THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WINK. Editor Proprietor. WEDXKSDAY, JANUARY IS, 1905. 1905 JANUARY 1905 Su.Mo.;Tu.;We.! Tb. Fr. 6 Sa. 1 2 9 3 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOON'S PHASES. DITpw Moon Full 21 w p.m. ,4 M"VD s.m -v Pint 1 n 111 J Quarter Id p. to. f Third 07 T:2I Vt Quarter p-om BUTBLICAS CAUCUSES. HtCKOKT TOWSSHIP. The Republican caucus Tor nominating-a ticket for the February election will be held at the township Huxe, Kant Hickory, Saturday, Jan. 2", from 2 to 6 O'clock, p. m. Josicrii Coiniuitteeinan. TIONETA TuWJisHIP. The Republicaniof Tionesta township will bold their caucus for nominating a ticket for the February election on Sat urday afternoon, Jan 21, at the Towosbip House. J. B. Kiikm, Committeeman. KINOSLKY TWP, Kinftsley township Republicans will bold a caucus at Andrews Uall, Kellett ville, Saturday, Jan. 28, at 2 p. m., to nominate a Republican ticket for tbe February election. All Republicans In vitid to be present at caucus. By order of J. M. Zckxdkl, Kd. Uillfspik, Krkd. Rudolph, L'onimitieeuieo. OREKM TOWNSHIP. The Republicans or Lower Green will bold a caucus in the Election House at Nebraska, Saturday, Jan. 21, for tbe pur pose of nominalinK candidates for the sprinft election. Frkd Kathkon, Committeeman. Tun Government seems able even to get beneatb tbe thick bide of the beef trust. Tough for the trust, but a juicy morsel of news for the consumer. It is understood that Japan will give Port Arthur to any nation that will come and take it, but none seem willing to ac quire it under such circumstrnces. Attokwky Gesersl Miodv's proci ed Intft it fi tbe beef trust bare lead to a singular development. It is found that Moody is swift snd Swift is moody. While we are hiving snows, rains and blizzards sixteen limes a week Ari zona wants to know why she, a State of sunshine and (lowers, is excluded from statehood. "Praisk from Hubert is praifo, in deed.' Bryan commends the President's course in railroad legislation. W. J. B. is becoming ssne, and, since be is out of ollice, be is safe. Some of tbe legislators in different States are so keenly disappointed by lack of senatorial contosis that they are threat ening to go to their constituents and de mand their money back. Prekidknt Roosevelt is ascertaining the wishes of a majority of the American people in regard to the tarilf and their wish is to be gratilied. This is tbe kind of a public servant Mr. Roosevelt is. Now that David B. II ill has retired, who is going to wear that familiar feather witb the famous inscription oi identifica tion? It is too picturesque and pretty to be laid away for the moths to fatten on. In the meantime David is still a Demo crat, and the woi Id has his promise that be will remain "still." An attempt was made, to dynamite the statue of Frederick the Great which was recently presented to tbe U. 8, Govern ment by tbe Kmperor of Germany and placed in front of the War College at Washington. Tbe guilty parties have not been caught yet, but the Boston Peace Society claims that tbey can prove an , alibi. Thr eulogies of the President at the Cattlemen's Convention are a reminder that from tbe first the West has under stood Mr. Roosevelt, even as he has un derstood the West, and it has been his most loyal defender and champion. It would be a good thing for all America if every national lawmaker could spend bis vacations west of tbe Mississippi. Tun shooting of live pigeons at club matches or for mere "sport" at any other time should be prohibited in Pennsylva uia, just as is now done in New Jerseyi New York and in other States. It is cruel and unnecessary "sport,.' and it is gratifying to know tba', an attempt is to be made to pass a bill at Harrisburg to stop it. There ought to be no doubt about the success of such a measure. One of tho old-line Democratic leaders of Sharon last week sent a red-bot pro test to Leader Creasy at Harrisburg, urg ing Democrats to make the election of Knox unanimous. The letter ran thus "Was not the knife run into Democracy deep enough at St. Louis, that the Demo cratiu party nomination for senator should go to Chairman Hall, one ofthe archwielders of the knife? Tear down the banner, Democrats ; make the nomi nation of Knox unanimous." Th K simplest way to protect the pub lic against imposition in foods would be to require every packsgo containing a com pound or mixture to bear a label speci fying the ingredients. In support of this proposition the Chicago Chronicle says: "Why should not the label ofa food product state exactly what the package contains? If a preservative or coloring substance is employed let the label tay so, naming the proportion which the for eign Biil.staiice hears to the product itself. This would do away wiih ambiguity, ad it would otiviste tho necessity lor using liie ugly woid "adulterated." A Paris physician Las taken issue with bis professional brethren on thesub jpet of the unwbolesomness of kiosinfr. He contends that far from being danger ous it is a most wholesome exercise. The interchange of bacilli, - the oro.inr of (terms. Is a natural therapeutic prat-ilce. de clcims thai the g"d, wbolmotne bacteria wliioh rnlest the mouths of healthy persons will quickly ofercoine and destroy tbe bad sioe . wiil . whlcta ihev come in contact. Hence the un healthy person is benefitted and the healthy person is not injured. It is therefore to be assumed that the kissing cure for the numerous ills to which flesh is heir is likely to become popular, es pecially iu Paris, " . . . . Tbe foregoing is from Congressman W. O. Smith's Tunxsutawney Spirit. Our object in reproducing it is not for the purpose of disputing its reliability as to scientific fscts, but to call attention to Bro. Smith's deductions contained in the last few lines ofthe item. We fail to see, as be seems to, why the "kissing cure"' should become popular on tbe mere con clusion of a French doctor, and there is considerable doubt in our mind as to whether tbe handsome Punxy Editor CoDgressman believes what he is talking about It strikes us that be is in hopes the item will attract the eye ofsouie ruby lipped damsel who may want to try tbe cure on bim. Hale and Heart; at 111. RlKRnt Ri, Pa., Jan. 16, 1W6. Editor Rkpi-rlicax: - There lives within six mile of Rimers burg, or thereabouts, au old lady said to be 1"0 years old and more. It was my privilege, In company with a somewhat removed relative of hers, to visit her on the afternoon of Christmas day this win ter. She lives with her daughter and a son and a grandson. Tbe family is sup ported by the grandson. We found the old lady sitting by the window when we entered the house. We were greeted kindly by tbe old lady and ber daughter. She seemed glad to see us, especially as it was Christmas day and we had taken with nsjmt a tritle as a reminder in tbe way of a mince pie, can of Jelly, etc As to ber age there ferns to be no clear record. She says she Is 107. Some peo ple who know ber say she is l'3 or 104. Your tcribe thinks she may be and quite likely is, 111, from dais which we ob tained from her and from others who have known ber all their lives. She told us sbe was married on tbe day she was 29 years of age. She is the mother of 11 children. Your deponent ssyeth that be was told by a person well acquainted with fie family for a number of years that between the tenth child and tbe eleventh child there is an interval ol 16 years. Her youngest child is i years old. There were no twins or triplets In tbe familv; all single births. Tbese data can furnish a basis for an easy belief that the old lady is not less than 111. Of coarse this is not conclusive. Tbe family records that could solve the question have been lost or destroyed. One Bible that would possibly settle the matter if in ex istence was lost iu tbe noted Oil City flood. A gentleman living witbin two miles of the place where the old lady re sides told your informant that she is 111, and found that figure for ber age by tbe fact of certain circumstances connected with ber birth which were well known in the neighborhood and afterward related to bim in later years when tbe old lady's age was tbe subject of of discussiou. Tbe old lady's cheeks have dropped in quite a bit is the result of the disappeared of ber teeth, and cause ber some inconveni ence In talking. Otherwise sbe talks quite well. Her mind shows signs of age apparently, but sbe did not seem childish. Sbe spoke of tbe trial of Mike Kissinger lor tbe murder of bis wife at tbe last court in Clarion county, nd spoke intelligently and expressed herself sensibly. Outside of ber sunken cheeks sbe did not look nearly so old as one would be lead to expect before seeing ber. Ber daughter sajs she shows decided signs of failing this fall and winter. When sbe walked about the room sbe moved quite brisk but stooped over quite a bit. On tbe day we were there one ol ber sons witb bis wife bad been to see ber. Her daughter told us that besides entertaining these visitors sbe bad hem med a "hap" or "comfort" or "comfor ter," ii you'd rather. Sbe can see to thread a common needle when tbe sun shines bright. She told us sbe bad made garden tbe last summer and expecled to do so the coming summer. She gathered huckleberries the past summer, herded two cows and gathered, picked and cleaned e.iough wild cotton to nil two bed comforts. She said sbe bad a good appetite and slept well. Sbe is quite a tobacco smoker. Sbe is not able to read or write. She says that in the days when she grew up aud in the days when sbe raised ber family times were bard and there was little room for anything but bard work. And there is nothing in bis tory, by tbe way, to controvert tbe old lady's analysis ol conditions then exist ing. She has two great-great-grandchildren. In fact, iuside two miles in a straight line, may be found five generations of her family, herself included. She told us that once, a great many years back, sbe belonged to the church, but bad withdrawn from Hon account ofa crime committed by tbe man who preached for tbem at that time In that place. Tbe story is a story well known to old people in this part of Pennsylvania. It la the story ofthe murder of Ruben Giles by William Monks. Your correspondent has heard tbe story more than once, and thinks tbe old lady is mistaken as to Monks being a preacher. Her mother, she told us, was a Shouting Methodist. One hundred and eleven years is a long time. Without education, living in what one might call out of tbe way places, confronted constantly by the demands a large family made upon her time, atten tion and strength, sbe may easily be ex cused for not being acquainted with the stirring events of a national character that were contemporaneous with ber life. What a strong heart sbe must have bad 1 What a brave spirit ! Planning to make garden nextsummor! Think of it, at 112 years of age! Ye broken down folks at 50 and 60 adjust your Hpectaclos and get a glimpse ol grit that will revive you. Thk Tramp. Clinmberlniii'K CoiihIi KriiMily Absotulely lliirnili'NN. The fault of Riving children medicine containing Injurious substances, is some times more disastrous than tho disease from which they are siillering. Kvery mother should know that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is perfectly safe for chil dren to take. It contains nothing harm ful and for coughs, colds anil crimp is unsurpassed. Hold by Dr. J. C. Dunn. Cream of the -If wishes were mules beggars might have more kicks coming. ... Prioes low on furs t Uopkitm'.- ' It Man's ambition in life is to pay fir the thiags woman want. " j T-Tha assortment of furs at Hopkins' ia still large, and nrw Is your opportunity to gel what you desire at your own fig ures. All Ibis year's good-, and right in style. It A piece of woman's mind often dis turbs a man's peace of mind, Tbe White Star Grocery is hi adquarU era lor all the dainties in fruit, nuts and confectionery. It We seldom realize thevalueof money until we try to borrow some. Get a Wooltex skill, cape or jacket, the best goo-ls iu the market at Hopkins' store. " It Philosophers are men who imagine tbey have got through being fools. Too many furs to carry over. Tbey must go, even at a loss. Hopkins. It There Is one thing worse than a harsh loud voice; a sputtering whisper. When those enormous gas bills come in you will be sorry you didn't buy a Helios beater. McKinley has them. It It Is not difficult to tell when you see a name il tbe father or mother gave it. Hopkins is sole desler iu the famous Woollen goods. If in need of a kir, cape or jtcket you should look over bia stock. It, Men so often say : "It's turning out Just as I said." Finest bread, cakes and cookies fresh every day at the White Star Grocery. Tbe best honor paid to royalty is paid to headless monarch. This tbe sort of weather to test tbe economical gas boaters. Ak those who are using tbe Helios beater whether tbey are satisfied with Ibein or not. H. E. McKinley sells them. It It is hard to tell if some of these modern creeds are afoot or horseback. An agreeable movement ofthe bowels without any unpleasant effect is produced by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For ssle by Dr. J. C. Dunn, tl When tbe ofTica seeks tbe man be baa a strangle bold on it. 1 CM) UtWAUD, IOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to leai it that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in nil its stages, ami that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fra ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly apon the blood and mucous surface of the system, there by da-tru ing the foundation of th dis eas, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist ing nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in . its cura tive powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars tor aov case that ft fails to cure. Snd for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY- A CO., .- Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c Hall's Family Pills are fuehext. FLORIDA. The first Jacksonville tourof the season via tbe Pennsylvania Railroad, allowing two weeks iu Florida, leaves New Y'ork, Philadelphia, aud Washington by special train January 31. Excursion tickets, in cluding railway transportation, Pullman accommodations (one berth), and meals en route in both directions wbilH travel ing on the special train, wilt be sold at the following rates; Naw York, -"0.00; Buffalo, f54 25; Rochester, $54.00; Elmira, 151.45; Erie, f-4.s5 ; Williamsport, $50.00; wilKesuarre, s,iu 3a; ana at proportionate rates from other points. Similar tours will be run February 14 and 28. For tickets, Itineraries, and lull infor mation apply to ticket agents, or address Geo. W, Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broau street station, rnlladelpbia. ;a Bank Statement No. 6038. OEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF I. THK r U K KS T CO UM I SATHiH AL BANK AT TIONESTA, in the State of Pennsylvania, at tho close of business January 11, 1905. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts $.132,749 00 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 7,059 28 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 50,000 00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds 3.187 31 Stocks, securities, tc, 3y,0o0 00 Banking-house, furniture, and fixtures 15,101 08 Due from National Batiks mot reserve agents) 3,000 00 Due from approved reserve agents 185,448 01 Checks and other cash items U29 20 Notes of other National Banks 1,750 00 fractional paper currency. nickels, and cents 257 39 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie $M,.V17 00 Legal tender notes... 9,000 00 25,537 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas'r(5 per ct. of circulation) 2,500 00 $606,579 20 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in $.V),oO0 00 Surplus rund 42,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 4,205 85 National bank notes outstand ing 50,000 00 Dividers unuid 204 00 Individual deposits subject to check 28,073 26 Time certificates of deposit 231,340' 09 $060,579 20 State of Pennsylvania, County of Forest, ss: I, A. B. Kelly, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that tbe above statement is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief. A. B. KELLY. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this lrttb day of January, 1005. C. M. Apnkh, Notary Public. Correct Attest! (1. W. Roiiinson, T. V. RfTCIIKY, W.M. SMKARIIAUOfl. Di roc tors. Notice of Appeals. Notice is hereby given that the County Commissioners of Forest County, Pa., will meet at their ofllce in the Court House in Tionesta borough, on the 20th, 27lhand2Mh of January, 1005, for the purpose ol holding a Court of Appeals from the assessment of 1004. Conrad 1!ijiihknn, A. K. KiifPK, Hen kv Wkinoauk, Commissioners. Attest 8. M. Hknry, Clerk. Tionesta, Pa., Dec. 24, 10o4. IT PAYS TO IN ADVERTISE TillH PAPER T ION KMX A MAKKKT8 CORPECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS. Flour V sack 1.50 1.K5 Ruckwbeat dour. lb .0.1 Corn meal, feed, 100 t . Corn meal, family, Tr 100 lb.., Chop feed, pure grain Oats ........... , Corn, shelled 1.35 . . 1.75 1.40 .50 .75 2.75 .15 .14 .. .14 .14 AS . fira.on .X(m .60 . .35-$ .50 ... 14 16 iteans bushel Ham, sugar cured ... Bacon, sugar cured....... (Shoulders Salt Pork, V ft Wuitofisu V kit Sugar .... Kvrup I . ki, .Yioitvtsrs Coffee, Roast Kio .. .. t'otlee. blended Java - Tea... .35 .M Butter .25 Kiee 05.07 Eggs, fresh Salt barrel l.'i i-ara .i- Potatoes, bushel G0.n Potatoes, sweet, tb .21 Lime f barrel . Iv2." Nails V keg 2.75 Wool 20(2 STOLEN! DARK BAY MIRE. Stolen from J. W. Kahle, of Haynie, Clarion county, Pa., on Nov. -4? 1W4, tuie dark bay mare, 15 years old, weight abit 1,500 pounds. While stripe on face. Small callus lump on lower jaw. Tbe letter "L" branded on right side of neck. A reward of f"0 for return of mare, aud an additional reward ol $200 for tbe thief with evidonce for conviction. By the Anti-Horse Thief Company, of Venns, Pa. 8.E. UENLEN, S. KORB, 4t Committee WHITE PINE Flooring, Siding, and material for Window Casings and Inside lVork. A good supply to (elect from always in stock. Call od or addrew. JAS. J. LANDERS, TIONESTA, PA or F. l AMSLER. S. H. HASLET & GENERAL MERCHANTS. Furniture l)calors, AND UNDERTAKERS. , TIONESTA, PENN 0 m f.-S A- iu use Lucas Paints Lucas mm fel (Tinted Gloss) H If he asks whv. sav - y r they go farther, wear 1 1 !. V 1 J. Jj lUUgH, 1UUK. dliu M hold their color and gloss longer. Detter for you more econom ical. Better for him sure to turn out right. His dealer knows. Let him ask him. John Lucas & Co Philadelphia Tl i fc mi ia a i iJt i m i Jkr.fW. BO YEARS . . a EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. I VAZ . ...... f IB I Ml VI SaV llaf AnTonesenrilng a sketch and (lencrtptlnn majr j quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an 1 Invention In prohnhly pntentnhlfe Conimiinica- j tlonsntrtrt'y contltlenttnl. Handbook on I'atenta aent free, oldest fluency for flerurtiifr patent. j 1'Mentn taken thruih Munn & Co. receive tprriai notUet without chnrge. In the I Scientific American, j A handsomely lllimtrated weekly. I.nnrest rlr- filiation of any selentiBo jonmnl. Terms, a ypir: four months, L Sold by mil newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,BrMdwa'- New York: Branch Ofttco, 028 K St., WashlriKton, I. C- Pennsylvania IIAILUOAD. BUFFALO AND ALLEGHENY V AL LEY DIVISION. fi-" Trtkinirotloct. Novotnber 271b, 1901. Jlo.80 Butlalo Express, daily except .Sunday 11:01 a.m. Uo. 32 Oil City and Pittsburg Exf ress.ilaily.excopt Sunday7:lS p.m. Oil City Accommodation Hun days only, :08 p. m. For Hickory, Tidioute, Warren .Klnzua, Bradford, Oleun aud the Eaui : Ho. 31 Oloau Express, daily except Sunday 11:41 a. in. No. 3:t Pittsburg Express, daily except Sunday -4:45 p. in. Olean nrcniiimodittioii, Sun days only JI:H a. in. For Timo Tables and addition. ! infor mation consult Ticket Agon.t. W. vV, AT i'EHHUK Y, J . R. VS 'OOD. (imicrid M mm hit. Pussi'iier Traf lie M nr. UV.O. II. IJOYD, Oon'l Passeuger Agt. SALE OF. CARPET SAMPLES FOR RUGS. Each atnple ia full 1 yards in leogth, making a desirable aize rug. We are closing out these sample pieces at the following prices Extra Tapestry Brussels and Velvets, sold at 85c to $1.00 per yard price per piece (1 yd) $ .98 Welloo Velvets and Ax- minsters, sold at 1 20 and tl 25 per yd. Price per piece (1) yds) 1.48 Best Axaiiosters, sold at tl 40 per yd. Price ter piece, (1 J yards) ... 1 C5 1-4 OFF ON ALL FURS. Mr. N Clothing Buyer,. IT'S UP TO . YOU. No such Clothinir as we offer you has ever been ottered at these prices. All Suits snd Overcoats tbst were (0 to $7.50; Inventory pric f 4 00 All Suits snd Overcoats that were y to $', Inventory price,.. 6 00 All Suits snd Overcoats that were 110 to 111.50: Inventory price 8 50 All Suits and Overcoats that were 12 to $14; Inventory price 10.00 All Suits and Overoiasts that were $1., $10, $17 and $Ts; Inventory price 13 30 All Suits snd Overcoats that were fL.V.'J'fi"11-; Inventory price lrt.00 All Suiu-ini Overcoats that were $J5to$2S; Inventory price SM.OO These are the lowestinfiices si which clotlw ' e sold tuitfSfiisonJf THE McCUEN CO. "2t AND 29 SENECA ST. , OIL CITY. PA. Fred. Grettciibenrcr GENKRAL BLACKSMITH MACHINIST. All work pertaitiitr to Machinery, En (rines, Oil Well Tools, (Jas or Water Kit- tiiirsaud Ueueral lllacksniiltiiiifrproiiipl ly done at Ixiw Kates. Repairing Mill .Machinery given special attention, and atistactiou guaranteed. Shop in rear of and just west of the shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRKTTRNRKRUER PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER. HepulrM Holler.., Mills, Tanks Agitators. Itiij'M aud Nells NocoikI - Iiantl Boilers, Wire or letter orders promptly at tended to. End ot'Suspenainn Bridge Third ward, Oil, CIT1, 1M. KA1XWAY. TIIMIE TABLE To Take Effect July Otb, 1003. NORTH Eastern Timp SOUTH I 1 Stations 2 4 p. in a. m I Leave Arrive p.m. p. in 7 00 Nebraska 7 30 Ross Run 7 40 Lamentation i 7 45 Newtown Mills 8 0n Kellettville 8 15 Ruck Mills 8 25 May burg 8 4ii Poi key 8 45 M inisler 6 50 0 30 8 20 0 15 B 00 1 45 1 on 1 55 5 60 5 40 fi TO' 5 25 5 20 5 10 4 55 4 40 4 25 4 15 p.m 2 05 2 20 2 25 2 SO 2 40 2 55 3 10 12 3,r i 12 10 12 Oil 11 b; 8 50 Wellers 0 00 Hastings 0 15 ISlue Jay ! 30 Henry's Mill 9 50 Rarnes 11 40 11 30 3 25 3 45 p. in eru) 1000 Sheffield a. m Arrive Lieavaia. m. T. D. COLLINS, PRpsafiNfcif. Prnmrtlr ohMncxl, or FEE RETURNED. SO YEARS EXPERIENCE Our CHARGES ARE THE LOWEST. Hontl niodi'l, photo or Hkutrh for rxpert Rwin-h and Itw reiwrt on jidtentAbtllty. INFRINGEMENT ult concluiUl before nil mrt. ratcntii obtained IliroiiKh n. ADVER. TISEO and SOLD, frm. TRADE-MARKS, PEN INM and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, WASHINCTON, D. O. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.? Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months, . This Signature, Sfcjtyr THE BEST Evidence of Q-lasgow Qlothjng is the Duplicate Orders we nre Receiving from the Teople who Once Wear Them. The satisfied customer hrings his friends to the Reliable Store, : and they are our Best Advertisers. MEN'S "Well Made, of Serviceable Cloths in black and fancy mixtures, strong and satisfactory in wear, correct in style, carefully tailored and guaranteed to please. Call in and let us show you the finest line of Woolens ever shown in the Oil Country at Popular Prices. REMEMBER OUR FREE PANTS SALE is still on. For the next Ten Days 84.00 PANTS FJRBE With Every Suit or Overcoat order Glasaow Woolen Mills Co., WORLD'S LARGEST TAILORS. 110 stkeSF. j REDUCE YOUR 1 GAS BILLS! pjj There ia ouly oue way to accomplish th is, Mtice the gas rj meter has been introduced in Tiooesta, aod that is by (Ejt fc uciog a Gas RaoKe or Hot-l'laie. Our line of these rj comprises the makes those that have been success- Kj fully tried eUewhore. Ca YOU CANNOT AFFORD 1 TO BURN GAS! in 'D old fashioued cooking or heating stove they are unl properly constructed for the economical cnusomptiou of gas, and economy Is the word nowadays, with gas at 22 cents per. Come iu and examiue our GAS STOVES, HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, PAINTS AND OILS. Oor assortment is tha most complete in town and tho prices aright. No t rouble to show goods. J. C. SCOWDEN. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, SURPLUS, " T,trie"InoHlt SoUeiteil. Will if a: A. Watnk Cook, Prenlilont. A. M , Wayne .Cook, O. W. RobinBOn, Win. KmoarbauKii, r M. P. Wheeler, T. V. Ritchey. J.T.Dale, J. II. Kelly. Collections rernittoil for on day of pnyment at low rates. We promine our cunlom era all the benefits connlatent with conservative b king, lntorest pnid on time deposits. Tour patronage respectfully solicited. To Cure a Cold In One Day the Satisfaction of JT SUITS OIL CITY, PA. NATIONAL BANK, PENNSYLVANIA. 150.000. $42,000. vail Four Ver Cvnt. B. Kkllt. Wm. Sm karhauoh, Cashier. Vice Preniilen DtRBOTORH Cures Crip in Two Days. on every Yrzrirt' DOX. 25c