The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 16, 1905, Image 2

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i. C. WCNK.
Editor 4 Proprietor.
ltenubliean TIeket.
State Treasurer,
Supreme Court Justice,
Superior Court Judge,
Assoeiatc Judge,
Prothonotary, dc,
Count; Commissioners,
A uditors,
Jury Commissioner,
THKpricoof cocktails at Portsmouth
has been raised to 25 cents, which shows
that peace may be a costly thing after all.
Purdue Umvkrsity, In Indiana, is
up to date. It offers a course in automo
biling. It A., Bachelor of Automobiles,
should prove a popular degree.
If Mr. Morgan In going to make a loan
to the Russians, it is to lie hoped be will
not bear down in the deal as hard as he
did upon po:r Mr. Cleveland when he
rallied and saved the credit of the United
States in a time of profound peace.
John D. Rockefeller might contrib
ute to the fame that Jack built by fur
nishing the oil that will kill tho egg, that
was laid by the moscjiiito, that carried the
germ, that poisoned the blood of the man
that was bitten by the mosquito, that
thrived in the pool that the rains built.
Bear Admiral Evans declares that
our navy is not stroi'g enough to meet
any of the tirst-class powers. Congress
will not be doing its duty unless it shall
provide more and better battleships at
the earliest possible date, says an ex
change. In the meantime we're all red
hot for peace.
It costs money to be a gentleman farm
er. A Boston man who has an estate In
Maine keeps a tine herd of Jersey cows.
He had a party of city friends at dinner
recently. At the table he said to them :
"Gentlemen, there is champagne and
there is Jersey milk ; you can take your
choice; they cost me just the same."
The day before yesterday the peace
outlook was gloomy; yesterday it was
bright, and to-day it may be expected to
strike another bank of gloom. All this
is speculation, the outcome of guessing
the mental temperature of the envoys,
but it is interesting and will continue to
be uutil something definite is known.
The Democratic State Convention re
convenes to-day in Harrisburg for the
purpose of nominating a candidate for
Supreme Judge, and it is said they will
endorse Judge Stewart, the Republican
candidate. For that matter they might
as well pull down their ticket and en
dorse all the other Republican nominees,
bo far as ultimate results would be con
cerned. OrjR old friend Wu Ting-Fang is said
to b the man behind the curtains pull
ing the strings of the Chinese boycott
Doubtless he is doing it all In a celestially
friendly wsy, with his halitual smile of
benevolence in good working order, and
not needing any repairs. But what a
shock to us here in America who ad
mired Wu so much, to know that he is
treating us so. Did he learn this sort of
cuteness while he was traveling around
in the United States, making commence
ment addresses to sweet girl graduates?
Kansas is proud of its corn crop. New
stories are printed in the State papers
daily to show its wonders. Here is a
little fable from a Kansas City paper: "I
nover would have believed that Kansas
was so heavily timbered," said an East
eruer who was riding through the State
on a Santa Fe train the other day,
"Guess you all bettan look agin, boss,"
said the porter as he glanced out of the
window. "That's cawn, an' you all's got
about a hundred miles of it to go
Adulterated Ilrnn a Dangerous Feed.
The press bulletin of the experiment
station connected with the State College
contains this warning to those having 00
casion to buy feed lor all kinds of live
stock :
The Station has recently examined a
sample of bran submitted by a Westmore
land county farmer with a statement that
cattle refuse it and when they do eat it
are purged, and that hogs eating it sicken
and die, one farmer in that county hav
Ing lost six hogs in this way. Upon ex
amination the bran was found to contain
rice hulls.
These hulls, produced abundantly as a
waste from the rice milling industry, dif
for from tho hulls ol barley, wheat, ryo
and oats because of the fact that they con
tain sharp particles of silica. Theso are
extremely irritating to the mucous lining
ol the digestive tract ot the animals eatiug
the bulls. The irritation produced is so
intense that many animals are sickened
and often killed hoeniiso ol this action of
tho rice hulls. Hogs and heifers have
buen especially injured where attempts
have been in Bile in the Southern States to
feed this product and the experience in
that locality has shown these hulls to be
an absolutely daugerous ingredient of
stock food.
Rice hulls have been found in western
samples of wheat bran sold In New Eng
land and in the Middle West, but this is
the first case, to the writer's knowledge,
In which the adulterant has appeared in
Pennsylvania. The samplo in question
showed large particles of yellow hulls
that wore readily detectable upon a care
ful examination of the bran by the un
aided eye. With a low power lens the
outside surface of the hull is seen to be
marked by fine parallel lines covering
the whole surface quite uniformly and
extending parallel to the long axis of the
hull. Tui appearmice is quite different
from that shown by bsrlcy and oat hulls.
OwIiir to the extremely dangerous 1 h-r-aetcr
of this adulterant, buyers should
be especially on their guard against it.
Cream of the News.
Some people mistake putiruce for
Melons and cantaloupes of the Hurst
varieties at the Wuite Star Grocery. It
Most men w ho pay as they go aie
very slow travelers.
Not too late yet to take on a nice
straw hat since you can get one at about
your own figures at Hopkins' store. U
No man with a t.irpid liver can be
a successful optimist.
Table Queen bread, best In tho world,
at the Whlta Star Grocery. Try our
cakes. It
Every man who is nearing the end of
bis days must regret the worry he has
given to false alarms all through lite.
The hot weather is still on and INble
to be lor another mouth. Get a uice ham
mock at Hopkins' for a little money and
take com furt. It
A woman isn't hall as crazy tt go
away in the summer as she is to lave her
neighbors not be able to.
Sau-Cura Ointment Is autiseptio and
healing, pleasant to use and does not soil
the clothing. Wash with Sau-Cura Soap,
25c eaoh. All druggists. tf
Society people make as much fuss
about getting married as theatrical people
do in getting divorced.
Sick headache results from a disor
dered stomach and is quickly cured by
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets. For sale by Dunn & Fulton. tf
The louder a man hnlleis about bis
honesty the lower are the whispers of
other people about it.
For the benefit of those desiring to
attend the State Convention of ti.e Pro
hibition party, to be held at Williamsport,
Pa., August 22 and 23, the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will sell excursion
tickets to Williamsport Irom all stations
on its lines in the State of Pennsylvania,
August 21 and 22, good returning until
August 25, inclusive, at rate of single tare
for the round trip. It
Every man would probably be satis
fied with his lot if it wasn't for some oth
er fellow's.
OrnfiiritM Cannot lie i'urrd
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the car.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is iiv constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an intlauiPd con
dition of th mucous lining of the Eu
stachian Tube. When this Hi lie gets in
flamed rou have a rumbling sound or
miieriect hearing, and when it is entire
ly closed deainess is the resuit, and un-
ess the liitlamation can be taken out and
this tube restored to its normal condition
hearing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused liv catarrh.
which is nothing but an intlamod condi
tion of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by liall s l aturrn
Cure. Send for circulars, freo.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Fine More Property for Sale.
Other business attractions have induced
me to offer for sale my present place of
business, located in the heart of a splen
did aud prosperous farm ing community,
one mile north of Lickingville, Clarion
county. A three-story building, first
story is ol brick, cement basement and
plastered throughont; size of building
30x50, with dwelling attached. Also
barn, ice house, garner and other out
buildings, with six acres of land under
good cultivation. Also entire stock of
geueial merchandise. I will sell this
very cheap to a quick buyer. Natural
gas for beat and light. Telephone in
store. For terms, etc., call on or write
C. W. Sia worth, Lickingville, Pa.
Tho Secret of Siucress.
Forty million bottles of August Flower
sold in the United States alone since its
introduction! And the demand for it is
still growing. Isn't that a line showing
of success? Don't it prove that August
Flower has bad unfailing success in the
cure of indigestion and dyspepsia the
two greatost enemies of health and hap
piness? Does it not aftord the best evi
dence that August Flower is a sure spe
cific for all stomach and intestinal disor
ders? that it has proved itself the best of
all liver regulators? August Flower has
a matchless recotd of over ttnrty-tive
years in curing the ailing millions of
these distressing complaints s success
that is becoming wider in its scope every
day, al borne ami abroad, as the fame of
August Flower spreads. Trial bottles,
Its1; regular sizo, 7e. For sale by Dunu
ib Fulton.
When I went into the Drug Store on
crutches I had little faith in Barosma.
Thanks to Thompson's Rarosma I have
not used my crutches for two years, Sinco
I was eighteen years old I bad been
troubled with rheumatism. After taking
six bottles of Thompson's Rarosma, Kid
ney and Back Acho Cure I was cured,
anil feel well and vigorous enough to
work every day, wbicli I had not been
able to do for ten years. I am glad to
bear testimony to the wonderful cure
Thompson's Barosma made in me, regu
lating and strengthening my system. It
is a wonderful remedy. J. N. Dunn,
Troy (.'enter, Pa. tf
NulhiiiK on Hie Mnrket I'm 11 11 1 In Inuiilirr
liiin's Colli-, (iiuli-rn 11 nil Diurrlim ii
This fact is well known to druggists
everywhere, aud nine out of tou will give
their customers Ibis preparation when the
best is asked fur. Mr. Obo Wituier, a
prominent druggist of Juplin, Mo., in a
circular to his customers, says: "There
is nothing on the market In the way of
patent medicine which enuals Chamber
Iain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea R11111
edv for bowel coiiiiilainls. Wo sell ami
reciiiiinienil this iirniiaration." Fur sale
by Dunn it Fulton.
a ;iakanti:ei itrk kou imi.ks.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles. Druggists refund monoy il Pa.o
Ointment fails to cure any cao, no mat
ter of how long standing, in H to 14 days.
First application gives ease and rest. 50c.
Ifvour driiL'irist haHii't it send 50o in
stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid
by the Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo
A little forethought may save you 110
end of trouble. Anyone who makes it a
rule to keep Clmmberlaiu'a Colic, Cholera
aud Diarrbooa Remedy at band knows
this to be a act. For sale by Diuin it
republican! For Personal RenlstraVcn
and Other Popular Measures.
Tho Coitinittco of Tuvn'.-mic lead
Ins business men, bankets, lawyers
and other men of n fairs cf tho Quaker
City, all members cf tho faauiua Union
League, who soeU reform within tho
Republican party, aro being compli
mented by Republicans generally for
their success in bringing 'about tho
action of tho Republican city commit
tee in appointing a committee to peek
to put an entirely new ticket of emi
nently acceptable Republican candi
dates In the field in Philadelphia and
tho pledging of the party organization
to personal registration for the cities
and for ballot reform and othor meas
ures demanded by the people.
Republicans who believo In their
party strongly protest against the ac
tions of those who strive to niako
political capital against tho Republi
can party in the state out of conditions
In the Quaker City. On this point the
Philadelphia Inquirer, anions otUer
things, says:
"If there, has been crime committed
against tho people of Philadelphia the
people will demand punishment and
punishment will come. No right-minded
citizen of any party or political
organization would for a moment
shield a criminal or a criminal con
spiracy or a criminal organization, po
litical or otherwise. Certainly the
great Republican party of Philadel
phia and Pennsylvania and hundreds
of thousands of voters compose it Is
not the defender of wrons-uoirtg.
"To what extent tho newspaper
charges ere true whether the crimes
that have been alleged are largely
Imaginative or are based upon fact
we do njit know. Th'j courts will de
cide that should there bo trials. But
even were they blacker than have been
Tainted, v hat Argument would that be
for smashing the great Republican
party of Pennsylvania? What have the
hundreds of thousands of Republican
citizens to do with the acts of indi
viduals? "A year ago the whole co-tarry was
ringing with exposures cf crimes in
tho postofTice department at Washing
ton. Republican officials were the
thieves. Democratic newspapers and
orators held tfcee rrir.tes up as a
reason why tho rtepuMicn party
should be defeated. Judge Parker led
the assault. 'Turn the Republican
party out and all would be well.' That
was the campaign cry. Cut the people
revised to hold the Republican party
responsible for the pilferings of Indi
viduals. "Today there are scandals in the
agricultural departn-eut. A sweeping
Investigation will be made. Rut are
the Republican peep'.e of the United
States going to hold thomrlve3 re
sponsible for what a few persons have
been doing?
"Why, then, is the Republican party
of Pennsylvania to be slaughtered lie
cause of Rn Investigation in Philadel
phia? "That is what the Committee of
Twenty-one. members of the Union
League, went to know, and we think
they have the right of It.
"They bc!ive that the Republican
party is quite big enough to do all the
reforming that is necessary. With vot
ing lists pureed of bogus names, with
the promise of a personal registration
law on tho statute beoks, with an elec
tion in November that will be per
fectly .honest, with a Republican city
ticket to be made up of namea uncon
nected with politics in other words,
with reforms instituted by the Repub
lican party Itself they seee no reason
why the hundreds of thousands of
honest, upright Republican voters of
Philadelphia and Pennsylvania should
rut the throat of their own party.
"And there is no reason."
Prediction From Plummer's Home.
In commenting upon certain news
paper reports that have been printed in
Democratic papers affecting tho Repub
lican candidate for state treasurer, Ed
itor W. II. Schwartz, of the Altoona
Tribune, says: "The Tribune wishes
to remark that for some months past
some small creature, supposed to live
In this county, has from time to time
been sending out telegrams to certain
eastern newspapers Interested In trie
downfall of the Republican party, all
of which are pure inventions, and all
of which are intended to convey the
Impression to distant readers that Hon.
J. Lee Plunimer, Republican nominee
for state treasurer, Is unpopular in
his home county. In previous elec
tions when Mr. Plummer was a candi
date for the suffrages of his fellow cit
izens he always received a very com
plimentary vote. Tho Tribune, which
Is seldom mistaken concerning political
results, now wiahea to place on record
the prediction that Il'.air county will
give Mr. Plummer at the nxt election
the largest majority ever given a can
didate in an off year."
Thry AiMnl to Our yiiiiiiiliic.
The bilious and dyspeptic are constant
sutlerers and anpea! to our sympathies.
There is not one of them, however, who
nr y nut be brought I ui'k to health and
happiness by tlxi use of Chmhcr!ain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. These tab
lets invigorate the stomach and liver and
strengthen the digcMb 11 They also reg
ulato Iho bowels. For sale by Dunu &
Fall term of 15 weeks begins Septem
ber 1 ltd. The labilities at this important
school fordoing lirst-cla-s work, profess
ional and academic, wore never better
than now. Its graduates aro required to
d" a lull year's leaehing in the training
srhiiiil. lis faculty lias the best, Ameri
can anil l''.uroiean training. Buildings
modern. Col lege preparatory ncpart
meiil. Locution inn xceib d. Fine gym
nasium. Expenses moderate. Fn o tui
tion to prospective teac hers. Address for
illustrated catalogue, tho Principal.
Phiiiofnitc Instnictiwi
Well known to the people of this vicinity,
will di voto one day m earh week, Tues
day, to his class in '1 miiesia, at linvsril's
Hall, where patrons can w him as to
terms, etc. :im
ri I l:'o Colic. Cholera nml
LUdllluci laiu a liiurrWa
Never fails. Uuy it uow.
11 may suvc life.
Floury sack 1.50 1.75
lluekn heal Hour. lb .Hi
Com meal, feed, t 100 lb ;..l.25(Kil..S0
Corn mcai, family, W 100 lb l.tMfci 2 00
('Imp food, pure grain ($1.30
Oats At
Corn, shelled (11 70
ISouns busliol 2.7."
Ham, sugar cured .15
Itaeon, sugar cured .H
Shoulders .13
Salt Pork, lb 121
Whitetish kit flOditiO
Sugar 0.1(.07
Svrup IWitji .fit)
N. O. Molasses 35$ .50
Cottoo, Roast Rio 16
Oitl'oe, blended Java .25
Tea B5t .50
Hutter 1.1(a). 18
Rice 05(a).0
Eggs, fresh
Salt W barrel 1.25
Lard 12
Potatoes, bushel 00
Potatoes, sweet, p lb .21
Liino barrel 1.25
Nails t keg 2.75
Wool 20(ij)22
ro aAtNi)i cab y sine sycA
A S0N3, PITTS rttGfc-PA.
The Road Commissioners of Howe
Township, Forest Co., Pa., will receive
bids for building a public road com
niouciuif at a point about one-half mile
below Iron City, on the Blue Jay and
Frost or Pigeon public road, running
parallel with the Blue Jay Creek, Howe
Town-hip, Forest C., Pa.; thence up
along ami parallel with Cooper Run to
the Kig Level road near Watson Farm,
as shown on the return of survey made
by 1). W. Clark, artist, aud approved and
ordered opened by the court, subject to
approval of the court ol a recent view and
report of part ol said view.
Specifications are al the following places
for the information of bidders: Oue copy
at Bluo Jay Supply Co. store iu charge of
.lames Campbell, Town Clerk ol Uowe
Township, Pa., to whom all bids are to
he delivered on or before noon, Saturday,
Aug. 10, r.KJ.1. One copy at Piueon P. O.
Oue copy at Brookstou P. O. One copy
at Truman P.O. One copy at Mayburg
in chargo of Rev. Win. Richards." One
copv at Marienville, Kevstone Hotel.
Bv order of Road Commissioners of
Howe Township, Pa.
J. J. Haiobt.
Dave Frost.
B. P. Anderson
J as. Cami-hkm,, Clerk.
Lynch, Pa., Aug. 7, l'.KJo.
Service of Writ of Foreign
A. Sperry vs. Ward C. Oille and Albert
P.. Mi-Keen, partners doing business
under the lirtu name and style of Oille
iY Ale Keen.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Forest
County, .Ao. h September icrm, 100.1.
A Writ of Foreign Attachment iu the
above entitled case having been issued
May 2tith, 1005, to the Sherill of Forest
Count v. retui liable to (lie Fourth Moil
day of September, 1!K)5, the Plaintiff, by
his attorneys, suggests to 1 be Court that
the oel'iulants are ttie owners or have an
interest in certain real estate situate In
Foret County, Pennsylvania, but do not
lesKie wiluin Hie Mate ol t'ennsvlvauia,
but residf. at North Tonawaiida, State of
ew 1 nrk, and further says and suggosts
ihsi there in no one in possession of the
said real estate, in Forest Counlv. There
fore pluintill inoves the Court for an or
tier (in 1 rtiiig the Sheriff to serve the said
writ b publication agreeably to the Act
of Assembly iu such cases made aud pro
A.C. Drown, Plaintiff's Attorney,
OK I) Fit.
Am) now, June 22, 1005, the within mo-
lion is granted, and it is ordered that the
Sheriff of Forest County cause to be pub
lished notice ol the sanl writ on Ward u,
(Ji.leaml Albert K. McKeen, by publica
tion in the Forest Repuhmcan, a week
ly newspaper published at Tionesta, For
est County, Fa., tor six weeks In success
inn, and in tho Warren Mail, a weekly
newspaper published at Warren, Warren
Couuty, l a., tor six weeks iu succession
By tub Court.
Abstract of the Record.
To Geo. H'. Xoblit, Sheriff, Greeting:
We command you that yon attach Ward
C Oille and Albert K. McKeen, late of
your (."limy, hy all and singular their
goods and chattels, lands and tenements,
in whose hands or possession soever the
same may be, so that they be and appear
before our Court ot Common Pleas to be
hidden at Tionesta, in and for said Conn
ty, on tho Fourih Monday of September
next, then to answer A. Sperry of a plea
ot Assumpsit, and have you then and
there tins writ.
Witness the Hon. W. M. Linosky,
President Judge ol our Court", at T10
nesta. this 2tith dav of May, 1005.
J. 0. Ukist, Prol Uouotary.
To Ward C. Oille and Albert K. McKeen,
noil-residents of the State of Pennsyl
You are hereby notified to appear and
answer the above writ at tue time and
place aliovo named as jou may deem
jio-tit. Geo. W,, Sheriff.
The Dr. Greene Treat
ment for Nervous
and Chronic Diseases
Hears the slump of Absolute and Genuine
Worth, conceived aud founded in the true
system of cure, it is as imperishable as
truth itsplf, as accurate in curative results
as a Qxed science, a Wondrous Blessing
to the Sick and Ailing. It has endured
the test of times and been tried in the
crucible of experience. Oeneration after
generation ot Dr. Greenes have restored
health to the suffering by these marvelous
medicines, adapting, organizing aud per
feeling the treatment through long years
ol enormous practical experience among
the sick, oy grandialher, lather and son,
until to-ilay tho third generation ot Dr.
Greenes Is giving to tho wot Id an even
more successful practice, a surer aud
more positive means of cure than has
ever heretofore been placed hetore the
depressed, weakened and discouraged
victims ot chronic complaints.
are I he proprietors ol t hat most marvelous
of all remislins fur the Nerves and Blood,
All are privileged to consult Dr. Greene,
personally or bv mail, entirely free. Dr.
(ireene himself attends to all who call aud
answers all loiters in prison.
OiTxe, 101 Fifth Avenue, New York
Orltrhiiii and Onlv Uraulne
HAKE. V'ikHiiII, ,i die, a.k DruMlrt
(or til H it Oi hivN f.Xt.L.IHti
In KI'll "i melalllo txnca. rl.t
widi Hurht 11. ThLp no other. HVfu
ltlireroiia Nuhatltutlon ud lmlt
lion. H'l? of tour OiukkiU, or Mini 4e. im
ptkiiifa fr lnrtlrulnr. Testimonial
maii " i:fM-r for l.utllr," Ullr, bj ra
turn Mull. I O.OOU rtiinomli. Hobl t.f
all DruH'tf 4 fclt-tetr t'hrssleal t
ir. Maaiaaa aara, rA.
Vou Don't Xccri
To got a view of the bar
gains we are ofTtiring in
White Wash Jool,
ladles' Night Csowm,
Corset Covers,
Drawers, Ac.
Ciol comfortable clothing is a tie
cessity for those who wish to do busi
ness this weather, inure lb n bait
the heat prostrations come from cloth
ing uot the weight and kind lor the
Light Weight Skeleton Coats, Coats
and Vests, or Coats and Trousers.
Light Coats, 50c to $5.
Light Coat'' and Vests, f 2 50 to $8.
Handsome two niece Suits f that's
Coats and Trousers) reduced. Were
$12 and 822, now to 812.
Kahki Coats and Trousers make a
stylish outing suit for young men,
I'rtce 84.
Cool, comfortable and perfect fit
tine. Knee Drawers or Union Suits, 40
complete lines, 25o to 84 eanueut.
Our Spider Web Lisle at 81 is cool
comfort. Knee or full length drawers
Fred. Grcttenbcrger
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings aud General Blacksmithlng prompt
ly done at Ixw Kates. Repairing Mill
Mai-hinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
Repairs Holler, Stills,
Tanks, Agitators. IIiijs
and Nells Second hand
Boilers, Etc.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End ofSiispeiiuon Bridge,
Third ward, OIL CITY, IM.
To Take Effort July 1st, 1905.
NORTH Eastern Time SOUTH
3 1 !
2 4
p. m
Leave Arrive
p. in. p. in
Ross Run
Newtown Mills
Buck Mills
M ay burg
Blue Jav
Henry's Mill
6 30
6 05
8 00
5 55
1 00 7
12 00 5 45
11 60 5 35
11 40'5 25
11 20 5 15
11 155 10
11 0515 05
10 554 55
10 45 4 45
II) 30i4 35
10 10 4 20
10 00,4 15
1 10 7 5.i
1 ifci 8 IK)
1 45 8 10
1 5(1 8 l."i
1 5."i 8 20
2 10 8 30
2 2f 8 40
2 40 8 50
3 05 9 05
3 15,9 20
p.nia. m
Arrive Leave
Promptly olillnl, or FCE RETURNED.
THE LOWEST. Bund iiunM, photo or HkttU'h fur
FXMrt KcHn-h And froo rvHirt on pntrnlAhillty.
INFRINGEMENT Mill colulllc'liil iK-forn All
oiirlN. 1'ntrnlji ohtAlntd Oirouirli ns, A OVER.
SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quh'kly oMalnal.
Opposite U. S. Patent Office,
Tcke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ?
Seyen Million boxes sold In past 12 months. ThlS Signature,
Since the Glasgow Woolen Mills
Co. openctl their store in Oil City the
people of Tionesta have been very
generous with their patronage, enough
so in fact to warrant our starting an
agency in Tionesta.
Mr. II. 13. Feit will represent us in
your town. He will have a full line
of our samples and will be pleased to
have you call on him and look them
over, in the Lanson building, next to
White Star Grocery.
You may look through the entire
line and never rind a doubtful style or
pattern. Don't take anything that is
offered, when you can buy the best to
be had and at a moderate price.
Top Coats,
Rain Coats,
Glasaow Woolen Mills Co.,
H. B. Feit, Agent.
Confining our line strictly to the Hard
ware business we are prepared as do others
in the community to supply your every need
in that line, If it's a
Move, It u ii ge, Stove Pipe,
Kitchen Ware,
or a ything in .Supplies for
Lumbermen, ilIeehuuicN or
i we baye it in stock.
BUckstnithing aud vehicle repairing
while you wait
Call and look us over. We can fit you out
at moderate cost. We can also "tet you
right" in anythink iu the line of a . . .
Wagon or Buggy.
Time DcpottltH Solicited. Will pay Four Per Cent, per Annum
A. Watns Cooe,
A. U. Kelly.
di motors
A. Wayne Oonk,
N. P. Whoeler,
Collections romittod for on day of pnymont at low ratos. We promise otir custom
era all the botiolitu oonslntent with consiirvative banking. Interost paid on time
deposits. Your patronage respectfully Hollcltod.
v a uiisri wuq sjay raVs.
Made to
Wm. Smrarracoh,
Vice President
O. W. Uohinson, Win. Hinnarbaugb,
.T. F. RiUihev. J. T. Dale. J. II. Kellv.
Vi J, a
on everv
yrznrt box. 25c.