The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 31, 1905, Image 4

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    Smart &
There'll Be No Surplus of
Tailored Suils in This
To make sure, we're crossing that bridge before wc come
to it.
The height of the tailor made season having been reached,
wc seize this time as most opportune to hold our Semi-Annual
Half Price Sale.
Young women, middle aged women, elderly women
they'll all be interested in this sale. Every wish relative to
modish, faultlessly tailored suits, plain and fancy, can be met,
as the stock comprises all styles, all materials irom the least ex
pensive to the highest priced.
Look them over, try them on, and take the one that be
comes you most at .
Exactly Half Off the Plainly
Marked Price.
Suits marked $15
Suits marked 18
Suits marked $20
now .
Suits marked $25
Suits marked $30
Suits marked $35
Suits marked $40
Suits marked $45
Oil City Trust Company
As Executor, Administrator, Receiver, Assignee, Trustee, Fiscal
Agent for Corporations or Individuals. Sells travellers checks,
letters of credit, foreign and domestic exchange. Transfers
money by wire to all parts of the world.
4 Per Cent.
Paid on Certificates of Deposit.
Business by mail given special attention.
Laconic Correflpondcnce.
It Is said that the celebi-iited Gorman
theologian, Hclilvlfrmurlicr, wis rather
Inclined to suve than to spend money,
lie was at out- time quite 111 and sent
for a renowned physician, Ir. Orafe,
who. was court physician at the time
und whose son became the great ocu
list. Schlelermacher recovered, and
when fully restored to health he sent
u polite note h Dr. (irafe, expressing
his gratitude and Inclosing 4 louls
il'or, begging the physician to accept
tills small sum as a toUeu of his ap
preciation of the services which had
been rendered him.
The following day ho received his
gold pieces again, accompanied by the
following laconic note from the great
physician: "The poor I cure for noth
ing. The well to do pay me according
to the regular 'medicine tax.' The
rich reward ine lavishly, according as
It suits their pleasure!"
Thereupon the clergyman sat down
and sent Dr. Orafe this still more la
conic answer: "The 4 louls d'or are
received back with gratitude. The
poor Schlelermacher!"
Gnutrlc nnd Merrona VcrtlRo.
The most common forms of vertigo
are the gastric and the nervous, tias
trle vertigo Is sometimes induced by u
very slight disorder of the stomach.
The patient may feel a sudden swim
ming at the hi-ad; objects may seem to
revolve; he totters an, I perhaps falls.
There may be nausea, faintness, head
ache, visual hallucinations and buzz
ing in the ears, but there Is no deaf
ness nor any danger of a loss of con
Kcioiisnt'ss. Castile vortigj Is cured
by treatment directed to the cause.
Nervous vertigo may come from
nervous exhaustion resulting from va
rious causes Intellectual strain or an
Immoderate use of tobacco, alcohol or
tea. The symptoms are much the same
as In ga tric vertlg. They are felt
Ftrong'y In an elevated position by
the preacher in (lie pulpit or the speak
er on the platform. As In gastric- ver
tigo, the treatment must be directed
to the cause. Hut patients need not
fear nn attack of paralysis or of apo
plexy. I.nmpn Inert Ilofore Candlm.
Lamps were used before candles.
They Onto duck almost as far as his
tory goes and were common In ancient
Kgypt, l 'lima, Assyria, ti recce and
Rome. Lamp, from the Greek lainpas,
n torch, and candle, from kandeel, the
Egyptian word for n common lamp,
originally meant the same thing, and
the Mosaic candlestick held oil lamps,
not candles, as we now use the word.
Man early Improved on the torches
of the Homeric age and caught the
Idea of obtaining light from porous
fiber soaked hi animal or vegetable
oils. Lamps of brass, bronze and stone
have been found In the pyramids nnd
In ancient Indian temples, and com
mon terra cotta ones were In general
use for domestic purposes In Greece In
the fourth century Ii. C. The earliest
candles we hear of were those of the
ancient Romans made of rushes coated
with fat or wax.
nrlla mill Dees.
It Is a foolish notion to suppose that
the ringing of bells or "tanging" of tin
pans will cause a swarm of bees to set
tle. The real origin of this custom
dated back to the reign of Alfred the
Great, who, In order to prevent dis
putes regarding the ownership of a
swarm, ordered that the owner should
always ring n bell when his bees
swarmed, nnd ever since then the good
fanner's wife has been rushing out
with ringing bells whenever the lM-es
swarmed, and the fact that they set
tled verified. In her own mind, the be
lief that the bell did It.
Ilia Opinion.
Artist (at work) Now give me your
honest opinion of this picture. Visit
or (who fancies himself a critic) It's
'utterly worthless! Artist (dreamily)
Y-e-s but give It, nil the same
Pimples, Piles, Eczema
Cuts, Burns, Bruises,
Tettir, Salt Rheum, H Son-, UliW", chilblains
Catarrh, Oirns. Clmiij-eil IIiukNiumI Lips,
BoiH CitrtHiiieluN, Felons, Itr-hlug,
Ulee-liug, Protruding riles,
Inticr-tHiU'R. poison
Ivy, anrl all
lliiwRhes are cured by
San-Cura Ointment
Which will slop nt once that llchlnir, burnltiir
pain. Wo (runninU-e that Siin i lira I limna-nt ill
mil heal a rut or Mini of any kind until Hip .l,,m
Is all it'iui-vwl; ilii ii it lu-als rapidly. Preveuli
cars. DrmucitUi 26c and doc.
American Product is Gaining in Favor
and Prices Drop.
merican cut glass has become the
boa oracle In the market," said W,
1 luce of Corning, N. Y.
"The day Is coming, and Is almost
here now, when wo can all have cut
g'na on our tables, and It will no
loader be confined to the wealthy
cic.sscs as a luxury. The price Is tie
creasing all the time, and It is only
the handsomest and most Intricate
designs of cutting that demand fancy
prices In theso days. Imported glass
used to be the thing, hut the Ameri
can industry has made rapid strides
lu the last few years, and now the
coloring and tho stylo of domestic pro
duction surpasses that which is
brought In from foreign countries,
Thread Mother's Needless.
If your mother's sight has failed so
that threading a noedle is a task' al
most beyond her, and you see her dif
ficulty, help her over this little ob
stacle by threading her needlos for
her. Simply take the spool of thread
and paper of needles and without
breaking the thread thread the whole
paper of needles as one would string
beads. When a neodleful of thread
Is desired all that Is neoessary Is to
take the first needle, draw oil as long
a thread as desired, fasten the out
side needle to the spool aud leave It
ready fo next time.
Neatness is Always Attractive.
The plainest woman is a delight to
look upon If her toilet is one of ex
quisite neatness In every respect. Her
hair must be done up securely and
not look as if it were ready to tumble
around her shoulders at any moment
Her gloves must be always mended,
her boots in perfect condition and
never any tag ends at the bottoms of
her skirts. Most men know nothing
about fashion, but will notice whether
a woman is neat or not, and Is the
quality they most admire.
Russian Housework.
In Russia every housewife has par
ticular pride In her kitchen furnish
ings. Every mother provides her
daughter with these things at the time
of her marriage. Where it can bo
afforded the wine pots and goblets for
the far-famed wines of Bessarabia, In
which the Russians delight, as well
as other pieces of dining-room serv
ice, are of silver Instead of copper,
while copper is restricted to kitchen
use, though among the poorer classes
It Is all copper and brass.
Real German Potato Salad.
Cut one quarter of a pound of
bacon in small sliced and fry to a light
brown. Have ready cold boiled pota
toes which you will slice and mix
with two small chopped or sliced
onions, and a little chopped parsley.
Mix with a French dressing, and pour
Into the salad the fried bacon, fat
and all. Toss thoroughly, and serve
on lettuce leaves. Let It be well
chilled before serving.
Woman's Hard Lot.
The treason of a woman 'in Korea
Is punished by poisoning. If a man
commits theft his property is con
fiscated and hl3 wife is sold as a
slave. For the desecration of the
graves of ancestors the mother of a
culprM and all the female members
of his family are poisoned. Thus for
every offense of a man the innocent
female members of his family are
obliged to share the penalty with h'm.
Could any lot be more cruel than that
of being a woman In the far east?
Sleep Is a Beautifier.
A woman who leads an active life,
yet getn very little sleep, cannot hope
to retain her beauty or health for any
length of time. A complete rest for
from seven to eight hours nightly
must be cultivated until It becomes
a fixed habit. Have a regular hour
for rising and retiring, and do not
deviate from It unless forced to.
Polishing Brass Work.
All fine bras3 work s lacquered
nowadays with the exception of
pieces exposed to the weather or to
strong fire. Therefore, it cannot bo
scoured with roMenetone, vinegar or
the substances formerly used for
brass. Wash it in warm water, dry
It thoroughly and polish with chanio's
Smallpox Superstition.
In the outer islands of the He
brides smallpox Is still known as
bhean mhath ("the good wife"). This
politeness is due to the ancient super
stltHon that if one would escape-tho
dread disease one should- speak of it
Washing Chamois.
Chamois is one of the few things
which come out smooth and soft from
washing if wrung directly from the
soapsuds without rinsing in clear
water. The latter process tends to
harden It.
Varnish Stain in Carpet.
Alcohol rubbed into a carpet will
effectually remove a varnish slain.
This should be dime Rfter the c.jrpoi
has bet-a taken up and shaken.
Oilcloth Un-r Doilies.
The old Idea of putting uI1c1k.Ii uii
der Uio wasiistar-u cover is ti .v M"i '
ed for doilies on highly p 1
Ovf-rlnnil l,Iniili-fl In ('nlintrnin
Leaves Union Passenger Station, Chi
cago, 6:05 p. m. daily, arrives San
Francisco the third day in lime for a
dinner- Route Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul Railway, Union Pacific
and Southern Pacific line. All tick
et agents sell via this route. Ask
them to do so. llau some hook, de
scriptive of California, sent for six
cenig postage. John R. Pott, Dis
trict Passenger Agt., Room D, Park
Building, Pittsburg. 3t
rry Humor.
An eastern rheumatic who was visit
ing lu southern Arlronu was asked by
the editor of one of the local dallies
what he thought of that country.
"Wonderful dry air," said the Inva
lid. "Yes, everything is always its dry as
dust out here," said the editor. "Hy tho
way, while you're stopping here for
your health you ought to let me seud
you my paper."
SomrllilnK Jnat n (iootl.
"Young man," asked tJle girl's fa
ther, "have you nny visible means of
"Why aw none that are visible to
the naked eye," replied the young
man hesitatingly. "I am one of the
microbe specialists of the health de
partment." Chicago Tribune.
Nn Waiting For Itrraltfnut.
Itaxter Married life Isn't what It
used to be. Slsson You're right there.
Since tho kitchen stove has been sup
planted by n gas range there's no such
thing as lying in bed in the morning,
aoothed by the sweet thought that your
wife Is at work building the fire. Bos
ton Transcript.
Mcrelr n Frrler.
Tho Count Did her father acquire
his money honestly? Miss Itrlght (sar
castically) Ob, yes! If he did not I
suppose you would not marry her? The
Count Not at all. If he acquired It
dishonestly lie would probably be too
tlever to give nny of It nway. New
York Times.
111m Arjrnnimt.
Sirs. Jones You ought to be ashamed
of yourself not to go to work. The
Tramp Madam, If nature has fitted
me to get along without work why
should I struggle against my ninulfest
DrnKtrlnar (he Anrhftr,
"I see Newlywod at the club quite
often since his Imbv came. I thought
he was firmly anchored to n home life."
"He was, but ut the first squuJl ho
began to drag his alienor."
Snoiiert 111 Appetite.
Baron draluim once asked nn epicure
how many oysters he should eat in or-
t'.or to create n good appetite for dinner
nnd was told to eat away until he be
came hungry. The baron, who never
saw a Joke, nte ten dozen and then
plaintively remarked, "Ton my word,
I don't think I urn as hungry as when
I began."
"Good gracious"' exclaimed the mint
sauce. "I should think you'd be asham
ed to masquerade as 'spring lamb.' "
"Well," replied the roast, "it does
make me feel rather sheepish." Cath
olic Standard and Times.
An Idle .lent.
"Pa, whnt Is an 'Idle jest?' "
"One that the newspapers haven't
Jet got hold of and worked to death
Cleveland Leader,
"No fool was ever so fo.illsll but
lome one thought biui clever."
"It took you an awfully long time to
pull that fellow's tooth," said the ns-
"Yes" answered the dentist grimly;
"he married the girl I loved." Detroit
There Is n strength of quiet endur
once as significant of courage as (he
most daring feats of prowess. Tucker
Take Laxative Bromn Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the monev if it fall
to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on
eaoh box, 25c. o25
lor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Piaiiolorte Instruction
Well known to the people of this vicinity,
will dovoto one day in each week. Tues
day, to bis class in Tionestn, at llovard'i
Hall, where patrons can see him as to
terms, etc. 3m
Susceusor to S. II. Haslet's Sons.
Furniture Dealers,
Do You Need
A Graiu Binder, Corn Biuilor,
Mowing Machine,
Reaper, Hay Tedder, I!ake,
Pisk Harrow, Spring orSpikellarrow
Grain Drill, Ltnd Roller,
Hay Loader, Side Delivery Hake,
Steam Threshing Machine,
Corn Planter, , or any Other Kind
ol Machinery,
Have It at the
Right Price
and easy terms. Every article guar
anteed. I do notlhaudle goods made
by the Trust. Impairs always on
hand. I'll trade for vour old ma
chine. See me; get my prices; we
can deal. Yours truly,
Where Fkbh Are Currrncjr.
Eggs are current coin In Mayo, Ker
ry, Donegal nnd I.eltrlm. They are
everywhere received over tho counter
In payment for ten. sugar, meal, oil,
bread, tobacco, patent medicines and
general haberdashery. Accounts are
kept open nnd Roods supplied on credit
In eggs. Predatory agents' traveling
through the wilds with worthless teas,
Itinerant tinkers and musicians, hawk
ers of tinsel Jewelry und Inly pictures,
all accept this current coin, generally
tinloadlng it at the nearest railway
town. Dublin I.ady of the House.
Ill Wlilnkor.
Mrs. Vernon (irecno Why on earth
don't you get your husband to cut off
bis whiskers? Mrs. Smlllhm l'crle I
wouldn't have him do It for the world.
I want htm to let them grow mid get
them all out of his system.
" Sore, Sz.g, QiiiGK.
For Liver and Kidneys, Thoinp
sou's iJarosma.
The test of tlnio is the surest test
Common sense is the collective op'r.lon
of the majority of tho people. Hence
when the test of time aud public (-pinion
agree on a state of things, you may
feel safe In following thnt opinion.
The principle ohmi--. in meiilcino as
well as In everything else. That which
the majority of tho people Bays Is right
must be right. Therefore tho certitude
of the verdict on Thompson's Dnrosmn,
Kidney and Liver Cure. It has been
used for ninny years by peorla all over
tho world. It has stood the ten of tlma,
and has the approbation of every ono
who lms ever used It. Not In one so I
tary Instance has Thompson's Unrosma
failed to accomplish what la claimed for
It tho nbsoluto cure for any nffcclio.i
of the liver nnd Kidneys. Most of
humnn physical Ills spring from de
rangement of those organs. The heart,
Hie stomach, the bladder, the nervous
system, the mind, all answer the dan
ger tocsin which they sound. Why do
you suffer or em'.nnner life with neg
lect, then, whin a slight expenditure
for a time-tried remedy will put the
blood of youth In your veins agal:i?
Xhetimatlsni? That Is but one result of
kidney ailment. You can and will
make kindling wood of your crutches
after a short courso with Thompson's
Karosma. At all druggists. 00c and f I.
Flooring, Siding,
aud material for
Window Casings
uiil Inside Work.
A good supply to select
from always in stock.
Call on or address
or F. l AMSLER.
Good Stock, Good Carriages and Bug
f ins to lot upon the most reasonable terms,
ie will also do
All orders left nt the I'ost OHice wil
receive prompt attention.
Taking cPcct. May 28th. 1905.
No. 30 Buffalo and Pittsburg
Kxpress, daily except oun-
dsy 0:5 1 a. m.
No. 82 Oil City and Pittsburg
Express, daily 6:21 p.m.
No. WVi Oil City Accommoda
tion, Sundays only 5:.i0 p. m.
For Hickory, Tldioute.VVarren.Klujiua.
Bradford, Oleitn aud the East :
No. 81 Olean Exnroso, daily. 7:53 a, m.
No. S3 Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday
No, (t:!3 Warren accommoda
0:10 p. m.
2:15 p. in.
tion, Sundays only
For Time Tables and additional Infor
mation consult Ticket Agent.
W. vv, AT li.Knll K Y, J. K. WOOD.
General Manager. PassengerTrallioMgr.
GEO. II. BOYD, Gen'l I'Rssenger Agt.
J C. Scowdcn, Tionorda, Fa.
v. Origtiml anil Only Ornulnn.
itUS. for (
eriiidwJrCt In KJ'.II
t TS-i-'J i'h tmr riliUm. Tttke no other. Iti-dt
feSfe tJ lunBfru MibNUtutititi and ImU
Iiujr t f jour Dimwit, or n . ia
luoil't rur iiriirumra, miibiohibii
tud "Itrllrr fur LhiHo, ii rftr, Uy re
turn Mull. 10,MM1f.llm.ail. Hold bf
all DiufKisu. " la I ln'Mer 'hmlral Ca.
MdQllvn Ibia pa. MdUM auar, k'ULLA i'A,
Klcctrio Oil. Oimt-rttttop)! for
Hlmiimat ism, Siiiuiis, Such
Feel, I'auiM, Ac. Atallilbaltjrs
A cloth that is a remarkably good imitation of real linen,
having that peculiar finish common to a linen thread. Laun
ders as nicely and "takes the starch" better. 30 inches wide..
In the Cloak Room
this Week, ,
A lot of Junior Suits, 10, 12 and 14 years, $5.00 each,
that were $11.50, 12.50 and 15.00. Not often a five
dollar bill lias such purchasing power.
Several Ladies' Suits 10.00, that were 20.00 to
25.00. Five of them, to be exact.
A Black Taffeta, 58c yard.
The quality stamped "warranted to wear." A beautiful
lustrous black, a dependable, dressy silk. Then there's
every color, this same quality. You can have samples
for the asking.
Paint COStS
II I .
tiiuiu man it, cubis.
Lucas Paints
pay best of nil
iook Ijest; ond
that, the mice
yuur painter
him to ask lib
John Lucas
AVegctable Prcparaliortfor As
slmilnting Ihc Food and Reg u!a
liiig the SloinaclB anBowels of
Tromoles Digcslion.Checrliir
ness and Rest.Conlains neither
Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral.
Aty of (Hil LrSAMl TZPtTCiIER
fimfJcM Sail'
Cffifyfil .iiig.v
hmlytn FUnvrt
Aperfecl ltomedy forConslipa
noii, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions levrnsh
ncss and Loss or Sleep.
Facsimile Sifinnlure of
Feed & Sale
Fine- Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Hour of Hold Weaver
Telephone No. 20.
Ploaannt to Inko,
I'oucrlul to lire,
; Alio l rlromr In
KIDNEY anil LIVER cure.
Kennivlr's Fnrnrtrn ftfmoitv
i nil;ipfe! all nir nml Imili" sexr, iiiTorillnt; prf-n-llrf
In all rvtM'H ':uis( il hy Inipinftv .f tlio
!mt, sih'Ii on. Kidney, MlmMer mul Llw'r fntn.
'.i infs, CHfmtlpntlnn nwi weakm sses jx-ritllar to
mm. r-ii-iM-s .fill fur ; years. Trrnan-d In-
IK KlvVKiV'H MIV. Rmttlont. , ,
CjJCC Knovii(? what It was to sutler, I
ul" will clvo J-Vtc of Clmrqe. to miv
alltietcd a KwitivB iiurw for Ki-xkiiih, Suit
Itlimim, Krvlpplas, Pilos nml skin dis
eases. IiiHtanl roliitf. IVm't Hiid'or loinjm-.
wriio l'-. w. iviuirtniM, MiuiliHltan
Avenue, N. Y. lU-iiti-04
Bii i
iTiii5:m.3r8-iA asms
- ' " '
While Shrunk
Cotton, Linen
Finich 12 1-2 cts Yard
rilllMl, Ileal value 18o yd
monev. hut rmnil mint n-iue
t I f"
(Tinted Closs)
because they cover best;
wcur be: U Ucsi
is low.
using i.iuas JMints. leu
& Co Philatklpl
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
Pit. Hugust Momcm
Office ) VA National Hank Huildiug,
Eyes examined fr0fi.
KitoluRivelv optical.
Mr. W. 1L Struucli, owner of tho great
Rock Station Mills, Hock, Fa., writes : " I
Lave used Dr. Kennedy's new niodiuine, Cal
curaSolvout, audit U uneiiuilleil. IamGj
yeuraoliL I hiul suvoro kidney and bliiddi-r
disuasu fur years. I umv consider myself
eoniplutely cured and I am doinj,' my best
to spread tho riiiitation of this f,Timd medi
ciue throughout this territory." Do not
neglect first sins of Kidney and Bladder din.
orders. A medieiuo that is readily nssimi.
lilted hy tlm system and passes through tho
kidneys, is tho only meansnf relii-f an 'cure.
Cul-cum Solvent dues this and permanently
cures theso troubles. W'rito tho Cal-ciua
Co., Kennedy How, Kinirstou, N.Y., iur frco
siimplo bottlo and booklet.
5fe, Qu'ch, Reliable Kr;g;jato-
Bnporlur to otli-r romi-dli .. m.l-l nt ti:.-h mi,-,
r,',1."' jr''trnn'-l. Si .-.-. sr-.iih- HI., ...
yon. 0110 Wnmen. I'rire, ;, ( i .Iri-u.
KlHts .ir l.y muil. It l f.-,.",
Dr. riinro, I'liUadeloI.iu, I-'n.
Bears the t
Signature Am
IN '1 11 ,s PAPKlt