THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. i. C. WINK, EDITOR PdOPAIITOB. WKDNKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, l'.HM, 1904 SEPTEMBER 1904 Su. IIo. Tu. Ve. Th. Fr. Ea. ZZZZj aa J5G7 J9 10 111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 MOON'S PHASES. ir Third V Quartor New Mood 9:58 Flrt 10:1 a p. in. 0 3:43 y p.m. a. rr 0:1 J'.con llepiiblicnii Ticket. NATIONAL. President, THEODORE ROOSEVELT. of New York. Vice President, C1IAH1.ES V. FAIRBANKS. of Indiana. STATU. Supreme Court Justice JOHN P. ELK IN, of Indiana County. COINTV. Congress JOSEPH C. SIBLEY, of Venango County, Assembly JOHN U. ROBERTSON, of Tionesta. Associate. Jmlue FRANK X. KREITLER. of Green Twp. Treasurer WM. H. HARRISON. of ttreen Twp. Rcniinlicnn Voters Should Remember, in order to qualify lor voting this fall, that thn Last day lor registration is Wednesday, Sept. 7th. Last day for payment of taxes la Sat urday Out. 8th. Don't forget this important matter. See to it at once aud make sure of your vote for Roosevelt and the whole Repub lican ticket. Juduk Parker assures the voters that the Democracy is the coming party. The only trouble is that it always arrive four years behind time. It is said Chairman Taart will not open a western headquarters. The Dem ocrals havo no hope of carrying any Slato west of thn Alleitueuies. 'Orns Is a world power" said Judge Parker in his speech of acceptance, and he might have added "thanks to the wis dom of the Republican parly." "Wk have been wrong eight years, and you have been right; therefore we onitlit to be placed in power," is the gist of the Democratic argument. Yet some people say there is no humor in a political cam paign. It is perfectly safe for Judge Parker to declare for one term. Experience has taught the American people that one Democratic administration is all I hey can a! lord, without going into bankruptcy proceedings. Th k Tiliiavilla Herald nointa out the significant fact that up to the present t i i . . i i, . i r J lime r resiuoni. xwuseyen uns uui luuuu it necessary to write any private letters explaining wnai ue nieni 10 say in uia speech of acceptance. Jam ess J, llii.t,, the railroad magnate, la quoted as predicting abig fall business. How much better that is than crying poor-mouth just because this Is Presi dential year. The man who cries calam ity to help elect his candidates is not only a public nuisance, but he Is a public en emy. Boston Globe. Tiikbk is not a single act in the admin istration of Theodore Roosevelt, there is not a fcingle act in his public or private record, tor which he needs to apologize. On I he other band the editorial columns of the Democratic papers now supporting Judge Parker are died with apologies and explanations of the inconsistent course of not only the caudidates but the party which they are endorsing. Many people question the propriety of estimating the chances oT success by the odds speculators are willing to give, but it is, perhaps, worth while calling atten tion to the fact that In New York City bets are being made daily with increas ing odds in favor of Roosevelt and Fair banks, No well-informed Democrats are willing to give even chances on the success ol the sphinx ot Esopus. llKUK'sthe latest from one of our en thusiastic Republican brethren. What the effusion lacks in poetic beauty it makes up in solid truth : There are the silver men, The "middle of the road" men, The gold standard and the Deuicratic cranks; Take them all together Tuy can't get votes enough to beat Roosevelt ami Fairbanks. Kkcknti.v our now Senator Kx-Attor-ney tiuiinrul 1'. C. Knox, look an ouiing trip to Europe. Some people wonder how he could allord it. The cat is now out of the bag. Mrs. Lawrence C. Phipps, of l'iltshuig, who is contesting a divorce suit wiih her husband, gave Mr. Knox a retaining fee or fi-,lKio. He ju-t went over to England to see an uncle of the young man who Is seeking to divorce his wile. An effort will be made during (becom ing session ol Congress for ine establish ment of a de partment of mining unci niet alluigy. By reason of lis influence upon all oilier resources and industries nnd the advancement of the coumry, many mon of influence think mining should receive equal consideration with agriculture and oilier pursiii's. Certain it is that II it is worth while to Kiep a weather bureau running, Ihe Govern ment might recogtii.n nn important in dustry like mining. Official reports from Canada bIiow that thia country's commercial relations with that highly loyal province are In a very satisfactory s:ate, evou without reci procity. For the year ending June SO, 1004, as compared with 1903, there has been a decline in Canadian exports of over 112,000,000, and an increase of ovor $17,000,000 imports. The imports are mostly from the United States, while the decline in exports is ow ing to a falling off of sales in England. Notkukr words were ever spoken lhan those of Senator Fairbanks iu his speech oi acceptance wherein he said i "President Roosevelt has been confront ed with large aud serious questions. These he has met aud solved with high wisdom and courage. Tho'chargos made against him iu the Democratic platform find an lrrelutable answer in his splen did administration, never surpassed in all tiie history of the Republican party and never equaled by the party which seeks to discredit it." With reference to the alleged visit of J. P. Morgan to Oyster Bay, Secretary Loob says : "The story in The World about the visit of Mr. Morgan to the President at Oysier Bay is a lie from be ginning to end. Neither Mr. Moigan nor any representative ot Mr. Morgan has seeu the President or communicated with him directly or Indirectly at Oyster Ray or any where else. As far as the President or any one around him knows, Mr. Morgan has been nowhere near Oyster Bay, in a yacht or otherwise." Skorbsary Taft has been speaking his mind about President Roosevelt. He says: "In all my experience I never met a man iu authority who has less pride of opinion In the judgements that he has formed in respect lo situations presented to him for action than has Theodore Roosevelt. I have never met a mail who was so amenable to reason, so anxious to reach conclusion, and so willing to sac rifice a previously formed opiniou as the President of the United States. He is not a tyrant, but he is a leader. Does the American nation object to this." Thk assurance with whicli great enter prises are being taken, involving the ex penditure of many millions ot dollars, is evidence that confidence prevails among all classes of men as regards the future, and that this country has settled down to the conclusion that there will be neither a change of government nor of policies, A million dollar power plaot on the banks of the Susquehanna river at York Haven, Pa has just been started. It will lurnish power and light for a num ber of nearby cities. There has been great merger of traction lines in Ohio, and a mortgage authorized of $750,000. A half million acres of land, now desert, are to be reclaimed In the Imperial Yal ley, in California. About $7,000,000 is to be invested in irolley lines and a system Of parks in western Massachusetts and noi the-n Connecticut. A gigantic station on the Connecticut river, at Greenfield, will supply the feed wires with power which will run all over the two stales. Many other similar enierprises might be noticed, all going to show that capital considers the ftuure as assured. 1 iio law anil Nothing but (lie law. When the campaign is over, President Roosevelt elected aud men and news papers on both aides have cooled down, the country, down lo the last voter, will see what aTaut uonsense is the campaign story which deals with various alleged bargains, deals and enpromises with "trusta" and "t'ust magnates." Every campaign has its special breed and brand of roorbacks. This is the one this year. Some meu are deceived by it Some deceive with it. No one will be lieve it when the campaign is over. No one reaMy credits It now not even the people and papers who In the heat of a campaign slip into lis publication. President Roosevelt's policy and praC' lice Iu regard (o trusts were certain to start these rumors, not because It did so little, but because it did so much. Re member, only two short years ago sane, Intelligent, able corporation managers honestly believed and were told by their lawyei s that Federal statutes could not reach the big corporal ions, and that con soles' inns could not be prevoi ted by the Federal courts. No one says that now. Two years ago arbitration in the authraclle disputes were declared Im possible. No one says that either. Judge Gray has just been called in without any row, exactly as if arbitration in antbra- oHe had always been part of the common law of labor. The supremacy of law was asserted and demanded in all relating to great cor porations by President Roosevelt, and this visabie supremacy has beeu achieved nd respected. Corporation managers see this. Thelrustsand their managors undei stand It. Law proves the best fur all. It always is. A trust, like the Sland aid Oil, which still seeks secrecy, may light the new ylclory and extension of law, but the lar-sighted corpora' ion man agers see that regulation is betier than revolution and that the reforms of law are better than the at lacks of anarchy, This assertion of law by President Roosevelt as Ihe supreme authority over II, the biggest corporation as well as Ihe poorest man, and Its acceptance when Ihe Northern Securities decision showed that there was law enough lo go around has changed the .ace of the whole "trust Issue." It has opened a new chanter in legislation. It la.' a out a clear track and plain pa h between Alloa B. Pa'ker, who says nothing is needed, and William J. Bryan, who wanls a1! ripped up. It lias aai'slicd both iho public and the law abiding men iu change of g. eat corporate inleiesis. It is mere campaign slaiider-mongering to denounce this new altitude as a "deal." When the campaigu is over all meu will see that ordered law has won another tri umph and began a new reform. Phila. Press. Emrriieiiry Mrilicine. It is a great convenience to have at hand reliable reined its for use in cases o( accident and for slight injuries and ail inenls. A good lininieui and one that is last becoming a favorite if not a house hold necessity is Chamberlain's Pain Halm. By applying it promptly to a cut, bruise or burn it allays tho pain and causes thn injury lo heal in about one tlnrd the limn usually required, sud as it Is an antiscpiie it prevents any danger of blond poisoning. When I'ai'n Balm is kepi at band a sprain muv be treated lieloro inllaiimtion sols in, which insures a quick recovery. For sale by Dr. J. C.Duun. Cream of the Sews. Some men are like doormats useful only lor others to walk on. Oat your shoe at Uopkiua' and get the best. It The higher the price ol meat the more food we have for reflection. s How much will it cover T Yea cover ing capacity Is very important. ' A paint may be pure, good and all that and not spread over enough surface. The Law rence paiuls possess extraordinary cov ering capacity, 300 square feet, two coats, Sold by Dr. Dunn. It Sunshine is a great blessing, yet it of ten forces people to hunt the shade. Shirt waist patterns at greatly re. dueed prices, at Hopkins'. All bar gains. It When there is nothing left, to tight lor we may hope for universal peace, Get your fruit at the White Star Gro cery, where the stock is always kept fresh. u There is more fun in courting a g rl than there is in courting an investigation We have a big assortment of trunks, valises and suit cases we would like to show you if io need. We save you big money on these. Hopkins'. It When an outsider insists on fair play it is usually a poor excuse for meddling The Lawrence paints have a repula lion. wu7 Men, because they are made by experienced aud intelligent la bor. Uniform Iu body and shade. Wear longor and present a belter appearance than any other paint. Sold at Dr. Dunn's drugstore. it When a husband and wife are of oue mind it is a pretty safe bet that the mind belongs to the wife. Skirts are here iu great variety of style, color and texture, all new and up to-uaie. i no famous Wooltex were never equaled. Hopkins. It When pluck gets busy luck takos a back seat. Lawrence the best paint made, weatherproof. For sale at Dr. Dunu's drug store. it A jolly good fellow is the one who fools ihe bill. Hopkins has Just stocked up on shoes for the fall and winter, and you will miss it If you don't see them before mak ing your purchases. For men, women, boys aud girls. it A jolly man always finds himself in good company. The greatest gas beater stove ever invented is the radiating stovo, both for beating and ecouomy in gas. Sold by H E. McKiuley, Tionesla. tf Theory is a vein from which facts are gathered. The new stock of clothing at Hop kins' is a dandy lot. Call aud see. It People who blame others are apt lo praise themselves. DcafncNsC annnl lie Cured Dy local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion ol the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, anu umi is uy constitutional remedie I'cnuiess is causea Dy an untamed con dition ol thn mucous lining of the En stachian Tube. When this tube gots In uamcu you nave a rumbling sound or im per led hearing, and when it is entire ly cioseil neatness is the result, and un less the inflamation can be taken out and this lube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condi tion of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's 'atari h Cure. Send lor circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75. Hall's Family Pills are the host. THK KfcCHKT OR HITt ESM. Forty million bottles of August Flower sold in the United States alone since Its introduction I And the demand for it is still growing. Ist.'tlhat a line showing ot success T Don't it prove that August Flower has had unfailing success in the cure of indigestion and dyspepsia the two greatest enemies ol health and hap piness? Does It not afford the best evi dence that August Flower is a sure spe cific Tor all stomach and intestinal disor ders? that it has proved itself the bust of all liver regulators? August Flower hag a matchless record of over thirty-live years in curing ihe ailing millions of these distressing complaints a success that is becoming wider in its scope every day, at home and abroad, as Ihe fame of August Flower spreads. Trial bottles Ho ; regular size, 75c. For sale by J. D. Davis. Low-Rate Esciiision to Warran, (Mean nnil Bradford. On Sunday September 11, the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company will run a spe cial low-rate excursion lo Warren, Olean, and Bradford, Special train will be run on the following schedule, and roud-lrip tickets, good going only on special train and good returning on special train Sep tember 11, and regular trains September VI, but not good in Pullman sleeping or parlor cars, will be sold at rales indicated: Rale to Rale to Warren Olean or Train and Bradford leaves return and return Titnsville... 7:110 a.m ..fl 00 J I 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 25 Kotiseville..7:.).r a.m.... 1 00 Oil City 8:15 a.m.... 1 00 Tionesla 8:.V2 a.m... 1 00 Hickory !i:(i:t a.m... 1 00 Tidloule !l:10a.m... 75 Children between Sand 12 years of age, half rates. Returning special train will leave Olean 7:00 P. M., Bradford 7:00 P. M.. Warren 1:00 P. M. The run of train No. 32. leaving Brad ford 3:15 P. M., Olean at 4:45 P. M. and Warren (1:05 P. M.. September 12. will extend to Tilusville to accommodate ex cursionists returning by that train. Knur Hlooitlrli. When the quantity ot food taken Is loo large or the quality loo rich, sour stomach is likely to follow, and esneciallv so if Ihe digestion has been weakened by con stipation. lOat slowly and not loo lrcnly ol easily digested food. Maslieato the foot thoroughly. Let five hours elanso between meals, and when you 'eel a full ness and weight in thn region of the stomach after eating, take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tabids and the sour stomach may be ayoided. Sold by Dr. Dunn. Save Minify nnil Tiavel f oiiirorlnhly by joining one of the Nickel Plate personally conducted excursions on Sept 15th and 20th, aud Oc' 4'hund 15lh. 115 o 15 Personally ('ontlilrli-il KxriirNiun via Nickel Plate on Spt. io and '.Mill, Oct. 4th ami 1 5th. Extremely low rates to all points west. Write A. (!. Showaller, I). P. A , K7 Stale Street, Krie, Pa. 113 ol5 A linle of Col Ion. Or 75 bushels of corn to llie acre without the use of au ounce of I'ortili ter is not au unusual yield from lands in the famous Mississippi aud 107O0 Yalieys, traversed by the lilt nois Central .Railroad, the great trunk line to the South. Farmers desiring perfect climate best soil, sure crops and steady mar kola wnuld do well to locate homes now, for prices are advancing iu this favored country. Send for illustrated lterature and letters from farmers who have gooe South to stay and who ate perfectly satisfied to remain. I. A. hichter, Pass, and Laud Agent Illinois Central Kailroad, G15 lies eemer Huilding, Pittsburg, Pa. tf rit01IIltIT10 TICKET. For President, Silas C. Swallow, of Pennsylvania, For Vice President, Gko. W. Carroll, of Texas. . For Judge of the Supreme Court, Lee C. Grumihne. of Lebanon County, For Congress, John E. Gill, of Venango County. For Assembly, A.T. Brook hoi'skk, of Tionesta, For Associate Judge, William Low man, of Marienville. For County Treasurer, A. W. Alhauoh, of East Hickory. PROCLAMATION. Whkrkas, Tho Hon. W. M. Llndsey, President Judge of the Court of Common Picas and Quarter Sessions in and for the county ot torest, has issued his pre cept forholdingaCourtofCommon Pleas Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Co'irt, Oyer nnd Terminer and General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for th'J County of Forest, to commence on the Fourth Monday of September, being mo nun nay oi September, 1004. No lice is therefore given to the Cor oner, Justices of the Peace and Con stables of said countv. that thev bo then and there in their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., ot said day with their records, inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their olllce appertain to be done, and tothosewhoare bound in recognisance to prosecute against the prisoners I hat are orshall be in the jail of Forest County, that they may be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be lust. Given un der my hand and seal this 29th day of AUgUSI, JY. u. 1!H, GEO. W. NOBLIT, L.8. Sheriff. TItlAI, LIST. List of causos set down for trial In tho Cou rt of Com mon Pleas of Forest Cou n t v. Pennsylvania, commencing on the fourth Mondav of September. 1004: 1. John W. Baxter vs. M. V. Patterson, J. 10. Beck, Georgn Brown, trading as Patterson; Beck A Brown, No. 50, .Sep tember term, 1!M1. Appeal from J. P. 2. Fred Morck vs. J. G. C. Sigworth, No. 2rt. February term. 1004. Replevin. 3. O. W. Proper, EuRetla Proper, F. C. rroper, waiters vs. j. u. u. Sig worth, No. 25, February term, 11HI1. Summons in action of trespass. 4 Loeta Hoover vs. John Hoover, No, 3, February term, 1901. Divorce. 5. A. Wolf vs. B. II. Barr, No. 2, May Term, 1H04. Summons in Assumpsit. ti. The Gerry Veneer A Lumber Co., vs. The Gale Company, No. 7, Sept. Term, l'.Wl. Summons in Assumpsit. Attest, J. C. GEIST, Prolhonotary. Tionesta, Pa., August 20, 1004. Confirmation Notice. NntlpA Is hornl.v frlvoii Ihut llta f.l L,i, intr flnn.lllnrs have bnnn rilorl In ,nv nffl.,a and will be presented at the next term of vouri lor continuation : r irst and final account of C. A. Ran- lull Triialoa tu tint I raal aatulu r t P.ln. HHAalnt- lain nf Kurnotl tnuvneMrt l..raa county, Pa., deceased, not taken by heiri at bids in partition proceedings. rinai account oi Namuei M. Henry, KYeiMltftr OT Ilia Aululo if hMa'arH'r 1st i of Harnett township, Forest county! Pa., deceased. J. C. GEIST, Clerk of Orphans' Court. Tionesta, Pa., August 29, 1904. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of a writ or Loverl Fa clas, issued out of tho Cotut of Com mon Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylva nia, ami to me di reeled, there will be ex posed to sale by public vonduo or outcry, at the Court House, in the Borough of Tionesta, Forest County, Pa., on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, A. D. 1904, at two o'clock p. m. the following de scribed real estate, to-wit : N. S. CALtiOUN vs. ART II ER S. REID, A. A. HERTZEL Terra Ten ant, Levari Facias, No. 3, September Term, 1904.S. I). Irwin, Attorney. All the defendants' right, title, interest and claim of, in and lo all that piece or parcel oi lanu sutialo, lying ami being in IheTownship of Jenks. Countv of Forest. and Slate of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wil: Beginning at a post in the southeast corner of War- ranl31it), thence south 88 degrees east one hundred and thirty (130) rods to a post in a line nf land of A. Brock way; thence south 1 degrees west one hun dred and sixty (160) rods toapost; thence north 88) degrees west one hundred and thirty (130) rods to a post ; thence north 1 iiegrees east one hundred and sixty ( 100) rods to the place of beginning. Con taining one hundred and thirty (130) acres of land, more or less, Being the same land convoyod by Cyrus Blood, At torney in Fact for Marion F. Hunt el al, to S. It. Reyner ot al, by deed dated May IS, 1858, recorded in Forest County, Deed Bonk 1, page 120. Taken in execution and to be sold as tho properly of Arthur S. Reld, A. A. Hori.ol Terra Tenant, at the suit of N. 8. Calhoun. TERMS OF SALE. Thn following must be strictly complied with when tho properly is stricken down : 1. When tho phiintlll'orothor loin cred itors beconio thn purchaser, tho costs on thn writs must be paid, and a list of liens including inortgiigo searches on the prop city sold, together with such lion credit or's receipt for tho amount of tho pro ceeds of Iho sulo orsuch portion thereof as ho may claim, must bo furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not smiled immediately will be continued until 2 o'clock p, in., of the next day, at which timo all property not settled ioi will again bo put up and sold at the expense and risk of tho person to whom first sold. Seo Purdon's Digest, Nin'h Edition, page 4111 and Smith's Forms, pago 384. GKO. W. NOBLIT, Sheriff. ShcrilVs Ol'lce, Tionesta, Pu., August 29, 1004. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Boars the Signature IT PAYS TO ADVKKTTNK IN THIS PA PICK :M TfnciFDv if I 7 lAUv w One of the lines we are proudest of is our hosiery hosiery for men, women, boys and misses. BnnMpuKiiJ This is the trade mark of tile kind of hosiery we sell clad your feet with "Iron Clads." G.W. ROBINSON & SON ll"hl"i' PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER, Itepalrsj Holler., Stills Tan Km, Agitator. Itujs and Sells Second hand toilers, i:te. Wire or letter orders promptly at tentlerl to. Euil ofSuspension Hrtrlne, Third ward, OIL CITY, FA. Store News. New World's Fair Cow Hide Suit Case, best ever lor 85.00 WorlJ's Fair Case, made from a new material, 33 50. Waltou'g Fuur-iu-hamls, 35 iloz, oOu qualities, fall silks, 34a. Shield J! )ws, all Dew silks, lUc Special in llaiidkcraliiel. riaiu White Hemstitched, Gen lleinen'g size. Prices 5o, 10c, 123c, li)o, 25c. Xeu Fall Hats. Plenty of lirowug iu both Slid and Soft Hats thia season. Prices 82, 2 50, 83, 3 50, $4, 85 Tailoring Department. The new fall Suitiugs are very attractive. Handsome rich warm colorings. Exclusive confined styles. A suit only in each piece Particular peo ple are now making tbeir se lections. Sale of Top t'oat. Hand'omo Top Coats 810, 812, 813 50,815, 818 THE McCUEN CO, 2b AND 29 SENECA ST.. OIL CITY, PA. Pennsylvania uah,ijoa.i. BUFFALO ANU ALLEGHENY VAL LEY DIVISION. Takimr effect. May iflltli. 1001. No. 30 Huti'alo Express, daily exeept Sunday 11:01a. m. No. 32 Oil City and PilUshurg Kxfress, daily, exeept Sunday ..7:18 p.m. Oil City Accommodation Sun-' days only, 5:21) A 8:03 p. m. For Hickory, Tlilioute.Warren.KInzua, Bradford, Olean and the East : No. 31 Olean Express, daily exeept Sunday 8:13 a. ni. No. 33 Pittwhurjr Express, daily except Sunday 4:45 p. rn. Olean aceommodatlon, Sun days only 9:28 a. ni. Warren accommodation, Sun days only 2:45 p. in. For Time Tahlea and additional iu for mation consult Ticket Agent. W. vV. A ITER BURY, J. h. WOOD. General Manager. PassemrorTrallicMur. (JEO. II. BOYD, Uen'l Pacsenger Agt. KAILWAY. TIIMIIE TABLE To Take Effect July lith, 1!K)3. NORTH i ! I Eastern Time SOUTH Stations I 2 I 4 p.mia. in Leave Arri ve p.m. p.m 6 50 6 30 6 20 6 15 6 00 1 on 7 3( ,7 401 7 451 Nebraska Ross Run Lamentation' Nowtown Mills Kelloltville Buck Mills May hii rg Purkoy M inisler Wellers Hastings Blue Jav Henry's M ill Barnes Shellleld Arrive Lea 1 4.V8 0O 1 00 l'S68 15 2 0f!n 25 12 45 5 50 12 35l5 40 12 10,5 'JO 2 2018 -lo 2 25:8 45 12 0." 11 5.- 1 1K I) 2 30 8 5 5 20 5 in 4 55 2 40 0 (Ml 2 55;! 15 3 10:0 30 3 251!) 50 11 40 II 30 II 00l 40 10 40 10 3 a. in. 4 25 4 15 p.m 3 45I10OO p.mla. m T. I). COLLINS, Pkesi DKNT, GRATEFUL III." What a N. Y. R. R. Engineer Says About Dr. Kennedy's Cal-cura Solvent. Kidney disease is very common nmonjt railroad nu n. Noarly all engineers nro trouMod with pain iu tho back, this being one of tho results from the constant jar of the engine. Mr. O. M. Oeotchius, of Mat tcnwati, N.Y.,Bays: "1 recommend Dr.Kun nccly's Cal-cura .Solvent lo unyom: troubled with their Kidneys and Liver. I have used it with great results. Many of iny relative and engineer friends tell mo that unfiling el o gives (hem as much benefit iu this Wonderful medicine." All druggists, ijl.OO. '. 3 vjr wait tjr. ihm mm r r REDUCE YOUR GAS BILLS! There is only one way to Accomplish this, tdticu the gas Ulster has beeu introduced iu Tionesta, and that is by using a Gas Range or Hot-plate, Our lino of tin so comprises the Ixnt makcd tlioso that liuvo beeu success fully tried elsewhere. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BURN GAS! in ao old fashioned cooking or healing stovo they are uot properly constructed for tho economical consumption of gas, arid economy Is tho word nowadays, with gas at 22 ceuts per. Come in and examine our OAS STOVES, HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, PAINTS AND OILS. Our assortment is the most complete in town and the prices are right. No (rouble to show goods. J. C. SCOWDEN. AO. A. Watnb Cook, President. A. B. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, DI R KOTO K8 A. Wayne Cook, O. W, Hoblnson, Win. Smearhaugh, N. P. Wheeler, T. F. Rltchey, J. T. Palo, J. II. Kelly. Collections roiuittod for on day of pr.ymont at low rates. Wo promise our cuxlom era all tho benefits consistent with conservative h king. 1 nterest pnhl on timo deposits. Your patronage rospectfully solicited. Over the Don't spend all your life in a poorly paid clerkship. Your waes are low because your place can be promptly filled by an untrained person. We train ambitious men or women, in spare time, for positions that pay well be cause special training is required for filling them. If you want to change your work, we can train you for a salaried position in your new profession. You can keep right on at your present work until you change to the new. Start TODAY to Rise! We can hell) you qualify, by mail, at small expense, for any of the following positions: Show-Card Writer; Ad Writer; Window Dresser; Bookkeeper; Stenographer; Mechanical Engineer; Mechanical Draftsman; Elec trical Engineer; Electrician; Civil Engineer; Surveyor; Mining Engi neer; Sanitary Engineer; Architect; Architectural Draftsman; Sign Painter; Chemist; Ornamental Designer; French, German, or Spanish, with Phonograph; Commercial Law. Write TODAY, stating which position interests you, to ; INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools BOX 799, SCRANTON, PA. Or call on our Local Representative: F. S. UOOUHICir, Oil lily. Va. If you cannot call, fill out and mall the coupon TODAY Plea explain how I can qualify, through tlie I. C. S., for tW position tcfre which I hive marked X. i Meohanlcil Englnfltr EltctHe-Rallway Supt. Riltroad Enrjlnttf ShowCard Wrlttf t Maohina Ditlgner Talaphona Enfltnatr 8ufor Ad WrtUr 0, Mtohanlcal Oralliman T altigraph Englntar Mining Englnttr Window Dniitr . 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