THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WINK, EDITOR ft PROPRICTON. WKPXKSDAY, MARCH 8, 1906. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Republican Primaries, Saturday, April IS. l!H)o. Tkrm. Associate Juilo, $12; Prothou otarv, $12; SherllT, $10: County Commis sioner, $7; Auiiilor, $5; Jury Commi aloner, $4; State Delegate, $A. Invariably the pah must accompany the onlor for announcement. ASSOCtATK JCDOK. We Rre authorized lo announce Na than Swkkt, of Jenka townRhlp, as a candidate for Associate Judge, nuhject to Republican usages. We ate authorized to announce D. R. 8niKi.t, of Jenka township, as a candi date for Associate Judge, subject to Re publican usages. rHOTHONOTAKY. We are authorized to announce J. C. Gkist, o( Howe township, as a candidate for l'mlbonotary, Ac, snljw I to Repub lican usages. SHKR1FK. We are authorized to announce A. W. STiior-p, i.fTlonesta township, as a can didate for Sberitl, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce 8. R, Maxwkli., of Tinneata borough, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to Republi can usages. We aie authorized to announce J. B. Goi.n, of Oreen township, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to Republican usages. COUNTY COMSIISSI0NKR. We are authorized to announce Luos arp Aonkw, of Tionesta borough, at a candidate for Couuty Commissioner, sub ject to Republican usages. Editor Reitblican: Please an nounce mv candidacy lor the nomination for the office of County Commissioner at the Republican primary to be held April lfttb, litfi. In making this announce ment, I desire to reassert the position I took in the campaign of three years ago, that, if eli cted. I will perform (he duties of the office faithfully and well, aud at a total cost for my services not to exceed five hundred dollars per year. Very respectfully, Tionesta Horo, Feb. 27. W. A. G Rovk. We are authorized to announce Gko. W. Norlit, of Howe township, as a can didate for County Commissioner, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to anuounce Frank Kppy, of Jenks township, as a candidate tor County Commissioner, subject to Ke publican usages. We are authorized to announce An trk.w Wot.p. of Tionesta lowusbip, as a candidate for County Commissioner, sub ject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce A. K. Slum, of Jenks township, aa a candidate for Couuty Commissioner, surject to Re publican usages. We are authorized to announce John M. Zi fnpkl, of Kingsley tow nship, as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce Cosrad Bi'RHKNX. of Green township, aa a can didate for County Commissioner, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce R. W. GriTos. ol Green township, as a candi date tor County Commissioner, subject to Repuulh-au usages. J TRY COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce D. E. Carson, of Harmony township, as a candidate for Jury Commissioner, sub ject to Republican usages. STATE DKLBOATB. We are authorized to announce Gko. W. Holkman, of Tionesta, a a candidate for Delegate lo the Republican Stale Con vention. We are authorized to announce J. N. Gkrow, of Tionesta borough, as a candi date for Delegate to the Republican State Convention. President Roosevelt's Inauguration. The Inauguration of President Roose velt has gone into history aa a memora ble one the early reports In the Inaugu ration week Irom the railroads through out the oounlry indicating unusually large numbers of passengers en route to the Inauguration led Washingtonians to expect an unusually large crowd, but even then all ex pectalions were surpassed. A notable feature of this vast throng was the unusually large attendance front the Sunny South. This element, which a year or two ago regarded Mr. Roosevelt as an enemy, having at last succeeded In understanding his thoughts, sentiments aud feelings toward them, now regard bint as a most enUinsiaatiu friend, and their eagerness to show their reciprocal feelings was demonstrati d in many waya and no opportunity was lost to assure him of the enthusiastic, welcome which he shall receive in bis visit through the south immediately after hisinauguratlnn. Prekident Roosevelt's usual good for tune followed him in having favorable weather, and altogether the great throngs that crowded the Capital City went back with the greatest satisfaction with their trip. The usual festivities Incident to inau gurations were not only present but on a more elaborate scale than ever. Not withstanding the fact that Mr. Roosevelt Is a plain, democratic sort of a man who believes In plain manners snd especially the "Simple Life," greater effort was put tortb thia time than ever belore by the committee in charge of the ceremonies to-exceed all former occasions of this sort and they succeeded admirably. Marburg'. Winter still continues. J. C. McManigle'a wife and family have arrived and have taken up their abode with Mr. McManigle at the hotel. An infant child of John Bailey's died on Wednesday and was taken to his for nier home for burial. Hucksters seem very plentiful it our town ol late. Philip Babb had the mNfortune while unloading logs to get bis foot caught and severely pinched. He goes limping now, Mr. Williams, our band saw tiler, has moved his family to Dubois, but will continue to work at this place. Mr. Frank Richards had a narrow es cape from what might have proven a fa- tal accident, while engaged in helping the driller pull the tools, lie was caught in the cable aud thrown twice around the shaft snd it Is almost miraculens that he escaped without even a bone being bro ken. Snow Bai.u How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh, that cannot be cured bv Hall s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chbjiky A Co., Props., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have Known f.j. Chenev for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions ana nnanciany aoie wo carry ont anv obligations made hy their firm. kst it Traux, wnoiesaie urugeisis, io ledo, v., Waldiso, Ri!tA A Marvis, holesale flruirei'ts, l eiedo, u. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price ,oc per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi monials free. U all's Family Pills are the best Thk people past 40 are doing their beat to make Dr. Osier glad that be is going abroad. The undersigned desires to sell his farm on Churcb Hill, Hickory township, con taining 23 acres, mostly under cultiva tion; has fiame bouse aud barn, and good spring of water at door. Also farming mplements, etc Will sell on reasonable terms, or trade for town property. Ad- ress, Wat. Albacoh, 3 t East Hickory, Pa, How cas Congressmen with their poakets lull of free passes be expected to know anything about railroad rated? No matter whether it cornea in like lamb or lion, March is invariably a whole zoo, and the first to take the road for the season. Col. Bryas claims tbat the Republi cans are stealing bis thunder. Why didn't he tiplode it when he bad a chance? The practice of sending flowers to the United States Senate has been discontin ned. Perhaps it was costing the Senators too much. The construction of a sea-level canal in twelve years for $230,Oifl,000 would be a great triumph. Uncle Sam is a great hustler and may do it in less time. Ilk-ana Aldrmaa Own Ilia ElrrtiM CkaMbrrlala'a Caaak Rnardr. I can heartily and conscientiously recommend Chamberlain'a Cough Rem edy for affections of the throat and lungs," savs lion, jonn snemcK, bo. reona St", Chicago. "Two vears ago during a political campaign, 1 caught cold after being overDeatea, wnicn irriiaieo my throat and I was finally compelled lo stop, as I could not speak aloud. In my extremity a friend advised me to use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I took wo doses tbat afternoon ana could not believe my senses when I found the next morning the inflammation bad argely subsided. I took seversl doses that day, kept right on talking through the campaign, and I thank this medicine tbat I won mvseat in the Council." This remedy is for sale by Dr. J. C. Dunn. The Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce is planning for an extensive inquiry into the subject ol railroad rate legislation. If Congress waits for the end of this Inquiry before legislating on the subject there will probably be no legislation for year to come. The wife of Vice President-elect Fair banks graduated in the same class with him both in college and law school, and subsequently took a degree in interna' tional and parliamentary law. If any knotty points arise in presiding over the Senate, Mr. Fairbanks will know where to go for advice. Conorkss refused to appropriate more than $10,000 to pay the expenses of the joint Congressional committee which la to visit the Lewis and Clark Exposition at Portland, Oregon, but the Pennsylva- nia Legislature proposes to appropriate six times as much. The legislator at Harriaburg must be a very much bigger man than a Congressman. The following, from the Cleveland Leader, breathes the right kind of spirit aud undoubtedly expresses the senti ineut of all right minded persons "Would that the differences between W F. Cody and Louisa, his wife, could be settled amicably and the declining years of the couple be spent together lovingly resppctingly and with full memory of the frontier times through which each passed when each was to the other a comple ment, a helpmeet aud a solace. Buffalo Bill deserves well of the United States because of his undoubted courage aud of the service he reuderr-4 in bygone day to the army. Mrs. rotiy certainly ap t ears to be worthy ol the sympathy of all dc-enl men and women. Why not drop this unpleasant divorce suit and 'make up,' as the childreu say, for good and all?" Remarkable Case. "How nniili your little boy rcsonibh-s your litislianti:" niilil the cimnlns politician. Tve nlwnys lionrd." she replied. "tlmt people grow lo look like those tlicy nrc much with, but this is quite a lvmnrkubio i-is. we otiiy miopieu the little follow Inst week." Chicago Record-Herald. The Two Sltled Circle. The late lr. Rltchlo of Ktllntmrgh was examining n student who claimed to bo it liiathoiiitltlclntl. Rlh'lile doubt ed his claim nnd to tint liini said: How ninny sides lias n circle?" Two," wns the reply. "What nr they?' asked Hie doctor. "Hie Inside and the outside." was the answer. 1905 MARCH 1905; Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. : 56 J89 10 11 1213 1415 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 Moon MOON'S PHASES, 6 0:19 I rull nn Liu. U Moon J7 Quarter 14 t:S a. in. jr Third 77 t Quarter CI 11:53 p.m. 4.33 p. Ok. MONEY TO LOAN, In lit and 2 M ri)age on Farms. 4 to 5 per cent. Term of Years. IIKMM.USOX A CO., 1214 Arch St., ThiUJelphia, Pd WHITE PINE Flooring, Siding, and material for Window Casings and Inside Work. A good supply to select from always in stock. Call on or add res. JAS. J. LANDERS, TIONESTA. PA or F. 1. AMSLER. Ml or Trade. A ;rARANTEED t'l'KB FOR PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pilea. Druggist refund monoy il Paso Ointment faila to cure any case, no mat ter of bow long atanding, in 6 to 14 days. First application givea ease and rest. 50c If your druggist hasn't it aend 5"c in stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid by the Paris Medicine Jo., su uouis, mo A Mr taa .Meaiclae for t'hilrfrra. In buying a counh medicine for euil dren never lie afraid to buy Chamber lain'a Cough Remedy. There is no dan ger from il and relief is always sure to follow. It is especially valuable for colds, croup and whooping cough. For le by Dr. J.V. lunn, Jlonenta, ra. Book oa California f6 pagea, 7b illustrations. Describes California aod the route there. Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, Union 1 acific and boulbero 1'aciho line. This is the route of The Overlaiid Limited, Chicago, 6:05 p. ro. daily Arrives ban traucisco the third day n time for dinner. California book sent for 6 cents postage. Joux R Pott, District Passenger Ageot Room D, Park Building, Pittsburg. ( kumplon l.inlairnt for Kbromalinm. Chas. Drake, a mail carrier at Cbapiu ville, Conn., savs: "Chamberlain'a I'ain Kami la the champion ol all liniments. The pant year I was troubled a great deal witn rtieumatism in my aunuiner. Alter trying several cures the storekeeper here recommended in is remedy and It com pletelv cured me. mere, is no use o anyone suffering from that painful ail ment when this liniment can neomamei lor a small sum. tine application gives prompt relief and its continued use for a short time will produce a permanent cure. Kor sale by Dr. J. C. Dunn. GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, v AXD UNDERTAKERS. TIOSESTA. PEXN Then you know II rv S3 "1 3 "1 1 1 Then you know Lucas Paints (Tinted Gloss) If you paint houses with out them, there are surely some things about them you ought to know. They are economical in first cost and last cost The prices are right and the paints cover, look and wear to beat any otherpaint ever made. There are other reasons too. Ask your dealer. John Lucas & Co Philadelphia w Philadelphia . .J iiToi urn a rri fr - " ' " - lennsylvania RAILROAD. BUFFALO AXD ALLEGHENY VAL LEY DIVISION. Taking effect. November 27tb, 1004. No. 30 Buffalo Express, daily except Sunday,. 11:01a. ill No. 32 Oil City and Pittsburg Exrress.daily.exeept Sunday 7:18 p,m Oil City Accommodation Sun days only 8:08 p. ni For Hickory, Tidioute, Warren, Kitmi Bradford, Glean and the r.aM : No. 81 Glean Express, daily except Sunday 8:4-ia. No. 33 Pittsburg Exprewe, daily except Sunday. 4:45 p. Olean accommodation, Sun- davsonly 9:2S a For TimeTables and additional In for mation consult Ticket Agent. W. vV. AT I'ERBUKY. J. R. WOOD. General Manager. Passenger Trallic Mgr, GEO. H. HOYD, Uen'l Passenger Agt, Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing be tween H. L. and Jas. Haslet, kuown as the tlrni of 8. H. Haslet's Sons, has this day been dissolved by mutual cement, H. I.. Haslet retiring. All claims and accounts of said lirui will be settled by James Haslet. H.L. IIASI.KT. Jaxs Haslkt. Tionesta, Pa., March , 1!'". 3t ii"iir.Mxi,n lYnmiHly olHAini'd. or FCC RETURNED. CO VIARS' HPISIEHCt. OurCHAHCCa SRK THE LOWEST. Svml niodc-i. photo or Mutch (or lcrl cr'h wiii fn-e rvKrt on rtenlilit.T. INFRINGEMENT uiu rondui-t U-fon all court. l'lUontt ohlAlned tlimiph ADVER TISE!) Anil SOLD, 'TV. TRACE-MARKS. PEN SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obulnoL Opposite U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, O. C. Mercantile Appraiser's List for Forost County, for Year A. D. 1905. The Wholesale aud Retail Vendors of Fore urn and omestio Merchandise, Eating Houses, Rilliard Rooms, Brok ers, snd Opera Houses, In Forest Coun ty, Pennsylvania, are as follows, to wn: VAMK. miSIMKSS. rOSTOKKICK. Adams, J. A., butcher, Tionesta. Andrews, M., merchant, Kellettville, Anderson, O. T., jeweler, Tionesta. Arner, C. M. A Son, brokers, Tionesta. A. Cook Sons Co., merchants, Cooks- burg. ... Atlantic Kenning Co., oils, wholesale, Tionesta. Hovard, O. W., merchant, Tionesta. llowiuan, T. J., nierchaut, East Hick ory. Render, Robert, merchant, West orv. Hehrens, I,., merchant, Starr, llerlln, Eli, merchant, Whig Hill. Rerg, F, U., merchant, Dubring. Hem Is, J. M. A Son, merchantM, Dtihr- in. . . Raxtor, J. W., merchant, uuroyie. Ruhl, G. W., cigars, Miirleuvllle. llaiigbitmn Rros.. butchers, Marien- Ville. ... Rlnejay Supply Co., morchants, i,yncn. Cantield, S. H , buggies and sleighs, Tionesta. Carson, A., (eweler, Tionosta. Carson. Mrs. J. H., cigars, West Hick ory. Cook, J. T., cigars, Claringtou. Cropp, Wm., merchant, Tionesta. Crouch, W. P., merchant, East Hick- "fy- Ixner. W. 11.. c irsrs. vesi nicKory. Cooper, W. II., billiards and pool, West Hickory. ( 'lough, Ij. S., merchant, nu-i rsys. Cralton, Win., merchant, West Hick ory. Crossmun, W . A., merchant, Redely tie, Collins, Watsou A Co., merchants, Go- linr.a. Collins A Kj-eitlor, meicbants, Nebras- ka. Cook. J. T., restaurant, Clarlngton. Clark, Mrs. J., milliner. East Hickory. Davis, J. U., druggist, Tionesta. Dunn, Dr. J. C. drugfiist. Tionesta. Dean, J. I., merchant, Starr. Downing, A. H., cigars, Kellettville. Delar A Harkless. drugs, Kellettville, Day A Watson, merchants, Kellettville. Dawson, J. A., merchant, Stewart Knn Dotlerer, W. II. II., butcher, Kellett ville. Fulton, L., harness-maker, Tionesta. Freedman, L., merchant, DelighL Gilbert, M. N'., cigars, West Hickoiy. lierow Gerow. cicars. Tionesta, Gerow. John N billiards and pool, Tionesta. ' (ierow, John N., restanraut, llouesta.- Gildersleeve, 1. li .. tnercnani,, urooKS' ton. - 7" Grubbs, I. A., merchant, Marienvllle. Hopkins, L. J., merchant, Tionesta. Herman, h. M., merchant, Tionesta. Hunter. A. M.,rutcher, Mayburg. Haddon, Mrs. May, merchant, Watson rarin. Himes, J.. 8., butcher, Marienvllle. Harp, H. H., merchant, Marienvllle. Hart, Fenuer P., restaurant, Marien' ville. Hart, Fenner F.,clgars, Marienvnie. Hassinger Lumber Co., merchants, La- mona. " lloytO,. niereharft. Cooper Tract. 11: . k mamlianl M.riunDilla IIHIIT, A U.lliruunnv, ... ........ .v. Halidav.JE.'fl.. butcher. East Hickory, Jones. "W. V.. merchant, Newtowu Mills. Joyce, M.-C. A K. M., milliners, iio nesta. Kunkle, W. P., tiutcher, Marienvnie, Krillmer Rros., merchants, Tionesta. Keller. F. A., merchant. Pigeon. Kiihbs A Rav, bugg'es aud sleighs, Kellettville. Kribhs. W. W.. merchant. Marienvllle. Kellv, J. W billiards and pool, Mar ienvllle. Lanson Rros.. feed. e'c. Tionesta. Levy, Mrs. M., merchant, MarieuvlUe, Ledebur, A. R., cigars, Kiideavor. Morgan, J. R., mercbsnt, Tionesta, Mrchling, Indon A Rraden, mer chants, Clarington. Mint., Davul" merchant, Rianenviue. McMaster, M., jeweler, Marienville. Mensch. S. C. hardware, Marienvllle. Mohnev. W. J., mercbsnt. Marienville, Myers, E. ti. merchant. Endeavor. McKinley, II. E-, plumlier, Tionesta. Nve. C. W.. merchant. Marienville. Neill. A. D. A Co., druggists, Marien ville. Neelv. A. M. A Co., merchants. Mar ienville. Olson. J. H.. cigars. Clarington. Kobinson, G. W. A Son, merchants, Tionesta. Rsndsll. C. A., cigars. Tionesis. Roehrig. John, harness-maker, Mar- ieuville. Hevner, T. J., merchant, Marienville. Silr.le. Wm cigars, Kellettville. Sutton. David, merchant, Tionesta. Scowden. J. t'.. merchant, Tiniesla. S. H. Haslet'sSons, furniture, Tionesta. Salmon Creek Lumber Co., mercbaiils. Kellettville. Star Grocery Co., merchants, Marien ville. Shonp, Wm., cigars, Mur.ette. Miles A Evans, merchants. Endeavor. Siggina Rros., merchants, West Hick- orv. Tionesta Cash Store, merchants, Tio nesta. Turner, J. A., merchant, West Hick ory. The Mayburg Supply Co., merchants, Mayburg. Van Horn, A. M.. merchant. Pigeon. Van Horn Snields, merchants, Clar tnuton. Weaver, C. F., cigars, Tionesta. Wilson, Geo., butcher, Tionesta. Walters, F. A Co., milliners, Tionesta. White Star Grocery, merchant, 'Tiones ta. Wilkins, W. G., druggist, West Uick orv. Weller. Watson A Whitohill, mer chants, Truemans. Wagner A Wilson, merchants, Marien ville. W hi' more, Mrs. S. C, M erchant, East Hickory. Wolf, Andrew, merchant, Johnlowen. Young, J. J., cigais, Marienville. Yonnder, John, merchant, Hrookstnn. NOTICE is hereby given to all persona concerned that an appeal from the fore goins appraisement will be held at the of fice of the County Treasurer, in Tionesta, Pa., MondH.v, April 3, 1905, when and where they may attend if they see proper. II. H. HARP, Mercantile Appraiser. rfl'YrijH ' IV) :New Goods: Sprinq Dress Goods. A gteat variety of Mohairs,' Voile, While ool. CaiiichniiiM, lliiullie.H, Milk Tatrotasi, JIOIIHSolilU'S, and TrliHiuinS'i. The nicest line of Sonne coods we bave ever shown. Call and see them Early Buyers Can Now Pick and Choose Tailoring Our selections of Imported woolens for the coining spring and summer season are now ou our counters, a mniieu number of orders will be accepted fr Easter delivery. Do.Yoii Have lour .Shirts JInde lo Order" You may be surprised to know that you can have any style shirt you wish tuado lo your order here at about tne same price voii psv for the readv-to-wear article. hrilem must be placed In February or March lor sor nil and summer sniris. is sorted materials now oeing siiown. nmrm U order l.5lo fJ.50, delivered to you 2io nt, nu pay. YouuiauN Spring SI) Ion Mcii'4 Hals Are ready in both the Derby snd Soft shaoes. Yonmsn's bats have achieved distinction which the "just as good" hats ottered by aspiring makers ramy isck. Derbies, f-l, ?4. f . oii nats, i, Ti, fc. Operas, ?7 and fS. Silks, f , and J8. THE McCUEN CO. 2b AND 29 SENECA ST. . OIL CITY. PA. Fred. Grettenberger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST AllVork pertaining to Machinery, En giues, Oil Well Tools, Jas or Water Fit tings and General Rlaoksmltbiiig prompt ly done at Iow Rates, ltepairing Mill Slachipery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shon in rear of and just west of the Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa, Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTF.N RK.RGER JQS. If JitJLVEYi PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER FOR- Sprina and Summer, 1905. It's too early to put on a light weight Suit or Top Coat, but not too soon to let you know that "we've got the proper goods." Our showing of fabrics for the coming season is the largest and handsomest ever brought , to this city It in cludes all the choice materials of foreign and domestic make and comes direct from our mills. Come in and look over our line ; we will take great pleasure in showing it to you whether you are ready to place your order or not. TIONKSTA M-VIIICIOTH CORPECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS. Flour sack l.r0I.M3 Ruckwbeat flour, "j lb .:tj Corn meal, feed, "jA UK) tb l.o; Corn meal, family, 100 lb I.N) Chop feed, pure grain 1.15 Oats .11 Corn, shelled .HO Reans V bushel .. Ham, sugar cured . I.'i Racon, sugar cured .14 Shouldors .11 Salt Pork, -r lb .14 Wliiterlsh kit .itt Sncar fira.n7 Syrup MM .l N'. O. Molasses ..'ill Colfi-e. Roast Rio It" Cotlc. lilendeilJuvii Tea Ml-il .;") Rutter 'J2((B. Rice UftW.OT Kggs, fresh ("' Salt W barrel Lard. - li Potatoes, bushel f.7o Potatoj-s. sweet, "J lb .-S Lime barrel l.liA "Nails t keg 2.75 Wool )(.iJ llepalrH IJuler, Tanks Agitators, and Selin Second Hollers, Fti. Stills, IJllJ-S hand Wire or letter orders promptly at tended to. End ofSiispeiiiion Brides, Third ward. OII CITY, IM. R.ill.WAY. TILE TABLE To Take Effect July fith, 1903. NORTH Eastern Time SOUTU 3 I Stations 1.2 4 p.m Leave Arrive 7 (Hi 7 30 7 40 7 4-'i 1 4.VS OOi 1 fi-MS ISj 2 0;IH 251 2 2018 401 2 25,8 45 2 )i8 501 2 40 0 001 2 55!il 15, 8 10 0 III) 3 25 id 50 3 45I10O0 p. ml a. ill Nebraska Rosa Run Lamentation -Newtown Mills Kellettville Ruck Mills Mayburg Poikey M inister Wellers Hastings Rlue Jav Henry's Mill Rarnes .Sheffield Arrivo n ,ki 30 6 20 6 15 1 00 (K) 12 45 5 60 12 355 40 12 10 5 30 12 05 ft 25 11 55 5 20 11 4 o 10 11 30 4 55 11 00 4 40 10 40,4 25 10 30 4 15 Leave a. ni. p.m T. n. COLLINS, Pbksidknt. CHICHESTER'S EP.GLSSH .o TV.. Wanted-An Idea . Who can thin tf Home dimple tlitui? lo IWattMlir pTr'rt yor Mm: thrT may lrtnn vou wiitlili. Wriw JOI1M WKUnKKHlJUN HV. V:U-rkt Alton data. Washington, D. .f.r tlwtr irlstj ofler auJ Ibt at ino iiunOreU uiveuitotu wautard. Hrtfr, Alwnv rflf.-tlile, l.ndlt . rvk Pruirdt ( IIM lir.VI t It H r.Kril.lSM iii H-(1 kirI m.-litllic h4f, W4t,lM wild hhu rthtMHt. Tnhr no other. It-riir liii;oroti nt4t lullonNaml lmititlin. u of vur l'nit;i:isi, r witd lo. in (.1:111.). -4 fur lArtlfu1nr. monlitU xiUii "Krllrf fr lndlo." in Uttrr, hy rriurn UmII. 10.000 IVmiijiouihIm. hold by all lrnciMiv CUlCttKRTKR CHEMICAL OO. 8 100 Itlatllaon Nqnftrf, IIILA PA Men It tbi apr. SUITS, TOP COATS, $15.00 MADE TO MEASURE. MADE TO HI. Our tailor men are proud to exert themselves to give you satislaction. Better come in now and anticipate the spring rush. We have a few of the $2.70 Tants Patterns left. They won't last the week out. Glasaow Woolen Mills Co., WORLD'S LARGEST TAILORS. OIL CITY, PA. 110 CENTRE STREET. I EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. 3 1 I Confining our Hue strictly to the Hard ware business e are preparer) as no others in i he community to supply your every need in that line. If it's a - i ., Move, Hit ii gc. Move ripe, .- . Kitchen lVore, . j-. y or a' y thing iu Supplies fur Liimbermeii, Jlcohmile or Farmers, ' r -v. , " we haye it in stock. -' liUcksnjithing aur) vehicle repairing while you wait Call aod look us over. We can fit you out .at moderate cost. We can also "et y.-u right" in anythiok in the line of a ... - Wagon or Buggy. J. C. SCOWDEN. .IT'! V. 1 FOREST COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, TIONESTA, PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL STOCK, SURPLUS, t50.000. $42,000. Time DrposilH Solh itvd. A. Watnb Cook, Pretthlent. tl'Hl pay Four Per d'ttt. per Annum A. B. Kkllt. Catthler. D1HKOTOR8 A. Wayne Cook, N. P. Wheeler, G. W. Roblimon, T. F. Rltohey. J. T. Fmle, Wm. Smkarbai'GH, Vice Preeiiler.t Win. SiiieHrbaugh, T. II. Kelly. Cnlleotioim roiiitltotl for on lny of (mymnnt at low rates. We promise our ounloin erit nil the bimoIlU noiiHiNieiit with eonitervatlve b kliiR. Interest piiil on time dopoMlts. Your palronaKe roitpeetfiilly aolipited. To Core a Cold In One Day . If A? T M rake L,axauve oromo yumme Tablets.? (VLj Seven Million boxes sold in fast 13 months. ThlS Signature, Cures Crip In Two Days. on every vtt box. 25c.