The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 06, 1905, Image 3

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J. C. WINK, Editor k Propricto.
1905 SEPTEMBER 190s
J Quarter
s. Full
R 11:09
O p.m.
, MO
10 p.m.
1 Quarter
Ilepublican Ticket.
Staie Treasurer,
Supreme Court Justice,
Superior Court Judges,
Associate Judge,
Prothonotary, de.,
J. C. QEI8T.
Oounty Commissioners,
A uditors,
Jury Commissioner,
Mr. rarsmi Withdraws.
To the Voters of Forest County:
Finding it will be impossible for me to
give proper attention to a canvass of the
county at this time, I desire to state that
I have filed with the proper officials a
certificate withdrawing my name aa a
candidate for Sheriff on the Prohibition
ticket. At tbe same time I desire to ex
press my sincere thanke to that party for
the compliment extended in placing me
in nomination, aa well as to many friends
who have tendered tne their support.
James G. Carson.
West Hickory, Pa.. Sept. 4, 1905.
The daily auto mishap is running a
close second now to the daily train wreck.
Congratulations, Mr. President, on
your splendid "warfare" in tbe cause of
No Republican should neglect to be
registered. See that your name is on tbe
list before Sept. 7th.
Now if Teddy will tackle the yellow
fever epidemic in Louisiana we think be
can bring it to a "successful termination."
Nations which consult Dr. Roosevelt
for. their diplomatic troubles, should
learn that be requires implicit observance
of bis prescriptions.
Tun President must beware of tbe fate
of Buck Fanshaw, who, according to
Mark Twain, was eulogized In bis funeral
sermon as "a man who would have peace
if he bad to fight for It."
A few years ao everybody stood in
awe of the word diplomacy. In these
enlightened days the lact is generally
realized that a skillful diplomat is only a
horse-trader in disguise.
The Canadians, after iuviting Ameri
can immigration, are now beginning to
be afraid of it. Tbe Canadians will never
find rest nntil tbey lean their weary heads
on the broad and palpitating bosom of
Uncle Sam.
The state da'ry and food bureau re
cently issued a bulletin showing; that tbe
sum of $13,627.14 has been collected in
fines from prosecutions agaiust violators
of the pare food laws during the summer
months. As an indication of tbe im
provement in one branch of tbe pure food
supply it is stated that of the last four
hundred and sixty samples of milk and
cream collected by agents of tbe depart
ment only five suits were recommended.
Tbe recent vigorous prosecutions against
embalmed meat have also brought no
ticeable Improvement in tbe preparation
and supply of that important element of
The success which has followed tbe
peace conference, brought aboot by
America's chief executive, bas prompted
discussion on the mission of this country
in the turmoils of tbe world, relative to
which tbe New York Evening Post says:
Tbe gieat triumph bas come precisely
because of our bistorio position, which
bas now been wonderlully vindicated.
Exactly because we have no "entangling
alliance," or thought or possibility of
them; exactly because we have no land
hunger in the Orient; exactly because we
stand apart from European complications
and wars until the time comes to propose
and consummate a peace; exactly be
cause our ideal remains that of a free in
dustrial republic, not su empire in arms,
the great intervention has come to so
brilliant a close. When all tho world is
lauding our president, we need not stint
our praises of him; but we praise him
most for having seized so strongly and
employed so nobly tho function of Amer
ica as tbe bringer of peace on earth. In
the new radiance which be has cast upon
our country, we see her again as she fiom
the first appeared to lofty natures looking
for a better age the great protest against
tyranny and oppression and war. Shel
ley's hail across the ocean to "a people
mighty in its youth," embodied this con
ception of our true national greatness;
and there is something almost prophetic
of what we have just witnessed in his
description of how Europe "Turns to
her chalnless child for succor now."
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th.
10 11 12 13 14
17 18 19 201
24 25 26 27 28
Attend to tbe matter of your registra
tion if you want to vote thia fall. Sept.
7th Is the last day.
1 describing the course of the young
man and his cigarette, Elbert Hulbard
Bays ; "Cigarette smoking Is not penodlo
it is continuous a alow, insidious, sure
poison. I i lesulls can be foretold as ac
curately as tbe expert alienist can foresee
the end of incipient locomotor ataxia.
Fortunately most young men who begin
tho habit quit it before it gets a vital bold
upon them. Were this not so how could
the student body at Harvard, Yale and
Dartmouth ever outstrip their professors?
These young men smoke cigarettes Just
as they dabble in strange vice when away
from the immediate restraint of family
and home.. Later, most of them square
away and become pillars of society. But
for the young man who haa grown so
calloused that be smokes cigarettes in the
presence of bis mother, slsier or sweet
heart there is li'tle hope. Hopo Is only
for the youth who Is ahamod of his vile
ness. The poison has already tainted bis
moral nature, aud for him the work of
dissolution, disintegration, degeneration
has begun. He Is a defective a physical,
mental aud moral defective."
Cream of (lie Sews.
Gossip gains currency, but no coin.
Even the toper bas bis cardinal fea
tures. All summer goods are going for "just
what they'll bring" at Hopkins' store
these days. Some rare barga'us for the
economical buyer. It
Beware of the red flag. It's anarchy
or an auction.
Every variety of fruit abd vegetable
at the White Star Grocery. It
Talk is cheap. A man can get a
shave for five cents,
A Wooltex garment means tbe best
always, Hopkins is sole doaler here and
keeps well stocked-up In these famous
goods. It
If a man runs into debt be must eith
er crawl out or stay in.
School shoes at Hopkins', tbe kind
that wear. Get the best. It
A man's ideal woman is always mar
ried to the other fellow,
Greatest slaughter in prices ever
beard In all summer goods at the Hop
kins tore. Don't miss the opportunity
of your life. It
There is no race so easy for the book
maker as tbe human race,
Try the "Table Queen" bread, cakes
etc., at the White Star Grocery. It
When a fish takes in tbe early worm
it is liable to get in a mesa.
For all blemishes of tbe face and skin
use San-Cura Ointment and San-Cura
Soap. 25o. AH druggists. tf
In an Ohio town tbe women have or
ganized a secret society for tbe swapping
of secrets.
State of Ohio Citt, of Toledo, 1
Lucus County, J
Frank J. Chunky makes oatb that he
is the senior partner of tbe firm of F. J.
Cheney A Co., doing business in the
City ot Toledo, County and State a fore
said, and that said firm will pay the sum
each and every case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by the use of Hall's Ca
tarrh Curb.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 0th day ot December,
a. i). isiw.
seal. A. W. GLEASON,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh (tore is taken internally
and acts directly on tbe blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Send lor
testimonials, free.
I have had Brigbt'a disease for about
three years and bave used several kidney
remedies and employed four different
doctors, all of which did me no good. I
have now taken two bottles of Thomp
son's Barosma aud am 75 per cent, bet
ter. My general health and appetite are
improving every day and I can conscien
tiously reenmmeud Thompson's Barosma,
Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure. Iam
69 years old. C. E. Richlmyer, Thurston,
Steuben county, N. Y. tf
The tiood Old Wny.
A severe cold or attack of la grippe is
like a fire, tbe sooner you combat it tbe
better your chances are to overpower It.
But few mother in this age are willing to
do the necessary work required to give a
good old-fashioned reliable treatment
such as would be administered by their
grandmothers, backed by Boschee's Ger
man Syrup, which was always liberally
used in connection with the home treat
ment of colds and is still in greater house
hold favor than any known remedy. But
even without the application of tbe old
fashioned aids German Syrup will cure
a severe cold in quick time. It will cure
colds in childreu or grown people. It re
lieves the congested organs, allays the
Irritation, and effectively slops the cough.
Any child will take it. It is invaluable
In a household of children. Trial size
bottle, 25c; regular size, 75c. For sale by
Dunn it Fulton.
San-Cura Ointment bas no equal for
Eczema. One year ago my face and neck
were one mass of raw sores; tbe doctor
said I bad Eczema and Erysipelas. I had
not slept for weeks, with itching burn
ing pain. It waa terrible! Tbe first
night I used San-Cura Ointment, I slept
all night for the first time in weeks, and
In a short time was so complotely cured,
Chas. Fay, Townville, Pa. Druggists,
2Tc and 50c. ' tf
Cured of l.ame Ilnrk Afler 13 Years af
"I had been troubled with lame back
for fi fteen years and I found a complete
rocovery iu the uso of Chamberlain's
Pain Halm," says John O. limber, Gil
lam, Ind. Thia liniment is also without
an equal fir spraius and bruisoa. It is
for sale bv Dunn A Fulton,
San-Cura Ointment is perfectly harm
loss and is a groat aid in preventing sours.
San-Cura Ointment cures Cuts, Burns,
Bruises, Boils, Carbuncles, Piles, Old
Sores, Pimples and Eczema, Drggists,
2."c and 60c. tf
A llruirily Willioiit a Peer.
'I find Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets more beneficial than any
other remedy I ever used for stomach
trouble," says J. P. Kioto, of Edlua, Mo.
For any disorder of the stomach, bilious
ness or constipation, these Tablets are
without a peer. For sale by Dunn A
F.pworth Lea true at Kellettfille.
The banquet given, on Wednesday
evening, Aug. 3l)ih, by the Kelleuvllle
League, in honor of the Tioneata League,
was one of tbe pleasant social events of
tbe season. They met at the church, at
eight o'clock, and the following pro
gramme waa presented: Devotional ex
ercises were led by the President; two
of our League songs were sung; Mrs,
Pope lead the scripture lesson and Rev.
Calhoun offered the prayer. The meet
ing then passed into the bands of the
Literary President and Mrs. Wilson in a
few well chosen words extended a cordial
welcome to all and gave a little history of
the League. W. A. Slow man, read a
paper entitled "Before Christ," in which
he gave a history of some of the events of
enrly times, closing with tbe query, "Are
we like Solomon building a temple for
the living God V Mrs. A. Carson then
read an essay on "The true purpose of
tho Epworth League," describing in a
delightful way the many ways the young
people may be benefited by the League.
The solo sung by Miss Fannie Small ex
pressed tbe same Idea In tbe words of our
motto, "Look up, lilt up." An essay on
Christian fellowship, lead by Mr. Silzle,
gave advice to all to accept the fellowship
of Christ. Mrs, Henderson's original
poem, "Tbe Wesleyan Influence on the
Modern League," was appreciated by all.
The choir sang an anthem, "Rock of
Ages." Rev. W. O. Calhoun gave an ex
cellent talk on "How to Succeed." The
following points were brought out; If
we succeed we must stick to II; we must
bave confidence In our work; must bave
confidence in our ability to do tlia work;
we must exercise self control. The first
point was illustrated by telling of the boy
who tried to carve the stxtue of tbe Apos
tles Paul and Peter out of a pine stick
and succeeded in tusking a pin for the
barn li or. Rev. F. M. Small then spoke
of how the League should help the pas
tor, also how they can be represented in
the missionary worn. An anthem by the
choir was followed by tbe League bene
diction. Tne crowd then went to tbe
ball where refreshments were to be
served. After a little social chat, Miss
Lanson favored ua with several piano so
los, accoinpauiod by one of the young
men in imitation ot the little warblers.
Miss Perry gave ua several selections
during the evening. Refreshments were
served to al out seventy-five persons. The
merry shouts 'of laughter beard from time
to time was assurance that tbe young
people were enjoying themselves. Good
byes were then said and the Tionesta
people started for home, their good nature
overflowing in Joylul song. Come again,
Tioueata, your visit did us good. At the
business meeting Friday evening a ris
ing vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. M.
Andrews for favors given.
In connection with this pleasant affair
we publish on our fourth page an origi
nal poem by Mrs. Mabel Henderson, en
titled "Tbe Wesleyan Inlluenco on tbe
Modern League," which will be read with
interest. Ed.
Letter to Judge F. X. Kreltler,
Nebraska, Pa.
Dear Sir: You are so well known
that tbe people have put you in office.
They knew wha'. they were about : They't do it by accident.
Wouldn't it be a handsome thing to do
to paint your bouse? It is a nice house,
bas a good substantial commodious look,
and isn't rusty at all, you know; but a
fresh coat of paint would make it so
bright! it's a pity not to.
Devoe is beautiful paint, but the beauty
of it is: it lasts so long, and docs so much
more than adorn an already interesting
and attractive edifice. There isn't a man
or a woman in town, who wouldn't see
tbem and make some pleasant remark.
Of course, you will paint the town
property; nothing would mark your ad
ministration more, in tbe eyes of the peo
ple; and, having done the same thing at
home, it is tbe most natural thing iu tbe
world to do it for tbem.
Yours truly,
F. W. Devoe A Co.,
76 New York.
P. 8. Dunn & Fulton soil our paint.
Low-Kate Excursion lo Wnrreii, Olean and
On Sunday, Sept. 10, the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will run a special
low-rate excursion to Warren, Olean, and
Bradford. Special tiain will be run on
the following schedule, and round-trip
tickets, good going only on special train
and good returning on special train Sept.
10, and regular trains Sept. 11, but not
good in Pullman sleeping or parlor cars,
will be sold at rates indicated:
Rate to Rate lo
Train Warren Olean or
Leaves. and Bradford
return, and ret.
Titu'ville 7..-.0 a. m. ?l 00 ft BO
Oil Citv 8 15 " 1 00 1 50
Tionesta 8 52 " ) 00' 1 50
Hicl-orv R03 " 1 00 1 50
Tiilioute 9 19 " 7a 1 25
Warren 10.00 " 1 00
Olean Ar...l2.00 noon
Bradford.. " 12 00 "
Children between 5 and 12 years of age
half rates.
Returning, special train will leave
Olean 7.00 p. m., Bradford 7.00 p. m.,
Warren 9.00 p. m.
The run of train No. 32, leaving Brad
ford 4.55 p. in., Olean 5 00 p. in., and
Warren 7.08 p. m., Sept. 11, will be ex
tended toTitusville to accommodate ex
cursionists returning by that train. 2t
Cause of Insomnia.
Indigestion nearly always dirturbs tbe
sleep more or less and is often tbe cause
of insomnia. Many cases bave been per
manently cured by Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Duuu
& Fulton.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles. Druggists refund uiouoy it Pazo
Ointment fails to cure any case, no mat
ter of how long Btanding, in ft to 14 days.
First application gives easn and rest. 50c.
If your druggist hasn't it send ftoc in
stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid
by tbe Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo
wauteil in every locality in liie I'iiiumI Males lu Ui
uhiicriptinn fori ilwrnf rah cnrmii tuitions to
(A wliulft year for 10 criit)
Thft bent nnl c!ieftnst monthly home maatine tn th
trorlil, containing '.U pairc. Kixliirirhmi, of hhIwUmJ
re&ditiff matter ofunnual interest in every hnue.
Ijihnral rommiMlnn to nolirltnrn. S-n1 poital rani for
full particular ami numicriptinn blank huuKATOM'K,
ADAMS'S MAGAZINE. 131 W. 24th SI., N. Y. City
Of ('holers Morbus with One Nmall Bottle of
Chniiibrrlnln'a Colic, Cholera and
Dlnrihora Hemedy.
Mr. O. W. Fowler, of Hlghtower, Ala.,
relates an experience be bad while serv
ing on a petit jury In murder case at
Edwardsvllle, oouuty seat of Clobourne
county, Alabama. He says: "While
there I ate some fresh meat and some
souse meat and it gave me cholera mor
bus in a very severe form. I was never
more sick in my Hi e and sent to tbe drug
store for a certain cholera mixture, but
the druggist s nt me a bottle of Cham
berlain's Colio, Cholera aud Diarrhoea
Remedy Instead, saying that be bad
what I sent for, but that Ibis medicine
was so much belter he would rather send
it to me In the tlx I was iu. I took one
dose of it and was better lu five minutes.
The second dose cured me entirely. Two
lellow jurors were afflicted iu the same
manner and one small bottle cured tbe
three of us." For sale by Dunn A Fulton.
Fine Sloro Property for Sale,
Other business attractions bave luduoed
me to otfer for sale my present place of
busiuess, located In the heart of a splen
did aud prosperous farming community,
one mile north of Licklngvllle, Clarion
county. A three-story building, first
story is ot brick, cement basement and
plastered throughout; size of building
;U)x50, with dwelling attached. Also
barn, ice house, garner and other out
buildings, with six acres of land under
good cultivation. Also entire stock of
genet al merchandise. I will sell this
very cheap to a quick buyer. Natural
gas for heat and light. Telephone In
store. For terms, etc., call on or write
C. W, Sioworth, Licklngvllle, Pa.
Bank Statement
No. 5038.
of Pennsylvania, at the close of business
August 25, 1905.
Loans and discounts $313,265 76
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured 61 02
U. S. Bonds to socure circula
tion 50,000 00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds 3,187 31
Bonds, securities, etc, 61,575 00
Banking-house, furniture, and
fixtures 15,161 08
Due Irom National Banks not
reserve agents) 3,043 75
Due from approved resorve
agents 210,397 73
Checks and other cash items .... 8,460 58
Fractional paper currency,
nickels, and cents 284 63
Lawful money roserve in bank,
Specie $23,571 98
Legal tender notes... 9,000 00 32,571 CO
Redemption fund with U. fi.
Treaa'r(5percUol circulation) 2,500 00
$730,498 76
Capital stock paid in $50,000 00
Surplus fund 49,000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid 6,641 93
National bank notes outstand
ing 50,000 00
Dividends unpaid 189 00
Individual deposits subject to
check 337.278 02
Time cortiticutos ot deposit 237,389 81
$730,408 78
State of Pennsylvania, County of Forest,
ss :
I, A. B. Kelly, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and beliof.
A. B. KELLY. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me tbia
31st day of August, 11105.
C. M. Auner, Notary Public.
Correct Attest :
Wm. Smeariiauor,
I. T Dale,
T. F. Ritchky,
Whereas, The Hon. W. M. Lindsey,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
copt for holding a Court of Common Pleas,
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'
Court, Oyer and Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the
uoumy ot forest, to commence on
the Fourtb Monday of September, being
me z.iin uay oi (September, isms. No
tice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of said county, that they be then
and there in their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ot said day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
wnicn to tneir omce appertain to be done.
and to thoso wboare bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that
they may be then and there to prosecute
against mem as shall be lust. Uiveu un
dor my band and seal this 28th day of
AUgUHl, A. I). 11SK1.
GEO. W. NOBLIT, L.a. Sheriff.
List of causes set down for trial in the
Court of Common Pleas of Forest County,
Pennsylvania, commencing on the
Fourtb Monday of September, 1905:
1. J. E. Beck vs. M. C. Watson, No.
28, September 'term, 1901. Motion to
open Judgment.
2. Fred Morck vs. J. G. C. Sigwortb,
No. 28, February term, 1904. Replevin
returnable May 2, 1904.
3. O. W. Proper, EuRetta Proper, F.C.
Proper, Effle Walters vs. J. G. C. Slg
worth, No. 25, February term, 1904.
Summons in action of trespass.
4. Leota Hoover vs. John Hoover, No.
3, February term, 1901. Divorce.
5. W. A. Reese vs. Brown A McMani
gle, No. 18, September term, 1904. Sum
mons in assumpsit.
6. W. L. Thompson vs. G. Ed. Gerow,
No. 15, May term, 1905. Capias in tres
pass. 7. W. S. McChesney vb. Frank Brown
and Monroe McManlgle, co-partnera
doing business as Brown it McManlgle,
No. 13, September term, 1905. Summons
in assumpsit.
8. George M. Miller vs. J. M. Bemia
aud Harry Bemis, partners doing busi
ness as J. M. Bemis A Son, No. 17, Sep
tember Term, 1904. Summons in As
sumpsit. Attest, J. C. GEIST,
Tionesta, Pa., August 28, 1!M)5.
Hcnd model, Hltctcti or photo ol invention lot 1
freercportou patentability. Kor free book,
I Opposite U. S. Patent Office
Electric Oil Guaranteed for
Khoumatism, Sprains, Hore
Feet, Pains, Ac. Atalldealera
of some of the bargains we
are offering in
Wash Goods,
Shirt, Waists,
Shirt Waist Nulls,
Wash Skirls,
Ladles' Neckwear,
Wash Belts, Klf.
Ciol comfortable clothing id a ne
cessity for those who wish to do busi
ness this weather. More th n half
the heat prostrations come from cloth
itig cot tbe weight and kind for the
Light Weight Skeleton Coats, Coats
and Vests, or Coats and Trousers.
Light Coats, 50o to 85.
Light Coat and Vests, $2 50 to $8.
Handsome two piece Suits (that's
Coats and Trousers) reduced. Were
$12 and $22, now $5 to $12.
Kaliki Coats and Trousers make a
stylish outiog suit for young men.
Price $4.
Cool, comfortable and perfect fit
ting. Knee Drawers or Union Suits, 40
complete lines, 25c to $4 garment. Spider Web Lisle at (1 is cool
comfort. Knee or full length drawers
Fred. Grottenbergor
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General Blacksmitbing prompt
ly done at Low Kates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Tour patronage solicited.
Repairs Rollers, Stills,
Tanks, Agitators. Buys
and Nells Second - hand
Rollers, Etc.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End ofSuspensinn Bridge,
Third ward, OIL CIT1, PA.
To Take Effect July 1st, 1905.
NORTH Eastern Time SOUTH
3 1 j Stations 2 4
p.m a. m Leave Arrive p. ui.'p.m
7 00 Nebraska 6 30
7 20 Rosa Run 8 05
7 25 Lamentation 6 00
7 30 Newtown Mills 6 55
1 00 7 45 Kellettville 12 00 5 45
1 10 7 55 Buck Mills 11 60 5 35
1 25 8 fKI Msyburg 11 40 5 25
1 45 8 10 Porkey 11 20 5 15
1 50 8 15 Minister 11 15 6 10
1 65 8 20 Wellers 11 05 6 05
2 10 8 30 Hastings 10 65 4 55
2 25 8 40 Blue Jav 10 45 4 45
2 40 8 50 Henry's Mill 10 30 4 86
3 05 9 05 Barnes 10 10 4 20
3 159 20 Sheffield 10 00 4 15
p.m'a. m Arrive Leave a. m. p.m
T. D. COLLINS, President.
Fromptl? obtained, or FEt RETURNED.
THE LOWEST. Send mudtl, photv or .ketch for
expert Nttireh and free report on patentability.
INFRINGEMENT lulu oonductod before all
court. Patent, obtained tltmuirh ua, ADVER
SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained.
Opposite U. 8. Patent Office,
Take Laxauve uromo quinine Tablets,
Seven Million boxes told in post 13 months. TbiS Signature,
To the Good
Tionesta and Vicinity:--
I wish to announce that the new fall and winter line of
samples for Men's and Boys' Made-to-Mcasure Clothing, from
the Glasgow WOOlCJl MUIS CO., of Oil City, has been
received by me and can be seen and inspected by calling at the
Lanson building, next door to White Star Grocery. To say
that the line is a complete one is putting it very mild, as it
without doubt contains XnOrO SClOCtlOIlS and better
Values than any line ever shown here. In this elaborate dis
play you will find all the popular weaves known in men's goods
from which you may select a Suit, OTCrCOat, TOP Coat
or Bain Coat and have it Mado to Your Measure
at a very nominal cost.
Top Coats,
Rain Coats,
And this backed by Glasgow's world famous guarantee, "No
Fit, ITo Pay, Is the Glasgow Way." And of course,
we have them at higher prices, ranging from $18 to $35.
As to styles, both Single and Double Breasted Sack Coats
will be "in it" this fall, made in either three or four button
styles, with vent at either center or side seams and with cor
ners only slightly rounded on the single breasted style. The
most radical change is in the length. All coats will be longer.
In Trousers either full or one-half peg top are right.
However, by coming here for your clothes you may have
them made in any style to suit your own little whims. I will
indeed appreciate your order for a Suit, Overcoat, Rain Coat,
Top Coat, or pair of Trousers.
Respectfully, H. B. FEIT,
Manager Tionesta Branch.
Glasaow Woolen Mills Co.,
110 8tm. OIL CITY, PA.
Confioing our line strictly to the Hard
ware cosiness we are prepared at no others
in the community to supply your every Deed
in that line. If it's a
Move, Itange, Stove Pipe,
Kitchen Ware,
or a ything in Supplies for
Luuibernieii, Mechanics or
we baye it in stock.
Blacksmitbing and vehicle repairing
while you wiit
Call and look us nver. We can fit you out
at moderate cost. We can also "tel you
right" in anythink in the line of a ...
Wagon or Buggy.
mne Deposits Solicited. Will
A. Watmr Cook,
A. B.
Dl 11
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Wheelor,
Collections ramittod for on day of pnymont at low rates. We promise our custom
era all tbe benefits coimlstent with conservative banking. Interest paid on time
deposlta. Tour patronage reHpectfully solicited.
To Cure a Cold in Oine Day
Dressers of
Made to
pay Four Per Cent, per Annum
koto rh
Wm. Smbarbaugh,
Vice President
O. W. Robinson, Wm. Bmearbaugh,
T. F. Rltnhev, J. T. Dalo. . J. H.Kellv.
Cures Crip
b Two Days.
oa everv
yrmn box. 25c.