The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 21, 1904, Image 2

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J. C. WENK, Editor 4 PaosaiEToa.
It will be a Ions, long time before the
Chad wick record will be broken Jn ibis
or any otber country.
Tn k people baye made it Impossible (or
David U. Hill to go back od bis promise
to retire from politics at the end of the
Ik it be true that Mrs. Chad wick Is
stockholder in a fish company, she must
have gotten lu on her ability to land
The comptroller of the currency Bays
there is a great demand for fo notes. Yes,
we can use a few, though we much prefer
the twenties.
It has been found necessary to suspend
the Colorado election recount. The courts
are only half through with it and the jails
are full to overflowing.
Boss Mukphy, of Tammany, declines
to become the leader of the Democracy in
New York State. Wbeu Murphy leads
be wants something to load.
Mrs. Chadwick now realizes that she
has made a mistake somewhere. Yea,
she should have gone over into New Jer
sey and had herself incorporated.
Prksipknt Kooskvklt has given the
railroads of the country to understand
that the Inter-Slate Commerce Commis
sion Is not to be used for ornamental pur
poses. After the 4th of March, Senator Alli
son will have served lor a longer contin
uous term than any man now in the Sen
ate. The Senior Senator from Iowa will,
by i'.H'S, be too big for anything short of
the White House.
IIkueaktkk the Society of Medical
Jurisprudence will designate its medical
members as "pdysiciaus," and not as
"doctors." A doctor is in reality a teach
er, while a man who practices medicine
is a physician. This may rasult in much
good, providing it assists in doing away
with "Doc." Blizzard. What's the dif
ference? "Doc" will only be superseded
by "Phys."
To path it is known that nine men in
Minnesota and forty-two in Wisconsin,
out hunting deer, were mistaken by oth
ers, also hunting deer, for deer, and were
shot at and killed. The list of wounded
is not yet made up. This kind of "pleas
ure" is almost as serviceable as football
in making contributions to the mortuary
lists and in preventing the over popula
tion of the earth.
Thk decision of the United States Su
preme Court that no debt created by fraud
may be discharged by proceedings in
bankruptcy will prove of great benefit.
The particular case was that of a large loan
secured by a mortgage on timbered lands
iu this Stale and New York. The land
was found to be without limber, the bor
rower having misrepresented the facts.
He has been prevented from getting dis
charged of his debt by bankruptcy pro
ceedings. Thai will be a lesson to others
engaging iu such work.
Thk question of a sea level canal on the
Isthmus of Panama is considered favora
bly by some of iho congressmen who re
cently visited that country, and Chief
Engineer Wallace says that its construc
tion would not consume much more time.
The cost would be more, but if not too
great he advantages would more than
overcomo the cost. Electricity can easily
be generated from the abuudauceof water
power so that night work can be made
more effective, because of its relief from
the heat, than that carried on in the day
Dr. Nathan C. Schaekfer, State Su
perintendent of Public Instruction, con
demns the law which allows school dir?c
tors to act as health officers when there
is no local board of health. Dr. Scbaeffer
says it is a mistake to mix the adminis
tration of the schools with the functions
of a board of health, and lunds raised by
taxation for school purposes should not
be diverted from their legitimate use.
He suggests that the law should specific
ally empower directors to haul children
to school whenever they deem it expedi
ent to do so, to provide a safe escort over
streams and along railway tracks, and in
olber ways to bring the pupils to school
when the school is situated too far from
the pupils.
Delegate Rodney, of New Mexico
does not have a very exalted opinion of
the Hon. "Bull" Andrews, the dis
tinguished Pennsylvania politician who
beat him out of his seat Iu Congress. "I
had no intimation qf what was going to
happen," eaid Mr. Rodney. "Andrews
said he was not a candidate and that he
was for me. Thero was no talk of any
other candidate, and all of the delegates
were elected with the full understanding
that they were to vote for me. But when
the convention met it was diflereut. An
drews bad fixed it up with (he Governor
of the Territory, and when the vote waa
taken I was not in the running. Mr. An
drews seems to be a pastmaster in the
arts of duplicity. Now that we know bim
aud his Machiavelian methods we will
know how to deal with him in the future.
If be fools us the next time it will be our
fault. Punxsutawhey Spirit.
Senator Com.tjm, who was the author
of the Interstate Commerce law, disa
grees with those persons who assert that
it was never intended to give tbecommis
siou the power to fix rates. Asked if it
was the intention in the original act to
confer such power Mr. Ciillum said : "Be
yond all doubt, we did not express that
power in so many words in thn law, but
there was no difference of opinion among
us. The commission, in fact, was created
for that purpose." The Chi'-ago Tribune
calls attention to the lad that Thomas M.
Cooley, an eminent jurist, was one of the
original members of the commission, and
be assumed that it had the power to tlx
rates. The Supreme Court decided nth
erwise. The President merely recom
mends a limited restoration of the oripl
nal power. The expressed astonishment
ol some persons over that recommerida
ion has nothing substantial to rest on.
Officials of the State Department at
liarrisburg are preparing a supplement
to the Ballot law to make easier the
marking of the ballot and to obviate the
mistakes in oiarklng which occurred at
the recent election. The proposed bill
will be presented to the next Legislature.
Dr. Natham C. Schakfficr, State
Superintendent of education. In hisaunu-
al report for the current year, says there
has been a great increase of education
along all lines iu Pennsylvania during
the last decade. Agitation for Increasing
the salaries of teachers is general, and
thU is taken to be an encouraging sign by
Dr. Schaefler. He suggests that the In
crease of teachers' salaries In the rural
districts, as the result of a minimum sal
ary act enacted by the last legislature,
empbasir. s the need of similar Increase
in the cities, where the cost of living is
much higher. The report states that the
annual appropriation to public schools
should not be reduced below $5,750,000,
otherwise the amount awarded to the
several school districts must be dimin
ished. He recommends the oreation of
an Inspector of high schools olotbed
with the powers of visitation.
lUilroad Accident.
The casualities on American railways
for the year ending ou March 8, '01, num
bered 54,037, including 3006 persona killed
and 51,031 Injured. These figures lead
Congressman John J. Ksch to ask iu the
North American Roview for November:
"Can this casuality list be reduced by
legislation T"
Mr. Eseh points out that 104 trainmen
were killed and 1.358 injured in coupling
and uncoupling cars In the year ending
March 31, l!K)l, mainly because ol lax
compliance with the safety appll nee law
Therelore be recommends legislation ex
tending additional protection to all
classes of railway employes.
For example, In the last yeai nine col
lisions with a total or thirty-eight killed
and thirty-five injured were caused by
excessive hours ol employes on duty;
twelve collisions were caused by the em
ployment of young or inexperieuced
meu; twelve collisions were caused by
the misreading of train orders by en
giue men and conductors, and thirteen
collisions weie caused by the ignoring of
signals and disobedience of orders.
All these, Mr. Each believes, might
hsve been prevented by laws prohibiting
excessive hours on duty, prohibiting the
employment of boys, ignorant men as
operators, flagmen, engine men, or brake
men, and making the misreading or Ig
noring of orders a punishable oftense.
To prevent other accidents In which
hundreds of passengers have lost their
lives the extension of the double track
and block system is urged, and to pro
tect passengers in unavoidable collisions
the construction of stronger and heavier
cars is recommended. Chicago Inter-
Public Concert at W Ilson College.
The Musical Department of Wilson
College gave its annual Christmas recital
In the auditorium of Thomson ball,
Chambersburg, Pa., at 4 o'clock last
Wednesday afternoon. A varied pro
gram, drawn from both classical and
modern oin posers was presented. The
interest of the occasion was increased by
the fact that it placed before the publio
for tbe first time the results of the work
of the re-organized music faculty. Tbe
teachers of this department are very
strong, taken as they are from tbe best
talent in this country and Europe, con
sisting of students from Vienna, Berlin,
Florence and the leading conservatories
Tbe music department at Wilson Col
lege Is so large that it ii regarded a high
honor to be selected to sppear in the pub
lio recitala. It is a still greater honor to
so perform on such occasions that tbe
audience, by its Interest and expressed
appreciation shows its marked approval.
Among others who played was Miss
Edith Hopkins, of Tionesta, a freshman in
music course, who performed an Arabes
que by Cbaminade. Her playing called
lorth very favorable comment, for tbe
cleanness of executfon, taste, excellent
touch, and, above all, appreciation of the
music tbe selection contained.
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh, that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo.
F. J. Cheney A Co.. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undorsigned, have known F.J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
west a traux, wholesale uruggisis, To
ledo, O., Waldino, Kinnan A Marvin,
wholesale druggiots, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally.
acting directly upon tbe blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The Key Hint 1'nlm-ks the Door to Long
The men of eighty-five and ninety years
of age are not the rotund, well-fed, but
thin, spare men who liye on a slender di
et. Be as careful as be will, however, a
man past middle age, will occasionally
eat too much or of some article of food not
suited to bis constitution, and will need
dose Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets to cleanse and Invigorate bis
stomach and regulate his liver and bow
els. When this is done there is no rea
Bon why the average man should not live
to an old age. Forsaleby Dr.J. C.Dunn.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles. Druggists refund monoy it Pazo
Ointment fails to cure any case, no mat
ter of how long Btanding, In 0 to 14 days.
First application gives easo and rest. 50c,
If your druggist hasn't it send 60a in
stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid
by tbe Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo.
The Repciilicam has made arrange
ments whereby tne New York Tribune
Farmer can be supplied to old and new
subscribers at the remarkably low rate of
!." cents a year. The long winter eve
nings will soon be here and you will
want something, not only interesting but
highly profitable to read, aud you can hit
on nothing better than this woi Id-famed
farm and fireside magazine. Regular
subscribers get tbo paper by paying a
year iu advauce aud 25 cents extra, and
new subscribers get it on the same terms.
Sample copies on application. Now 1b the
time to renew or subscribe. tf
The Stockholders of the Forest County
National Bank of Tionesta, Pa., will meet
on Tuesday, January 10, 1905, at 2
o'clock, p. m., at the office of the bank
for tlie purpose of the election of direct
ors for the ensuing year.
11741 A. B. Kelly, Cashier.
Insurance Quickly Paid.
Wbst Hickory, Pa., Dec. 10, 1004,
C, M. Arner A Son,
Tionesta, Pa.
I am pleased to acknowledge receipt of
the full amount for which my furniture
waa Insured In the Insurance Company oj
North America through your agency,
$700.00. The lire by which my house
bold goods were entirely destroyed occur
red on the 3d day of December, 1004, and
on the ltkb of the same month, less than
two weeka, full settlement was made and
I received draft for the amount. Such
promptness In rettlemeut of tire losses
speaks louder than words for your agen
cy. Yours truly,
Gkoriik II. Hoop.
House Voted Down Proposition to Hold
It In the Capitol.
Washington, Dec. 20. The house of
representatives emphatically disap
proved the proposition to hold the In
augural ball In the Capitol building.
The committee hnving the matter In
charge- had substituted for the pen
sion building, ns provided for by sen
ate rcponilion, the congressional li
brary, but Mr. Morrtil, who called the
matter U). announced that the opposi
tion to the latter building was so great
the committee had concluded to sub
stitute tho Capitol building.
The storm of protests enmo from
hoth sides of the chamber. The reso
lution offered by Mr. Morrcll was
voted (!own, tho result being to delay
action until the next District of Col
umbia day In January.
The lioti-e also voted down a reso
lution by Mr. Lacey making the bill
to restore three midshipmen, John
Henry J.oflnnd. Earl Warden Chaffee
and Joseph Pnimmond Little, mem
bers of the first class, United States
naval academy, who were dismissed
for lmlng. a special order after Jan. 5.
Mr. Looey sought to pass the reso
lution under a tuisprnFlon of the rules
and Messrs. Mann. Fitzgerald and
WIllIrin.R contended that the case of
these midshipmen could not be given
preference when there were so many
mutters of vast public Importance
which could not get time for conslder
.ttloii. The practice of hazing was severely
wHnmd by Mr. r.iynfi, who said it
wi' neither manly nor docent. The
Ml!, lv had hoped, was finally put to
rest nt the last session.
Appeal From Mlsslonariei In Japan.
N""w York Dec. 20. In response to
snp'-a's from missionaries of the
rhrlstlnn churches In Jnnan a commit
tee has been organized In the United
Slares to secure contributions In aid
of sdek sn-l wounded of both Japanese
anrt Vftistnn armies and of widows and
orphans In .Japan. Blehop c. Har
ris, Methodist Episcopal blsliop In Ja
pan and Corea, had much to do with
the movement and he has gone to
Japan to organize a relief committee
for the distribution of the anticipated
funds. The movement Is not, how
ever, confined to the. Methodist church.
The Franklin Trust company of this
city Is to be treasurer of the proposed
fund. Among those who have signed
an appeal just issued are Jacob Gould
Pel urmati, president of Cornell uni
versity: William Elliott Grlflls, Ithaca,
and many other prominent men.
Will Not Agree to Arbitration.
Fall River, Mass., Dec. 20. The indi
cations here are that the manufac
turers will not agree to submit the
strike Issue to arbitration as proposed,
but no official statement was made by
them. The textile unions received a
check for $r.,000 today from the Amer
ican Federation of Labor, making a
total of $20,000 so far received as a
result of the assessment levied by
the San Francisco convention. The
strike has now been on 22 weeks.
Crip Qnlrkly Knorkrd Out.
"Some weeks ago during the sovere
winter weather both my wife and myself
contracted severe colds which speedily
developed Into the worst kind of la grippe
with all its miserable symptoms," safs
Mr. J. S. Egleston, of Maple Landing,
Iowa. "Knees and joints acbing, mus
cles sore, head stopped up, eyes and nose
running, with alternate spells of chills
and fever. We began using Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy, aiding tbe same
with a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets, and by Its liberal use
soon completely knocked out the grip."
These Tablets promote a healthy action
of tbe bowels, liver and kidneys which is
always beneficial when the system is con
gested by a cold or attack of the grip.
For sale by Dr. J. C. Dunn.
Health Is Nature's Best tilft to I s.
Io order to retain this it necessi
tates care. We furnish the care sod
comfort if you travel via the Nickel
Plate Road. Personally con ucted
parties west and south on the first
and third Tuesdays of each month.
For detailed information, write, wire,
'phone or call on A. C. Showalter, D.
P A ,807 State street, Erie, Pa. 129U
A Certain Cure Tor Croup.
When a child shows symptoms of croup
there is no time to experiment with new
remedies no matter bow highly they
may be recommended. There is one
preparation that can always be depended
upon. It bas been in use for many years
and has never been known to fail, viz:
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. M.
r . uompton. or Market, Texas, says of it,
"I bave used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy in severe cases of croup with my
children, and can truthfully say it al
ways gives prompt relief." For sale by
Dr. J. i. . Dunn.
Your flloney Is Never Ours
until we satisfy you that the Nickel
Plate personally conducted parties to
all points west are lower than via
other lines. For rates and general
information, write, wir , 'phone or
call on A C Showalter, D. P. A., 807
Stale street, Erie, Pa. 130 tf
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. E. W, Grove's signature is on
each box. 25c. o'25
The Policyholders of the Farmers' Mu
tual Firo Insurance Co., of Marble, Pa.,
will bave their annual meeting from 111 a.
ni., to 3 p. m., Saturday, January 7. h,
11)05. By order of the President.
An Kmrraenry fllrdlclnr.
For sprains, bruises, burns, scalds and
similar injuries, thero la nothing so good
as Chamberlains Pain Balm. It soothes
the wound and not only gives instant re
lief from pain, but causes the parts to
heal in about one-third the time required
by the usual treatment. Sold by Dr. J.
C. Dunn.
Hopkins has the Christmas goods. It
Nerkel 1'lnle Low Knle 1'crsoiinlly Con.
lurlril Partlra
to all points west and south on the
first and third Tuesdays of each
month. Write A. C. Showalter, D.
P. A., 807 State street, Erie, Pa., for
getieral information. 131 tf
Flour 1 sack M 1.601.85
Buckwheat flour. tb .011
Corn meal, feed, $1 100 lb I.S5
Corn meal, family, 100 lb 1.75
Chop feed, pure grain 1.40
Oats .50
Corn, shelled .75
Beans') bushel...'. 2.75
Ham, sugar cured .15
Itacon, sugar cured .15
Shoulders .14
Salt Pork, V lb .14
Wbitefisb $ kit .05
Sugar A.0t4
Syrup .. .353 .50
N. t Molasses .So .50
Cotlel, Roast Kio 14I5
Coll'ee, blended J ava .'25
Tea K6 .50
Butter ..'to
Rice 050.07
Kgga, fresh
Salt barrel 1.25
Lnrd .. 12
Potatoes, bushel 60.75
Potatoes, sweet, 1$ lb .21
Lime barrel 1.25
Nails keg 2.75
Wool 20(3)22
Flooring, Siding,
and material for
Window Casings
and Inside Work.
A good supply to select
from always io stock.
Cull on or address.
or F. P. AMSLER.
Furniture Dealers,
(Tinted Glosf)
challenge a practical
test in competition with
any other.
Why do they dare?
N Because Lucas Paints
are honestly made of
pure materials, cover
more surface than any
other paint, have a
richer gloss, hold their
color longer, wear long
er and cost less be
cause they go so far.
Try them or at least
ask your dealer.
John Lucas & Co
Charter Notice.
In the Court of Common Please of the
County ol Forest.
Notice is hereby glveu that an applica
tion will be made to tbe said Court ou the
221 day of December, A. D. l!K4, at 2
o ciock, p. m., under me "Act to provide
for me incorporation and regulation of
certain corporations," approved April 20,
ini4, ana us supplements, by James U.
Davis, Cbss. Clark, llobt. A. Fulton,
Win. H. Clark, J. G. Irwin, O. G. Gas
ton. L. Fulton. A. M. Doutt. A. B. Kellv.
James II. Kelly, Geo. W. Noblit, U. U.
Miller, Lawrence n. uioseu ana others
for tbe charter of an intended corporation
to be called The Tionesta Club, the char
acter and object of which is the establish
ment, maintenance and management or
the Club for social and intellectual pur
poses, for the use, benefit and pastime of
its members, and for these purposes to
have, possess and enjoy all tbe rights,
benefits and nrivileses conferred bv tbe
said Act and lis supplements.
A. U. Brown, Solicitor.
Taking effect. November 27th, 1901.
No. 30 Buffalo Express, daily
except Hunday 11:01a.m.
No. 82 Oil City and Pittsburg
Exrress,daily,except Sunday ..7:18 p.m.
Oil City Accommodation Sun
days only, 8:08 p.m.
For Hickory,Tldioute, Warren, KInzua,
Bradford, Glean and the East :
No. 31 Glean Express, daily
except Sunday 8:43a.m.
No. 33 Pittsburg Express,
dally except Sunday 4:45 p. to.
Olean accommodation, Sun
days only 0:2s a. m.
For Time Tallies and additional infor
mation consult Ticket Agent.
General Manager. PassengorTraflla Mgr.
G EG. 11. BOYD, Geu'l Passenger Agt.
Do not delay making your
Christmas puichuses. If
you are lookiug fur practi
cal, sensible gifts for practi
cal, seusible people, we can
be of service to you.
Our stock contaius innu
merable articles, which as
gifts, will be appreciated
the eutire yeur. See what
we have to ofTcr you before
making your purchases.
moflin k son
McCuen Co.
Io no other merchandise is this so
true as Clothing. If everyone knew
this as well as clolhie-is aud tailors,
there would be no cheap Clothing
McCuen Company Tailoring ap
peals In people who have a faiol idea
that there is something to look fur io
Clothing outside of the price.
McCueu Company Tailoring is
moderately priced. Good, sterling
values is the foundation, but Style,
Character, Workinaoship and High
Quality is never lost sight of.
Perhaps this accounts for our in
creasing business in Tailoring.
Cheap Clothing can't fool all tbe
people all the time.
2b AND 29 SENECA ST. ,
Fred. Grottcnbergor
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General Blacksinithing prompt
ly done at Ixw Hates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and Just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
Itepalrs Iluilor-, SHIN,
TanliN, Agitators. ltuys
aud Nells StM'oiMl - hand
Hollers VAv.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. Eud of Suspension Bridge,
Third ward, OIL C'lTI, PA.
It A 1 1. WAY.
ti:e table
To Take Effect July Ctb, 1003.
NORTH Eastern Time SOUTH
3 1 Stations 2 4
p.ui a.m Leave Arrive p.m. p.m
7 00 Nebraska 6 60
7 30 Rosa Kun (I 30
7 40 Lamentation' 0 20
7 45 Newtown Mills (I 15
14.r. H(KI Kellettvillo 100 BOO
1 fi")8 15 ' Buck Mills 12 45 5 50
2 05 8 25 Msyburg 12 35 5 40
2 20 8 40 Poi key 12 10 5 30
2 25 8 45 inister 12 05 5 25
2 30 8 50 Wellers 11 65 5 20
2 40 0 00 Hastings 11 40 5 10
2 55 0 15 Blue Jav 11 30 4 55
3 10 0 30 Henry's Mill 11 00 4 40
3 25 B 50 Barnes 10 40 4 25
3 45 1000 Sheffield - 10 30 4 15
p.m a. m Arrive Leave a. m. p.m
T. D. COLLINS, President.
Promptly obtiUntd. or fr RETURNED.
THI LOWEST. Rend motlel, photo or .ketch for
expert uparvh and free report on patentability.
INFRINGEMENT ulU cotului'tod before all
eourtn. I'ntent, obtained through na. ADVER
IONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained.
Opposite U. 8. Patent OfTtoe,
uKwwarmragBMw, a hi
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 months. ThlS Signature
find in Our Tailoring the marks ot Style and Perfect Fit that
arc foreign to the usual run of Garments at our Prices.
You cannot measure the Goodness of Our Fabrics or Ganrr
until you arc clothed not only in their quality, but in their
Dignity, then you realize how Good they are. , . , - '
Some like to make the most ot an
Overcoat, while others cut them short,
but after all, the average coat for the
average weather will hit the average
However, we do not try to Shape
Your Inclinations; wo simply shape
the Coat to fit your shape.
(j T No Fit No Pay is
To Cqts. V)1J the Glasgow Way'
Glasaow Woolen Mills Co.,
110 VSBM
mm ess 'tmisssimsimsm
There is ouly one way to accomplish this, fiuce the gas
meter has beet introduced in Tionesta, and that is hy
using a Gas Kane or Hot-l'laie. Our line of these
comprises I tie h st makes those that bave been success
fully tried eWewhere.
in an old fashioned cooking or heating stuve ihey ore
uot properly constructed for the economical consumption
of gas, and ecnuoray Is the word nowadays, with gas al
22 cents per. Cone in aud examine our
Our assortment is the most complete in town and tho
prices are right. No trouble to show good.
A. Watnb Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayue Cook, G. W.
N. P. Wheeler, T. P. Rltchey.
Collections remitted for on day of pnyment at low rates. We promise our custom
era all the benefits consistent with conservative b king. Interest pitl on time
deposits. Tour patronage respectfully solicited.
FREE Knowing what it was to sutler, I
will olvi JVm n (?hnrH In utw
Rtllicted a poxitlve cure fur Ki-'zema, Salt
niieiun, irym perns, i-iies ana sum dis
eases. Instant relief. Don't sutler longer.
write v. w. wil,ui A.MN, 400 Manhattan
Avenue, N. Y. 10-2ti-04
i o cure a joiq m uise uay
the man
of Modest Purse
60 38.
Wm. Smkarbaugh,
Vice Preeldon
Wm. Smearbaugb,
J.T.Dale, J.H.Kelly. r
Wanted-An Idea S
Prrct your IdPM! thpr mnr hrlnir vnu wmhIih
Write JOHN WEDDEKUURN ft CO., Patent Attop
neyi. Wellington, D. ('., for their $l,Rio nrlco offer
and list of two hundred InrenUona wautod.
I ITANTKD: Men or women local rep
V resell tatives for a high elaxs msga
xine. Large com in Issions. Cash prizes.
Write J. N. Trainer, 80 Kast Washington
Square, New York, N. Y. tf
Su- &sy7
on every
box. 25c