The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 06, 1904, Image 3

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4. t. WCNK,
Editor 4 Proprietor.
. lt'liitimu Ticket.
of New York.
Vice President,
III Indiana.
Supreme Oiwrt Justice
ol Indiana County.
ol Venango Couuty,
of Tiouesta.
Associate Jm1)e '
of Ureen Twp.
Treasurer .
of Green Twp.
Prksidknt Rooskvklt would make a
good baseball captain. In shirting his
men from one position to another he
rarely makes a mistake.
It is probable Gen. Mile could see
little in the Prohibition uoiuiiiutiou for
President without the Democratic nomi
nation also. That appendage not appear
ing to be in sight the General turned tail
on the Prohl's.'
Nink-tknths of the newspaper coin;
ments, both Democratic and Republican,
are devoted to the tariff and reciprocity
planks of the platform adopted at Chi
cago. The pame proportion will undoubt
edly hold good throughout the entire
campaign. Who says now that the tariff
is not an issue in fact, almost the only
issue which separates the two parties in
the contest of 1004 ?
The Salvation Army has opened its
international congnssin Lr.ndou. The
world wido esteem which this once scoff
ed at form of philanthropy has won for
itself is well illustrated by the fact that
King Edward sent the congress an espec
ially cordial message of greeting Hiid com
mentation. About the Salvation Army's
faith tho world at large knows little; but
its works are manifest and cammend it
to all men.
Skchktary Shaw's estimate last Aut
umn of a f U.OOO.OOO surplus at the end of
t'".e fiscal year was remarkably correct.
He did not include in his estimated expen
ditures anything for the Panbma Canal
for that was uncertain and had been pro
vided Tor ; and ho did not, of course, in
clude the loan to the St. Louis Exposi
tion. Excluding those two matters the
a.itual surplus was $13,247,G74, very close
t) the Secretary's estimate.
The Prohibition national convention,
in session at Indianapolis, Ind., last
week, nominated for president, Dr. S. C.
Swallow, the erstwhile Pennsylvania
candidate for State treasurer, governor,
etc., but the Rev. Dr. has not rot ' signi
fied bis willingness to take the empty
honor, giving as a reason the impaired
health of his wife, whom he cannot leave
to give that attention to tho campaign
which the occasion would demand. It is
entirely likely that he will give it a try
anyway. The convention nominated
George Carroll, of Texas, for vice presi
UKNKKAL wiles it appears is not a
Prohibitionist, which probably accounts
for his refusal to, become the candidate
of that party. Even the Rev. Dr. Swal
low, who has been nominated may not
accept. In 1SH2 this party polled 219,1:13
votes, but 181H5 Its total was only i:2,007.
Iu Moo it ran up again to lW.Ooft, though
that was some SO, 000 short ol the number
of votes it polled eight years before.
There were nearly 1-1,00(1,000 votes cast iu
I'.KH), and the Prohibitionists got about 1
per cent, of them and then were far behind
their former record. No wander they
have difieulty in getting a responsible
man to head their ticket.
The suggestion of practical and thor
ough men relative to stud us in the
common schools a'l call for less diversity
and greater thoroughness, but impractical
pedagogues are yet able to gain the as
sent of school boards to the iutroduction
of many fanciful diversions. In a recent
Bpeech Lefore the board ol regents at Al
bany, Hon Whitclaw Reid said on the
Bubjoct: First, then, we must insist that
the common schools really teach, with a
thoroughness not yet so gonorally attain
ed as is needful, the three things that
make the common basis for all subse
quent work. Their pupils should leurn,
learu till they really know how to read,
writs and cipher. Until you make abso
lutely sure of that let us have fewer
Thk condition of the country was de
scribed by Speaker Cannon, in his speech
on taking his place as chairman of tho
late Republican convention, and among
other good things relating ihurolu ho said:
' Let me call your attention to tho fact
that the people of the United Slates now
have far greater wealth than the people of
any other country on earth. Capital is
abundant; interest rales are decreasing
and cipilal seeks Investment. And while
the law prohibits unlawful combinations,
great blccks of competitive private capi
tal have been and Bre being invested iu
all the industries of the country. It can
bo easily foiseen thai when a legitimate
plant enmes into competition with a plant
that in eaptalizcd lor two or three times
its value, the over-capitalized plant will
goto tho wall. It is an open secret that
within the last two years the shriukago
Irom over capitalization haa been many,
many hundreds of million rf dollars.
The property Is all there now as it was
two years ego; but the wind and the
water and the gas have di-appeared,
greatly to the advantage ol the penplu of
the country. And yet, on the averago, I
aay again, our people are bette r em
ployed, and at a belter wage, and have
been for the last twelve months than ever
before, and notwithstanding this groat
shrinkage of fictitious values, the mill
ions of people throughout the country
w ho live in the sweat of their faces, do
not know thereof, ami aru nut alfucted
Terrible Scourge Coming:.
One of the worst scourges that has de
vasted tho growing crops and timber
lands since the scourge ol the great army
worm, nearly 40 yeati ago, is now going
on iu sections of Armstrong county at the
present time and threatens to destroy not
only the apples and other crops, but the
orchards as well. They Bre also destroy
ing forests of timber laud. The work ol
the ruin was seen by the writer last Mon
day in Kiskiniinetas and South Bend
townships where a green worm, which is
known to most persons as the tailor or
measuring worm, is at work in armies of
billions of number. They cut the leaves
from the stem and leave the orchard look
ing black and burnt like, as when the
frost has robbed it, except that tho stem
of the leaves add a blend to the dark
color. No remedy has bocu found and
the scourge is so great and bas assumed
such an alarming phase that state aid has
beeu asked in hopes that some general
and concerted work may be commenced
by the aid and knowledge .gained by the
state colleges in the study of pests of this
kind and state aid financially to helpsave
the forests and fruit trees of the state, as
it is claimed the worms actually kill the
trees. We do not know to what extent
over the state the scourgo reaches.
I.eechburg Advance.
A Card of Thanks.
We desire to cordially thank all the old
customers of the Tiouesta Cash Store for
their generous patronage iu the past, and
hope, by the aid ot a big cut in prices and
the same careful attention to your wants,
to met it a continuance of your patronage.
We desire also to remind those know
ing themselves Indebted to tho old linn
that we must have a settlement of these
accounts at an early da'e, and trust they
will call and adjust the same.
Landers A Wyman .
A Custom 1 lint 1)mcm Hark to the
I'tiinilive ( lirlntluu Cliurch.
The custom of publishing the bmins
of marriage dates back to the) primi
tive i-hun-h, for Tertullian, who died
A. D. 40, states that warning of in
tended marriages whs given among the
ently Christ inns.
It appears that the publication ol
banns was habitual in many places
long before there was any general law
on the subject, since (iregory IV. (1108
1 1 ' I speaks of the banns (from Lnthl
batinnni, a proclamation; Anglo-Saxon.
nam being given out In church, ac
cording to custom. The practice was
introduced Into France about the ninth
century and in 117(1 was enforced In
the diocese of Paris.
The earliest ennelmeut on the sub
ject In England was an order niade In
the synod of Westminster In 1200 to
the effect flint no marriage should be
celebrated till the banns had been pub
lished in the church on three several
Sundays or feast days. This rule was
made obligatory throughout the cliurch
by tho fourth Lot era n council held In
Rome In 12l.". Iiy net of parliament
banns must now be given out in Eng
land on three Sundays. London An
tlir IIliiinlnynN Are Found th
Most MiikiiIIIci-ii t StierimeiiN.
The magnolia, so called from Pierre
Magnol, professor of botany at Mont
pellicr In the seventeenth century, Is a
genus embracing fourteen species of
remarkably handsome shrubs delicious
ly scented and far more hardy than Is
commonly supposed. They are very
widely distributed In China. Japan nnd
the Himalayas aud in Mexico nnd the
United States.
The oltl world species seem to have
been the earliest cultivated, the Chi
nose preserving tne nmis as welt ns
using them medicinally and to season
their rice. The p'urplo flowered Japa
nese plant was discovered by Kiemp
for In Ki'.HI nnd introduced Into Eng
land In 17n!. The Himalayas possess
three varieties, among them the most
magnificent of all, Magnolia Campbell!,
a conspicuous object in the scenery of
liarjeeling. eighty feet high, twelve
feet in girth, with (lowers ten Inches
North America 1ms given many (lis
finer varieties, among' thein the cu
cumber or timbrel hi tree, the beaver
tree and the favorite Magnolia grand!
A Unllnnt Who Itarrly Weda
illulilt-n lie Attends.
A Spanish maiden who Is In
least attractive is always attended by
a young man. He is called her novio,
niiil it is his privilege to iiceonipaiiy
her on her walks, though of course al
ways with either her mother or a maid
to piny propriety. His courtship sel
dom ends In his becoming engaged to
the young lady, but while It lasts she
has to be obedient and loyal to liim.
If he should transfer his affections
to another fair damsel, the slighted one
has no redress, for lie Is quite at liber
ty to do so, their friendship never be
ing regarded In the light of a formal
engagement. Marriages are settled by
the heads of the two families chiefly
concerned, and until such an arrange
ment is made the young Spaniard may
be novio to as many girls as he likes,
one after n not her. This custom has
certainly more advantages for the men
than It has for the maidens, but yet
few Spanish girls would care to be
without a novio, however licklo he
might be.
There is inoro Cm in rh in this section
of the country than nil other diseases put
together, and until the last few years was
supposed to bo incurable. For a great
itniiiy years doctors pronounced it a local
disease, and prescribed local remodies,
and bv constantly failing ,o euro wiih
local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to bo a con
stitutional disease, and theiefoin ren,iii-es
constitutional tieiement. Il:ili"s Ca.uirh
Cii'-e. manu,"oc tired by E. J. Cheney it
Co., Toledo, Oii'o, is tlio on'v coiish-ii-tional
cine on I tie market, it is taken
internally in doses from 10 drops to a
teaspoon l ii I. ltaets directly on the blood
aril mucous snriaces ol'ihn syslem. They
otter one hundred dollars for any case it
tails to cure. Send for circulars anil tes
timonials. ' E. .1. CI 1 10 N E V A Co. , Toledo, O.
Sold by Drii';gis,s, 7,-jo.
Hall's family Pills are the best.
Some men have a mania for shutting
doors in Minimer and leaving them open
in winter.
The Way nn Old. Wo mini Outwitted
tile Scotch Port.
A story Is told about Iturus in his
capacity of exciseman. Old .lean Pa
vhltion kept a i-nnill whisky shop and
was suspected of putting more fresh
water Into her liquor than was need
nil or lawrui. l.urns accordingly came
with his apparatus and at once detect
ed tne irregularity. ".Now, .lean, inn
woman," he said, "I eantin tnk this to
iMiinfrios this night; 'tis ower late.
P.ut I'll seal It wl' the king's seal nnd
return to lift It In the morniii'." When
he had gone to his lodging Jean fetched
the village cooper, who removed a hoop
from the barrel and bored ll hole,
through which the adulterated liquor
wtis drawn off ami stuff of regulation
strength put in. Then the hoop was
rcflxed, mill Jean, with a brave heart
awaited the ganger. In the morning
up came I!urns to claim the keg. '-One
minute, Mr. Hums," said Jean sweetly
'o miglrf Jest test that whisky to
convince me, since I cannn see how
could have been maklti' sic a mistake.'
"It means breaking the king's seal,'
siiiii minis, "Put I II Just fix on an
other." So the sample was taken and
tested mid of course found to be all
right. lltiriH was bewildered. "Was
there aught wrung wi' me, Jean, last
n leh t?" he asked. "Weel, Mr. Hunts
'tis ua for me to say. Weel, I just
tnociit ye were fully smert wl your
wet tester."
In Working It lienlle llent nnd I'ren
lire Are Mntuly I ed.
A tortoise shell is Harder ami more
brittle than ordinary horn. Heat and
pressure are practically the only menus
which can be employed in working it.
nnd it Is impossible to work tortoise
shell at a great heat, since the coloring
pigment easily liquefies and obscures
the shell, thereby greatly lessening its
value. Heavy pressure Is also Impos
sible owing to its brittle character.
The plates of the carapace, or Pfck
shell, are first separated from the skel
eton by the application of gentle licnt
and then flattened by a similar proc
ess. The superficial Irregularities tire
next rasped off. and the material Is
polished, ready for molding into any
desired shape.
larger or thicker plates are produced
by a process which requires great care
and attention. Two surfaces are first
rasped and cleaned and are then gen
tly heated anil pressed together. The
heat liquefies them, anil the pressure
effects n perfect union, making nn In
visible joint.
1 ortolse shell combs are cut by the
highly Ingenious twinning machine, so
called because two combs are cut from
the same plate, so that the teeth of one
dovetail Into the spaces of the other.
avoiding all waste.
Hell nnd 'rlniiilertoini.
An Instance of the absurdity of some
of the notions held by our ancestors
was the notion that the ringing of the
church bells had a counteracting effect
in a thunderstorm. It was supposed
that the vibration of the air caused bv
the movement of the bells resulted in
the dissipation of the electric fluid in
the nlr. Tlie belief was so common at
one time that the bells were mug ns
Boon ns signs of an approaching Hum
uerstorai were seen. Science now holds
a contrary opinion. Not only does the
sound have no possible effect on the
air, but the vibration caused by the
sound of n bell upon n cloud charged
with eh'etrlcity may cause It to dis
charge its contents upon the ringer of
the bell in the church tower.
A Clei-cj-ninn'x I'rayrr.
An old clergyman In Maine In a drj
season exchanged with a brother from
the seacoast. The congregation was
made up of men, half farmers and half
fishermen, anil the soil was sandy and
poor, while his In the interior was fer
tile nnd rich. He opened his prayer as
follows: "O Lord, I have been asked to
pray for rain, nnd 1 do so, but thou
knowest. O Lord, what this soil iuhvIs
Is dressing."
Sleeplnu In Jiipnn.
The Japanese never sleep with the
head to the north. This is because the
(lead in Japan are always burled with
tho head in that position. In the sleep
ing rooms of many of tin- private
houses nnd of hotels a diagram of the
points of the compass is posted upon
the ceiling for the convenience of
Enjoyed the
"Hid you eiijoy tin;
Evenln jf.
evening of errand
opera '!"
"Hid I."' nnswer'd Mr. Cunirox en
thusiastically. "It was great. I sent
mother nnd the girls there, dismissed
nil the servant and then went down
niiil smoked a cigar right In the par
lor." Washington Star.
One Lady's KrroiiiiiitMiiliuiiiu Snlil F
Itoxes li f L'hKinberlnie'a Slomnch
nnil I.ivi-r Tnlilrm.
I have, I believe, so!d fifty boxes of
Chambe.'lain's Stomaoh aud Liver Tab
lets on tho recommendation of one lady
here, who first bought a box of thorn
about a year ago. She never tires ot tell
ing tier neighbors and friends alout tho
good qualities of these Tablets. P. M.
Shore, Druggist, lioeheslor, Ind. The
pleasant purgative eilect of these Table s
makes them a favorite with ladies every
where. Sold by Dr. J. C. Dunn.
Many men and women are constantly
subject to what lltey commonly toim "a
omnium strain" because ol some finan
cial or family trouble. It wears ami dis
tresses them both menially and physic
ally, allecling their nui ves badly and
bringing on liver and kidney ailments,
with the attendant evils of constipation,
loss of appetite, sleeplessness, low vital
ity ami despondency. Thoy cannot, as a
rule, gel rid of this "continual strain,"
lint they can remedy its health-tlostroy-ing
effects by faking frequent doses of
(renn's August Flower. It to'ies up the
liver, stimulates the kintleys, insures
healthy bodily functions, gives vim and
spirit to one's whole being, and eventu
ally dispels t no physical or mental itis
t'ess caused ov that "continual strain."
lal bottle ol Auuust Flower 'I'm : reiru-
hirsizo, 75e. At J. D. Davis'.
World Fu'r I'.vrivn:iuiN.
Low-rate ten-day coach excursions via
Pennsylvania Iti Hroad, July 2, 7, I I, 21,
and 2S. Hate. Si 1.15 from Tiouesta. Train
leaves Tiouesta at 1 1.01 a. in. connect inn
Willi special train from Mow York arriv
ing St. Louis 4.15 p. m. next day. J 18
fiireil nrciiroiiii- lllnrrlni'K After Ten Yenrn
of Niilleriiiit.
"I wish to say a few woids in praise of
Chamberlaln's'Colic, Cholera and Diar-
rno-a netnetly," pays Mrs. Maine Hurge,
of Martinsville, Va. "I suffered from
chronic diarrhoea for ten years and ittir
lug that time tried various medicines
without obtaining any permanent relief.
l.asi siininier one ol my children was
taken w ith cholera morbus, and I pro
cured a bottle of this remedy. Only two
doses were required lo irive her entire re
lief. I then decided to try the medicine
myself, ami ditl not use all of one bottle
before I was well and I hava uover since
been troubled with that complaint. One
cannot say too much in favor ot that won
tiertui medicine." This remodv is for
sale by Dr. J. C. Dunn.
One that is sure to suit you with the same
buildings water and fences you have
now. How Is it done? Simple enough
Just use tho "easy draft" and "easy to
hold" Lo Koy Plow that with no more
horse power i ban tho other makes will
get down and turn up a new farm under
the old one. This soil has rested for
years and will bear good crops, liny tho
"LeKoy Plow" and you will use no
other. Sold by Lanson Bros., Tiouesta.
House ami I.ot For Sale.
A six room house in good repair, lilted
throughout with natural gas and city
water, situated ou a large lot with a num
ber of iruit trees, on Vine street, Tio
r;'sta, is offered for sale. For particulars
call on or address J. t). Tayler, iW Cen
ter street, Oil City, Pa. jl l!l
f'bninberliiiii'H t'nlie, t'bnlern nnil Illnrrhucu
This remedy is certain to bo needed in
almost every home before the summer is
over. It can always be depended upon
even in the most severe and dangerous
cases. It is especially valuable for sum
mer disorders in cuildien. It Is pleas
ant to take and never falls to give prompt
relief. Why not buy it now? It may
save life. For sale bv Dr. J. C. Duuu.
The Valley nl'the Nile.
Id u richer liiau the i'eriil country
traversed by the Illinois Central
Railroad iu iho states of Tennessee,
Mississippi aud Louisiana. North
eru farmers have awakened t thio
fact and are rapidly settling here, for
they appreciate the fact that the soil,
crops, climate, water, markets, etc.,
are all that could be esired and they
are buying laud while tho priceo are
yet very low. Write the undersigned
lor free illustiated literature and fino
out for yourself. E A. Kit-liter,
Pus, and Land Agent, Illinois C en
tral Railroad, G17 Hessemer litiiUing,
Pittsburg, Pa. if
crnl l.inv Kale Kxi-uniiiiii lo Nt. I .on in
l:iionitiim viu Mi-kcl I'lute Kiiuil
on 1 uesdao and Ihursdav of each
week Write A. C. Sbnwalter, D. P.
A . K07 State St., Erie, Pa., for full
particurars. 51al3
A Hale of t'otlon.
to Diisneis oi corn to tne acre.
without the use of an nuucsof fertili
zer is not an unusual yield from
lands in the lamous Mississippi and
iH7oo vai eys, traversed by the Illi
nois Central Kailrond, the great
trunk line to the South.
Farmers desiring perfect climate,
best soil, sure crops and steady mar
kets would do well to locate homes
now, for prices are advancing in Ihis
favored country. Send for illustrated
lterature and letters from farmers
who have gone South to stay and who
are perfectly satished to remain. K
. Ktchtcr, l'tiss. and Laud Agent,
Illinois Central Kailroad, bid lies
semer Building, rittaburg, Pa. tf
Hour sack l..'!0l.l0
Corn, meal, feed, $ 100 lb...
Corn meal, family. B 100 lb....
Chop feed, pure grain
Corn, shelled
Kuck wheat flour, i lb
Beans f bushel
Ham, sugar cured ,
Haeon, sugar cured
Salt Pork, lb
wmtensu kit
.35(a) .50
.SSfy .50
;n. u. Molasses
Colfee, Itoast Kio
Coffee, blended Java
F.ggs, fresh
.0505 . OS
Salt "0 barrel ,
Potatoes, "d. bushel
Potatoes, sweet, f' Iti
Lime V barrel
Nails keg
Notice to Contractors.
By virtue of authority granted him un
!er Ordinance No. 17. oi the Borotnrh of
Tiouesta, the undersigned, President of
tli- council of said liorough, will receive
bids for excavating, laying Iho tile, cov
ering the same and building stone catch-
nasins tor a lilo drain on JSridge and Kim
liids will also be received for furnish
ing 821 feet, 24-irteh tile: :i ioinls 21 inch
tile wito a 12-inch tee; 1 joint 24-inch
tile with a 10-inch tee; 1 joint 24 inch
ti e with an 8-Inch tee; 1-H left IS inch
tile pipe; 1 joint 18-inch pipe with 12
ineh tee ; 51 feet H-inch tile pipo. t. o. b.
cars at Tionesln station. Said tile to be
either No. 1 or No. 2 shale or lire clay, in
accordance with plans and specifications
prepared liy ). w. Clark, ent!iner, and
which are on file at iho olllco of A. C.
Blown iu saitl ISorougn. Iiids should in-
Mule all material and labor necessary
lor construction of said drain, and must
bo in the'hanils of the secretary, A. C.
lirown, on or before July 15 lOtil, at 7:U0
clock p. in,, Ht which lime the same
will tie opened in council. Successful
bidders will be required to give bond for
faithful performance of tho contract.
council reserving lite light to reiect any
or all bills.
J. 11. Mtisu, President.
A. C. liuowN, Secretary.
Juno 2!i, 1001.
Dissolution Notice.
Take notice, that the partnership here
tofore existing between i. F. Miles, J.
W. Landers and W. (1. Wyman, under
the li r I ii name of the Tiouesta Cash Store,
has this day been dissolved by mutual
agreement, O. V. Miles withdrawing from
said firm.
The business will be continued by J.
W. Landers and W. (J. Wyman, under
the firm name of Tiouesta Cash Store, at
the same plnco as heretofore. All ac
counts due the old firm will lie collected,
and all debts owing by said fu in w ill be
paid, bv tho new firm.
O. K. Mi lis.
J. W. Lanp' km,
W. U. Wyman.
Tionesta, Pa., June 27, IIHM.
from tho heat on ao ount
of unseasonable under
wear. Get Bimothiog
comfortable. Light
weight garments here to
pleaso any man.
25 to 50 l is. lcr harmful.
Straw Hats,
Negligoe Shirts,
Ties, and
Other Furnishigs to make
you feel conteuted during
hot weather.
I am bet er prepared than
ever to attend to all work
iu my Hue with neatness
ami dispatch. If you have
painting or papering to do
let me quote price-. I guar
antee my work and refer
. you to anynue who has em
ployed me in the past.
Youis respectfully,
Those 3(5, Tionksta, Pa.
Fred. Grcttcnbcrger
All work Pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General Hlaeksiii I thing prompt
ly done at J.ow Kates. Kopairmg Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed..
Shop in rear of and just west of the
Miaw House, Tidtoute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
ICrpaii'M Itoiler, Stills,
Tanks Agitator. Hiijn
nnd Sell Second - hand
lioiltis, !.(.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End of Suspension Bridge,
Third ward, Oil IT1, PA.
Cured Ity One Uottlc of That Wonder
ful New Medicine, Cal-enra Solvent
Write for a Small Jlottle.
M attkawa.v, X. Y., Oct 1, 1902.
Gentlemen :
My case is so remarlablo that I want
to tell yon nil about it. I sufforcd from
bladder troublo for about 23 years, and
had tried all tho doctors about hero.
nud also two specialists in New York,
without getting any help. Lust August
I lioiii.'ht :v bottle of Ciil-rura Solvent,
Dr. Kennedy's new medicine. I had not
been able to work nt my trade (boiler
making) for some time, but after taking
one bottle of Cal-cura, Solvent, I began
work anil liavo been working ever since.
lours truly. MARTIN FULLER.
ftrmrmhrr, Calntra Solvent cures 0P1
of all enten qf Kidney, Uladdrr and Liver
dixnrder. You may have a free sample
bottle of this wonderful medicine, and
descriptive booklet, by simply Bending
your inline and address to Tho Cal-cura
t onipanv, Kennedy Row, l!oiidout,N. Y.
Largo bottles $1.00 (only one size) all
druggists, or if they do not have it, send
to the abovo proprietors.
Nnfe. AIwrv Miiible. Lnril, ftflk Prwelst for
II 1411 KVI HH'fc KXiKISII in Ked and
tUoM metallic txjxes, RpaU'd with blue riorum.
Take no otlMr. llt'Tinte danireroun
I til nnd i mil il Ioiim. Itiiy nf your limi'ist,
or M-ml It, in si;iuiH for lnr( i'iilur, Tentl
monluW aiitl ItcllW for l.nli," in Utter,
by nHurii Hail. lo,000 Testimonial!, bold by
all imiifUth.
&1(M OTUUifton Hquar, 111 ILA ftA
Mtatlva ki imv
382,000 Acres
Open for Settlement
Rosebud Indian Keaerrati in, South Dakota, open for
settlement iu July. Registration for llieso valuable
lands, and permits lo go on the reservation, at Cham
berlain and Yankton, S. D , July 5 to 23. Drawing
of lota under Government control, at Chambeilain on
July 28. Chair berlain is reached only by the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
The boat places from which to enter the reservation
are Chamberlain, Oeddos, Platte and Yauklou,
reached by t is railway.
Illustratod folder with valuable maps and compluto
information about rates, routes aud train service for
two cents' postage.
JOHN It, POTT, lloom I, Park Hldg.,
District Passenger Agent, PITTNIIIJItU.
A. 0.
A. Watnb Cook,
CAPITAL STOCK, - - - 150.000.
'A. Way lie Cook, Q. W. Itobinsoii, Win. 8mearbauKh.
N.P.Wheeler, T. F. Ritchey. J. T. Palo, J. II. Kelly.
Collections remitted for on day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise our custom
erg all the benefits consistent with conservative b kinir. Interest ptid on timo
deposit. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
The Smart
Magazines bImuI.I have a well-defined purpose.
Genuine entertainment, amusement aud meutal recreation are the
motives of The Smart St, the
Its novel. (a complete one in each uumbcrare by the most bril
liant authors of both hemispheies.
Its short Ntories are matchless-clean and full of human interest.
Its poetry coveriog the entire field of verse-pathos, love, humor,
tenderness-is by the most popular poets, men aud women, of the day.
Its jokes wltlci.Mli, Mketehe, etc., are admittedly the niot
No pages are wasted on cheap iKustratious, editorial vaporings or
wearying essays aud idle discussions.
Every page will interest, charm and refresh you.
Subscribe now $2.50 per year. Remit in cheque, P. 0. or Express
order, or registered letter to THK Nil HIT HUT, 452 Fifth Avenue,
New York. '
2b AND 29 SENECA ST. ,
Feed & Sale
Fino Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Item ol Jfof el Weaver
T l phone . 20
Vice rrosidon
To Take EfToet July (iili, iilOIl.
3 IT
I Kastorn Time NOUTH
p. in
a. in
Leave Arrivolp.
Hops Hun
Newtown Mills
Kellottville 1
Htick Mills 12
Maybunr 12
l'orkey 12
Minister 12
Wellers 11
Hastings it
Blue Jay II
Henry's Mill 11
Karnes 10
Sheflleld 10
m. p. m
7 00
6 ro
II 30
0 20
tl 15
7 30
7 40
1 I".
1 f5
2 .
2 201
2 25'
00 8 00
45 ft f0
35 5 40
10 5 'JO
(15 5 25
55 5 21)
8 4i
8 ft.
2 ,10
2 -It)
2 SSj
'.) (II)
40 5 10'
30 4 55
00 4 40
40 4 25
!) I,")
;t io) ;to
3 2f!l 60
3 4ftjl0ll0
4 15
p.mla. to
.rrive i,eavoi.
T. D. COLLINS, Pkksidknt.
Tskini? ell'eet. May 2!th, 1904.
No. 30 Uull'ulo Express, daily
fixeettt SuihIhv ii.nin .
io. un i'iiy ana fittsbnrtr
Oil City Aeeoniiiiodution Sun
days only, 5:ldl a 8:03 p. m.
For Hiekory.Tidioute, Warren, Klnzua,
Mradlbrd, Olotin and the East :
No. 31 Olean Express, daily
exeept Sunday 8:43 a. m.
No. 33 PittshiirK Express,
daily exeept Sunilny 4:45 p. m.
Olean 'Hfeoiiimodiition, (Sun
days only !:iSa. m.
Warren aet-omuiuihilion, Mini
days only 2:45 p. m.
Eur Timo Tables and additional infor
mation eousult Ticket Agent.
(-itinera! Manager. 1'assenuer Trullic Mjr.
UEO. II. iiOYD, Oon'l Passenger Agt.
Positions await our graduates.
More positions are offered us ilian we
cau supply. Special advantages in
our Summer School. All departments
pi veil for the price of a single course.
The Iltiriness World is looking to the
I'ltisiues-j College more than ever.
Jo n us nnd belter your condition.
.Students enter at any time. Write
for details.
Warren, Pa.