The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 06, 1904, Image 1

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One Square, one inch, one week... J 1 00
One Square, one inch, one month.. 3 00
One Square, one inch, 3 months 5 00
One Square, one inch, one year 10 00
Two Squares, one year 15 00
Quarter Column, one yoar 30 00
Half Column, one year 60 00
One Column, one year 180 00
Legal advertisement ten cents per line
each insertion.
We do Drso Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable ratos, but it's cash
on delivery.
Published every Wednesday by
Office in Smearbaugh 4 Wenk Building,
Term, 91.00 A Vrnr, Nlrlctly In Advance.
No miliHorlptioii received for a shortor
period tlmii throe months.
Correspondence solicited, but no notice
will bo taken of anonymous communica
tions. Always give your name.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
BurgeMi.V. H. Lanson.
amiiciiw. Dr. J. O. Dunn, G. O.
Gast J. H. Muse, I'- V. Weaver. J. W.
Landers, J. T. Daln.W. F Killmer.
Jiwticct of the i'euf e C. A. Kandall, S.
J. Hutley.
Conntnbte-H. U. Mat well.
Collector H. J. Selley.
Svhool Director L. Fulton. J. C.
Scowden, J. E. Wenk, K. L. Haslet, K.
V Bowman, Geo. Iloleman.
Member of CVrnfreM-Josr-ph O. Hibley.
Member of Senate J- K. P. Hall.
Asnemtili-V. W.Amslor.
I'renident J udye V. M . Lindsay.
Antoemte Judge U. B. Crawford. W.
11. II. Dottoror.
Prothnwitary, Register & Recorder, rc.
-J. C. Gelst.
Sheriff. lion. W. Nobllt.
lWeimurer Frd, A. Keller.
OmmiHtiioner C. Burhonn, A. K.
Nhipe, Il''iirv Welngiird.
. iHMtrict Attorney-H. l. Irwin.
jury CoiMiH.i.iionersKrnMl Sibblo,
Lowis Wagner.
Coroner Dr. J. W. Morrow.
" County Auditors W. II. Stiles, Geo.
W. lloleiiian, B. A. McCloskcy.
Omnti Surveyor -). W. Clirk.
County Superintendent E. E. RtlUin-
Itrgulnr Term of lourl.
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Fourth Monday of September.
Third Monday or November.
('hurra and Miilibnth Hchool.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
m M K. Habbath School at 10:00 a. in.
Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. O II. Nlckle
Preaching I" the F. M. Church every
(Sabbath ovoninir at the usual hour. Kev.
K. A. Zihnlsor. Pastor.
Services in the Presbyterian Church
every Hubhuth morning and evening,
Kev. It. V. Illingworth, Pastor.
The regular meeting" "f the W. C. I.
U. are held at the headquarters on the
second and fourth Tuesdays of each
pp. NEST A LODGE, No. 309, I.O.O. F.
1 MeeH every Tuesday evening, In Odd
Fellows' Hall, Partridge building.
I .'OK EST LODGE, No. H4, A. O. U. W.,
I Meets every Friday evening InlA.O.U.
V. Hall, Tionesta.
r A PT. U KOW i E STOW POST, No. 274
J G. A, K. Meets 1st and 3d Monday
evening in each month, in A. O. U. W.
Hall, Tionesta.
M:7, W. K. C., meets llrst and third
Wednesday evening of each month, in A.
O. U. W. hall, Tionesta, Pa.
rpioNESTATENT, No. 104, K. O. T.
V i - . uml 4ili Wednesday
evening in each month in A. O. U. S.
hall Tbinesia, t a.
Tionesta, Pa.
1 i'nvillVKV.AT.I.AW.
Warren, Pa.
Practice in Forest Co.
Olllceln Arner liiiildmir, Cor. Elm
and Bridge Sts., '1 ionesta, ra.
j' W. MOUKOW, M. D.,
ii...u..lui Sluriritim . Dentist
Olllce and Residence tlireo doors norlli
of Hotel Agnow, Tionesta. Professional
calls promptly responded io at an mnna
Physician A Surgeon,
nK. ,T. C. DUNN,
and DUUGGIvr. Olllce over stete,
IM.nwtutu I'll Pi'irMssiniial calls prompt
ly responded to at all hours of day or
niglll.' Itesiuonee i-.oii nu, ,i,i,cc..
Grove's grocery and liurow's resiauraoi
ft. J. B. SHSOINS.
. ' ' OIL CITY, PA.
K. LANSON, tii , ,
Hardware, Tinning Plumbing.
Tionesta, Pi
Sv J' ""'''.V.-Yl.-w nw TIIR PEACE.
Keepia uomidele lino ol Justice s blanks
. ' t. .i... .l.iu.U inrirlL'Hll)S.
lor saie. nmu inn ..vjv-..-., 0--0-
etc. Tionesta, l a.
v. a w 1.; AVER. Pronriotor
This hotel, formerly the Lawrence
House, has undergone a complete change,
and is now iurnishod with all the mod
ern improvements. Heated and lighted
throughout Willi natural gas, bathrooms,
hot and cold water, etc. The comforts ol
guests never neglocten.
GKKOW .V .GEKOW Proprietor,
Tionseta, I'a. This is tho niostcentrally
located hotel in Mm place, and lias all the
modern improvements. No pains will
be spared to make it a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling publio. First
class Livery in connection.
Shop in Wallers building, Cor. Elm
and Walnut streets, Is prepared to do all
Kinds ol' custom work Iroiu tho finest to
the coarsest and guarantees bis work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion tfiven to mending, and prices rea
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
m mm mm A m
U. 11. UilUUUM. t MUfM.
Furniture Dealers,
Occupied Town of Seng Cheng
Without Opposition.
Japanese Steamer Sunk Rldeau Hal
Partly Burned Editor Hat Anoths
Arrested Three People Swep'
Over Falls Six Deaths In Explos
Ion Religious Orders Enjoined.
Tho London Daily Telegraph's cor
respondent at Shanghai gives on ur;
confirmed report that a Japanest
army of 105,000 men has landed oppo
Bite Taku Shan, in Southern Man
churia, and is marching north ant
.lorthwept; that another army of 40,
000 has landed In Northwestern Caret
and is marching toward tho Yalu river
and that a third force has disembark
ed in Northeastern Corea and It
inarching westward.
The advance guard of the Jap
anese army In Northwestern Core,
occupied the town of Sung Chen
Saturday afternoon without any op
posit Ion. Seng Cheng is on the Pekit
road, 18 miles west of Cheng Ju anc
about 40 miles south of Wiju.
The Japanese udvanoc from Chon
Ju was made very rapidly. It was un
ticlpatcd the Russians would resial
this advance, but they failed to do si
and now it is not nrobablo that there
will he any further opposition Boutt
of the Yalu river.
Engagement North of Ping Yang.
The Russian emperor has receive'!
a dispatch from General Kuropatkii:
at New Chwang giving a length)
report from General Mlshtchenko
dated nt 10 p. in., March 28, which
says that an Important engagement
took place near the town of Chung Ju
In which the Russians were dofeated
retiring in perfect ordtf.
The Japanese stiff ored heavily but
the Russian losses are not stated.
Cavalry and Infantry on both sides
were engaged. The Russians occupied
a commanding position.
The Japanese fought gallantly, but
owing to their heavy losses were un
able to occupy the position abandoned
by the Russians.
A correspondent at Russian head
quartets In Mukden telegraphs that ac
cording to reuorts received there
about 10,000 Japanese have crossed
the river at Chin Changau and o.OOO
have advanced north from Chong Ju.
The Chronicle's Shanghai corres
pondent asserts that practically the
whole- Japanese army In Corea, con
sisting of 100.000 men, Is concentratod
at Pnk Chen and Anju only small de
tachments being left in Southern
Corea to maintain communications.
Japanese Steamer Sunk.
The action of Russian warships in
sinkltiK the Japanese steamer Hanyei
Maru is deeply resented by the
Japanese. In ofllcial circles the at
tack upon and the sinking of this ves
Bel near Tachin Island Is pronounced
to be a clear violation of the neutrality
of China, besides being an act. of wan
tonness nualnst a defenceless craft.
After transferring 10 Japanese and
seven Chinese from tho Hanyei Maru
the fire of two vessels was directed
unon the steamer and one of the Rus
slnn torpedo destroyers sent several
shells through her hull. hen she ap
peared to be sinking the Russian ships
started at. full speed in the direction
of Port. Arthur.
Three of tho crew of the Hanyei
Maru concealed themselves on board
whn the Russians came over to re
move them and later escaped in a
Junk from the sinking vessel. The
.lannnese iron orally pronounce this nf
fair to be a barbarous breach of the
law of nations and of humanity.
Japs Say Harbor Is Blocked.
Information has been received at
Washington from Tokio under date of
March 30 to this effect:
"Tho Japanese fleet has been sue
cessful in attompt partially to close
the channel or Port Arthur, four Jap
anese merchant vessels, "escorted by
12 destroyers and six first-class tor
pedo boats, arrived at. 3 a. m. on
March 27.
"The Japanese merchant vessels
successfully entered the channel in
side the lighthouse. Two were de
stroyed, sunk by Russian destroyers
two of them by their own explosives
LoHs In killed, two officers, two men;
loss in wounded, one ofneer, eight
men. No casualties on Japanese tor
pedo vessels. Very small gup In chan
Should the cablegram from Toklo
prove to be accurate It Is believed
that It will be difficult for the Russian
6hips to pass the channel.
Survivors of Korietz and Variag.
The Russian steamer Malaya from
the Far East with the survivors of the
crews of the Korietz and Variag on
board were accorded an enthusiastic
reception at Odessa by the enormous.
crowds which lined the streets and
tolncd in the procession. The foreig.l
vessels in port dressed ship and their
crews cheered as tho Malaya entered
the harbor, escorted by a flotilla ol
steamers and other craft with banda
of music on board, and crowded wit!)
people who bad gone out to meet tie
So soon ns the Malaya was signaled the
commandant of the port boarded the
steamer and pinned crosses of St.
George on the breasts of tho rescueJ
Severe Fighting In Thibet.
News has been received from Tuna
Rritish India, of some severe fight
ing, tho Thibetan having attack
ed the Rrilisli mission under Colonel
YoiinghUKljjnd. There were two en
gagements and the Thibetans were re
pulsed with heavy loss. The BritioS
captured the Thibetan camp at Cum.
Wants to Rename f-art Arthur.
Tho Moscow Oii '.-'t-e i:rg 'i iha re
christening of Port Arthur as Tor
Nicholas, as tho Kngli3li lumc sound
badly to Russian ear3.
Editor Sues Another For Libel.
On a warrant sworn out by Dome
cratic National Committeeman Not
man E. Mack, proprietor of the Buffal'
Times, William J. Connors, proprleto
of the Buffalo Cornier and Enquire!
was arres'ed Monday niyht charge:
with criminal llbol.
Mr. Mack resents the chargo mad'
by Mr. Connors in the Enquirer tha
ho appropriated $40,000 of campaim
The arrest was the culmination o
a bitter personal fight between th
two editors In the rival Democratii
papers over the control of party ot
gani.ation. Mr. Mack consulted witl
, few of Ids intimate friends and hi.
legal adviser before causing Mr. Cor
nors' arrest.
Mr. Connors was not locked up, bu
agreed to appear in court next morn
lug. In police court, on Tuesday Judgi
Murphy adjourned tho case till Friday
Jpril 1. On that dale the car.e wa.
again adjourned til April 29. on ac
count of the Illness of Mr. Connors
Crop Outlook Favors Largs Yield.
Bradstroel's summary of the siati
of trade says:
Low temperatures, heavy ra'ins, bat
roads and floods, the latter In tin
Ohio Biid tributary vallnys, havt
checked spring trade, delayed colic;
lions, discouraged eastern demand, anr
closed a three months period of back
ward business In the north, east an!
There are some redeeming features
however Agricultural Implement mei
have done probably the best season'!
trade on record and the railways arc
gradually winning out of their trans
portation difficulties.
While neatly nil sins point to l
smaller turnover in the country's tradt
than in l!fi3, feeling is still genera
that the crop outlook, stimulated b
high prices, favors large yields, anc
warm, dry weather is eagerly awaite'
as furnishing a true tost of the rea
trade situation.
Swept Over Falls to Death.
- Miss Marie Willis, Samuel firahan
and an unidentified man plunged tc
death over the brink or the tower
ing Shoshone falls, near Poise, Idaho
The fulls, which Hre 210 feet high -higher
than Niarara are nnusuall)
swift, owing to the swollen conditio),
of Snake rivet.
Miss Willis and Graham were row
ing above the cataract, when the;
found themselves in the grip of the
current, their boat filling and sweej
ing toward the edge of the falls.
The unidentified man, who is be
lieved to have been a resident of Roch
River, went bravely to the rescue
The two boats were swept over tho
edge in a ptorm of blinding spray. Tlu
bodies of the victims havo not been re
covered. Part of Rideau Hall Burned.
The new wing of Rideau Hall, thu
official residence of the governor gen
eral of Canada, was destroyed by flrt
which broke out nt 5 o'clock on
Sunday morning. The loss will read
about $30,000. Some anxiety was nl
first felt for the safety of Lady Mln
to, who was lying in one of the apavi
nients with a fractured leg, but her r?
nioval was accomplished without Oitti
culty. Rideitii Hall wan purchased ;.!
the vice regal 3f years u,'-:
and has cost about 1200.000. The
originated from a defective fire pla:
In which levs were blazing.
Will Be Instructed For Parker.
From a source at Albany so close
to former Senator D. R. Hill that it
Is intended that the New York stau:
delegation to the Democratic natiocil
convention at St. Louis shall be posi
tively instructed In favor of Juder
Alton P. Parker as New Yolk state'6
choice for the presidential nomination.
Senator Hill and bis friends now be
lieve that they will control at leas-t
three-fourths of the state convent!'.:!:
which will lie held in HarmaniH
Dleecker hall on Mondny, 18.
Six Lives Lost In Explosion.
Five women and one man were
killed and five women fatally Injured
by an explosion in the factory of the
Dickson Squib company at I'riccbur.?
Twenty girls were employed in the
factory. It 13 said that one of the
girls threw a squib into a stove and
that the force of the explosion was sc
great that It wrecked the building and
set it. on fire. The squibs are used is
coal mining.
Agricultural Appropriation Bill.
The conference on the agricultur
al appropriation bill at Washington
has reached an agreement. Tho bill
now carries a total appropriation ol
$5,902,010. The senate amenduienl
providing for experiments In anlma
breeding and feeding in co-operation
with state agricultural relations Is no
cepted, hut the amount appropriates
is reduced from $."0,000 to $.",000.
Religious Orders Forbidden to Tetch
Hy the decisive majority of ;!1G tc
290 tho chamber of deputies lr.
France has passed the government bill
for the suppression of all forms oi
teaching by the religious order Thi
completes the work begun by forme!
Premier M. WaldocU-Rousser.i in nun
Decrease In Public Debt.
The monthly stuteui' -nt of puiil
debt fdiows at closi! of busiiie-ss Maicl
31, 1D0I, the debt, less cash in lh
treasury, amounted to ?rn ".l 2L'.1 0 1 .
decrease for Iha mouth of ij.'.ul-.oli;;
RerJ of Brussels Authorities as
fo Conditions In Congo.
One Case of Extreme Cruelty, When
Investigated , by the Congo Authori
ties, Was Fopnd to Have Been Based
Upon Lies ' of Interested Natives
Humanitarian Work.
Washington, April 5. By authority
of tho Congo Free State Jame3 G.
Whiteley has given a resumo of the
Brussels note issued in reply to
charges made in a recent report of thu
British consul in the Congo region.
Tho consul's report, says Mr. White
lev, contains a number of statements
of cruel treptineut of natives, but gives
no corroborative testimony, and theai
stories are valueless because they
we:e not investigated. The report, he
says, also fails to give times and
places. The resumo continues:
"One case, however, which the con
sul Investigated end which he gives as
a mont flagrant example was brought
to the knowledge of the Congo au
thorities and was investigated by
them. This is the case of tho boy
Epondo, who claimed his left hand had
been cut off by a native sentry in the
seivico of La Lulonga Rubber com
pany. Th'j consul, accompanied by two
missionaries, went to the village o.'
Bossunguina and proceeded to hold an
impromptu court of inquiry. The in
jured boy accused the sentry Ktlengo
to his face.
"The consul then questioned tlu
chliV and a number of hoadmun. They
rip'.ind by accusing the sentry. Most
of them declared that they had ben
eye witnesses of thu deed. The con
sul asked whether tre were ant
more witnesses and 'nearly all those
present, about 40 persons, shouted on'
with one voice that it was Kolengo
who did it.' The accused sentry de
nied the chargo.
"Other natives came forward with
various cha'-ges of robbery and wrong
doing against the sentry and finally
the consul, considering the evidence
conclusive, announced to the assem
bled multitude that 'Kele-ngo deserved
severe punishment, for his illegal and
cruel nets' and taking with him the
maimed boy. laid the case before the
state authorities, saying dramatically
that he denounced 'not nn Individual
but a system.'
"It would be unwarrantable to draw
such a sweeping conclusion from a
single case even if (he case were well
founded, but as a matter of fact the
accusations of Epondo against the sen1
ry were shown to be without any
foundation whatever. When tho prop
er state authorities- came to investi
gate the case the boy's evidence broke
down. He admitted that he had lid
and explained that he had lost hi"
hand In a boar hunt. When asked
why he had falsely accused the sentrv
he said that he had done It at the In
ptigation of the natives of tho district
who hoped thus to secure the inter
vention of tho British consul and a
release from the necessity of gather
Ing rubber."
Most of the other natives who Ac
cused the sentry, says Mr. Whiteley,
fied, but whm.i captured admitted th"v
had given false evidence. Mr. Whit
ley continues: "The British consul's
chief case, investigated by himself ar-1
supported by a cloud of witnesses,
having thus fallen through, there 'J
little reason to place confidence in the
simple declarations of natives unsup
ported by corroborative evidence an 1
He says Epondo was twice photo
graphed by the English nn.l told to
put his "stump" well in tho fore
ground, and adds That adversaries of
I he Free State-havo recently circulat
ed photographs of mutilated natives
who have been held up as victims of
tho administration.
Anywhere in Africa, eays Mr. White
ley, Fuch natives may be found, the
victims of Inter-trilial wars. As to the
accusations concerning taxes, Mr.
Whiteley says the tax is neeess-ary. it
compels the native to contribute some
thing toward state exnnss and
tenches him habits of Industry. Tho
labor required of natives Is only 4-1
hours a month.
There is sometimes trouble over tho
collection of taxes, but this is not
confined to the Congo, as reports froi.i
British Rhode.da show that natives
refused to pay the hut tax.
' Mr. Whiteley says the British con
Fill's deductions are illogical and con
'Tho Brussels note refutes all tl'-1
points of the British consul's report
nnd Is a most coiivineieg testimony lo
t!i humanitarian work which;"
Leopold has accomplished in Africa.'
Flood Situation Improved.
Cleveland, April 5. A a u result of
the lower temperature wlii-h h i; pr
vailed over Ohio for the pest !8 hours
ttiere was a very j.'"ie.'i:il imm-oveniei,;.
in Pood conditions a- nil poinls Th
water in tbo St. Maiy'r; reservoir has
fallen rapidly with Tie ih:,r el
danee,- of n li'';-!!; i!-;v.- i pi-.;. Tn'
fir Iris b-en I'-smue.i pe.u ; :"..i- e: &;
Pre-iderit end Cssliicr A-f cf'.'JJ.
i-'l. Wayne. Ind., April "i. Albert
itubiiins, pi i .-ideiit., nii-1 K.'r.s.iid U.
Ki'liliiii.-i, bis .son, cashier of tiie la -tiei'imcl
Farmers' I .ml; ;u A'lbtne.
wci'i! arrested in lint ;iiy oil w.ti wiim
chaining them wi it i:pi' element.
Complaint was tiled by im-a vtho hud
deposited In the Initk a le.v day .i pi;
viout to Hie t!u.-.iii-; of I ho io .UU! i j:l.
Siberian Riilvay a Failure and Rus
sian Administration Honeycombed
With Corruption.
Victoria, B. C, April 5. R. L. Mc
Gowan, an American business man
who has spent many years amongn
the Russians both in Europe and Asia,
has arrived by the steamship Agamem
non from Yokohama. He says tahl
nothing but a miiacle can save Russia
from humiliating ami disastrous de
feat at the bunds of the Japanese
Russia's aimy, navy and civil services
are honeycombed with corruption anil
mutiny to an extent utterly beyond b
The Trans-Sibarian railway Is a
complete failure. The Japanese know
to a nicety Russia's strength in East
Asia and count upon a .six-years' war.
They know the Russians have no sup
plies and cannot get any except by
dribbles from Europe.
The Japanese scheme Is to drive the
Russians out of Manchuria, seize Sa
galien Island, wrested from them
many years ago and forming the Alsace-Lorraine
of the Far East; take
Kamchatka peninsula and so settle tha
vexed sealing question, wilh which
Russia has grievously Interfered, dom
inate In Corea and have free entry tn
Pekin as demanded aft?r the war with
China and blocked by Russia.
The Japanese count Port Arthur and
Vladivostok a.s mere incidents in the
campaign nnd look upon them as al
ready theirs. The Japanese have,
made vast preparations and every
move has boon calculated.
In his opinion the contest is a most
unequal one with every advantage on
the side of the Japanese. Mr. Mc
Cowan when in tho Orient had excop
tlonal opportunities of acquiring ex
clusive information. He says the Jap
anes3 would gladly s"nd home ev,:ry
war correspondent now there, but hes
itate to adopt so radical a step. They
are doing all they can offlcialy to pre
vent the correspondents doing mis
chief with premature reports and t! e
end of the correspondents' troubles 13
not yet, he says, by a long odds.
Scenes at Harbin.
St. Petersburg, April 4. A press
correspondent en route to tho front,
writing from Harbin, March 13, de
scribes the scene there ns he observeti
From all sides soldiers were prmr
ing into Harlan. The uncompleted
railroad station there had been trans
formed Into a barracks, and almost
every house In the town was occupied
by soldiers.
Pristan, a short distance away,
which until recently had been a small
village on the hank of the Sungnrl
river, had become a city with tem
porary building. which were being
used by the troops and with stores, a
hotel and restaurants.
The snow-filled str"ets of the two
cities, at the time the corr-spoiid ont
wrote, were thronged with picturesque
Cossacks, bearded Siberians, sharp
shooters and galloping orderlies, all
imbued with the fever to get to the
front. Merchants and restaurant
keepers, the correspondent adds, we-te
accused of extortion but money was
then p.
Spring was coming on though vio
lent. snowKiornis co'.jtii'ued to raye.
White House Croimdr- Thronged With
Children cf All P.rxes.
Washington. April a. H'.'i'ai vs's of
Cil'ldren of ail cul -s comii'ions
participated in r lie Easter .Monday v-sa
rolling fes ival on fun While Housrf
grounds. Except that the weal he:1
was too cool for pif:ct comfort, tlu'
day was ideal. The grounds weie
thronged with children and a regula
tion was enforced that no grown-wn
should 1)0 admitted to the grounds un
less they were in charge of cli'ddrm
The youngsters practically had th ;
grounds to themselves and they eu
joyed the day Immensely.
To add to the pleasure- or the c".:x
rolling party President Roosevelt di rected
that the Marine band shot,!-'
give a concert, in the grounds id
tween 3 and ! o'clock. The preside::' 's
young children ami so.uo of their p'r.y.
mates also participated in the egg roll
ing fun.
To witness the sport Mrs. Roosevelt
Invited the women of tho cabinet cir
cle and a party of her young friends u
the White House during the afiernoon.
After luncheon the president joined
the party, remaining for a lime ei
watch the children.
Prohibs Will Endjrsc C.eneral Miles.
Indianapolis, April 5. The signs
point to the endorsement of General
Nelson A. Miles for prt riid-mt by the
lidl'ina ProliinitionluL convention
Miicli begins today.
President's Boys Return lo Croion.
Washington, April 5. Theodo:-n
Roosevelt, Jr., and l is br iber
left for droton, Mas;., to resume fa.-ir
studies sfter th-.' I'a.-I'v v:e-tUu?.
They will letnaln at i li.::;l mitil ih
close of the term i:i June, v.'lie.-i i. j:i
probable they v.iil t' their summer
homo nt Oyr., er Bay
l-'liim i!i lLiiitc.
"The (rouble ;iir.'1 with the fare:"
said the old man. "If the i'.-irin iliiltrt
have lo do'.iin.", but support Itself,
it could be l;;;ele lo ,i.v. but it don't
seem lo lie ,-ible lo carry (be burden of
us livin' on :i. mi I rerkmi we're to
blame." ( 'hi a-.o i'est.
I.okIuv; u -l t' iiiu-.' it it i i y .
'The curtain lines up at S:i-"i. so w-'ll
be just 111 tiiiie."
"Bui If we have a ! it really s-eiiis
ii shame to be so puni loal." Brooklyn'e.
Pointed Paragraphs Chronic
ling the Week's Doings.
Long Dispatches From Various Paiti
pf the World Shorn of Their Padding
and Only Facts Given in as Few
Words as Possible For the Benefit
of ti.o Hurried Reader.
Documents forwarded by King Leo
pold refute the statements of mission
aries as to ciuelties In the Congo Free
A report reached-Seoul that 50 Jap
anese and 100 Cossacks were killed oi
wounded in a skirmish between Anju
and Tingju.
Warren B. Wilson of Chicago asked
the supremo court of the District ol
Columbia to enjoin Secretary Shaw
from paying out any money for the
Panama canal or to the republic ol
Senator Joseph R. Burton of Kan
sas was convicted In St. Louis of hav
ing violated the law of the United
States by accepting compensation
from the Rialto Orain and Securities
Members of the Panama canal com
mission .sailed for Panama, accom
panied by many "bugologists" and rep
resentatives of contractors.
At the Democratic primaries
throughout the state 228 dalegates
have been instructed to vote for Judge
Parker in tho state convention.
The captain of the Japanese steam
er Hanyei arrived at Chee Foo and
reported that his vessel had been fired
on and sunk by tbo Russian fleet near
the Miao Tao Islands.
The vessel.3 of the British naval
squadron at. Victoria, B. C, have re
ceived orders to hold themselves in
readiness for instant orders to sail for
a distant quarter, presumably Chinese
The Federal Trust company of
Cleveland and the fnion Trust com
pany of Boston have made assign
ments. The first civil tribunal of the Seine
at Paris decided the case of the repub
lic of Colombia against the Panama
Canal company In favor of the defend
ants. For sinking Japanese merchantmen
In Sungarl stjalts at the opening o?
the war $75,000 has been distributed
in prize money to the crews of the
four cruisers of the Vladivostok squad,
Mr. Bryan's appeal from decision of
the probate court denying admission
of the sealed letter of the late Philj
S. Bennett, bequeathing $50,000 in trust
to Mr. Bryan, was rejected in supreme
couit. New Haven.
Life Imprisonment for Herman
Heimberger und 20 years at Auburn
prison for William E. Trueman was
iho sentence imposed by Judge Rich
et Bulfalo on two of the four boys
charged with (he murder of Bernardo
David B. Hill was elected a delegate
from the Third district of Albany to
the state convention and Instructed for
Judge Parker.
Three masked men held up the Ore
gon express near Keswick, Cal., killed
W. J. O'Neil, the express messenger,
and carried off the con'ents of tho tx
press bo:;.
A man believed to be Otis White of
Ransomville went over the American
falls, having been seen to jump into
the river from the ice mountain at
Prospect Park.
While performing a capital opera
tion Dr. Stephen Paul Truex was
stricken by heart disease in the Bush
wick Central hospital, Brooklyn, and
died after surrendering the knife to a
brother surgeon.
Senor Jorge llolgiiin says Colombia
will cany the Panama canal 'suit to
the court of cassation Is necessary.
Dutch troops operating in Achin en
gaged a body of warriors and slew
nil, the Dutch losing three killed and
25 wounded.
James Johnson, a nephew of James
B. Marciiin. was assassinated In the
Haigis -Cockrlll feud in Kentucky, as
was his uncle.
New syndicate has signed contracts
with Argentine cattle raisers to suit
ply meat for the American markets
to compete with the beef trust.
Tho slaughter of 700 Thibetans at
Ciiiru was deeply deplored In England,
where it was called "one of the worst
blots on the hislory of England."
Pei iie! of speech by a blow on his
he id. V i.-lin Thorne of Newark, N.
.1.. Is baing taught as a baby again o
ft: I;.
The supreme court has decided thnt
tin coal roads must produce certain
.t.eiluiels in the case Instituted by W.
11. Hearst before the lule-rstiile com
merce commission.
Mcign- details have readied London
of heavy fi-,htin'; in Nigeria (Lrltlsn
West Irica), and of a reverse sus
tained by (lie punitive expedition sent
.igainst th" Okpoto tribe.
St. Petersburg newspapers coat In
lied to cri ieise the British Thibetan
affair, saying England took a leaf from
Japan's book tn atacklng the Thibe
tans will, out diebiral ion of war.
in I lie foiled States circuit court lr
St. Paul E. 11. Hairinian filed a peti
tloii for Intervention in 'bo distrlb l
I ton of the Northern Securities stock
The move is in opposition to tho plan
oi J. J Hid.
Pennsylvania Democrats May Present
His Name to National Convention.
Pittsburg, April 4. The Democracy
of Pennsylvania may have a candidate
of its own to present to the national
convention for the presidential nomi
nation in the person of D. T. Watson
of Pittsburg. While the party leaders
in this county believe now that an un
lnstructed delegation will be sent to
Ihe convention the launching or a
boom for Mr. Watson is likely to prove
dangerous to any such plan.
No definite steps have been taken
to have Mr. Watson's name presented
to the state convention of April 19,
but this is largely due to the uncer
tainty surrounding his desires in re
gard to the matter.
It was pointed out by Democrat3
who were interviewed on the subject
that the eminent PI tsburg attorney,
who was so largely resp-.n.uble for the
success of the government's effort to
enforce the Sherman anti-trust law on
the Northern Securi'lps company,
should be one of the strongest candi
dates that could be presented.
Local Democrats of all factions who
were approached on tho subject de
clared that Mr. Watson was tho logical
candidate. While the followers of Na
tional Committeeman fluff ey wero
chary about being quoted, largely be
cause of his attitude for an uninstruct
ed delegation, the private opinions
were decidedly complimentary to
"Pittsburg's candidate."
Steps on New Castle Sidewalk Under
mined by Rising Water.
New Castle, Pa.. April 1 A wo
man, whose Identity has not yet been
learned, was swept to her death in
the Neshannock creek here. She was
walking along Water street, within a
few feet of Mill street bridge, when tho
bank gave way, having been under
mined by rising water. The woman'a
screams attracted the attention of sev
eral persons, but they were unable
to render assistance. The woman
was carried over the Raney dam and
out of sight.
She was about "0 years old. The
tragedy was witnessed by W. J. Bren
nen, who noticed the woman approach
ing the undermined walk and called
to her, but she did not hear.
Joseph, the 11-year-old son of Frank
Thornton, also fell into the Neshan
nock a short time before, but was res
cued after great difficulty by his
Two Killed In Collision.
Reading, Pa., April 4 Two person
were killed nnd a dozen others Injured
in a collision betwer-n an express train
and a freight train on the Pennsyl
vania railroad near Pottstown Satur
day night. Tho dead are: Andrew
Feglcy of Philadelphia and a man sup
posed to be Siguor Hirsch of Balti
more. The coal train was lying on a
siding and the engineer's orders, It Is
said, were to wait for an aceommoda
tlon and the express. The accommo
dation passed when the coal train
pulled out on the main track nnd the
express crashed into it.
Woman One cf the Burglars.
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., April ,4. The
number of burglaries committed In
this region of la'e has apparently made
them popular. Saturday night two
men and a woman robbed the resi
dence of Mrs. John Mcllale of Pitts
ton. She was awakened about J
o'clock and found them In her room
Despite her screams they ransacked
the room and then departed nftei
every room In tho house had been
searched. Some Jewelry, a little money
and some clothing were taken.
Carry Thief Three Miles.
Irwin, April 4. A foreigner entered
the house of Mike Patrack at Madi
son and stole $100, a watch and other
articles. He was seen going out ol
tho house and a doen men' gave
chase. He ran nnd was captured ft
Edna. His hands anil feet were tied
and his captors carried hi in throe
miles to the trolley line, lie was
turned over to Burgess Uoger.s.
Braddock After Pure Water.
Pittsburg. April 1. The water com
mlttee of the Braddock council held 8
special meeting nnd awnrded the con
tract for the sinking of a test well
near th" river in Braddock to deter
mine whether a purer water supply
can be secured. R. II. Black of Brad
dock was given the contract and worli
on Ihe well will be started tmmodi
Mail Clerk Arrested.
Pittsburg, April 4. Charles S. Tlmb
lln, a mail clerk on the Petinsylvnnic
road, whose route was between Pitts
burg and New York, was arre.'.tod hert
for tampering with the mails. E lever
letters, all containing money, were
found on him. One of the letters wa!
a decoy, and Tlmblin confessed to hi
Explosion at Meadvllle,
Meadvillo. Pa., April I. -An air fml'
exploded in the machine shop of thf
Krie railroad shops here Sal unlay
practically wrecking the building am.
killing John C. Fredericks, foreman
and injuring several others. The ex
plosion Jarred the entire city.
Ream Declared Elected.
Corry, Pa., April 4--Charles Portei
was Saturday ousted from the select
council by Judge Walling, who do
clnred (!. W. Beam elected. The lal
ter contested when four votes WCM
thrown out