The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 24, 1904, Image 4

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    V V,
Smart k
Half Price and Less
For All Shoes & Rubbers.
Yd know tli is is a genuine closing out sale. We're going out of the
. . r r If ' 1
shoe depHrtineot and llie sooner we get.
Children's Shoes, the better !or lis.
Ii i-n't (Wien ynu get a chance
vou nmy. o,0(i( worth of the very hest kind of footwear at halt aud otteo
less thau half price.
A Sale of Embroideries at
11c a Yard.
Edtres and ins rtions both; wide, showy, effective patterns in fiveyard
lengths. These are loom lengths and occasionally show some slight imper
fection. To buy the same goods in the regular way you'd have to pay sev
oral times this sale price. Without stretching it a bit there's embroider
ies it ill i lot worth 85o or more.
lA.Belated White Goods
Jo pieces tine sheer Persian Lawn in a quality usually sold at 35o.
We 6gured on having these iu time fur our "White Sale," but the railroads
are to blamei" They've been on the way for two weeks, and have just been
delivered to us.
For dresses or waists beauiiful and dainty and only 19c a yard.
Women's Collar & Cuff
Sets, 10c.
Some of embroidery and some embroidered on scrims. You'll wonder
how they can be sold at lCc.
' Hundreds of them, but they're going fast.
New Spring Dress Goods,
89c a Yard.
The newest goods and the best colorings blues, browns aud blacks
45 to 50 inches wide and in quality equal to any $1 25 goods ever Bold over
a retail counter. These are exceptional good value in every way.
It Never Fails.
Thompson's Barosnia has never been known to fail to cure any
disease of the Kidneys, Liver and Bladder; also Rheumatism, Sciatica,
Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Debility, and Female Weakness.
Thompson's Barosnia reduces all the inflammation, neutralizes the acid
and dissolves gravel, carrying off all matter that is poisonous to the
blood, stomach, heart, kidneys and liver. It is purely vegetable and
pleasant to take. No opiate in any form is used in its manufacture.
It can be taken by all ages and has cured many children of non-retention
or bedwetting.
"I had Uen troubled with rheumatism cer since I was eighteen years old, and
wru u I went into the dntjr store I hud litiie faith in Thompson's Barosma. I have
t:ik'ii six bottles of liarof-iiiu and am better than I have been in twelve years. I can
wink every day, something; I had not done in ten years. Thompson's Barosma regu
late niy whole system and I am stmnirer and belter in every way, and am glnd to
bear this testimony. Thanks to Thompson's I'.arosma." JoHXSOX X. Dl'SN, Troy
Center, Penu'n.
II ut'Htive, Thompson's Dandelion and Mandrake Pills should be taken with
BnniMiia. They are purely vegetable and do not gripe.
How tit Jiiili h Woinuit l7 the
Shape of Her Mouth.
"I jiiilie a man by his eyes, but a wo
man always by her lips," said I'.cnja
lii i n Franklin. Ami no man ever rend
people UHUV cnlTi'it y.
tjiiecn Elizabeth onee refused to eti
giw ii wuitiny: wi.inaii who euine witb
every possible reeiniinieiidiitioii, "be
cause," she sniil, "the woman is n tale
bearer. -Io you in it see the downward
dip of her lip' I will none of her."
"In ehocisini; a wife let her be u wo
man whose lips do not droop at. Hie
corners," advises a l'ersian sace. "If
li woman's lips droop her husband's life
will be ii perpetual ninuniiiiK time.
Nor yet should they curve too niiieli up
ward, for that denotes frivolity."
Select for a wife one whose lips arc
Itruixht, not thin.
When the curve or nrch is larking
and the lip overhangs, not loosely, but
well defined mid firm, the owner is gen
tle and ready to please.
The mouth of sagacity is largo mid
always well closed, with the lino of the
lips firmly defined.
i,T1ip witty mouth is thin lipped mid
so polished and smooth that light
glances across It. The color Is fine scar
let. Therpossessor of such n mouth
will say",rl?vor, scintillating things,
" snrrlllring her best friend for the sake
of 'an epigram.
'Coquettish lips are sharply denned,
with a deep pressure tinder the nose
mid the (Di ners inclined upward. Here
lie laughter and fun and love of mu
sic, flowers and animals. The smile is
sympathetic, never tragic. Love of rid
icule will be strong, but not In a mali
cious vein. If the corners dimple deep
ly the lips are (piicU at repartee. Ex
change. Mop Milliliter.
Map making has kept pace w.ib itn
progress of oilier arts, though its siepM
are not so loud and are beind olteneM
in the schoolroom. It is really an art
to mal.f a limp and has always been
so. from (be time of the earliest
crude Affairs to the elaborate and ex
act pictures of today n great degree of
skill has always been necessary to
give a pel I't'.-t I representation. Map
lnckhut is ii'iu ai Hie height of its e.v
....lf,.,l,.,', ,,,,,1 ,,,,,, I,, ,.j , ' , will'
rtu or every pair oi uumeus auu
like this, so take advantage of it while
land to cultivate, houses to luinu or
land to sell must have everything set
down on Ills map for reference. No
body thinks of traveling any great dis
tance without consulting n map. In
deed It Is almost Impossible to escape
it. for the obliging ticket agent thrusts
It into one's hand with thoughtful
kindness, mindful of the advertise
ment within the pages as well ns of the
convenience of the tourist. Maps are
so common now that there are no more
little boys who think the soil of one
state is green, another brown, another
red, because that Is the way it is col
ored in the geography. Worcester Spy.
A City at Itoof Garden.
The majority of the houses in Iiuenos
Ayres have but one story, whose flat
roof serves all the purposes of Yankee
lawns and dooryards. While the pa
tios are frenuently utilized us dining
and sitting rooms, it Is the universal
custom to promenade in the cool of the
day on the house tops, to sit there at
morning and evening enjoying the re
freshing breezes, extensive views and
varied panorama in- the street lielow.
The children find their favorite play
ground on the roof. There the nurses
bring their infant charges, the seam
stress her sewing and the maid her
mistress' bedraggled finery to put In
order again. The clothes are dried and
aired and ironed ntop, and (luring the
"heated term" of this dew-loss latitude
thousands bring up their beds and
sleep with the starry sky for a counter
pane. SonpNtone In China.
Tin- Chinese In utilizing sonpstoue,
which Is found iu their country In
large iuantitles, make of It trays for
pens, slabs for rubbing ink, flower
vinos, incense boxes, sandalwood
burners, flower baskets, candlesticks,
chessmen, rups. bowls aud lamps, all
mns of emblems animals and the
Mots which the disciples of Confucius
re vmi! with so much favor.
Howes Yes; I suppose I am pretty
well off, but not so well off as I should
like to be.
I'.arnes-Dai you ever hear of the pig
Mho regretted that he had only four
loot to put Into the trough ut feeding
time? Itoston Transi-riot.
IVhnt the Public Fajra to Km Thent
In nualnraa.
Wall street brokers li'd themselves
ti million miles higher in caste tiiun
bookmakers. And they are right.
They are the creme de la erenie of
finance. Hookies are the scum. Yet
there are many bookmakers iu the
street, and not a few of them arc
backers of brokers. Some are big op
erators, supporting brokers by their
commission. There are 1,100 mem
bers of the Stock Exchange, and these
represent brokerage and commission
firms whose partnerships aggregate no
less than 1.4." 2 nhlcltodicd men. It la
safe to venture the assertion that each
member of the exchange and his part
ners would turn up the nose at an in
ome of less than $20,000 n year.
At $20,000 each year these brokers
clean up net nliout 2i,000,000. There
are some Stock Exchange firms
which pay $3,000,000 nnnnally for the
rent of their offices. These firms em
ploy 7.000 clerks and assistants, book
keepers, runners, etc., at nn average
wage of $1,500, which makes $10,500,.
000. Thus we have iu three items alone
$42,500,(HH) that must wine out of the
pockets of customers to keep the great
machine well oiled. That Is to any,
the public pays the sum of $42,500,000
annually for the privilege of support
ing in splendid style 8,452 people In
order that they may try their hands at
telling which way a stock will go.
New York Tress.
Orlifln of the I.rttrr V,
The letter V may be regarded as the
mutilated remains of one of the syni
IhiIs used by the ancient Esryptians iu
their hieroglyphic or picture wrltlug.
A common animal in their country was
the two horned sand viper, a represen
tation of which stood for V. The
priests ultimately found that for the
practical purposes of everyday life it
was a waste of time to use elaborate
hieroglyphics and invented a kind of
shorthand to meet the occasion. In
this the snake was reduced to a V with
a dash (V ) to represent horns and
The riiuMiicians adopted this letter,
and from them we get our V by loss of
the dash, leaving only the two little
horns of the original picture. This
snake is still common in Egypt and is
probably the one mentioned in Genesis
xllx, 17, "Dan shall be a serpent by the
way, an adder in the path, that blteth
the horse heels, so that his rider shall
fall backward." Travelers tell ns that
It is still addicted to this unpleasant
Drnatlra of Ireland.
Dublin can and does lioast of many
superlatives. It has the widest street
and the largest public park in Europe,
the first horse show in the world and
the largest brewery, but certainly the
chlefest of all Its claims Is that ad
vanced in behalf of its women. It is
really no exaggeration to say that In
no city in the world will one see so
many beautiful women ns one does In
the Irish capital.
There Is something, too, about the
Irish type of beauty that cannot be ac
tually described. There is an expres
sion, an air of something akin to sad
ness almost, in every real Irish face,
something Interesting, that holds the
attention more than mere skin deep
beauty. "I have been In most capitals
of Europe," says n traveler in Ireland,
"but never did I see so many really
beautiful women as I saw In Dublin.
And they were not visitors. There was
no mistaking the wonderful gray eyes
of 'Dark Rosaline.' "
Prerorloua Moinrt,
At three years of age Mozart would
amuse himself for hours together in
picking out thirds on the piano with
Ids wonderful ear; at four years he
learned minuets and before six played
some of his own compositions, actually
starting on a concert tour with his sis
ter at that age.
Before three years had elapsed he
had taken by storm four of the most
important capitals In Europe Vienna,
The Hague, Paris and London. Ills
reputation as a composer was estab
lished by the time that he was only ten
years old. Mozart fulfilled In maturity
the promise of his early years, but at
the age of thirty-five passed away, en
gaged on a requiem which he gradu
ally learned was to lie for himself.
The Ponton Walter.
A riillndelphln professor dining nt n
Boston hotel ordered n bottle of hock,
snylng as he did so:
"Here, waiter, bring me a liottle of
hock hie, haec, hoc."
The waiter, who had been to college,
smiled, but never stirred.
"What are you standing there for?"
exclaimed the professor. "Didn't I
order some hock?"
"Yes, sir," said the waiter, "you or
dered it, but you afterward declined
It" Chicago Journal.
Very Eccentric.
"lie's the most eccentric genius I ever
"lie certainly is a genius, but I net er
considered him eccentric."
"That's just it. The average genius is
eccentric, and his lack of eccentricity
makes him all the more eccentric."
a gov;.
Steer, Bull or Horse
hide, Calf skin, Dog
skin, or any other kind
of hide or skin, and let
as tan it with the hair
an, soft, light, odorless
md moth-proof, for robe.
rug, coat or gloves.
But first get our Catalogue,
riving prices, and our shipping
jags and instructions, so as to
tvoid mistakes. We also buy
fcw furs and tinsenjj.
no mill street, KocneKtrr. N. v.
Tor Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of CtjffdcJUi
A. KKLLEIt, Treasurer, In aooount
for toe year enuiiig Jan. , iwi.
To ami from G. W. Buhl $ 100 00
To " Gerow A Uerow H) 00
To " C. F. Weaver 200 00
f500 00
F. A. KELLER, Treasurer of Forest County, In account witb the State of
aylvanla for the year eliding Jan. 4, 11KI4.
To bal from last settlement f 81
To mercantile tax for 1W3 1,115 63
To State tax ou $17,500 Co, debt... 70 00
To Brokers' license .1 00
To billiard and pool license ISO 00
To peddlers' license 1(1 00
To State personal tax 0)0 115
To restaurant license '20 00
To 5 prct, on exoneration of f 2. 20 It
$12,01(5 40 $2,01(1 40
F. K. KELLER, Treasurer, In aooount with the Dog Fund of Forest Comity for
tbe year ending Jan. 4, 1001.
To bal. last settlement f 420 1)3 By orders draw.1 $ 202 84
To tax for 1.K)3. hflO 5(1 By exonerations fill 00
By 4 pr ct. com. IU1.84 14 47
Byamtto bal 001 12
$077 4-1 $077 43
To balance foot 12
F. A. KELLER, Treasurer, iu account with ;th Redemption' (Fund ol Forest
County for the year ending Jan. 4, 1004.
To bal. from last settlement f Odd 2 5 By aim paid Individuals 401 07
To ami ree'd from Individuals ... 222 58 By Redemption money 6 yeara
old carried to t'ourtv au't 103 31
By 4 pr ct. com. on $101.07 HI 04
By ami to bal 308 41
$W88 83 .
f 108 41 $S88 83
F. A. KELLER, Treasurer, in account with the County of Forest for the year
To bal. from last settlement $20,578 00
To seated tax for 1003 18,710 18
TO unseated tax for 1003 5,043 4(1
To seated returns for 1002 403 80
To 5 pr ct. added to seated returns 20 17
To 5 pr cU added to Col's hal'ces.. 205 18
To 60-day list 42 00
To Interest on unseated tax 107 07
To State tax returned 075 84
To liquor license transferred t8 75
To Redemption money 87 47
To overpayment of fees returned
by Sheriff Noblit 50
To additional unseated tax .. 1 72
To Coinnionw'lth costs refunded 127 00
To 0 yeaisold redemption money
transferred 103 31
To tinea from J ut ices of IVaoe... 12 00
To Jury fees 8 00
To Automobile licenaes 0 00
To ami from sale of old pipe and
plank 41 00
To ami from sale old bridge Iron 305 27
$47,508 39
To balance $18,004 10
F. A. KELLER, Treasurer of Forest County, in account with the Poor Fund of
Forest County, for tbe year ending January 4, 1004.
To bal. from last settlement $ 2.924 50
To seated tax for 1003 9.358 57
T unseated tax for 1003 2.072 05
To seated returns forlO02 162 08
To 5 pr ct. added to seated rets ... 6 72
To 5 pr et. added to cols, bals 102 58
To interest on tax for 1002 08 08
Toamt. from F. Fitwrerald. act.
Jno. Black. Insane 114 00
To ain't from Mary Plainer, act
Dan'l Rustler, insane 20 00
To anit. from Sheriff Noblit, acct
Dan'l Rustler. Insane 100 00
To ami. from L. Strebner, act. C.
sirenner, insane 73 83
Toamt. R. L. Haslet, act. P. M.
Clark. Insane 114 00
To aint. from sale of property of
Wm. Krause, indigent 42 75
To ani't rent J. S. Hood house 30 00
To board ach'l teacher Co. home.. 38 75
To unit, from Rouse estate act. C.
Walton, Indigent 34 00
To Hickory twp. poor act 240 87
To butter sold from Co. Home ... 01 05
To meat sold from Co. Home 13 00
To hay sold from Co. Home 37 03
To pigs sold from Co. Home 6 00
To cows " " 25 00
To cattle " " lot 50
To team " " 325 00
To produce " " 20 86
To straw " ' 9 02
To bides " " 2 05
$17,058 18
To bal 6,228 24
J. C. GEIST, Prothonotary, in acc't with Forest Co.. for year ending Jan 4, 1904.
To orders drrwn $ 241 28 By fees allowed 24128
GEO. W. NOBLIT, Sheriff, in act. with Forest Co. lor year ending Jan. 4, 1004.
To orders drawn 672 70 By fees allowed $ 440 35
By al'd board it wash prisoners.. 123 35
$.572 70 $572 70
SAMUEL D. IRWIN, District Attorney, in account with Forest County for year
ending January 4, 1'.'04.
To orders drawn $ 33 00 By feas allowed $ 33 00
J. W. MORROW Coroner, in act. with Forest Co. for year ending Jan. 4, 1004.
By fees allowed $ Id 13 To orders drawn $ 1(1 13
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' ACCOUNTS, year ending January 4, 1004.
A. K. SHIPE, Commissioner.
To county orders drawn f 51100 By 140 davs charg'ble to Co.act.8 51100
To poor ' " 480 50 By 130 " poor 48(1 60
$907 50 $007 50
CONRAD BURHENN, Commissioner.
To county orders drawn $ 535 50 By 153 days eharg'ble to Co.act.$ 535 50
To poor " " 381 60 By 109 " poor 381 50
$017 00 $017 00
HENRY WINEGARD, Commissioner.
To county orders drawn f 472 50 By 135 days charg'ble to Co. act.f 472 50
To poor " ' 402 50 By 115 " poor " 402 50
To order expenses to Commis- By expenses to Commissioners'
sioners' Convention 20 00 Convention 20 00
$805 00 $805 00
We, tbe nnderaigned auditors of Forest county, hereby certify that we did meet
at tbe court bouse In Tiouesta Boro, in ssid Forest County, according to law and did
audit and adjust tbe several accounts ol' the Treasurer, Pnvhonotary, Sberilf, Distirct
Attorney, Coroner aud County Commissioners, lor the year ending January 4, A. D.,
1904, and found the same as set out in the foregoing report. In testimony whereof,
we uaye nersunio ei our nanus anil seals
Attest - -J. i - Davis, Clerk.
Bonds redeemed $ 3,000 00
Justices' fees '. 8 75
Constables' pay 108 21
Witness fees 30 70
Sherlll 's fees and expenses 531 00
Prothonotary's fees 278 1 1
District attorney 18 00
Stenographer 1M1 75
Telephone and telegraph 63 75
Refunding orders 17 75
Indigent soldiers 135 00
Extinction of Forest fires 142 11
Road views 140 80
Insurance 373 33
Atty's fees 100 00
Eloction expenses 1,202 54
Western penitentiary 423 68
Reform school lofl 60
Express and dravage 8188
Bridceaot '. 0,868 83
Fuel, lights and water 423 60
Court house and jail repairs 908 28
Scalp bounties 228 00
Cash in hands of Treas $18,004 10
Seated returns .101 72
Due Irom Tiouesta boro 301 25
$18,757 07
Salaries, wages and Med. attend!
Provision, so pplies,clotb'g,8hoe8
Fuel and lights
Traveling expenses
Farm expenxes
Incidental expenses
Tuition for children
Buildings and Improvements
1.525 71
717 03
342 11
87 05
104 49
120 37
008 10
3(1 25
270 15
050 50
38 67
20 INI
113 25
with the Liquor Ueeuoes of Forest County,
By Stato Treasurer' receipt f 121 25
lty Troas. Jenka twp'a receipt. ... f7 IK)
lly Tress. Tionesta bnro's receipt 2l!8 IK)
lty 6 pr ct. com. on JoimioO 2.1 00
By tranalerred to county au't 08 76
Jj(H 00
By State Treasurers receipts.,
By 5 pr ct. com. on $1,000 00...
By 1 pr ct. com. on f IliYM ,
By 1 pr ct, noin. on fOIO.UA
By 6 pr el. com. on 2SU.0O
lty aint paid for pontage
By exonerations
By priutera' bills
1,S51 51
60 00
1 HI
tt 41
14 45
7 42
2 20
113 25
Jan. 4, r.ft'4.
By orders redeemed $23,318 51
By 4 pr ct. coin, on $15,308 54 014 74
By 1 " " on $7,050 bdg.eon 70 Ml
By bonds redreined 3,000 00
By 1 pr ct. com. on f-'.lHKl hoods.. 20 (HI
By 4 " " on $1,000 bonds.. 40 00
By Coupons redeemed tiSO (HI
By 4 pr ct. com. on $080 27 20
By collectors' abatements lor '03.. 540 87
By collectors' com 534 73
By land rot's and ex's 301 72
By 5 pr cl. on land ret'a and ex's 18 00
By State tax on county debt 70 00
By 4 pr ct. com. on $70 2 80
By tint, allowed Supt. Stitzinger
for institute 100 00
By 4 pr. ct. coin, on $100 0 40
By 5 pr ct. com. on $0 30
By ref. of tax assessed in error... 20 !Ki
By bal 18,014 10
$47,508 3
Bv orders redeemed i 9.405 03
By 4 pr. ct. om. on $0,405 03 37(1 24
By order for Com. on $10,000
bonds excliauxed by-Com'ra.. 100 00
By capons redeemed 1,100 00
By collectors' abatements, 1903... 270 18
By collectors' com in (salons 207 3d
By land ret's and exonerations... ISO 80
By Coin, on land returns and ex-
oneratioua 9 01
By 4 pr ct. com. on $1,100 coup's. 40 40
By retund on lax ass'd iu error...- II 00
By aint. to balauce 5,228 24
$17,050 18
mis day oi January, A. 11. 1004.
W. 11. Ml'lljri.."f,
N, skal J V .
GEO. W. HOLEM AN. skal Auditors
ty for the year ending Jan. 4, 1004,
Stationery and books Com' office 176 19
" " Proth'y ' 200 53
" " Treas " 21 75
fury Corn's and lerk 83 84
Grand fury 402 01
Petit jury 080 02
Tipstave and conrt crier 132 00
AssesHors 1.000 51
Conrad Bnrhenn, Coin 635 50
A. K. Sbipe, Coin 611 00
Henry WlnegariJ, Com 472 50
Commissioners' clerk 780 00
County auditors 170 72
Janitor 884 00
Printing 718 22
Coroner's inquests 21 13
Miscellaneous 472 78
Colltctprs' corns 534 73
Treas. com 790 04
Interest 680 00
State tax on loans 70 00
$28,394 21
Forest Co., year ending Jan. 4, 1904.
Bonds outstanding $17,000 00
Assets over liabilities 1,757 07
$18,757 07
Poor District, yoar ending Jan. 4, 1901.
Outside reliof 1.322 07
Insane at State hospital 1,111
Foeble minded In training sch.... 144 10
Outside expense 24 k:(
Conrad Burhenn, Com 381 61)
A. K. Sbipe, Cum 480 60
Henry Winegard, Coin 402 60
Commissioners' clerk 120 00
Treasurer's com 522 04
Collectors' com 207 3(1
Interest on bonds 1,100 00
$11,355 03
FINAFCIAL STATEMENT of Poor Funds ol Forest Co. year ending Jan, 4, 1004.
Cash In hands nrTreas $ 5,228 21 Bonds outstanding $30,000 00
Lands returned 102 08
Hue from individuals 63 00
Labilities over assets 21,555 00
$30,000 IK) $30,000 00
We, tlio undersigned, Commissioners of Forest County, and Forest County Poor
District, do hereby certify Hint the foregoing Statement of receipts and exponilituies
and Statement of Assets and Liabilities are correct and true, to the best of our
knowledgoand boliof. CON HAD BUKIIKNN, skai,1
A. K.SIIII'K, jsKAi.H Commissioner.
Attest, S. M. HENRY, Clork.
J. C. Scowden,
Having purchased the interest of my former partner, Mr.
Joseph Clark, in tlio C'arrinj;o and Wagon Factory, ami Gen
eral Hardware Store in this city, I desire to inform all old
and new patrons lliut I shall be prepared in the future as in
the past to meet their every want iu this lino. The stock of
Hardware, Heavy and Shelf Goods aud Implement of overy
description, will not only bo kept up to standard, but con
stantly increased aud added (0 as the trade in ty dcinuud.
Small Margins
on All Goods,
and a careful consideration of tlio wants of customers w II be
strictly adhered to. Tlmiikinn all for past favors and elicit
ing a continual. ce of your patronage,
Yours truly,
b-- :"
ANcgetable Prepnraltonfor As
similating lite Food and Iicj ula
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
Tromotcs Digcstion.Cheerfiir
ness and Rest.Ccmlams nciiltor
Opium, Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
PinfJcai Sent'
irmiitt -
ClrjihtJ iiw
Apcrfccl Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness mul Loss of Sleep.
FacSunilc Sitfnnlure of
For Rheumatism.
Cold in Chest,
Sore Muscles,
Stiff Joints.
AT ALL DRUGGISTS. 25o, 60c, $1.00.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre-
Earcd in two minutes. No boiling 1 no
akinjr t add boiling water and set to
cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Get a package
at your grocers to-day. 10 cts.
llulryliiH In I lie H0111I1.
If you are interested iu dairying
aud desire tu learn eittnethini; that
may be of advantage to ynu finan
cially, write tn the undersigned for
handvome FRIlE descriptive pamph
let and (nil pirticulurs regaiding
dairying Along the line of the Illinois
Central R H.
E. A. T. P. A..
Illinois Central It. R ,
512 Park Building,
PiltBburg, Tn.
' a
( Hardware,
tt M 114 H H li
i mm
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Haye
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
t)ood Stock, flood ('aiTliieH and Hug
Kies to lot upon the most reasonable terms,
lie will also do
All orders left at the l'ost OIHce wll
receive prompt attention.
We promptly tihiaiii ti. H. and Fori-lftn
(fruoreporton patentability. For free book,
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