The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 18, 1905, Image 4

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Smart &
In all Departments, But
in None More so Than in
Cloaks &
Each Season Sets a Higher Standard.
The achievements of yesterday fall short of the requirements of to day,
A loftier ideal always confronts the progressive merchant. This is striking
ly exemplified in our Cloak and Suit section, wherein each season sets a
higher standard.
In TUTS stnrn it in not Riiffimpnt
quality and right style. It must be
.1... J l:u
uo inuuuti uun wimuu otiuueu uuauuieu
tended our opening.
Positively the Best $1 Street Glove
Women's Fowoes Street Gloves are representative of the best fII glove
style and quality to be bid at $1. They are two-clasp, in tan, grey, mode,
brown, wbiie and black, with full rique
white or self embroidery.
Women's Elbow Length Silk Gloves white, black, pink, light blue
ana lavender, tne celebrated ivayser
Curtains, Draperies, Shades
Made to
In pjjtting your home in "apple pie order" for the coming winter, we
offer the services of our lace curtain makers, drapery artists and window
shade makers. These experts will take
you wish, and furnish estimates for brightening up any or all rooms. Up to
this point there will be no cost to you and for the finished work the charge
will be as low as is consistent with artistic and first-class work.
We offer specials in Upholstery Fabrics with which to make curtains,
rejuvenate the appearance ot favorite old easy chairs and couches.
Do You
Meadvillo Commercial College,
Meadville, Fa.,
Wishes to secure the names of all young people between 13
and i In Western Pennsylvania. Send 10 names with post
otllce address and ugi, and receive 10 beautifully written call
lug cards.
Not a graduate of last year's claas out of a poaltlon. Present enrolment much
larger than that of last year. The managers are the authors of the leading series
of commercial text book. Registration on every Monday. Send for catalogue
A Joke on the TroiilnM,"
Some time In the thirties of tin
century Prophet Joseph Smith, ! t. .
Mormon, and a party of his fol!:v.
were proselyting In Muskingum j;:..
ty, O. Ho appointed n certain da.,
when he would show the people hi.
wonderful powers and that he was n
second Christ ly walking ou the wa
ters of Mud creek. The water was
always muddy. A day or two liefoiv
the time sot grandmother's In-other
IUilert and a couple of liciglihor hoys
.were accidentally attracted to tin
Mormons working at the creek and.
concealing themselves, watched the
Mormons put down stakes and put
plunks on tliem from hunk to hank,
the plnnk resting nhout six Inches un
der water. After the Mormons left
the boys went down mid took out the
center plunk, where the water was
nlmul ten feet deep. The next day
Ualaam Smith enme down to the creek
and, after n long exhortation, started
across the creek. . He was all right
and on top ti!l he came to the center,
T here his "powers" seemed to leave
1 ini, mid lie went to the l,.,uom. This
vim the end of llcnnoul.sai In tuut
1 liken InnwiirfB.
"I thought he was n confirmed baeh-
or, hut he's engaged to Miss Capset
t r."
"Well, I "tippose we shouldn't hesur-rri-'l.
Eternal vigilance Is the price
of liUrly."
that a arnrmant ha sd!I maila nf trnnA
- b -""i b-"-
distinctive and exclusive, Such are
j . i . . , .1
praise iroui tue loroQga wno at
stitching; Paris l'oint back, with
double tipped!.
measurements, offer suggestions if
That the Certificates of Deposit
issued by
terest does not cease at the end
of six months or one year. They
continue to draw four per cent,
until returned.
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
All the News.
A wise editor says: "A man told ua
the other day that we did not publish
all the things that happened. We
should sny not. In the first place, there
Is somebody else depending on us for
a living. If we printed all that hap
pens we would soon be with the nn
gels. In order to please the people we
must print only the nice things said
of them and leave the rest to gossip.
Yet It's a fact we don't publish nil the
news. If we did wouldn't it make
spicy reading? I'.ut It would bo for
one week only; the next week you
would read our obituary. All the
news is all right when It's about the
other fellow."
Jiipnnpxc "Sllrnl" Mnnlr.
A curious ceremony Is performed In
Japan by the cuurt musicians nt cer
tain Shinto festivals. Hoth stringed
and wind instruments are used, but it
is held that no sound should he allowed
to fall upon unworthy ears, mid, ns
s .. f the oars present might be un-w-c.-t!iy,
nil the motions of playing nre
!.,!:; tli;ci;t'!i by the musicians, hut not
a ;.;:i;le Humid Is heard. This strange
custom dnte.i hack muny generations,
!n:t since the advent of civilization has
rapidly U,.,t l'.ivi;r.
In uiiil Out,
"I lutlce you never wear a watch
with your evening clothes."
"No. I never have both out at the
name time." Cornell Widow.
Discovered by Two Small Boys
Floating In the River.
Undoubtedly Took Hit Llfo While.
Temporarily Insane. Was Member
of a Whloesale Paper House of
Blnghamton. Leaves a Wife and
Two Children.
BInghamton, Oct 17. Two small
boys In a boat at the foot of Murray
street In this city nt S o'clock yester
day afternoon discovered the body of
Frederick A. Miller, floating in the
Mr. Miller who was a member ot too
Arm and a traveling salesman for a
wholesale paper house In this city
mysteriously disappeared on the night
of Oct. 5. It was feared that he was
deranged from overwork and lllhealtu.,
It was thought that while in that cor.'
dltlon he might have wandered away.
A reward was offered for information
in regard to him and all ot his cus
tomers In New York, Pennsylvania and
Ohio and the authorities in those states
have been looking for him for 10 days.
It Is thought that while temporarily
insane Mr. Miller Jumped Into tho
river at some place above the city.
A friend of his who was the last person
to see him alive met him on the street
on the night that he disappeared. Mo
appeared strange aud said, "Well,
Ben, Its all up with me now,"
Mr. Miller was 39 years old, niarrlod
and had two children.
Mew York's Police Commissioner De
termined to Enforce the Law.
New York, Oct. 17. Police Commis
sioner McAdoo has relieved Acting
Captain Eggers from command ot the
police headquarters vice squad. Mr.
McAdoo In announcing this order, call
ed the vice squad one ot the most pow
erful engines on the New York police
force for enforcing the law.
Three weeks ago several raids ou
pool rooms were made through orders
Issued over the head ot Captain Eg
gers. In transferring this captain the
police commissioner gave his ground
for this action In a statement In which
he declared he had determined to re
organize and strengthen the vlco
'The men on it." he said, "are sub
jected to great temptations and need
a vigilant supervision which will be
quick to punish and equally willing to
reward and encourage. Under reason
able suspicion, a man's usefulness Is
ended. Weak men must be weeded
out at once. It Is a powerful engine
and needs constant Inspection."
Acting Captain Eggers has com
manded the headquarters vice squad
for over a year. HIh place was taken
by Roundsman Daniel E. Costlgan,
who was promoted to a detective ser
geant. The squad numbers between 30
and 40 members.
Reward For Winning Championship.
Philadelphia, Oct. 17. As a reward
for winning the American League
baseball championship pennant, the 18
players of the Philadelphia club were
presented by President Shlbe of that
club with $8,131.49 to be divided equal
ly among the men. This Is the amount
of the Philadelphia club's portion of
the receipts for the first four games
of the worlds championship series
with the New York National League
club. The Philadelphia players also
received $0,848.46 as their portion ot
the receipts for the worlds series al
lotted to them by the national com
Traction Company Incorporated.
Albany, Oct. 17. The Buffalo and
Rochester traction railroad was Incor
porated today to build and operate an
electric railway from the village of
Depew, Erie County, to Rochester, a
distance of 60 and one-half mflaa
through Erie, Genesee, Livingston
and Monroe counties. The capital is
$3,500,000, and the directors are:
Henry H. Kingston, J. Andrews Har
ris, Jr., John J. Colllor, Horatio A.
Foster, T. Henry Dixon and Samuel
Welsh of Philadelphia, and George A.
Rlcker, William B. Cutter and Herbert
P. Blssell, of Buffalo. The principal
office is In Depew.
Explosion on Submarine Boat.
Portsmouth, Eng., Oct. 17. The crew
of 16 men on board submarine boat No.
4 had a remarkably narrow escape.
The boat was engaged In diving prac
tice off Splthead and was submerged,
when water leaked through the ex
laust plpo and caused an accumula
tion of gas. A slight explosion follow
ed damaging the machinery. The crew,
towever, managed to raise the vessel
which 'came up stern first. A govern
ment gunboat nearby went to her as
sistance and saved all the crew. The
submarine was towed In here for re
pairs. Threatened Strike Averted.
Dayton, O., Oct. 17. The grievances
of the union employes of the National
Cash Register company have been re
ferred to the national advisory board
of tho International Machinists, and
the threatened strike has been averted
for tho present at least. Meanwhllo
the plant will be operated on tho
"open shop" principle.
Cold Weather In Germany.
Munich, Bavaria, Oct. 16. Snow is
falling at Bayreuth and Wuerzburg,
in northern Bavaria. Unsensonablo
cold prevails throughtout Germany
Take Laxative Bromn Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it falls
to euro. K. W. Grovo's signature ia on
each box. 25c. o25
Tor Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Supposed to Have Been Carried By
Ferguson's Murderer.
Washington, pa., Oct. 17. The Fer
puson murder, which occurred at West
Mlddletown two years ago, was re
called Monday when two slnglo-Darrel
thotguns, which it is thought were
used by the men concerned in tho
crime, were found In separate clumns
of bushes within a few yards of where
the satchel which contained the money
stolen from Ferguson was discovered
The gun stocks were almost rotted
away. .
The theory Is that confederates of
the men who touched oft thd dynamite
mine In the road were hiding w'h thj
weapons ready to shoot anyone who
might try to Intercept him. The mm
when they saw their confederate safe.
are supposed to have followed, leaving
their guns behind. It Is supposed they
later Joined the man with the money,
Four men are under arrest in Croatia,
accused as accomplices.
Shubert's Parents Sue Railroad Co,
New York, Oct. 17. The parenta ot
tam Shubert, the theatrical manager
who was mortally Injured In the wreck
of the Pennsylvania Chicago express
last May, have brought suit in tho
United States circuit court for $200,050
against the railroad company, alleging
that negligence caused their son's
death. This suit is one ot several
others aggregating $600,000 and" grow
Ing out of the same wreck.
Murder and Attempted Suicide.
Malone, Oct. 17. Herbert Miller of
Saranac Inn, after a quarrel with his
wife shot and killed her instantly and
them attempted uilcide by slashing
his throat with a razor. He is not ex
pected to live. The couple for some
time had conducted a guides' boarding
house and are said to have quarreled
Samuel H. Ft. Grow Dead,
BInghamton, Oct. 17. Samuel H. R
Grow, only brother of former Con
gressman Galusha A. Grow of Pennsyl
vania died at his home in this city
yesterday, aged 85 years.
Body Taken From Canal.
Geneva, Oct. 17. The body of Will
lam Jardine of Seneca Falls was taken
from the canal yesterday. It Is sup
posed that he fell Into the water whil
New York Provision Market
New York, Oct. 16.
WHEAT No. 2 red, 90c f. o
b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth,
03c f. o. b. afloat.
CORN No. 2 corn, 61c f. o.
h. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 62c.
OATS Mixed oats, 26 to 32 lbs.,
S333V4c; clipped white, 36 to 4C
lbs., 3636c.
PORK Mess, $16.25f 16.50; fam
ily, per bbl., $17.60 18.00.
HAY Shipping, 4550c; good tn
choice, 77S5c.
BUTTER Creamery xtra. 21
21Hc; common to extra, 16,&21c;
state dairy, common to extra, 16V4
CHEESE State, full cream, small
choice, llc.
EGGS Stato and Pennsylvania,
POTATOES $1.62(31.85.
Buffalo Provision Market.
Buffalo, Oct. 16.
WHEAT No. 1 northern, new, spot,
88c; No. 2 red, 85'e.
CORN No. 2 mixed, 58 c f. o. b
afloat; No. 2 yellow, 61 c.
OATS No. 2 white, 33c f. o. b
afloat; No. 3 white, 3232c.
FLOUR Fancy blended patent
per bbl., $5.256.00; winter family
patent, $4.40 5.15.
BUTTER Creamery western, ex
tra, 22c; state ana Pennsylvania
creamery, 2121c; dairy, choice to
fancy, 20c.
CHEESE Fancy full eror.m,
1212c; good to choice, Ui2c.
EGGS Selected, fancy, 2526c.
POTATOE3 Western, fsncv. nei
bu., C5c; home grown, per bu., 550Io.
East Buffalo L(ve 8tock Market.'
CATTLE Beat steers on sale, $5.50
(P'5.75; fair to good butcher steers,
$4.004.50; medium half-fat steers
$3.604.00; common to fair heifers.
$2.002.75; good to choice heifers
$3.003.35; good butcher bulls, $2.21
2.35; choice to extra veals, $8.25
8.50; fair to good, $8.2507.75.
spring lambs, $7.5007.75; yearlings
choice, $5.506.25; handy wihra,
$5.255.65; mixed sheep. $4.505.25.
HOGS Mixed packers' gradftrf,
$5.705.75; medium hogs, $5.755.80;
l.igs, light, $5.505.60.
Utica Dairy Market.
Utica, Oct. 16. Sales of cheese on
the Utica dairy market today were:
Large white, 2 lots of 106 boxes at
10c; large colored. 5 lots of 327
boxes at 10c; small white, 8 lots ol
542 boxes at 10-c; small colored, 34
lots of 2.549 boxes at 10c.
BUTTER Creamery, 8 packages
sold at 24c; 25 packages at 23c and 31
packages at 21Vfec.
Little Falls Dairy Market.
Utica, Oct. 1C. Sales of cheese on
Little Falls dairy market today were.
Large white, 1 lot of 50 boxes at 11c;
small colored, 16 lots of 1,018 boxes at
11c; do whltp, 20 lots of 1,214 boxes at
11c; twin colored, 7 lots of 463 boxes
at 11c; do white, 20 lots of 1,113 boxes
at lie.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles. Iruggist8 refund inonoy If Pazo
Ointment fails to cure any case, no mat
ter of how long standing, in 0 to 14 days.
First Application gives ease and rest. 60c.
If your druggist hasn't it send 60o in
stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid
by tho Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo
The very best remedy for Cuts,
Burns, Bruises, and to prevent Blood
Poison is Pan-Cura Ointment. It will
positively cure Eczema, Tetter, Halt
Itheutii, Old Sores, Pimples, Bleeding,
Itching or Protruding Piles. San-Cura
Ointment, 25o and 50c. All druggists.
She llFiiionril It Out.
Ethel- Mamma, if a little boy Is a
lad, why Isn't a big boy a ladder?
Mamma For the same reason, I sup
pose, that, although a little doll Is a
doll, a big doll Is not a dollar. Ethel
(reflect Ively i That's so. My big doll
wua $2. Kansas City Journal.
Ilia Ilnrd I.aok.
Benevolent Old Lndy (to ono of the
unemployed) Poor man! What hnve
you done to your hand? Unemployed
Broke my knuckles, mum, knockln'
at people's doors ask In' for work.
In order to love mankind we must
not expect too much of them. Helve
No human being, man or woman, can
act tip to a sublime standard without
giving offense. 4 'banning.
Nfw Route la I.oa AtiK'lra. Unity Tourlat
Cure via the Halt Lake Home.
Through tourist sleeper to Los An
geles leaves Union Passenger Station,
Chicago, 5:15 p. tn. every day. Rout a
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway, Union PaciGo and the San
Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake
Railroad. Rate for double berth,
Chicago to Los Angelee, $7. John
R. Pott, District Passenger Agent,
Room D, Park building, Pittsburg,
Pa. oct '25
Attrnllon, Hunting,
Low round trip rates to Northern
Michigan and Wisconsin, via Nickel
Plate Road. Tickets on sale daily to
Nov. 15th. Wwrite C. A. Aaterlin,
Dist. Pass. Agt, 807 State street,
brie, Pa. ll-oovl5
On the bottom of a rubber
boot or shoe insures its
quality. They have been
the BEST for fifty years, and
they are the best to-day.
When you buy rubbers ask.
for CANDEES and insist
upon having them.
For sale by all leading stores.
Merchants desiring their names to an'
pear at the bottom ol this out can have It
under established rules free of charge on
application to us. H. Cbilda A Co., Hole
uistripiitora, B13 feon Ave., ntlsburg.
Office A IX National Bank Building,
Eyes examined free.
Exclusively optical.
Taking effect. October 8th. 1905.
No. 30 Buffalo and Pittsburg
express, aauy except Bun-
dav 1l!fll m
No. 82 Oil City and Pittsburg
express, aauy s:ztj p.m.
No. 932 Oil City Accommoda
tion, Sundays only 5:30 p. tn.
For Hickory.Tldioute.Warren.Klniua.
Bradford, Olean and the East :
No. 81 Olean Express, daily. 7:53 a. m.
No. 83 Pittsburg Express,
dally except Sunday 6:35 p. m.
No. 933 Warren accommoda
tion, Sundays only 2:45 p. m.
For Time Tables and additional infor
mation consult Ticket Agent.
General Manager. Passenger Traflic Mgr.
GEO. H. BOYD, Gen'l Passenger AgU
Mr Architect j
it's to your interest
to specify
(Tintrd Gloss)
They make tho best kind
of a job nt the least expense
cost less first and last.
First because they cover eo
thoroughly and go so far.
Last because they wear so
well and hold their looks so
long. ,
Ask your dealer.
John Lucas & Co
Electric Oil. Guaranteed for
Rheumatism, Sprain, Sors
Feet, Paina.&o. A tall dealers
Have every one who reads this advertisement come
to our Dress Goods Department, we would exper
ience little trouble in convincing them of what a
really great Department it is. Of the wide range
and varied assortments. Every fashionable weave
and color. All priced so moderately that you can
see at a glance how greatly it is to your economical
advantage to come here. Since you can't come the
next best thing is to
Write for Samples.
Specify about what price and as near as you can
what color. Samples will come by next mail. Ash
for Dress Goods Catalog when you write.
Suit ami Cloak Department. .
Most important of the Twenty-eight Departments.
Nothing to surpass it between Pittsburg and Buffalo.
Distinctive and diversified style. Correct fashion.
Ferfect tailoring. Moderate profits.
The Kind You llavo Always Bought, nnd which lias been
in use for over 30 years, has borne tho signature of
0 - and has been made tinder his pcr-
(jZ-JJ&fl-?-ju. sonol supervision since Its infancy.
W(V SU4i Allow no ono to deer! vo you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" nre but
Experiments Hint trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms -and
nllays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Sears the
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years. eoHMNY, rr munnav .tukct. nkw to.h am.
Time Deposits Solicited.
A. Watnb Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Wheeler,
Collections romitted for on day of payment
era all the benefits consistent with conservative hanking. Interest pId on time
deposit. Tour patronage respectfully solicited.
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone lo. 20.
Dr. La Francois? I
Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator
superior to other remndles hoM at high prices.
Cure guaranU'wl. Sm-eeitsfully lifted by over
200,000 Women. Prim, 25 lentn, drug.
RlttiorliymatL TettlluioiilaU booklet free.
Dr. La Franco Philadelphia, ro
Pennyroyal pills
.-(STTV . Of1.!"! nmi Only Hnalna.
ft vll Illir.STKK'H KNliLlSH
In KKIfc .til bold mvltllia boiM.
wlihMu.rlMMD. T.lf ..olh.r. Krfu.
lUtgtnii, NnbUllutlo., mmd lwlt
Umm. By; JT T.ur UruniH. K mi 4. la
"W ,' r"!"!"- Tl..ll.
tin Mull, lu.lluu r.MiMi.1. ui.. ...
.11 Druffltii. llikhMu. 1 knir.l t)
MM1M. Stun,
If We
Signature of
pay Your Ter Cent, per Annum
Wm, Smkaiidauoh,
Vice Preaklent
Q. W. Robinson, Wm. Huioarbaugh,
T. F. Rltchev. J. T. Dale. J. II. Kellv.
at low rates. We promise our custom
A Coo4 investment
Nothing will beautify the home like
couple torn of Hitta Pioneer Prepired
Its the heal investment ponslble to
mke too, aa thirty or fnrly dollars worth
of pulnt will ailil more to the value of a
houne than monry apenl In any other way.
It will also pay for Itself In aatisfac
tlon there la nothing ao pleasing to a
householder as a well painted house.
It doea not cost much to paint a houae
and It will protect the wood and make it
last twice as long as your careless neigh
bor' who la neglecting to properly pro
tect his home.
Wc offer a guaranteed paint In Wni
Pioneer Paint, and wc shall be pleased to
send you free color card showing aample
shades. Please write or call today.
G. W. HOBLN'SON & goj,
Tioncstn, Pa.
ll ml