The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 16, 1904, Image 4

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Smart & Silberbers;
In answer to the numerous in
quiries regarding the disposition of
that part of our stock which escap
ed destruction, we would state that
as soon as the insurance matters
are adjusted we will sell every
thing at whatever price will com
mand immediate sale.
It is probable this sale will begin
in a few days. Due notice will be
given in our regular advertising
keep on saving all winter
and you will have something
more than a pile of ashes anil
half burned coal to show for
your money in the Spring time.
Genuine Jewel Stoves
bearing the above trade mark,
BURN all the coal you put in
them and get out all the heat
the coal contains. That's why
we say they are
and soon pay for themselves in reduced fuel
bills. You are invited to call and see and
ask about Jewels.
J. C. SCOWDEN, Tionesta, Pa.
Yon Most He Discreet In Allowing
tlic 1'ntlcnt to Cue It.
The looking rIiiss, whether a plus or
minim iu;intit.v. plays a more Impor
tant part In the Hkkroom than most
nurses and physicians give It credit for.
The patient who Is allowed to look Into
one Is likely to he frlKlitencd Into n re
lapse at si'ht of his cadaverous appear
ance, while the one who Is not allowed
to look is similarly affected by the re
fusal, which he attributes to the fact
that his face Is too much for his nerves.
"All things considered. I think It a
pood plan to plve n sick person n
chance to look nt himself occasionally,"
said a doctor. "Of course the indul
gence must he grunted with discretion.
If n patient Is really looking seedy a
turn at the looking glass Is equivalent
to signing his death warrant, hut if
taken nt a time when braced up by
some stimulant or a natural ebullition
of vital force n few minutes of com
munion with his own visage beats any
tonic I can prescribe. It thrills the pa
tient with new hope. It makes him feel
that he Isn't quite so far gone as he
hail thought and that possibly a fight
for life is. after all, worth while.
"IVing thus sensitive, n persistent
withholding of u mirror convinces the
patient that he must he too horrible
for contemplation, and he promptly de
cides that the best tiling for him to do
is to give up the ghost and get out of
the way. That Is one mistake hospi
tals were apt to make tip to n few
years ago. When I was a young fellow,
getting my first practice after gradua
tion, I served on the staff of several
hospitals, and In nil, especially In the
free wards, those aids to vanity were
strictly forbidden. The deprivation
went hard with many of the patients,
particularly the women, and when I
came to have a little authority among
doctors and nurses I advised a Judi
cious application of looking glass treat
ment I. still advise It both in hospital
and private practice, for 1 tlml that a
little reassurance as to the state of the
complexion and the appearance In gen
eral goes n long way toward effecting
a cure." New York Tress.
Chestnuts are starchy and take the
place of potatoes.
Hrazil or cream nuts are very rich in
fat and should be blended with pe
cans, English walnuts or hazelnuts.
Itlack and white walnuts ns well as
hickory nuts contain nitrogen and oil,
but no starch. Blend with rice or pota
toes. Coconnuts contain very little nitro
gen, but are rich hi oil. The fiber is
difficult of digestion. The cream and
milk are excellent for salads and
Peanuts are very rich In nitrogen and
contain considerable starch and oil.
When boiled and mashed they are
much better than when roasted and
Almonds are really digesters or appe
tizers. They are too expensive to be
used alone In large quantities. Four
or live thoroughly masticated at the
end of a meal will frequently aid In
the digestion of other foods. Lndles'
Home Journal.
Follow loir Dream
"To compel our thoughts to follow
vie memory of dreams and on no i
count to revert to any subject of wi
lug thought, pleasant or otherwise'
that is a woman's formula for sleep.
"If we have already Blent in
night," she says, "we should, In trying
to sleep again, recall the dreams of tht
previous sleep and carry them on. If
we have not slept, then it is necessary
to go back to old dreams, which Is
rather more exertion and less certainly
successful. But even this Is far bettei
for sleep than allowing the memory to
revert to any waking thoughts or to
tho familiar old devices of counting a
hundred or picturing sheep, etc."
Will Form a New Trunk Line System
of 5,000 Miles.
New York, Nov. 15. li was said
here unofficially but on what was con
Mdered good authority that J. P. Mor
gan & Co. and If. It. Hollins A Co
have an option on a majority of the
stock of tho Cincinnati, Hamilton and
Dayton railroad. Representatives of
these two firms are said to have start
id on a to-ir of Inspection of the
The syndicate now In control of
Cincinnati, Hamilton and D.iyton and
responsible for the Pere Marquette
merger. Is composed chiefly of Eu
gene Zimmerman of Cincinnati, F. H.
Prince of Iloston and the United
States Mortgage and Trust company.
Under the option held by Morgan &
Hollins, this syndicate has given up
Its rights to negotiate a sale, and un
til the option has expired H. II. Hol
lins & Co. will be the only medium
through which control can bo passed.
A merger of the Erie, Cincinnati,
Hamilton and Dayton and Pere Mar
quette, such as Is proposed, would
form a new trunk line system 5,000
miles between New York, Chicago,
Cincinnati and St. Louis.
Actress Died In Surf.
San Diego. Cnl., Nov. 15. Miss Isi
dore Rush, an actress, died of heart
failure while bathing In the surf. Tho
shock was caused by an Immense
wave which carried her Into deep wa
ter. Half a dozen members of her
theatrical company were In the surf
and assistance was at once hurried to
her. She was unconscious when
brought to shore. Physicians worked
over Miss Rush for sn hour In vain.
Another member of the company. Mil
ton Herlot, who endeavored to res
cue Miss Rush, was rendered uncon
pclous, hut was revived after vlgoroui
Wins $15,000 When She Weds.
Colorado Springs, Col., Nov. 15.
Miss Geniveve McLeod of Chicago,
who is visiting here, has been notified
of a conditional bequest left her In the
will of an eccentric uncle, Frederick
Foss. In the event of her marriage
iihe Is to receive $13,000 cash. If she
persists In remaining single her leg
acy Is to hi divided among other heirs.
Miss1 Mcleod is a bachelor girl and
does not want to marry However,
she needs the money, and may change
her mind. She Is an artist, a musician
and a shoit story writer, and Is confi
dent, of her ability to earn a living.
Anti-Vaccination Riot.
Rio Janeiro. Brazil, Nov. 15. Busi
ness Is suspended here In consequence
of the rioting ns a result of the opposi
tion to the compulsory vaccination
liw. Military and naval detachments
have been called upon to restore or
der. Thus far seven persons have
been killed and 30 others have been
wounded. It is believed that the oppo
sition to the vaccination Is only a pre
text for disorder and that the disturb
ances are really Instigated by discon
tented politicians.
New York Provision Market.
New Yovk, Nov. 14.
WHEAT No. 2 red, tl.2i f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, ?1.29Vs.
CORN No. 2 corn, 68V4c f. o. b.
r.float; No. 2 yellow, 71c.
OATS Mixed oats, 2G to 32 !ts..
31'43ic; clipped white, 36 to 40
lbs., 3739c.
HAY Shipping. C772'ic; good
to choice, 80( 83c.
PORK Mess, $12.75 13.25; family,
BUTTER Creamery, extras, 25
25c; factory, 12lGc; state dairy,
common to extra. 14$ 23c.
CHEESE State, full cream, small
choice, ll4r..
KQGS State and Pernsylvanla,
fancy, 34fr35e.
POTATOES State ond western,
per bbl., $1.30(31.70.
Buffa.o Provision Market,
Buffalo, Nor. 14.
WHEAT No. 1 nortnern car loads,
$1.24; winter wheat, $1.24.
CORN No. 2 white, C5c f. o. b.
afloat; No. 2 yellow, G8e.
OATS -No. 2 white, 34c f. o. b.
tflont; No. 3 white 34c
FLOUR Fancy blended
per bbl.. $3.757.C0; low grades, $4.50
5 00.
BUTTER Creamery western, ex
tra tubs, 2Gc; state and Penn
sylvania creamery, 2525,&c; dairy, to good, 20 21c.
CHEESE Fancy full cram, 11c;
good to choice, 1010c; common to
fair, 8(3 9c.
F.GOS Selected, fancy, 2728e.
POTATOES Per bu., 4853c.
East Buffalo Live Stock Market.
CATTLE Best steers on sale, $5.50
?5.75; fair to good butcher steers,
$4.00(ff 4.S0; medium half fat steers,
$J.404.75; common to fair heifers,
$2.25" 25: choice to extra fat heifers,
$4.00(j? 4.2?; food butcher bulla, $3.00
3.35; choice to extra veals. $7.25(3)
7.50; fair to good veals, $G.257.P0.
lambs, $5. 8015. 90; fair to good,
$r.R0(H5.75; choice handy ewes,
$4 00(3.4.25; mixed sheep, $4.004.25;
HOGS Mixed packers' grades,
$5.05'3T.10; medium hogs, $5.10(?)5.15;
pigs, light, $4.90.
Buffalo Hay Market
HAY Timothy, per ton, locrj,
$12.00fi 11.00; timothy tight, bdL,
$13.0013.50; No. 1 do do, $12.00(9
13.00; No. 2 do do, $11.0012.00.
Pimples, Piles, Eczema
Cuts, Burns, Bruises,
Tetter, Suit Khetim, Old Sore, Ulcers, Chilblain!
Cutnrrh, Corns, Clmpl llnmls unit Llja,
Boll. Carbuncles, Felon, Itching,
lileeilinK. l'roiriiiliiiK Piles,
Insect KiU'H. Pnison
Ivy, and all
3b In
DlBcases are cured by
San-Cura Ointment
Which will op at once that Itching, burning
pain. We ituaritnlce inntsan-i iiraiiuiiinewwui
nut bi iil a cnl ir Mire ol nuv kind until the ikiI-iiu
If all removed: then it Inula rapidly. Prevent!
Stout Man Delight When the Tv
Ladies Recognized Him.
The two ladles who entered the t.v
by the rear door seemed rather (lis
gusted to find that all the seats wen'
occupied and that tlr're were h;irdlj
enough straps to go around.
"That's always tho way on the In
dinna avenue cars," said the taller ol
the two. "They never seem to have
enough cars never. I haven't hail s
scat In a month except when souid
gentleman polite enough to oltei
me his."
She spoke loud enough for three of
four "gentlemen" to hear, but thej
were apparently too Interested In
their evening papers to notice what
she suld.
"It's no use," Bald the other, with
a slight giggle behind her glove. "M
to the Indiana avenue cirs being tin.'
worst. It's what they say of all of
The taller woman looked anxiously
about the car. Then her face bright;
ened. "Kdge up towird tho middle,"
she whispered. "We're In luck.
Thero's Mr. Parker rl;t ng over there
Move slowly and r.on't seem to ref
him until we get right close up tC
They followed these tactics until
they came to a particularly stout liv
dividual who was occupying about
three linear feet of the seat spice.
Then the taller woman bont over and
with a sweet smile said: "(iood oven'
lng, Mr. Parker."
The stout man looked up. "Oh
good evening," he said, with a line as:
sumption of ple.isure. Then he rose
and said: "Won't you take my scat?"
Before the words were well out ot
his mouth the two women had glided
Into the place he had vacated. Then
the taller woman said: "How fortu
nate that we should meet you!" (
"Doubly fortunate," raid the stout
man. Chicago News.
Dean Pigon's Story.
Dean Plgon, an KngliMi chmvhman,
tells the following: "At one of our
cathedrals the minor cai:on was 111
and could nut sing. A suffragan
bishop had a good voice and volun
teered to sing the litany. Mio,' he
said to the verger, 'and toll the or
ganlst that I will sing the litany, a "id
ask him to give me t'ae r;tlting note.'
'Please, sir,' said the verier to the or
ganist, 'the bishop has sent me to you
to say he will slug the litany.' 'All
right.' said the organist. Seeing the
verger remain, he said 'You need
not stay.' 'Please, sir, the bishop
asked me to ask you if you would
give him a something I didn't quite
catch note." "You mean the re
citing note.' 'That's It. sir that's it.
Seeing- the verger still remaining, he
said: 'You need not stay.' To which
the verger sad: 'Please, s r, shall I
take it to his lordship?" Exchange.
Guide Knew His Business.
"This is the place," said the man
that was showing the party over the
Meld of (iettysburg, "whore (Jen.
Pickett made his last greit charge."
"But," objected one of the group,
"when I was here la3t year you point
ed out an entirely different locality."
"And If you come again next year,"
retorted the other, "I may show you
still a different place. You don't sup
pose he made his charge all in one
spot, do you? lie fit all over this
neighborhood and back again, mis
ter." Here he made a grand sweep of his
arm, apparently Indicating all the ter
ritory In sight and a part of the next
county. Chicago Tribune.
He Knew the Kind of Silk.
Smith So you bought your wife a
sil'.s dress for a birthday present, eh?
How did you manage to suit her ta-iteV
Wise I bought her a chnngeoble
Must Take It on Faith. '
A divorce story was brought Into
the office to-d.iy that would make you
ga:-i. You'll remember the Ga.etw
said a month ago that a business
change was coming that would make
you gasp, and it came. Emporia i!an
ette. The "Real Thing" In Horseshoers.
A South McAlester man advertises
himself as " the champion horseshoer
of the Indian Territory, a double, back
action, stem-wind cable-screwed, ro-man-nosed,
dish-faced, knock-kneed,
ham-legged, all-round horseshoeer."
Indianapolis News.
Reasons for Surprise.
"I I hope this proposal of mine
hasn't taken you entirely by sur
prise?" "Well, yes; to tell the truth, I had
given up all hope of It long ago"
Brooklyn Life.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if It falls
to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on
each box. 25c. o25
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Has Cannot Live l ailer Wntcr .More
Thou Two Minutrn.
"The story frequently repeated about
professional divers who have been able
to reiuuia under water for over two
minutes Is silly," snld a doctor. "No
one can remain under water that long
without drowning, whether he Is n
trained diver or not. At Nnvarino,
where tho sponge divers are reported
to be able to remain under water three
and four minutes, tests were made re
cently and resulted In conclusively
proving that none of them remained
down as long ns n minute and n half.
Ninety seconds seems a very long time
to the watcher on shore, and It Is about
the limit of a diver's endurance under
water. At Ceylon, where time tests
were also made among the famous
peorl divers, it was ascertained that
few of them remained below the sur
face ns long as n minute, and other
tests made on the Bed sen among the
Arabs proved that a minute and a
quarter was the longest they could
endure without u fresh breath.
"On the coiiRt of England several
years ngo a diver, n trained diver, one
of the boRt on the const, renowned for
his endurance, went down and was
pulled up so slowly when ho gave the
signal that ho was under water about
two minutes and live seconds. He was
drawn out of the water Insensible,
with blood Mowing from his nose and
ears, and it was only after long and
arduous work that his recovery from
the effects of that two minute stay
under water was assured. Prowiilng Is
a quick death. Even though the water
Is kept out of the lungs, Insensibility
will ensue In one minute and complete
unconsciousness in two. The stories
of people who hnve been In the water
five minutes being resuscitated are gen
erally mistakes or untrue. A man
could not be in the water five minutes
without coming to the surface several
times and be restored to life." St.
Louis Globe-nemocrat.
One of the HcmnrUnhle I'hyalrnl
I'Rlnra of the (.lobe.
One of the most remarkable physical
features of the globe Is the deep and
wide depression in the nollow of which
stands the Caspian sea and near to It
the sea of Aral. The Caspian Is nearly
as large ns Franco, and its surface is
eighty-four feet below the level of the
Black sen. The sea of Aral Is nearly
as large ns Ireland and Is very little
over the sen level. Within recent geo
logical times the vast expanse In which
these lakes ure found was sen. Its
floor has been gradually raised, and the
waters filling the depressions nro nil
that Is left of an ancient Mediterra
nean. A strange feature of both bodies
of water Is that although they receive
large rivers, especially the Caspian,
Into which the Volga, the Ural river
and scores of streams from the Cau
casus flow, both have for ninny years
been getting shallower. Evaporation,
for they have no outlet, exceeds the In
flow. But, for some climatic reason
probably, the soa of Aral and Its neigh
bor, Lake Balkhash, have since 1.SP1
been increasing In depth. Yhereas the
Caspian, like the ltead sea, is very
salt, owing to the rate of evaporation,
Aral and Balkhash ure brackish only.
These remnants of what was once a
great sea opening Into the ocean, ns
the Mediterranean does now, still con
tain marine lish and seuis. Some of
the latter survive in the Aral nud Bai
kal lakes, having gradually become
fitted for their habitat, though It is no
longer salt, but merely brackish, and,
In the case of Baikal, actually fresh
water. London Telegraph.
Performing Wndcs.
Thompson's Barosma Kidney
and L4ver Cure.
Is not only performing wonderful currs,
as the following statemfnts will prove,
but all the curc3 been permanent,
there being no rr .urn of the disease or
any of the symptoms even after a lapsa
of many yesrs.
I was blonted and short of breath,
making it very laborious for me to
walk. I suffered pain in my back and
sides. My stomach was also very sure
and throbbed with pain, I was told I
had kidney trouble and enlargement of
the liver and spleen. I finally began Thompson's Barosma and the
first bottle reduced the measurement
around my stomach from forty inches
to thirty-six inches, and several bottles
completely cured me. I gladly recom
mend It to others. This was five years
ago. M. S. LANG'WORTHY, Tryon
vllle, Pa
E. O. Owen, a prominent reidnt of
Troy Centre, Pa writes: "Ever since I
ran remember, for 20 years or more, my
back troubled me, caused by Inflam
mation of my stomach and liver first,
then my kidneys became Involved. At
times the pain became excruciating.
Having lined a laAo number of so-called
cures, I finally found a complete cure In
Thompson's Barosma, several bottles
reducing all Inflammation and conse
quently curing the pain. Thanks to
Barsoma, I have been perfectly weil for
two years. My wife's health has great
ly Improved by taking Barosma. She
has gained in weight and the yellow
tint to her skin has been replaced by a
fresher and healthier color."
All druggists. 60c and .
Aggravated Case of Kidney Trouble Cured by
Dr. Kennedy's Cil-cura Solvent.
Mr. H. W. Rtrtvuch, owner of the great
Rock Station Mills, at ilock, Tu., writes as
follows: "Several months ago I bonght a
bottle of Dr. Kennedy's new medicine, Cal
cura Solvent. I continued its use and I
can cheerfully say that I hnve never found
anything to equal it. I am 05 years old, and
wiis troubled with a bad cuseof kidney and
bladder disease for yew. I now consider
myself com pletely cured and I am doing
my best to spread the reputation of this
grnnd medicine throughout this territory."
Pit, dLuGtfSF Mq&gk
Ollicc '( 't 7'A National Bank Building,
KyoH exnmiied free..
Exclusively optical,
juaaies , aa.ou 10
Misses and Csildren's $1. to $8.60.
Set-Muff and Collar.
From a $1,500 Fur Stock
You're sdkeil to make a (election. Merely ineoti n
this to pive you some little idon of what an immense var
iety is od'ereil you to choose from. Of coure the most iuv
port nt question to yon ia not how many furs, but kind,
and how they're priced. Quito sure we can answer these
questions to your satinlnction. Guarantee every prieco of
Fur we sell. Put a profit on them same hs all other mer
chandise, a reasonable one, no more. No desire to take
uJvantigeof your luck of knowledge of Fur values.
Never provided better for the wants of the Young l'eople than lliii
season. Furs comprit-e such po ulsr ones ns
3rny Squirrel, Itloudod Squirrel, Inlfllii
Fox, Sable Vox, Mink, Martin, Itrook Mink,
Heaver, Xulrla, Sable, l'.le.
MOTH KltS A little item to interest you Kubhur Diapers for the
baby. In two prices, 2od nud 50it.
Tho Kind You Ilavo Always
iu uso for over CO years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jiist-as-jjnnd" nro but
Experiments (hat trillo with and endanger tho health of
Infants nud Children F.xnci'ienco against Experiment
What is CASTORIA h
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- 3,f
gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It ill "J
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
substance. Its ngo Is its guarantee. It destroys Woriim "J."
nnd allays Feveiishness. It cures Diiiri lnea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
5 rJ3-gatfs
Good Ktoi'k, Oootl Carriiines nnd ISiik
fies to let upon the most reiwoimlile terms,
le will hIho do
All ordors loft Ht the 1'imt Ollloo wil
reroive prompt attention.
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Timos
at 'Reasonable Rates.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone Xo. 20.
Divorce Notice.
lhrtha Afonff, IMiclanl, i. William
Mont, HrymHilcnl hi the. ('unit of
Omiimm I'lcum: of t'liri'M C niity, jVo.
17, Mn.'l Trim. l!Mli.
To WiliiHiu Montr, Itotpoiulnnt above
named :
Wlierca", your wifo, Bertha Monr, h;i
tllod a libel in thn (!iurt ot Ciiiniiion
I'least to No. 17 May Term, 1 !)(, pmyini!
Tor a divorce a vinculo matrimonii
BirainNl you. Now you re hereby noti
fied to be and appear iu xaid Court on or
before tho third Monday of November,
I!MH, ( November 21it, I'.Mt.) to answ er the
complaint ot thn aid Bertha Monir, and
in default of ineli appearance yon will be
liable to have a divorc uranted In ynui
absence. Ono. W. Num. IT,
A. C lirown, NnerilV.
Attorney. 41
r 1
Bought, and which has been,
has horno tho idsnature of
and has been inado under his per
sonal supervision slneo Its infancy.
Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
Signature of
Notico in Divorce.
Hcrtlut M'uixln va. .'cm;'. . H "ooi.. A'o.
J-'rbj. Term, l!Ki-7n Divirce..
To Itei.j. V. Wood-, respondents You
are hereby untitled to be and Hppear be
fore tho Court of Common I'leaHol H'orest
cuunlv, Pn on the third Monthly of Nil
veuiher next, belnu the liUt day ot shld
month, to answer the petition or libel
heretofore preferred by your ali( wile,
ai'd show cause, if Hiiy you have, why
said llerllm Woods hhunid mil be divorc
ed from the bonds of mailrimony entered
into with you, airreeahly to the Act of
Assembly in such case made and provid
ed, lien of tail nut, under penalty of
having said pet Hon heard anil a decree
of divorce graned jininst you in your
absence. (iKo, W.,
Attorney, Slientr.
Oct. K, 11104. . 4t
l'pnaiit to lake,
I'oiverlul lo Cure,
And Wrlrome Iu
KIDNEY and LIVER cura.
Dr Konneily'n Favorite Hemwly
h rv 1 up ted in nit ntv nnd lmtl s'xt, ntTortlliiK ,mt
Miitn'iil rHlpf nnll emeu cnum'il Ity impurity of the
!ixr1, 8Ucti flfi, Kidney, ltladtlor and Liver Coin
.iittlntH, CoiiHtiiHttlun and wcitkni-NWH iwculior to
,11'nrn. Smvt'xsftil fnr;f venr. I'repnri'il liv
'tr, i. rhm:hvh miyh, iinndnut. ft. y,
1 .iKiiilldrunKlHis, blx btittifn$.r).UU
We will invest ytur money in
First Mortgage on Real Estate.
Nnfr. Aln-nv flint. It. I,nlla, nsk PrtiffKUt for
1114 lli:M Mt M F.MSII in Krd and
roltl iiit Utlii'' to-s, senW'd w till IiIuh ribbon,
i nlie lift o(ii'f. E'Wtit tluniti'rmiit an !(
i ut ton nit, I MiuiiniimiM. liny "1 your Oriiu'KiM.,
or wnii l in hhiiiih for Parlinilnr. TeMI
muniilM nnd K'IW-r Utr l.utllr. in Utter,
t r'lui ti Hull. lO.UOOTt-tstmioiiinlrt. hold by
all imiifni-tr .
8100 Muilinoii Hiiurc. 111 1 LA PA.
Meitlai Ihli per.
lean. InUKKiRlfc 'jc and 60c.