The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 27, 1904, Image 4

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    Smart &
Trade Where They
Trading Stamp.
in Full
100 Dozen Ladies' Lace Hose, 29c a Pair.
Of the exact Fame quality we have always sold at50j. A fine,
black, brilliant lace lisle, in three different patterns, double ,
heels and toes, and altogether a very excellent stocking. We
were fortunate in securing a case of these at a very low price,
so instead of 50c, we'll sell them for a few days at 21) c a pait,
or 1 pairs lbr One Dollar.
G-Ynrd Pieces of Feather
Stitch Trimming' for 2 cents.
Something over 2.000 pieces in this lot, and not one of them
worth less tbau 10j. Just think of it six yards of neat cot
ton trimming of good quality for 2c a third of a cent a yard.
$5, $G and $8 for Trimmed Hats
That Bra stylish and that are good value. This assortment
consists of most every late shape the light, airy effects in soft
braids and laces alsj all the smart hats fir street wear. They
carry an air of refinement and simple beauty that rivals the
most expensive hats; some are copies of foreign models and
others are designed in our own work rooms. A large collec
tion to choose from at $5, $( and $8
Shirt Waist and other Ready-to-Wear Hats
$3 and $5 will give you choice from a very smart c.llection of
these necessary hats all styles
New Models of Popular Priced Corsets
Just iii time for the fitting of the ii'w gown for summer. These
are really designed for the new styles of dress and we know
I hem to be comfortable, stylish models, and there is au abun
dant supply to fit every purse.
Some Celebrated Dollar Corsets.
W. B., Kabo, R. & G., W. C. C, C. B.
The carelul designing nf these models, the excellence of mater
ials, workmanship ami finish uuite in making these brands of
corsets supreme in style, durability and ease in wear; a fine
selection at $1 00
Is Performing Wonders.
Thompson's Barosma, Kidney and Liver Cure
Is not only performing wonderful cures, as the following statements
will prove, but all the cures have been permanent, there being no re
turn of the disease or any of the symptoms after a lapse of many years,
K. K. Thompson & Sox, Tituiville, Pa.: Dear Sirs Several years ajjo I was taken
with kilm;y and blaiMer disease, and sull'ered with terrible pums, besides losing con
trol of tlie action of my kidneys and bladder. A number of doctors bml my case nt
dilTerent times, hut I received no benefit, and was ji veil up as incurable and fully ex
pected deatb would relieve my mi fieri nip. A friend recommended HAKOSMA and I
bean taking it. At tirst I c uld sea little change, but after taking about six bottles,
I began to (jet better. I continued to use it and today am entirely cured. I am an
old resident of this countv and am well known in this section, aud consider myself
walking advertisement for vour TltULY WONDERFUL medicine. BAROSMA.
Yours respectfully, NATHAN IJURDICK, West Hickory, Ta.
The first bottle did me so much good that I bought the second aud it cured ine of
female weakness, with which I had la-en troubled more than two years. I gained in
etreugth aud flesh aud have been well ever since. This was six Years ago.
Mes. M. GROVE. Plum, l'eun'a.
Smith Surprise Sprinq Bed.
I tj w Will l:
l it I I
The Smart
Magazines all iul.l have a well-defined purpose.
Genuine entertainment, amusement and mental recreation are the
motives of The Smart tint, the
Its novels (a complete one in each t)umber))are by the most bril
liant authors of both hemispheics.
Its short storli'K are matchless clean and full ofhuinao iuterest.
Its poetry covering the entire field of verse pathos, love, humor,
tenderness is by the most popular poets, men aud women, of the day.
Its J ok s, uitlrisms, NltclcIlCN, etc , are admittedly the most
No pages are wasted on cheap illustrations, editorial vaporings or
wearying essays ami idle discussions.
Every page will interest, charm and refresh you.
Subi-cribe now 82 50 per year. Remit in cheque, P. O. or Express
order, or registered letter to Till S.TIAHT HKT, 452 Fifth Avenue,
New York.
ive You Co-Operative
Positively will not Hammock. Ea
sily Kept Clean.
Does not require a heavy mattress. Your old
straw or feather lied will give
good satisfaction.
For sale by
Tioucsln, Pa.
lerlln Author Says Conditions Which
Gave Rise to It No Longer Exist.
Berlin, April CG. Profc.-scr Mucns
erberg has written a two volume
took, "The Americans," which a Ber
in publisher will briiiR out next
veek. The newspapers print extracts
torn it.
In a chapter on the Monroe doctrlno
lie author says he thinks the timo is
tear when the absurdity of the doc
rlne will bo seen and the rejectioa
if it will proceed as rapidly as tho
idoption of imperialism by the masses
if the people proceeded, "for a nation
tan not permanently run counter to Its
Ugliest interests for the sake of ca
rrice." The professor argues that the con
lltions no longer exist which gave rise
o the doctrine, namely, the contrast
letween Europe as the land of tyran
ly and America as that of democratic
reedom. Americans know that the
Vest European nations have popular
epresentatlon, while they know still
letter that the Latin American republ
ics, except Argentina, Chili and Mex
co, are most repulsive caricatures of
iberty and democracy.
"Americans no longer feel them
lelves called on to protect blackmail
ng South American republics from the
nvasion of the European political sys
:em. "Furthermore the second original
irgument for the doctrine, namely, the
jolltical safety of the United States:
o longer exists. On the contrary, su-.
erstitions adherence thereto is one;
if the most dangerous factors for the.
United States' peace. European colo-
lies In South America would cause as
Ittle trouble for the United States as
.he colonies in Africa."
Professor Muensterberg says the
loctrine has grown hollow and that
.he best Interests of the United States
lemand Its abandonment so far as
south America Is concerned. He
"The United States' Interests de
mand the rapid development of that
jontlnent, for the promotion of Amerl
:an export trade. The maintenance
J the doctrine there will only protract
ts wretched economic impotence,
ilnce the politicians of thoso countries
tnow that Europe can undertake
lothing against them so long as the
Washington government protects
;hem. If the United States continues
assert the doctrine it cannot escape
,he reproach of promoting anarchy
ind hindering the progress of one of
;he richest continents.
"The above arguments apply only to
South America. The canal gives the
United States real Interests in Central
"However, Europe must for the pres
ent continue the policy of hands off till
:he doctrine dies a natural death in the
American mind."
Governor Confers With Senator.
AVashington, April 20. While at the
Capitol Governor Odeli had a confer
snce with Senator Piatt. The sena
;or afterwards said the conversation
was over minor federal appointments
n New York and of no significance.
New York Predion Market
New York, April 25.
WHEAT No. 2 red, fl.041.07
f. o. h. aflout; No. 1 northern Duluth,
CORN No. 2 corn, 54,ic f. o. b.
afloat; No. 2 yellow, 57c.
OATS No. 2 oats, 43c f. o. b.
ifloat; No. 2 white, 4554GM:c; No. 3
white. 4l45c.
PORK Mess,' $13.50 14.00; family,
HAY Shipping, G570c; good to
:hoice. 92 flue.
BUTTER Creamery, extras, 22
220; factory, 14c; westeru imitation
creamery, IG?f 17c.
CHEESE Slate, full cieutu, sui'ii'i,
fancy, l1f?1lV:c.
POTATOES- State t.r.d wef.tern, pel
lack, $3.403.50.
Buffalo Provision Market.
Buffalo, April 25.
WHEAT No. 1 northern, car loads,
fl.08; winter wheat, $1.04.
CORN No. 2 com, 57c f. o. b.
iflont; No. 2 yellow, GOc.
OATS No. 2 white, 44c f. a b.
ifloat; No. 3 white, 43c.
FLOUR Spring wheat, best patent
per bll.. $5.4o6.15; Jow grades, $3.7$
8 4.50.
BUTTER Creamery western, ex.
tra tubs, 23c; state and Porta
iylvania creamery. 22c; Cairy, lair to
?oefl, lGifilSc.
CHEESE Fancy full cinam. lOVfc'tf
lie; good to choice, 9l0c; com-mo-
to f'iir, Gifit8c.
EOOfi State, lt.nty j'rsh. lS'fo-
POTATOES-P.T be. fl.25tfl.Sl
East Buffalo Live Stock Marked
CATTLE Bpst. aters on sale, $3.10
0 5.35; good '.o ci vics bvtcbr steeis,
f4 iMKii5.ii( ; meri'.um half fat atern,
13 60i??4.O0, cuir.mon to fair heifers,
3.4000; clio'ce t .i eura fit heifers,
jl 504.75; Rood bntclier bulls. $3.50
g3.80; choice to extra veals, $5.50
1.75: fair 4o good veals, $4.004.75.
'ambs, $7.10(37.25; culla to common,
f t 50(fl5.50; yarlings, lianny weight.
J5.50ifi5.75; wether sheep, $5.505 75.
HOGS Mixed packers' gmdes.f5.2i)
gi5.25; . medium hogs, $5.205.25,
pigs, light, $5.00.
Buffalo Hay Market.
HAY Timothy, per tons, loosi
fUi 00 f 15.00; ha, r.rtme on trr.f;li,
iln..'0'(Mfi.OO: 'No 1 do di. $14 00(J
14 50; No. 2 do do, $12.00 12.50.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in tho family
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared in two minutes. No boiling I no
baking! add boiling water and set to
cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Get a package
at your grocers to-day. io cts.
Newspaper Waifs.
"What type of mau is he?" 'Oh,
oue of the kind you can read ns easily
as print." Cincinnati Times-Star.
"If ho h;id studied his geometry he
nil;l;t have been a rich man to-day."
"Where did he fall downV "He
chose a round of pleasure in prefer
ence to a square of olllce buildings."
rinclnnatl Commercial-Tribune.
An Advertisement. (Time 1022.)
Special train for tho lynching, with
jiirlor cars for lady members of the
mob. The sherltT has kindly consent
ed to be overpowered, and everything
l sure to pass off smoothly, Balti
more American.
"Yes," said the melancholy man,
"his was indeed a ead end." "How
did he die?" asked the Inquisitive par
ty. "Oh, he didn't die," explained the
sorrowful chap. "He was one of the
end men of an amateur minstrel
show." Chicago linlly News.
"What do statistics show?" Inquired
the man who was warming up to his
subject. "As a rule," answered the
man who Is always doubtful, "they
don't show much except patience and
Industry on the pnrt of the man who
collected them." Washington Star.
Yeast I see a school has been start
ed In Washington where scholars are
t.night to be ambidextrous, t'rlm.ion
heak Taught to use both hands?
"Precisely." Well. I hope they'll man
age to keep the graduates out of the
Treasury." Yonkers Statesman.
"Figures never lie," we announced
"And some are nfraid to sit," dark
ly remarked a moody looking strang
er at an adjoining table.
We closed our eyes and drank our
toddy slowly, but the man's remark
bafilod us. We suddenly turned upon
"As to how " we demanded rapidly.
"You say some tigures are afraid to
sit. As to howV
The stranger promptly handed us
one of his business cards.
"I represent the only perfect Incol
lapsible hustle on the market." ho be
gan with a relish; "it is strongly rib
bed with steel "
But, merry on us, we were already
far, far away.
The Way of the Chaperone.
Some one spoke of a chaperone as
the boarders were seated around the
"Chaperone!" exclaimed the young1
man from M'ssourl. "What's a chap
erone?" "A chaperone," exclaimed the girl
who presides over a necktie counter
between meals, "Is a female of more
or less uncertain years who Is afraid
to go out alone, so she attaches herself
to a party of young folks for the pur
pose of getting herself cared for. See?"
Chicago News.
Boston Hospitality.
Johnny Pa, what is tact?
Wise Pa. Tact, Johnny, is knowing
how to do things without appearing to
be doing them. For instance, I nsked
Mr. Arldman to dinner this evening,
and Incidentally I remarked that your
mother would entertain us on the pi
ano. Mr. Arldman said he was so sor
ry he couldn't come. Boston Tran
script. A Telltale Siqn.
''Old Blinker Is a confirmed bache
lor, isn't he?"
"Yes, but I am sure that he was
once engaged."
"IterauFe he tells me there was a
certain period of . his life when he
went to church regularly." Detroit
Free Press.
Ths Theology of It.
First Broker I dun't see why they
s'lould have stopped converting the
stock eo suddenly. After conversion
it might have gone on living a good
Christian life.
Second Broker Yes, hut you know
thero are awkward duties like repent
ance and restitution connected with
Frank What succes did you have
on your hunting trip in Maine?
Arthur Bully. 1 shot two guides
end wounded a lumberman. Chelsea
(Mass ) (Ja.ette.
A Dark Secret.
Did'st ever hear
A coy, sweet miss
Breathe o'er the 'phone
"Know who this Is?"
St. Ixiuis Chronicle.
Boston Ways.
liiirry What In time Induced Vie
nr"t.ty Miss Skyler to take up with
Muirglns? Ho is the ugliest looking
man I know.
Dick That's why she Is going to
min-y him, I suspect. He is so aw
fully homely folks will think he has
got lots of money. Boston Transcript.
Niilionnl lliiplint Anniversary, (ievrlnml, O.
Tickets on sale via Nickel Plate Kond,
May Jiith, 17 and 18th. One fare plus 2j
nurilu ftr rnnml triM (lmu vol ii rn i n t nil.
.i'.'1" ,'. ........ n, ....
til May 2iilh. Limit oxtended on appli
cation. Sen nearest ngont or adilross A.
i;. MinwRiier, ). r. a., bo ncaie sirpei,
Erie, Pa. liS7mIS
. Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
is SSI
Hp h 4
So Pleased with Tucker's Ready Wit
That He Gave Him Employment.
One of the few men who have over
managed to get ahead of I'ncle Bus
sell Sage In a business transact or is
a young enrb broker named Tucker,
and he did so more by accident than
design. It happened this way:
Tucker had ten shares of gas stock
that lie was trying hard to dispose, of,
with no result. Finally, one of his ac
quaintances, In a Bplrit of fun, said
to him: "Say, old man, I understand
that Sage wants that stock bad, and ia
willing to pay Do for It."
At that time the stock was selling
for HI, when it sold at all, so naturally
Tucker, who was a newcomer on the
curb, started on" post haste for Mr.
Sage's otlice, and half an hour later
offered his shares In person at 05.
"Don't want It, young man," was
the financier's reply. "I can go out
nnd buy all I want at ill."
Then, as he realized that he bad
been "taken in," an Idea struck Tu -Iter.
"Mr. Sage," he said, "since you
don't want to buy my stock, maybe
you'd like to sell mo any of tho sa;no
stock you may own at !Kt."
"F.h. what?" queried Mr. Sago
''Ninety-three?" He pondered for a
moment. Then, ".I'll take your ten
shares at n.'i," he said. And tho sale
was made.
A little later on when Mr. Sage
found that ho really could have
bought all the stock lie wanted at 01
his feolinss were nnvthlng but frail
ly toward Mr. Tucker. The next d l ,
however, he was in a different I'r-me
of mind. "Any man," he said, "who
can tako care of hinnelf 1 ko tnat Is
useful, and I want Mr. Tucker to
w atch out for any bus!ncs 1 may
on the curb "
And that Is what Mr. Tucker Is do
ing to-day. New York Mall and F.x
press. Liksd to Be Asked.
The honest son of toll opened '.its
mouth n little wider every time ho
counted an addition story. It wa a
twenty-live story building, and bo fcr
ho had only counted up to the tenth.
A large crowd was intently watching
this thing.
Suddenly two .confidence men emerg
ed from the crowd and approaches' the
unsophisticated one.
"Hello, Jones!" cried one.
"I ain't Jones," responded the farm
er. "Smith, then?" asked the other.
"I ain't Smith, either," he replied.
The confidence men stood there un
easily wondering whether this man
was on to them. The farmer Impa
tiently shuftled his feet.
"Ask me who I nm," he suggested,
They did so.
"I'm Solomon's son," replied the
farmer, with gusto, "and my father
sent me to find two of his jackasses
that had strayed, and here I've found
'em both right away."
Again the confidence men panned
uneasily. Again the farmer impa
tiently shuflled his feet.
"Why don't yon ask me what I'll
have to drink?" demanded he, with a
righteous show of Indignation.
A Very Fat One,
We Interrupted Ilan-'mm at this
"How fat did you say this man was,
Harrison?." wo inquired.
"Oh, awful fat," replied Harrison,
"lie was "
"No, but how many pounds?" we in
sisted. "Oh. he was monstrously fat, he"
"But how"
"Well, now," said Harrison,
"he was so fat he made believe he
was spry on his feet."
"Oo?h! What a big one he must
have been," we murmured in awed ac
cents. And, enwrapt in contemplation at
the size of the hero, we allowed Har
rison to go on with his story.
A Ty?cnra :l'lTl Error.
"flee whl.!" exclaimed the reporter,
loldr.g over his report of the wedding
In the parr. "I'll bet that bridegroom
will be sore."
"What's tho matter?" asked the
snake editor.
'He owns an old family homestead
out in the suburbs somewhere, I be
lieve, and he told me to say 'the young
couple "will reside at the old manse.'
The papers pot It 'old man's.' " l'hila
dclpbla Becord.
His Ruse.
First Turkey Cobbler Is a pretty
slick article.
Second Turkey What la he up to
First. Turkey Stole a package of
breakfast food and eats some every
morning to develop his muscles.
Is a grent eld In preventing- Seara.
Also cures CtiU, Burns, Bruises, Old Sores,
Chilblains, Corns, Chapped Hands and
Lips, Poison Ivy, Insect Bites.
Cal-cura Solvent, the Wonderful New
Medicine Hill Dlssolvo and Expel
Stone and (i ravel from the System.
ll'Wfc for tt,Smnll Fret llottle.
A surgical operat ion is no longor neces
sary for tho removal of Stone ami Gravel
from tho Kidneys and Bladder, since the
Hi;io medicine, Cal-cura Solvent, dis
covered by tho well-known physician
and surgeon, the late Dr. David Kennedy,
quickly dissolves and swiftly expels
Stone, lied and White (iravel, thus free
ing tho patient of tho inllammation and
fiain, caused by tho presence of these
i mid formations. Better than all, Cal
ciiiM Solvent prevents tho formation of
Stono aud (iravel nnd all uric acid con
ditions of tho blood. The medical pro
fession has accepted and heartily en
(bused tho principal upon which Dr.
Kennedy based his claims for Cal-cura
Ufiiirmhrr, Cnlnira Sntrent ewe iW
of nil ruses of Kidney, Hlwlder nnd hirer
iUxorder. You may havo a free sample
liottlo of this wonderful medicine, and
descriptive booklet, by simply sending
your naino and nddrcss to Tho Cal-cura
Company, Kennedy Kow, Bondout, N. Y.
Iilgo bottles $1.(H) (on one, tize) nil
druggists, or it they do not havo It, scud
to the above proprietors.
J. G. Scowden,
Waaons, Carriaaes,
Kow are you fixed in any of these vcrv ncccsary articles?
Drop in at any time and let us show you what we have in
Btock, or whr.t we can build for you on very tdinrt notice. Of
course our guarantee goes with everything in this line.
Hardware ! Hardware !
The most completo stuck in this section is to lie found here,
either in shelf or heavy goods, tools, cutlery or tho liko.
Are fitted out hero iu anything they need Wo havo a nice
stock of both the Syracuse nnd the Ui.ssel Plows on hand, and
every farmer knows the merits of these goods. No fancy
prices. Don't liuy till you see llioin. Garden tools of every
kind aud variety.
In a Stove or Kango we know
you money, see if we can't.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, nnd which lias been
iu uso for over 30 years, lias homo tho fclfjnaturo of
' and has boon mado under his pcr-
jLJ&Ffli'&L' sonal supervision nineo its infancy.
-rVY. An,nv no ono t deceive you in tills.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-jjood" nro hut
Experiments that trillo with nnd endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against lpcriment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is n harmless Biibstitulo for Castor Oil, Paro
goric, Drops nnd Soothing: Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine, nor other Xarcotio
Fiilistance. Its no is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Dinrrluva and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You toe Always Fought
In Use For Over 30 YearsM
, - -, - fWTTwmsssxsfiT rriTrjz,.::
Good Stock, Good Carriages and ling
Kit's to let upon the most reasonable torniH.
lie will also do
All ordoia left at the l'ost Olllce wil
reroive prompt attention.
We promptly olilnin U. 8. ml Forcii-r? J
Send model, sketch or rlioto ol invention in
free report on pntentulMty. For free Uicli ,
Opposite U. S. Patent Office
Easy and Quick!
To make the very best soap, simply
dissolve a can of Banner Lye in cold
water, melt 5 lbs. of grease, pour the
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put
aside to set
Full Directions on Every Package
Banner Lye is pulverized. The can
may be opened and closed at will, per
mitting the use of a small quantity at a
time. It is just the article needed in
every household. It will clean paint,
floors, marble and tile work, soften water,
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes.
Write for booklet "Uses of Banner
Lye" free.
The Penn Chemical Works, Philadelphia
UrANTKH: Mon or women local rep
rPNfntativBM fur a liiuli Huns iiihub
fcin'. I.Hrjjp foniniisHioiiM. Cash pri.'-f.
WritoJ. N. Trniner, Nil Kust Wa8bint;lin
Square, New York, N. Y. If
wo can pleace you and save
Signature of
In The World!
Don't be satisfied to work
alonr: in tho same eld way
for low wages. We can
help you. carve out n suc
cessful career. Thousands
have increased their salaries
by following our plan. We
can train you in spare time,
and at small cost, for any
of tho following positions:
Uechanlcr.1, Electrical, Steam, Civil, or
(."Mrs Engineer; Electrician; Surveyor ;
Architect; Draftsman; Bookkeeper ; Sten
0 tracer; Teacher; Show-card Wilier;
Winuow Drasser ; or Ad Writer.
Write TODAY, HtntltiR which poaU
tiuu iiitttrt'dti you, to
Correspondence Schools
Cox 799, SCRANTON, PA.
F. S. GOODRICH, Oil City, Pa.
K o 1 i-i'Mior f..l out nnd mail
tho r..ii:..,. ill!!.;'.
Ti, ; . 4.1 I... I .1 in .li. v t: r..i..;'i ll.c
I. 1 1 t f .in I 1 t ohi h I 1. 11c .
74 :Jvi''-'ir
m I Your . ti
mti;. I Lrtfjir.L-i r nookkurpcr
llr.-ttstn. 11 . Steniigrt.iJimr
tlrotficl E'Kjir.tfr is hum -Card Writer
ElectriLt' n A.I Writer
bleu" Ln'jlncer Window Dressff
Cwil tn(;nnof Fii-n.h ) with
Arr'i.teet I .'frn r hofi9-
OrmUt I Srt mmIi 1 rjf i pit
(' 'iir-wnt. nMi;iier t' . ! L 'V
I 700!
S St. aud No
S City Sldtr . .. .