The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 05, 1904, Image 3

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J. E. WCNK, - Cditor 4 PnopmcTOR.
M904 OCTOBER 1904
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
J 10 11 12 13 1415
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
jg It 25 26 27 28 29
fr Third
U Quarter
4 a. in.
Quarter ID a.
9ra o, uii
a. m. I x. Moon
24 2
(r Third qi S:1S
Vl Quarter 01 p.m.
Itepubliran Ticket.
of Now York.
Vice President,
of Indiana.
Supreme Court Justice
of Indiana County.
of Venango Couuty,
of Tionesta.
Associate Judge
of (Jreen Twp.
of" Green Twp.
Republican Voters Should Reineinbcr,
in order to qualify lor voting this fall
that the
Ijwt day for payment of taxes la Sat
urday Oct. 8th.
Don't forget this important matter.
See to it at once and make sure of your
vote for Roosevelt and the whole Repub
lican ticket.
Pay your taxes now and make sure ol
your vote this fall.
Park kr's speech and letter of accept
ance have fallen with a dull thud. But,
then, bis party has no Issue.
If Judge Parker continues to give val
uable directions at the last minute this
will be known as the P. S. campaign.
This country will refuse to be insured
in Judge Parker's company so long as it
cannot find out what sort of policy he is
It is all very well to be cautious, but
Parker's silence leads one to suspect be
has been warned thut whatever be
says will he used against him.
If eloctnd, Judge Parker declares that
be will revoke President Roosevelt's pen
sion order. J udge Parker baa about the
Bame love for the old soldier that Cleve
land bad.
We were told at the beginning of this
campaigu that the Democratic party
would return to sanity, but recent devel
opments lead one to suspect that it has
forgotten just where sanity is.
Rkpuiilicmn's, don't put off the pay
ment ol your taxes another day. Yon
will want to voto on the 8th of November
and the only way to be sure of your right
to vote is to pay your taxes on or before
next Saturday, October 8th.
Thk death of Senator George F. Hoar
of Massachusetts, on the 2Jih nit., re
moves one of America's most distinguish
ed and greatly beloved statesmen, whose
wise council in the affairs of the
nation could illy bo sparod. He will go
down in history as one of America's great
Tun Democratic press, which is so re
peatedly calling attention to the (act that
Republican expenditures have increased
Irom administration to administration,
might spend a little time to advautage in
explaining why the expenditures during
Cleveland's second term were so much
greater than during bis first term, even
reckoned on a per capita basis.
Tiik way business men and great bus
iness concerns are goini; ahead with their
plaus of improvement is the best argu
ment which cau be adduced in favor of
keeping the prosent administration in
power. Capital is said to be timid, but
this autumn witnesses bold investments
in all directions regardless of the lact
that a presidential contest is pending.
A RKMarkaiilk admission is made by
a very prominent metropolitan news
paper to the effect that platform-makers,
candidates and spell-binders, are power
lass in their efforts to frame the issues
upon which the campaign turns. One
who has read President Roosevelt'. let
t"r of acceptance is certainly not at a loss
t ) know what are llio issues of the day.
In a political campaign supposed to be
erioiiM enmi,;!, to change the policy of the
government the intelligent and serious
America,, voter will demand something
bettor as a reason for changing his party
preferences than carping criticisms of
the nation's Chief Executive or chronic
opposition to tho party in power. Many
once dominant issues are now in tho po
litical graveyard.
Many of tho epigrammatic sentences of
the President's letter of acceptance will
be preserved for many decades to come,
and none longer than the following:
"Within the limits defined by the Na
tional Constitution the National Admin
istration lias sought to secure to each
man the full enjoyment of I, is right to
live his life and dispose of his properly
and his labor as he deems best so long as
be w rungs no one else."
Possiiily some people have forgotten
that aj long ago as March 18th, O rover
Cleveland, writing from Princeton, N.J.,
pproy-ed of President Roosevelt's much
discussed and denounced pension order.
He said. "I have noticed that .the ('oin
missioueis have merely eoustrued the
law so as to make the change. So far as
I rati see, the change is In keeping with
the law." And Grover Cleveland is an
L. L. IX, and credited with being able to
see as much as the next man. Moreover
be made a pension order himself while
president which Jodge Parker will have
as little chance to revoke.
TiiKRKisa strong sentiment on tho
Pacific coast in favor of the policy of the
Republican party regarding the Philip
pine Islands. The merchants and busi
ness men of that section of the country
see that their future Interests are largely
bound up with the development of our
far eastern possessions, and the growth
oftradein Asia. Until the Panama canal
is finished they cannot hope to do much
business with Europe. It is therefore uo
matter for surprise that these gentlemen
have largely contributed, unsolicited, to
the Republican campaign fund. The
lumbermen of Washington and Oregon
are especially interested in the Philip
pine Islands.
The (ireat llarberne at Monarch Park.
Unquestionably the greatest event In
political annals that has ver taken place
in Northwestern Pennsylvania was the
gathering at Monarch Park on Thursday
of last week, wben a barbecue of roast ox
and burgoo soup was Intersperced with
musio, fine speeches and a general gala
day for all who attended. The crowd was
immense, being estimatod at from 10,000
to 15,000 people, the street car receipts
showing an attendance of nearly eighteen
thousand during the day. All this vast
crowd was amply fed, net ono on the
ground but that was filled to the ex tent or
bis or her capacity with the choicest of
juicy meat, soup, coffoe, grapes, etc., and
all within the space of an hour or two, so
thoroughly and systematically bad all ar
rohgemenls been looked after. The order
ai.d good feeling was perfect, not a tlgn
of intoxication or rowdyism, such as
might be expected on an occasion of this
sort, being apparent. There were two
speaking stands provided, eithorof which
was surrounded by a vast and attentive
audience, while the speech-making was
in progress. A number of the Nation's
most notable men were there, friends and
colleagues of Mr. Sibley, and all bore
highest tribute to bis great worth as t
representative in the American Congress,
As tho Oil Cily filir.zaid properly states
it, every man who spoke made an excel
lent speech, and these who were so fortu
nate as to be present and listen to the ad'
dresses were enterl'ined In a most excel
lent manner by a (low of wit and humor
such as is rarely encountered at a pollti
cal assemblage. The meeting was in the
natureof a family gathering, the speak
ers being warm personal friends and as
sociates of Mr. Sibley, who, when they
beard about the barbecue, sent blm word
that they were coming whether be invit
ed them or not. They came for the pleas
ure the visit atVo-ded them, and as a
mark of friendship for the mail they all
like so well. While there was no strain
ed effort in the direction of elucidating all
the more complex political problems, the
speakers vied with each other lu telling
stories of a nature to amuse and illustrate
the points which they endeavored to
bring out. It was indeed a feast of rea
son and a How of burgoo. Each of the
speakers bore evldeuce to the est!
male which our popular Congressman Is
held in Washington. The sentiment of
all was voiced by Congressman James S.
Sherman, of New York, when he said
"We have learned to know him and love
him as you know him and love him. We
love him for bis kindness of heart, bis
genial disposition, bis broad generosity
and bis charming personality. But let
me tell you more, my friends, and you
ought to kuow that in the distinguished
body of which he is a prominent member,
the most distinguished, I believe, legisla
tive body lu the world, your representa
tive ocupies a position of force and influ
ence second to none in this broad land of
ours, and be occupies that position not
merely because of his lovablo and genial
and generous disposition, but because he
has in him intelligence, force and the
courage ol his convictions. No matter
what these convictions are, be has the
courage to stand up and declare them,
and be has the ability to defend them."
The attendance from this section was
largo, numbering in the neighborhood ol
three hundred people w ho boarded the
special traiu at Tionesta aud Hickory,
and everybody had a good time and
"wouldn't have missed it for anything."
Statbof Ohio City, ofToledo, 1
Lucus County, j
Frank J. Chunky makes oath that be
is the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney A Co., doing business in the
City ol Toledo, County and Slate afore
sai , and that said firm will pay the sum
each and every case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by the use of Hall's Ca
takrii Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
mv presence, tliis tith day ot December,
A. D. 1S!M.
skal. A. W.GLEASON,
Notary Public,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials, tree.
Forty million bottles of August Flower
sold in the United States alone since its
introduction 1 And the demand for it is
still growing. Isn't that a tine showing
ol success? Don't it prove that August
Flower has had unfailing coccus in the
cure of indigeilion and dyspepsia Hie
two greatest enemies of health and bap
pineH? Does it not afford tho best evi
dence that August Flowe is a sure spe
I'llic for all stomach t id intestinal disor
ders? that it has proved itself the best of
all liver regulators? August Flower has
a matchless record of over thiity-tive
years in curing the ailing millions of
these distressing complaints a success
that is becoming wider in its scope every
day, at home and abroad, as the fame of
August Flower spreads. Trial liotllcsilcj
regular size, 7rc. For sale by J. 1). Davis.
KiM-clr.l M. Louis Knit- Toilny, Tomorrow
and every day until Nov. 30th, via
tbe Nickel Plate Season, 60
day and 15 day tickets. Coach ex
cursions on Tuesdays and Thursday
good 7 days. Rtop oil at Cleveland
and Chicago, Ask local agent or ad
dress Mr. A. V, Showalter,' D. P. A ,
807 Slato St., Krie, I'a. 412 ol
HOT INI) li.U'11) Fliili
Republican Editorial Batteries Still
' Shelling the Enemy, j
The Democrats Are at a Loss For
Ammunition and Many Are Mak
ing Little Show of Fighting.
Pennsylvania editors continue their
effective work In the cnmpaln for
Roosevelt and Falrbanas, and they are
not leaving the Democrat any ground
to stand upon In the contest In which
the minority party is so heavily han
dicapped. There has been a constant
and scathing fire from the Kopubllcau
batteries, and In many cases the Demo
crats have not even dared to respond.
Here are a few of the latest shots at
the opposition:
Vote For Republican Congressmen. ,
Suppose that the present Republican
house of representatives should glvo
place to a Democratic majority and
John Sharp Williams should become
speaker of the house, who would most
likely displace Mr. Spreno E. Payne
as chairman of the ways and means
committee? Possibly Hourke Coclran.
Possibly Champ Clark. Possibly and
probably some southern Democrat
who hns always been and always will
be a free trader In spite of Mr. Clark's
declaration that the Democratic party
bever was and never will be a free
trade party.
To prevent any such a possibility
vote for your Republican congres
sional candidate. WUlIamsport Ga
leae and Bulletin.
A Party Without Sense.
The Democratic party, as a party,
has no sense. It never had. For eight
years It has put In Its time predicting
things any sane man knows could
never come to pass. The Democratic
campaign keynote has become a yawp
instead of a promise. It Is facing a
prosperous country once more with
all of its predictions discredited and
not a single principle on which to ap
peal for votes. The reason the voters
are not interested In this campaign Is
because the Democrats have nothing
of Interest to offer. Northeast (Erie
Co.) Breeze.
Democrats Are Unhappy.
The Democratic campaign Is not
many weeks old, but that It has been
unsatisfactory from the Parker point
of view Is evident. There have been
three changes In the Important post
of commander-in-chief. Taggart was
elected to the office of national chair
man; Belmont, with Parker's conni
vance, took the power out of Tag
gart's hands, and now the astute and
unscrupulous Gorman succeeds Bel
mont as the virtual leader of the cam
paign. Meadvllle Tribune Republican.
Tariff the Supreme Issue.
A good many Important questions
are to be considered In the national
campaign, but protection to American
Industry Is still paramount. When
the Democratic platform, adopted at
SL Louis, declared that "protection Is
robbery," it made the tariff the su
preme Issue of the campaign. Scran
ton Truth.
A Timely Warning.
Republican voters should remember,
In order to qualify for voting this fall,
that the last day for payment of taxes
g Saturday, October Sth. Don't for
get this Important matter. See to it
at once and make sure of your vote
for Roosevelt and the whole Republi
can ticket. Warren Mail.
The Truth Tersely Told.
It Is better for this country to feed,
house and clothe our own labor In this
country than to support foreign labor
In other countries with our money.
Under protection we take care of our
own, tinder free trade wo give the
benefit to foreign nations. Cameron
County Press.
Should Appeal to Business Interests.
The strongest argument tbe Repub
licans have In the present campaign
is their appeal to the business Inter
ests of the country. There is really
little, If any politics, which Is funda
mental, left for discussion. Bradford
Evening Star.
No Danger of a Miracle.
Secretary Andrews, of the Republi
can state committee, says nothing
Bhort of a miracle can defeat 'Roose
velt and Fairbanks, and Vermont and
Maine do not indicate that there is
any danger of that kind of miracle
coming to the aid of the Democrats.
Hazleton Sentinel.
Gave Tammany a Shock.
When Parker wrote "Official ex
travagance Is official crime," every
Tammany. man shuddered. The cost
of running New York Is one-fourth of
the total national expenses outside the
postoffice department, which practic
ally supports Itself. Philadelphia In
quirer. "Cold Gray Dawn" of November 9.
Henry Watterson'g latest tribute to
Judge Parker is so beautiful as an
eulogy that In reading It one can al
most see the Democratic mourners re
turning In the "cold gray dawn" of the
morning after the election. Lafayette
Getting Into Line.
The Sunday Democrat, of New York,
one of the oldest Irish-American news
papers In the country, which has al
ways been one of the most Influential
organs of tho Democratic party, has
declared for Roosevelt. Pittsburg
A Tip to Worklngmen.
Workingmen who remember the
years of bankruptcy between the com
ing and going out of the second Cleve
land administration, do not want "a
change." Cameron County Press.
The Frost la Here.
The frost on the pumpkin and also
on the Parlvt-r telngram. Harrisburg
Stockholders' Meeting.
Tho annual meeting of tbostnckbnlders
ol tho Forest Telephone and Telegraph
Company will bn held in the Directors'
Room of tho Gold Standard National
Rank, at Marienville, Pa.. October 17th,
at 1 o'clock p, m., 1!mi-1, lor the purpose ot
electing officers for the ensuing year.
St A. D. Nkill, President.
Have .Honey nil it Trnvcl t'oinliirliilily
by joining one of the Nickel Plate
personally conducted excursions on
Kept 15th and 20th, and Oct. 4ih and
15th. 115 o 15
Cream of tho News.
A well-to-do man la often bard to do.
Joyce's Millinery OpeniugTburiday,
Friday and Saturday of this week. ' , It
Too many family Bibles are more
ornamental than useful.
We are right bore with the goods,
Hopkins. n
Marriage is said to be an Infallible
remedy for heart dise:iso.
Even a wise man relishes the silly
prattle of a pretty woman. '
Peaches are at their best now and the
crop will not la-.t long, so if you Intend
putting up any call at once. White Star
Grocery, . .-.''.; ' j It
, Many a man's so-called gems of
thought are nothing but paste,
Handsomest jackets and skirts ever
shown in Tionesta are embraced in our
now fall stock. All moderately priced.
Call and see. Hopkins. It
Too many llilniis we wait for are not
worth tbe delay.
Go to the Joyce millinery and see the
latest shapes in strool bats for tbe fall
season. ,. It
There are men who consider an ace
tho most charming spot ou earth.
Whon troubled with constipation try
Chamberlain's S'omach ami Liver Tab
lets, They are easy to take and produce
no griping or other unpleasant effect.
For sale by Dr. J. C. Dunn. tf
A woman's idea of a woman-hater Is
any man who doesn't admire her.
Tbe new goods are here and the prices
aro low. It's up to you if you waut the
best. Hopkins. It
We all have money coming, but it
seldom arrives on schedule time.
Fresh shipment of grapes arriving
every day at the While Star Grocery.
Call while they are the nicest. It
Matrimony is an optica! Institute for
the blind.
How about a nice rain coat for the
coming fall weather? We have them at
a very attractive price. Hopkins. It
Relatives have money, but relations
are always poor.
The grape season Is here, and the
place to get the nicest variety is at the
White Star Grocery. It
A woman would rather be inconsist
ent than otherwise.
Ilaa Sold wl l'ile of Clinmbrrlnla's t'nnvk
I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy tor more than twenty years and It
has given entire satisfaction. I have sold
a pile ol it and can recommend it highly.
Joseph McElhiney, Linton, Iowa.
You will find tiiis reuiedv a good friend
when troubled with a cough or cold. It
alwaysatlords quick relief and is pleas
ant to take. For sale by J. C. Dunn.
Lust l.ow.Knle Kxi-araioa of the Ncnwin to
Wnrrcn, Oli nn, and Bradford.
On Sunday, October 9, the Pennsylva
nia Railroad Compeny will run a special
low-rate excurson to Warren, Olean, and
Bradford. Tbe special train will be run
on the following schedule. Round-trip
tickets, good only g"ing and returning
on special train October 9, and regular
trains October 10:
Rate to Rate to
Train Warren Olean or
Leaves and Bradford
return ami retrn
Titusville 7:..0a.m. $1.00 (1.50
Rouseville 7:55 " 1.00 1.50
Oil City A:ii " 1.00 1 50
Tionesta 8:52 ' 1.00 1.50
Hickon :0. " 1 00 1.50
Tldioute 11:111 " 75 1.2.5
Irvineton ......0.50 1' 1.00
Olean Ar.l2:00Noon
Bradford Ar.l2:00 "
Children between 5 and 12 years of age,
half rates.
Returning, special train will leave
Olean 7:00, Bradford":.)", Warren 9:00p.m.
Tbe run of train No. 32, leaving Bradford
3:45 p. in., Olean at 3:55 p. m., and War
ren 0:08 p. m., October 10, w ill be extend
ed to Titusville to accommodate excur
sionists returning by that train.
Kiiivmrnry Itlrdlcine.
It is a great convenience to have at
band reliable remedies for use In cases of
accident aud for slight injuries and ail
ments. A good liniment aud one that
is fast becoming a favorite if not a house
hold necessity is Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. By applying it pro-nplly to a cut,
bruise or burn it allays the pain aud
causes the injury to heal in about one
third the time usually required, and
as It is an antiseptic it prevents any
danger of blood poisoning. When Pain
Italm is kept al band a upraln may be
treated before inllamation sets in, which
insures a quick recovery. For Bale by
Dr. J. C.Dunn.
1'orsunnlly ComlnrU'il Excursion
via Nickel Plate on Sept. 15 and
2(lih, Oct. 4th and 15th. Extremely
low rates to all points west. Write
A. C. Showalter, D. P. A , 807 State
Street, Erie, Pa. . 113 ol5
The Very Best Kiiiliuient
is used on Nickel Plate excursions
west. Write A C. Showalter, D. P.
A., 807 State Street, Erie, Pa. 114ol5
World'! Fair Excursions,
Low-rale ten-day coach excursions via
Pennsylvania Railroad, September 7, 14,
21, and 28. Rate, $14.15 from Tionesta.
Train leaves Tionesta at 11.01 a. in. con
necting with special traiu from New
York arriving St. Louis 4:15 p. in. next
dav. 4t-s-28
In Tralse of ('hRinbrrlitin's C'olfi'y Ciiolrm
and Dlnrrhira ltfini'dy.
"Allow me to give you a few words in
praise of Chauiberlaiu'a Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhcea Remedy," says Mr. John
llamlelt, of Eagle Pass, Texas. "I suf
fered one week with tsiwel trouble and
took all kinds of medicine without get-
any relief, when my friend, Mr. C. John
son, a merchant here, advised me to take
this remedy. After taking one dose I felt
greatly relieved and when 1 bail taken
the tliird dose was entirely cured. I
thank you from the bottom of my heart
lor putting this great remedy in the
bands of mankind." Sold by Dr. Dunn.
A Hale ol I'ollou.
Or 75 bushels of corn to the acre,
without the use nf an ounce of fertili
zer is not an unusual yield from
lands in the lamnus Mississippi and
Yaroo Val eys, traversed by the Illi
nois Central Railroad, the great
trunk line to the South.
Farmers dcsiriiiy perfect climate,
best soil, sure crops aud steady mar
kets would do well to locate homes
now, for prices ara advuno ug in this
favored country. Send for illustrated
Itcrature aud letters from farmers
who have gone South to stay and who
are perfectly satisfied to remain. E
A. Uinhter, Pass, and Land Agent,
Illinois Central Railroad, 015 lies
cetucr Building, Pittsburg, Pa. tf
Consume less gas than others.
Make more heat.
Perfect combustion.
Reflector backs.
No air mixer required.
No gas wasted if you usa a
Investigate -it will pay you.'
Repair Holler, SI UN,
Tank, Agitutors). IIujm
and Sells Necoiul - liand
Hollers I.le.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End nl'Stispeninn Bridge,
Third ward, Oil. CITY , PA.
For the Fall
and Winter
of 1904.
If you are not acquainted with
the merits of The Juyer self
conforming, stiff hats, better catcb on.
Guyer makes the only atilT
hat that feels as easy on the bead as
a soft hat.
Aside from this comfortable fea
ture, (iiiyer gives better value for
$3.00 than any other hatter we
know gives for $4 00.
The Ciilj-er Hals are here,
they are no place else in town.
Taking etmct. May 29th, 1904.
No. 30 Hutl'alo Express, daily
except .Sunday n:oi a. m
No. 32 Oil City and Pittsburg
Exrress.daily.except Sundav..7:18 p.m.
Oil Cily Accommodation Sun-'
days only, 6:29 A 8:08 p. m.
For Hickory, Tidioute.Warren.Kinzua,
Bradford, Oloan and the East: .
No. 31 Olean Express, dally
except Sunday 8:4-1 a. m.
No. 33 Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday 4:45 p. m.
Olean accommodation, Sun
days only 9:28 a.m.
Warren accommodation, Suu
days only 2:45 p. in.
. For Time Tables and additional infor
mation consult Ticket Agent.
General Manager. Passenger Trallio Mgr.
GKO. II. BOYD, Uen'l Passenger Agt.
To Take Effect July 0th, 1903.
NORTH Eastern Time HOUTH
3 1 j Stations 2 4 a.m Leave Arrive p.m. p.m
7 00 Nebraska 6 50
7 30 Ross Hun (i 80
7 40 Lamentation" 6 20
7 4o Newtown Mills 0 15
1 45 8 00 Kellettville 1 00 8 00
1 55 8 15 Buck Mills 12 45 5 50
2 05 8 25 May burg 12 35 5 40
2 20 8 411 Porkey 12 10 5 10
2 25 8 45 Minister 12 05 5 25
2 30 8 5li Wellers 11 65 5 2(1
2 40 9 Oil Hastings 11 40 5 10
2 55 9 15 Blue Jav 11 30 4 65
3 10 9 30 Henry's Mill 11 00 4 40
3 25 9 50 Barnes 10 40 4 25
3 45 KMK) Shollleld 10 30 4 15
p. in a. in Arrive Leavo a. in. p.m
T. D. COLLINS, Phbsidknt.
rKoimeri ioy ticket.
For President,
Sums f!. KwAi.l.nw, of Pennsylvania.
For Vice President,
(U:n. W, Caiiioi,i,, of Texas.
For Judge of the Supreme Court,
Luk C. (jIiiumiukk. of Lebanon County.
For Congress,
John E. Gill, of Venango County.
For Assembly,
A. T. BitoouiioiisKR, of Tionesta,
For Associate Judge,
William Lowman, of Marienville.
For County Treasurer,
A. W. Alhauiiii, of East Hickory.
There is only one way In accomplish this, fiuce the gas
meter has beeu introduced in Tionesta, and that is by
ueing a Gas Kango or Hot-Plate. Our line of these
comprises the b et makes those that have been success
fully tried elsewhere.
in an old fashioned cooking or heating stove they are
uot properly constructed for the economical consumption
of gas, and economy Is tho word nowadays, with gas al
22 cents pr. Come in and examine our
Our assortment is the most complete in town and tho
prices aro right. No trouble to show goods.
A. Watnb Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook, Q. W. Iloblnson, Wm. Hmearbaugh.
N. P. Wheeler, T. F. Rltchey. J. T. Dale, J. II. Kelly.
Collections remitted for on day of pnyment at low rates. We promise our custom
ers all the benetlta oonslstent with conservative b king, lntorest psid on time
deposit. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
News on the
Overland Limited.
Another good thing about The Overland Limited
is that passengers will be supplied with morning
and afternoon news, sent by wire direct to the
train. This famous train to California runs via the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Union Pacific Line.
Less than three days from Union Station, Chica
go, to San Francisco. Leave Union Station,
Chicago, 6.05 p. m. Another good train to the
Pacific Coast at 10.25 p. m.
The Only Celery Food
The only food in which celery forms an important part its nourishing qualities
of a marked character. It acts admirably vpon the nervous system recommended
for wakefulness, rheumatism and neuralgia.
Celery one of its principal ingredients, it helps to regulate the bowels' a re
storative in debility of the digestive organs and has a direct effect upon the
kidneys. It's a food not a medicine.
Palatable Nutritious Easy of Digestion and Ready to Eat
My Hcmatum on WA Vy(rf K
every packaot. ' SJ" ty- J&.WLCCJl.
Dr. Price, the creator of Dr. Price's Cream Daklns Powder arid Delicious Flavoring Extracts.
A cook book containing 76 excellent recolptt lor tislngthe Food mailed free to any address.
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