 employes were killed and 2,033
injured; Jltl other persons killed and 215
injured, or a total of 214 killed and 2,530
injured. In 1904 there were 272 persons
killed and 2,110 injured. That's "killing
the in some."
About a year ago quite a number of
Oil City and Franklin men were laboring
under the delusion they were going to
"quire sudden wealth through "diamond
contracts." The promoters held out all
kinds ol inducements to the representa
tives of the local newspapers in an effort
to secure their aid in pushing the thing
along. They even guaranteed to double
money Invested in a very brief period,
and succeeded in landing a good many
who were yearning for quick returns and
large profits. Aud now a whole lot of
the investors are wiser. Their experience
came a little high, to be sure, but every
mother's son of them realized perfectly
when he went into tbe enterprise that
somebody must be robbed in order that
others might derive such fancy profits.
The parties who were singed deserve
little syuipathy.-Oil City Blizzard. At
tempts to work the scheme on Tionesta
innocents met with failure and so far as
we are able to learn all our diamond-loving
citizens still retain their lucre as well
as their good common sense.
The state senate of Ohio, on Thursday,
demonstrated the eflpct of release from
tbe free pass influence, when without a
word ol discussion, and without a dis
senting vote, a bill was pawed, making
two cents a mile the maximum rate of
piisseiiiter fare that can be charged in
that state. Tbe bill was reported from
the committee, with recommendation of
passage Thursday and was regularly on
the callendar for Friday, but one senator
desiring a leave of absence, a motion was
made to take it up out of its order which
was done without objection. Not a rail
road lobbyist was present. The house
committee on railroads had a similar bill
under consideration and postponed action
one week. This delay ao incensed the
members ol that branch that threats of a
motion to remove the chairman were
made. Two cent fare bills nave been pre
sented to every legislature of Ohio for
many years, but could never before be
brought to a vole. It is a pity our Gov
ernor did not think to indicate some
thing of this sort in bis call for "reform"
legislation, as by this time the people of
Pennsylvania might have been enjoying
the great and righteous privilege, go long
denied tbem, of riding on tbe railroads at
a two cent rate.
Two Cents a Mile.
There is a rising sentiment in this and
other states agaitiBt the injustice of ex
acting a deposit of $10 from the purchas
ers of tbouaaud-mile tickets. Less fre
quently expressed is the popular belief
the railroads could well alford a rate of
two cuts a mile on all classes of passen
ger traffic, but the belief is not loss
strong. The connection- between these
desired re'orms and the abolition of
free passes is casual, only. In the matter
of the $10 deposit there is no direct con
nection. It Is probable the purchasers of mileage
who have always rebelled against the de
posit have seen in the abolition of free
passes a better chance to get the eai of
legislators and others and so have thought
the time propitious to begin their agita
tion. As a matter of fact, however, they
have a suit now pending In the courts to
tent the lei!l rights of railroads to make
such a charge. This suit was brought on
gooa legal auvice that such a contract
cannot be enforced.
There is a direct relation between tho
deuiaud for two cents a mile to all classes
of passeugers and the cutting off of pass
os. The railroads must have spent con
aiderable sums in accommodHting those
who traveled without paying. They must
have made up that loss by overcharging
the general public. They have dono a
prop r thing in abolishing free transpor
tation and they should do another proper
act by reducing tbe fares charged the
getieral public which has heretofore
borne Hie bunion of the free passes.
Moreover, a reduction of general faros
would be the best possible evidence of
intent on the part of the railroads to make
the pass reform permanent. Pittsburg
O anette
Farmers' Institute Programs.
The following programs have been pre
pared for tbe Farmers' Institutes to be
bold iu K, O. T, M. Hall, East Hickory,
Wednesday, Fob. 7th, in (lie old M. E.
Church, West Hickory, Thursday, Feb.
8tb, and in the Court House, Tionesta,
Fridav and Saturday, Feb. 9th and 10th:
:30. Music; Prayer; Address of Wel
come, Jonathan Albaugh; Response, J.
S. Burns; Stable Manure, R, R, Stuart;
Cement Floors, Why Economic, Horace
II. Hall; Breeding and Care of Swine,
J. S. Burns; Soil Moisture Problems,
Prof. R. L. Watts.
1:30. Music; Question Box; Clover for
Feed and Fertilizer, Horace H. Hall;
Sheep Husbandry, J. S. Burns; Practical
Plaut Feeding, Prof. R. L. Watts; Fruit
Culture, R. R. Stuart; Adjournment.
7:00. M usic; Question Box; Tbe Farm's
Beet Product, Prof. R. L. Watta; Home
Influence, J. S. Burns; Centralization of
Township Schools, R. R. Stuart; The Ba
sis cf Our Greatness, Horace H. Hall.
9:30. Music; Prayer; Address of Wel
come, Rev. E. D. Mowreyj Response,
Horace II. Hall; Dairy Bacteria, R. R.
Stuart; Corn, Selection of Seed, Ao., J. S.
Burns; The Farm Market Garden, Prof.
R. L. Watts; Strawberries for the Home,
Horace H. Hall; Adjournment.
1:30. Music; Question Box; Practical
Plant Feeding, Prof. R. L. Watts; Stable
Manure, R. R. Stuart; How to Make
Sheep Pay, Best Breeds, Ac, George
King; The New Road Law and the Farm
er's Duty Under It, T. D. Collins; Breed
ing and Careof Swino, J. S. Burns; Clover
for Feed and Fertilizer, Horace H. Hall;
7.00. Music; Question Box: The Farm
er and His Wife, J. S. Burns; Centraliza
tion of Township Schools, R. R. Stuart;
How Should We Educate Our Country
Boys and Girls, T. D. Collins; The Farm's
Best Product, Prof. R. L. Watts; Our
Greatest Benefactors, Horace H. Hall.
1:30. Prayer; Address of Welcome, S,
D. Irwin; Response, Prof. R. L. Watts;
Fru't Culture, Planting Trees, R. R.
Stuart; Cement Floors, Why Economic,
Horace II. Hall; Soil Moisture Problems,
Prof. R. L. Watte; Corn, Breeding and
Selection of Seed, J. S. Burns; Adjourn
30. Music; Question Box; Centrali
zation of Township Schools, Expense of
So Many Separate School Buildings, R.
R. Stuart; The Farms Best Product, Prof.
R. L. Watts; Tbe Basis ol Our Greatness,
Horace H. Hall; Home Influence, J. S.
Burns; Adjourned. i
9:30. Clover for Feed and Fertilizer,
Horace H. Hall; Practical Plant Feeding,
Prof. R. Li. Watte; Breeding and Care of
Swine, J, S. Burns; Sheep Husbandry,
R. R. Stuart; Poultry for Proflt. Best
Breeds, Ac., How to Make Hens Lay in
Winter, discussion opened by John M.
1:30. Question Box; Strawberries for
the Home, Horace U. Hall; The New
Road Law and the Farmer's Duty under
it, A. C. Brown; The Farm Market Gar
den, Prof. R. L. Watt; Sheep Hus
bandry, J. S. Burns; Stable Manure, R.
R. Stuart; Supervisors and Their Duties
Under Act of 1905, Payment of Road Tax
in Cat-h, Ac, T. D. Collins.
ladies' session.
7;00. Music; Question Box; The Farm
er and II is. Wife, J, S. Burns; Compul
sory Vaccination, Duties of Parents,
Teachers and Directors, T. F. Rltchey;
Essay, Social Life; Reading; Agricultural
Education, Prof. R. L. Watts; Our Great
est Beuelactors, Horace II. Hall.
State of Ohio City, ofToledo, )
L.CCUS uounty, j
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is the senior partner of the tirm of F. J.
Cheney A Co., doing business in the
City ot Toledo, County and State afore
said, and that said firm will pay the sum
each and every case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by tbe use of Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure,
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day ol December,
A. D. 1890.
seal. A. W.GLEASON,
fotary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly ou the blood and mu
cous surfaces of tbe system. Send for
lettuuioniaiH, tree.
Cream of the 'cits.
It's rough on a girl if her beau neg
lects to shave.
Clearance sales with a discount off
are quite common, but clearance sales
with reductions like we have made are
very uucoui.iioq. Come and see. Hop
kins, it
It's a poor artist who Is unable to
draw an obese salary.
C. M. Arnor has a fine Portland cut
ter, one of the roomy kind, aud run but a
lew times, for sale at a bargain. Call on
or address, Tlonosta, Pa. tf
A waiter is a chap who has learned to
labor while he waits.
San-Cara Ointment cures cuts, burns,
bruises and old sores. San-Cura Soap
should be used to wash the parts affected
before applying tbe ointment. 25o each.
All druggists. tf
-Fashions are naturally regulated by
trade conditions. Nearly all garments
are worn longer in dull times than in
prosperous ones.
Thompson's Barostua at ouce corrects
the Kidneys, soothes the nerves and re
stores the stomach and heart to their nor
ninl conditions, Thompson's Barosma Is
pleasant to tuko. 50o and $1,00, All
druggists. if
It is just like a shower bath to havo
one of your children ask you why one of
tbe neighbors is so much more successful
than you.
Cut this out and take it to Dunn A
Fi'lton's drug store and get a freejsainple
of Chamberlain's Stomach and Llyer
These tablets are far superior to Dills. be
lng easier to take and more pleasant in
etlect. Tbwy correct disorders of tbo
stomach, liver and bowels.
Take Laxative ISromo Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund the money If it fails
to cure. m. vv.urove s signature is on
each box. 25c.
The V'v Liquor Won SninffKlrd
Abonrd One or Our Wnrahtp.
While on tho China station in 1SSG
the master nt nnns' mess on the Unit
ed States steamer Omaha was In n
drunken and demoralized condition for
several weeks. Try as he might the
captain could not discover where the
liquor was routing from. Finally nil
sh.ire liberty was stopped, but tho
drunkenness did not cease. On the
morning of nailing while tho executive
olllcer was near the port gangway
watching tho taking In of stores he
asked what was in a" large demijohn,
that came over the side with boxei
nnd packages. He was told that It was
vinegar. He pulled tbe cork and sniff
ed It. It was vinegar. Then his at
tention was attracted by the tag
marked "master at anus' mess," nnd,
remarking tiial the mess must lie us
ing vinegar for bathing, as be had al
ready seen the same demijohn brought
aboard twice within that week, he or
dered the olllcer of the deck to luspeet
It carefully and taste It. lie did; it
was vinegar. That olllcer, however,
noticed the Jug had an unusually
long neck. He poured out a siniill
quantity of vinegar and discovered an
extra cork l;i tho bottom of the 'neck.
lU-low that were three gallons of gin.
The vinegar between the corks had
served to deceive the inspecting of
ficer at the gangway for a
Chicago News.
Splendid Filth.
Captain E. S. (Jrogan, author of "The
Nile as I Raw It," gives this descrip
tion of a bit of scenery near the head
waters of the river of Egypt: "A long,
slimy pool of putrefying reeds, where
foul fish foregather nnd great pythons
writhe and gorge themselves on hideous
toads and slither; long, gleaming bands
of gold, through labyrinths of fetid
green and purple spume, where the
fireflies dance, great butterflies flosh,
dragon flies glint nnd the suck-suck of
swamp, the roar of huge bellied frogs,
the cicada's scream, merge In a sad
minor key; where In the ceaseless
struggle between fruition and decay
death wins."
A Jnmnlrnn I.ady Nprnks Highly of Cham.
brrlnln'a Touch Remedy.
Mrs. Michael Hart, wife of tbe super
intendent of Cart Service at Kingston,
Jamaica, West Indies Islands, says that
she has for some years used Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy for coughs, croup
and whooping cough and has -found it
very beneficial. She has implicit confi
dence in it and would not be without a
bottle of it iu her house. Sold by Dunu
& Fulton.
Why Wuflorf
Warrks. Pa.
Phillips Drug Co.
Dear Sir;-I had been afflicted with
rheumatism for 15 years and had tried
every known remedy, but without any
success, until I got a 50o bottle of Crock
er's Rheumatio Remedy and only needed
half a bottle and have not felt or suffered
any pain since. Would not take one
hundred dollars for the other half of the
bottle if I could not get any more. It
will cure. If you are suffering get a
bottle at once. M. L. AM ANN,
Merchant Tailor.
For sale by Dunn & Fulton.
I bad been afflicted over 30 years with
Piles and had spent over $r00 for Pile
medicines. Two bottles of San-Cura
Ointment completely cured me. It is
now three years since I wa. cured and I
have bad no return of the Piles whatever.
Jamea Lynch, Enterprise, San-Cura
Ointment, 25 and 50c. Madebv Tboinp
aon Medical Co., Titusville, Pa. At all
drug store. tf
Have Yon Dyspepsia, IndiKmtion ?
If today you suffer from impaired di
gestion, sluggish liver or impure blood,
and you were told of a preparation which
would cure you at small cost, would you
try the remedyT "There is a medicine
Green's August Flower. Go to your
druggist's and buy a test bottle for 2.")
cents, or tbe regular size for 75 couts. If
you have used all other dyspepsia reme
dies without satisfaction, or if you have
never used any preparation for these dis
tressing affections; if you have headache,
biliousness, loss of appetite, sleeplessness,
nervousness, or any disorder of the sto
mach or liver, cure yourself quickly by
nsing tbe infallible August Flower. It is
not an alcobolio stimulant, but quite
harmless for general use. Get a copy of
Green's Prize Almanac. For sale by
Dunn & Fulton.
A large reward is herewith offered in
any case where Thompson's Barosma bas
oured any disease of the kidneys and
liver aud the cure bas not remained a
permanent one. Thompson's Barosma is
tbe secret of the success of a great phy
sician who is a specialist on kidney and
liver disease. It is pleasant to take and
agrees with the most delicate stomach,
50c and $1.00. All druggists. tf
How to Hprnk (irrinnn. You I'nn I.rnrn
the l.nnwiiHti In Ninety lliiys.
Strange, but nevertheless true, you or
anyone else can learn to speak, read and
write the German langusge absolutely
free. For 90 days, In every dally Issue
of The Pittsburg Dispatch, a lesson in
German will be printed so simple that a
child with ordinary education can master
the language. Parents who have chil
dren not old enough now to study them
should cut out tbe lessons each day and
save them. If you save the lessons ail
your children can leam Gorman. Siuco
the first of last July thousands have
learned tbe Spanish and Italian languages
from the simple lessons published in The
Dispatch. More people, howevor, who
would have liked to have learned those
languages wero prevented from doing so
by not knowing about them. We hope
everyone in this vicinity may read this
item, and take advantnge of tho oppor
tunity. The tirst lesson will be printed
Monday, February 5. Tell your news
agent to leave you the Daily Dispatch
regularly and get the benefit of these
lessons only 10 cents by the week.
My arm was badly scalded with steam
and was very painful. I applied San
Cura Ointment, which stopped tbe pain
at once aud the arm healed rapidly. 1
always keep it in tho house. San-Curn
Is a wonderful ointment. Gilbert Hard,
Rinard's Mills, Monroe Co., O. San
Cura, 25 and 50c All druggists. tf
A il'AUANTKKI I'l ltK FOIt I'll.KS.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
files. I'rugglslH are authorized to reluntl
money If Pazo Ointment fails to cure in
0 to 14 days. 50c.
I was confined to the home with
kidney complaint for seven weeks and
was most of the time in bed. Some time
before I bad been refused life Insurance,
as I was told I could not live many
months. At the suggestion of tbe drug
gist, who was a frieud of mine, I began
taking Thompson's Barosma, Kidney
ami Liver Cure, and I am happy to make
the statement, which my wife will affirm,
that five bottles of Thompson's Barosma
completely cured me. Also I refer to
my neighbors as to the above facts. Orson
Hopkins, Townville, Pa, Barosma, 50o
and $1.00. All druggists. tf
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Confirmation Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing accounts have been filed in my office
and will bo presented at the next term of
Court tor confirmation:
First aud final account of W, A. Cross
mini, Guardiau of J. V. Emmett, at which
lime the said guardiau will ask for his
First and final account of W. T. Hart,
Administrator of the estate of Walter J.
Murphy, lateof Jenka township.deceased.
Clerk of Orphans' Court.
Tionesta, Pa., January 22, 1000.
Notice of Appeals.
Notice is hereby given that the County
Commissioners of Forest County, Pa.,
will meet at their office in tbe Court
House iu Tionesta borough, on tbe 7th,
8th and 0th of February, 1906, for the
purpose of holding a Court of Appeals
from the assessment of l'.MXi.
Lkonard Aonkw,
Andbkw Wolf,
Philip Emkrt,
Attest, Commissioners,
J. T Dale, Clerk.
Tionesta, Pa., Jan. 15, 1900.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of Administration on the estate
of J. M. Montgomery, late of Barnett
Township, Forest County, Pa., deceased,
ha v lltif liMtn ir r . 11 F ii 1 tn I lia nmlanlirnwl
all persons indebted to said estate are
hereby notified to make payment without
delay, and those having claims or de-
mmifla will tirnaent: thnm rinlv iithAntl.
cated, for settlement.
A. K. Bradkn, Adm'r.,
Clarington, Pa.
A. C. Brown, Attorney. 6t.
Whkreas, The Hon. W. M. Lindsev.
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for holdings Court of Common Pleas,
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'
Court, Over aud Terminer aud General
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the
County of Forest, to commence on
the rourtu Monday of February, being
tho 20th day of February, llioO. No
tlco is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justices or the Peace and Con
stables of said county, that they be then
and there iu their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ot said day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
wmcn to uieir onice appertain to be done.
and to thoso who are bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that
ttiey may ue men ana mere to prosecute
against them as shall be just. Given un
der my baud and seal this 2JJ day of
January, A. 1). 1!NMI.
A. W. STKOUP, l.s. Sheriff.
To the People
Rich's Famous All Wool
Sock has fallen into compe
tition with a very inferior
article. The imitation is so
perfect that only an expert
is fble to detect the counter
feit with its cotton and shod
dy mixtures, until the Eock
is put iuto service Unscru
pulous competitors are rep
resenting the sock as Rich's
All Wool, thus deceiving
the customer and injuring
our reputation.
To protect ou.-selves and
the trade in the future Rich's
Socks will bear a Red Seal
Trade Mark priuted in
white, a lac simile of which
is shown above.
John Rich fc Bros.,
Woolricli, Pa.
On Sale at Our
Or will he delivered to your house
the following papers:
The Buffalo Illustrated Express,
The N. Y. Illustrated Record,
The Saturday Evening Post,
The Pennsylvania Grit,
The Chicago Ledger and Blade.
We also have (he Buffalo Daily
Morning Express, which we can de
liver to you at noon.
Carson & Matson
WANTED: bv Chicago wholesale and
mail order house, assistant manager
(man or woman) for this county and ad
joining territory. Salary $20 anil f xpeuses
paid weekly; expense money advanced.
Work pleasant; position permanent. No
Investment or experience required.
Write at once lor full particulars and en
close self-addressed envelope COOPER
A Co., m Lako 8t., Chicauo, III.
Door Mats
Do not carry mud
and dirt into your
home. It isn't sani
tary, it isn't necessary.
Get one of our Rub
ber Mats without de
lay. Size, 18x30
inches large enough.
Weight, 6 pounds
heavy enough.
Price, $1.25,
Cheap enough.
Last Week
But one of the
Profit by this sale while you
can, for "Necessity Knows
No Law," and the goods
must be sold.
2b AND 29 SENECA ST. ,
Fred. Grottenbergor
All work pertaining to Machinery. Kn-
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General lilacksin i tiling prompt
ly done at Low Kates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop In rear of and just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa,
Tour patronage solicited,
Jqs. tf. tmm
Repairs Boilers, fttlllw,
Tanks, Agitators. Ituys
and Nells Second - hand
Boilers, Etc.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End of Suspension Bridge,
Third ward, Oil, CIT1, IA.
Neglect the Teeth?
The most importaut aids to digestion.
Have your mouth put in proper
condition and note the increase in
health. Stomach trouble and ca
tarrh are caused and aggravated by
poor teeth.
Plates at $5 00 and up a set.
Gold GrowoB, be t 22k. gold, $5.00.
Gold Fillings $1.00 aud up.
Silver Fillings 50 cents.
New York
52 Keneca St., Oil City.
Manufacturer or and Dealer Iu
And all kinds of
Toko Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.?
Seven Minion boxes sold in post 1 2 months. This Signature.
to Order.
' This opportunity is one that
appeals to every man, Tho
chanco to get good Tailor-made
Trousers at half tho usual prico
is exceptional. How about an
extra pair or so of Trousers in
your wardrobe ? Won't they bo
acceptable? Wo havo an ex
cellent assortment of patterns
for your selection, so better pre
pare for future needs. Same
high grade tailoring as at regu
lar prices. If you should desiro
to take advantage of tho freo
pants offer with a suit or over
coat order, you may do so, as
both of these bargains are now
on tap.
H. B. Feit, Manager Tionesta Branch,
Glasaow Woolen Mills Co.,
For anything needed in the line of
From a Carpet Tack up, go to
Whose stock is kept up to that standard of
excellence usual to a first cUbs Hardware
Establishment. It ned not be repeated
that you can save on almost any article
needed, that has be-o demonstrated often
enough, aud our customers are aware of it.
Heavy and Nhelf Hardware, Carpenters'
and It ui Id era' Nupplles, Teamster'
Outlits, Tools or All Kinds
Kitchen Furniture.
We take
the lead in
A number of very Handsome Cutters in
stock, which will be Bold at a low figure.
Come sod see them.
Always prepared to do new or repair work
promptly, in wagon making or blacksmith-ing.
J. c. s ow ii:x,
immmim asp
lime Deposit Solicited.
A. Watnk Cook,
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Wheeler,
A. B.
Collections remitted for on day of pnymeut at low rates. We promine our custom
ers all the benefits consistent with conservative banking. Interest pild on time
deposits. Tour patronage respectfully solicited.
To Cure a Cold Isi One Day tzs
Trousers Free
Gas and
Wood Savers.
Will pay Four Ter Cent, per Annum
Wm. Smrarbacor,
Vloe President
Q. W. Robinson, Wm. Smearbaugh,
T. F. Rltohev. J. T. Dale. J. II. Kellv.
on everv
syrvrL box. 25c.