THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. t. WINK, Editor 4 PaopanToa. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2fl, 1905. 1905 OCTOBER 1905 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. A11A111 89 101112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21: 122 23 24 25 26 27 28! 29 30 31 ! L i 1 MOON'8 PHASES. Tlrtt 3 Quarter 5 13 a.m. e.-oa a.m. ti. Quarter Al a.m. Gta 28 Republican Ticket. KTATK. Stale Treasurer, J. LEE PLUMMKR. Supreme Court Justice, JOHN STEWART. Superior Court Judges, CHARLES E.IKICE. JAMES A. BEAVER. GEORGE B. ORLADY. t'OlSTY. Associate Judge, DAVID B. SHIELDS. rrolhonotary, f c, J. C. GEIST. Sheriff, A. W. STROUP. County Commissioners, ANDREW WOLF, LEONARD AGNEW. Auditors, W. H. STILES. C1IAS. F. KLINESTIVER. Jury Commissioner, J. B. EDEN. THE COUNTY TICKET. If any exceptions can be taken to tbe Republican ticket of Forest county It would be Interesting to know what those exceptions would be. Tbe fact ia tbere are none to offer. Men of all shades of political opinion readily concede that tbe Republicans have nominated a ticket of exceptional strength and signal ability. The candidates are all men who are pe culiarly fitted to perform tbe duties of the offices for which their party baa named them. All are men of sound Judgment, good intelligence, large ex perience in business affairs, exercising rare discretion in the oonduot of their private business, and are not rattle headed or visionary in any matter. Tbey are men of sobriety, good moral charac ter, sterling honesty, and selected from the best and most conservative citizen ship of Forest county. These are facts which every bonest voter in the county will concede, and which no foe can deny. David B. Shields, tbe candidate for As sociate Judgo, is one of our county's best citizens, every inch a man, whose char acter Is without spot or blemish, and who would adorn the honorable position to which he aspires. A better selection for this office oould scarcely be made, and those best acquaintpd with Mr, Shields all recognize this fact. J. C. Geist, the unanimous nominee for the Important office of Prothonotary, Ac, has more than proved his fitness for tbe place. Forest county has never bad a more competent official in that capacity, and that is saying a good deal for it bas had some very capable men In that office. Mr. Geist is more than competent. lie is obliging and pleasant with all who have occasion to transact business in the Fro thonotary's office, which is no small item In the accouut. A. W. Stronp, the party's choice for Sheriff, is one of the honest, deserving home-grown boys of Forest county. A man of good Intelligence, self-made, and who knows what it is to earn bis bread by the sweat of bis lace. Thoroughly competent in every respect to perform the duties of the office of Sheriff, Mr. Stronp will prove an honor to tbe county which bas been bis home from birth, and be deserves the vote and earnest support of every Republican in the county, be cause he has been loyal to his party ever since be has had a vote. Andrew Wolf and Leonard Agnow are tbe Republican nominees for County Commissioner. A better pair of con servative, capable and business-like men could scarcely be found In the county. Both are men of ripe experience, mature judgmont, strictest honesty, just what is needed in tbe office of County Commis sioner. They will administer the affulrs of tbe county in an economical, safe man ner, with due care for tbe welfare of tbe taxpayers, because they are men who cannot be swerved an iota from what they believe to be right and for tbe best inter est of all concerned. With the business end of the county's affairs in such hands the people need have no fear of the out come. A vote for Wolf and Agnew Is a vote for sensible, economical aud business-like government. For County Auditors the Republicans have as their nominees two excollent men, W. H. Stiles and Chas. F. Kline stiver. The former bas had experience in this office, and a better official in that capacity could not be found. Mr, Kline stiver will also be found a capable and painstaking ofllcial, and with those men to go over the county's accounts each year the taxpayer may rest assured that tbe auditing will be properly done, and that every dollar must be accounted for before transactions will pass inspection. Then there is J. It. Kclon tor Jury Com missioner, who will provoagood oilicisl. With his extensive acquaintance over llio county, and his thorough manner of do ing things well, there should be no ques tion about the jury list containing the names of the best and most competent men for tbissorvice. Vote tbe Republican ticket straight. There is no valid reason why you should not do so. Give no complimentary votos, for by such you holp to defeat your own party for which you got no credit and for which you would only feel sore and bato yourself after you bad helped to do it. THE SAME OLD TACTICS. Unsuccessful Efforts to Discredit Republican State Leaders. PENROSE QUICKLY NAILS A LIE Unwarranted Use of Hit Name In Connection With the Bank Failure In Allegheny. (Special Correspondence. rittaburg, Oct 24. In the closing day of what baa been a more or less exciting political cam paign the Democratic managers ara making a desperate effort to turn tht tide in favor of William H. Berry, the Prohibltlon-Democratlc-Lincolnlte can- didate for state treasurer. Everything has been going against Berry since the day he waa nominated. and his defeat by an overwhelming ma' Jorlty Is Inevitable. They know this, but they still hope to cut down the Re. publican vote by continuing their schemes of misrepresentation and de liberate falsehood. The failure of the Enterprise Bank waa at once seized upon aa furnishing a new field for activity in their pecu liar and unenviable methods of cam palgnlng. They have been striving to have it appear that some of the Repub Itcan state leaders are, In some lnex plicable way, responsible for the clos lng of the bank, but they have not been able to produce a scintilla of evidence to substantiate their vague Intimations A Young Man's Statements. Homer Castle, one of the Prohibition nominees for the Superior court, who bas been going up and down the state making wild and irresponsible allega tlons regarding the management of the state finnnrcs, has been one of the most conspicuous of those who have been trying to use the failure of the Enter prise Bank to advance political Inter eats. Up to the time of his nomination, Castle was not known outside of the email circle of acquaintances near hie borne, and among them he had little standing as a lawyer, as it has not been long since he was an ofllce boy In a law firm here. Nevertheless he has assumed to speak of matter! of which he could not possibly have personal knowledge, as though he were fully and authoritatively In formed as to facts and circumstances. The despicable attempt to connect Senator Penrose with the affairs of this bank was mot with a prompt and emphatic denial from the senior sena tor, as well as with a public statement from John It. Cunningham, the United States bank examiner. Penrose's Prompt Denial. This Is Senator Penrose's signed statement which effectually nailed the li", circulated for political purposes, that he had a note in tbe Enterprise Bank: "I have no obligations of any kind In the Enterprise National Bank. I am not connected in any way. directly or indirectly, with the notes of W. H. Andrews, If there are any such In the Enter prise National Bank. I have no Interest whatever in the Penn sylvania Development Company or with any other project In New Mexico. Any intimations to the contrary are malicious falsehoods for political effect. (Sifincd) "BOIES PENROSE." Following this statement from Sen ator Penrose, Bank Examiner Cun ningham made public this announce ment: "An examination of the papers In the bank shows that there Is no paper there with the name of Senator Penrose upon It, either as maker, indorser or guarantor." Despite these positive statements showing that Senator Penrose's name was used In this connection without authority or Justification of any kind, the Democrats have continued to dis tort the facts in trying to win votes for their candidate for state treasurer. But there Is no reason to believe that they will be successful In that direction. Berry Not Taken Seriously. There Is no Berry sentiment In this part of the state, and from what is heard from other sections the same condition of affairs exists everywhere throughout the commonwealth. The Berry candidacy has been more or less of a joke. It has not been taken seriously even by many Demo crats who, when they heard that their party had put up a Prohibitionist to head their state ticket, at once reach ed the conclusion that the Democratic ticket was doomed to defeat by even more than the usual majority. J. Lee Flummer, the Republican nominee for state treasurer, will get an unprecedented majority for an off' year In Allegheny county. His name Is on both the Republican and the Citizens tickets. He will also run well In every county west of the Alls ghenle8. The Republican leaden here look for Plummer's total majority In the state to reach nearly 200,000. Oregon's exposition Is over, and it can now devote its time to finding a bet ter grade of congressmen. Have you ever heard a reason given why any Republican Bliould not vote the straight Republican tcketat the coming election? II so, what is it? The retirement of Jelf Davis from hiuh position in the public lite of Arkansas ought to be worth at least f5 more on every acre of land lu tbat great state. Secretary Hitchcock's work In run ning down land frauds ia thorough, and, unlike soma who imilte a great roar in tbe name of reform, hn lands tho big follows. The Republican ticket of this county ia one of the cleanest, most capable and least objectionable of any the party has ever had. Then vote it straight from top to bottom. TO (THE A I OU IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refuud tbe money if it falls to euro. K. W. Grove's signature ia on each box. 25c. o25 Paying a Debt of (iralliuile. Mr, Mott Allen, foreman, Union City (Pa.) Chair Factory, says: "I was badly afflicted with rheumatism for mora than eight months; at times bad to got up at 11 o'clock and stay up the balance of tbe night; could not dress myself without the aid of my wife; am now entirely cured. and by the use of only one 60o bottle of Crocker's Rheumatic Remody. For sale by Dunn A Fulton, pharmacists, Tiouesta, For fifteen yearn I waa alHlcted with Inflammation of the kidneys and pains in the groin, side and back and suffered no one knows how much until I procured Thompson's Barosma, Backache, Kidney and Liver Cure, which made a complete cure as I have ieen perfectly well for several year. E. J. Nourse, Mapleton Iowa. Thompson's Barosma is guaraii' teed' harmless and pleasant to take urugglsis, (oo anu fl.uo. tf ('llninilit'urr. The influence of climatic conditions In the cure of consumption is vory much overdrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much better at home by proper attention to food digea Hon, and a regular use of German Syruo Free expectoration in tho morning ia made certain by German Syrup, so is a irood night's rest and thn AhMniwA nf that weakening couirh aud de bill latin a- nluhr sweat, neauess niKiiiN anu the exhaus tion due to conaliinir. the prnutnut of tlie iMinsumntive. ran ItA nrAvatireit m stopped by taking German Syrup iiber- any una reguiariy. nuouiu you be aula io go in a warmer ciime, you will nncl that of the thousands of consumptives there, the few who urn linnnHtnil ami n. gain streimth are those who use Gorman nyrup, iriai Domes, zoo; regular alzo, too. ror sate dv iJiinn E ulton. You will find enclosed 60o for San. Cure Ointment. Kindly send it at once. It is worth its weight in gold. My bus- band says be would not be without it if it cost five dollars a bottle. He bas been troubled with Piles many years. He did not want me to write for tho first bottle of San-Cura, as be bad given up all hope of belug cured. He cannot now say enough of your wonderful San-Cura Oint ment. Mrs. Daniel McCoruiick. 408 E Win St., Erie. Pa. At all druuirista. 25c ana auo. tf Thompson's Barosma bas never been known to fail in curing any disease of the Kidneys, l,lver or iiladder; also Rheu matism, Sciatica, Palpitation ol (he Heart, nervous iieoiuiy ana f emale Weaknesa. Thompson's Barosma can be taken bv all ages aud bas cured many children of i(u-retention or bed wetting. It is purely vegetable and pleasant to take. No opiate in any form is used in its man ufacture. Thompson's Rarnsnia 50n and fl.uu. All druggists. tf 933.00 to the PnrlHc t'oiut. Chicago, Mil waukee A- SI. rHl Hallway. S33. Chicago to San Francisco. T.ns Angeles, J'ortland, Seattle, Tacome, aud many other poinis od the Pacific Coast. Everv dav until Octoher SI Double berth in tourist sleener. 87. Descriptive folder free. Choice of routes via the (Jhicairo. Milwaukee Ar A St. Paul Railway. John R. Pott, uiatnet I asaencer Aeent. Koom n Park Building, Pittsburg; Pa. oct25 SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of sundry writs of Flori Facias and Levari Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Forest County. Pennsylvania, and to me direet- ed.tbere will be exposed to sale by public venaue or ouu-ry at mo l ourt House in tbe Borough of Tiouesta, Pa on MONDAY, NOV. 20, A. D. 1905, at 2:00 o'clock p. in., the following des cribed real estate, to-wit: J. S. VAIL vs. T. A. BARBER, Fi. Fa., rto, o, nepiemDer jerm, awn. JS. v., No. 10, November Term, W05, (waiv ers.) A. C. Brown, Attorney. All tbe right, title, interest and claim of the defendant of, in and to all that cer tain parcel or land situate in the village of West Hickory, Harmony township. Forest county, Pennsylvania, bounded as follows: Beginning at a post on Ann street, thence north 67 degrees west 77 and 4-10 feet to a post; thence north 2!) degrees 102 feet to a post; theuce south CO and 3-4 degrees east Tl and 4 10 feet to a post on Ann street; thenco alone Ann street south 29 degrees west 102 feet to a post and place of beginning. Containing 0774.8 square feet of land, be the same more or less, on which is erected one dwelling house 10x24 feet, and one and one-bait story kitchen attached 12x16 feet; also one barn, size 32x46x16 feet, also out- ouuaings. Taken in execution and to be sold as thn nronertv of T. A. Rnrlinr. at thn anit of J.S. Vail. ALSO, LEMUEL S. WOLF, Assignee of J. J. Fislier'a Aam'r, vs. ui.MIMA KEN l EK, in hands of JACOB BENDER, Executor of Estate ot Elmina Bender, decoded. JACOB BENDER, with no tice to MINNIE K. BENDER and FRED. H. BENDER, Torre Tenants, Lev. Fa., No. 42, September Term, 1905. E. D., No. 14, November Term, 1905. S. D. Irwin, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of tbe defendants of, in and to all those certain lota in the village of West Hick ory, Forest county, Pennsylvania, de scribed as follows, viz; Heginning at post, Main street, corner of lots Nos. 25 and 26, tbence along lot No. 25 north 58 degrees and 39 minutes west 90 feet to an alley; thence by same north 31 degrees 21 in unites east oil leet to post; thence by lot No. 28 south 59 degrees 39 minutes east CO feet to post; thence by Main street south 31 degrees 21 minutes west 60 feet to place of beginning. Containing 5100 square feet nf land, being 1 its Nos. 26, 27, as per Wliittekln plot. Also, those other lots in same village last aforesaid, described thus, viz; Beginning at post corner of lots Nos. 45 and 411, thence by Ann street north 31 degrees 21 minules east 60 fe't to post; theuce by lot No. 48 south 58 degrees 39 minutes east 70 feet to post; thence by alley south 31 degrees 21 minutes west 60 feet to post; thence by lot No. 45 norili 58 degrees 39 minutes west 70 feet to post to place ot beginning. Containing 42(H) square feet, being lots Nos. 46, 47. of Whittekin's plau ol V P. Siggina farm. Taken in execution and to be sold as tbe property of Elmina Bender, in hands of Jacob Bender, Executor of Estate of Elmina Bender, deceased, Jacob iiender, with notice to Minnie E. U'-mler ami Fred II. Bender, Terre Tenants, at the suit of Lemuel S. Wolf, Assignee of J. J. Fisher's Adin'r. TERMS OF SALE. Tho following must be strictly complied with when the property is stricken down : 1. Whon tbe plaintiir or other lien cred itors become tlio purchaser, the costs on thn writs must lie paid, anil a list of liens including mortgago searches on the prnp i rjy sold, together with such lien credi tor's receipt for Iho amount of the pro ceeds of the sale or audi portion thereof as ho limy chum, must be furnished the Shcriir. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until 2 o'clock p. m., of the next day, at which time all proper ty not settled for will agiin be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the the person to whom first sold. See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition, page 416, aud Smith's Forms, page :ts4. GEO. W. NOBL1T, Kheritr. Sheriffs Office, Tiouesta, Pa., Oct. 'Si, 1905. WANTED. Representative In own community. $500.00 capital re quired. Good salary to right party Bona-rldo real phIbIm m-nnmiiiimi A1 dreas New Martinsville Improvement tu, wiieeiing or steelton, W. Va, tt Forest County Prohibition Ticket. For Associate Judge, WM. LOWMAN, Marleuyille. For Prothonotary, JAMES G. BROMLEY, Tionesta, For County Commissioner, C. A. LANSON, Tiouesta. For Sheriff, For Auditor, ROBERT C. YOUNU, Kellettvllle. For Jury Commissioner, ASA W. HEATH. Tionesta. PROCLAMATION. Whereas. The Hon. W. M. Lindsay. President Judgo nf the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for the county ot torest, has issued his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, Oyer and Torminer and General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the County or Forest, to commence on the Third Monday of November, being me som oay oi Aovemoer, ltva. NO' tice is therefore given to the Cor. oner, Justices of the Peace and Con stables ot said county, that they be then and there in their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., ot said day with thoir recoras, inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do those tilings which to their ofilee appertain to be done. aud to those whoaro bound in recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in tbejail of Forest County, that nicy may ue men ana mere to prosecute against thorn as shall be lust. Given un. der my band and seal this 23d day of GEO. W. NOBLIT, l.s. Sheriff. TICIAL LIST. List of causes set down for trial In the Court of Com mon Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania, comtnenclnir on the Third Monday of November. 1905: 1. W. 8. McChnsney vs. Frank Brown and Monroe McManigle, co-partners doing business as Brown A McManigle, no. i.i, aepiemoer term, 1904. summons in action or assumpsit. 2. George M. Miller vs. J. M. Bern la and Harry Bo mis, partners doing bust ness as J. M. uemls & Son, No, 17, Sep tern her term, 1904. Summons in as sumpsit. 3. Alfred Johnson vs. J. M. Hasting l.nniDer io., no. sj, Meptember term, vmo, summons in assumpsit. Attest, J. C. GEIST, Prothonotary, Tionesta, Pa., Ootober 23, 1905. Confirmation Notice. Notice is hereby civen that the follow ing accounts have been filed in inv office and will be presented at the next term of uourt lor connrmation : First and final account of R. II. Mur ray, Administrator of the estate of J. B, Watson, lateof Jenks township, deceased. J. V. GEIST, Clerk of Orphans' Court. Tionesta, Pa., October 23, 1905. Executor's Notice. Whereas, Letters Testamentary on the estate of Lewis Weingard, late of Har mony township, Forest county. Fa., de ceased, having been granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebled to said estate are hereby notified to make pay ment without delay, and those having claims or demands will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. (J. At. Arnkr, Executor, Oct. 4 6t. Tionesta, Pa, WHITE PINE Flooring, Siding, and material for Window Casings and Inside Work. A good supply to select from always in stock. Call on or add res?. JAS. J. LANDERS, TIONESTA. PA. or F. L AMSLER. DR. KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY Pleasant to Take. Powerful to Cure, And Welcome In Every Borne. KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite lleniedv Is adiDtcd to aliases and both scxea. affordinff tiermanrnt re lief in all canes caused hy Impurity of the blood, Bum as lYHiney, iiimHldr ana i.ivrr Horn plnlntu; cures t'onatipatlon and Wenknesaea peculiar to voinen. It provcssuccetieful in cases where all other medi cines hnve totally tailed. No nulTcnx should deapair aa long as mis remedy la untried. It naa an unbro ken record of siicccm for over 80 years, and has won hosts of warm friends. Are you snlTcriiiE from any disease traceahle to the causes mentioned? If so, Dr. Kpnitwly hat staked his personal and professional reputation od the statement that favorite Iteiuedy will do you good. Send for a free trial bottle and booklet con taining valuable medicaladvieeon the treatment of various diseases. Write also f or an "Eay Tet' for finding on tif yon have kidney disease. Address VT. I in-, id Kennedy' sons, Jlondnm, IK . . REMEMBER, the full name! Dr. David Ken nedy's FAVOIU I K REMEDY, made at ltonilout, N. V., and the price is W1.O0 (six bottles $A.0u) at all drupL'ints in tho United States, Canada aud foreign couu tries. lennsylvania UA1L.HOAD. UUl'KALO AND ALLEGHENY VAL LEY DIVISION. Takinir effect, October 8th, 1905. No. 30 Buffalo aud Pittsburg Kxproas, daily except Hnn rlay 11:01 a.m. No. 82 Oil City and Pittsburg ExprOMH, daily !i 8:28 p.m. No. (i:ia Oil City Accommoda tion, Sundays only 5:.t0p. m. For Hickory, Tldioute,Warren,Kinzua, Bradford, Olean and the Eaat : No. 81 OIhiiii ExpreHn, daily. 7:53 a. in. No. S3 Pittsburg Express, daily except Sunday 6:33 p. m. No. 1133 Warren accommoda tion, Sundays only 2:45 p. m. For Time Tables and additional infor mation consult Ticket Agent. W. W. ATTERBUKY, J. K. WOOD, (iunoral Manager. PaMMenger Traffic Mgr. GEO. H. BOYD, Qen'l Passenger Agt, 49 1 J urn) AND It Is Surprising To what an extent Cotton Flan nel is superceding the woolen material, and the great variety or articles now manufactured many people preferring it to tbe much more expensive woolen gooda. lly the Yard, Fancy Outings and Flannelettes sell from 80 to IGo. Fatterns are as dainty and attractive as the higher priced gooda. Cotton lllanketa, G5o to 81.50 per pair. Night Dresses, lull eizos,$l and ?1.50. Underskirts, 50o. Large Stock to select from. IIMWM k SDN. AMan'sAtlire Is to Ills Character As the Index is to a Book. Men of sterling character will wear clothes of sterling qualities when they know of "Correct Clothes for Men." Our Fall and Winter Rack Suits in this line of incomparable wearables are of tbe highest grades for all roan ner of men whether of a taste that is crave or gay. In sizes to fit all fie ures whether large or small, slim or Btout. The' models are the latest New York creatious of those greatest clothiers of modern times, Messrs. Alfred Benjamin & Co. and llackett, Larhart & Lu., Broadway, New York i'rices range from ?z down to (10. A first class cutter fits this clothing and any necessary changes are made in our own shop by expert tailors. THEMcCUEN CO. 2b AND 29 SENECA ST., OIL CITY. PA. Fred. Grottcnberger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertainlncr to Machinery. En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and Ueneral Klacksmltliliiu prompt- ydone at Low Rates. Reoairinsr Mill Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop In rear of and Just west of the Shaw House, Tldloute, Pa, Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENBERGER PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER. Repairs Boilers, Stills, Tanks, Agitators. Buys and Sells Second - hand Boilers, Etc. Wire or letter orders nromntlv at- tended to. End ofSusnensioo Bridge. Third ward, OIL CITY, FA. RAILWAY. To Take Effect July 1st, 1905. NORTH I Eastern Time SOUTH 3 I 1 I Stations I 2 4 p.ui a. in Leave Arrive; p. ni.p.m 7 Nebraska 8 su 6 05 6 00 5 55 7 R Rosa Run Lamentation Newtown Mills Kellettville Ruck Mills May burg Poikey Minister Wellers Hastings Blue Jay Henry's Mill Barnes Sheffield 7 1 007 12 00 5 45 L10 7 11 50.5 35 258 U 40 It 20 It 15 5 25 1 458 6 15 508 5 10 5 05 4 55 4 45 4 35 4 20 4 15 p.m 1 65 8 11 Oi 108 10 55 10 45 10 30 10 10 10 00 2 25 8 2 40 8 3 05 9 3 15 9 p.m'a Arrive Leave' a. m T. D. COLLINS, Prbsidrnt. lTOTiiiKly oWainod. or FEE RETURNED. CO VIMS' IXPiailNCt. Our CHARCiS ARK THE LOWEST. Bend model, photo or aktitrh fur expert Mrch and tree report on patenubultjr. INFRINGEMENT ulu conducted before all court. Patent, obtained thmufrh ua ADVER TISED and SOLD, free, TRADE-MARKS, PEN. SIONt and COPYRIGHTS qulcklr obtained. Opposite U. S. Patent OtTloa, WASHINGTON, D. C. Take Laxative Bromo quinine TaMets. Seven Million boxes sold In post 12 months. ThlS Signature. . Black A BLACK SUIT Can be worn evory day In tin) year, and auy hourof tlie day You can wear the Coat and Vest with any Trousers, or the Trousers with any Coat and Vest. However, we wish to say right here and emphasize: Have a Care In buying your Black Suit, lor black shows good or poor tailoring as no other fabric docs. We make all styles of Black Suits, both single and double breasted, from the very finest Thi bets, Clays, or Unfinished Worsteds. Each suit is cut to your individual measure and made in our own shops. Every yard of goods shrunk and guaranteed absolutely fast color. $15.00, 18.00. $20.00, 22.50. $24.00, 25.00. , H. B. Feit, Manager Tionesta Branch, Glasaow Woolen Mills Co., WORLD'S LARGEST TAILORS. 110 CENTRE STREET. Cole's Hot Blast warm f ,. -"-l afi IjfTir 8h.w.5t.v. jflgSSj? 80,1 Col1 anice. , investigate today. CAUTION See the words, "Cole's Hot Blast from Chicago" on the feed door ot each stove. None genuine without it. Our stock of Stoves, as usual, GAS RANGES which are sold at the lowest possible figure. Economize on gas J. 0. Scowden, JAMES HASLET, SuHcessor to 8. II. Haslet's Sons. GENERAL MERCHANTS. Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TIONE.HTA, PENN To Cure a Cold m One EBB Clothes. IT'S ALWAYS RIGHT OIL CITY, PA. WILL SAVE $25.00 IN FUEL THIS V11TEB Cole'l Hot Blaat is a great value. Wa sell it nnder a positive guarantee. It burns soft coal, lignite coal. coke, hard coal, wood or anv fuel without any change in the stove. Yon only need one stove (or the entire year, Spring, Fall or dead ol Winter. Strikes or coat combines cease to be a terror if you have a Cole's Hot Blut. Flre Never Out It la tha ontv atrwa that Itmm tha luwu all night and gives the family warm oreaaiast room in tne morning without kindling new nre. unaranteea to Hold nre Irom Saturday night to Monday morning. Saves the Dollars If yon feel poor it saves half yout viii, wuiio giviug ina awva beautiful result. It will av.n make a ton of cheap alack soft coal, do mora work and bold fire better than your neighbor gets out of a ton of hard coal ia his 150.00 atove. Scientific and Air-tight construction throughout. A patent ed ateel collar connects the elbow draft to the stove body and cannot open by action of the fiercest heat Tha patented compound hinge on the lower draft cannot warp and the draft door closes air-tight by its own weight. The guaranteed smoke-proof feed door prevents smoke, dust or gas escaping when fuel is put in the stove. Perfect results, therefore, from any fuel. The heavy fire box protects tha points where other stoves burn out first, and insures great durability. Ask to see the patented dustless ash cover for re moving ashes. Our method Vis the onlv clAnn usu 0 Cole's Hot Blast makes -9.uu worth of fuel give more heat than $10.00 worm in any other stove. Sold on a positive guar- consists of the latest makes ol AND HFATFDQ Tionesta, Pa. J OKKNZO FULTON.v Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, Anil all klnda or HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TfONKSTA. PA. Chamberlain's tfmX Never fails. Buy it now. It may aave life. Day Cores Crip In Two Days. Sjyr on everv