The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 21, 1904, Image 2

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Editor a Propiiictoii.
1904 SEPTEMBER 1904
Su. Mo. Tu. Ve. Th. Fr. Sa.
11 1213 14 15 10 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
fr Third n
ti Quarter a
Moon 9
p. m.
p. ui.
5M 24
Itcpublicnu Ticket.
of New York.
Vice President, w. Fairbanks,
of Indiana.
Supreme Court Justice
of Indiana County.
of Venango County,
of Tionesta.
Associate Judge
of Hreen Twp.
of Green Twp.
Kopubllcnn Voters Should Iteini'inhor,
in order to qualify lor voting this fall
that the
Last dav for payment of taxes is Sat
urday Oct. 8th.
Don't lorcet Ibis important matter.
See to it at once and make sure of your
vote for Roosevelt and the whole Repub
lican ticket.
Fay your taxes now and make sure
your vote this fall.
Eariier understand that mortgages
constitute their bigxest ciops under
Democratic rule.
So.MRol'tho Democratic campaign man
agers are sadly disappointed to learn that
the rr ports of crop shortages were grossly
It does not require the thinking voter
long to chose between Governor Taft and
Call Schurz as a guide for action in Phil
ippine matters.
It will be a little awkward for the
Democrats to entliuse over a campaign
book prepared in the rear ollice of a Wall
Street "Money llovil."
If there is a single trade or industry in
this country that is injured by the tariff
system, the Democratic party has not
been able to point to it.
Democrats are much discouraged to
find that their attempt to make "Koose
veltism" the issue has created a solid
North for the Republicans.
One of the strongest obstacles in the
way of H. Gasaway Davis" success in
West Virginia is the thriving conditions
of the industries of the State which have
been built up under Republican policies
Oi:r lriends the enemy, call President
ltoosevelt "unsafe." Did you read his
letter ol acceptance? Does it not con
vince you that of the men in this broad
land be is the safest and surest of them
all to be our chief majcstraleT
The Democrats would like It better,
too, if Tom Watson would make his cam
paign in the South instead of in States
where the Bryan Democrats still believe
they were right In lx'HJ and 1900 and re
fused to be turned over to the faction of
the party which they opposed In those
All men now kuow exactly what the
policy of the Government will be for the
next four years if Mr. Roosevelt is elect
ed. Certainty in regard to the future is a
very potent factor, and will enable busi
ness men to make p ans as well as con
tracts. Judge Parker can clrar up the
situation on bis side cf the bouse by be
ing equally fearless, honest, and explicit.
Let him state tfce issues as he sees them,
so that the people can draw their own
conclusions. The trouble the Judge
finds himself in is that his party has no
There is something radically wrong
with the Democratic campaign. The can
didate himsi-f ban been spending his
days and nights at Esopus waiting for the
Democratic victories in Vermont and
Maine which never came. Meanwhile
the Democratic party has been drifting
drifting and ono can readily imagine
Judge Parker, as ho drifts with it, baiting
his book and casting bis line and ex
claiming, "Oh, if I could only catch a
roul live issue!" Inspiration did not
come to b'uu at Esopus, and he went to
New York to look tilings over. A change
of bait seems to bo needed.
A few days ngo, when Judgo Parker
made an address to the Democratic edi
tors who called upou him at Rosemount,
he said: "I shall not take up your time
with any reference to the great issues up
on which our party appeals to the peo
ple." This was certainly very wine and
cons, rvative on his part, since the public
is gasping to know what tho issues are
and what Judgo Parker thinl s about
them. As the esse now stands it would
puzzle a Philadelphia lawyer to state the
issues. A bill of particulars would be
very acceptable from the Judge, so that
the jury can determine whether thore is
any jxxne save Parker vs. Roose
velt. Hut the American peoplo will Hoon
decide the case.
(Jrtnt Ilarbeciic at Monarch Park.
The ureal barbecue and ox ro st at
Monarch Park Oil City, on Thursday,
Sept. 2!th, will be one of tho most not
able political events of the national cam
pnign now, in progress la tho United
Slates. It will mark the opening of Mr.
Sibley's campaign In the i!8ih .Congress
ions! district, and everybody is aware
that Honest Joe Sibley never does any
thing by halves. The list of speakers on
this occasion Is not only largo but com
prises some of the most notable person
ages of the nation. Here are the names
ol those who have signified their inten
tion of being preseut on this great occa
sion ;
Congressman J. Adam Rede, of Minne
sota: Congressman J. S. Sherman, of
New York j Hon. James Francis Burke,
of Pittsburg! Chief Clerk Alexander Mc
Dowell, of the National House ol Repre
sentatives; Congressman J. W. Babeock,
Chairman of the Republican Congression
al Campaign Committee; Congressman
J. A. Hull, of Iowa; Congressman Jesse
Overstreet, of Indiana; Congressman K.
L. Hamilton, of Michigan ; Congressman
John Drtlzell, of Pennsylvania; Con
gressman E. B. Vreeland, of New York ;
ex-Congressman Henry Casson.of Iowa,
Secratary ol the Speakers' Bureau of the
Republican Campaign Committee; Con
gressman Joseph C. Sibley and Hon. 11.
II. Osborne, of Franklin, and Hon. U.
VV. Magee, of Oil City.
The invitation to attend this event is
general and very cordial, and should not
be missed by any who can possibly make
it convenient to be present.
The rumors in circulation that Iree
trains and free street cars will be run are
unauthoiized and wholly without founda
tion. Efforts are being made, however,
to secure an up-river train leaving Oil
City some time in the evening to accom
modate those attending from this section.
Whether or not this effort will be success
ful cau not now be determined.
A Useful Hole.
The interesting announcement was
made at the congress of geographers in
New.York City recently that there are
depressions in the tloor of the Pacific
Ocean more ihau 1:0,000 feet doep. Into
one of them, then, the tallest mountain in
the world could be plunged and be en
tirely submerged with room for a deep
draught vessel to sail overhead without
danger of grounding.
It is sincerely to bo hoped that those
who found those deep boles took note of
the precise location of them, so that they
can find them again. At least one o
them may "come In handy" some time
this fall, just after the Tuesday after the
first Monday in November. The Hill ol
Wolfert's Roost isn't the tallest hill
the world, by a good deal, and iniiiht eas
ily be put out of sight in a much shallow
er hole than one of these Pacific "deeps."
Nevertheless, it is sometimes well to do a
good job thoroughly, with an ample mar
gin to spare.
Let us have the longitude and latitude
of one of the very deepest of those holes.
No mutter il tin interior of it is lined
with the slime which covers so much of
the ocean tloor. That will only make the
place moie homelike to its prospective
Something About the Airedale Terrier.
The Airedale Terrier is the largest
breed of te-rier yet produced. It has
been kept in parts of England, mostly in
tho north, for the past fifty years. In the
early days of his existence he was known
as the Brigley, or Waterside terrier. The
valley of the Aire, in Yorkshire, being
the chief centre ol his popularity, it was
at last decided that he should be called
the Airedale terrier, by which name be is
no-v universally known. This dog owes
his popularity to his adaptability to every
kind of sport. He Is a natural hunter,
has a keen nose and is easily broken to
the gun. He will do all the work of a
spauiel and can be taught to drive cattle
like a collie. As a water dog and retriev
er he is a first rate workman, on shore
and when bunting along the banks of a
river, there are tew dogs that can equal
him, for his close, wiry jacket enables
h in to withstand the effects of the wet,
while being such a largo dog, he is more
than a match for any sort of vermin he
may meet. Rats they will destroy as
quick as one can wink, being almost as
rapiil in tiieir movements as a mongoose.
They will bunt rabbits with the zeal of a
foxhound or beagle, tree a coon aud kill
him when he drops, and to muskrats,
water lata and weasles, they are certain
death. No hole is too deep in the water
for them to follow their quarry. For
hours they will work indetatigably and
woebotide the object of their search when
fonnd. In England, in addition to being
used on vermin, they are taught to re
trieve ducks, geese and swan, and on ac
count of their size and strength no sea is
too rough for them when in pursuit of
wounded wildfoul. They are also easily
broken to the gun for covert shooting,
and where a badger is to be "induced" to
come out of his box the Airedale either
bring him out or is a dead dog. In point
of disposition no dog could be possessed
of more qualities that endear him to his
owner. Ho is far Irom quarrelsome with
other dogs, is Inclined to shun them
w hen at walk, yet let another dog dispute
his right to advance he is up and at it in
moment. Then his opponent must
look to himself, however large or strong
he may bo. The Airedalo's jaw, of won
derful strength and punishing powor,
soon does its work and he will die ere be
turns tail. At homo he is docile in the
extreme, fond of children and a good
guardian, and obedient to a wonderful
degree, which, coupled with an intelli
gence almost human, make linn a most
enjoyable companion. The Airedalo
moreover possesses another great recoiu
uiendation in tho eyes of many dog lov
ers, this being the possession of a very
hardy constitution, which causes little
trouble to his breeders during the earlier
stage. of his career, and in this respect
he compares favorably with many other
varieties. He stands any climate and is
now e-tahlished in the United States,
Canada, Auitraiia, India and on the Con
tinent of Europe, A Itogether he is one of
the most useful dogs living and has a
personality all his own.
This terrier Iihs advanced sr rapidly in
public favor since its introduction in
America during the year of 8!7, that
reeord prices for the breed up to i:i,000
havo been paid on several occasions,
nearly $7,0(10 being paid for four terriers
imiiortod in 11101. Fancier.
Cream or tho Sews.
Taffy is the principal ingrediont in
an epitaph.
The largest, eomploteat aud best stock
of fall goods ever shown in Tionesta Is
right here now. Hopkins. It
A tobacco heart la. never associated
with a cigarette head.
Peaches are at their best now and the
crop will not la-t long, so if you intend
putting up any call at once. White Star
Grocery. It
Every man is a promoter of his own
Practical painters who have used the
Lawrence paint pronounce it the best'
Whyf It's pure; it covers more surface;
it Is uniform In body and shade; it weai
longer and looks better than any other
paint. Try It. Sold by Dr. Dunn. It
It you would lorgot business cares
spend your vacation where mosquitoes
abound .
No trouble to show our now stock o
goods, so don't bo backward about call
ing. Hopkins. It
Too mauy business women are In
t'trested only In the business of their
The grapo season is here,
place to get the nicest variety
While Star Grocery.
A wise man never attempts
and the
is at the
to guess
the use of a fancy article mado by
a wo-
e have It a paint that a good for
your bouso. Pure oil, pure pigment
mado to wear Lawrence paiut. See col
or card at Dunn's drug store. It
Many who think thev will be chosen
aron't even culled.
New fall stock of dress good.4, some
thing that will surely please all our lady
friends, has Just arrived at Hopkins' and
you otiiiht to sco them. It
-M'liie men remind one or a bird 8 eye
ylew of the roal thing.
If once used always called for again
Lawrence Points. Good for your house
outside as well as Inside. Gives a pleas
ing appearance. Sold by Dr. Dunn. It
Tho wise man learns something
every time the fool blunders,
PcaliK-na I'niiiiot He Cured
by local applications, as thoy cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one wav to cure deafness.
and that is by constitutional remedies.
neatness is caused bv an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eu
stachian Tube. hen this tube gets In
iiauieu you nave a minuting sound or
Imperfect hearing, and when it Is entire
ly closed dealness is the result, and un
less the inllamation can be taken out and
this lube restored to its normal condition
ueariiig win lie destroyed forever; nino
cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed condi
tion of the mucous surfaces.
Wo will give One Hundred Dollars fur
any case ot Dealness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catanti
Cure. Send for circulars, freo.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
KiiirrKracy .llodlrliif.
It is a great convenience to have at
baud reliable remedies for use in cases of
accident and for slight injuries and ail
ments. A good liniment and oe that
is last becoming a favorito if not a house
hold necessity is Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. By applying it promptly to a cut,
bruise or burn it allays the pain ami
causes the injury to heal in about one
third the time usually required, and
as it is an antiseptic it prevents any
danger of blood poisoning. When I'aiu
Balm is kept at baud a sprain may be
treated before inllamation sets in, which
insures a quick recovery. For salo by
Dr. J. C.Duun.
I'rrsniinlly t'onriiu-trri Excursion
via Nickel Plate mi Sept. 15 and"
20th, Oct. 4th and 15th. Extremely
low rates to all points west. Write
A. 0. Showalter, D. P. A , 807 State
Street, Erie, Pa. 113 olo
Sour Htoiiinrli.
When the quantity ot food taken is too
largo or ine quality too rich, sour stomach
is likely to follow, and especially so if
the digestion has been weakened by con
stipation. Eat slowly and not too treoly
ot easily digested fond. Masticate the
foot thoroughly. Let live hours elapse
between meals, and when you 'eol a full
ness and weight in tho region of the
stomach after eatiug, take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets and the sour
stomach may be avoided. Sold by Dr.
Mnve .Honey mill Trnvcl Coiiiliirmlilr
by joining one of the Nickel Plate
persooally conducted excursions on
ept. 15th ami 20th, and Oct. 4th and
15th. 115 o 15
Ilns Mold a I'ilc of t'liamocrlniii'a t'nntili
I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy for more than twenty years and it
has given entire satisfaction. I have sold
a pile ol it and can recommend it highly.
josepn McKllnney, Linton, Iowa.
You will find this remedy a good friend
when troubled with a cough or cold. It
alwaysaffords quick relief and is pleas
ant to take. For salo by J. C. Dunn.
The Very Kent Eiiiuiriil
is used on Nickel Plate excursions
west. Write A. C. Showalter, D. P.
A., 807 Stale Street, Erie, Pa. 114ol5
World's Fair Kxciirsious,
Low-rate ten-day coach excursions via
Pennsylvania Railroad, September 7, H,
21, and 28. Rate, $14.15 from Tionesta.
Train leave Tionesta at 11 01 a. in, con
necting with spTeial train from New
York arriving St. Louis 4:15 p. m. next
dav. 41-8-28
A lliile of Cotton.
Or 75 bushels of com to the acre,
without the use of au ounce of fertili
zer is not an unusual yield from
lands in the lamous Mississippi and
Yazoo Val eys, traversed by the Illi
nois Central Kailroad, the great
trunk line to the South.
Furiuers desiring perfect climate,
best soil, sure crop aud steady mar
kets would do well to locate homes
now, for prices are advancing- in this
favored country. Send for illustrated
Iterature and letters from farmers
who have gone South to stay and who
are perfectly saiisfied to remain. E
A. Ilichter, Pass, and Land Agent,
Illinois Central Railroad, 015 Ilea
seiner Building, Pittsburg, Pa. tf
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
For President,
Silas C. Swallow, of Pennsylvania,
For Vice President,
Geo. W. Carroll, of Texas.
For Judgo of tho Supremo Court.
Lkk C. Giuimiiink. of Lebanon County,
For Congress,
John E. Gill, of Venango County.
For Assembly,
A. T. Brook not'sEK, (if Tionesta,
For Associate Judgo,
William, of Marienville.
For County Treasurer,
A. W. Aliiauoii, of East Hickory.
Juno 7
July -5
August 11
Total Ti
employed io tlnee luonilis a contiu
tuition of our past record, JitisineM
moD come and return for more of ou
The Hoff Business Collkok,
Warren, Penna
Whereas, The Hon. W. M. Llndsev,
President Judgo of the Court of Common
Plena and Quarter Sessions in and fo
tho county of Forest, has Issued his pro'
cept for holdiiigaCourtol'Commoii Pleas,
Wuurtcr Sessions ot the Penco, Orphans
Court, Oyer and Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the
County of Forest, to commenco on
tho Fourth Monday of September, being
tno Silli day of September, V.m. No
tico is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justices of tho Peace and Con
stables of said county, that they bo thon
and there in their proper persons at ton
o clock A. M., ol said day with their
recoids, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to llioir oltlco appertain to lie done
and to those who are bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be i n t lie jail of Forest County, that
thoy may lie then and there to prosecute
against thorn as shall be iust. Given mi
der my hand and seal this 2Hth day of
Augusi, a. i'. i:sh.
GEO. W. NOBLIT, us. Shorlff.
List of causes set down for trial in tho
Court ol Common Pleas of Forest County
rennsyivania, commencing on tho
Fourth Monday of September, 1!KM:
1. John W. Baxter vs. M.V.Patterson
.1. iieca, neorge lirown, trailing as
Patterson, Buck A Brown, No. 60, Sep
temberterm, 1!h)1. Appeal from J. P.
'1. hred Morck vs. J. G. C. Sigworth,
No. lis, February term, 1!HU. Replevin.
3. O. W. Proper, EuKetta Proper, F. C.
Proper, Ellle Walters vs. J. G. C. Sig
worth, No. ..), hebrnary term. 11KU
Summons in action of trespass.
4 Loeta Hoover vs. John Hoover. No.
J, feliruarv term, lfioi. Divorce.
5. A. W lfvs. Is. H. Barr. No. 2. Mav
term, II'OI. Summons In Assumpsit.
6. The Gerry Veneer A Lumber Co
vs. I lie Galo Company, No. 7. Sept.
lerm, i:u(. summons in Assumpsit.
Attest, J. C. GEIST,
Tionesta, Pa., August a, l!K4.
Confirmation Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing acc.uints have been filed in mv office
and will be presented at the next term of
Court lor continuation ;
Mrst and linal account of C. A. Ran
dall, Trustee to sell teal estate of Peter
Heasloy, late of Burnett township. Forest
county, ra., deceased, not taken by neira
at oius m partition proceedings.
r inai account ot Namuel M. Henrv,
Executor of the estate of Edward Korr.
lat i of Barnett township, Forest county,
i a., ueeeaseu.
.1. C. GEIST,
Clerk of Orphans' Cuurt,
Tionesta, Pa., August 2!), 11XH.
Feed & Sale
Fino Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone A'o. 20.
jrieiid moilel, sketch or pliotooi invention loi I'l.ii-iiutiuiiiy. jnr iree dock, i
"'i1! R fl C. MnDlrv write 1
. ntieuis aim I linUL" II I MillXll n
I Opposite U. S. Patent Office
flnffp. Alwnv. rHinbli', I,nli, ask I)ni(nrtnt fot
4 IIH II t;S I t It KM.I.ISII in Ki'U mid
4tflt mt'tallic tH)fH, (waled with blurt ribbon,
'lake n oilier. Kt'fiit lncvroii miliKtl
lulloiifnl Imitiilloiitt. Huyof your lMiii:uiMt,
nr wrui fr. in rtumpi fur Parlirtiltir, Tti
iioninU and " I teller for Kiwi ." in irttrr,
by rt-lurii Mnll. 10.000 Testimonials. Hold by
all bruKilrtb.
8100 MailiMon unre, I'll I LA., PA
JUentluo Ibli Dftper.
Fred, (jlrctteubcrgcr
All work iieitHiniiif to Machinery, Kn
gines, Oil ell Tools, 'ias or Waler Kit
ti lifts and Jeneral lllm' it hi iiff prompt
ly dniii) at Low Kalis. P.cpHinnir Mill
Machinery Kiv('0 Kpeeinl munition, and
salistai'tiiiii friniranteoil.
Shop in rear ol' and just west of the
Shaw House, 'i'idiotilo, 1'a,
Your patronage solicited.
Consume less gas that) others.
Make more heat.
Perfect combustion.
Reflector backs.
No air mixer required,
No gas wasted if you use a
Investigate -it will pay you.
llepairN Hollers
Tanks Agitators
and Sells Second
Hollers, i:te.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. Eud ofSuspensinti Bridge,
Third ward, OIL CITY,
For the Fall
and Winter
of 1904.
If you are not acquainted with
the merits of The siiyer self-
conforming, stiff hats, better catch on.
Guyer makes the only stiff
hut that feels as easy on the head as
a soft bat.
Aside from this comfortable fea
ture, Kiij er gives oetler value lor
$3.00 than auy other hatter we
know gives for $4 00.
the t.ujer Hats are here,
they are no place else in town.
Takinir eireet. Mav 2Uth. lflol.
No. 80 Biitlalo Express, daily
except .Sunday ll;ni m
No. 32 Oil City and Iiitburir
Ex ress.daiiy.exeept Sundav..7:18 p.m.
Oil City Accommodation Sun-'
days only, 5:2!) a 8:08 p. m.
For Hickory. Tidionte.Warren.KI
Bradford, Olean and the East .
No. 81 Olean Express, daily
except Hunday 8:4:1 a. in.
No. 83 Pittsbiirir Express.
daily except Sunday 4:45 d. m.
Olean accommodation. Sun
days only 9:28 a. m.
Warren accommodation, Mun-
uaysoniy 2:45 p.m.
For Time Tables and additional infor-
lation consult Ticket Aeent.
General Manager. Passenger Trallic Mirr.
GEO. II. BOYD, Gon'l Passenfier Ajjt.
To Take Effect July (ltd, HKl.'t.
NOKTH Eastern Time SOUTH
3' 1 Stations 2 4
p. in a. in Leave Arrive p. m. p.m
7 (Ml Nohraska 6 50
7 3d Ross Hun li 3(1
7 411 Lamentation' 8 20
7 4." Newtown Mills 11 15
145 SOI) Kellettvillo 1 00 6 00
1 55 8 15 Buck Mills 12 45 5 60
2 ()5!8 25 Maj burfT 12 85 5 40
2 20 8 4(1 Porkey 12 10 5 30
2 25l8 4"i M inisler 12 05 5 25
2 8018 fin Wellors 11 65 5 20
2 40jll 00 I lasting u 411 5 10
2 55!l 15 Blue Jay II 30 4 65
3 IO'll 30 Henry's Mill 11 00 4 40
3 25!l 60 Barnes 10 40 4 25
3 45 1000 Shemold 10 30 4 15
p. in 1h. 111 Arrlvo Leave m.
Ollicv ) 't 1 National Bank Building.
Kyos examined free.
Exclusively optical.
J4 There is only oue way to accomplish this, hi nee the gas
p meter has becu introduced iti Tionesta, and that is by
using a Gas Iiango or Hot-Tin to. Our line of these
comprises the btst makes those that have been success
fully triod elsewhere.
in an old fashioned cooking or heating stove they are
uot properly constructed fur the economical consumption
of gas, and economy Is the word nowadays, with gas at
22 cents ptr. Come in and examine our
Our assortment is the most complete in town and the
prices aro right. No trouble tn show goods.
A. R.
A. Wayne Cook, Q. W. Itobinson, Win. Sinoarbauffh,
N. P. Wheoler, T. F. Kitohey. J. T. Dale, J. U. Kelly.
Collections reinittod for on day of pnyinont at low rates. Wo promiso onr custom
er all the benefits consistent with conservative b klnir. Interest piid on time
deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
" minimi mm, t - . ' ' " ' - - J
Over the
Don't spend all your life in a poorly paid
clerkship. Your wages are low because your
place can be promptly filled by an untrained
person. We train ambitious men or women,
in spare time, for positions that pay well be
cause special training is required for filling
them. If you want to change your work, we
can train you for a salaried position in your
new profession. You can keep right on at your
present work until you change to the new.
Start TODAY to Rise !
We can help you qualify, by mail, at small
expense, for any of the following positions:
Show-Card Writer; Ad Writer; Window Dresser; Bookkeeper;
Stenographer; Mechanical Engineer; Mechanical Draftsman; Elec
trical Engineer; Electrician; Civil Engineer; Surveyor; Mining Engi
neer; Sanitary Engineer; Architect; Architectural Draftsman; Sign
Painter; Chemist; Ornamental Designer; French, German, or
Spanish, with phonograph; Commercial Law.
Write TODAY, staling which position interests you, io
Correspondence Schools
Or call on our Local Representative:
F. S. UOOIMtlCir, Oil Cily. Pa.
If you cannot call, fill out and mall the coupon TO DMT
Please ciplain how I can qualify, through titer I. C. S..for the pmitfon before which I he marked X.
Mcohinloal Englnatr
Machine Duignar
Elect He -Hallway 8upt.
Telephone Engineer
Telegraph Engineer
Dynema Tender
Steam Engineer
Marine Engineer
" Civil Engineer
Hydraulic Engineer
Municipal Engineer
" Bridge Engineer
Mhnloil Draftsman
I Foreman Machinist
Foramafl Toolmakar
Foreman Patternmaker
E Refrigeration Engineer
Eleotrtoal Engineer
Foreman Molder
Eiee. Maort. Uailgner
El eotrio-Light Ing Bupl.
Street and No.
Young peoplo fl'
More positions
Wm. Smkarbacoh,
Vice Pros id en
naflroad Engineer
Mining Engineer
Toitile-Mlll 8upt.
Textile Oeelgnar
Sanitary Engineer
Heat, end Vent. Engineer
Building Contractor
Architectural Draltaman
Analytical Chemlet
Sign Painter
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. To Speak French
To Speak German
To Speek Spanleh
Commercial Law
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