The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 16, 1903, Image 2

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i. C. WINK,
Editor 4 Proprietor.
1903 DECEiMBER 1903
'Su. Mo. Tu. We. Tli. Fr. Sa.
678 J 10 11 12
13 1415 16 1718 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26;
27 28 29 30 31 "
. 1:11 I - TJcnj
. 1:12
18 p. m.
vs.Mion r p.m. .Moon 10 p.m.
f Third ii BB3 -v First nr 9:ti
XL Quarter 11 . m. I i' Quarter aD p. ra.
Tu Knew British ambassador to this
country will receive $.")0.o00 year. Onr
ambassador to England receives $17,000.
"No man is above tbe law and no man
is below it," declares the President, in
sp-akini? in Lis annual message to Con
Kress or the relations between capital and
A Dkmocratic daily ot New York says
that the continual abuaeof W. J. Bryan
should cease, as be has turned out to be
line advertising agent lor his weekly
Senator Hanna nays that be is tired
denying reports or ill feeling between
himself and the President, Tbe Demo
cratic papers never lire of printing these
The Keptibl ican's are phased that
Croker, Tammany's former leader, did
not ii (luce William J. Bryan to remain
in Euulaud, as be has promised (o take
part in six in ore presidential i-amraigns.
Pbksiuknt Rooskvei.t declares in his
message to Congress, "The givers and
takers of tribes stand on an evil preemi
nence of inlainy. The exposure and pun
ishment ol public corruption is an honor
to a nation, not a disgrace."
In making his committee appoint
ment", Speaker Cannon has selected men
who aro personally interested in the
work assigned to them, so that they can
take a broad, rational view of the meas
ures submitted to tueir committees.
Former Governor Allen Chandler, of
Georgia, declared that Gorman was tbe
best man for the Democrats to nominate,
but bo was "for any Yankee who can
lick Roosevelt." He shows some wisdom,
however, in advising the Democrats not
to use the Panama a Hair as an issue. Murphy, the Tammany
leader, is a power in the Democratic par
ty and Senator Gorman is doubtless much
disappointed to hear that lie favors Judge
Parker as the Democratic Presidential
nominee. The Senator's Jim Crow pol
icy did not receive the approval of the
Northern Democrats.
Despite all rumors to the contrary, it
seems that Gen. Wood's nomination to be
major general will be confirmed by the
Senate. And this will please about nine
tenths of the American people, who see
no opposition to the General's promotion
except that wbich comes from the crowd
that be exposed and bad punished in con
nection with the Cuban postal frauds.
These rascals seem to have some influen
tial backing which has been endeavoring
to get even with General Wood by op
posing his confirmation.
Dr. Nathan C. Schaeffer, Superin
tendent of Public instruction, is getting
much favorable comment for bis advo
cacy of a large attention to the teachers of
the "three R's" in our schools. He be
lieves that reading, writing and arithme
tic, should be thoroughly taught before
the time of pupils is seriously distracted
by attention to anything that interferes
with that work. In this he is taking tbe
wise and timely attitude required. Chil
dren may do great things in examina
tions under some other arrangement, but
they have to suffer for it in later years.
At tbe meeting of the National Repub
lican Coinuiittoe, In the city of Washing
ton last Saturday, for the purpose of fix
ing a time and place for holding the next
Republican National convention, Chicago
wax selected as tbe place and June 21st
as the date. The windy city hail all other
competitors down by a large majority
anil won out easily. The sentiment of
the committee as to choice of candidates
was unanimous for President Roosevelt,
and the probability is that an Illinois
uian will be his running mate. All the
members of the Committee were inter
viewed and the answers were practically
the same, "the people want Roosevelt."
Tti's does not suit Wall street, but Wall
street is not making candidates for the
Republican parly.
In Speaker Cannon's make-up of stand
ing committees (his Congressional dis
trict hares well in the honors. Mr. Sib
ley is made chairman of the Committee
on Manufactures, and he retains bis po
sit on on the Post. Dice Committeee. At
his own request be was dropped from the
Committee on Insular Allairs. It is
known to those who sre on the inside of
political affairs at the Capitol that Speak
er Cannon !! red tbe bead place on the
P .st Olllce Committee to Mr. Sibley, but
tlielaiter declined, being unwilling to
undertake the vast detail worn of a com
mittee which deals with appropiialions
that aggriuate more than the combined
expenditures of the army and navy. The
Speaker thereupon ollered to Mr. Sibley
bis choice ol a chairmanship ami Sibley
Indicated bis willingness to take head
place on Manufactures. On a recent vlait
to Washington the writer of this para
graph mixed considerably with the
"newspaper fellers" the experienced
sleuths who have a reliable nose as to
men ami allairs and gathered f-om them
that in the matter of personal popularity
In i he lower House, without regard to
party, it is horse and-horse betwien the
two Joes Cannon and Sibley. Vouango
appointor, I'enitcratli'.
I'ostiil Affairs.
Those who have studied the question
realize, that the Post Olllce Department is
capable of many reform which would
greatly increase its usefulness a a ser
vant of tho nation. The pretent discus
sion of affairs In the department is an op
portune moment to present these reforms
to the people so ibat they may become a
popular desire.
Abuses of second class mail privileges
have long been a disgrace to the postal
service, but much has now been done to
correct them. Alleged periodicals which
were in reality books, or merely adver
tising mediums, or bad a free elrjulatlou,
or an excessive sample copy distribution
were deprived ol the rights of second
class mail. The same was denied news
agents who formerly returned their un
sold matter at the pound rate.
The distinction between third and
fourth class matter, that is between print
ed matter and merchandise, forces the
postal authorities to ask the sender irri
tating questions and causes much loss of
time. Assistant Postmaster General
Madden has recommended the consolida
tion of these two classes, at a uniform
rate of one cent for every two ounces.
He suggests also the use of postal
checks, which would be a great conveni
ence in sending money by post, and
would prevent the excessive use of
stamps, which increases the roblieries iu
small unices where large supplies must
be kept on hand, and permits tbe post
masters to demand an Increase of salary
owing to the large sale of stamps.
In Germany to-day it is possible to or
der goods in any part of Hie empire and
have them seut cheaply and promptly by
post, charges collect. Parcels post exists
in nearly every European country, but it
has not been iu use iu this country Min
ply because the private express compan
ies have been powerfull enough to pre
vent it. This is but a single instance of
how the companies have their interests
protected. The influence of these privato
companies is great anl opposed to the
public, but it would be powerless in tbe
face of a real public de ire for a parcels
post. The desire for it will come as soon
as people realize its value.
Excellent Advice.
Alfred Truman, a Jefferson county
writer, of more t'jan ordinary note, ami
who is well known to many of our read
ers, gives this excellent advice toayoung
relative starling in life, wbich the Brook
ville Republican of last wtek pubdshes:
Having started out in life for yourself,
and having shown your ability to conduct
a legitimate business successfully, I write
to warn you against any attempt at get
ting rich quicker thau good common
businiBs methods will admit of. As it
becomes known that you are accumulat
ing money, you will be beset by a class of
mn who, as It is said, live by their wits,
and if not themselves scoundrels, they
represent such. Men, or coucerns that
have not a single honust purpose in viewt
but wbo live on the honest substance of a
better class, will come to you with
schemes ottering great promise, but
which have no foundation save in their
own villainous plans to rob you. Un
P'incipaled schemers will offer to sell
you mining stooks, presenting to your
young mind visions f gold, silver and
copper mines in actual and active opera
tion, earning for the stockholders unlim
ited wealth, when iu reality tbe mine or
mines represented to you either do not
exist or are nothing more than a mining
claim or a nine entirely valueless. If
you are in possession af stocks or shares,
procured through agents who bave claim
ed tort-present an actual miningcoinpany,
my advice is to burn tbe paper, made
worthless by the matter printed upon it,
and forever afterwards regard tbe
man who seeks to sell you mining
shares just as you would were you
to - catch him robbing your safe.
Another form of robbery, practiced upon
a class of persons whom one would think
to be wanting iu proper saneness is
through the operations of what is known
as the "bucket Shops." If your town
bears the disgrace of tolerating oue of
these institutions, I earnestly appeal to
you to shun it as a dear sweetheart, wife,
or mother would shun a brothel. Remem
ber thai, apart from the sin and folly of
gambling, the concern owns both ends of
the wire; and what this means is shown
by the universal extent to which nearly
all have been duped who have tried get
ting rich by this one-sided method of
taking risks,
I am told that people of small means,
in our town, and some whose religious
convictions should bave restrained them
from the evils of gambling, have lo t, in
the aggregate, (50,'JOO within the last year
or two by this form of idiotic vice and
folly. Some of this money represented
the lifetime earnings of people both dead
and living, and was needed in almost ev
ry instance to tide over the lives of those
who have wasted it by means worse than
to have thrown into the tire.
Alfred Trdman.
France has issued an oflicial state
ment saying she will not sell the islands
i St. Pierre and Mlquelon, which lie olf
the South coast of Newfoundland and
form the remnant of her vast American
possessions. Carrying out his idea of
sending all European flags back across
the Atlantic!, Senator Lodge had suggest
ed that tbe United States buy these isl
ands from France.
The disposition to parade criminals is
too frequently manifest, to the detriment
of public morals. The latest ii fctai ce of
this demoralizing practice, developed in
Chicago, calls forth the following criti
cism from the Inter-Oceau : There is too
much publio exhibition of criminals
loo muuh license uiven them to display
and vaunt themselves. The levees which
the Chicago police permitted the carbarn
murderers to hold were immoral and
depraving spectacles. The sooner a
criminal is withdrawn from the publio
Vision and the less ado with which the
silence of a prison cell is made to close
around him liie better for the cause of
law and social decency.
Nee Here,
If you contemplate a trip to the West,
South or Southwest, the Nickel Plate are
making extremely low rates on Dec. 15th
and January 5th and l!Kh. These rates
are based on about one fare for the round
trip. Avail yoursell of this golden op
portunity to seH the beauties of the West
cheap. For full information, wiite, trie
graph or phone A. (!. Nhowalter, Dist.
Pass. A t. Nick le Plato Road, Wi7 Slate
St., Erin Pa. (jfjjie
Uorcrnor Oppose Dancing.
The governor of Nebraska is making a
bid for a place in history as the executive
who forbids dancing on the part of tbe
State employes. Governor Mickey de
clare that he is opposed to dancing on
moral grounds. "Liberties are permitted
in llio ballroom not tolerated elsewhere,"
says the go- ernor j "most of thediigraced
wonn n attribute their fall to dancing, for
human vultures haunt the ballrooms to
presume upon acquaintance and ruin
ynunk. women. The difference between
the masculine and feminine eodo of mor
als is the cause of sin and sorrow in the
under world. A man may stray from
the path of virtue and be respectable.
Every hand pushes a woman downward.
If dancing contributes in any way to
pulling the women of our land from their
tbronr of virtue we should not permit
And this is the governor of Billy Bry
an's State, where people's liberties are
not supKsed to be curtailed by bosses or
combines of any sort.
The Modern Christmas.
"For Christmas comes but once a
year." And iu the opinion of many it is
an elegant sufficiency. There is no gain
saying the fact that a good many are just
ai well satisfied that it comes no more
frequently. It Is of course true that very
many, probably a majority, celebrate tbe
holiday in the proper spirit, and look
forward to Its coming with the most joy
ous expectations, but it is equally true
tnat there are many others who look up
on its advent as an annual atllictlon a
dreaded season of annoyance and perplex
ity, during which selfishness, greed and
Ingratitude are more frequently encoun
tered than the opposite characteristic of
charily, benevolence and good will. The
practice of giving gifts is a beautiful one,
so long as it is conducted along proper
lines -so long as " 'tis not the valueof the
gift," but when it assumes the character
of commercialism, wbeu a person makes
a-gift in expectation of getting a better
one, and is disappointed if this expecta
tion Is not reali.ed, it is no longer beau
tiful. It becomes hideous. When it
comes to simply swapping gifts tbe
Christmas spirit is lost. And it cannot
bedenied that tbe tendency l in that di
rection. Parents as a rule overdo tbe
thing when their children are young. Tbe
boy or girl of 40 or 50 years ago derived
much more real satisfaction from au in
expensive present than tbe one of to day
does from a much more -valuable one.
Parents of to-day bestow such valuable
gifts upon their children when they are
young that when they are a little older
grown there is nothing good enough for
them. When a lad or lass of a dozen
years turns up bis or her nose, and dis
plays a lack of gratitude, because a gift
is not more valuable, it is good evidence
ibat there has been a plethora of presents
before. And it is much the same with
the grown folks. The husband whose
wife has about everything she desires,
experiences moie and more difficulty
each succeeding year iu iindiog some
thing suitable and satisfactory. And it is
tbe same with the wife whose husband is
well supplied. These are a lew of tbe
leasons why people take up such heavy
burdens each recurring holiday season
when they commence hunting tor Christ
mas presents. Were all purchasers to re
strict themselves to merely some little
remembrance, something which they
could afford to pay for, it would certainly
be much better than to indulue in more
extravagant purchases, often assuming
debts which aie burdensome for many
weary months. And the recipients
should always remember that t .ere is
nothing an unkind as base ingratitude.
Oil Cil Blizzard.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to leain that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in nil its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only
positive cure known tn tlie medical fra
ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly apon tbe blood
and mucous surface ol the system, there
by detro ing the foundation of th dis
ease, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assist
ing nature in doing its work. The pro-
prie.ors have so much faith in its cura
tive powers that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for anv case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENEY A CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are thebest.
K F.I TO It OK KT. I.l KF.S,
Ashbnrnbnin, Oi lario, TeliHe to the (.ood
tjunlitiea or (iianiberlaln's Cough
Ashburnham, Out.. April 18, l(K);l.-I
think it is only right that I should tell
you what a wonderful effect Chamber
lain's Cough hetnedy has produced. The
day before Easter I was so distressed
with a cold and cough that I did not
think to be able to take any duties the
next day, as my voice was alinostchoked
by tbe cough The same day I received
an order from you for a bottle of your
Cotmh Remedv. I at once procured a
saint le bottle, and took about three doses
of the medicine. To my great relief the
cough and odd had completely disap
peared an l I was able to preach three
times on Ea-ter Day. I know that this
rapid and effective cure was due to your
Cough Cure. I make this testimonial
without solicitation, being thankful to
bave found such a God sent remedy.
Respectluily yours,
E. A. Lang eldt, M A
Rector ofSt. Luke's Church.
To Chamberlain's Medicine Co.
This remedy is for sale by Dr. J. C.
Happy is the girl who thinks her
father is the best man on earth.
Miirclnl Comliirled Kxcuraloii via the
Nlt-kle rime.
The Nickel Plate will sell special ex
cursion tickets Dec. loth, Jan. 5th and
10th at extremely low one way and round
trip rales to all points in the West, South
or Southwest. Address A. 0. Showalter.
Dist. Pass. At. No. H07 State St . K.rie,
fa. write to day. (.iz)Ji3
Bilious folic I'rcvenled.
Take a double dose of Cliauib 'rlaln's
Colic' Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as
soon as the first indication of tbe disease
appears and a threatened attack may be
warded off. Hundreds ol people use the
remedy in this way with perfect success,
f or sale by Dr. J. C. Dunn.
Low ltnlcs viu Hie Nickel I'lnlc.
Dec. 15, Jan. 51b and 10th are the dates
for the next low rale excursions via the
Nickel Plate road to Ihn West, South and
Southwest. Information in roiorenc.e to
these rates may be had by writing
or phoning to A. C. Showalter Dist. Pass.
Agt., HH7 Slate St.. Erie, Pa. (l:l)jl3
When you want a pleasant purgative
try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They are easy to take and pro
once no nausea, griping or other diiW5rco
able effect. For sale b.t I'r. J. C I'mitl.
Ancient Deiln.
In ancient times the beds we vend
about were simply nigs, skins or
tnnttrpsses which could be rolled up
mid curried nwii.v Iu the morning. At
night they were spread on the floor,
which in the better class of houses
was of tile or plaster, und as the shoe
wore not worn In the house and tho
fiet were washed before entering a
room flic Hours were cleaner than
ours. After a time a sort of bench,
throe feet wide, was built around two
or three sides of flic room about a
foot aliove the floor and, covered with
n soft cushion, was usvd during the
day to sit or lounge on and as a sleep
ing place, at night. The bench was
sometimes made like a settee, movable
mill of carved wood or Ivory. London
o Serine of lroortlom.
The young man who had spent his
efforts for several years without re
sult in studying art was talking with
bis practical uncle, who had patiently
paid the bills.
"Of course," said tho young artist,
"I know I haven't made much of a go
of it. but I don't think you ought to ad
vise me to try something else. You
know it's best to put all your eggs lit
one basket and watch that basket."
"I'm: That may lie, Charlie; but did
you ever think how foolish It Is to put
so many baskets around one bantam
ogg?" Youth's Companion.
The Oreo! 1'oreelnln Tower.
Iu HJto A. P., atter nineteen yearn of
ceaseless labor and an expenditure ot
about Sisi,iHK, the Chinese govern
ment finished the wonderful porcelain
tower at Nankin, which stood for near
ly four and n quarter centuries, until
lSotl, the most marvelous building ever
erected by human hands. It was of
octagonal form. I'tiO feet iu height, with
nine stories, eacli having a cornice and
a gallery without.
( holly's Itepartre.
'Cliolly Is so derail at wepartec!"
exclaimed Clarence.
'Isn't heT said Reginald. "What's
his latest?"
'A gweat. howwid bwnte said to
hint. "You are the biggest fool in this
'.ate.' And Cliolly answered wight off.
'I don't agwee with you I' " Cincinnati
Commercial Tribune.
Reduced Kalrnllo New Orleans aud Return
via the Pennsylvania Itallrord.
On account of tbe meetings of the
American Econoinio Society and the
American Historical Socioty, at New Or
leans, La., Dec. 28 to Jan. 1, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will sell round
trip tickets to New Orleans and return
from all stations on iu Hues, Dec. 24, 25,
and 26, good for return passage until
January 5. inclusive, at reduced rates.
Porsoeciho Information consult ticket
agents. It
lie Quick.
Not a minute should be lost when a
child shows symptoms of croup. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy giveu as soon as
Ihe child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy coub appears, will prevent
ihe attack. It never fails, and is pleas
ant and safe to take. For sale by Dr. J,
C. Dunn.
The Stockholder tne Forest County
National Bank ofTionet-ta, Pa., will meet
on Tuesday, January 12, ItHH, at 2
o'clock, p. m., at tbe ofllce of the bank
for the purpose of tbe election of directors
r r the ensuing year.
12lu4t A. B. Kelly, Cashier.
The influence or climatic conditions in
the cure of consumption is very much
overdrawn. The poor patient, and the
rich jiatieui, too, can do much better at
home bv proper attention to rood diges
tion, aud a regular use or German Syrup.
Free expectoration in tbe morning is
made certain hy German syrup, so is a
g'Sd night's rest and tbe absence of that
weakening cough and debilitating night
sweat. Restless nights and the exhaus
tion due to coughing, the greatest dan
ger and dread of tbe consumptive, can be
it even ted or stopped by taking Grman
lyrup liberally and regularly. Should
you be able to go to a warmer clime, you
will find that of the thousands or con
sumptives there, the few who are bene
fitted and regain strength are those wbo
use German Syrup. Trial bottlos. 25c:
regular size, Too. at James D. Davis',
4io Homewhere via the Nlrkle Plate.
Special low rales one way. also round
trip yia tbe Nickel Plate on Dec. IS, Jan.
5th and 10th to all points West and South
See or write A. C. Showalter, Dist. Pass.
Agt. 807 State St., Erie, Pa., for full par
ticulars. Three through fast express
trains In either direction daily (14)jl3
Notice of Appeals.
Notice is hereby given that the Com
missioners of Forest, county will be st the
following places at the time designated,
for the purpose or holding appeals lor ihe
triennial assessment of 1904 :
Barnett Twp., Tuesday, January 12, at
Jenks Twp., Wednesday, January 13, at
Howe Twp., Thursday, January 14, at
Green Twp., Friday, January 15, at Ne
braska. Kinusley Twp., Monday, Jauuary 18,
at Kellettville.
Hickory Twp., Tuesday, January 10, at
East Hickory.
Harmon v Twp., Wednesday, January
20, at West Hickory.
Tionesta Twp., Thursday, January 21,
at Tionesta.
Tionesta Borough, Friday, January 22,
at Tionesta.
Conk Ai Burhe.nn,
A. K. Shipb,
Henrv Win hoard,
Attest: Commissioners,
S. M. Henry, Clerk.
Fred. Grottcnbergor
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, (jas or Water Fit
tings and General ltla:ksmithing prompt
ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and just west of the
Shaw lioiise, Tidioute, I'a.
Your patronage solicited.
Executor's Notice.
L tters teHtamentary on the estate of
Mieliael Mong, lateot Tionesta township,
Forest cunty, Pa., deceased, having
been granted In the undersigued, all per
sons indebted to raid estate are hereby
notified lo make payment without delay,
and those havim; claims or demands will
present then., duly authenticated for set
tlement. J oh. E. Mono, Executor.
v Tionesta, I'a.
A. C. IJRov r, Atl'riiel-. fit
uvVToi-ioay ;
Do ib Now!
Good advice at uny time,
but especially so in regard to
X-mas Shopping.
If you are undecided what
to buy, our suggestions may
help you. A large stock,
replete with practical, ser
viceable gift?, at your dis
posal. &
Flour 19 sack 1.15 1.40
Com meal, feed, V I(K) tb i.8n
Corn meal, family. W loo lb l.fiO
Chop feed, pure grain 1. .'.
Oats -.AO
Corn, shelled .75
Buckwheat flour, V lb .0.1
Heaiis-p bushel .IH
1 1 am, sugar cured .It!
Bacon, sugar cured .1(1
Shoulders .10
Salt Pork, lb .14
Whitofisb kit 70
Sugar n.tWJ
Syrup :v(4 .50
N. O. Molasses SS'o) .50
ColTee, Roast Rio 12JI5
Cotl'ee, blended Java .20
Tea .:5 .50
Butter .25
Rice 05(a). tw
Kgga, fresh (a.:iO
Salt tfi barrel 1.25
Lard .13
Potatoes, bushel .50
Potatoes, sweet, H Hi .(.'(
Lime f barrel 1.00
Nails V keg
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Timos
at Reasonable Rates,
tear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone Xo. 20.
JQS If. Il?lYEl
llepalrst Boilers, Stills
Tunks, Agitators. IIiijh
uiitl Nells Second - linnd
Boilers), i:te.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. End ofSnspei aion Undee,
Third ward, OIL CITY, IM.
m:ak m sii:ss,
Practical ideas, up to dale meth
ods, make our students a success, and
tbe calls tot them greater than we
can supply. The beet investment
you can make for the business world
is to take our dimmer -ial and Short
hand Course. We teach more in one
year than the ordinary school can in
three. 32 of our modems have ac
cepted office positions since latt
Spring. Enter at any time.
Wakren, Pa
933 to Ciiliforiiin anil Norlhwexl.
New Pullman "Ordinary" sleepers,
wide veslibulcd and with every mod
ern conv nience, iu charge of corrpe
lent agents trotn Cinciunali and Chi
cago. Rates fr berths less than half of
cost io regular sleepers Write to
day for free descriptive inttter and
full particulars to E. A Uichter,
Traveling Passenger Agent, Illinois
Central Railroad, 512 Pavk Build
ing, Pittsburg, Pa. 23tf
Nnfr. A1wn- reliable. I,nii4, ask Pnijrrtst foi
II H'll t:.STt:it M frX.LMMI in Itnl and
Uold nifUillto hoxfK, willed with blue ribbon.
Tohf no (hfr. Kcfim dnnirerotiii ubf I
fufllonHnil Imlluf Imim. liuyuf your DiiiukHi,
nr Henri 4r. in Ktitmps for I'art tritium, TU
monlaln ami ltd let for Kadic.' in Irttrr,
by rrliirn "tin 1 1. lo.OOO 'IVstiiiioniuK hoM by
all DrutwMte.
A100 nadlvon Hquarr, 111 1 L, A. v PA
MentloM thli paper.
a . r
Lf.ll 101
Take axauve uromo ymnmeTawets.
Seven Million boxes sold in past 1 2 months. ThlS Signature,
New Dry Goods.
New Dress Goods.
New Ladies' Coats.
New Misses' Coats.
New Ladies' Skirts.
Fall and Winter.
Now Here and Arriving.
A. n.
A. Wayne Cook, Q. W. Robinson, Wm. Hmearbaugh,
N. P. Wheeler, T. F. Rilohey, J. T. Dale, J. II. Kelly.
Collections reinittod'for on day of pr.yment at low ratos. We promise our custom
ers all the benefits consistent with conservative b king. Intorest ptid on time
deposits. Tour patronage respootfully solicited.
It Will Only
Cost One Cent
to buy a potttul card ami fend lo the New
York Tribune farmer, New York City, for a
free specimen copy.
Tbe New York Tribune Farmer is a Na
tional Illustrated Agricultural Weekly for
farmers ao ' their families, and EVERY issue
contaius matter instructive and entertaining
to EVERY member of the family. The price
is 8100 per year, but if you like it you cau
secure it with your own favorite local news
paper, The Forest Kkpuhmcan, Tionesta,
I'a , at a bargain, Both papers one year only
SI 25.
Send your order and mooey lo Tin-: Uk-
We have anything the heart could
wish. '1 be great problem of findiog
something to please hint or her is
easily solved at this store, and at
moderate prices, too. Don't fail to
drop in and look over our stock when
in town. It would take many col
umns in this paper to attempt to
enumeiaie iho many beautiful things
you will I'm (I here.
We promptly obt'nln U. 8. and Koreltni
f And modul. sktirh nr nhotn nl invention lo l
f freereport on ratentnbTllty. or free book, i
Opposite U. S. Patent Office
To Cure a Cold in One Day ks
,, . . .
Wm. Rmkarbacoh,
Vice Preslden
850.000. I'M' AY.
To Take Klfeet July (ith, UM)3.
Ka-tern Turn
3 I 1 I Stations
p.mia.mLeave Arrive
7 00 Ne!ranka
1 7 yo Hoes Kit II
7 40! Lamentation
7 4."! Newtown Mills
1 4.VK (ill! Kelleltvlllo I
p.m. 'p.m
0 fill
II 30
6 20
tl 15
1 0016 00
1 f)5K 15 Ruek Mills
2 05 H 2,ri M vbu rg
1 12 45,5 50
12 35 5 40
1 lM H -10 Turkey !I2 10
2 iri h 4.'. Minister l2 0.ri
2 ;0 K fin Wellers 111 Mi
2 III 0 00 Hastings jll 40
2 :.") 0 Ifi Bluo Jav 11 0
10 II Rl) Henry's Mill 11 00
:i 2.'i l 50 Harnes 10 40
A 4" IIKKI Shellleld 10 30
5 25
5 20
4 55
4 40
4 25
4 15
p.m a. ni Arrive Leave!, m
T. D. COLLINS, Pkesidknt.
Taking effect, November 20tb, 1903.
No. 30 Buffalo Express, daily
exeept Sunday 11:10a.m.
No. 32 Oil City and I'iitsburir
Ex ress,daily,except Sunday ..7:20 p.m.
For Ilickory.Tidioute, Warren, Klnzua,
Bradford, Olean and the East :
No. 31 Olean Express, daily
except Sunday 8:48 a. m.
No. 33 PittHburfr ExpresB,
daily except Sunday 4:45 p. in.
For Time Tables and additional Infor
mation consult Tleket Agent.
W. V. AT riCKHUUY, J. h. WOOD.
General Manager. l'asseniierTralllo Mr.
(iEO. 11. BOYD, (len'l Pasener Agt.
ot character and iiooil reputation in
each state (one in this county required)
to represent and advertine old established
wealthv buxineHS houses of solid financial
NtamlinK. Salary ?21. 00 weekly with ex
penses additional, all payable In cash
direct each Wednesday from head offices.
Horao and carriage furnithed when nec
e.KMary. References. Enclose self-ad-dressed
envelope. Colonial, 332 Dear
born St., Cbicii;o. S2-4UI
on everv
yrvn box. 25c.