The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 26, 1905, Image 2

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i. C. WINK,
Editor 4 Proprietor.
1905 APRIL 1905
6a. Mo. Tu. We. Tb. Fr. Sa.
23 J5678
J 10 11 1213 1415
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
-2-24 25 26 27 28 29
Mi 19
- rim
I Quarwr
p. a.
llrpublioau Ticket.
Associate Judge,
Prolhonotary, d c,
County CbmmiMt'oncr,
Jury Commissioner,
We ore authorized to announce that
Prof. D. W. Morrison, of Tioueaia, will
be R candidate at the fortbeominn Con
vention of School Directors, May 2d, 1905
for the olBoe of County Superintendent o
We are authorized to announce that
Ida S. Paup, of Tionesta, will be a can
didate at the forthcoming Convention of
School Dire'tora, May 21, 11H)5, for tbe
office of County Superintendent of
We are authorized to announce tbat
Prof. F. E. Sleight, of Marlenville, will
be a candidate at the forthcoming Con
vention of School Directors, May 2d, 1005,
for the otHce of County Superintendent of
Thanks for Honors Conferred.
To the Republican Return Judges of For
est County :
Gentlemen : I am In receipt of no
tice from Geo. W. Osgood, late Chairman
of the Republican County Committee of
this County, stating tbat the retnrn judges
of the various precincts did, on Tuesday,
April 15th, confer upon rue tbe mod dis
tinguished honor within your power to
bestow, I deeply appreciate this express
ion of your confidence in uie as a Repub
lican, and I assure you and the Republi
can candidates who have Just received the
nomination for the otUce of Associate
Judge, Prothonotary, Sheriff, County
Commissioners, Auditors, and Jury
Commissioner, that I will endeavor to
fill tbe Chairmanship to tbe best of my
ability and to the Interests of the Repub
lican candidates and the Republican parly
of this County.
I earnestly trust that In tbe perform
ance of this duty, I shall have tbe aid of
each and every County Committeeman,
and tbe entire Republican party. I am,
Respectfully Yours,
II. S. Brockwav.
Marlenville, April 22, 1905.
The "quarantine" irainat Mr. Rocke
feller's money is relaxing in large spots.
The beef trust calmly construe tbe
situation to be, as usual, a bull move
ment for Itself.
Aa her third tiial begins Nan Patterson
wonders if it Is not possible to have such
a thing as too much advertising.
Judging from the claims of tbe various
Democratic party orators, Thomas Jeffer
son was the original India rubber man.
Porto Rico Is a part of tbe United
States all right, all right. They are now
Laving "strikes" there Instead of "revo
The absence of money is an inconven
ience, but it is a partial recompense to
know that most rich men are bald headed
and narrow chested.
New cherries are selling for flO a
pound In the eastern markets. This will
cause a suspension of tbe old rule not to
make two bites of a cherry.
George Fred. Williams says tbat the
democratic party sold itself at St. Louis,
thus correcting a very general impression
tbat the party "gave itself away."
The cowboy who beat the President In
a running contest in Colorado bad better
look out or tbe Democratic Presidential
nomination will be lorced upon hiui.
When the civil war was on it was
thought to be a big thing for Abraham
Lincoln to call for 400,000 soldiers, Tbe
mikado of Japan ha just sent in a requi
sition for 1,000,000.
Br advocating a big navy, Admiral
Dewey has thrown away 1iin last chance
for the Democratic presidential nomina
tion. Maybe be would rather be a right
admiral than a wrong President.
Awobmbo to the careful estimate of
tiie census olllce, tho present population
T.f Die United Suites is 82,518,000. At tins
rate the country can get ready to cele
brate tbe ollluial passing of tbe 100,000,000
mark by the count in 1920.
Gkn. Fithuou Lee is swinging
around the circle to Invite all the suites
t participate in the Jamestown celobra
tion at Hampton Roads in 1907. It is a
highly Interesting section and a great
number of visitors will embrace the oc
casion. Each state should be well repre
Minted. Jamestown and Yorktown are
ouly nineteen miles apart.
(Continued from last week.)
Emerson truly remarks tbat biography it
history. We now ootne to tbe man with
whom the history of Oldtown Is Insepara
bly connected and who gave it the name.
Rev. Hexektah May was born at Haddara,
Conn , on Deo 2fl, 1773, and died at Tlo
oesta, Pa , July 4, 1813. The life of this
pioneer was indeed an eventful one. In
youth he witnessed the closing scenes of
tbe Revolutionary war. Id early manhood
be graduated with honor at Tale college,
and was particularly gifted aa a linguist,
being proficient in the Latin, Greek and
Hebrew languages as well as German. His
ability as a llnqulst was of great service to
him, studied theology and was ordained at
a minister, preaching at Marblehead,
Mass., from whence he was sent as a mis
sionary to the early settlers and the Pen
obscot Indians of Maine, and was stationed
at Bangor in that province, for it was not a
state. It was there his eldest son, Benja
min was born Sept. 8, 1808. Benjamin,
who lived until Jan. 19, 1901, need to say
tbat he was "not born in any state of the
union but in the provinoe of Maine." The
commission under which Mr. May was
sent fertb was Issued by "The New Eng.
land Society for the Propagation of the
Gospel In the District of Maine," as tha
caption to it ludlcates. He remained at
Bangor, preaching there and in the vicin
ity to the settlera and the Indiana several
years with great acceptance. Ten miles
above Bangor, on the Penobscot river, was
an old Indian town called OKI town, which
was a famous place among the aborigines
at that time, which was tbe principal
place or station where he preached to the
natlvea. Afterwards a town was built on
the same site by the whites and can be lo
cated on any good map of Maine. About
1816, wishing to educate, bis children, he
removed from "the. wilds of Maine" to
Binghamton, N. Y., remaining there but a
short time he had a c ill to Oswego and
Painted Post, N. Y, preaching over a large
district of country, but being ordered by
the New England society he was directed
to establish churches down along the Bus
qnehanna in Pa., and his journal shows be
went down as far as Northumberland, and
organised churches all along the upper
Susquehanna. In looking over bis journal
the writer has b en amazed at the ground
covered on these missionary trips. After
leaving Painted Post with bis family we
Bod him In the vicinity of Tlonesta In
Venango county, now Forest, where be
came about tbe year 1820. Tbe records of
the Erie Presbytery by the Rev. Dr. Eaton
how that he waa at Franklin, Pa., preach
ing there and at Unity church liWWl.
These churches were very small and weak,
and tbe support quite inadequate, having a
large family to support and raise, and be
still under the auspices of tbe New Eugland
society mentioned, his frieud, the celeb rat
ed Ellas Boudinot, the founder of the
American Bible Society, understanding
his nerds and difficulties bad before this
given him a tract of land of about 1,000
acres at what is known as OUtown, three
miles above Tlonesta, this was about 1820
It waa not long after this date that finding
a cleared patch of ground on wbat is now
known as the farm of Hon. C. A. Randall,
on which he moved nntil he went to his
land on tbe creek above. There was some
confusion over tbe land lines in that vicin
lty, aa the lands were run out, or supposed
to have been, about 1794. So to precisely
locate the warrant, Mr. May obtained the
services of Hon. John Irwin, who was an
eminent survevor and eagineer and who
waa then a deputy state surveyor. Irwin
came along with his nephew, Richard Ir
win. a vonng surveyor who afterwards
married the eldest daughter of Mr. May
They arranged the lines amicably among
all concerned. Seeing the remains of tbe
old Indian town on the place he called it
Oldtowo, after Oldtown in Maine. Many
traces of Indian occupations are visible to
this day. He lived at tbe place for a while,
Tbe upper part of the tract waa finely
Umbered, so Benjamin, H. II., and Selden
T. May, bis brothers, established and built
a flue sawmill for those days on the tract
owned by their father which was known
all over the section as Oldtown mill. The
brothers afterwards built and operated
larger mills further up the same stream
Selden T. at Minister, Huntington H. at
Buck Mills. About this lime Benjamin
married Annie Sturdevant Holmes of Bos
ton, Mass., moved on the place and farmed
it and operated the saw, lath and shingle
mill. Mr. May, after leaving Oldtown to
hie boys, returned to the village of Tio-
neata and purchased from John Range Jr.
the land on which the north part of Tlo
nesta is now built, on which ha lived with
his family until the time of his death in
1843. After his settlement at Tiouesta the
German settlers began to arrive and settle
on the wild lands surrounding tbe place.
Among their leaders was Herman Blum,
an old soldier of the Napoleanio campaign,
a man of considerable ability and culture.
In him Mr. May found a congenial friend
and acquaintance, especially as Mr. May
and bis son William could talk German as
voluably aa "a native to the manor born.'
Consequently be not only acted as a spir
itual advisor to the Germans coming into
the country, but was also their trusted
temporal advisor too, keeping thus clear of
litigation, shielding them from imposition
In short he was regarded by these as an
oracle, his word being both law and gospel
Du ring tbe life of this excellent pioneer
bis four sons, Benj , Huntington, Seldon
and William cleared up the land at Old
town. For many years Benjamin and
Selden managed the place and kept "Bach'
elers' Hall" as they called it while operat
ing the saw mill and farm. I have heard
them tell how the bears used to come down
from tbe hillside out of the woods aud iu
vade their pig pens and attack and carry
off hogs. Deer in those days were plenteous
in the vicinity, in fact all along the valley
of the Tioueita. Of late years the place
has been farmed by teoAuts. When the
great oil excitement camo tbe May broth
ers sold the place to Lorenzo D. Morris
Judge Geo. Barker and Lucas S. Watkins
ofFredonia. N. Y. who about 1872 sold it
back to tbe three May brothers, who on
Feb. 5. 1877 sold it to A. B. Kelly, the
present owner. But this is no place to go
into the dry details of a brief of title, but
rather to give a historical sketch of the
place. 1 understand the original tract has
been subdivided lately into eleven farms
by D. W. Clark at the Instance of Mr,
Kelly. No better farm land than this can
be found in Forest county.
This mystery has never been solved
explained. . In the wluter of 183 a family
by the name of Appleton settled at the
lower end of Oldtowu tUts, near where the
present school house is located. Mrs. Ap
pleton waa a wouiau of about 65 years of
age. She left her home at uiutowo to go
meet some friends or relatives tu tbe neigh-
boihood of Tylersburg, crossed the creek
at tbe big eddy on the ice, the snow was
frozen on its surface so bard that It bore
ber weight, therefore she left no tracks that
could be traced. In about ten days her
husband heard from the friend that she
bad never reached ibem. Bearching par
tics went out and searched in valu but they
never found her. Many were the theories
as to wbat had become of her. Most people
believed that she had been devoured by
ravenous wolves or other wild beasts wlitch
at that time abounded in the woods; others
that she might have been frozen to death
and then her body devoured by wolves,
bears or panthers. The mystery was never
solved. Her disappearance was so com
plete that not a vestige of ber remains or
lothiug was ever found, although tha
search of the settlers lasted for weeks, and
xtended over a large territory of then al
most uubroken wilderness. This event was
the talk of the early settlers for yeara, and
Is one of the mysteries of tbe early days.
Castro wants tho question arbitrated
as to whether there la anything to arbi
trate between himself and tbe asphalt
trust. If be can't get that, he might call
for arbitration as to whether the question
hould be arbitrated. And if there is any
doubt on tbat poiut, that question might
be arbitrated also.
Tub Democratic tlarriaburg "Patriot"
is not at all enthusiastic about the char
acter of its paity organization In the
State. Some of those influential in the
management do not want success, it de
clares; "their business l to organize de
feats" Tbe Patriot is rather particular.
When people are willing to lay for the
privilege of owning a party they have a
right t do as thoy please with It.
Memorial Day.
"'Killed In yesterday's battle, 'Dying
In the field hospital.' 'Badly wounded,'
Wounded and In the hands ofthe enemy.'
"Forty odd years ago, my comrades,
we were lliui accounting ior me roy-
cheeked, bright eyed, manly boys, dar
lings of their mothers, who, with elastic
step and merry laugh of youth, marched
by our sides as we bade good-bye to our
homes and dear ones and answered 'Here
am I' to the call of country, and cheered
the sad heart of God-given Lincoln with
the refrain,
" 'We are coming, Father Abraham,
Three hundred thousaud strong."
Thus begins the order issuid by Wil-
mon W. Blackmar, Commander-in-Chief
of the Grand Army ol tbe Republic, to
the local Posts concerning the observance
ol Memorial Day, Tuesday, May 30, 1905,
Tbe order contains an invitation to the
people to Join in the ceremonies of the
day, and urges that the school children
especially be encouraged to take part in
tbe celebration. Teachers ami principals
of every school are urged to bold a pa
triotic service on the school day before
Memorial Day.
Department and Post Commanders are
urged to direct their Posts to attend di
vine service In a body on the Sunday
preceding Memorial Day, aud to have
appropriate sermons preached for tbe oc
casion. Deafness Cannot lie Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and tbat is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eu
stachian Tube. When this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imported hearing, and when it Is entire
ly closed deafness is the result, and un
less the inllamation can be taken out and
this lube restored to its normal condition
bearing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed condi
tion of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send lor circulars, frje.
F. J. CHENKY k CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists. 75.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
About Rlieninntlsin.
There are few diseases that inflict more
torture than rheumatism and there is
probably no disease ior which such a
varied and useless lot of remdiea have
been suggested. To say that It can be
cured is, therefore, a bold statement to
make, but Chamberlain's Pain Halm,
which enjoys an extensive sale, has met
with great success In the treatment oi
this disease, One annlicalion of Pain
Malm will relieve tbe pain, and -hundreds
of BUfterers have t tilled to permanent
cures by its use. Why sutler wnen rain
Balm atlords such quick relief ana
but a trifleT For sale by Dr. J . u,
Eggs for Setting.
Black Minorca, White Wyandotte,
Barred aud Buff Plymouth Rocks, Brown
and White S. C. Leghorns.
B. U. Simmons,
Riverside Drive,
P. O. Box 504. lm. Oil City, Pa.
For a Wenk Digestion.
No medicine can replace food but
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets help you to digest your food. It is
not the quantity of food taken thai gives
strength and vigor to the system, but tbe
amount digested and assimilated, ii
troubled with a weak digestion, don't fail
to give these Tablets a trial. Thousands
have been benetitted by their use. Tbev
only cost a quarter. For sale by Dr. J.
C. Dunn.
Unit Beautiful (J loss
com os from the varnish In Devoo's Var
nish Floor Paint; costs 5 cents more a
quart though. Sold by James D. Davis,
C'hnniberlnlu's I'onuli Jtemedy Ike Heat mid
most Ponulnr.
"Mothers huv It lor crouny children.
railroad men buy it lor severe coughs and
elderly people buy it lor la grippe," say
Moore Bros., Eldnn, Iowa. "We seil
more of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
than ativ other kind. 11 seems to hay
tsken tho load over se"eral other good
brands.".. There is no question but this
modicine is the best that can be procured
tor coughs and colds, whether It be
child or sn adult that Is alllicted. It al
ways cures and cures quickly. Sold by
Dr. J. (J. Dunn, r
Klieunialic I'lilns ((nlckly Relieved.
The excruciating pains characteristic of
rheumatism and sciatica are quickly re.
lived I iv applying Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. The great pain relieving power
ol the liniment lias been the surprise and
delight of thousands of sullorers. The
quick relief Irom pain which it atlords is
alone worth many tunes its co-it, for
sale by Dr. J. C. Lunn.
Cream of the New.
When a doctor gives a pationt hope
he expects pay for It.
Try the White Star Grocery for all
kinds of fresh vegetables. You'll not be
disappointed. It
Many a man who Is sure he is right
la unable tu go ahead.
Axinlnstors, moquettes, body and
tapestry brussels, and ingrains. Finest
carpet display ever shown In Tlonesta.
Hopkins. It
There should be music in every home
except the one next door.
Schedule cards, with rules for playing
the new and fasolnatiug game of 500
euchre for salo at tbe Republican ollloe.
Price, 5 cents. tf
After making bis will, a uisn is apt
to die very much against it.
Tbe Douglas shoe for men and the
Stroottnan shoe for ladies. These two
varieties take tbe lead, and Hopkins is
sole desler hore. It
You can generally tell when a girl
has been kissed before by tbe way she
pretonds she hasn't.
Keep your bowels regular by the use
of Cbamberlain'a Stomach and Liver
Tablets. There is nothing better. For
sale by Dr. J. C. Dunn. tf
If the bouse catches on fire a woman
wants to save ber old love letters and tbe
baby's first pair of shoes.
If it's an ingrain carpet you're want
ing this season, call hore for it. Cut as
you want it aud you can take it borne
with you at a small figure. It
After a man has tried every other
way to make man lose his money he
can always hire a lawyer.
Our line of white goods, wash goods,
and all styles of spring and summer
dry goods la very complete. Now la tbe
time to make your selections. Hopkins.
Tin Pennsylvania Itnllromt, Account Lewis
and Clnrk Exposition and Vnrious
On account of tbe Lewis and Clark Ex
position, at Portland, Ore., June 1 lo
October 15, and various conventions to be
held In cities on the Pacific Coast during
the Summer, tbe Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell rouud-trlp tickets on
specified dates, from all stations on its
lines, to San Francisco and Los Angeles,
April 9 to September 27; to Portland,
Seattle, Tacouia, Victoria, Vancouver,
and San Diego, May 22 to September 27,
at greatly reduced rates.
For dates of sale and specitio informs'
tion concerning rates and routes, consult
neatest ticket agent. 3t
Dwelling1 for Rent.
Hunter House, at the depot, 7 rooms,
water in bouse, good garden plot and
fruit. Call on Capt. Clark, at McKinley's
plumbing store. 4t
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles. Druggists refund monoy if Pazo
Ointment fails to cure any case, no mat
ter of bow long Btanding, in 0 to 14 days.
r irst application gives ease and rest, ouc,
If your druggist hasn't it send 50o in
stamps snd it will be forwarded post-paid
by the Paris Medicine (Jo., st. Louts, Mo
Whereas, The Hon. W. M. Lindsey,
President Judge ofthe Court of Common
Ploas and Quarter Sessions In and for
the county of Forest, has issued his pre.
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas,
Quarter Sessions or the roaee, Urpnans'
Court, Over and Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the
County of Forest, to commence on
the Third Monday of Mav, being
tbe lath day of May, 11105. No
tice is thorofore given to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Pea and Con
stables of said county, that they be then
and there iu their proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ol said day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to tlioir ottlce appertain to be done
and to those whoare bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners ihatare
or shall be in tho jail of Forest County, that
they may be then and there to prosecute
against them as shall be just. Given un
der my band and seal this 17lb day of
April. A. D. 1H05.
GEO. W. NOBLIT, l.s.1 Sheriff.
List of causes set down for trial In the
Court of Common Pleas of Forest County,
Pennsylvania, commencing on the
Third Mondav of Mav, 1!K5:
1. J. E. Beck vs. M. C. Watson, No.
28, September term, 1901. Motion to
open Judgment.
2. O. W. Proper, Eulletta Proper, F.C.
Proper, Kffle Walters vs. J. G. C. Sig
worth, No. 25, Feliruary term, 1901.
Summons in action of trespass.
3. Fred Morck vs. J. G. C. Sigworth,
No. 28, February term, 1'JOl. Replevin.
4 Lenta Hoover vs. John Hoover, No.
3, February term, 1901. Divorce.
5. George M. Miller vs. J. M. Bemis
and Iiarry Bemis, partners doing busi
ness as J. M. BemN it Son, No. 17, Sep
tember Term, l'.XM. Summons in As
sumpsit. .
6. Nannie Jones vs. J. W. Jones, No.
25, February term, 1905. Divorce. Peti
tion aud Answer.
Attest, J. C. GEIST, "
Tionesta, Pa., April 17, 1005.
Hew, New, New,
Bright and Clean
Wall Paper, Wall Paper
Blue and Green.
Yes and Red and Yellow
nud Brown and all sorts of
beautiful new combinations.
New Ideas
New stock and Gnest sam
ples out, can be seen at the
stand formerly occupied by
F. E, Dick's tailor shop.
Geo I. Davis,
For Men,
For Women,
For Boys,
For Girls,
For Little Tots
For Men and Boys. -
White Canvas Oxfords
For Ladies.
And the more you know about
Clothing the more wonderful it is.
Messrs. Hackett. Carhait & Co.
have learned bow in their great retail
stores on Broadway, whoro for years
they have catered to tbe most fastid
ious clothes wearing people on this
But wonderful as the clothing is,
the results are still more wonderful.
A recent poll of the University Club,
one of tho most aristocratic in New
York, disclosed the fact that more
than half its members wore Ready-to
Wear Clothing.
' This Clothing is making new con
verts to the Ready-to-Wear Idea ev
ery day, and it is to this Clothing that
we call the attention of oil country
people now, at the beginning of this
spring and summer season,- while our
assortment is complete and unbroken.
Double and Single-Breasted
Sack Suits $12.00 (o $21.00
2b AND 29 SENECA ST. ,
Fred. Grcttcnborgor
AU work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General Blacksmithing prompt
ly done at Low Kates. Kepairing Mill
Machinery given apodal attention, and
satistaction guaranteed.
-Shop in rear of and Just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
Repalra Holler, Stills,
Tanks, Agitators. Iluj
and Sells Second - hand
Rollers, Etc.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End of Suspension Bridge,
Third ward, OIL CITY, PA.
To Take Effect July 6th, 1003.
NOHTH Eastern Time HOUTH
3. 1 j Stations 2 4
p. m a. in Leave Arrive p. m
7 00 Nebraska 6 50
7 30 Hops Run fl 80
7 40 Lamentation 6 20
7 45 Newtown Mills fl 15
1 45 8 00 Kellettvllle 1 00 6 00
1 558 15 Buck Mills 12 4,V5 60
2 05:8 25 May burg 12 35 5 40
2 20 8 40 Porkey 12 10 5 30
2 25 8 45 Ministor 12 055 25
2 30 8 50 Wellers 11 65 5 20
2 40 9 00 Hastings 11 40 5 10
2 55 9 15 Blue Jay 11 30 4 65
3 10 9 30 Henry's Mill 11 00 4 40
3 25 9 50 Barnes 10 40 4 25
3 45 1000 Sbefflold 10 30 4 15
p.mla.m Arrive Leave a.m. p.m
T. D. COLLINS, President.
Promptlr ohUJnrd, or rtt RETURNED.
THE LOWEST. Bend modol, photo or keU'h for
expert neiirch and Iro. report on patentability.
INFRINGEMENT tuiU conducted before all
courtR. Patent, obtained thronirh na, ADVER
SIONS and COPYRIGHT quickly obtained.
Opposite U. . Patent Office,
I -To Cure a CoM in One Day
Toke Laxative Brcmo Quinine Tablets. fj&
Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 months. ThiS Signature, W.y5rCSr
Let Us Make that
Suit or Top Coat
For You.
The hearty reception our customers are according our new
line of spring suitings and top
tive of their worth. It is also an indication that there are those
amongst us who look out for to-morrow ordering early while
the assortment is most complete
disappointed in the eleventh hour of their needs.
The range of woolens displayed here this season is excep
tional, even with us, and that means a good deal. The snappy,
nobby effects will appeal to the most exacting. The styles this
spring also admit of swagger suits in competent hands. Better
look us over.
Glasqow Woolen Mills Co.,
Confining our liue strictly to the Hard
ware boBiue8 e are prepared as no others
in the ciunmuntv to supply your every need
iu that line. If it's a
Stove, Ilnngc. Stove ripe,
Kitchen Ware.
or a jibing in Supplies fur
Lumbermen, Jleehaiiles or
we baye it in stock.
Bldcksmithing and vehicle repairing
while you wait.
Call nod look us over. We can fit you out
at moderate oust. We can also "ret y u
right" in anythiok in the line of a , . .
Wagon or Buggy.
Time Deponlt Solicited.
A. B. Kelly,
G. W. Robitmou,
Wayne Cook,
P. Wheeler,
T. F. Ritchey.
Collections remittal for on day of pnyment at low rates. We promise our custom
ers all the beneflts consistent with conservative banking. Interest paid on time
deposits. Tonr patronage respectfully solicited.
coatings is one more proof posi
and taking no chances of being
Will pay Four rer Cent, per Annum
Vloe Preslden
Wm. Smearbangb,
J. T. Dale, J. H. Kelly.
Cum Grip
In Two Days,
on every
frvzn' box. 25c