The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 08, 1905, Image 4

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    Smart k Silberbera:
Woman KMIed a Neighbor.
Passaic, N. J., March 6. Antoinette
Tollo Bhot and Instantly killed Jo
seph Santo at KIngslnnd, seven miles
from here. The Tollo and Santo fam
ilies were neighbors and apparently
always had been on the most friendly
terms. Santo was married and had
thre-s children and Mrs. Tollo was the
mother of a boy aged 4 and a girl
aged 2. After being taken to Jail
Mrs. Tollo said she killed Santo la de
fense of her honor.
Women's New Spring
Suits, Covert Jackets
and Coats
Ready in the New Spring Styles.
Scared to Death by Bolting noraea.
Fairmont, V. Va., March 4. Aba
Pethel, a Justice of the peace, aioa
from fright while driving wun nu
daughter, Miss Mollle. The wagon
was on the edge of a precipice, near
Glover Gap, when the horses bolted.
The daughter succeeded In controlling
the animals, and upon turning to her
father, she found him dead m me
MikeIrc' Cat.
Shakespeare liinkes frequent refer
cucos to the cat In his plays. Lii'ly
Macbeth taunts her husband when he
hangs back from tho immlor with
Ix-ttlng I dare not wait upon I would,
Like the poor cat 1' the adage,
alluding to that animal's fondness foi
fish "What cat's averse to flub.?" bul
Its unwillingness to wet Its feet In
catching them.
FulstutT seizes upon another feature
of tho animal's character, so detested
by all wakeful sleepers in towns:
"'Sblootl! I am ns melancholy as a
gib cat!" When Mercutlo longs ror a
fray with Tybalt, he accosts uim.
"Good king of cats, I would linve noth
lng but one of your nine lives. That 1
mean to make bold wlthnl. and. as you
shall use me hereafter, dry beat tli
rest of tho eight," and thereupon re
ceives that celebrated "scratch" which
was "not so deep ns a well nor so wide
os a church door."
Hunting Missing Malt Pouch.
Connellsvllle, Pa., March 4. Secret
i - . Kaka rmm wn an.
i 1 I Service llltu tnuro uoo aaviia
PWAvt JnnlrAfs .mM HftJltS nrOTTllSG tO DO Inston to Institute a search for a
VW ll V V " r I v Jl..nnSIJ frTV. a
more nonular than ever during 1110 comine: man crane at Bear Bun the night of
season. Their adaptation to the needs of
almost any occasion make them very de
sirahlo for spring wear, especially in these
new spring models.
Jan. 27. The pouch contained regis
tered letters, and It Is said that about
$200 In addition to valuable pack
ages was lost.
Her Hclorl.
"My ancestors came over In the May
flower," said the young woman who
"Yes," answered Mrs. racklngham
of Chicago, "I understand that travel
was very cheap on that boat." Wash
ington Stur.
Covert Short Jackets. Single br tasted style, with notch
i-nllnr. full ton sleeves and other touches of style that characterize the
earmeot for the spriDe season, at 14 00, $5 00, t6 00
Hip Length Jackets. Excellent quality Tan Covert, flat
Anllar Ln.n'.miiltnn kloasaa with lilf1lfil1 limited front SOd back
trimmed with buttons, satin lined, at $3 50
llalil Coats, Made of Waterproof Cravenettes, in tans and
nTford full lencrihs. with belts, boi Dleats. circular flat collars and
bishnn sleeves, at $10.00
Stylish Spring Suits. Splendidly tailored garments, made
of serge, plain I'aoama and novelty Panama materials. Some fanoily
trimmed with braid: all the wanted inrini? stvles. from the leading
designers in the country, at $20.00 and $25 00
Covert Coals--Hi d lenelb. with fly front, lspped seams: three
especially eood numbers, at $10 00
Covert Coats Of hard finished coverts, in tan shades, colUr
less or with notch collars, trimmed with velvet, silk or covered straps,
corsot or half fitted stvles. lined throughout with silk: extra values, $15 00
Haiti Coats. Waterproof Cravenettes in olives, tans and grays,
finished with box nleata and belts, nlain or fancy sleeves, collarless
or with collars. BDlendidlv tailored garments, at $15.00
tfew Silk Shirt Waist Sults.-Chiff.,n Taffetas, in preen,
brown, blue, gray and black, waist shirred and pleated or shirred
skirts; newest sleeves, perfect fitting and a showing that should be
seen hv nvnrv nnranfi in need of a daintV Shirt Waist Suit, at
$12 50, $15, $18, $20
New Brighton Hear Rumors.
New Brighton. Pa., March 4. A
report Is In circulation here that Jones
& Laughlln have purchased the farm
of the late George Hostetter, opposite
Merrill dam, on the Ohio river, and
that the Jones ft Laughlln Iron works
will be moved or a big plant put up;
also that a branch of the Wabash will
llolillnnr HI Own.
"Stingy, Isn't he?"
"You've said It! Why, ho holds fast
to everything he gets Ills clutches on
and even bolts down his dinner!
Sore, sain, Quick.
For Live j ami Kidneys, Thomp
son s liaiosma.
Senator Walcotfa Body Cremated.
Paris, March 7. The funeral of for
mer United States Senator Edward O.
Wolcott, who died at Monte Carlo on
March 1, took place yesterday at the
mortuary shapel of Pcre Lachalse
cemetery In the presence of Ambas
sador Porter, Henry Wolcott and some
Intimate friends. The Rev. Dr. Good
rich officiated. The body subsequent
ly was cremated. The ashes will be
taken to the United States.
Injured In a Coasting Accident.
Jamestown, N. Y., March 7. Seven
persons were Injured, two perhaps fa
tally, In a coasting accident last night.
The party was coasting down Wash
ington street and collided with a team
and heavy wagon. Mrs. Richard Hen
ning and Richard Fisher were the
most seriously Injured. Their condi
tion is critical.
Gives $50,000 to Harvard.
Seattle, Wash., March 7 Samuel
Sill, member of the board of over
seers of Harvard university, has sub
scribed 150.000 to a special fund of
11.000.000 to relieve the annual de
ficiency existing at the Institution.
The test of time Is the surest test
Common sense Is the collective opinion
of the majority of the people. Hence
when the test of time and public opin
Ion agree on a state of things, you may
fael safe In following that opinion
The principle obtain in medicine as
well as In everything else. That which
the majority of the people says is right
must be right Therefore the certitude
of the verdict on Thompson's Barosma,
Kidney and Liver Cure. It has been
used for many yoars by peopla all over
the world. It has stood the test of time,
and has the approbation of every one
who has ever used it. Not In one so t
tary Instance has Thompson's Birosma
failed to accomplish what is claimed ror
It the absolute cure for any affection
of the liver and kidneys. Most of
human physical - Ills spring from de
rangement of those organs. The heart.
me stomach, the bladder, the nervous
system, the mind, all answer the dan
ger tocsin which they sound. Why do
you suffer or endanger life with neg
lect, then, when a slignt expenditure
for a time-tried remedy will put the
blood of youth In your veins again?
Rheumatism? That .is but one result of
kidney ailment. You can and will
make kindling wood of your crutches
after a short course with Thompson's
Barosma, At all druggists. 50c and L
l'o LIT nam!"
A rnm, famous In a West Virginia vil
lage for Its propensity to butt, was en
raged one morning, says the Philadel
phia Tress, to discover Uncle Hilly, an
aged darky, asleep . In the pasture.
Undo Billy sat with his head bowed
low- nnd his bald spot shining In the
sun. The ram eyed it from a distance.
Uncle Billy nodded, nnd tho imld top
of his head bade detlunce.
Tho ram stood tip and waved a chal
lenge with its horns. Uncle Billy nod
ded in acceptance. With a sharp
"Ba-a-a-a-a!" the noil charged and
launched Itself like a catapult at the
offending pate.
A little later It packed Itself up from
the ground and wandered away to tho
farthest side of the pasture to ruminate
over the collision. Uncle Billy lookea
up drowsily.
"IV 11T rnm!" he murmured, 'no
done wandered font de fold and foun"
sorrow and tribulation!"
I1W llnntl.
'Edith accepted old Mlllun's hand In
mnrrlnge yesterday."
The hand he signs his checks wun,
I guess." Chicago Journal.
The most changeable things In the
world are tho course of waters nnd the
humor of women. l'lttaeus.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If It falls
to cure. K. W. Grove's signature is on
each box. 25c. '25
Colonll Untea via Nlrkrl l'lule Hand.
Tickets a ill be on sale daily, March
1st to May 15lh inclusive, to points
in Moutaua. Wyoming, Utah. INew
Mexico. Arizona, Nevada, Idaho,
Washington, Oregou and California
at very low rates. rue, wire,
'phone, or ca'.l on A. C. Showalter,
D. P. A., 807 (Mate Street, fcne, l'a.
for full particulars. 145ml0
Ovrrlnml Limited to Cnllfurula .
Leaves Uuiou Fassenger Station, Chi
caco. C:05 p. m. daily, arrives San
Francisco the tbint day in lime for a
dinner- Route Chicapo, Milwaukee
tfcSt. Paul Railway, Uuion Facihc
and Southern Pacific line. All tick
et scents sell via this route. Ask
them to do so. llam'some book, de
serintive of California, sent for six
cenis postage. John II. Pott, Dis
trict Fasseucer Aet.. Room D, Park
Building, Pittsburg. 3t
Oil City Trust Company.!
Schutt Won Three-Mlle Run.
Oxford. England. March 7. At the
university field sports yesterday War
ren Ellis Schutt. the Rhodes scholar
from Cornell university, won the three
mile run In 15 minutes 4 1-5 seconds.
JOS. SEEP, President.
GEO. LEWIS, Vice President.
H. R. MERRITT, Treasurer.
CAPITAL, $300,000.00
SURPLUS, $300,000.00
Does a General Banking Business,
Solicits accounts, and guarantees the
best of attention to all business.
A TD-w Pivnf. MrnH On certificates of de
TCJ-W UCUU. tMm WAV. jt You dQ not
rprtifipfitfi at the end ot six months or one 2930c
-x- j POTATOES State and western.
year, it continues iu ur.uw iuui pci i.ciii. nniu icuvum.
New York Provision Market
New York, March 6.
WHEAT No. 2 red. $1.21 f. o. b.
afloat: No. I northern Dulutn, $1.25
CORN No. 2 corn. 54c f. o. b.
afloat: No. 2 yellow, 54 c.
PORK Mess, $12.7513.50; family,
HAY Shipping, 6570c; good
to choice, 8290c. -
BUTTER Creamery, extra, c
31c; western factory, 202Gc; state
dairy, common to extra, 24 29c.
CHEESE State, full cream, unull,
choice. 13c.
EGOS Stae - and Pennsylvania,
Ri-tllers' Untea via NlrUel l'lnte Itcmd,
On Feb. 7th and 21st, March 7th
and 21at and April 4th and 18th,
there will be on sale via the Mckel
Plate, very low single trip tickets to
points in Alabama, Florida, Georgia,
Kentucky. Louisiana, Mississippi,
North Carolina, Tennessee and Vir
ginia. Write, wire, phone or call
on A. C. Showalter, 807 State btreet.
Erie, Pa., for full particulars. 142al2
Hettler1 Kate via Mrkel l'lnte Kami.
On Feb. 21st and March 21st very
low single trip tickets will be on sale
via the Nickel Plate, to points in
Missouri, Arkansas Kansas, Okla
horns, Indian Territory, New Mexi
co. Texas, Colorado, Wyoming and
South Dakota, Write, wire "phone
or call on A. C. Showalter, D P. A
807 State street, Erie, Pa., for full
Dariiculars. 143m'21
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
ISignatme of
Pa. sluGusr Moacs
Office ) fc 7M National Bank Building
Eyes examined free.
Exclusively optical
Oil City, Pa.
No. 44-5o yard, 55o dozeu. No. 42-5o yard, 55o dozen.
Sell a great ninny, thousand yards ol lace in a year, which eua
bles us to buy in iuitnonse quautities and thereby secure every pos
sible price concession It lurther enables us to sell laces at prices
much luwer thau most stores. The selection coven a very broad
rango and we shall at auy time be glad to send you samples. In
ordering either one of the above please cut out the pattern wanted
or quote numbers.
Silks and Dress Goods.
New Dress Goods and the stock ot new shirt waist suit silks is abont
complete and if you're interested in either one of these we'll be pleased
to send Samples,
Duchess Voille, 25c.
An American cotton manufacturer has imitated to perfection an im
ported English Voille. Of course ii's cotton but the resemblance is so
strong as to bailie any one at first glance to tell the difTereuce. Price
is a quartor a yard and width is 30 inches. Plain grouuds, almost any
color, with small figure.
New Spring Jackets.
$5 00, 80 00, 80 50, 87 50, 88 00, 88 50, 88 75, 80.50,
10 00, 12 00, 12 50, 15 00, 16 50, 18 00. 22 50, 25.00.
Don't you suppose in a stock comprising all those prices you'll be
able to find simething to please you?
An unprecedrnted oppor
tunity for every home to
secure a FAMOUS
An sbsolute SAViNO OF S50 to each pur
chaser. 100,000 SATISFIED CUS
TOMERS are singing the praises of this
well-known organ which hns been on the
market for 40 years. We avo decided to
offer to the people o this state d ';ng this
year 10,000 of these hifih-grade , , ans at
factory prices NO DEALER'S PROFITS.
You save this larRe item by purchasing direct
from the maker - SENO US MO MONEY
Organ will be sent free and you will be Riven
YOU absolutely in this matter. After you
have thoroughly tested the instrument for
10 DAYS and find it as represented, you
can pay us $10 cash snd easy monthly pay
ments until the orcan is raid for- V7E
fully warranted. If sfter trial you do not
i instrument as representee., wiu iukq
r hands and refund ircignt cnarges
no way obligated to keep it.
; responsibility, we refer you to your
or Bradstreet I or uun s com-
agencics. I his is an opportunity
oifered. AND REIHtrAUiii
which you are privileged to buy on these
terms. Why not get the best No home with
out an organ can sf ord to overlook this offer.
Many styles in both oak and black walnut to
select from. Write ns at once and complete
description ill be furnished you liyreturn mail.
The Hobart ?. Cable Coanpanfj
Manti fneturrr of lturdett Organs
Srchnrati Stall, Chicago. SU.
per bbl. $1.251.4S.
Heaping Measure
Of perfect style and defying wear,
there's nothing to equal
Nett&etqn9 $ Shoes &t $30Q
The care in designing and skill in shaping
and sticthing shown by Nettleton's Shoes
are equalled by none, sir, in all this broad
land of ours. There's a full line awaiting
you here.
Buffalo Provision Market
Buffalo, March 6
WHEAT No. 1 northern car lcadi,
11.20; No. 2 white, $1.15H m store.
CORN No. 3 corn, 5151c
f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 yellow, 62c.
OATS No. 2 white. 3C I. O. D,
afloat; No. 3 white, 36c.
FLOUR Fancy blended patent
per bbl., $0.50(317.25; low grades, $4.50
BUTTER Creamery western, ex
tra, 32c; state and Pennsylvania
creamery, 31c; dairy, fair to good,
CHI2ESE fancy iuu croam, le-ri
14c; good to choice, 12(8)l3c;
common to fair, 810c
EGGS Selected, fancy, 28c.
POTATOES Per bu.( 3638c.
Sycamore, Seneoa and Centre Streets,
ConrornliiK Scotch Punkluen.
A "jiositlvely true tale" of Scotch
pawklni'ss Is sent us by a naval corre
spondent. He traveled up to Invcrncs
slilre with a Scotsman, on wliosc taci
turnity he fulled, after ninny efforts, to
Impinge. The Scotsman still stared
duliy, fixedly from the train. At Inst
Intelligence began to show In his face
and grew to ecstasy, nnd ho shouted in
his excitement, "Look here, look here,
that's whaur it was." His companion
ruslu'd to the window. "In yon wee
town," continued the Scotsman, "I wus
charged suxpenco for yln cup of cof
fee." London Globe.
Why He Itetrnrled.
Kllmoie After all, Stedman Isn't so
bad a fellow. Ho came to me, man
fashion, and took hack all the things
ho hnd snld against my people. Ilur-
mnn IiJ It voluntarily? Kllniore
Practically that. It In true 1 threat
ened to shoot him on sight If he didn't
retract, but that was only a matter of
eMail. Boston Transcript.
A Queer Marriage Ceremony.
Anions tho Kherrlns of India the
marriage ceremony Is very funny.
Taking a sninll portion of the hair of
the bride and groom in turn from the
center of the forehead, the priest draws
It down on to the bridge of the nose.
Then, pouring oil on the head, he
watches it carefully as It trickles down
the portion of hair. If the oil wins
straight on to the tip of the nose their
future will be fortunate, but If It
spreads over the forehead or trickles
off on either side of the nose, bad luck
Is sure to follow. Their fortunes told,
generally to their own satisfaction, the
essential and Irrevocable part of the
ceremony tnltes place. Standing up
side by side, but with fnecs strictly
averted, the bride and groom mark
each other's forehead with "sindur"
Marriage- Forbidden tbe Deformed.
Deformed persons, who are very
rare among the Sakals, or those at
tacked by dangerous disease must
uinke n vow of celibacy. Slngnpore
East Buffalo Live Stock Market
CATTLE Best steers on sale, $5.40
05.CO: fair to god butcher steers,
$4. 4004.65; medium half-fat steca.
$3 854.00; common to fair heifers,
$3.253.65; choice to extra fat heifers,
$4.755.00; good butcher bulls, $3.40
03.65: choice to extra veals, 7.5U.g
7.75; fair to good veals, $5.5l(8b.75.
lambs. $8.258.50; fair to good,
$8.00 8 25; handy wethers, $6.00
6.25; mixed sheep, $5.75Q)b.uu.
HOOS Mixed packers' aranes
$5.405.45; medium hogs, $5.4005.45;
pigs, light, $5.405.45.
Buffalo Hay Market.
HAY Timothy, prime, large bales,
113.50: timothy, prime, small, $13.00;
No. 1 timothy, $12.5013.00; No. 2 do,
Pimples, Piles, Eczema
Cuts, Burns, Bruises,
Tetter, Bait Rheum, Old 9orui. Ulrerx, Dlillhlal n
CutHrrli, Cnm, uimpiwu nuvuiuui uips,
Boll. Curliuucles, Felon, Itching,
Blcecllnif. PnitriKlinx Piles,
Insect Uitta. l'iln
Ivy, nnd all
Diseases are cured by
San-Cura Ointment
Which will atop at once that Itchlna;, burning
pain. We guarantee tliHtKan-furaOiiiniieiil ill
not Ileal a cut nr sore of any kind until the poison
la all removed: then it Ileitis rapidly. Prevent!
cars. Urugjtista 25c and 6oe.
Good Stock, Good Carriages and Bug
f lee lo lei upon me most reaaunauio lonim.
le will also do
AU orders left at the Post Oltlce wil
receive prompt attention.
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone Xo. 20.
Pleanant to take.
l'owerlul lo lire,
And AVi'lronio In
nvcrv Home.
u3 KIDNEY and LIVER cure.
Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
's nilapten to an aues ana ixmi !. ominiiim .
imnenl relief In all eamsenused by Impurity ol tho
.loort. Buc h a, Kidney, Blaiiiler and Liver Com.
jinlnni. Constipation and weakness teiillar to
wnmen. Sue Rful fnrmvenrs. l'n-n-il by
t. I. KKWKIIl'8 BO.VM Hoiidoiil. IV. V.
I.UOalldrUKBli. Blx bottles S0.UU,
II vMSr.. 1 . .1.. ... i: .,..,..... . --.I'll JL
i . lm-ai t...-. - a r
J. C. Scowden, Tionesta, Pa.
A Pennsylvania Man has no more use for Canes.
Mr. O. D. Culver, of SilvBrn.ra., writes:
'I am 75 years of age. For 25 years I suf
fered from a lame back and rheumatism.
Last summer (in 1903) it settled in the mus
cles of my limbs, so I hud to us two canes
to get up or down, or to walk a step. I have
doctored all the time, hut to no avail. I be
gan the faithful nso of Cid-cnra Eolveut,
Dr. David Kennedy's new lnedicino, and
the results are wonderful. I have no back
ache now, and I feel first class. I can't praise
Cal-cura Solvent, Dr. Kennedy's now medi
cine, too much." All drueu-ists. 1.0().
There's a new rubber brand every
few months ; and miphty poor some
of them. But they're varnished up
to look fine.
There's just one sure way to tell
f ood Rubbers look at the bottom
or the brand. The famous
have the name "CANDEE"tamped
on the bottom of every boot and shoe.
The Candee Rubber Company is the
oldest Kubber Company in the world,
For 63 years Candee Rubbers have
been as good as Rubbers could be
Ask for Candees.
Look for the Name.
Agents lor Western Pennsylvania,
B13 Penn Avenuo, PITTS3URG, PA.
Safe, Quick, Reliable Regubto-
Sminrlor to other remedies si.ld at hull prleea.
Cure, ninnmteed. Su.-eewirully me,l l.y mcr
UOO.OIIO W i.llien. rriee. li.jl Pill-., o o
Rials or lv mail. 'lusilniiil"il !..-..-1-1 fu e.
r. Lal'raucvi I'UlladeliihU, fa.
A'eSc(able Preparationfor As
similating tucroodartdRegula
Ung the Stomachs and Bowels of
Tromotes Digcslion,Chcerrul
nessandnest.Conlains neillicr
Opium.Morpliine norliivcral.
Hot TiJatc otic.
JmfJcm Seedm
Jhqrrrmme -lit
ClrjifuJ Skignr
. hinUnrrrn ncvar.
Aperffcl Remedy forConslipa
Tion , Sour Slomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions , Fcverish
ncssnndLossor SLEEP.
FacSunile Sifinnlure of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
thi eiNTAun aetiniHr. new vo em.
lllKlBM IMIIJ-K miij&i
t I ' 1 r ?
Write today for weekly price-list We pay
the highest market prices for
Bides, Calf-Skins, Pelts and Tallow
In any size lots-Prompt payments Our
reputation 10 years' fair dealing Bank
references furnished
, Force, Saucr & Co.
South Canal St. ALLEGHENY, PA.
FREE K,")W',,K "list it was to suiter, I
will pive Free of Clmrrte, to any
Rlllictod pimitive curfl for lii zuuia, 8ait
Klieuin, KryNlpolita, 1'ilea und hk ill dis
eaneH, Iimtant relief. Don't xnil'er ionuer.
Writo V. W. WILLIAMS, -100 Manhattan
Avenuo, N. Y. lO-UO-lM
ImimrtH A hoiiimI
lillfilllfHM KIU4H-
tlitn, cfvlii(t you ii v
lutn Hlttl WIIIIIHII H
lrt In lifv, enabling
hiMl In IIiIhuifh nf Nim.
ittirct. Nohii mttifir vhi-aI Ion; ntHrt any
" rvM., iiiNiuirir, H.
- I i
f i.
Straits Budget.