The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 12, 1905, Image 2

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J. C. WINK, . Editor t Profriitom.
1905 APRIL 1905
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
J 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22!
,24 25 26 27 28 29)
Mood t p.m.
-v Ftret 10 441
.y Quarter X.L p.m.
Republican Primaries, Saturday, April
j. ran. Associate Judire.fl:!; Protbon
otnrv. tl'M Stierilt. 110: Count v Commta
Bioner, (7; Auditor, J5j Jury Commis
sioner, $4; fStatfl Delegate, Invariably
the cash must accompany the order for
We are authorized to announce Na
than Swkkt, of Jenks township, an a
(HiidUlHio lor Associate Judge, subject to
Kepuuiican usage.
We are authorized to announce D. B
Shields, of Jenka township, as a candi
date for Associate Judge, subject to Re-
puuucan usages.
We are authorized to announce Z. S.
IIimks, of Jenka township, as a candi
date for Associate Judge, subject to Re
publican usages
We are authorized to announce J. C,
Oki (T, ol Howe township, as a candidate
for Prothonotary, Ac, subject to Kepub-
j icau usages.
We are authorized to announce A. W.
bTRoup, of Tionesta township, as a can
didate for Sheriff, snhject to Republican
We are authorized to announce 8. R,
Maxwkll, of Tionesta borough, as a
caididato for Sheriff, subject to Republl
can usages.
Weaie authorized to announce J. B
Gold, of Green township, as a candidate
tor bneritl, subject to Republican usages.
We are authorized to announce Lkon
akd Aonkw, of Tionesta borough, as a
candidate for County Commissioner, sub
ject to republican usages.
Editor Kepudlican: Please an
nounce my candidacy lor the nomination
for the office of Countv Commissioner at
the Republ.can primary to tie held April
15tb, 1905. In making this announce
ment, I desire to reassert the position I
took in the campaign of three years ago,
thai, if elected. I will perforin the duties
ol the office faithfully and well, and at a
total cost for my services not to exceed
live hundred dollars per year.
Very respectfully,
Tionesta Boro, Feb. 27. V. A. Grovk.
We are authorized to announce Geo.
W. NoHLir. of Howe township, as a can
didate for County Commissioner, subject
to nepuoucan usages.
We are authorized to announce Frank
Kodv, of Jenka township, as a candidate
Jor County Commissioner, subject to Re
publican usages.
We are authorized to announce An
drew Wolf, of Tionesta township, as a
candidate for County Commissioner, sub
ject to Republican usages.
We are authorized to announce A. K.
Shipr, of Jenks township, as a candidate
for County Commissioner, subject to Re
publican usages.
We are authorized to announce John
M. ZtiKNDKi., of Kingsley township, as
a candidate for County Commissioner,
subject to Republican usages.
We are authorized to announce Conrad
Burhenn, of Green township, as a can
didate for County Commissioner, subject
to Republican usages.
We are authorized to announce R. W.
Guiton, of Green township, as a candi
date fur County Commissioner, subject to
Repuulican usages.
We are authorized to announce W. II.
Stiles, of Hickory township, as a candi
date for County Auditor, subject to Re
publican usages.
We are authorized to announce
Charles F. Klinkstiver, of Green
township, as a candidate for County Aud
itor, subject to Republican usages.
jury commissioner.
We are anthorizoj to announce D. E.
Caiimon, of Harmony township, aa a
candidate for Jury Commissioner, sub
ject to Republican usages.
We are authorized to announce J. B.
Eden, of Tionesta township, as a candi
date for Jury Commissioner, subject to
Koptiblicau usages.
state deleuate.
We are authorized to announce Geo.
W. Holkman, of Tionesta, as a candidate
for Delegate to the Republican State Con
vention. We are authorized to announce J. N,
Gkrow, of Tionesta borough, as a candi
date for Delegate to the Republican State
county superintendent.
We are authorized to announce that
Prof. D. W. Morrison, of Tionesta, will
be a candidate at the forthcoming Con
vention of School Directors, May 2d, 1(105,
for the office of County Superintendent of
We are authorized to announce that
Ida S. Paup, of Tionesta, will be a can
didate at the forthcoming Convention of
School Directors, May 2d, W05, for the
office of County Superintendent of
We are authorized to announce that
Prof. K. E. Slkkih i', of Marieuville, will
bo a candidate at tho forthcoming Con
vention of School Directors, May 2d, 1005,
for the olllce of County .Superintendent of
Secretary Taft says a sea level canal
at Panama is feasible, but may cost :UKL.
Ouo.Ouo. The people will be satisfied to
get it at that price, and only ask a dollar's
worth for every dollar expended.
Piiksi:knt Roosevelt left on a west
ern trip last Monday, and expects to be
absent two monlha, during which lime
he will atlcnd a cowboy reunion, make
sevoral speeches, and lose himself in the
mountains of Colorado for several weeks
n a hunting- expedition. The Presideut
is a bundle of energy and is not contented
unless he is moving and making other
tilings inovo. He is easily the most pop.
ular man in America today, and it would
not l.o surprising if tho people should
Insist upon tils serving another term as
President. Puuxsiitawuey Spirit.
The Panama canal situation la rapidly
moving toward the stage where the dirt
will begin to fly on the American plan.
A New York paper is discussing the
question. "Do Boys Hate Bathing?"
Light can be obtained on the subject by
moving with the boys near a river and
giving them strict injunctions not logo
near it.
A parcels poat system at reasonable
rates in the United States would work
the same as in European countries, and
that is to the great advantage of all the
people. The experience in Europe is
that it iucreases the volume and facilities
of business for everybody.
Republican Primaries.
The Republican primary election for
Forest county takes place next Saturday
afiemoou, 15th, and from present appear
ances there will be a full vote polled,
which Is as it should be. A lull vote
meaus, as a general rule, a fair expression
of the voters, and that is what every true
Republican desires. The canvass has
been a quiet one, practically free from
slander or bitterness, and that is the way
it should end. There are enough candi
dates In the field to insure a good turnout
In every preciuct, provided each one's
friends take the interest they should. Let
no Republican stay at home, but let all
come out aud vote their choice and thcu
abide by the result.
Very Tough Legislation.
Two or three hills that have passed the
legislature this session staud out in par
ticular prominence as ''lough legisla
tion," and the wonder is that they could
get enough voles in body of men sup
posed to represent an honest constituency
to pass them finally, but such seems to
have been the case. They are knowu as
the Pulil bill and the two Ehrbardt bills,
all of them designed to hamper if not to
tally destroy the beneficent work of the
law and order and other kindrvd socie
ties of the Stale. They are bills which no
self-respecting representative would sup
port. Of these obnoxious measures, aim
ing to protect all forms of vice, the Phila
delphia Press says :
"According to all information the Publ
vice bill, passed fiually by the Legisla
ture two weeks ago, has never reached
the Governor. This is an extraordinary
circumstance, though there Is no law re
quiring a bill to be sent to the Governor
at any paticular tune, except on the
morning of adjournment. The fact that
this bill has been withheld indicates there
was some pretty direct information that
It .would Dot meet with executive ap
proval. There were several kindred
measures Intended to protect vice, known
as the Ehrhadt bills, which were follow
ing on after the Puhl bill. If the Publ
bill had gone to the Governor and been
promptly returned with a veto it would
have ended the Ehrhadt bills. They
have been held up for some time, signifi
cantly. It seems to be somewhat uncer
tain whether tbey will now be put
through or not. They are in such shape
that there will be tine enough next week
to complete action on them. But if there
is any information that the Governor will
not approve the Publ bill, why should he
be "xpected to lot the others, aiming at
the same object, get by? The best thing
that can be done is to let these disreputa
ble measures sleep where tbey are. The
members in both houses have gone on
record in several votes, aud that record
will constantly plague many of them, but
it will plague them much less if the bills
are not allowed to become laws,"
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as tbey cannot
reacn ine uiseased portion ot the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
aud that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eu
stachian Tube. When this tube gets in-
nainoa you nave a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it la entire
ly closed deafness is the result, and un
less the inflamntion can be taken out and
this tube restored to its normal condition
hearing will be destroyed forever: nine
cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
wnicn is noining but an muauied condi
tion of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
r. j. uhjsh Y t cu., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, ?5.
Hall's Family Pills aro the best.
Cknnibrrlnin'a Cornell Remedy the Ileal and
most I'opulnr.
"Mothers buy It for crounv children.
railroad men buy it lor severe couuhs and
elderly people buy it for la grippe," say
Moore Bros., Eldon, Iowa. "We seil
more of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
than any other kind. It seems to uaye
taken the lead over several other good
brands." There is no question but this
medicine is the best that can be procured
for coughs and colds, whether it be a
child or an adult that id afflicted. It al
ways cures and cures quickly. Sold by
Dr. J. C. Dunn.
Notice to Stockholders.
The annual meeting ol the stockholders
of the Tionesta Gas Company will be held
at the office of the company on Monday,
April 17, l'J05, at 2 o'clock p. m.
2t A. B. Kelly, Secretary.
For a Weak IHgrstlou.
No medicine can replace food but
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets help you to digest your food. It is
not the quantity of food taken thai eives
strength and vigor to the system, but the
amount digested and assimilated. If
troubled with a weak digestion, don't fail
to give these Tablets a trial. Thousands
have been benefitted by their use. They
only cost a quarter. For sale by Dr. J,
C. Dunn.
Faint Your Buggy for 75c
to $1.00 with Devoe's Gloss Carriage
Paint. It weighs 3 to 8 ozs. more to the
pint than others, wears longer and gives
a gloss equal to new work. Sold by
James D. Davis.
Itlieumnllc 1'nliin ((uii-kly Uclieved.
Tho excruciating pains characteristic of
rheumatism and sciatica are quickly re
lived by applying Chamberlain's Pain
linliii. The great pain relieving power
of llin liniment has been the surprise and
delight of thousands of sufferers. The
quick relief lrotn pain which it affords is
aloue worth many times its cost. For
sale by Dr. J. C. Dunn.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles. Druggists refund monoy II Pazo
Ointmont fails to cure any case, no mat
ter of how long standing, in 0 to 14 days.
First application gives ease and rest. &0c.
If your druggist hasn't it send 50o in
stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid
by the Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo
Cream of tho News.
A woman is never too old to nurry
if she has money.
Everything In frosh vegetables at the
White Slur Grocery. It
There is no doubt that the mass of
inankiud Is discontented.
--All the newest things in spring dress
goods at the Hopkins store. It
A lame excuse Is sometimes the re
sult of having one's leg pulled.
Newest things in nun's lists at Hop
kins.' Styles and prices just right. It
Life is never monotonous so long as
there Is something to kick about.
Lots of staple' goods still lelt at the
Lanson closing out sale. All going at
less than oust. It
Flattery sometimes acts like too many
lumps of sugar iu a cup of coffee.
Hundreds of dollars worth of staple
goods are yet to be had at Lanson's. Most
of them far below cost. It
Even the people who build castles In
the air have their ops and downs.
Don't neglect the opportunity of your
life, but go to Lanson's and get the best
grade ot goods of every description at
less than cost. It
When a inau's logic is plttel aguinst
a woman's tears, the result is inevitable.
Keep your bowels regular by the use
of Chamberlain's Stomach ami Liver
Tablets. There is nothing butter. For
sale by Dr. J. C. Dunn. tf
Every man would be satisfied with
bis lot if it w asn't for some other fellow's.
This is the real carpet season, and
Hopkins is better prepared than ever be
foro to supply your want--. Dou't buy
till you have seen his stock. It
The man who does all he can, gener
ally finds that some elte will do the rest.
Don't forget that we still sell the
Wooltex goods, skirts and jackets, and
we sell lots of them, for they are the fin
est on the market. Hopkins. It
A hand mirror is one of the few things
that woman never holds up to ridicule.
The Douglas shoe for men, and the
Strootman shoe for ladies, take the lead
of all others, and the prices are right.
Hopkins is sole dealer in Tionesta. It
The opinion of a man has of himself
Isn't always of value to the rest of the
The "Table Queen" bread and all
otbhr "bakery" sold by the White Star
Grocery excella them all. Try it once
and you are our customer thenceforth. It
A goat's head is sufficient proof that
a striking couutenance doesn't alwavs
Indicate brains.
Wash Goods In endless variety, aud
at prices that put them in the reach of
all. Now is the time to get your summer
sewing done, before the weather gets too
warm. Hopkins. U
Our idea oi an easy mark is a man
who buys a bottle of hair tnnio from a
bald-beaded barber.
Wanted. I want a good reliable
man or woman to act as agent for the
best selling medicine in the U. 8. You
can make $5.00 a day. None but reliablo
parties need apply. G. W. Brown, Box
540, Erie, Pa. . It
Republican Primary Election.
Pursuant to resolution of the Republi
can Connty Committee of Forest County,
adopted at its meeting held February 27tb,
1905, it is ordered that the Republican
voters of said county meet on
at 2 o'clock p. m., at the following named
places of holding primary elections, to-
Burnett Clarington, Cooksburg, Red
Green Nebraska, Guitouville Golinza.
Harmony West Hickory, Fogle Farm,
Hickory East Hickory.
Howe Brookston, Cooper Tract, Pig
eon. Lynch, Porkey, Clougbs, Watson
Jenks Marienville, Duhring, Lamona.
Kingsloy Mayburg, Kellettville, New
town Mills, Starr.
Tionesta Township.
Tionesta Borough.
At which time and places they will' by
their votes nominate:
One person for Associate Judge.
One person for Prothonotary, Ac.
One person for Sheriff.
Two persons for County Commissioner.
Two persons for County Auditor,
One person for Jury Commissioner.
One person for State Delegate.
Each election precinct will also elect
one person for momber of the County
Committee for the ensuing year.
The polls will remain opnn till 7 p. m.
Return Judgos will convene at the
Court House, Tionesta Borough, on the
following Tuesday, April 18, 1905, at 2
o'clock p. m.
Attention is called to the Act of June,
regulating primary elections, that
Judges and Clerks, before entering upon
the discharge of their duties, shall take
and subscribe an oath or affirmation In
presence of each other.
Attention is also directed to the follow
ing resolution adopted by the County
Committee at its last meeting :
Resolved, That all Republicans be re
quired to vote in their propor primary
precincts, where such is possible, and in
case the voter is unable to reach his
proper voting place he shall, before vot
ing, be obliged to have at least two Re
publicans vouch for his Republicanism
and legal right to vole.
Proper election blanks and tickets will
bo mailed to the committeemen of the
different precincts in due time. It, is
their duty to soe that these are promptly
on baud on tho day of the primaries.
G. W. Osgood, Chairman.
1. The candidates for thn soveral offices
shall have their names announced in one
or moro of the county papers at least
three weeks previous to the Primary
Meetings stating the office and snhject to
the action of the party at said primary
2. The voters belonging to tho Repub
lican party In each township and borough
shall meet on a day to be designated by
the County Committee at the usual place
of holding spring elections, at 2 o'clock
p. in., aud proceed to elect one person for
Judge and two persons for Clerks who
shall form a Board of Elections to receive
votes and determine who are the propor
persons to vnto aud who shall hold tho
polls open until 7 o'clock p. in. Afer
the polls are opened, the candidates an
l ounc.ed shall bo balloted foi j the name
ofeiu h person voting shall bo written on
a list at the time of voting, no person be
ing allowed to vote more than once for
the same olllce.
8. After the polls are closed the board
shall proceed to count the vote that each
candidate has received, and make out
the returns accordingly to he certified by
the Judge and attested'by the Clerks.
4. The Judge (or one of the Clerks ap
pointed by the Judge of the respective
election district shall meet at the Court
House, in Tionesta, on the Tuesday fol
lowing thn Primary Meetings at 2 o'clock
p. in., having the returns and a list of
voters, aud the person havimr the highest
number of votes for any office, shall be
declared the nominoe of the Republican
5. The Return Judges shall be compe
tent to reject by a inaority vote the re
turns from any district where there is
evidence of fraud, eitlier in the returns
or otherwise, and shall reject them where
there is evidence of three or more persons
voting at the Primary Meetings who are
not Republicans.
li. Auy two or more persons having an
equal number of votes for the same olllce
lie judges shall proceed to ballot fur a
choice, the person having the highest
number to be the nominee.
7. The Return Judges shall appoint
Confereea Representative, Senatorial
and Congressional whose acceptance, of
said appointment shall be a pledge to
support (be person who may receive the
largest number of votes cast for that of
fice. 8. The Return Judges may at any time
change the mode aud manner of selecting
candidates aa they may be Instructed by
the people at their primary meetings, due
notice being given by the County Com
mittee. . The Chairman of the County Com
mittee shall be required lo issue a call in
pursuance of the action of the County
That Beautiful Gloss
comes from the varnish In Devoe's Var
nish Floor Paint; costs 5 ceuts more a
quart though. Sold by James D. Davis.
Flour $ sack 1.601.85
Buckwheat flour. tta .sj
Corn meal, feed, 100 lb..,' 1.051.25
Corn meal, family, 100 lb
Chop feed, pure grain I.151.30
Oats .... .45
Corn, shelled 6d70
Beans i bushel 2.7,1
Ham, sugar cured ,14
Bacon, sugar cured .13
Shoulders .14
Salt Pork, lb 121
Whitefish kit SO&Ho
Sugar .; fil.07
Syrup 35(g) .50
N. O. Molasses .. .35 .50
Coffee, Roast Rio 16
Coffee, blended Java .25
Tea S53 .50
Butter .3o
Rice 05fa.09
Eggs, fresh .ls
Salt barrel 1.25
Lard .12
Potatooa, $ bushel ' ." tiO
Potatoes, sweet, lb , ' .2J
Lime 1 barrel 1.25
Nails keg 2.75
Wool 2022
Do You Need
A Grain Binder, Corn Binder,
Reaper, Hay Tedder, l!ake,
Dirk Harrow.Spriug or .Spike Harrow
Grain Drill, Land Roller,
Hay Loader, Side Delivery Rake,
Steam Threshing Machine,
Corn Planter, or any Other Kind
ot Machinery,
I Have It at the
Right Price
and easy terms. Every article guar
uuteed. I do not handle goods made
by the Trust. Repairs always nn
hand. I'll trade for your old ma
chine. See me; get my prices; we
can deal. Yours truly,
$100,000 CASH CAPITAL.
The League was organized a few years
ago with (50,000 capital hut has recently
been increased to (100,000 capital stock,
and writes the best contract on the face of
the earth. Every man, woman and child
should join the League. There is no
"wild cat" nor "blind tiger" business
about It. They make a plain contract t
pay for a
$100 OneHundredDollarsBurial-$100
and charge only a Bniall payment each
yeai. On a child under 10 years old it
only costs 90 cents a year. Every claim
is guaranteed by a bank draft attached to
contract. There is no hot air proposition
about it. It takes money to pay the un
dertaker when you die. Your people se
lect the place aud what yon want to be
buried in,
The League Pays the Bill to
the Amount of $100.
If you wish a more expensive funeral the
League will pay (100.00 on the bill and
you pay the balance. If anybody dis
putes the above, report it to any of our
agents and wo will take pleasure in allow
ing you that every word of it Is true. We
are now doing business in 22 Slates and
our business is increasing by leaps and
bounds. Jt coals you only (1.00 lo join
The League.
Yours respectfully,
JAS. WILSON, Manager,
Room 1, Centre Blk, Franklin, Pa
J. P. HULING, Agent, Tionesta.
Pianoforte Instruction
Well known to the people of this vicinity,
will devote ono day m each week, Tues
day, to his class in Tionesta, at Itovard's
Hall, whero patrons can sen him as lo
terms, etc. 3m
NOTICE is hereby given by the follow
ing applicant for admission to the
Bar ol the Miiprenio Court of (he State of
Pennsylvania thai he will, on or before
tho 3(ltb day of May, l!M5, (i lo his creden
tials with, aud make application lo, the
State Board of Lnw Examiners to he ex
amined by said Beard on the 20lh aud
l!lst days of June, 1!)05, for admission to
the Bar of the .Supreme Court of Penn
It Marion A, Cakhingkii.
1 oolwear.
For Men,
For Women,
For Boys,
For Girls,
For Little Tots
rrvvis suoi:s
For Men aud Boys.
White Canvas Oxfords
For Ladies.
And the more you knos about
Clothing the more wonderlul it is.
Messrs. llackctt, Carhait & Co.
have learned how in their great retail
stores on Broadway, whero for years
they have catered to the most fastid
ious clothes wearing people on this
But wonderful as the closing is,
the results are still more wonderful
A recent poll of the Uuivernity Club,
one of the most aristocratic in JSew
York, disclosed the fact that more
thau half its mciubots wore Ready-to
Wear Clothing.
This Clothing is making new con
verts to the Ready-to Wear Idea ev
ery day, and it is to this Clothing that
wo call the attention of oil couutry
people now, at the beginning of this
spring and summer season, while our
assortment is complete and unbroken
Double and Single-Breasted
Sack Suits $12.00 to 2 1.00
Fred. Orettciiberger
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil ell1 Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General Hlacksmithing prompt
ly done at Ixw Kates. KepainuR Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
saiisiucuou Kuaranleeu.
Shop lu rear of and just west of the
Shaw Houso, Tldioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited,
Repairs Holler, Mills,
Tanks Agitators. ISuj'ft
and Sells Second - hand
Hollers, Etc.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. Eud of Suspension Bndee,
Third ward, Oil, IT1, IA.
To Take EfTect July 6th, 1903.
NORTH Eastern Time SOUTH
3 1 j .Stations 2 4"
p.m a. in Leave Arrive p. in. pTiri
7 00 Nebraska 6 60
7 30 Ross Run )! 30
7 40 Lamentation 6 20
7 Newtowu Mills " 0 15
145 8 00 Kellettville 1 00 6 00
1 BSI8 15 Ruck Mills 12 45!5 50
2 0.i!8 25 Mayburg 12 35 5 40
2 208 40 Poikoy 12 10 5 30
2 25;8 45 Minister 12 05 5 25
2 30!8 60 Wellors 11 55 5 20
2 40:0 00 Hastings 11 40 5 10
2 55j9 15 Blue Jay 11 30 4 55
3 1019 30 Henry's Mill U 00 4 40
3 2519 50 Barnes 10 40 4 25
3 45 1000 Sheffield 10 30 4 15
p.mla. iii Arrlve Leave a. m. p.m
T. D. COLLINS, Prksidknt.
ISofr. Ativny ivNr.blp. I.Hrtl,.., rwk nruuirliit (hi
4 IIM IIF.M l;lt N KNUI.INII In Kol unit
;lcl liifliillic boxps, Heiili-il wllh blue riblKXi.
Take no olliri'. 3t fiite lunKrrous nlll
lutlun.nml initiation. Iliivulyiiur lunrcixt,
cir imml te. In stioups fur rnrlirulnr. Toll
moninl. ami "Kclli't Tor l.mllr-."' in Irtlrr,
by n-liirn JI.U. io.000 Tcsllinuiiiala, Hula by
all DruirclHts.
8100 MaUi.on Mquar. I'll I LA., PA.
UqdUo. thlt .puv
f! . . r.
Take axaiiVii DI-OKO limine Tablets. JS
Seven Million boxes soM In past 12 months. . This Signature
We Lead the
We are the acknowledged leaders in Popular
Priced Tailoring. We challenge the world to
produce better clothes for the money than we
do. Our large and ever increasing trade is a
sure index, that Glasgow Tailoring is all right
and is thoroughly appreciated. Our showing of
new Spring Fabrics is, without question, the
largest and handsomest ever brought to this city.
All the new colorings
predominate this season. We have all the new
shades, in checks, plaids, stripes and plain ef
fects. We shall take great pleasure in showing
you our beautiful stock. Samples cheerfully
Suits, Top Coats,
Made to Order, Made
to Fit.
Glasaow Woolen Mills Co.,
Confining our line strictly to tho Hard
ware business e are prepared as no others
in the community lo supply your every need
in that line. If it's a
Move, Itiuigc, Ntove Pipe,
Kitchen Ware,
or a y thing in Supplie for
Lumbermen, Mechanic r
we haye it in stock.
Hlacksmithing aud vehicle repairing
while you wait
Call and look us over. We can fit you out
at moderate cost. We-cau alio ","et y. u
right" in anythiok iu the line of a ...
Wagon or Buggy.
Time Deposits Solicited. Will
A. Waynk Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook, Q. W. Robliwon, Wui. Smoarbaugb,
N. P. Wheeler, T. F. RlU-lioy. J. T. Dale, J. If. Kelly.
Collections remitted for on day of pr.ymnnt nt low ratos. We promlHO our ouHtom
or all the benofitM oonNmtent witb consorvatlvo banking. InlereHt pnid on llmo
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
a Coli in One Bov
- o
are here. Grey will
Vt Four Vet Vent, per A
Wm. Shbarhacob,
Vioo President
Cures Crip
in Two Days.
ft f,
on every
rs?xt- box. 25c