THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WCNK, - Cditok 4 Proprietor. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1905. 1905 FEBRUARY 1905 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. ZZ.A.AAA 567 89 1011! 12 13 141516 1718: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 f f a MOON'S PHASES, Cm 4 6:06 . R.m. 19 26 lit! 0:01 ftOOD Moon r Thtrd Q. Quarter J Quarter 1 L a.m. , Republican Coinmittoe Meeting. A meeting of tbe Republican County Committee of Forest County will be held in tbe Republican Club Rooms, Tionesta, Monday evening, Feb. 27th, 1105, at 7:30 o'clock, fbr the transaction of business of Importance to the party. A full attend ance of tbe membership Is desired, G. W. Osgood, Chairman. Work on the Isthmian caual goes on well aud will soon be booming. On their New Year's day the Chinese settle all bills and forgive tbeir enemies. That beats tbe resolution habit. A juiaE of this State has fined a man lor trapping "suckers." It is thought that a decision like this In New York would entirely depopulate Wall street. Mr. Rooskvklt has succeeded in land ing the four postofllce grafters In tbe penitentiary. He hopes they will soon substitute tbe "simple" life for "grafting" life. the The trusts are now realizing the truth of what Mr. Cortelyou said when he as serted that Mr. Roosevelt would be In augurated on the 4th of March without auy "strings tied to him." The Hons. John J. Esch of Wisconsin and Cbas. E. Townsend of Michigan pushed tbeir Townsend-Esch railroad bill through C ingress very quickly, though it was not "railroaded." "- ' England's naval expenditures are double those or the United States and equal to those of Russia, France and Germany combined. Britannia contin ues to keep a sharp eye on sea power. Sevf.n-cknt sugar removes any fear of an American over-production in cane or beets. Tbe increased consumption of sugar In this country keeps long way ahead of the growth of the home product. A dispatch oa the weather states that St. Louis is the center of tbe area of cold, which assertion moves tbe Globe-Democrat to make tbe point that "that city is the center generally, on tbe map and otherwise." Because they are giving aid to the wretched peasants in Macedonia, Turkey accuses the missionaries of inciting to rebellion. Anything tbat keeps the Macedonians alive is poison for tbe Turks. Tbe Sultan will do well not to interfere with the missionaries. The town of Philadelphia is iust now passing through one of those periodical soasms of goodness, which moves tbe Press to remark that "everybody Beems to have bis own plan for stamping out vice. As an entirely novel proposition we suggest tbat men cease to patronize such places and thus starve tbem out." There are signs and tokens that the day may not be very far distant when it will be linpossiDie to induce an ni-ntm, self-respecting man to become a candi date for office in Oil City. Blizzard. Something in the nature of Judge Miller's choice, likely: Three months in hades or Mercer county politics, be'd choose the former. It looks now as though tbe Pennsylva- nla Legislature expects to pass but few laws this session, and this is one of the Governor's suggestions and about tbe only one of 36 made that tbe body is ad hering to. There will be no local option, no excise bill and no interference what' ever with the settled, liquor laws of tbe Commonwealth, is the opinion of the Clearfield Journal. The more people learn about President Roosevelt the better are they convinced tbat be Is very much in earnest in every thing that be does; that he means to be President in all that tbe term Implies, and that when he talks be means every word that he says. Politicians do not take kindly to tbat sort of an executive, but tbe people will be with bim uuam mously.-Oil City Blizzard. There will likely be a bill presented to tbe Legislature at this session asking that the use ot sunt guns be prohibited for SO years in the killing of game. Tbe hill will be presented by Hon. Hiram J. Sedgwick, of Ibis county, together with several other important features relative lo the preservation of our game animals and birds. K manning free Prest. Promptly on the presentation of such a bill another should'he ollered providing for a 50-year retirement of members of the Legislature who would father such freak legislation iu a body of men who are supposed to have a little common sonsn left. Soldier of "the disappearing army," as the veterans of the civil war have been termed, are dying at tho rate of lo0 every day, sunrise to sunrise. Tills pathetic showing is made by the quarterly state ment ol tbe pension bureau given out by Commissioner Ware. The moitality soldier pensioners of all wars and classes List year was 31,278 deaths, of which 30, 071 wore volunteer soldiers In the civil WH.r, Commissioner Ware estimates that there are from 150,000 to 180.000 soldiers of tho civil war who are not on the pen sion rolls. These be has di signated as "the unknown army." It is said fully SWi.OOO civil war veterans (pensioners aud nonpensioners) died last year. A niLL has been introduced at Uarrls burg by which It is expected to establish truant school, to be known as a parental school, In each district. There children who habitually remain away from school will be accommodated and taught by special teacher. Tbe measure may not be without virtue, but there should be sufficient intelligence aud parental back bone In tbe average school dislriot to make such legislation unnecessary. Wanted to Join the Mary. Some time ago when Mrs. Roupe, wife of Rev. W. B. Roupe, of Oil City, was employed In tbe Navy Department at Washington, letter came from a boy who wanted to join the navy. It was so characteristic of "young America" that Mrs. Roupe wrote up the little stoty for a Washington paper, which published It as follows: "Very peculiar Ideas exist in the minds of some regarding the United States navy. People are often Inclined to look upon It as a reformatory school, and If a mother has a son Who Is rather bard to manage, and baa begun to sow his wild oats, she apprentices blm Jo Uncle Saul, thinking he will turn out all rikht. Others who are lonesome and without homes join the navy, knowing that there they will have plenty of company and be well provided for, since Uncle takes the best of care of all bia sailor nephews, "There are others with a naturally rov ing disposition, who think that if they can get on the blue sea under the Stars and Stripes all tbeir desires will he grati fied and tbeir life-long hopes realized. A good illustration of this la contained In a letter from a boy In Michigan who says he wants to join the navy very much. He Is somewhat deficient In spelling, but has probably made a special study of geogra phy, for he knows Just where he wants to go and what be should find In tbe countries he visited. Whether he ex pected tbe ship to be under his control is not known, but at all events, be was look ing forward to a long cruise that Bhould enable him to girdle tbe globe, for he writes. 'I want to go to Spain and see a bull fight; I want to go to Africa and get a monkey and a parrot; I want to go to Egypt and see a pyramid; I want to go to China and Japan and see tbe Chinese and Japanese.' He had thought of going on a merchant vessel, but bis mother ob jected, on tbo ground tbat tbe 'old salts' drank and gambled and were a rough set of men; but be thinks there would be no danger of bia contracting bad habits on a United States ship, since he has beard that they have Sunday school on board tod a good class of boys, Tbe only ob stacle seems to be tbat his left eye is made of glass, but be thinks tbat might be off set by tbe fact tbat be is right-handed and can shoot pretty good. It will doubtless be a great disappointment to him when be learns that two good eyes are abso lutely essential in order to see the world from Uncle Sam's point of view; also tba'. tbe government cannot guarantee mon keys and parrots to recruits, but only food and raiment, a little hard cash, and bard work." Cards a Waste of Time. "At best the handling of cards is but a waste of time," says a wise exchange, bleb observation causes editor Tom Harter of the Belleftote Gazette to deliv er himself of the following short sermon: 'Right you are brother; but so is any other amusement; and yet, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. What has often amused us was to see people play 'geigle,' 'flinch,' 'pit,' or a lot of other like games who would shudder at a game of euchre. And yet either of these games invite more cheating, pro duce more excitement and more frequent ly lead to quarrels than does euchre. 'But,' they say, 'a euchre deck invites tbe spirit of gambling.' So does a re volver Invite suicide, or a match fire. Yet both are useful if not abused. "What Is the difference between play ing checkers, chess, dominoes, etc., and cards? . Nothing so far as 'waste of time' Is concerned. All are amusements and unless carried to extremes, are a decided benefit to tbe tirsd mind and weary eyes. But when such amusements are driven to extremes, when time is devoted to tbem which ought to be put in at work, then tbey become injurious. Some peo ple would play croquet a whole day who would abhor a game of pool or billiards, Yet the latter games are more scientific and require incalculable Bkill to play them right, while the best croquet player we have ever known bad a No. 6 bead and No. 11 feet. "Card-playing is not Injurious when not converted into gambling, but the young man who pursues tbe game to the neglect of nobler duties, will And that the expert manipulation of a deck of cards will never strengthen his recom mendation to a sought-for position, nor add lo bis ability to hold it be the cards pit, goigle, flinch or any other pink tea excuse for gambling." State of Ohio City, of Toledo, Lucus County, I M. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that bo Is the senior partner of tbe firm of F. J Cheney A Co., doing business tn the City ol Toledo, County and State afore sail I. and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that can not be cured by the use of Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to bofore me and subscribed in my presence, this (it h day ot December, A. 1). 1800. seal. A. W.GLEASON, Notary Public, Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts directly on tbe blood and mil cons surfaces of the system. Sond for testimonials, tree. KEDIX'ED KATE TO WASHINGTON. Via Prunsytvnnla ltnllronil, Arrount limit- gnrntlon ot President Roosevelt. - On account of the Inauguration of President Roosevelt on March 4. the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell round-trip tickets to Washington, March 2, 3, and 4, good tor return passage until March 8, inclusive, fiom Harris burg, Pittsburgh, Oil City, Erie. Huffalo, Canandaigua, Williamsport, Wilkes barre, Mt. Caruiel, and intermediate stations, at rate of single fare, plus 25 cents for the round trip. Deposit of ticket with Joint Agent at Washington on or before March 8 and payment of foe ol $1.00 will secure extension of return limit to leave Wash ington on or before March 18. For spe cific rates and full information apply to ticket agents. 3t Getting drunk Is perhaps pleasant. The getting that galls is getting over the humiliation. Cream of I ho News. The man who courts trouble is soon married. The White Star Grocery can furnish you with the freohest vegetables 'way ahead of all others. It -Battles are fought tor tbe purpose of making scraps of history. Dou't neglect the golden opportunity of your lile, but attend the February clearance sale at Hnpklua' and save big money. It Time and silence often win out where all other agoncies go lame. "Get the habit." Go to tbo clearance sale at Hopkins' and secure bargains in all winter goods. Low prices are moving the goods fast. It The less advice a man hands out the more listeners be will have. The shoe barg iii counter at Hopkins' still contains some excellent values, for all. Now is your time, a tbey sre going rapidly at the pricea asked. H If you have a grudge against a man Induce bim to run for office. Groceries are usually the largest household expense, and tbe prices should be carefully watched. Call at the White Star Grocery and see what your cash will buy of tbe finest to be had. 2t The more you put in a slot machine the more the owner takea out. . Take your watch or clock for repairs to II. C. Johnston, of Kellettvllle, who is a practical, first-class jeweler. Goldriugs, spectacles, etc, neatly repaired. All work guaranteed. 4t This country is Christian In name, but not In population nor piety, Mtnrtllna Hut True. People the world over were hoirified on learning of the burning of the Chicago theatre iu which nearly six hundred peo pie lost tbeir lives, yet mora than five this number or over 8,000 people died from pneumonia in Chicago during the same year, with scarcely a passing notice. Every one of these cases of pneu monia resulted from a cold and could have been prevented by tbe timely use of Chamberlain a Cuiign Kemeoy. A great many who bad every reason to fear pneu monia have warded It oil' by the prompt use or this remedy. The following Is an instance of this sort: "Too much cannot be said in lavorof Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and especi illy lor colds and in tluenza. I know that it cured mvdaugh ter, Laura, of a s-yere cold, and I believe saved tier life when she wa threatened with pneumonia." W. D. Wilcx, Lo gan, N. Y. Sold by Dr. J. C. Dunn. Wanted. White oak spoke timber 28 in. long, delivered at R. R. or at Oil City. Write for particulars, to Eagle Spoke Works, Oil City, Pa. tf Afraid of Miron. Medicines. Many people suffer for years from rheumatic pains, aud prefer tn do so rather than take the strong medicines usually given for rheumatism, not know ing that quick reliet from pain may be had simply by applying Chamberlain's t'aiu Balm and without taking any med icine Internally. For sale by Dr. J. C. uuun. There is no getting behind the .fact that the Helios heating stove is tbe king of ail radiating beaters, and ths combus tion of gas In this stove is the most per fect, as a reducer or gas bills it has no I equal, a. Mcruniey is me sore agent in Tionesta. tf The Best Physic. When you want a physio that is mild and gentle, easy, to take and certain to act. always use' Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Sold by Dr. J. C. Dunn. In tbe life of a public official, espe cially legislative, what a blessing sickness often isl A GUARANTEED H UE FOK PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Druggists refund monoy it Paxo Ointment fails to cure any case, no mat ter of how longstanding, in 6 to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest 50c. If vour druKsist hasn't it Bend 50o in stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid uy the fans medicine jo i. ixuis, nio This would be a fine world If men lived so well as to Justify tbeir epitaphs. Mirk Headache. This distressing ailment results from a disordered condition ot the stomacn. ah that is needed to effect a cure is a dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. In fact, tbeattaek may be ward ed off. or greatly lessened in severity by taking a doBe of these tablets as soon as tbe lirst symptom or an attack appears. Sold by Dr. J. V. Dunn. TIONESTA BIAHKETS CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS. Flour ft sack 1.60 1.85 Kuckwheat flour, w m ..14 Corn meal. feed. '& 100 lb 1.0S Corn meal, family, 100 lb 1.80 Cbon feed, pure grain 1.16 Oats .41 Corn, shelled .00 Beans $ bushel - 2.75 Ham. sugar cured 15 Bacon, sugar cured .14 Shoulders .14 Salt Pork. 11) .14 Whiteflsb kit 05 Snorar - fil.07 Svrun 35fa .50 N. O. Molasses - .35(0) .50 Coffee. Roast Rio 10 Coffee, blended Java .25 Tea 5 .50 Butter - 2!4".2B Rice 05(oi.U7 Eggs, fresh - (si-25 Salfp barrel L25 Lard 12 Potatoes, $ bushel (10.75 Potatoes, sweet, lb .- Lime IS barrel 125 Nails $ keg 2.7ft Wool 20fo)22 Promptly obtained, or rCf DtTUNNID. a via..'xpi.iMec. ourcsAscts ani THI LOWEST. Bend model, phuto or ikeU;b for expnrt min-li aiwl free report on iwitentAblllty. IRFRINCIMCRT aiUU conducted before all court. 1'utonta olitAlnod Uiroinrtl u, OVl TISC. and SOL., free. TSADI-MARKi, MN. IO.S and .OPY.iaHT. quickly obtained. Opposlt. 0. . Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. UfANTED: Men or women local rep- V rosentatives for a high class maga zine. Larce commissions. Cssh prizes. Write J. N. Trainer, KO East Washington square, flew York, in. x. it IT PAYS TO IN ADVERTISE: THIS PAPER jaw PROCLAMATION. Whkhkas, The Hon. W. M. Llndsey, President Judge of the Court of Common Picas and Quarter Sessions in and for tho county of Forest, has Ivsuod his pro eopt for holding a Court of Common Plena, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, Over and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, at Tionostu, for the County of Forest, to commence on the Fourth Monday of February, being the 27th day of February, 11105. No tice is therefore given to the Cor oner, Justices of tho Peace and Con stables of said county, that they bo then and there iu their proper persons at teu o'clock A. M., ot said day with their records, Inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do those tilings which to their office appertain to be done, and to those whoare bound In recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners mat are or shall bein thejailof Forest County, that they may bo then and tliero to proseouto against them as shall be just. Given un der my band and seal this 30th day of January, A. I). t!05. GEO. W. NOBLIT, L.8. Hlierltl. TRIAL LIST. Lfst of causes sot down for trial In tho Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania, commencing on tlio Fourth Monday of February, 1005: 1. John W. Baxter vs. M. V. 1 attnrson, J. E. Beck, George Brown, trading as Patterson, Beck it Brown, No. 60, Wep- tember term, 11H11. Appeal from J P. Fred Morek vs. J. t. C. Kigworth, No. 2S, February term, 1SKM. Replevin. 3. U. w. v roper. l-JuKotia r roper,-v. j. Proper, Ellie Walters vs. J. G. C. Slg- wortb, No. 25, February term, 11KU. Summons in action of trespass. 4. Leota Hoover vs. John Hoover, No. 8, February term, 1901. Divorce. 6. Theuerry veneer oz iumner i'o,, vs. The uale Company, No. 7, wept. Term. 1904. Summons In Assumpsit. 0. George M. Miller vs. J. At. Bemls and Harry Bemls, partners doing busi ness as J. M. Hem is ,t Son, No. 17, Sep tember Term, 1004. Summons In As sumpsit. Attest, J. u,umsi, Prothonotary. Tlonesta, Pa., January 30, 1005. Confirmation Notice. Notice is hereby given that the follow- inir accounts have been filed in my office and will be presented at the next term of Court for continuation : First and final account of A. E. Stone- cipher, Administrator of estate ol Clara B. Towler, deceased, late of Marienville, Jenks township, Forest county, Pa. second and nnsl account oi a. i;. Stonseipher, Administrator of estate of 8. S. Towler, deceased, late ot Marien ville, Jenks township, Forest county, Pa. J. J. UE.1ST, Clerk of Orphans' Court. Tionesta, Pa., January 30, l!Ki;. WHITE PINE Flooring, Siding, and material for Window Casings and Inside Work. A good supply to select from always 1a stock. Call ou or address. JAS: J. LANDERS, TIONESTA, PA. or F. l AMSLER. . i a. MET k GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND-U UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PENN tucas) Paint? terials, ground and mixed by modern machi nery in the most thorough, careful, accu rate manner. For sixty years these paints have given satisfaction to every user. Ask your dealer. John Lucas & Co Philadelphia M4aU 'J Pennsylvania 1 IU1LIIOAD. BUFFALO AND ALLEGHENY VAL LEY DIVISION. Takinir elfoct, November 27th, 1901. No. 30 Bull'ulo Expross, daily except Monday 11:01 a. in. No. 32 Oil City and Pittsburg Exf.ress.daily.except Sunday ..7: IS p.m. Oil City Accommodation Sun days only, 8:usp. m. For Hickory. Tidioute, Warren, Kinxua. Hmdlbril.Oleaii and tho East.: No. 31 Olnan Kxprosn, daily except .Sunday No. 33 Pittsburg Express, daily except Sunday 8:1! a. m. 4:45 p. in. 0:28 a. m. Olean accommodation, Hun- days only For Time Tables and additional infor- nuttiou consult Ticket Agent. W. vY. ATrERHUllY, J. H. wuww. General Manager. PasHPiigerTralllcMgr. GEO. II . BOYD, Oon'l Passenger Agj, Wanted-An Idea S l'rr'oct your lrti: thi-Y may lirluK yia w Vi rile JOHN WkOOKItllllUN :o , I'nt. nt I ney. Wahlnton, 1). c.for thtlr l.lui prle aod lint ot (wo hundred lureutlou. warned. Thrji Lucas i V Paints 1 E St (Tmtei Gloss) 3 f"t' V I YucanDeaD" :f-' f 1 solutely certain & 1 p!l frf they'll turn out it 17 ast as we" as 'f" 1 &i f Ci rst Thev s'm' Jr& QSfTri0? are made Q vl str'ct'y pure ii nign-graae ma- r.a Ladies With Notions About economy in tbe buying of little things will Gut it is to tbeir a J vantage to get their supply of of Work Kiittket Mate rials here. Do it now, and rave annoying delays whoa you wish to do your spring sewing Doaen of things for the dress maker and others at attractive prices. li ft Mr. Clothing Buyer,. IT'S TT3? . TO YOU. No such Clothing as we offer ' you has ever been offered at those prices. All Suits and Overcoats that were ?0 to $7.50; Inventory price. I 4 00 All Suits and Overcoals tbat were 8 to filj Inventory price 6.00 All Suits and Overcoats that were 810 to 11.50: Inventory price 8.50 All Suits and Overcoats that were $12 to $14; Inventory prico 10.00 All Suits and Overcoats that were $15. $10. $17 and $18: Iuventnry price 13.50 All Suits and Overcoats tba were $20, $22 and $24; Inventory price 10.00 All Suits and Overcoats that wore $25 to $2S; Invontory price 20.00 These are the lowest pricos at which clothing will be sold t this season. THE McCUEN CO. 2b AND 29 SENECA ST., OIL CITY. PA. Fred. Grottenberger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil W ell Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and General Klai-k8iuitliliig prompt ly done at Low Kates. Repairing Mill Machinery givon special attention, and gatisfactiou guaranteed. Shop iu rear of and Just west of the Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRKD. GRETTENRERGER PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER Itepalrs Hollers, Tanks, Agitators, and Noll Second Rollers, Etc. Stills, Ituys hand Wire or letter orders promptly at tended to. End ofSuspension Bridge Third ward, OIL CITY, 1M. 11AILWAY. TIIMHE TABLE To Take Effect July 6th, 1903. NORTH Eastern Time f SOlTH Elm 3 1 f Stations ... 2 Y' p.m a. in Leave Arrive, p.m. p.m 7 00 Nebraska , 6 fio 7 30 Ross Run ri 30 7 40 Lamentation' 0 20 7 4r Newtown Mi lip (I 15 1 4-r) 8 On Kollottvillo.' 1 00 6 00 1 5f 8 15 Buck Mills . 12 45 5 60 2 05 8 25 Mayburg 12 85 5 40 2 20 8 4(1 Porkey 12 10 5 30 2 25 8 45 M inister 12 05 5 25 2 30 8 60 Wellors U 55 5 20 2 40 9 00 Hastings 11 40 5 10 2 55 9 15 Blue Jav 11 30 4 55 3 10 9 30 Henry's Mill 11 00 4 40 3 25 9 60 Barnes . 10 40 4 25 3 45 1000 Sbefuold ' 10 30 4 15 p.m a.m Arrive Leave a. m. p.m T. D. COLLINS, President. GIICHESTEfrS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS . Hnfo. Alwuv relliiblp. Litd!. auk rtnicetst fi IIU'Hf NTi:ll' KMil.lMI In itt'll mid CJoM liti-titllin tiox.-a, M-nli-d Willi blue ribbon. 'B'nke no oilier. Ki-rune dnnareroim subtil luliitiisnnd litiilnlloii.. Ituy of your Iminirf-t, or Kt-nd -li. in Hl;iinps fnr PnHloti litre, T-tt-lonltile and Krllvf fur l.rtilli-.," in trlte.rt 10,000 Testimonial, bold by ail DrupKlfllti. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. 8100 Dladlaoa Nquarc, 111 1 LA., PA. K.aU.s talt, Tt&o Laxative Bromo Qumsne Tablets. Seven Million boxes sold In pv.t 13 months. . - ftiS Signature, Final Clearance Sale of all fk. IIP IX. 1 Lr. ;.jf m:wi ey; lit -v" . .' i M mm immm tvt J ' Jifv T? Advantageous , Buying Opportunities in popular priced J ailoring We must have the stock room lor goods soon to arrive and it is up to you to do the rest. $15 Men's Suits any Style in Single or Double Breast. Our Free 1.00 Tants free FOR A FEW Glasaow Woolen Mills Co., WORLD'S LARGEST TAILORS. 110 CENTRE STREET. "No Fit, No Pay, EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. CooGoing our Hue strictly to the Hard ware hnsines v are prepared as no others in the community to supply your every need in that line. If it's u Nlove, Itaiigc, Ntove IMpe, Kitclu-n Ware, or a- ythiug io Supplies for Lumbermen, ffeehaiiicH or Farmers, we hays it iu stock. Bldcksroilhiug while you wait. , Call and look us over. We can fit you out at moderate cost. We can also "eel yu right" in nnythiuk in the line of a . . , Wagon or Buggy. J. C. SCOWDEN. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, SURPLUS, Time Deposits Solicited. WilVpay Four Vci- Cent, per Annum. A. Waynb Cook, Hrosiduu A. It. D1KKUTOR8 O. W. Robinson, . V. Ritrhey. J. T. ,A, N. Wayne Conk, P. Whonler, Collection, roinilleil for on ilsiy of pr.ymont at low raton. We protniHe our cunloin . ors all the benefits consistent with conservative b king. Interest psid on time dopoHitH, Tour patronage rewpectfully solicited. To Cure a CoM In One -Day W G O Men's Overcoats, Long, Short or Medium, Tight or Belted Back. Pants Offer. with every order, Suit or Overcoat DAYS ONLY. OIL CITY, PA. is the Glasgow way." aud vehicle repairing NATIONAL BANK, PENNSYLVANIA. $50,000. $12,000. Wm.Smkariiauoh, Vice Proslden Cashier.': Wm. ftmearliatigh, Pain. J. If. Kolly. Cora Crip In Two Days. S?fyr on every I , i