The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 31, 1905, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1905.
1905 MAY 1905
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Ba.
"789 1011 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 28 27
28 29 30 31
o - -
uAnit'D nu a pro
muun 0 r nnjLOi
MjTew . 10:50 v Full 10 :St
Mood 4 a.m. l.'Maon XO ym,
-v rint 1 Third nc Ml
Quarter 14 a.m. Itfiuulw 4 J
Ilepublieau Tickets
fifue TVciMittw,
Superior Court Judge,
Associate Judge,
Prothonotary, fc,
County Commissioners,
Jury Commissioner,
' J. B. EDEN.
Tdk case of the Kaunas man who never
told a He is offset by that of several of his
fellow-statesmen who never told the
The Ohio Republican convention last
week souiulvd a note on protection cal
culated to dampen the applause of the
Democratic party.
An echo of the Spanish-American war
couies in the announcement that the
cruiser Reina Mercedes bag just grad
uated from Uncle Sam's repair shop.
It is a queer system of government
that ties up the people of a city in leases
for seventy-live years in n;ite of their
unanimous and empliatic objections.
A California inventor has a device
which he claims will enable people to
travel 200 miles an hour. It will be han
dy for beef trust magnates to go to Cana
da in when a hurry call is issued for the
grand Jury.
"Any reason why the men's straw hats
liaVH a much narrower brim thin last
year?" asks a correspondent. Sure. The
sole object of the designer is to makii the
possessor of a last year's bat look as silly
as possible.
"Bluebeard" Hoch has been louod
guilty of wife murder, and has asked that
he be hanged at once. Hoch has been
having a good deal of trouble lately, and
thore should be no hesitancy about grant
ing this modest request of his.
Colonel Guffky not only made his
State convention do what be wanted, but
it was obedient enough to do It In the
somewhat roundabout way he had
planned in order to let a few candidates
outside the breastworks get a pleasant
fcalve of complimentary votes. Colonel
Gufley is an easy boss of the easiest kind.
In departing to his farm for the summer
Vice President Fairbanks remarked: "I
like farming, and have gone through it
Irom top to bottom. It Is the life, after
all, that makes the blood flow and gives a
real charm to life. One gets nearer na
ture when he Is engaged in cultivating
the soil and harvesting lis products."
That view is widely held, and makes the
United States the greatest agricultural
nation on earth. -
Tub Democratic convention which met
at rlarrisburg Wednesday nominated
William H. Berry, of Chester, for state
treasurer, and J. B. Head, of Greens
burg, for judge of the superior court.
There is not'1he remotest possibility of
the election of Jhe first named candidate,
iu the face of the immense Republican
majority of the state, but the candidate
for the superior bench Is practically as
sured of an election, because of the fact
that there are four places to fill and by
the provisions of the law each vcter can
vote for but three of the candidates. The
Democrats of the state are entitled to vote
for three candidates, but as it la certain
that only one could be elected Col. Gufley
relieved the voters from the work of dis
crimination at the election by confining
the nomination to one candidate. Kane
Hon. John Dean, justice of the su
preme court of this stale, died of paraly
sis and pneumonia at his home in Holli
daysburg Thursday. He was one of the
able-t members ot the supreme bench,
and his death is a material loss in the
strength of that tribunal. The death of
Justice Dean makes a vacancy ou the
bench which for the present will be tilled
by an appointment by the Governor,
and it is altogether likely that the ap
pointee will be nominated by the Repub
licans and elected this fall. Whether or
not the State convention delegates will be
re-convenfd has not yet been decided
upon. The vacancy caused by this death
lias ronewod the talk once before rife
vhen a vacancy occurred, to the ellect
tliat Governor Penny packer will resign
ami permit Lieut. Governor Wm. M
lirown to become his successor, and in
tiirn that the new Governor will appoint
I'ennypacker (o the vacancy. But it is
scarcely any morn likely that this will
happen than wheu talked of before.
Howover, we could see no very great ob
jection to It iu case it did.
The death of Mrs. Mary Ashton Liver
more, at her home in Melrose, Mass., on
the 23d inst., removes one ol America's
most illustrious women, having achieved
world-wide fame as a lecturer on slavery,
temperance and universal suffrage, and
as a writer of great merit she was cele
brated both in tliis country and atiroad.
She was boru in Boston, Dec. 19. 1820.
After her graduation she taught school
for some years, and In 1845 was married
to the Rev. D, P. Livermore, a Univer
sal ist minister, who died July S, 18)9.
What a lamentable state of affairs is
indicated by the threat of the Philadel
phia "organization" to have a special
session of the Legislature called to assist
It in stealing the gas works from the citi
zens. Ry Implication this is one of the
ni' 81 humiliating references ever made to
the venality of the band of law-makers
who recently adjourned at Ilarrisburg.
The calling of a special session for the
purpose indicated would be proof posi
tive that the members of the gang fuel
sure of their men, and that they would
aid and abet them in perpetrating the
proposed steal. Only think of it! The
calm assurance of a gang of plunderers
who would rely on a Legislature and a
Governor to assist them in robbing a
municipality of one of its most valuable
assets. As we move along, from year to
year, our form of government occasion
ally snubs up against some pretty tough
propositions, Hllr.zard.
Cream of Hie ws.
Delirium tremens is but another
name lor a tight fit.
Get a summer hat and take comfort.
Felts or straws In all the latest styles, and
at i ight prices. Hopkins. It
Men have beeu arrested lor mprely
taking things as they come.
Let us fit you out in a new summer
suit men or boys -from the best stock
you've ever seen in Tiouosta. Hopkins.
Ifkissiug is a form of insanity, all
young men are more or less insane.
Carpets axmiusters, velvets, body
briifwels, tapestries, or ingrains. Any
thing you want, at small cost, at Hop
kins'. It
Technicalities are what the lawyers
fight over when the evldonce is limited.
The Strootuian shoe for ladies, and
the Don l las shoe for men, have no su
periors. To be had in Tionesta only at
Hopkins'. It
Many a man is given a soft answer
because he is known to be a bard bitter.
Schedule cards, with rales for playing
the new and fascinating game of 500
euchre for sale at the Republican office.
Price, 5 cents. tf
-After robbing Peter to pay Paul a
man usually forgets to settle with Paul.
Men, boys or children can be fitted in
the very latest in summer suits at Hop
kins', where tho stock was never so large
as now. Try him. It
A woman nevor objects to her bus-
band kissing the cook if she Is the cook.
The "Table Queen" bread and other
baked stuff are always kept fresh and
sweet. Save gas bills and over-heated
homes by buying at the White Star Gro
cery. It
Laborers who are worthy of their hire
usually think their hire should behigher.
While a bilious attack is decidedly
unpleasant it is quickly over when
Chamberlain's Stomach and Livor Tab
lets are used. For sale by Dunn A
Fulton. tf
A man can't run a forty-horse power
automobile very far on a live-horse pow
er income.
If a man will stand for being petted
his wife has no eanhly use for any other
pet animal.
--The White Star Grocery can furnish
you on short notice with anything in the
vegetable or fruit line the market affords.
Phone jour orders, which will receive
prompt attention. It
Patience is one of those things of
which we don't get enough and every one
else gets too much.
For the benefit of those desiring to
attend the Annual Encampment of the
Grand Army ot the Republic, Depart
ment of Pennsylvania, at Reading, June
5 to 10, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pauy wilt sell excursion tickets to Read
ing from all stations on its line in the
State of Pennsylvania, on June 12, in
clusive, at roduced rates. For specifio
rates, apply to local ticket agents. It
Somo men would rather owe you a
bill for 100 years than put you to the
trouble of collecting it.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of tho country than all other diseases put
together, and until tho last few years was
supposed to be iucurable. For a great
many years aoctors prononnceu it a local
disease, and prescribed local remedies,
and bv constantly tailing to cure with
local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proVon catarrh to be a con
stitutional disonse, and therefore requires
constitutional treatment, nan s ( alarm
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the ouly constitu
tional cure on the market. It is taken
internally in doses lrom 10 drops to a
teaspoonlul. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. They
offer one hundred dollars for any case it
fails to cure. Send for circulars and tes
timonials. F. J. CHENEY fe Co., Toledo, O,
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
How to Ward Off Old Aire.
The most successful way of warding
off the approach of old age is to main
tain a vigorous digestion. This can be
done by eating only food suited to your
age aud occupation, and when any disor
der of the stomach appears take a dose of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets to correct it. If you have a weak
stomach or are troubled with indigestion.
you will find these Tablets to be just
what you need, tor sale by Dunn Sc
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles. Druggists refund monoy it Pazo
Ointment fails to cure any case, no mat
ter of how long standing, in fi to 14 days.
First application gives ease and rest. 6Uo.
If your druggist hasn't it send 60o in
stamps and it will bo forwarded post-paid
by the Paris Medicine Co.. St. Lou is, Mo
A tiuud 8iiKK'lioil.
Mr. C. B. Walnwright, of Lemon City,
Fia., has written the manufacturers that
much hotter results are obtained irom
the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy in cases of pains
in the stomach, colic and cholera morbus
by taking It in water as hot as can ho
drank. That when taken in this way the
ellect is double iu rapidity. "It teems to
get at tho right spot instantly," be says.
Fur sale by Dunu it Fultuu,
Proposed Extension For 75 Years
Withdrawn by Company.
rbJtocIphia, Kay 23. The end of
tho bitter struggle, so far ns the gas
deal la concerned, which has convulsed
this steady, slow gcliis city ns has
nothing for a qiiirtcr of a century,
canto tamely enough. Wlrh dawn Sat
urday the belief had come to some
thing like a certainty that Durham,
with all his power, and tho company,
with all its Inducements, would never
be able to hold In line enough council
men to pass the gas leasa ordinanco
over the mayor's veto.
Threats, entreaty, contempt, wives'
tears, the unanswerable arguments of
t ratio, had done their work with tho
weakest kneed of the men who helped
pass the ordinance. They were flock
ing to Weaver and respectability. .
By noon it was figured that Mayor
Weaver needed only s.-ven votes In
the select council and ten more Iu the
common council to protect his veto.
Six councilmcn, three of whom had
boasted that they would never go back
on Durham so long as there was a
6im in the heavens, ate their words
and called on the mayor before noon.
The men most Interested in tho sal
vation of the gas lease ordinance met
at 9 o'clock In the office of Israel Dur
ham. President Dolnn was there. So
were State Senator McNlchol, Dur
ham's right hand man, and Council
mar Charles Seger, Chairman Do Ha
ven and others were there. Tho con
ference was short.
Presently all went to the office of
Senator Boles Penrose. Tho discussion
was sharp. Thomas Dolan, backed up
by the majority of those present, in
sisted on Durham going ahead and
making good his promise to place tho
gas ordinance high and dry in spite
of Mayor Weaver, public opinion, or
anything else.
Durham, In a speech of less than
five minutes, brought Do!an and tho
others to his wny of thinking and se
cured from the president of the United
Gas Improvement Company his prom
ise to write and at once dispatch to
the president of council the with
drawal of the proposition.
Mr. Dolan's letter to councils stated
that tlio modifications to the original
lease bill, reducing the price of gas,
were not in accord with tho offer of
the company, but that they -would have
been accepted. Owing to the opposi
tion on part of the people, however,
Mr. Dolan's letter stated, the company
was unwilling to enter Into any con
tract with tho city looking to any
variation of its present lease.
Wllkc3barro Folk Try to Prevent Her
Theatrical Abearance There.
Wilkrsbarre, Fa., May 29. Many
protests followed the announcement
that Nan Patterson will appear at the
Nesblt theater here next Tuesday as
the star in a musical comedy called
"A Romance of Panama." Ministers,
prominent women and laymen called
Mayor Kirktndall by telephone or
waited upon him personally to decry
the proposed performance as a dis
grace to tho city and ask him to do all
in his power to prevent it.
The arguments were that Nan Pat
terson is appearing merely because of
the notoriety she achieved in the trials
for murder; that her paat life as re
vealed by the ti Sals is such that she
should not be paraded and exylolted,
and that it would be a lasting shamo
if the performance is allowed here.
Mayor Kirkendall said that he
agreed with theso who protest, but
that he did net ecc how he was legally
empowered to prevent the production
If the theater managers insist upon
having it. He presented the protests
in general form to the managers of
the theater, however, and will have a
conference with them today.
Sometlilnif In Danger.
"Does tho captain say whether we
shall break tho record or not?"
"Yes. He says either the record or
the boiler must go."
;'IIov lovely!"
I'lifiinberltiin'a t'oimh Remedy the Very
"I have been using Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and want to say it is the
best cough medicine I have ever taken,"
says Geo. L. Cbubb, a merchant of Har
lan, Mich. There is no question about
its being the best, as it will cure a cough
or cold in less time than any oilier treat
ment. It should alwajs be kept iu the
house ready for instant use, for a cold
can be cured in much less time when
promptly treated. For sale by Dunu A
Low-Rate Excursion to Wnrren, Olenn and
On Sunday, June 11, the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will run a special
low-rate excursion to Warren, Olean, and
Bradford. Special tiain will be run on
the following schedule, and round-trip
tickets, good going only on special train
and good returning on special train June
II, and regular trains June 12, but not
good in Pullman sleeping or parlor cars,
will be sold at rates indicated:
Rate to Rate to
Train Warren Olean or
Leaves. and Bradford
return, and ret.
Titusville 7.H0 a. m. f 1 00 ?1 50
Oil City 8.15 " 100 150
Tionesta 8 52 " J 00 1 50
Hickory H.03 " 100 150
Tidioute.... 9.1!) " 75 1 25
Warren .., 10.110 " 100
Olean Ar...l2.00 noon
Bradford.. " 12.00 "
Children between 5 and 12 years ol age
half rates.
Returning, special train will leave
Olean 7.00 p. in., Bradford 7.00 p. m.,
Warren 9.00 p. m.
The run of train No. 32, leaving Brail
ford 4.55 p. m., Olean 5.00 p. m., and
Warren 7.08 p. m., June 12, will be ex
tended to Titusville to accommodate ex
cursionists returning by that train. 2t
Notice of Appeals.
Notice is hereby uiven that the Com
missioners of Forest County will meet at
thoir otIi"e, in the Borough of Tionesta,
on the loth and 20th days of June, 11)05,
for the purpose of holding a Court of Ap
peals from the assessment of money at
interest lor the year lfNiS.
Conrad Hurhknn,
A. K. Smi'K,
County Commissioners,
Attest-S. M. IIknky, Clerk.
Tionesta, l'a., May iH, I'Mi.
UomcM'rkrrii' Rules via Nickel IMiitc Rond
Hound trip tickets sold on certam
dates to points in the south, south
west, west ami northwest at very low
rates. For full particulars write or
call on A. C. Showalter, D. 1. A.,
807 Slate Stre.rt, Erie, Pa. 179J13
Ilnd Your Varnllou Yrt f
Let us help you tu select a nice
cool spot along the line of the Nickel
Plate lload. For list of hotels,
boarding places, resorts, and good
camping and (lulling grounds call on
agent, or address A. (J. Showalter, D.
P. A., 807 State et., Erie, Pa., or R. F.
Homer. C. P. A., Cloveland.O. jun28
Ivxlrrnirly Low It a I en
To Sun Faancisco, Log Angeles and
Portland, via Nickel Plate, on certain
dates during May, Juue, July and
August. Ask local agent or address
A. C. Showalter, I) p. A., 807 State
Street, Erie, l'a. ICTsI
Low Kntra to l.i-wls V Clark Ivxposlilon
At Portland, aUo to Los Angeles aud
San Francisco on certain dates during
May, June and July. Our rales are
always the lowest. Call on local
agent or address A. C. Showaller, D.
P. A., 807 State St , Erie, Pa, lG8sl
Keltlrr' Kales via Nickel IMnlo ltond.
Tickets to pniuts iu the south will
be sold on the first and third Tuesdays
ot each month at very low rates. For
full information write or call on A. C
Showalter, D. P. A., 807 State btreet,
Erie, Pa. " 178uovl5
A IMixlitlul Sunday Trip via the Mrkel
IMnle Road.
Every Sunday parties of five or
more can obtain round trip tickets . t
81 00 for each person to any point
within 100 miles of selling station.
Call on ageut or address A. C. Show
alter, D. P. A., 807 State street, Erie,
Pa. 570ju28
Flour Tft sack 1.50l.Kr
Buckwheat Hour. lb .3J
Corn meal, feod, 100 lb l.051.25
Corn meal, family, 100 lb l.hO
Chop feed, pure grain.. 1.151.:)
Oats .45
Corn, shelled 60070
Beans bushel i75
Ham, sugar cured .14
Bacon, sugar cured .13
Shoulders .14
Salt Pork, 12
Whitetish V kit SOfefiO
Sugar fi J (c$.07
Syrup 35 (g .50
N. O. Molasses ,35 .50
Coffee, Roast Rio 10
Coffee, blended Java .25
Tea .S5r3) .50
Butler 15. 18
Rice 0o(a.09
Kggs, fresh , y.15
Salt "p barrol 1.25
Lard .12
Potatoes, bushel, IU)
Potatoes, sweet, lb .2J
Lime V barrel...........;,.. 1.25
Nails keg ; 2 75
Wool 20fit22
' ft"
Cures disease without
the use of poisonous
Cures Rheumatism, Indigestion, Stom
ach Trouble, Nervousness, Catarrh,
Gall Stones, Erysipelas, Liver
and Kidney- Diseases,
Etc., Etc.
No 'matter what your
disease may he, or of
how loitg standing, write
to me ; I can help you.
i:. II. Wi: i VS.IE, Gen. Agt,
New, New, New,
Bright and Clean
Wall Paper, Wall Paper
Blue and Green.
Yes and Red and Yellow
and lirown and all sorts of
bcajliful new combinations.
New Ideas
New stock aud finest sam
ples out, can ho seen at the
stand formerly occupied by
F. K, Dick's tailor shop.
Geo I. Davis,
Are a good, safe investment now.
You must prepare for hot weather or
bo uucomforlablo.
Our Miirt Wait,
Miirt WuiKt Suits,
Summer i'orsei,
Muslin Underwear
and Hosiery
Will meet with your approval in
quality, style and price.
Summer Man
Is hero, or at least all his belongings,
spick, span, up-to-dato and correct iu
every detail.
Those Double Dreasted Sacks of
gray tones, with trousers of the same
material, Negligee Sliirt, I if 1 1 , the
proper Tie, fancy Hosiery iu the new
tau shades, and union or two-pieco
Underwear, not forgettiug the list,
which may be either a soft Felt or
Yacht. Senate Straw for later on.
What It Cost to Itc it Cor
rt et Summer Jlan :
Double-Rreasted Sack suit or
or coat and trousers $10 to 20
Neellnee Shirt, famous Star or
Quaker ft to f3
Hell, either tan or black to
match shoes 2.".o to $1.50
Correct Neckwear 25u to $1.50
Kancv Hosiery, tine lisle
thread or all silk 25o to $2
Underwear, balbrijruan, wool
or union suits 25c to $:1
Hat, soil, mellow felt or straw $1 to $o
Add tho now Hodman collar
and pair garters 50c lo 75c
and you have the total .Summer Man's
outfit, minus his Top Coat, which he is
presumed to have bought,
13.50 to f 10.75.
2b AND U9 SENECA 311. .
Fred . (i ret ten b e rger
All work pertaining to Machinery, Kn
(tines, Oil Well Tools, (ias or Water Kit
tiiiK" and (ienerHl IlliicUsniithiiiK roiiint
lyikii at liw Kates. HepuiriiiK Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
"UtiMiiction iruitrantned.
Shop in rear of and just west of the
shaw House, Tidioute, l'a.
Your patronage solicited,
Iqs. IF l&rm
Kepair Holler, Stills,
Tanks, Agitators. IIujs
and Sells Seeontl - hand
toilers IHe.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. Eud of Suspension Bridge,
Third ward, OIL ClTl't IM.
To Take Effect July Cth, 1903.
NOKTH Eastern Time SOUTH
I 1 I
2 4
7 OOj
7 30 !
Leave Arrivo
.in. p
Hops linn
Newtown Mills
Hur-k Mills
l!l no Jay
Henry's Mill
7 40
7 45
H 0O;
8 15,
8 25
8 40
8 45
8 501
I) 00!
9 15
Ik Od
1 45
1 55
2 05
2 20
2 25
2 30
2 40
2 55
3 10
3 25
3 45
p. m
12 45 5
12 S55
12 10
12 Or.1
11 55:
1 1 40;
11 30
11 00
10 401
IP O'l
10 30 4
a. m.lp.
a. 111
Arrivo Leave
T. D. COLLINS, President.
Promptly niitiunl, or FEE RETURNED.
THE LOWEST, bend mmk'l, photo or nkftcli for
erirt wArch And froo report on iaUnubility.
INFRINGEMENT suit. conilucUMl bufnro nil
court. I'attTit!! obtained through n. AOVER
SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly oblalmxL
Opposite U. 8. Patent Office,
il -AG
toko aaa.iiuvc ii umu 2iiiuiiic islets.
Seven Million Doxes sow in pes,? a
Better Acquainted.
Wo really ought to know each other.
It means monoy in your pocket and better
looking, better fitting and better wearing
clothes for you.
Order Your Clothes Now.
What a flyer timo is ? A few more
days and you will have to shed that winter
suit, or you'll swelter in it. Will you wait
until tho weather whips you into it, and
then hunt up a ready-made in a hurry, or
will you tako opportunity by tho forelock
and leave your order now for a made-to-measure
suit from the cloth . you like best
and have it carefully tailored to fit and
ready on timo ?
Rain Coats,
Top Coats,
Mado to your personal mcas
uro and guaranteed to fit.
Glasaow Woolen Mills Co.,
110 SflSeE OIL CITY, PA.
Confining our line strictly to tlie'Hsrd
ware bnsiuesi we are prepared as no others
in t lie comiuiin'ty to supply your every need
iu that line. If it's a . . ".
Move, Itiuigc, Slovc IMpe,
KitcIUii Ware,
or a ything in Supplies for
Lumbermen, Meeluiiiies or
Fa r iiiersi,
we hare it io stock.
lJUckBinithiurj aud vuhicle repairing
while1 you wait
Call and Innk us over. We can fit you out
at moderate cost. We can also "eel y u
right" in anytliiuk in the line of a . ', .
Wagon or Buggy.
Time Deposits Solicited. Will
A. Waynk Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook, (J. W. Robin,.. Wm. SmeHrlmngb.
N. P. Whoeler, T. F . KlUiliev. J. T. Dale, J. II. Kellv.
Collections remitted for on dy of pr.ymont at low rates. We promise our custom
ers all the benefits consistent with conservative Unking. Interest p-id on time
deposlla. Tour patronRe rospootfully solidtod.
mourns. uis SIKIiaEIire.
p,,u Four Ver Cent, per Annum
Wm. Smearbadoh,
Vii President
In Two Days,
pp on every
A-SyTrtrt COX. 2 tl.