The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 03, 1906, Image 4

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Smart &
of the Manufacturer's
L'UU Ladies' and Misses' Coats, 1-2 Price
$15, $20, $25 Values at $7.50, $10, $12.50
Nobby, desirable effects in all the popular
fabrics and colors, such as gray mixtures, black,
blue, brown, tan melton and kersey and coverts,
all garments 43 and 50 inches long. These
coats were consigned to us by one of the best
cloak manufacturers, Max ltubel & Co., 130
Fifth Avenue, New York, and were but re
cently made up. They combine good materials
with good workmanship and consequently in
sure good service. The styles are in accordance
with fashion's latest dictates. At the end of
the manufacturing season they had these few
hundred coats on their floors, which because of
late delivery or question of credit had not been
shipped to parties for whom they were made,
and by good luck were consigned to us. We
consider this the best value in coats that has
been offered in a very long time. Therefore if
you have any excuse whatever for buying a gar
ment of any kind, come here at once and we
guarantee you will be more than satisfied.
Oil City Trust Company.
Vice President,
Assets Over
Accounts invited. Trust bus
iness of all kinds solicited.
Paid on certificates of deposit.
Certificates continue to draw
interest until returned.
Call, Write, Telephone or Telegraph.
Bright, intelligent young men and women to prepare
themselves lor ntliee positions. MIDWINTER OPENING
JANUARY 8TH, 1906.
We have been unable to supply the demand for our graduates
this fall. Send for a copy of our new Journal.
Meadville Commercial College.
The Aunnnl Cnrnlvnl of the "saint."
of I'l'literiuirli.
On every Miccociling Whitsun Tues
day from time iiinni'inorlnl 10,0(10 to
20,000 pilgrims of both sexes and of ev
ery ngi; mill condition of life dance
for four or five hours ut Eclitcrnach, in
the grand duchy of Luxemburg, to nn
unmistakable polka tune and nn appar
ently nonsensical refrain. The central
figure of this great Eclitcrnach "spring
prozcsHion" is St. Willlbrord, who mi
grated from Northumberland to the
frontiers of tin; Itiuck forest twelve
centuries ago. Emperors and kings
have in vain forbidden the "saints" of
Eclitcrnnch to Indulge in their annual
With the peasantry of East Luxem
burg ami Eiffel the "sprlngprozession"
Is ns popular today as It was in 1131,
when King I.otlialre came to pray at
fct. Wlllihrord's tomb. The simple mind
ed dwellers on the banks of the Sure
and tlic Mosi'lle are (Irmly convinced
that their best hope of freedom from
nervous diseases In tills world and eter
nal Fiilvatioii lu the next lies in this
mystic dance of live steps forward and
two backward, by which, after three
hours' Indescribable toll, they cover the
two or three miles intervening between
the fiturtlng point, at which the pil
grims receive the episcopal blessing
niul the iroal at the steps of St. Willi
brorl's shrine.
Other I'enplc'n HuMiieaa.
Jenny-Tlieir engagement has been
broken by mutual consent. Kate Isn't
that tanta!!:-.liii;! I'll never be satis-
fled until I find out which one broke
It. Smart Set.
Experience U the extract of miffer
fi FTowe.
It Ik Iu the llouf of Lorda and Yet
Is Hut a Part of It.
It Is n curious fact that the woolsack
on which the lord chancellor sits in the
P.ritlsh house of lords Is not, strictly
speaking, In the house of lords, and
this Is why when the lord chancellor
rises to take part 111 debate he first of
all moves away from the woolsack to
his own place as a peer before he
The fact, too, explains why noble
birds who desire to avoid voting some
times merely withdraw to the wool
sack, where, not being In a parliamen
tary sense within the house, they are
not counted In n division.
Again, though the lord chancellor is
now Invariably a peer, he Is not neces
sarily so, and as a mutter of fact the
olliee lias been held several times In the
past by commoners. In such cases the
lord chancellor could take no part In
debate, not having n place In the house
as a peer, ami his functions ns speaker
were strictly limited to the putting of
questions ami other formal proceed
ings regulated by precedent from the
The Ciita of Fuypt.
The Copts In Egypt are the book
keepers and scribes; they are also the
jewelers and embroiderers. Their an
cient tongue has fallen into disuse
and is practically a dead language.
They now use Arabic, like all the rest
of the nation, but the speech survives
In their church service, a part of
which Is still given lu the old tongue,
though It Is said that even the priests
themselves do not always understand
what they are saying, having merely
learned the sentences by heart, so that
they can repeat them us a matter of
State Health Comnilsslonnr Earnestly
Appeals to Parents to Protect
Tbelr Children From the
Horrors of Small-pox.
Anti-VacclnatlonltU Fill Parents
Minds With Prejudice, But In Spite
of Opposition the Law la Being
Enforced In Thousands of Schools.
Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, state commls'
slouer of health, has given out lbs
following Interview In reference to the
enforcement of the vacciuatlon law:
"While the United States govern
ment licenses and holds undur super
vision the vaccine farms of the coun
try in oidur that our people may have
vaccina virus produced lu the purest
state for protection asalnst the most
terrible ami louthsooio disease known
to ruau, and while tbe Prussian empire
by compulsory vaccination bus practl
cally ox terminated small pox, the great
state of l'cuiis.Ylvanla has depended
largely nn the intelligence of her peo
ple to guard against the dlseaae by
voluntary vaccination.
"To the credit of our citizens this
precaution has been widely takeu. but
the 17.000 cases ot small pox that have
occurred In Pennsylvania during the
last few years, and which have given
this state a black mark among het
sister common wealths, show the need
of enforcing (lie laws that have In en
passed by our legislatures for the
purpose of getting our people vacci
nated. "One of these laws, the act of June
18. 1305. provides that our children In
the schools must all be vaccinated,
and that If the parents or the children
refuse to permit their children and
the community to be thus guarded
against small pox such children shall
not be permitted to attend the schools.
Thousands Being Vaccinated.
"While thousands of school children
throughout the state are being vacci
nated with the consent of their par
ents, who desire to protect their lit
tle ones against the ravages of small
pox, I am ashamed to suy that cer
tain men are going about the state
seeking for self-advertisement to in
cite the Ignorant against vaccination
and to influence our school teachers
to become law breakers.
"The wildest literature Is circulated
depicting alleged horrors of vaccina
tion. In some districts you will find
that the death of nearly every child
In the community is being laid to vac
Danger of Small pox.
I realize how a parent will oppose
the vaccination of his child when the
mind of such parent has been filled
with blind prejudice and ignorant su
perstition. If this parent could only
realize the crime he or she commits
against the child by leaving It exposed
to the horrors of small pox.
ihe anti-vacclnationists go Into a
community and they say to the par
ents: 'You have no small. n,i ,i
here now. There Is nn Hnnn. t
small pox. Why then submit your
children to vaccination?' These men
Know mat small pox lurks In the hand
shake, that a victim of the mildest
form of the disease may come Into a
community that has never known
small-pox, and that the infection thus
introduced may quickly attack an en
tire unvacclnated district, carrying oft
hundreds of children and adults be
fore the epidemic has been checked.
Tbe very tramp that comes along the
country road and asks alms of your
child may In return for the little oue's
kindness Infect it with deadly small
pox. "These are facts, and, therefore, the
vaccination law la wise when it re
quires that unvacclnated children shall
be debarred from school in the rural
district as well as the crowded city."
A Strong Personal Plea.
The following letter has been sent
by Health Commissioner Dixon to a
leading citizen of a district where
antl-vaccliiationiats have stirred up op
position to the enforcement of the law:
My Dear Sir The fact that your
people are misguided worries me
much. They do not realize how I sym
pathize with those who are In immi
nent danger and yet refuse to protec t
themselves. They seem to be crazd
on vaccination, which tact is Inconsist
ent with their faith In antitoxin for
diphtheria, demonstrated by the fact
that they receive from one hand of
the commonwealth the antitoxin which
Is produced in the horse, while they
refuse to accept from the other hand
of this state vaccine which is pro
duced from the cow.
This alone convinces me that their
minds have been poisoned by some
charlatan's statements. I wish I could
Influence them to listen to the facts
which have convinced the medical
prolusion of the great blessing that
vaccination has been to humanity
Unchain the horrible monster
small pox- by taking away vaccina
tion, and inside of two generations our
prosperous state would have her In
dustries paralyzed and her cemeteries
overcrowded with (ho victims of that
Your people say they have not had
small pox for 40 years. Do they ever
stop to realize the fact that many of
them have owned their homes tor a
longer period without having had them
reduced to nshes by lire, and yet dur
ing that entire time thev have been
wise enough to keep up 'their fire In
surance? Why Is this? Ileeause they
know that fire nmv come at any time
nnd leave them homeless.
Whv. therefore, do they not realize
that small pox may come at anv mo
ment nnd take away from tlieni 'thosa
nearest and dearest to their hearts
robbing them or nil that Is In lifff to
mnl;e them happy?
Unjust Criticism.
I have suffered much by having a
people Mite yours criticise me when I
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund the money If it falls
to cure. K. W. Grove's signature Is ou
each box. 25c.
Tor Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of tfMV.
am working day end night to try and
save their lives. It Is not pleasant to
me to make work for myself and give
up tho comforts of a home lite at this
Two-thirds of my stay on this earth
has been spent In scientific laboratory
work, wallowing in communicable dis
eases to try and discover prophylac
tics In other diseases, such as Jenner
found for small-pox, and this without
money reward.
It Istherefore, under those circum
stances, discouraging to read the ar
ticles In your local papers, which al
most Incite your people to believe that
I delight in doing their children harm.
This Is a great mistake. 1 have but one
child and she has been vaccinated
shout every five years of her life.
Why? Because I know the horrors of
small pox, the Innocence of vaccina
tion, and Its great preventive quality.
Prussia has exterminated small-pox
from the empire by vaccination to
such an extent thnt she has done away
with her small-pox hospitals.
In the Municipal Hospital in Phila
delphia we have had 9000 cases of
small-pox spreading over a series of
years, during which time not a single
doctor, nurse or attendant who was suc
cessfully vaccinated contracted small
pox. Such statistics as these I could cite
you Rt great length, but It would be
tiresome. Where vaccination Is not
carried on we get the opposite result.
In the city of Valparaiso. Chile, there
were 11.000 rases of small-pox during
the year of 1905, with more than 6000
deaths. During the last half of tho
year 1S94 the record of deaths from
small-pox in the I'nlted States of
America was 606, of which number 404
were charced to our own state.
Yon ask If time cannot be given be
fore legal action Is taken to punish
those who defy the beneficent law to
guard the health of our people In this
commonwealth. The resistance to vac
cination alone demonstrates the Im
portance of having a law to require
the vaccination of those who desire to
take advantage of the schools support
ed by the commonwealth.
It is evident that if we nnd no such
a law our innocent people would con
stantly be thrown In contact with a
disease which is sickening to even the
medical man. let alone those who are
not constantly thrown In contact with
diseased persons.
Effects of Epidemics.
The law has been on the statute
books for ten years, during which time
It has not been enforced, with a result
of two or three severe epidemics, which
cost the state and different municipali
ties inousanns and thousands or dol
lars and many precious lives. Indepen
dent of paralyzing industries In certain
Now notwithstanding that the new
department has been In active exist
ence since June 6 there has not been
a law suit brought by it to punish any
one. The person made responsible for
the executive work has trusted to the
Intelligence of our neonle and tried to
educate them and disabuse their minds
of the fallacies that they have been
laugnt Dy the charlatan.
From the fait that the department
has given out on request over 450.000
blank certificates and that it takes
about 2w0 a day to supply the present
demand, it is evident that vaccination
is going on most satisfactorily in the
greater part of our community. There
fore. I still have hope that those In
your community will come to their
senses and take advantage of the great
protective vaccination without the
department being forced to Danish any
one for violating the law which was
created for the public good.
ine law reads that no child shall be
admitted to school without producing
a certificate of successful vaccination.
or of having had small-pox. Therefore,
u is not in ine power or any one in
this form of government to set aside
the law of the commonwealth.
No one will ever succeed In dolne
away with a vaccination law in this
state, leaving us a prey to one of the
most horrible diseases that can Invade
our commonwealth. While other states
and the federal government are pass
ing laws to protect the health of their
people we certainly will not take a step
backward toward the dark ages.
Asmnc you to make any sunnest ons
that you believe I could follow out to
lniluence your people to take advant
age ol vaccination, I am
Yours vary truly,
The Two Do Xol Xrrmanrllr Walk
llnnil In Ilanil.
High marks in examinations depend
upon a trained memory and a power
of acquiring Irrelevant Information.
Culture, on the coutrary, Is a sym
pathetic assimilation of the best lu the
realm of thought and achievement.
Culture I f a slower process and a deep,
er, niul Its reward strikes further In.
Assimilation of the best that lias been
thought and accomplished affects not
merely the brain, but the character
the whole spirit of a man. Culture
Implies n soil plowed nnd fertilized,
where whatever seed falls has the
better chance for growth. Informa
tion even In vast quantities, so long
as It remains mere Information, used
for purposes of passing examinations,
need not affect the rummers nor tho
morals of a man; both may remain
hopelessly lax iu nn eneyclopedlan
mine of facts. But culture affects
primarily the manners and the morals.
A cultured gentleman has external
methods of getting on with Ills kind;
he has the true sense of relationship,
the feeling that nil he can learn to feel
or to be is not for himself, but for
service; he knows himself In n net
work of human Inter-relations. In the
end the test of knowledge is not ex
amination marks; It Is living. Har
per's Weekly.
lion Starnnh Are Killed.
It has been stated that the oyster's
deadly enemy, the starfish, has been
most successfully subdued In the Long
Island beds by putting down within Its
k'eaeli an Instrument very much like a
ilong bundled house mop. As soon as
touched by It the starfish invariably
grasps the strands nnd can be cap
tured and destroyed by tbe thousand,
for It will not let go until It has been
held out of water long enough to se
cure tbe Impossibility of Its return.
"Consider the porous plaster, my
son," remarked the philosopher, "and
don't get discouraged. Everybody
turns his back on it, yet It hangs on
and eventually achieves success by
closo npplicatlon."
Nobody ever pvirn into another man's
concerns but with a design to do or to
be able, to do him mischief.- South.
I was confined to the houie with
kidney complaint for seven weeks and
was most of the time in bed. Sometime
before I had been refused life Insurance,
as I was told I could not live many
months. At the suggestion of the drug
gist, who was a friend of mine, I began
taking Thompson's Barosma, Kidney
and Liver Cure, and I am happy to make
the statement, which my wife will adlrm,
that live bottles of Thompson's Rarosma
completely cured me. Also I refer to
my neighbors as to the above facts. Orson
Hopkins, Townvllle, Pa. lUrosnm, ,r0c
and f 1.00. All druggists. tf
An EtiKllnli Critic Siiyn Tlmt IhcTw
Cannot lie Linked.
There Is little room In liuisle for hu
mor and no room nt all for wit. When
I bear some one speak of the wit of a
Clioplu scherzo I think,. "My friend,
you had better see a doctor nt once;
you are slightly deranged mentally."
In association with words there can be
humor In music, ns. for example, the
prolonged low notes Handel gives to
Polyphemus wheu be asks for a htm
dred reeds "for my capnclous mouth
Hut the humor of llaydn nnd Ileetho-
veu In their Instrumental works consists
entirely of practical Jokes a sudden
low (' on the bassoon, a horn passage
which no horn player can ever hope
to play, n bass who enters n bar too
soon or too late. The late Harold Fred
erlc summed up tbe question beautl
fully. He said to me one day when I
bad not laughed at one of his stories
"Musicians have no sense of humor,
When I was n young tuna touching
negatives in u photographer's studio I
was very musical. I had notes In my
voice that couldn't be found lu any
piano In our parts. I had no sense of
humor. Afterward I developed a sense
of humor and lost my voice." London
Saturday Review.
New Kealnnd Animals.
Experts say that probably there Is no
country In the world where Imported
species of animals, wild and domestic,
hive flourished as they have done In
New 7,ealnnd. The red deer grow to
over fi'.K) pounds In weight In tbe for
ests, the trout to twenty pounds In the
rivers. The sheep have not expanded
to ouy giant size, but they multiply at
a faster rate than elsewhere. They
grow a fiuer wool and a better mutton,
Young Feathertoi If your parents
still oppose our marrying why can't wo
dope? Miss SlmriH-Chlnn It would
never do lu the world. Everybody who
knows us both would say nt once that
I suggested It. Chicagi Tribune.
An Arronnt to Srttle.
The Lawyer Madam, I find that
your huband's will leaves you nothing
but what the law compelled him to
leave you. The Widow (angry and for-
gvtfub-Jnst wait till I see him!
Cat this out and take It to Punn it
Fulton'a drug store and get a free sample
of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
These tibleta are far superior to pills, be
ing easier to take and more pleasant in
effect. They correct disorders of the
stomach, liver and bowels. tf
Wantkd. To appoint resident agents
in Forest County, Pa., to represent our
full line of Lightning Rods. For full
particulars address Hum A Leathernian,
103 Market St., Pittsburg, Pa. 4t
During first two weeks in January we
will give
Free of Charge One
Gold Filling
With every set of teeth ordered
Nothing makes artificial teeth look
more natural than a nice gold filling.
AH our plates are made of best
material and are reinforced and will
Dot breatt with any ordinary use.
Any work that does not last we
will be glad to replace free of charge
New York
53 Keuecn St., Oil City.
J. E. Baumgardner.
Roofing and Spouting
a Specialty.
All General Repair Work Given
Prompt Attention, and all Work
Guaranteed to Give Sat
isfaction. Sh p located next door to Lansoo's
Flouring Mill,
Bridge St., Tlonesta, Pa.
Flooring, Siding,
and material for
Window Casings
and Inside Work.
A good supply to select
from always in 9tock.
Call on or address.
or F. l AMSLER
Office 4 7X National Bank Building,
Eyes examiaed free.
Exclusively optical.
Electric Oil. Guaranteed for
Rheumatism, Sprains, Sore
Feet, Pains. Ac. At all dealers
That tells briefly how we're going to dispose of as choice a
lot of Furs as ever came from an American furrier. If it were
not our policy to sell ofTstocks at tho cud of each season, we
would feel disposed to pack these away, as it is a fact although
not generally known that Furs are advancing iu prce, and
have been for several years. Etch year the number of fur
bearing animals grows scarcer. We would rather have the
cash, though, so if you're to have one, come aud take a look
at these, note tbe regular price, (hen deduct one fourth, -
Carefully selected Furs that this store's reputation fur
clean, reliable merchandise is back of, and that's not all, the
prices are based on a moderate profit.
100 Dozen Corset Covers,
25c each.
The material used is excellent; the quality of lace is good,
and they are exceptionally well made. We consider them an
unusual value for a quarter. Five different stylo'. One with
two rows wide Torchon inertiou, arm and sleeve trimmed with
lace to match. One with wide row Val. insertion, arm and
neck trimmed with narrow lace to match. We haven't space
to nicnticu the others. Come aud see them.
L a
Tho Kind Yon Ilavo Always Bought, niul which hns been
ia use for over 30 years, has borne tho signature, of
niul lias been mado under his pcr
sonal supervision since its infancy.
taryr, -cuSU4. Allow no one to deceive you in thlg.
AH Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Just-as-jrood" are but
Experiments that trlllo with nnd endanger the, health of
Infants and Children Experience ngaiust Experiment
Castoria is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Eererishness. It cures Diarrluea nnd Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and riattilency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Blother's Friend.
Bears the
Tbe Kind Ton Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
etTM company, t MURRAY arnirr, NtW TO 01T.
Time Deposits Solicited. .
A. B. Kbllt.
G. W. Robinson,
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Wheeler,
T. F. Rltchev.
Collections remitted for on day of pnyment at low ratos. We promise our custom
era all the beneats consintent with conservative banking. Interest pld on time
deposits. Your patronaRe respectfully sollcltod.
Feed & Sale
Pine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Hear of Hotel Wearer
Telephone Xo. 20.
CHICHESTrn-K r . ..
ttTTv... .nil Unl. H.aul.A.
l in " . l.edl,.ik llrufflrl
1 KKll nl Void mal.llla bona.
lib bla. rlM. l'nli.a..krr. Hrfn..
Il.iirro.. .d Imli.
Uun. But nt vmir llruxint, .rod 4r. I.
Jl " Itrllc.f for l..,llr.,"m l.lcr. I,,
turn Hall. Ill milk T....I i.l b.Tz
.11 n;. ... ... .
) Dr. La Franco's
wt ??. vwwms ok tw vyv.v
Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator
Superior to othpr rempdio. ,oM nt hlirh rrtrf.
Cure minrnnti'ful. SupivksihIIv tik,-il 'y nvc-r
UOO.OOO iiiiifn. 1'rlrp, -J J Ci-iuh', il u.
Klin or lv mall. l eBilmmili.u i,l.
riiiludclplila, Ii
1 fan
All Furs
1-4 Off.
3 -
Signature of
pay Four Per Cent, per Annum
Wm, Smkarbacoh,
Vice PreslJei.t
Wm. Smearbaugb,
J. T. Dale,
J. H. Kellv.
Breaks no Hearts, Excuses
no Crimes.
rnv DnvM Kunut,Jy,8 FAVORITE REM-
is not a disguised enemy of tho hmnnn
rare; wliuro it cannot help, it does not
Imrm. It is composed of vegetable incre.
d.ents and does not heat or inflame the
blood but cools and purifies it. In H CM09
of Kidney troubles. Liver complaints. Con.
ftiputi.,1, of the Howols, and the delicato
ilerauKenionls which allliet women, the ac.
tJ',1v? 1',r- KenEC'ly ' FAVORITE REM.
hUX is beyond praise. Thousands of
pateful peoplo voluntarily testify to tlm
in letters to Pr. Kennedy; and with a '
warmth aud fullness of words which mere
business certificates .never possess. U
makes no drunkards excuses no crimes
breaks no hoarts. In its coming thero is
hope, and in its wings there is healing
j, 8 challenge a trial and are confident of
the result, lour druggist has it. flVV
10LLAU a Hottlo. itar in mMtto
name aud address: Dr. Dam KENNEDY
Rondout. New York. nJl,
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures Colds, Croup and WhSopIn Coi h '