Smart & Silberberff STORES A Few Confidential Words With Our Patrons. We doubt if there are any who seriously question that it is the most earnest desire of the managers of this business that every tran saction with their patrons be made in candor aDd absolute good faith that no statement shall ever be made to a natron which wilf cause disappointment and distrust aul bring discredit to tbe store's gaod; name. Thia is a fixed law. It is the standard that must be 'main tained by every individual associated with the Smart & Silberberg stores in any capacity. It is our earnest desire to make thii store a borne for all classes a place where all may feel free to come in whenever tbey wish, whether intending purchasing or not ; this in to be your store; our sales forces are at your service; it is their duty to pay you every at tention, and they are particularly instructed that while eveyone who enters our doors is entitled to and must have prompt and courteous service, none are to be importuned to buy. Another feature of this store is its One Price, Money Hack Sys tem. If for any reason you are not fully satisfied with your pur chase when you get home, bring it back to us and get your money. You ran always feel sure here that you buy at the same price that everyone elre payp, and that price is always guaranteed. SMART & OIL CITY, PA. Unloading Women, Men, Children, --- Every member of the family will profit by this quick un loading of Shoes. They are shoes that are just the weight and quality for this time of year. Knowing this, we cut prices so as to rid ourselves of them and get them on your leet, where they will do the most good. Sycamore, Seneoa and Centre STANDARD OIL INVESTIGATION. President Assures Representative Campbell That It Will Be Thorough. Washington, Feb. 21. President Roosevelt assured Representative Campbell of Kansas that all of the power of his administration necessary would be used in the Investigation he Is undertaking through the bureau of corporations into the affairs of the Standard Oil company, to the end that the small producer, dealer and con sumer alike shall have fair treatment, and that at the same time no injustice shall be done the Standard Oil com pany or any other concern. "The president realizes," said Mr. Campbell, "that this Is the most Im portant Investigation of the kind which has been undertaken, and he is going into it with the determination that It shall be as thorough and suc cessful as the niachinery of the gov ernment can make it. Ho wants nothing but exact justice and fair nlay. hut Is determined to hn both." Pimples, Piles, Eczema Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Tetter, Rait Rhi'iim. OM fioren, Ulcer, rhllbllni C&Urrh, Corn. Clinpptil Ifnnils And Lips, BollK. ( arlninrles, Felon, Ili'lilng, UleeilinK, rmlnulitiK Kiel, Insert Bit-H. I'niMiu Ivy, unit all 8k in Diseases are cured by San-Cura Ointment Wlilrh will atop at once that Itching, burning pain. We iruarantve tlmtKnn-curaOiiitmeiilwIll not heal a cut nr wire of any kind until the poison la all removed; tben II Ih-hU rapidly. Prevent .. mwA till AftUJfUkMim AK MUM WW. SILBERBERG, of Shoes, Streets, - OIL CITY, PA Among the numerous telegrams and letters received by Mr. Campbell con gratulating him and the president on the developments In the matter, Mr. Campbell calls especial attention to those which have come from Ohio and Pennsylvania. Investigation In Wisconsin. Madison, Wis., Feb. 21. Following the example of the Kansas legislature, the Wisconsin legislature, It Is said, will soon investigate the Standard Oil cenrpany. Portugal Approves Hay's Note. Washington, Feb. 21. Secretary Hay received from the Portuguese government a cordial acceptance and firm approval of the secretary's note of Jan. IS, Inviting the adherence of the powers to the principle of the In tegrity of China. As Huron Moneher, the Belgian minister, already has giv en verbal assurances to the state de partment of the hearty acceptance by his government of the pledge proposed by Secretary Hay, all of the powers addressed by the secretary now have signified their assent to the general principle of the inviolability of Chinese territory, no matter what may be the outcome of the war. A Radish Story From Washington. Washington, Pa., Feb. 21. Philip Cooper of South Franklin township, yesterday marketed In Washington 15 bushels of fresh radishes which were grown this winter on his farm. He planted the seed In the fall and the only protect ion he gave the radishes was a covering of dead leaves. Salt In the Spoelrnm. The extreme delicacy of the spec trum tost Is illustrated ly the fact stated by Lomniel. thut the three-nill-llonth pnrt of a inllMcrmn of it Halt of sodium, nil Imperceptible particle of dust to the naked eye. Is yet capable of colorlnn the Hume of n candle yellow and of giving the yellow lines of so dium In the spectroscope. Indeed so dium In the form of a common salt (sodium chloride) Is so universally present ns an Impalpable dust lloatlng In the nlr that It Is next to Impossible to get n spectrum which does not show the sodium Hues. Saves Children's Lives. THOMPSON'8 BAROSMA. novo vnn n fnmiiv? Do vou realize that the annoying kidney trouble of your young children, of your baby, evidenced by Irregular and involuntary emissions, will lead in nine to iauii iiq 4f nnt rompifipri? Thousands o( children, of young men and women, die every jvar because of tne neglect 01 nmnii in Hv the nrnner care in this respect In their early years. Generally this Is due to a non-reallzatlon of the meaning of the symptoms, onen to lack of knowledge of the proper reme dies. Even your physician, man of science thnt he Is, may he led astray by . itorvini. ovmninniQ nf liver and kid ney disorders. If your little one gives any evidence of a weakness 01 mo kiu- navo nf lnn.tlnn nf l!lP ItVPX. Soiling the linen or acting sluggishly, get Thompson s Uarosnia lor it. ine rem edy Is unfailing. It Is absolutely harm less, composed of pure vegetable in gredients, and prescribed nil over the world by medical practitioners of the highest skill and reputation. Mrs. Fred Lobelenz, of Tltusvllle. Pa., writes that her little eon. four years old. after being given three bottles of Thomp son's narosma, was permanently cured of bed-wetting, nn annoying trouble since babyhood. Mrs. N. F. Leslie, of Oil City, Pa., says her five year old daughter, after several montha of In effective treatment by physicians for bladder trouble, nnd being In dangerous condition, was completely cured by six bottles of Thompson's narosma or Kid ney and Uver Cure. Ask your druggist for It. 50c and f 1 00 a bottle TO ITRK A COI.1I IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Broroo Quinine Tableta. All druggiwls refund the money if It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25e. o25 Hoinracrkr Exrurloim via MrUrl Time Konil. On Feb. 7th and 21t, March 7th and 21st and April 4ih and 18th there will be on Bale, via the Nickel .Plate, very low r.uud trip tickets to oints in the south, southwest, west and northwest. Liberal stopover privilege, choice of routes. Write wire, 'phone or call on A. C. Show"- alter, 807 State street, Eiie, Pa., for full particulars. 141al2 Personally Coiiilnrlril KxciirxJnn Tin Mrkrl 1'lnte Itonil. Showalter's special (personally conducted) parties for Chicago and all points west, northwest and south west leave Erie, Pa., twice a mouth, generally on the afternoon 'of the first and third luesdays. If you are contemplating a trip, call on, write or phone A. U. ohnwalter, J). P. A., 807 Slate street, Erie, Pa., for full particulars. H4al2 KottlcrV Itnlce via Mrkel Plate lload. ' On Feb. 7th and 21st, March 7th and 21st and April 4th and 18th, there will be on sale via the Nickel Plate, very low single trip tickets to points in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, lennessee and Vir- cinia. Write, wire, 'phone or call nn A. C. Showalter, 807 State btreet, Erie, Pa., for full particulars. 142al2 NrttlerV Itale via Mckcl Piute ltond, On Feb. 21st and March 21st very low single trip tickets will be on sale via the Nickel Plate, to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Okla homa, Indian Territory, New Mez co, Texas, Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota, Write, wire 'phone or call on A. C. Showalter, D. P. A., 807 State street, Erie, Pa., for full particulars. 143m21 CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of m m CURED. "I very much wish," writes Lorctta J. Tail, of Hopewell Junction, N. Y., that I might be able, iu a few lines, to let the people understand how valuable Ual-curn bolvcut, Dr. Keunody's new medicine, is in cases of indigestion and the like ailments. I suffered from a severe variety of liver coiutuaint, with dizziness, numbness, and on exceed ingly weak andexcitublestateof the nerves. I employed the best treatment within my reach, yt nothing realty unpen until i used tal-cura Solvent." ah urusetnH. ii COLLEGE linnrlM n hoiiihI tiiMi, K-.vlitj; yotuiK iiiHti him! wnmii h Ktnrt In Uf fiHHlilhiK tlmm to Mrn llvlit hood in tlilHHirr of com merce. No mini mr vwntion ;oittrittii.y fl-nt. Win. II. IHitr. Pre., ririMMirtf. A. C. UREY, LIVERY Feed & Sale f STABLK DIZZINESS NERVES Pine Turnouts at All Times at Reasonable Rates. Hear of Hotel Weaver TIOITESTA, PA. Telephone No. 20. COUNTY AUDITORS' REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1904. F. A, KELLER, Treasurer of Forost County, In account with the Liquor Llconso lor me year enuinti Pit. KH) CO 100 (H) '200 00 HOO 00 Totmtreo'd Irora G. W. Buhl.. To " " J. J. Young... To " " Gerow A Uerow To " " U. b Weaver.. f00 00 A. KELLER. Treasurer of Forest County, vania for the year ending To ree'd from Hotel License $ 1-12 SO " Mercantile tax, 1004.. l,U!o 17 " Coni'tablea' returns.. 2 10 Peddlers' license 10 00 " Billiard license 100 00 " Persoual tax Ml .i " Eating house 15 00 State tax on ( 17,000.00 Co. Debt "0 00 2,2!ti 12 F. A. KELLER, Treasurer of Forest County, in account with the Dog T for the year ending To bal last settlement f 001 12 To tax lor 1004 OiJ 25 $1,224 37 To bal $458 41 F, A. KELLER, Treasurer of Forest County, In account with the Redemption Fund lor tne year ending To bal last settlement $ 308 41 To reed from individuals - 510 40 $857 90 To bal 12l 62 F, A. KELLER, TreasurerDf Forest County, in account with the Funds of said County lor tue year To bal. last settlement ..$18,0!4 10 To seated lands returned, 1003 4!2 80 To seated tax 1004 18,ltH 17 To unseated tax 11)04 5,084 2!) To 00-day list 1001 74 40 To Illegal assess't Jenks twp 4H) 00 lo state tax returned , 4 . t l To State tax ret'd, forest tire To reed Hickory tp. tax refund'd 78 25 2 34 To reed lines 112 O0 To reed Jury fees 12 00 To reed old iron, stone and plauk 11 00 To recti liquor license eo SO To reed 5 prct. added to seated land returned 24 01 250 11 50 72 00 124 Oil 00 51 3 IHi 102 10 To reed 5 prct. on $5002.80 Collec tors balances To reed int. paid ou unseated.tsx To reed automobile liceuse To reed lands redeemed from Co. To lands sold bv Co. Comin'rs... To error in exonerations To Cr. on Howe twp aco'ts $44,407 70 To balance $20,073 73 F. A. KELLER, Treasurer ot Forest County, in account with the Poor Funda of said County for the year ending January 2d, 1905. To bal. last settreinent $ 5,228 24 To seated lands returned 1903 240 63 To sealed tax 1904 0.084 47 To unseated tax 1904 S,8;l5 72 To unseated tax additional 1904.. 4 Z To reed maintenance insane 434 70 To reed potatoes, beef aud butter Sold 200 43 To reed stock Sold 158 70 To reed hay Sold 227 49 To reed board 02 89 To error In merchandise hill..... 135 To land redeemed from Co 52 1 To laud sold by Co. Com'rs 45 24 To int. paid nn unseated lauds ... 29 87 To 5 prct. Collectors' balances 125 06 To additional nnseated tax 1904.. 2 48 i $18,745 99 To balance $3,847 56 . J. C. UEIST, Prothouotory of Forest County, in account wltuaid i year ending January za, looa. To orders drawn $ 621 35 B(y fees allowed . $ 62135 GEO. W, NOBLIT, Sheriff of Forest County, in account with said County for the year ending January 2d, 1905. To orders drawn $ 1,062 71 By fees allowed $ 686 16 By Board and washing 376 55 $1,002 71 $1,062 71 S. D. IRWIN, District Attorney of Forest County, in account with said County lor the year ending January 2d, 1905, To orders drawn $ 70 00 By fees allowed $ 70 00 J. W. MORROW, Coroner of Forest County, in account with said County for the year ending January 2d, 1905. To orders drawn $ 6 00 ' By fees allowed $ 5 90 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' ACCOUNTS, for the year ending January 2'1, 1905. A. K. SUIPE. To County orders drawn $ 556 50 By l."0 days charged to Co. aco't..$ 556 50 To Poor orders drawn 395 50 By 11.') -days chg'O to Poor acc't..." 395 50 $952 00 , ' " CONRAD BURHENN. To County orders drawn $ 651 00 By 186 days charged to Co. acc't..$ To Poor orders drawn 220 60 By 63 days cbg'd. to Poor acc't $871 50 HENRY WINEQARD. To County orders drawn ...$ 679 00 By 191 days charged to Co. aco't..$ To Poor orders drawn 199 50 By 67 days chg'd to Poor acc't...- $878 RECAPITULATION OF To bal. Dog Fund $ 458 44 To bal. Redemption Fund 121 62 To bal. County Fund 20 673 73 To bal. Poor Fund 3,847 56 To bal. Twp. School Fund 4,575 82 To bal. Horo School bond Fund.. 30 37 lo bAl. Twp. Road Fund 2,728 97 FOREST COUNTY, ss. ' Vt'e, the undersigned auditors of Forest County, hereby certify that we did meet at the Court House in Tionesta Bjro, in said Forest county, according to law, and did aud it aud adjust the several accounts of the Treasurer, Prothoiiotitry, t-tieritl', District At.; torney, Coroner, and County Comruissionurs, for the year ending January 2, A. 1). I!i05, aud found the same as set out in tbe foregoing report. Iu testimony whereof, we have nereutito set our nanus anu seals 1Mb -1st Attest, D. W. Clark, Clerk. EXPENDITURES of Forest County foi year ending Januaiy 2, 1905. Justices' fees $ 20 35 Constables' pay 178 27 Witness fees 147 78 Sheriff's fees 1,002 71 I'rotbonotary's fees 521 ''5 District Atly 70 00 Stenographer 206 45 Telephone and Telegraph 65 25 Refunding orders 263 87 Indigent soldiers m - 30 00 Kxtinction of forest fires 16 35 Road views 523 38 Solicitor UK) 00 Election expenses 1,1.VJ 90 Western Penitentiary 198 65 Reform School 25 28 Express and Drayage 3410 Bridge account 6,049 25 Fuel, Lights and Water 316 t9 Books and Stationery, Commis sioners' office 220 80 Rooks and Stationery, Prothono- tary's office 204 78 Books and Stationery, Truasur- - er's office 79 00 Court House and Jail repairs and supplies I,(i."i0 64 Scalp Isnintles 272 00 Jury Comruieslouers aud Clerk... 76 34 FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Forest. ARSKTS. Cash aud uncollected tax. etc $20,673 73 Due from Tionesta Borough 301 2." Due from Tionesta Township 20 45 820, 995 43 EXPENDITURES of Forest Co. . Poor Salaries, wages andmedteal atten.S 1 Provisions, supplies, cloth' Fuel aud light - Medicine Repairs Traveling expense Farm expense Incidental expense Miscellaneous Building aud improvements Out door relief 1 ,5.18 70 687 01 C80 00 82 tiO 9-3 82 189 41 337 19 30 BS- 90 38 240 24 23! I 00 Insane at state hospital 1, 1.14 60 Feeble minded iu training school Outside expense 1")0 (H) 6 00 January zu, rjuo. CIt. By transfd to State aoo't f 14a B0 By County aeu't " M By Jenka twp. Treas. receipt 1H 00 By TloneHta boro. Treas. receipt 22 00 By 6 pr. ot, com, ou fliOO.OO 0 HO CO ftsoo oo In account with the State ot Penusyl- Jrnuary 'm, iua. Stale Treas. re -elpt .,. $ 2,089 27 exonerations '. 14 OS Printer' bills ll" 17 postage 7 l'2 By By By By Bv 15 prct. coin $1,000 mercantile... 50 00 By By By By By l prct, coin, on fiu.17 - Vi 1 prct. on Sdl,Ho personal S :il 6 prct. on $70 tax on loans 3 60 5 prct. on $15 eating house 75 5 prct. $100 on billiard 5 00 $2,21H5 12 Jmmury 2d, 1005. By orders redee'd sheep damages 2G3 50 By transjlil to Tvvp. Treasurers... 401 12 By exonerations 74 00 By 8 prct. com. $705.03 22 31 By balance 458 44 $1,224 37 January ilil, lUOd. By paid Individuals $ 714 8.1 By 3 prct. com. $714.83 21 45 By bal 121 02 857 00 ending Jannary 2d, r.m By Couuty orders redeemed $20,35(1 59 ItV 3 prct. com. on $10,233.28 487 00 By 1 prct. on $1,123.30, bridge. .... 41 23 By interest paid on Co, bonds lo Aug. 1, 1004 COO 00 To interest paid on Co. bonds to July, 1004 80 00 Hy 3 prot. com. on $080 interest.. 20 40 By State tax on Co. debt 70 00 By 3 prct. on $70 2 10 By 5 prct. Collectors' corn's 670 08 By 5 prct. Collectors' abatements 534 80 By exonerations 480 00 By 5 prct. on $480.00 exonerations 24 00 By 5 prct. on $0 00 automobile 30 By allowed on double axHexatn't.. 70 33 Bv lands sold to County KM) 80 By 3 prcl. on $100.80 4 00 Bv robate tax on growing timlier IS 30 By 3 prct, on $18.30 55 By p'd Supt. MlilziriKer Co. Inst.. 158 IVi By 3 prot.ou $158.33 4 75 By change In valuation 2 00 By school directors' convention.. 41 CO By 3 prct. on $11.00 I 23 By balance 20,073 73 $44,407 70 By orders redeemed $ 8,543 90 By 3 prct. on $8,543.00 250 32 By bonds No. 1 and 2 redeemed.. 2,000 00 Bv 1 prct, on $2,000 20 00 By bonds Nos. 3 to 14 redeemed.. 2,000 00 By 3 prct. on J2.000 .. (Ml no Hy coupons redeemed 1,00(1 67 By 3 prct. on $1,060.07 32 (HI By Collectors' abatement 2ii7 40 By exonerations 210 04 By 5 prct, on $210.04 12 (HI By Collectors' commissions 285 04 By lands sold to County 83 45 By 8 prct. on $83.45 '.. 2 59 fly double assessment 28 12 By erftur in assessment I'd By balance 3.817 66 $18,715 99 County fi for the , ' " $952 00 651 (X) 220 50 $871 50 679 00 199 50 50 TREASURER'S BALANCES. $878 60 To bal. Twp. Cash Road Fund... 1.027 68 To bal. Twp. Building Fund 1,3(H 26 To bal. Twp. Poor Fund 1 59 To bal. Lockup Fund 89 89 $34,859 93 By Wm. Harrison's Receipt $34,859 93 uay ot January, a. D. lUiio. W. H. STILES, I SEAL GEO, W. HOLKMAN, SEAL B. A. McCLOdKEY, Tseal Auditors. Grand Jury ...?,'." Petit Jury Tipstave and Court Crier.....;.,... Assessors' wages Conrad Rurhen, Commissioner... A. K. Shlpe, Commissioner Henry Welngard, Commissioner.. Commissioners' Clerk County Auditors Janitor Court House Livery, etc Printing Insurance , Coroner's inquests Miscellaneous , Treasurer's commission Interest on bonds State tax on loaus Collectors' abatements and coin's Double assessment Lands sold to county.... Rebate on growing limber County institute Change in value (Mrs. llohror land) School directors' convention Collectors exonerations , 3"9 978 153 1,(61 - 651 586 679 7K0 149 386 64 052 131 17 340 661 (WO 70 1,128 70 166 18 158 480 $23,734 County for year ending January 2, 1905. LIABILITIES. Bonds outstanding Assets over liabilities 17,000 00 3,99.-. 43 . $20.9H5 43 District for year ending January 2, 1905. Conrad Burhen, Commissioner 2J0 CO A. It. Slope, Commissioner '. 395 50 Henry Winegard. Commissioner.. 199 50 Commissioners' clerk 120 00 Treasurers' commission 370 91 Collectors' abatements, cotnmU- sion, and exonerations 804 48 Interest oa bonds 1,060 67 Bonds redeemed 4,0011 00 Double assessment 28 1 Error in assessment 90 Lands sold to County 83 41 $14,8!8 43 As though they were hero in porsQii ; as sured that their interests will bo just as well cared for and their orders will receive just as much attention. WRITE FOR SAMPLES. I New Dress Goods are in .. ' - ' v And tlic preseut'a great variety of weaves, and a broad range of colors. The very popular Panamas are here iu Blues, Browns, Green and Black. New Suits are here, The product of some or America's best tailors and showing it iu every line. In our pilaris to present Suits at ultractive prices, wn never allow ourselves to bu templed toward the imi tation or shoddy. $15 00 Suits here must carry as much style, and bIiow as perfect workmanship, as though the price was twice thnt, Thai's how wo earned this enviable reputation as Oil City's Laading Suit and Cloak House. Expect to maintain that supremacy same way. FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Popr Funds of Forest Oo. for year einllng Jan. 2, 1!K)5. ahsi'.ts. LiAmi.mxa., ChhIi and uncollected tax, etc 8 3,847 '0 liouds outstanding $26,000 00 Duo from individuals .'7.120 - ,v Liabilities over ucsaU 21,070 24 ' $20,000 00 FOREST COUNTY, us. V, the undersigned Commissioners of Foreat County, and Forest County Poof Dis trict, do berehy certify that the foregoing statement of receipts and expenditures aud Mtntemeut of assets and liabilities are coraeet ad true to the Iwsi, of our knowledge and belief. - CONltAD BDKHENN, fSBAl.l ) A. K. stlll'K, Israi.) Commissioners. Attest, 8. M. IIenky, Clerk HENRY WhlNQAKD, skalJ ) . . 5t AM'gclable Preparation for As similating Hie food amlKcg ula -ling (lie S toinaclis and Dow Is of Tromolcs Digcsliort,Chccrl nessandncsl.Conhiiiis neither Opitim.Morpliiac nor Mineral. ISOXNAllCOTIC. JlmjxafOM DrSAMlTll'tKjIEIi mJo Seal' Atx .iw UA . slwr .;. JitlftlWit - lUdutetilrSJa iliilKyn nam: Apeifccl Ht'meily forConslip.1 0on , Sour Slomach.DiaiThocfi Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ncss and Loss of SLEEl". Facsimile Siflnnture ot NEWVOTIK. EXACT C0FY OF WRAPPER. m THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, UK TIONESTA, - PENN. S.S.CANFIEtD PROPRIETOR. 03 flood Stock, (iooil Cni iliiKOM mid Hu; Kiiw to lot. upon tbo iiiostrpiisiiimhlHterinti. II (t Will IllNO "Id JOB TE-AIMIIlNrG- AU ordoiM loft ttt Hie 1'oHt Ollioewll rocoivo pronipl. allonlion. Ollioe ) .fc VA National.-"'' tillilinj,', OIL CITY,.'..' - ij ' . Eyeit exainiaoil free. . , . ExcltiHivol v Opticnli fX. j ."S i ' I ilia .r . -r ? i -a. i Out of town Customers Can Shop at this Storo AVith Just as Much Satisfiiciious' $20,000 00 m mm nh rfli tf tr. ni Tn-i 'if A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years THI OtNTAUR lOMNirr. NKW TORS OITV. Write today for weekly price-list We pay the highest market prices for Hides, Calf-Skins, Pelts and Tallow In any size lots-Prompt payments Our reputation 10 years' fair dealing Bank references furnished Force, Saucr & Co. South Canal St. ALLEGHENY, PA. Dr. KENNEDY'S FAVOR TE REMEDY ... IMcnnnnt to take, " Potvcrlul to t'nre, i Allt W elcome In J IflDNFV and IIVFRrurn . ' ml it pt tt nil HBtM unit Imth wxt's, afTorrllutr ptr niiiitiit relief in all fiinB tmiwd hy Impurity uf the 'hMHt, Rurli oh, Khtnt'y, Itlmltldr ami Liver Cuuv i.iMifs, CnnHtiiiitioti una wiukiit'sKtft Mrullar Ut vuiH'ii. awvesnfiil for ynn. 'ninrtMt bv t. . KKi:iVrS M)., Hondmil. II. til.'.'UiilldruHKiui, Six buttlvH!hUUL mm Idr.LafrancosT UCOMPOUND Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator Rnporlir to otlior TPMicrtlos dnM Hthlcli prices. Cum gnnrriiiTceit. Bii'-ct-ibfullv H"ctl hv t.vfr . 2iHI,Q0Q WoiiM'iu I'j It p, Z. CViiIh, 1m!r K'l or nui'l. 'I'usiiinitiilJtlK A honkict ift. Br. LaTruuco I'liUudrlphla, ECZEMA and PILE CURE FREE Kn"wit'K wll"t " was to Bud'or, I will kWp Fire of Cmne, to any Blllintml a poHitive euro for KcV.ema, Salt Kryipt-laH, Piles and skin tlis- fast-N. Insltmi n licl'. lon't milliir loniror. Write V. W. WILLIAMS, 4W) Manhattan Avenue, N. Y. lO-liG-04