The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 03, 1904, Image 5

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    Smart &
Our Standards are Never Per
mitted to be Lowered for Sake
of Price-But Our Prices Are
Always Held at Lowest Point.
Our constant aim is to improve the staodarch of this business to sail
better goods at (the same low prices), and to discover better merchandise,
better systems and better methods to mtke it more and more strongl? a
store for the masses a store for everybody. If you can at any time make
any suggestions that will aid in the betterment of this store we will thank
you for it.
85c grade Black Pcau de Soi, 59c.
For Waists and Shirt Waist Suits, this is a very popular silk fabric
this season. This we ofTar at 5!c is an exceptionally good quality; pure
silk, handsome lustre, and as good as any you will find jn any other store at
85c. We had a chance to buy ten pieces way under valve, that's why we
can sell tbem so cheap. Black only.
8 Embroidered Linen Robes, at $3.90 each.
Not even (he cost of the materials, and less thau one-third the origi
nal prices of the robes. Plenty of material in each one to make a full suit
in any style. Material all linen suiting, handsomely embroidered colors
pink, light blue, dark blue and red. To close out the line we have marked
tbem at this little price.
50 dozen Handsome Lace Hose, 35c pair
Another lucky purchase. Fifty cents would be cheap for them, but
at 35c they're one of the best hosiery bargains we have ever known of.
Four different patterns and each one prettier than the other.
300 Untrimmed Hats at 2oc each.
Just to get them out of the store. We want to make a clean sweep,
bo make hats that were $1 to $2 at a quarter a piece.
Three Grades White Wash Silks.
45c, 50a and 75c ; We advertise
good value 74, zi and dl inches wide.
A Study of Hi Trillin Km in au LiiiR
llkli l'nlnt of View.
An American youiii; mun does not ns
a rale look fonvtiril to lmirrhige nor
prepare for It by Having tiny consider
able portion of liltt iinltMiuptiiil Income.
When be lmirrlcs It Is iiHiiully on sliort
notice nml because lie bus fallen very
desperately In love wltli some one and
Cannot Ibid it In bis beart to wait until
cold caution declares the venture ad
visable. Kveu when an piipiKdiicnt
U a Unit; one be usually squanders so
uiucb on gifts uud entertainments for
bis fiancee tbut there Is only a very
moderate amount to begin housekeep
ing on. Thus before Ills marriage the
young American of the middle class
begins to give evidence of what Is to
be bis chief national characteristic as
a husband his unfailing, unselfish and
almost Improvident generosity.
The middle class husband In Americu
rurcly Interferes with the affairs of the
household. lie hardly knows the cost
of staple articles of food. As n rule lie
does not make his wifo a regular al
lowance either for household or per
sonal expenses, but gives her as much
as he can spare, freely, but with a lack
of system that Is not conducive to the
best outlay of their Income.
The young American husband Is also
very Indulgent to his wife's fondness
for fine clothes. He would fur rather
have an extravagant wife than a
dowdy one, and, although he grumbles
occasionally at a millinery bill, in real
ity he glories In the resplendent ap
pearance of his wife In her fine feath
ers. The Amerienn husband Is rare
who does not concede his wife's right
to expend n niuch larger sum with her
dressmaker than he does with bis
tailor. Indeed ho often leaves his
tailor altogether and cheerfully repairs
to tbt! ready made clothing house In
order that bis wife may have more
money for extravagant finery. London
The Stor r a lrt Boll Torrlcr Thnt
Did Not Kni-Krt.
A gentleman who is a great traveler
and who Is always accompanied In bin
wanderliiirs by a bull terrier, to which
he Is much nttiieii.Hl, arrived one day
in the city of I'luivn, .(. ju
for some ivi'son inlrnvted to the care
of the porter at the slalien. and in the
excitement of the crowd and under the
Unusual experience of being separated
from his master, who generally kept
the with him, ISruno w
moved to make bis escape. The most
careful -search was made, and before
going to his hotel the traveler went to
the police station to notify the gen
darmes of his loss. It was more than
mi hour before he reached his hotel.
When he got there be spoke of his loss,
no Hint If anything was heard of thedou
It would bo understood that the anim.i!
these because they are particularly
Young people fitted and placed In Buslnea Position.
Mora positions to fill than candidate to reoommend.
Now 1BO4-'05 Catalogue ready.
belonged to lilm. Mo his astonisnment
the porter enltl: "I!nt your dog Is here,
sir. He came before you, nml we did
not know to whom he belonged." "The
dog Is here!" repented the gentleman
In surprise. "How enme he here?"
"He ran In, sir, about half an hour ngo,
and, after snuffing nbont the office for
awhile, he rnn upstairs. I gave orders
to have him driven out, but the boys
have been busy, nnd he Is up there
somewhere now." The traveler, of
course, went upstairs at once, nnd
there on the mat before the chamber
numbered 44 lay Iiruno, who sprang
up with the most frantic demonstra
tions of delight at finding his mnster
again. The gentleman remembered
that two years previous he' hnd been
with the dog at Florence nnd hnd stay
ed at this hotel. He did not remember
thnt he had occupied this particular
room, but on reference to the hotel reg
ister such wns found to be the fact.
Wlirn Trpcn Go to Slppp.
Trees nnd plants have their regular
times for going to sleep. They need
to rest from the work of growing nnd
to repair and oil the machinery of life.
Some plants do nil their sleeping In
the winter while the ground Is frozen
nnd the limbs are bare of leaves. In
tropical countries where the snow nev
er falls nnd It Is always growing
weatber the trees repose during the
rainy scvrori or during the periods of
drought. They always choose the most
unfavorable working time for doing
their sleep, just as man chooses the
night, when he cannot see to work.
"Ma." said Hobby in a slightly In
jured tone of voice, "there were lots
nf things you let me do before the
baby came thnt you don't let me do
"Ho you think so, Bobby?"
"Yes." nsierted Hobby. "Still." he
cut on Willi more philosophy, "I enn't
Ixpect you to be so good a mother with
two children as you were when you
unly had one."
Worth (he Mon.j-.
'Tommy." said the economical moth
er to the boy with the loose tooth, "I'll
Eive you 10 cents if you'll let nie null
that tooth." The boy thought It over
tiki then went to hit bank. "The fun
uf doin' that Is worth uiore'n 10 rents,"
lie said. 'Til ( he j-nii ir, if you'll let
nie pull one of yniiivO'-Cble'igo Post.
Sciintoi-lnl llriNltfM-K.
"Why can't this bill bo rushed
through the senate?'
"It can, my boy; It can. I'll see thnt
It's presented this session, brought up
next session, argued the third session
nnd possibly passed the fourth sessions-Cleveland
l'lain Healer.
It is lu-ressary to Join the crowd or
pot out cf lis way n order not to be
Irampled to death. - Hazlltt.
Wisconsin Educator Proposes Ereo
tion of Monument to Rolf.
Madison, Wis., Aug. 2. Professor
Rasmus D. Anderson, a wellknown
Norse scholar and author, has started
a movement to bring about a genera)
celebration In America, England and
Scandinavia In commemoration of the
founding of Normandy by the Norse
chieftain, Kollo, or Rolf, in 891.
Professor Anderson believes that 11
the matter is properly presented te
the public steps will be taken to honot
the memory of Rolf by erecting monu
ments to him In some of the. principal
cities of America, England and Scan
Professor Anderson proposes July 4
1012, a-s the date for the Jubilee. He
suggests particularly that the Norwe
plans of America erect a monument tc
Rolf somewhere between St. Paul and
Minneapolis, that being approximate);
the center of tho Norwegian population
)n this country.
Professor Anderson Is the founder ot
the Scandinavian department of th
I'nlverslty of Wisconsin ffnd la a for
mor United States minister to Den
Two Deaths From Trolley Collision,
Westboro, Mass., Aug. 2. A head-ot
collision between electric cars on thf
Boston and Worcester street railway,
near this town, resulted In serious in
jury to 14 persons, one of whom sine
has died, while the death of a second
Is expected. Mrs. Caroline Stewart
was Injured internally and died a fe
hours after the accident
Says She Founded the D. A. R.
Washington, Aug. 2. Mrs. Flora
Adams Darling of this city has writ
ten an open letter making claim tc
founding the Daughters of the Amerl
can Revolution. Her letter was In
spired by credit which has been giver
Mrs. Walworth, a member of the D
A. R., as Its founder.
New York Provision Market.
New York, Aug. 1
WHEAT No. 2 red, $1.00 f. o. b
afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $USV4
CORN No. 2 corn, SGic f. o. b
afloat; No. 2 yellow, 5Gc.
OATS Mixed oats. 25 to SI Ins
41?J43c; clipped white, 30 to 4C
lbs., im 51c.
PORK Mess, $14.2314.75; family.
HAY Shipping, G7Vfcc; good tc
choice. 9iic.
PUTTER Creamery, extras, 174
nic; factory, ll13c; western
Imitation creamery, 13ff15c.
CHEESE State, full cream, small
choice, 8c.
EGGS State and Pennsylvania
fancy, 24c.
POTATOES Jersey prime, per bhl.,
Buffalo Provision Market.
Buffalo, Aug. 1,
WHEAT No. 1 northern, car loads
$1.09; winter wheat, 99'c.
CORN No. 2 white, 57c f. o. b
afloat; No. 2 yellow. 57c.
OATS No. 2 white, 4ty,c f. o. b
afloat; No. 3 white, 43 c.
FLOUR Fancy blended patent
per blil., $3.736.50; low grades, $3.7!
BUTTER Creamery western, ex
tra tubs, 17418c; state and Pepn
r.jivanla creamery. 1718c; dairy
fair to good, 15i$154c.
fHEESE Fancy full cream. 9c. ;
good to choice, 7 'Sis'!-; com
mon to fair, 4g,Gc.
EGGS State, fancy fresh. 22c
POTATOES Per bbl., $1502.25.
East Buffalo Live Stock Market.
CATTLE Best steers on sale, 5.7!
?G.00; fair to good b'ltcher steers
$4.404.00; medium half fat stoers
$3.f0(?r4.25; common to fair heifers
?3.00Tf:i.?5: choice to extra fat heifers
$4.nO(?i4.!iO; good butcher bulls, $3.2J
(Lff.fiO; choice to extra veals, $fi.75
7.00; fair to good veals, $G.00f7C.!i0.
lambs. $0.73157.00; culls to common
$4.00W4.7;; yearlings, handy weight
$4.7o(fto.50; wether sheep, $4.50(6.00
HOGS Mixed packers' grides
$..8C5.83; medium hog3, $5.75i3
5.S0; pigs, light, $5.S55 90.
Buffalo Hay Market.
HAY Timothy, per tons, loose,
$13.0014.00: hay, prime on track
$14.00; No. 1 do do, $12.00(3)13.00; No
2 do do, $10.0011.00.
Little Fall Dairy Market
Utica, N. Y., Aug. 1.
Sales of cheese at Little Falls dalrj
market today were:
Large colored, 2 lots of 18G boxes at
7c; large colored, 3 lots of 210 boxei
at 74c; large colored, 1 lot of 3
boxes, private trade; small white, 2(
lots of 1,340 boxes at 7V4c; small
white, 2 lots of 90 boxes 7'ic; small
colored, 23 lots of 1.GG0 boxes at 7c;
small colored, 1 lot of 00 boxes at 7'4c;
small colored, twins, 9 lots of 8GC
boxes at 7c; small white, 23 lots ol
1,370 boxes at 7&c.
Utica Dairy Market.
Ulica, N. Y Aug. 1.
Sales of cheese on the dairy market
here today wero:
Large white, 8 lots of G39 boxes at
7c; large colored, 27 lots of 2.049 boxes
at 7c; small white, 5 lots of 4G1 boxes
at 7Hc; small colored, 29 lots of 3,632
boxes at 7c; small colored, 5 lota oi
200 boxes at 714c
nUTTER Creamery, 38 packages
sold at 17c and .10 pneknges at 18c.
Pimples, Piks, Eczerm
Cuts, Burns, Bruises,
TettiT, Suit Khititii, Old Keren, I'lcer", t liilMalns
Cutiirrh, Corns, Cmeo Itiindsantl l.jjft,
Molls. ( iirluitii'leM. Kilo;i, Itching,
UK-cliiiK, l'r,,tni,liiiu I'ilin,
IllMH't lit'.lS. I'lllMjll
Ivy. uiul till
Diseases tire cured by
San-Cura Ointment
Whii li will H'oiuit once Hint Ili'liiiii;. I.uriiiim
pain. M e L'iiitninti-e tlial San-( urn Oimiiteiil m ill
not Im-iiI n nit or sure i,l any kllnl mil il the mlMin
1. all reiiinviHl; then it te nia mplitly. l'revenn
cam. DruKKisif ic and 5uc
Monster Sighted Off the Mexican
Coast Gets Away.
Mr. Hiiddlestou, secretary and trens.
urer nnd Chicago manager of tho oils
Manufacturing Company who returned
here yesterday on the steamship IIu
gin, tells an Interesting story of the
c.-ipture and subsequent escape of a
monster mnnta, or devil lish, on tho of Mexico. The fish becamo en
tangled In two heavy one-inch man I la
ropes and was being pulled alioard the
Hngln, says ttho New Orleans Tlmcs-
licmocrat, when Its enormous weight
broke tho ropes and the monster drop
ped back Into the water.
At the time tho Htigln was lying
off Chlltepec, Mexico, loading a caro
of mahogany. The several heavy lines
which had been used to hold the raft
of logs alongside the ship were still
out. The crew was busily engaged In
pulling these In when four of the
raftsm;n. who were In a boat not far
off, called their attention to the r.ut
that two of the heavy ropes had be
come entangled. Each of the ropes
was one Inch In diameter, and the two
had become wrapped around one tin
other. Four of the crew took hold of
the rope and tried to pull It In, but It
would not budge. They made several
attempts and tinally, concluding that
a log was attached to the other end,
pur one of the steam winches to work
and began to pull the ropes In. They
came In slowly.
After a few moments there wn.? a
tierce splash and a tremendous churn
ing of the water, anil the monster
devil tlsh came Into view. Those who
saw It declare that it was at least
eighteen feet long and ten feet wide
across the back. When tho greater
part of tho Dsn's body had been lifted
clear of the water the two heavy ropes
were seen to quiver. Another turn of
tho -capstan and they parted slnuil
taneously. allowing the tlsh to fall
back Into the water. Nothing more
was seen of It.
The sclentlllc name of the manta Is
cephaloptera. It Is also known as the
devil fish and sea devil. Capt. Larsen,
the muster of the Ilngin, estimated the
weight of the devil fish at two tons,
The ropes broken by the weight of
the fish were capable of lifting over a
ton and a half, he says, and the fish
must have weighed close to two tons.
How the fish became entangled In
the ropes Is u mystery. In one of
tho rafts of mahogany lumber a small
log was missing. It Is thought that
the lish swallowed this log, and that
ropes were entangled on It. New York
Mail and Express.
A new method of character Inter
pretation called scariology Is attract
ing attention In Europe. The art is
based on the assumption that tho con
dition of Hie shoes of any person will
te!l the wearer.'s character. A few of
the princpal rules are as follows.
When the heel and sole of the shoe
are equally worn the scarpologlst may
be confident that the wearer of the
shoe. If he be a man. Is energetic and
endowed with good business ability;
If a woman, that she is loyal to her
huslmnd, also good hou-ekeeper. When
the outer edge of the stile Is much
worn a wayward nnd fantastic disposi
tion is indicated. If It Is the inner
edge that is worn, the wearer Is timid
and Irresolute. When the 'shoes are
miu-h worn along tho edges anil the
leather around the toes looks shabby,
the oilier parts of tho shoes being as
good as new, the wearer you may be
sure Is a rogue.
A Ks:n Observer.
Driving along the road. Mr. Wily-
man and y.v. I'epe.-kenirr keep tli;lr
eyes open for the ma n chance. Soon
they cone upon u neat little farm.
Each gable of the house and barn has
a lightning red. and there are light
ning roiU tlis'wed artistically be
tween the gables, as well as on all
the feme po.-ts, at.d on the patent
windmill an 1 on the automatic gate,
anil on the self-rirging dinner bell,
and all about the Held of Bohemian
"Let's slon here," says Mr. Wily
'What for?"
"We can sell this man an air ship."
Sure, sale, Quick.
For Liver nml Kidneys, Thoiup-
son's Iiiirosinn.
The test of time Is the surest test.
Common sense Is the collective opinion
of the majority of the ppople. Hence
wnen tne test of time and public opin
ion agres on a state of things, you may
fael safe In following that opinion.
The principle ob:nl'i In medicine as
well as In everything else. That which
the majority of the pcple says Is right
must be right. Therefore the certitude
nf the verdict on Thompson's Barosma,
Kidney and Liver Cure. It has been
used for many years by people all over
the world. It has stood tho ten of time.
and has the approbation of every one
who Mas ever used it. Not In one so I-
tary Instance has Thompson's Rarosmi
failed to accomplish what Is claimed for
it the absolute cure for any affection
of the liver nnd kidneys. Most of
human physicnl Ills spring from de
rangement nf those orgnns. The heart,
he stomach, the hlndder, the nervous
system, the mind, all nnswer the dan
ger tocsin which tliey sound. Why do
oil suffer or endanger life with ne
L'tt, then, when a slight expenditure
for a time-tried remedy will put the
blood of youth in your veins again?
Xhenmatlsm? That is but one result of
kidney ailment. You can and will
make kindling wond of your crutches
after a short fours'? with Thompson's
r..n-fi';nia. At nil druggist n. fiOe ami $1.
imv ICiitex In Simili, Wv-t nml MortlinrM,
via Mi til l I'lnle Itiiail
on June 7ili ami 21 si, July full ,
hli, August 21 anil l.lth. For full
larticnlars, write A. (!. Sliowalter, I).
A., K07 State St., Erie. Pa. 52 al3
lor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the . "
Biguaturo of UW93?7a'
The more natural diet is more palatable, invigorating and strengthening to body and mind right to the
contrary with unnatural, improperly prepared food, which stunts the growth, dwarfs the mind, causes a
lack of will power and steadiness of nerve. No doubt that fifty per cent of the failures in life can be
traced to improper diet when young.
n mi
is a natural food, and is healthy for growing children. Let the children try it, and note after Continued
use the mental and physical vigor it imparts.
Palatable Hutrilious Easy of Digestion and Ready to Eat
Myllgnatur en
motiy packag:
Dr. Price, the creator of Dr. Price's Cream Bating Powder and Delicious Flavoring Extracts.
Prepartd by PRICE CEREAL FOOD CO., Food Mills, BATTLE CREEK, MICH., Main Offlcis, CHICAGO.
IPov Sale by L. J. HOPKINS, Tionesta, Pa.
I'ntrlnrrlio .Militant Karnrt Trnln
Boston toS.n Francisco via the Nick
el Plate road. Aa an eneort to the
General Commanding aiiHSiaH'oii thif
great trans continental tqur, u i n-ial
train has been arranged, starting I'rotu
H 8ton Sept. 8th. 1:00 p. m. via
Nickel Plate to Chicago Fur this
unlitaul parly, eldliomte programs ol
reception and entertainment are he
ing arranged at many points euroute.
Such opportunities l-.r pleasure and
entertainment enroule have never
heeD offered nnd the Chevaliers nf the
Patriarchs Militant are now securing
their accoinmoilalions for this partic
tilar train. The pleasure of tho trip
ami tram conveniences being extend
ed to all Old Fellowt, and their
freinds For detailed information
relative to this train, rates, etc , cull
on local agent or A C. Slmwalter, D
P. A. 807 State St., Erie, Pa. 373 7
Kprrnal Low Hair Kxranlon la SI. l.on
KMolllon via Mrkcl l'lntn ltnuil
nn Tuesdao and Thursday of each
week. Write A C. bliowaller, D. P.
A . 807 State 8t , Erie, Pa., for full
particurars. 51 a!3
A Mule ori'otton.
Or 75 bushels of corn to the acre,
without the use of an ounce of fertili
zer is not an unusual yield from
lauds in the lamnus Mississippi and
ia7oo Vat eys, traversed by the Illi
nois Central Railroad, the great
trunk line to the South.
Farmers desiring perfect climate,
nest soil, sure crops and steady mar
kets wnuld do well to locate homes
now, for prices are advancing in this
lavnred country. Send for illustrated
Iterature and letters from farmers
who have gone South to stay and who
ate perfectly satiehed to remain, iii
. Kichter, Pass, and Land Agent,
Illinois Central Railroad, 015 Bes
semer Building, Pittsburg, Pa. if
All Abonril
for Boston O. A. R. National Knoanin
nie n I, A uk. 15 20, via the Nickel Hate
Komi. TioketH on sale Auk. 1-th, 13th
and 14th. Liberal return limit. Slop nil'
at Niagara Falls and Chautauqua Lake.
A special G. A. It. train will leave Chi
cago K:00 a, m., Aug. lUth. For rate,
reservations io sleeping cars, etc , call
on local agent or address A. C. Snowalter
0. P. A., 8(17 State St., Erie, Pa. 307-alO
Tiust worthy lady or gentleman to
manage business in this country aud
adjoining territory for well aud fav
orably known house oolid financial
standing. $20 00 straight cash sala
ry and expenses, paid each Monday
by check direct fioni headquarters.
Expense money advanced. Position
permanent. Address Manager 810
Como Block, Chicago, III. to a!8
Fred. Grcttcnbcrger
All work pertaining to Machinery. En
gines, Oil Well TooIh, Gas or Water Fit-
Linga and tumoral ISlucksm itliltig prom pt
ly done at Inw Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery eiven special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
Write to us it you would have your money
earn 6 Per Cent, in a
First Mortgage on Real Estate.
423 Fourth Ave., PITTSBURG.
Capital & Surplus over $800,010.00
Scad for Ilouklet
Ollice i -t 7X National Hunk lttiilding,
Eyen oxamised free.
Exclusively optical.
o o
Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, nnd which lias been
in uso for over 30 years, has borno tho sl-rnaturo of
.w? nnd has been inado under his per
CjCTfrr,, supervision ulnoo its infancy.
aT7r. Allow no ono to deceive you in tills.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Just-as-rood" are but
Experiments that tritlo with nnd endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Cnstorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo
substance. Its ngo is its guarantee. JJpHestioys Worum
and allays Feverishncss. It cures Ii:irrliu-a and AVInd
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Uowels, giving healthy ami natural bleep.
The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tmi etNTAu ooanm, t
fJood Stork. (Jood Carrininia and lluir
gina to lot upon tlie movt reasonable torniH.
lie will alao tlo .
All orders left at the I'oot Olliee wil
receive prompt attention.
We promptly olilnlii II. H. and Foreign
Send model, 8eU!h or photo olinvention lui
freereportoo patentability. For free book,
Opposite U. S. Patent Office
Easy and Quick!
To make! the verv best soan. simnlv
dissolve a ran nf Jlmtitfr in cold
water, melt $i His. of grease, pour the
Lye water in ilie rre.nse. Stir nnd put
aside to set. ,
Full Direct iona on ery Package
rmiliur is pulverized. The can
may he opened and closed at will, per
mitting the ib.e of a small quantity at a
time. It is just the article needed in
every household. It will clean paint,
floors, marble and tile work, soften water,
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes.
Write for booklet " Uses of Banner
lye ' ' free.
The Pen a Chemical Works, 1'liiIuUclphia
WANTED: Mum or woman local rop
reNtmlHtives for a lilU Huns nnta
ziiiH. LurLTM mmtuiHHioiiH. ChmIi prizi'M.
Write J. N. 'JVninnr, Wi East WHshingloii
Square, New York, N. Y. tf
Signature of
auu (rater, mwyom city.
In The World!
Don't be satisfied to work'
along; in the same old way'
for. low wages. We can
help ycu carve out a suc
cessful career. Thousands
have increased their salaries
by following our plan. We
can train you in spare time,
and at small cost, for any
of the following positions:
Mechanical, Electrical, Steam, Civil, or
Mining Engineer ; Electrician; Surveyor;
Architect; Draftsman ; Bookkeeper; Sten
ogiapher; Teacher; Show-Card Writer;
Window Dresser ; or Ad Writer.
WrlUi TODAY, BtatlllB wlilrli !!
tlou Intrrotita you, to
Correspondence Schools
Box 799, SCRANTON. PA.
on rw .1.01 oru rorti. nn'iirsMTiTiYit!
F. S. GOODRICH, Oil City, Pa.
. I' cxi!,iin hour I ttinii'1i the
w I C. h. t-r tin; '..Mil..n M,.tc Mhi.ti 1 i.ive
Mochinicil Engineer Bookkvapar
QrafUman Sltnogf iphtr
Eletfriiiftl Cnglntar Siiow-Carii WrIUr
Elactncian Ad Writar
St e -in Etujitiear Window Drttiar
Civil Eoymaar Frcmrt i with
Afrhilaet tier man phono
Cttemiat Rpaniah graph
Ornamant. Pralgntr Cumtnarclal Law -
I 17901
I :
l St. anJAo I l
I Cilv . . Sl.ilf I'