The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 08, 1904, Image 3

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KpproHontH nil the lending Fire In
Hurance CotnpHnio of the world,
. and can innnre you HtfHitiKt Inns at
loweHt rates ohtaimihle. We are
hI ho agents in Koront county for the
whiuh furnlnhos security for Coun
ty and townxhlp olllclals. Also
furnlHhoa bonds lor
at j nominal foe. A nice line of
Roal KulHle I)ealn Hlwajn to be bad
at this airencv.
C. 1-1. All & SON,
Lain mors. Ad.
JlopkiriH. Locals.
Dnvoe A Co. Letter.
I'onn'a Hv. Readers.
C. M. t St. P. Hy. Ad.
Smart it Sillioi lerg. Ad.
Lawronce Paint. Locals,
liorotigh Ordinance No. 17.
Mick el Plate Ity. Keadera.
White Star Orocory. Locals.
Murcantllu Tax Notice. F. A. Keller.
DiHMolution Nolico. Tionohta Mantel
Oil tnurkot closed at f 1.G2.
Oil and Has leases at this office.
HopKins sells the Douglas shoes tl
Wall paper at Dunn's drug store. It
Hopkins matches all comers In prico.
Nover used Lawrencef Tryit this
spring see Dr. Ounu about It. It
Ladles' ready-to-wear wit-h suits,
skirts and shirt waists. You will find
the best line al Hopkins' store. It
For sick headache take Chain berla'n's
Stomach and Liver tablets and. a quick
cure is certain. For sale by Dr. J. C.
Dunn. If.
The White Star soils only the choic
est of groceries, canned goods, confec
tions, etc. lii'skies the famous "Table
Queen" bread. It.
Ham. T. Carson captured a three-foot
rai tier all vo Monday. Don't know what
Sam lutedns doinft with it, but as a house
pot think we'd prel'or a yellow dog.
A reward of $10 will be paid for the
roturn to J. If. Kelly, Tionesta, Pa., of
an F.iiKllsh Bolter dog ; whito, with brown
.pits, brown ears, brown spot on top of
tall. Disappeared Thuisday morning,
June 2, 190 1. It
Win. Ierman, a lesidont of Heleu
Furnaco, Clariou county, died nt the For
est Hotel, Marionville, on the '-9lh u It.,
alter a short illness, aged 60 years. His
remains were interrod In the Marien
villo cemetery.
The Derrick's oil report for May
shows 77 new wells completed In the
Pennsylvania fields. There were 1125
rigs and drilling wells, and a gain of 17
-wells was shown. The gain In new work
was 37 and a decrease of 415 barrels In
new production was notod.
Tho M. E. and Presbyterian Sabbath
schools are rehearsing for "children's
day" exercises next Sabbath, the latter
taking tho place of the regular preaching
service iu the morning, and the former
will be hold In the oveulng. A cordial
invitation is extended to both these in
teresting exercises.
-Fifty county and local fairs will bt
held lit Pennsylvania next fall by agri
cultural societies. The amount of pre
miums o lie red by those societies is f l'Jti,
110, and at the most of these fairs there
will be racing. Fairs will be held in 'his
section at Stoneboro, Kittanuing, Hutler,
Clarion, Cambridge Springs, Brookville,
Punxsutawiey, and Now Castlo.
A special sent out from Spartansburg
is to the elfect that figures received there
this week indicate that the largest cream
ery in tho State of Pennsylvania is locat
ed in that borough. The creamery has
153 patrons and the average daily receipt
of.niilk is SM,5lK) pounds. Contracts have
just Leen signed with a New York linn
lor the entire output of butter for the
summer mouths for the Unitod States
The family dog of Fletcher Lackey,
who resides at Oldtown, three miles up
the creek from Tionesta mado a villous
attack upon his little six-year-old daugh
UUast Friday, and would have killed
r JfW not older members of the family
jone to the rescue. Tho child's hand,
udioulder and head were badly lacerated
by the brute whose actions cannot be ac
counted for, as he was not known to bo a
vicious animal. The dog was promptly
shot, and the child Is getting alopg all
A Nebraska, Pa. correspondent states
that a load of timber for the Watson
Lands Lumber campany's barge yard
Ji as arrived there fiom the State of Wash
ington, the shipper being K.S.Collins,
who is extensively engagod in lumber
ing near Ostrander, Wash. It Is a long
ways to bring material for barge building
and is somewhat in the nature of "carry
ing coals to New Castle," but if it can be
, made to pay, tho barge building iudustry
in this country Is destined for yet a long
lease of life.
There is a North Missouri editor who
is very foud of honey. This editor makes
frequent trips to Kansas City, whenever
lie makes one of these trips be stops at a
hotel wheie he can always get honey.
On a recent trip he was accompanied by
his wife, and as tbeywere approaching
the city ho told his wife be was Hearing
tho place where haeould pet his honey.
That niglit as theelined at the hotel, ho
turned to a waiter and asked : "Whore is
niy honey?" With a broad smile, the
waltor replied : "You moan that little
black-hairod one? Oh! sho don't work
li'ore no more." The editor is still ex
plaining to his wife.
I'avid F. Stroble, ono of tho pioneer
residents of'Clarion county, died nt his
late home, nt Strolilet'in, Juno 2d, 1WI.
Ho was bom in Centre county, October
Hi, 1S25, and removed to the .community
where he spent tho balanco of his life,
hixty-two years ago. June 2, 1S5j, ho was
united in marriage with Mary Kineli.
Ti e deceased was a brother of our towns
lady, Mrs. Herman Coleman, who, with
her sons, Nu'iiuol ami Jacob, attended tho
funeral, which was held on Sunday last.
The services were attended by an im
mense concourse of friends of tlie de
ceased, lor hn was a man who was greatly
Cbtcuod by all who knew 1 ml.
The Pennsylvania Club with 400 vot
ers as memoirs was organ l.ed in Wash
ington, D. C, ou May 25tb. The active
membership is limited to Pennsylvania
Republican voters living in Washington,
of whom there are about 2000, so the club
will onny a large membership. Col. W.
K. Andrews was elected president of the
club and Hun. S. R. Siratton Is one of tho
Board of Governors. Among the objects
of the club is the entertainment of Penn
sylvania Republicans who visit the capi
tal, Reading rooms will be established
in the larueclub house at the corner of
15tb and K streets whore Pennsylvanians
visiting Washington will be cordially
ShoriirOeorge W. Nobllt, of Tionesta,
arrived in the city on Thursday morning
and returned In the afternoon with Wil
liam Knhn, of that neighborhood, who
was charged with the larceny of a silver
watch and gold chain. The man was ar
rested here on Tuesday after be had at
tempted to sell tho timepiece at several
places, his last prospective customer I e-
Ing ex-Police Oiflccr Clyde Culp, who
turned him over to Chief of Police Nu
gent. Derrick. The young man above
referred to Is named Albert Koons, and
he hails from Luzerne county. The watch
taken was the property of a Mr. Peter
sou, of Ruck Mills, Koons was taken
bofore 'Squire John Shaw, of Kolloltviile,
last Friday, who sentenced him to three
mouths in tho county Jail.
Last Saturday Mrs. I). E. Carson, of
Stewart Run, brought a real curiosity to
this office in the shape of a fully develop
ed hen's egg that bad entwinod In Its
inat a horsehair measuring twenty-six
and ono-half luclitts. The egg had been
hard-boiled with a number of others, by
Mr. J. A. Dawson, and when broken
open tho hair, which was dark and evi
dently came from tho tail of some
horse, was wound nr distributed all
through the eg. Here Is a freak which
we will not attempt to explain, but will
leave to some scientific "talented cuss" lo
unravel. How that tremendous big hair
got Itself tangled In that egg is too much
ol'a problem for this (.hop. If it had got
mixed up in a roll of butler then the
mystery would have been a cinch for us.
Several preachers puzzled themselves
and tho'r congregations one Sunday by
trying to discover and explain the reason
why men don't go to church. Now there
is no mystery whatevei about that matter.
The men don't go to church simply be
cause tlioy don't believe iu the necessity
of going. They have not the deep and
vital religious faith of which church work
is the outward expression. They may
think they believe, but actually tbey do
not belieye lo tho religion they profess.
They aro not convinced that their fato for
all etornity depends on faith in Its dogmas
and obedience to its obligations. How to
get men to go to church ? Let there be a
revival of true and genuine religious
faith and the churches will not be large
enough to hold them. New York Sun.
A sight as rare as it is pretty and in
teresting may be teen at the rear of the
Whito Star Grocery, where Frank Amp
ler is propagating a lot of Mongolian
pheasants. The old birds a male and
two females -are the property of F. A.
Keller, and are very handsome. The
bens have laid nearly or quite sixty
eggs this season, and one of them is as
siduously at work on a nest of It) or 20
which should be hatched in a few days.
Mr, Atnsler put a Betting under one of bis
laige hens with the result that she
brought out eight of tho tiny little chicks,'
and the old mother seems as greatly
pleased over her little family as though
they were half grown turkeys, and the
little fellows are industrious scratoliers,
full of life and quite obedient to the cluck
of their foster mother. If these lino game
birds can be so easily propagatod our for
ests might in a few years be a veritable
hunters' paradise if proper attention were
given to the matter by our sportsmen.
Quite an interesting, mnt at law is ex
pected to develop out of the tragedy en
acted near Qolinza, this county, last De
cember, when Leonard M, Johnson shot
his wile and then seut a bullet through
his own brain. If brought to an issue the
case wtll be tried iu Lawrence county,
where they had formerly resided. It ap
pears that the woman vas possessed of
some monoy which was iu the bands of
her guardian at tho time of her decease,
and the question Involved is whether she
or the husband died first. If she was
first to expire, then, having no children,
the husband would fall heir to her
personal estate, and from him it would
pass to his legal heirs. If, however, he
was the first to die then her heirs would
be entitled to the money left. Tho wo
man did not die Instantly after being
shot, and after firing the fatal shots John
son went to a patch of woods some dis
tance fiom the house, and was there
found dead with a bullet hole in his head.
No one saw him inflict the wound upon
himself, and the question of which of the
two was first to die will have to bo estab
lished before a Legal distribution of the
funds can be had.
011 Notes.
J. M. Clapp has some eighteen or
twenty locations cleared otr and 1- haul
ing rig stufV on the ground for a cam
paign of operations on bis property out
in Tionesta township, ou warrants 2S27
and 2822.
A rig Is about completed on the David
Zuck farm, in the same vicinity, and
drilling will begin in a few days by some
Liuoville parties, who have soino leases
in that vicinity.
It is also said tho Standard is preparing
to drill a number of wells in that local
ity. Knough oil was pumbed out of tho well
onthe Frazee tract, Hickory township, to
convince the operators that tbey had a
good one, and it has been shut iu for the
paesont. Other locations havo boen made
andrilling will bo carried on there at a
pretty lively rale for a time.
Drilling on a well on the A. J. Handy
farm, Stewarts Run, is expected to begin
this week, and will require about ten
days iu lis completion.
Millinery Uusiuess For Siile.
Tho Joyce Millinery Store in this place
is for sale. The business has been placed
on a solid footing and is well established,
having a large patronage, but the pro
prietors desire to locate in a lamer city
and will therefore dispose of their store
ami their good will here at a reasonable
figure. It is a rare opportunity for some
wide awake ladies lo engage iu a business
that is vicldini! a good return for the
monoy invested. Consult or addros.
JoYCh Histkks,
t' Tionesta, Pa.
Miss Evelyn Grove is visiting friends
at Tldioute this week.
Karl Wenk Is borne from Philadel
phia for the summer vacation.
Mrs. Lizzie Hillings was a guest of
Nebraska friends last Sabbath.
Mrs. L, J. Hopkins and son, Russell,
were Oil City visitors Monday.
M iss Bertha Lawrence was a guest of
friends In Warren over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kelly returned
Irom thoir western trip yesterday,
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Sbellhouse and
children vi-ited friends at Grunderville
Frank Birlcil, who has been drilling
in Jefferson county, is at home on a visit
to bis mother.
Joseph Green, of East Hickory, was
a pleasant caller at the Republican of
fice Wednesday.
Mrs. G. E. Gerow visitod her sister,
Mrs. A. II. Gallup, at Youngsville, Mon
day and Tuesday.
Miss Petherain aud Mr. Casler, of
Warren, are guests at the home of Mr.
aud Mrs. B. L. Gale.
It. M. Herman was called to State
College, Pa., Monday, on account of the
illness of his mother, '
Mrs. Gdorge Hood, of Pittsburg, vis
ited her father-in-law, Jacob 8. Hood,
hore a part of last waek.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus 15. Evans, of En
deavor, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M.
E. Abbott Monday night.
A. M. Koss, ganger for the National
Transit at their West Hickory station,
called Monday and renewed for another
E. L. Herring, a former Tionesta cit
izen, was down Irom Tldioute Thursday
shaking bands with friends and attending
to business.
II. E. McKinley, Tionesta's expert
and up-to-d ite plumber, has moved his
family to town, occupying the Waguer
house, on Yiue street,
K. C. Heath, of the Hotel Breuiser,
Ligonier, Pa., was up last week shaking
bands and attending lo some business
with his Tionesta Iriends.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman II. Hyde, of
Reno, came up Saturday for a week's vis
it with the lalter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Mealy, of the Township.
J. E. and S. W. Coleman and their
families, and J, A. Weibel, of the lower
country oil fields, came up last week to
enjoy their annual trout-fishing outing.
B. L. Gale, of the Gale veneer works,
brought bis family from Warren last
week and has moved into the James Lan
ders house, recently vacated by Rey. Mr.
Herb Reese, employed for some time
past onthe Reck A Co., lease, Tubbs
Run, departed with bis family Monday
for Selina, Indiana, where be will be em
ployed in the oil field of that section.
Mrs. J. C. Dunn, Mrs. Jennie E. Ag
new, Mrs. Suie M. Sharpo, Miss Artie
Robinson, Samuel D. Irwin and Geo. W.
Robinson are at Gettysburg this week at
tending the State encampments of the W.
R. C. and the G. A. R.
Harry Harp, Henry Shipeand Chas.
Sabine, ol Marionville, J. It. Ault, of
Tyler.-burg, W. P. Crouch, Goo. Cridor,
J. P. Aylesworth, and John Pettlgrew,
of Hickory, were here to attend Masonic
lodge Monday night and greet D.D.G.M.,
W. F. Cullis, of Oil City.
Advices from the bedside of Miss
Minnie Reck, who is under the care of
Dr. Siggius at the Oil City hospital, are
to the effect that her condilian is serious,
but the latest word brings more encour
aging assurances. Her mother is with
her, and her father is almost a daily visit
or at the hospital.
Charles Vail, employed by E. E.
Fleming on the National Oil Co.'s lease,
received word Saturday morning last
that his father, George W. Vail had died
suddenly the day previous, of apoplexy
at his home In Deep Hollow, near Oil
City. Mr. Vail attonded the funeral of
bis father, who was aged about 60 years.
Andrew Engdabl, for the past four
teen years foreman of the tannery at West
Hickory, has accepted a similar position
in the tannery at Portvillo, N. Y., aud
has removed to that place with his fami
ly. The departure of Mr. Eugdahl is
generally regretted by his neighbors and
friends in this vicininy, where be was
much esteemed by all.
Howard Thomson, Fred. Rrook Loos
er, Wilbur Ledebur, Qeorgo Smith,
George Forbes, Fred Passauer, Charles
Wolf aud Boyd Walters went to Warren
Monday evening where they were
mustered in as mombers of Co. I,
Kith Reg'., of the National Guard. With
those from here already membeis of this
company, Forest county, espeeiolly this
end of it, is well represented in our Com
monwealth's soldiery.
The Titusville Courier of Thuisday
says: Judge A.J. McCray was called to
Englewood, N. J., yesterday by the dan
gerous illness of his wife. Mrs. McCray
lelt for New Jersey some tlmeago to visit
with relatives aud was taken down with
typhoid feyer. Her condition at first was
not thought serious, but unfavorable
symptoms developed and Judge McCray
was summoned to her bedside. It was
learned last evening that ber condition
was somewhat improved.
Albert Leroy Emert and Miss Maude
Josephine Castuer, two of Marienyille's
popular young society poople, were unit
ed in marriage at the home of the bride
in that place last Wednesday morning,
the ceremony being performed by Rev.
Father Joseph B. Keegan, and was wit
nessed by the immediate relatives and
a select few of tho intimate friends of the
couple. Mr. Emert has been the trusted
agent ol the P. A W. R. H. at McCray's
station for tho past thirteen years, dur
ing which time he has never, until this
happy event, boeu olfduty a single day.
Miss Cnstnor has for sovoral terms sue
cesssfully taught in the Marienville
schools, and both havo a host of Iriends
who will wish them abundant suceoss in
their new relation.
Thrown From a Wnnoii.
Mr. George K. Balicock was thrown
from his wagon ad severely bruised,
he applied Chamberlain's i'aiu Balm
freely and says it is llio best liniment bo
ever used. Mr. itahcock is a well known
citizen of North Plain, Conn. There is
nothing equal to Pain Malm for sprains
and bruises. It will elfect a euro in one
third tho limo required by any other
treatment. For sale by Dr. J. C. buun.
Lumbering at Eagle Bock.
The Ridgway Advocate of last week
contained the following: The Eagle
Rock Manufacturing Company Is a new
lumber firm that is made up of some of
the best equipped practical men in Elk
county, and they have a contract for
manufacturing lumber at Eigle Rock,
Venango county, that will employ them
eight or ten years. This new company is
made up of three meu who have been
thoroughly trained in the business for
years, having been closely associated
with the prosperous firm of Henry Bay
ard A Co., who operated vety largely at
Rolfe, Witcox aud Instanter. Mr. W. L.
Devine will be the practical mill man for
the new firm, and there is no better man
for that part of the business in the Stale
than Mr, Devine. D. K. Condon, Esq.,
of Wilcox, will have the financial man
agement of the business, and be is just as
well able to take care of bis end of the
business as Mr. Devine. Mr. C. J. John
son, the well-known and popular Rolfe
merchant and postmaster for years, will
have charge of the store business of the
company. There is a combination that is
hard to beat In this or any other State.
The Deyine mill at Rolfe, which was
practically new, has been taken down
and removed to Eagle Rock, and rebuilt,
with many Improvements and additions
in modern lumber machinery. The
Ridgway Manufacturing company have
added to the fine baud saw mill a new
Meshon band re-eaw, as well as a full
equipment of live rolls, sorting rolls and
a number of other good things in modern
machinery, making it very modern
mill iu all respects. The new mill will
be started up this week, and will send
forth a busy hum of industry for the next
eight or ten years that will give employ
ment to many men, and we hope may
make a nice profit for its owners and
operators. This saw mill is located a
few miles above Oil City.
A baby girl came to Nick McManigle's.
Nick is a fine inan and it's a flue girl.
Anothea rise in the creek, and accord
ing to the number of insurance agents in
town one might think that a whole rartol
them had come.
Walter Shepaid, the boss sawyer on the
mill, who had his band so badly hurt, Is
scill laid up. Dr. Hamilton says it will
take two months to heal.
Boss Carpenter Win. Desbner and bis
crew are doing a good Job on the railroad
bridge, trussing and strengthening it.
Rev. A. II. M. Zahniser went to Siyer
ly to fill Bro. McGeary's appointments
there over Sabbath. Rev. Richards
preached twice at Garfield.
Mr. MaGill and Mr. Freeman, of Tldi
oute, are here doing several nice paiuting
Win. Hartman, Joe Brewster, Lafe
Littleflold and W. II. Stroup did a good
job collecting, rafting and running tim
ber from Mayburg to the slash dam, to
build a wharf to save No. 75 rig, which
has been undermined by ice and wator.
Bert Long bad bis loot so badly injurfd
on the mill that one of bis toes had to be
School Directors' convention at the
court house on the 17th of June. One of
the very best things tbe State has dono is
to encourage the meeting of tbe directors
once a year to discuss the different phases
of school work and directors' duties.
Press the battle on boys, its a good thing.
A naw engineer for the big locomotive
this morning. More Anon.
Memorial Day at East Hickory.
Our Memorial services on Sunday at
the M. E. Church were very largely at
tended by tbe comrades and people of
Hickory and vicinity. Rev. II. B. Pot
ter did exceedingly well and proved him
self master of bis Bubject.
Notwithstanding the downpour of rain
on Monday the church at Whig Hill was
well filled for the services of the G. A. It.
Our choir and band was on hand for duty
and right well did they perform their
part. The W. C. T. U. was present and
every old soldier carried away an appre
ciated token of their respect. Long live
the W. C. T. U. Aside from the Post but
few went to the cemetery on account of
the continuous rain. The G. A. R. ser
vices were reudored in the church. We
bad a happy patriotic assembly. Revs.
Potter and Small were present and did
their part right well. Our Post feels very
grateful to them, to the choir, the band,
the W. C. T. U. and to all our friends,
who by their presence and labor aidod us
in our work of love. God bless them all.
Letter to L. J. Hopkins.
Tionesta, JVt.
Dear Sir: Clothing is just like paint.
It fits or it don't ; it wears or it don't;
turns water and weather or not; and
goes out of fashion.
What do we wear clothes for? did you
ever think of it? Different persons have
different reasons, no doubt, but one paints
Devoe for beauty, to be iu tbe fashion,
aud to keep out water.
Fashion says paint : We all paint.
There is beauty in paint; we paint a
good deal for that. And buildings are
costy and fashionable ; put on a water
proof two or three coats of paint, and
your buildings last as long as you keep
t hem dry. It costs nothing to paint; it
costs your buildings not to.
Devoe Is tbe paint that lasts; disap
pointing paints are the paints that cost.
Yours truly,
F. W. Dkvok A Co.,
20 New York.
P. S. Jas. D. Davis sells our paint.
Triumphs of Modern, Isiirwer).
Wonderful things are done for the hu
man body by surgery. Organs are taken
out and scraped and polished and put
back, or they may be removod entirely;
bones are spliced ; pipes take the place of
diseased sections of the veins ; auticeptiu
dressings are applied to wounds, bruises,
burns and like injuries before inllamina
tion sets in, which causes them to heal
without maturation and in one third tho
limo required by the old treatment.
Chamberlains Pain l.alm acts on this
same principle. It is an auliceptio ami
when applied to such injuries, causes
them to hoal very quickly. It also allays
the pain and soreness. Keep a botllo of
Pain Balm in your home and it will save
you time and money, not to mention the
Inconvenience and sulloring which such
injuries entail. For sale by Dr. J. C.
Puint Your Ilitjriry fur "o.
to $1.00 with Devoe's Gloss Carriage
Paint, It weighs 3 to 8 ozs. more to tho
pint than others, wears longir and yives
a gloss equal to new work. Sold by
James i). Iavi.
Cream of the News.
A cat will not look at a king if thero
la a mouse In sight.
Nuue but the freshes vegetables and
fruits sold at the White Star Grocery. It
Nothing is ever north worrying
Hot weather dress goods and Bhirt
waist material, something right up to
date, at Hopkins'. it
An ounce of smiles is worth a ton of
,l nc and lead in proper proportions
with linseed nil make the best paint
Lawrence Brand at Dunn's drugstore. I
Tliore is no kill-joy like self-contemplation.
Every variety of vegetables, fresh
from the ground, at tbe White Star Gro
eery. If your own haveu't matured vet,
come hore and get the nicest. It
Pure well settled linseed oil is used in
making the Lawrence Paints. Sold by
Dr. Dunn. It
Hope is the only illness we never
quite lose.
Tbe Wooltex skirts aro never out of
style, always comfortable, and look and
wear better than any others. Hopkins is
sole dealer here. It
Remorso Is the most uneasy of all
Use a paint that practical painters en
dorso that's Lawrence sold by Dr. J.C.
Dunn. It
Worrying nevor did anyone any good
Muslin underwear is tbe thing for
summer, and the place to get thegenulne
articlo is at Hopkins' store. It
Children are the safety-valves of
married life.
A nice stock of hammocks, the com
fortable and handsome kind, has just
been opened at the Hopkins store. Get
one and take it tay alter a hard days's
work. It
Being happy is only another name
for being busy.
II your house looks shabby give it a
coat of Lawrence. Get it at Dr. J. C.
Dunn's. . It
Sharing a joy doubles it li. stead of
halving it.
Tbe best line of straw hats is to be
found at Hopkins' store. Sure to please
you, both style and price. It
Example is the most powerful wea
pon we can wield.
It took years of experience to make
Lawrence paints what they now are. Dr.
Dunn has them. It
Friends are worth cultivating at al
most any cost.
Just the right time now to order your
new suit of clothes lor the Fourth of July.
Hopkins keeps the best in ready-to-wear
goods, or can take your measure and
guarantee a perfect fit. And the price
will be right. It
It is always fatal to try to reconstruct
the past.
Dr. Dunn will tell you something
about paint free. It
Sympathy Is a debt we owe to every
living creature.
Hint Ilea ut I Till Gloss,
comes from the varnish iu Devoe's Var
nish Floor Paint; costs 5 cents more a
i. art though. Sold by James I). Davis
Every harsh word and every unkind
thought is a mortgage on your own peace.
Oiler lo Url'iinri .Honey if Dr. Howard's
NimtUIc Will Not Cure Any C'nsr of
Constipntiun or Kymiciisln.
James D. Davis is seeking tbe worst
case of dyspepsia or cons'lpation in Tio
nesta or .vicinity to test Dr. Howard's
new specific, for the cure of those diseases.
So confident is he that this remarkable
medicine will effect a lasting cure in a
short time, that he offers to refund the
money should it not be successful.
In ordor to secure Ibe quickest possi
ble introduction Mr. Davis will sell a
regular fi Ity cent package of this medi
cine at half price, 25 cents.
This specitio of Dr. Howard's wi 1 cure
sick headache, dizzy feelings, constipa
tion, dyspepsia, aud all forms of malaria
and liver trouble. It dees not simply
give relief for a time ; it makes perma
nent and complete cures.
It will regulate the bowols, tone up the
whole intestinal tract, give you an appe
tite, make food taste good and digest well,
and increase vigor. Joy and happiness
will take the place of that "don't care
whether I live or die" leeling.
If you learn to laugh at yourself you
can never wander far estray.
One that is sure to suit you with the came
buildings water and fences you hare
now. How Is it done? Simple enough.
Just use the "easy draft" and "easy lo
hold" Le Roy Plow that with no more
horse power than the other makes will
get down and turn up a new farm under
the old one. This soil has rested for
years anil will bear good crops. Buy t' e
"Le Roy Plow" and you will use no
other. Sold by Lanson Bros., Tionesta.
Notice to Mercantile Taxpayers.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
assessed witli a Mercantile Tax that said
tax must be paid on or before July 1st.,
1001, othorwise suit will be brought for
the collection ofsamo.
F. A.,
Treasurer ol Forest County.
Tionesta, Pa., June 6. 1004.
Where Are You (ioliw Next Kiiiulnyf
Make the day pleasant by a trip on the
Nicklo Plale Road. One hundred miles
and return $1.00 for each person when
traveling in parties of 5 or more. Call
on nearest agont or address A. C. Show
alter, D. P.-A., 807 State St., Erie, Pa.
(Sued lly His Honor.
"A doctor here has sued me for $112.5(1,
which I claimed was excessivo for a case
of cholera morbus, '' says It, White, of
Coachella, Cal. "At the trial he praised
his medical skill and niedicino. I asked
liiin if it was not Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy be used as
I bad good reason to believe it was, and
he would not say under oiilh that it was
not." No doctor could use a better rem
ody than tills In a case of cholera morbus,
it never fails. Sold by Dr. J. C. Dunn.
Early Closing.
The following merchants aud business
men of KelleltvillH will close their re
spective places of business each Thurs
day evening at 0 o'clock :
Salmon Cukkk Lomiiir Co.,
M. Andkkws,
Day A Watson,
I ik r ah V II Aiuii.Kss,
W. 11. 11. Do IT K 11 Kit. 2'.
If you have auy grease
spots oo yonr clothing try
Compound !
If they do not come off it
is almost useless to try any
thing else. Harmless to the
most delicate fabrics.
25c a Uottle.
L. J. H.
Complete new liue. All new Styles. A complete line of splinter new goods.
Clothing Ready-to-Wear.
For Large Men, Small Men, Boys and Children.
All the new weaves and styles of make np.
Before you buy your new euit come aud take a look Into our Clothing
Clothing1 Made-to-Order.
It we can't fit you or suit you, we will take your measure
0 FIT SALi:.
Yours in the Clothing Business,
. J. Hopkins.
Tan Oxfords.
There has never brcn a shoe that
has met the requirements of general
wear in the summ r lime as has the
much abused
It is cooler, eat-i r, and it looks
more ia keeping with Summer than a
black shoe. We have fine lines iu
the most stylish hIi pes and correct
Our $3 00 Woman's Oxford in Tan
is beautiful ia shape and perfect iu fit.
Sycamore, Soneca and Centre
Be Gool
and you will be happy. And you cannot be cool unless your clothes
are suited to the high temperature that will prevail tor tho next four
months. A choice from our complete assortment of Outing Suits will
put you in the way of attaining to the degree of comfort that will let
you work better, play better and rest better
Outing Nil H.N, $5 lo $15 Homespuns, Crashes, Serges, Flannels
aud other loosely woven fabric, in tho newest colorings.
Ntraw Ilal.s to the Front Every h it has its day. Now it's
the light, cool and jaunty head piece of straw that has its innings.
Our lino of Sailor aud Panama chapes, 50c to $10.
Negligee NIiirtH Decided change in colorings of the season's Negligee
shirts Manhattaus lead tho 50, $2 to -t. Other makes, $1,
(i'.le aud 50c.
For tlie ItojH Whether you want a "best suit" lor yo.r boy or one
that he can romp in to bis hoHrt's content, we are equally prepared to
make your purcliitHO a prolifuMu one.
with all caul) sales. Bj sure and ask for them.
VfcrZZf rONEl PR
41 &43SOCCA 5T.
To show our new Spring
styles of
Hundreds of articles suit
able for Wedding, Birthday
and Graduation presents.
L. S. & M. H. and 1. It. It.
I L. J. H.