The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 12, 1905, Image 5

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Smart & Silberbere
Further and Final Con
cessions on Prices
. of the Balance of this Season's
There's uotliinn suggestive of a "Patti Farewell" iu the "Final
Concessit na" which go into efloct ua Woolen Tailored S iita
lor YVomeu. Hail they beeu less dntslric, it might out have
boon advisable to bar tho door against further reductions, sen
iii); I hat a clean sweep must be effected. But with the uew
priced dow in force an
Absolute Clearing is a Practical Certainty
Tho eutire balanco of Tailored and Sumi-Tailored Suits for
uierly ranging from $13 50 to $25 00 will now he grouped uo
der two price-heads aud thus o He red :
All $13.50 and $15.00 Suits are now $7.50.
This group comprises a diversity of this season's most popular
hlous, Eton aud short coat models, materials including small
plaids in tan or gray and plain colored Panamas and Cheviots.
All $22.50 and $25.00 Suits are now $10.00
This collection, we venture to say, gives choice of the best
styles and materials ever associated with productions at thai
price Models include the newest blouse, Eton, short tight or
semi fitted styles of fine Panamas and clay serges in black,
navy, brown or green ai well as rmall checks aud mannish
Pongee, Linen and Silk Shirt Waist Suits,
Black Silk Coats and Black Silk Waists.
Our own and manufacturers' surplus Iota at templing con
cessions from regular prices.
Are just as near the
Oil City Trust Company
Building as you are the Tost Office. Mail
us any business you may have and note how
promptly you hear from it.
Capital and Surplus, $600,000.00.
MeauiuK of Some Old Words.
Muny words once wrlttcu with dlg
nllHil motive now cause us to read
passages of standard literature with a
gulfuw. Tho word "Imp" was once a
term of high honor, but bow now
sounds tlie line from Spenser, "Ye sa
cred imps Unit on l'liriinsso dwell?"
Over ninny u grave of the old French
nobles may bo read the line, "Here lies
that noble Imp." A sacred poem, wrlt
tcu by (jriiscolgne three centuries ago,
begins n stately address to the poster
ity of Abraham with tho words, "O
Abraham's brats," brat being then a
word of stately meaning. Opening an
lid dictionary nt random one day, my
eye happened to fall on the word
"tragedy." A note explained that It
conies from n (Jreek word which means
"a goat song," because the oldest trag
edies were exhibited when a goat was
Kacrftlced or given us a prize to the
1ksJ actor. The word "Infant" means
literally "not speaking." Have you a
pug dog? Ild you ever think his face
looks like that of a monkey? The
monkey he niont resembles Is the pug
monkey, which gets Its name from
l'ug or Tuck, as Shakespeare writes,
the sprite of mischief. London Queen.
lllritHilp Slscnaturr.
"Among a lot of letters I received In
nimwer to rn advertisement," said a
business iiinii, "there was one that in
clined me toward Its writer, except
tlmt I couldn't read the signature.
Every word In the body of the letter
was clear, but the signature was Il
legible. I don't know how many peo
ple there m-c who write plainly enough
milil they come to write their own
11:11111- and then write tlmt blindly. I
Kiipp'iso It l more from force of habit
tliiiu anything else, tor they may be
otherwise the mo-t careful people in
tho world.
"Every man should write his signa
ture w;ti perfect distinctness, so that
It can be rt-ad en:uly and without uils-
take by those unfamiliar with It, and
nlso as a mark of his own care and
"One letter that I received, Its body
written, had Irs signature put on with
a hand stamp. I didn't know just
what to think of tlil-t. but It had nt
Jenst the merit of perfect plainness."
Washington I'ost.
Eronomr of Hrat mud IICHllk.
The average humidity In artificially
heated houses Is about 30 degrees; the
average tempernture, 70 to 74 degrees.
It has been found by concluMre testa
that a room with a humidity of 00
degrees and a temperature of 05 de
grees seems warmer and more com
fortable than n room, of 72 degrees of
heat and humidity of 30 degrees. Dr.
Henry M. Hinllh says that If a room at
(VS degrees Is not warm enough for any
healthy person It Is because the humid
ity Is too low, and water should be
evaporated to bring the moisture up to
the right degree. Iu other words, wa
ter Instead of coal should be used to
make rooms comfortable when the
temperature lias reached 08 degrees.
As water Is cheaper than coal, the rule
should become a popular one. Chicago
A rivrrr Retort.
Sir William Eraser records a elerer
retort made by Ird Adolphus Fit
Clarence when In France In attendance
on the English queen. He met the
l'rlnco do Jolnvlllc, who, ns a French
admiral, professed to he patriotically
bellicose toward England In particular.
He said to Lord Adolphus In a friendly
maimer: "You, my lord, aud I are
seamen. I have had but one dream In
life to command n smart French frig
ate and to lay my own alongside of an
English ship of the same strength for
twenty minutes." I-ord Adolphus re
plied in a perfect spirit of courtesy,
"I think, sir, that ten would be enough."
ftfuvlnv Brail.
Almost all hack saws or Jig saws
will cut soft brass very well. The
teeth must be very line and some Judg
ment employed In their use. The Jig
fr.wa are extremely light, not larger
than a small wire, and must De used
In n spring frame that will bold them
tight so that they will not double up.
Jewelers' saws will be needed for
spring brass.
At the Uak.
A New Yorker was visiting In Boa
ton. Hcclng a parrot In a cage, be
"I toes Polly want a cracker?"
"I require no sustenance from you
whutever," replied the Back Bay bird,
with hauteur. Yonkera Htatesinan.
American Banker In Cuba Held aa
Hostage Jntil Sum "Was Paid.
Santiago de Cuba, July 11. Julian
Cendoya, a wealthy American banket
and agent of the Ward line, while din
ing with his family Sunday night nt
his home across the bay was attacked
by eight bandits who covered the mem
bers of the family with firearms and
searched the house.
The bandits presented a written de?
mnnd for $30,000 and seized Mr. Cen
doya as a hostage until the amount
should bo paid. After parleying Mr.
Cendoya agreed to pay $2,000 and the
bandits withdrew. Yesterday morn
ing Mr. Cendoya came to the city and
secured the money which he turned
over to the bandits at a rendezvous In
the bay.
According to reports the bandits are
all Spaniards and desperate looking
One of them has been recognized as a
bent man who was formerly engaged
In the work of salvage on Admiral Cer
vera's battleships.
Mr. Cendoya has demanded tho pro
tcctlon of the Cuban government ai
well as that of the American consul,
Rose E. Holnday. His family Is pros
trated. Rural guards are pursuing the out
8at Down on the Track to Be Killed
Clifton Springs, N. Y., July 11.
Walter P. Smith, a resident of New
Brunswick, N. J., and connected wltb
the Metropolitan Life Insurance com
pany, committed suicide hero. Aftei
waiting for the approach of a New
York Central train at a crossing he
sat down on the rails when the locomo
tive was but a few feet away and wai
Instantly cut to . pieces. Mr. Smltt
came here about a week ago for treat
ment at the sanitarium.
Fast Motor Boat Designed.
Ogdensburg, July 11. A twin-screw
motor boat designed to be the fastest
ever constructed Is being built hert
for H. J. Lclghton and A. T. Brown ol
Syracuse for world's championship
honors. The boat is a 40-footer, wltt
a Canadian cedar hull, and a 75-horse
power gasoline engine, and Is expect
ed to develop a speed of over 30 niilet
an hour.
New York Provision Market.
New York, July 10
WHEAT No. 2 red, $1.0(
f. o. h. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth,
CORN No. 2 corn, C34c f. o. b
afloat; No. 2 yellow. C4c.
OATS Mixed oata, 20 to 32 lbs.
353Cc; clipped white, 3C to 4(
lbs., 38404e.
HAY Shipping, C0C5c; goo4
to choice', 75 (g 80c.
PORK Mess, $13.5014.25; fam
lly, per bbl., $15.C0 16.00.
BUTTER Creamery, extra, 204
21c; common to extra, 17(?r20Vic;
state dairy, common to extra, 15 5
CHEESE Stato full cream, smal
choice, 9V4c
EOC8 State and Pennsylvania
22 23c.
POTATOES Long Island, $1.30
1.31; southern, 78c$1.25.
Buffalo Provision Market.
Buffalo, July 10.
WHEAT No. 1 northern In store,
$1.144 ; No. 2 red, $1.05.
CORN No. 2 corn, Clc f. o. b
afloat; No. 2 yellow. 62c.
OATS No. 2 white, 3714C f
o b. afloat; No. 3 white, 3Gc.
FLOUR Fancy blended patent,
per bbl., $G.257.00; winter family,
patent, $3.5506.30.
BUTTER Creamery western, ex1
tra, 21c; state and Pennsylvania
creamery, 20c; dairy, choice td
fancy, 1819c.
EGGS Selected, fancy, 1920c.
POTATOES Southern new, pti
bbl., $1.001.60.
East Buffalo Live Stock Market
' CATTLE Best steers on sale, $6.0(
CfO.25; fair to good butcher steers,
$4.25 4.85; medium half-fat steers
$3.904.25; common to fair heifers.
$3.254.25; good to choice heifers,
$4.505.OO; good butcher bulls, $3.?!
3.50; choice to extra veals, $7.25
7.50; medium to good, $G.507.00
spring lambs, $8.509.00; yearlings.
choice, $7.007.50; handy wethers.
$6.25(51C.40; mixed sheep, $5.255.75
HOOS Mixed packers' grades.
$6.05(5 0.10; medium hogs, $6.006.10;
pigs, light, $G.106.20.
Buffalo Hay Market.
HAY Choice, $13.00; No. 1,
$12.60; No. 2, $12.00; No. a. $9.00(3
Little Falls Cheese Market.
Utlca, July 10.
On the Little Falls dairy market to
day the sales of cheese were:
Large colored, 2 lots of 215 boxes at
9c; small colored, 31 lots of 2,885
boxes at 9c; small white. 23 lots of
2,095 boxes at 9c; twins colored, 12
lets of ,)()8 boxes at 9c; twins white,
18 lots of 1.30G boxes ut 9c.
Utica Cheese Market.
Utica, July 10.
On the Utica dairy market today the
sales were:
Large white, 8 lots of 001 boxes at
8c; large colored, 17 lots of 1,322
boxes at 8c; small white, 14 lots of
1,173 boxes nt 9c; small colored, "8
lots of 5,942 boxes at 9c.
BITTER Forty-ono packages of
creamery sold at 20M-C; 8 packages at
21c; 25 packages nt 21'i.c and 3t
;rates of one-pound prints at 21 Uc
My wife's health wos greatly im
proved by taking Thompson's Bnrosms.
She has gained in weight and Hint yellow
tint to her skin has been replaced by a
fresher and beKltblor color. E. O. Owen,
Troy Centre, Pa. All druggists, 50o ami
11. x. 11
Tor Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Democrats-Always Seek Encourage
ment In "Off-Year" (ampalgns.
Party In Pennsylvania Must Line Up
Wltn the President for Coming Con
gressional Contests.
Spnclal Correspondence.
Harrisburg. July 11.
Republican of Pennsylvania are go
ing to "stand pat"
They are going to line up again with
President Roosevelt and show him that
be has their full confidence and sup
port. Within tho last 24 hours the chair
men of tho Republican county commit
tees throughout Pennsylvania have re
ceived communications from Chair
man Wosley R. Andrewa. of the Re
publican State committee, warning
them of the danger that lies In over
confidence and seeking to Impress
upon them tho Importance of perfect
ing the county organizations so aa to
liisure the polling 0 a large Republi
can vote In November next
While It Is not to be expected that
Pennsylvania will, In this "oil year,"
be ablo to repeat the unprecedented
majority of 605,000 given Roosevelt at
the presidential election, Chairman
Andrews Is eager that evory effort
shall bo made to get out a large per
centage of the Republican vote so aa
to keep tho majority under the circum
stances am to the highest possible fig
urcB. That the chairmen and other
members of county committees
throughout the commonwealth Intend
to co-oporato In this laudable work Is
quite manifest from the reports that
are being received from every quarter
of the state.
The Republican organization
throughout Pennsylvania Is harmoni
ous and aggressive and there Is a dis
position shown on every hand to main
tain the prestige and tho Influence of
the Pennsylvania organization In the
party In the nation.
Must Stand By Roosevelt.
' Pennsylvania Is the bulwark of na
tional Republicanism and any falter
ing on the part of Pennsylvania Repub
licans at the coming election which
would result in any material decrease
In the Republican majority would be
tukon as Indicating a lack of Interest
and a lack of sympathy In the great
policies which the Republican national
administration Is fathering and Is en
deavoring to carry out to a successful
President Roosevelt needs the full
support of Pennsylvania Republicans
now bs much as he did when he was a
candidate before tho people for the
presidency. He requires the moral
and substantial backing of the great
Republican state of Pennsylvania In
his magnificent undertakings. The
opponents of the national administra
tion nt home and the Democracy
throughout the union would hail with
delight the news of a great falling off
in the Republican majority In Penn
sylvania next fall and would herald
It as the turning of the tide from Re
publicanism all over the country.
Pennsylvania Republicans are too
patriotic and too loyal to their party to
allow anything of the kind to happen
In November.
They are also too practical from a
buslnous standpoint to permit that to
oct-tir. No state In the union has as
much at stake as Pennsylvania In the
continued success of Republicanism.
Her vast Industrial and manufactur
ing Interests which have thriven un
der the policy of a protective tariff
and which give employment to so
many hundreds of thousands of her
people, and which have added so much
to the wealth and happiness of her
citizens and those of other states, have
been nurtured and developed under
Republican administrations. Their
continued prosperity depends largely
upon the ascendency of the Republican
party In the state and tho nation.
The largo majorities for Republican
candidates In this state which have
been greatly due to tho activity of the
members of the Republican committees
In tho several counties must be again
recorded at tho coming election.
Look Ahead to Congress.
This la essential that tho Democracy
shall not be emboldened to seek ti
make a desperate battle at next year's
highly Important elections. Pennsyl
vania today, with her 31 Republican
members, has the largest Republican
delegation of any state in the union
on the floor of tho National House of
Representatives. This delegation has
been a powerful factor In obtaining
much needed recognition of Pennsyl
nla's interests at 'Washington.
Appropriations of great sums of
money have been secured for the deep
ening of the Delaware channel, which
means tho ultimate completion of a
harbor which will brjng many millions
annually to the port of Philadelphia,
and which will directly and Indirectly
benefit almost every county In the
Improvements on the Monongahela,
Ohio and Allegheny rivers are now un
der way, the appropriations for which
woro ni ado by congress as the result
of tho united efforts of tho entire Penn
sylvanla delegation. It was the snise
Inlluence which secured for tho harbor
of Erie an appropriation which Is des
tlned to muko that one 01 the greatest
harbors on tho great lakes. These and
other special considerations which
como to Pennsylvania are obtained
through the fact that the Republican
voters of Pennsylvania have hold their
party organization solid and compact
and have refused to be deceived hy the
allurements of the men who from time
Endowed find U'iO tor whi--h plosie
Bond me a bollln of fsan-C'iira Ointment.
Sometime Hgo a Iriend sent inn a small
quantity to try and I have been using it
for a variocoso ulcer with bettor results
than I have obtained from any other
preparation. F. A. Holman, Glassboro,
N. .f. San-t'ura Ointment 2"m! and liOo,
Made by Thompson Medical Co., Titits-
Villi', I'll. At all druguixtN. If
Take Laxative Hroiim (.uinine Tablets
All druggists refund tho money if it fails
to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is 011
each box. 23c. o25
to time havo sought to encourage and
support Independent political move
ments to fuse with tho Democracy In
local or personal campaigns.
Next year there will be 32 congress
men to elect In Pennsylvania and the
canvass for these congressional scats
Is already undor way. The Democrats
are eager to have the Republican vote
In this state cut down this fall and are
talking fusion at every opportunity.
They know that they cannot elect
heir nominee for state treasurer this
fall as well as they know anything.
They know also that If by a fusion
campaign for stato treasurer they can
lure Republ leans away from tholr par
ty candidates and their party organiza
tion, or keep them from voting, they
will bo making their Initial advance
toward rapturing several congressional
districts In this state next year. They
are aware of tho fact that some Tit tho
districts which aro now represented
by Republican congressmen were only
carried by the Republicans by small
majorities, and they are looking to
these districts as the battle grounds
for next year's congressional cam
paigning. 1
Tliry want the Republican vote cut
down In those districts this tall, so as
to encourage Democrats to get Into
line for the big prizes to be fought tor
next year.
Republicans of Pennsylvania are de
termined to meet every Issue In tr-o
coming campaign squarely and fnlrly,
nnd they hnve no fear of the outcome
at the polls.
"Is genius hereditary '!" asks a selen
itic Journal.
An editor replies: "We have not time
to Investigate the sub.lect, but we aro
li,,.liM,.,l t, think tlmt It Is. At all
events, our young-dors are wonderfully
All tiie loathsome skin diseases, ecze
ma, pimples, tetter, salt ibeum, and any
skin eruption Ik cured by San-Cura Oint
ment and San-Cura Soap, used according
to directions. Also itching, bleeding or
protruding piles aro cured by washing
with Sau-Cura Soap aud applying iSan
Cura Ointment. 2rmc.1i. All druggists.
( onipoxln- Olmi-rvuiiun I nni.
"Something entirely new has been
placed ou tbe Overland Limited
trains. It is a 'composite observa
tion car. It affords womeu passen
gers an opportunity of enjoyiug the
sceuery with tho Greatest commit aud
free from the fumes of tobacco smoko.
Throughout tbe car there has been
placed a series ot steel arches, which
bind sills and sides together and
strengthen the roof iu a manner which
renders the car almost ludestructible.
Chicago Chronicle. The Overland
Limited leaves Union I'assunger sta
tion, Chicago, 6.05 p. ra. daily. Ar
rives San Francisco the third day in
time for diunor. Route Chicago,
Milwaukee ifc St. Paul Railway, Uu-
ion Pacific and Southern Pacific line
John R. Pott, District Passenger
Agent, Room D, Park Buildiug,
Pittsburg, Pa. aoO
vi.iUtt'ii in tm'ry locality m iu I'luteil M,tu iv uki
fiUliKcrtplioMS for I 1 intra! tnili roniimsflDtn to
(A wliuln it'Hr fur 10 renlMt
116 rv.t A'i'1 rhptiiflt ihonltiljr homt fiutiriiilie In ('if
rorlj, eoiitiimiiitf :U intrM, li Him-lm, il wU't ti-U
rfadinn itifitter ofumtMial inttTit i n every twine.
!.ii'rl pMiiimn.-Mnn tn niu'iitr. Sctnl jxwtnl far I iir
full prtrtiruhir.miH'1 Mtihrnptiii ttUuk honk AT ( 'M 'ii,
ADAMS'S MAGAZINE, 131 W.24th St..N.Y.Clty
Flooring, Siding,
and material for
Window Casings
and Inside Work.
A good supply to select
from always iu stock.
Call on or address
or F. P. AMSLER.
Successor to 8. II. Uaslet's Sous.
Furniture Dealers,
to paint your house
(Tinted Gloss)
than with other paints.
I li rur rrv 1 r f fr r rr
M iuale ot pure mate
rials, spread better, go
farther, look hand
somer, last longer.
Your painter ought
to know it. I f h e
Hnesn't. tell h!n tn nsk
vj his dealer.
John Lucas & Co
Klcc-trio Oil. (Suuruutunl lur
Kbouinali-Hin, tSpiuinx. H'ire
l-'ecl, 1'tuiiH, Ac. At all dealers
Are the most advantageous months ol the year to vimi uiut
store. Wc mean from a money-saving stand point.
All SIIMMPP POODS ot whatever charac
ter are taken out of the shelves
tables and prices put on, j off,
the regular.
Here's an indication of how shelf emptying is done here:
lijo yd fur a lot Figured Lawns and Dimities that wore lOo aud l'iio yd.
81o yard for a lot of pretty Summer Cottons that wore 15c yard; pink,
light blue, navy and bl ick grounds, with small figures.
15c yard for a lot of 25o Cottons, Madras Shirtings, Leno Stripe Lawus,
Imperial Rep aud many othor Faucy Cittons iu iuite a large color selection.
'22c yard for a lot of 35o and 40o Linen Suitings; groon, blue and tan.
2,r)o vard for lot of -10a and 50o Kmliroidorod French Madras; White
Swiss, with woven dot and figure!"; and a Striped Silk Mousscline, a Gray,
a Tan aud a Light llue.
One-half price, the way we're going to clcau up a round dozen "Tub"
Suits. V ittoti Voile, Percale. Liuen Kop, Canvas nnd Giugham. Suits that
sold at t 50, $3 50. $, $8.50 and $10, just half that now.
Ouo half price for a lot of Cloth
which were 815 50, $18, 820. $22 50, 82
Tako your choice from some 15 or
Tho Kind You Havo Always
iu uso for over 30 3'enrs,
fyi'J'', sonnl
Alt Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-gnocl" nro but
Experiments that trillo with ami endanger dm health of
Infants aud Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is n hnrmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It .
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Is'areotio
substance. Its ago In its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Fovcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoju nnd Viud
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Vowels, giving healthy and natural bleep,
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Good Stork, flood Carrlftm and Bufc
fioH tolut upon theinopt reasonublnterniH.
ie will hIho do
All ordors loft nt tho Post Ollloo wil
receive prompt attnntion.
TrtkiriKOlIuot, Mav 2Sth,
No. 30 liullWlo anil PiltHhurg
Express, daily nxvept Bun
day U:53b. in.
No. 32 Oil City and I'iitslnng
10 x rosH, daily S l!l p.m.
No. VXi Oil Oily Awotiiinoda
tion, Sunday only fc.'lO p. m.
For lli'Uoi-y,Tidiiitn,Vnrrn,Klti7.iiH,
Hradlord, Uloau nnd the East :
No. 31 (Mean Exprean, daily.. 7:M n. m.
No. :t:l l'il.tsloirK Express,
daily cxcopl iSiiuday 0:1(1 p. m,
No. V- Warn-ii aoi-oiumoda-
.lion, Sundays only :15 p, in.
For Tiino Tnldps and additional infor
mation consiill. Tii-kct A guilt.
(loimrul Manner. I'lissnnciTTrnHio Mrr.
(ilCil. II. l'.oYI, Knn'l l'nvfii'r
I'fonufurtaJ ustriifi Um
WpII known to the pimple of tliis vicinity,
will dnvoto ona day in each week, Tues
day, to his class in Tionesta, at Hovard's
Llall, where patrons oan'seo him as to
torms, etc. :itn
w w w m -m wm w w w mm
Oriel mil and Unlv Uruul...
tri-;. 4ivr-Mii. i.cdlc. k Hrntrf-1
in KKU ftivl Uold mrtttlla (huh, m-kIM
ith l.lurHtMn. Twite n nthrr. Krfn.
ftfffroiift HubftlltuUona nt lialia.
Ilitna. Uu f yuur lni(iit, t evA Ic. it
pikiuv for l' Him 1 !-, TtMmonU!t
f t ud Ketlef for Ladle-," in Uttir, l.v ro
" kf trim Mull. 1 0.WOtt fSiimiDiftU. Hold by
Wmiim ikta pv. M4Lmb ai miJuA., tLZ
. . ..Li-
and arranged in lots on centre
J off, and in many instances half
Tailored Suits, tho roguliir prices of
- 3 and $:).
18 of those and pay just half that.
Bought, nml which has boca
lias borno tho Kijrnaturo of
has boon iniulo under his icr-
supervision hIiico lis Infancy.
Signature of
Feed & Sale
Fiuo Turnouts at All Times
at Roasouablo Ratos.
ISenr of Hotel Weaver
Telephone No. 20.
M23-,f.VA. . J? iyl -e-V
r.La Franco's
nn.4,.1.1 i -1,-nmmrnMV
Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator
Rnporlor to othor remedied ntlil at hu prlcr.
Cun (timruit'f1. Siit-t'i-mi'iiltv iim-iI hy uvi-r
00,000 U'oiiirii. i3 VniH,!rHir-
filstHor ly muil. Tcullnumttils A lHHkua frfo.
Dr. LaFruuco, i'UUudt lplila, Fa.
Breaks no Hearts, Excuses
no Crimes.
Dr. David Kennedy' FAVOUTTE r.EM
I'DV is not, n disi-uiw d c-m-iuy of Un huinnn
race; whom it cannot, liolp, it does not
liiinn. It is composed of vc(,ct:iUo ingre
ilinnls nnd does not heat or inllamo tho
Mood hut cools and purifies it. In all eases
of Kidney troubles, Liver complaints, Con
stipalioii of the llowels, aud tlio delicate
deran'enionts which nllliet-women, tho ac
tion of Dr. Kennedy's FAVORITE It EM.
LDY is beyond ja-aise. ThoiiRands ot
prat of ul peopio voluntarily testify to this,
in letters to. Dr. Kennedy; and with a
warmth and fullness of words which uiero
business cerlilieatis never Jiossess. It
niiik s no druuk.inls oxi-uscs no crimes
breaks no huarK In its coining there is
hope, and iu iu inu-s thero in healing.
Wo clinllcngc a tri tl and arc confident f
the. result." Votii-. dru:.r::ist ha- it. ONE
DoLL.VIt a JJottle. ji.-.-ir in mind tho
liaino and address: Dr. J,tcu1 KENNEDY,
Uoudout, New YurL.