The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 09, 1903, Image 3

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Renrexenta all the lenrilnn Fire In
Btiranoe Com pan log of the world
ami can Insure you againat Iom it
loweHt rate obtainable. We are
mIho agenta In Forext county for the
which lurnlxlies aecurity for Cnun
ty and townxhlp olncials. Also
fornMies ImiiiiIh lor
at a nominal fee. A nice line of
Iteal ICatate Deals al way to be bad
at this aironov.
C. M. ABNi & SON,
Joe Lnvl. Ad.
Lammers. Ad.
M A. Kelt. Localx.
K biniton A Son. Ad.
Heath A Kelt. LochIm.
Clarion Normal. Local.
Smart A NilberberK Ad.
Hovard's Pharmacy. Ad.
Kdinhoro Normal. Local.
Joyce'" Millinery. Local.
Diinn'a Drug Nlor. Local.
lloiklti. Ad. and Locala.
White Star Orocery. Local.
Kornut Co. Nat'l Hank. Notice.
Jos. 10. Mon. Kxecntor'a Notice.
M. L. Halite. Notice to Taxpayers.
-Oil market closed at f 1.87.
Oil and gas leases at this office.
Hopains sella the Douglas t-boes tl
Seo (be new gas healer at Lanson's. 1
Christina galore, Hopkins' store. 1
Doll bats made to order from now un
til after tbe holidays at Joyces'. It
. Tbf season for killing all kinds of
game closes with next luesday.
Tbore Is but one talking machine,
and that's the Victor. M. A. Feit, agent:
If looking for a gift not In the "good-
for-one-day-only" class, call at Itobln
aonV. It
-Ills not bard to pick a Christmas
prosout for a gentleman at Dunn's drug
store. It
George F. Hunt Is tbe newly ap
pointed postmaster at Jobnlowen, Clar
ion county.
Remember tbe new line of ladies'
neck wear at Joyces' inillnerv. All the
latest novelties. U
Two weeks and two days till Christ
mas. Don't yon wih you bad thoxe se
lections all made?
The fact that we are drawing rapidly
toward tbe shortest day In the year Is
not an unpleasant reflection either.
Tbe hottest thing n gas beaters can
be seen at Lanson's budware etore. It
is n t only haudsome, but Is a great fuel
saver. It
You will find a trained faculty and
excellent facilities In tue Clarion State
Normal (School. Winter term begins
Jan. 4. It
Edinboro Normal oilers i-cursea In
music, oratory, business, art, mechanical
drawing, and normal. Catalogue free.
John F. Bigler, Prin. U
Sheriff Nobllt now Ins Ave prisoners
at the county bastile, two of whom are
from the Warren Jail, which Is undergo
ing extensive repairs.
Wanted. Man with .i0 (or its equiv
alent) who Is willing to work for four
dollars per day, permanent jwisition.
Apply at om e, Hoom 14, Hotel Weaver.
How about a Victor talking machine
for Christmas? No more appropriate
present could be thought of, and will give
you pleasure all the year round. M. A.
Feitt has them. It
Following Is tbe list of le ters lying
uncalled lor In the Postollloe at Tionesta,
Pa., for the week ending Deo. 9, 1903:
Mrs. John Snyder, Miss Lulu Brody.
D. S. Knox, P. M.
Tbe attention of our rdera is called
to the advertisement of the Dutiuexne
Silverware Co., which appoars lu another
column. Tbe Duquesne company quotes
some very reasonable prices upon sea
sonable aad desirable holiday goods.
The Indies of the Presbyterian church
( will bold a bazaar at tbe home of O. W.
Robinson cn Wednesday evening, Deo.
18. There will be on sale fancy work for
Christmas gilts, also useful household
articles. Everyone Invited to attend.
Persons who contemplate making re
form resolutions, 'n the first of tbe year,
might score a point by commencing now,
in order to get a good running start, asys
tbe Sandy Lake Breeze, and by that time
they could tell whether it would be worth
while to make tbe attempt,
A married editor soliloquizes thus of
the gentler sex : "There is gladness In
her gladness when she's glad, and there
is sadness In ber sadness wheu she's sad ;
but the gladness of her gladness and the
sadness of her sadness are nothing to ber
madness when she's mad."
The Ladies' Missionary Society, nl
Endeavor, will hold a "baeaar" in Kin
dergarten hall, Thursday evening, Dec,
loth. 1903. All kinds or useful and fancy
anioii'K, dolls, toys, candy, etc., will be
On Bale at reasonable prices. Ice cream
and cake, 10c ; collee, 5o. 7:30.
Santa Clans unloaded at Hopkins'
store. Dolls, toys, books and playthings
oeyery description. Genuine Havilaud
Chrak, in sets to match or ill odd pieces.
Fancy Chiiiaware, glassware, water sets,
chamber sets. Anything you want in
Xmas goods. Bring tbe children. It
A couple of enterprising young men
of Kittanning have contracted for a large
consignment ol Christinas trees for the
Pittsburg market, and ate loading sev
eral cars with the evergreens at this sta
tion. They realize handsomely on their
stock it is said, and make it pay them
As an indication that it pays to raise
thoroughbred chickens and also that it
pays to show them, F. A. Keller received
yesterday from a man In Port Hope, On
tario, an order lor a partridge wyandotte
cockrel and pullet which took first prize
at the recent poultry show at Erie. Tbe
price paid for the pair was f35, and they
are to be entered at the coming interna
tional poultry show atOuolph, Canada.
Bert Thomson of Jamleson station was
hit on tbe face by a binding pole y ester
day afternoon, and so badly hurt that the
attention of a physician waa required,
But bis Injuries are not of a serloui na
ture, although he will be boused up for
few days.
A usual tbe White Star Grocery will
have on baud a large stock of choice con
fectionery to be sold at wholesale prices
to Sabbath scboola having Christmas
trees, etc., and to school teachers who
wish to treat their pupils during the hoi
idavs. Always the best at the lowest
prices. 2t
Poultry fanciers and all others inter
ested in chickens and pet stock of all
kinds should keep in mind tbe second
annual exhibit of the Forest County
Poultry, Pet Stock and Horticultural
Association, which will bo beld in this
place Deo. 22 to "(t, Inclusive. Write
A. Keller, Seo'y, for any information de
sired. tf
Rumor has it that tbe Pennsy will
put two extia trains on tbe river divis
ion, running between Pittsburg and
Rochester. N. Y. These trains would
pass here at about 2:00 In tbe morning,
and would aflord people from this sec
tiou the opportunity to go to Pittsburg
and return In one day, and have ten to
twelve hours in which to transact bus!
A proposal of marriage duly made
and accepted under the softening and do,
mestlcallng Influence of Sunday does not
go In Pennsylvania, says tbe Pbiladel
phia Press. At leas'. If repented no dam
ages can be recovered by the young wo
man for the breach of a contract to marry
made on the boly Sabbath. This is the
law as Judge Beitler has discovered and
rende-ed it. So girls, beware of the Sun
day night habit.
Tbe Marrloiivllle Express makes
observation wnicu Holds good in every
live town when it says: "Look these
col u m na over and if you can't see tbe
name of a merchant whom you supposed
was in business in Una town you can
make up your mind that they are a dead
issue. The firm that don't advertise is
not In the race these days and they must
go to the rear and make room for the
hustler. Our columns tell tbe story,'
Last Wednesday morning the par
ents ol little three year-old Frederick a
Meyer, of Titusvlllo, were terribly shock
ed to learn that the lit le girl bad got
ten bold of a small Lottie of carbolio acid
and drank the contents. The child bad
awakened in (he morning about six
o'clock and gone to the bathroom where
among a number of other medicine bot
tles la ajcuphnard she bad unfortunately
seen red the deadly poison. Death en
sued In an hour or two.
Park Black Is finishing a well ou tbe
bill south of Sibble run, on what is
known as the J. M. Clapp property, now
ownod by Tionesta parties. There is ev
idence that it may make a small well.
Mr. Black has also started the drill on
the James Carson farm, Hunter run, not
far from the one he recently completed on
the Will Clarke plaoe. A company com
posed of Tionesta people is drillingnn tbe
Osmer tract, out across the river beyond
Win. McKee's place, in Harmony town
Raymond the six-year-old son of
Sheriff Noblit, fell abj.ut three weeks ago
striking on his shoulder, lie complained
little when be reached home and some
local applications wore made to the hurt
nd the little fellow seemed all right tbe
next morning, and had not complained
any since. Monday tbe sheriff discov
ered a small lump near the lad's neck
and immediately consulted a physician.
who found that the boy's collar bone had
been broken- and of itself bad knitted
nd healed perfectly,
Last Friday a Bill in Equity was riled
in the court of this county by P. II. Mel-
iu through bis attorney, G. U. Sloan
against the commissioners of Clarion
county. After reciting the irregularities
alleged to have been practiced by the
Commissioners In the letting of contracts
for tbe county poor house, the bill asks
tbe court to grant an injunction restrain
ing the commissioners and the contractor.
Wm. Zortman, from proceeding with tbe
erection of the poor house. Clarion Re
publican. Thus it seems that poor house
ghost will not down.
M, L. Range, of Stewart Run, rolled
pumpkin into the editor's domicile the
other day that tested tbe capacity of the
front door in transit. We didn't weigh
nor measure the monstrosity, but should
guess that it would measure about 'stecn
feet around the middle, end it was sound
and mealy to tbe core. Mr. Range, who
acts in the capacity of constable, lax col
lector and assessor for bis township, still
finds time to make his farm pay well,
having this year gathered between two
nd three hundred bushels of fine apples
as a side issue, which be is selling readily
at fair figures. It pays to farm if you do
it right.
Sheridan E. Shaw, a former resident
of Kellettville, this county, and whose
parents still reside there, di- d In Butler,
Pa., cn Suuday, last aged about 38 years.
Mr. Shaw ell a victim to the dread ty
phoid scourge, from wbici that city la
now suffering so terribly. Tbe deceased
leaves a widow and three children, one ol
the latter now being alllicted with tbe
disease. The remains were brought
through here yesterday and conveyed to
Kellettville, his former homo, for inter
ment. Mr. Shaw was well knowu to the
people of Kiugsiey township, where be
spent most of bis life, and where he was
held In blgb esteem by all who knew
A queer uonditfon of affairs has oc
curred at the new government dam at
Logan's eddy, which demonstrates the
fact that aomebody has blundered in a
most culpable manner. The dam was
buili first and the lock bas not been fin
ished, sc there Is no way by which boats
or rafts can now get over tbe dam to the
Iver below. The result Is that about 60
loaded botts and 20 timber rafts which
went down the river on the recent tise"
have been caught in tbe ice and are frazen
p. Tbe amount involved In this tie up
is about f 100,000 in boats and limber, and
it is all liable to be lost If carried over tbe
dam in a flood with the ice. If lost, some
body ought to be compelled to bear tbe
loss aside from the lumbermen. Clurion
Democrat. Much of the material men
tioned herein is the property of Forest
county people operating on the Clarion
river. The Democrat's contention is cor
rect, and somebody aside from the lum
bermen ought to be made to bear the
burden of loss.
Mrs, J. E. Wenk la visiting Oil City
J Jamleson was in Oil City on btisl
ness Monday.
Harry Canfield was up from East
Sandy over Sunday.
Mrs, G. E. Gero.v is visiting friends
In Warren this week.
Miss May Clark went to Oil Citr to
visit friends yesterday.
G. G. Gaston was a business visitor
to Oil City last Saturday.
Capt. J. M. Clapp was up from Presi
dent on business Friday.
Bruce Hagerfy la up from the West
Virginia oil fields on a visit.
Mrs. Jacob Cropp and little daughter
were Oil City visitois Monday.
II. W. Horner was down from
Youngsvillo a part of last week.
I. B. Gerow waa up from Oil City to
spend Sunday with bis parents.
Mrs. B. Landers has been quite sor
iously 111 for the past two weeks.
C. J, Carlson was down from West
Hickory on business last Friday.
John Foreman, of Pulaski, Pa., is a
guest at the borne of Patrick Joyce.
Dr. J. B. Siggins, of Oil City, was a
business visitor to Tionesta last Friday.
J. T. Carson left Monday on a bust
ness trip to East Brady and Homestead,
Mrs. R. W. Moon waa a guest of
friends in Marienville ovtir last Sab
bath. T. B. Cook, of Cooksburg, waa t.ans-
acting business in the county seat last
W. H. Stiles, of Endeavor, was a
pleasant caller at the Republican oflice
last Friday.
Mrs. Cbas. Hunter returned Satur
day from a visit with friends in Mill
Village, Erie county.
-Dr. C. C. Ylngllng and T. C. McMas-
ter, Jr., of Marienville, spent Monday
night in the county seat.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Catilkins and
son, Albert, were guests of friends in
Warren over Sunday.
Mrs. Tho uas Lewis and little daugh
ter, of Franklin, are bera on a visit to ber
grandmother, Mrs. Rachel Noble.
Mr. and Mrs. VV. E. Morgan, who
have been In the Indiana oil fields for tbe
past two months, came home last Thuis
Mr. and Mrs. George Klinestiver, Jr.,
of Kellettville, are rejoicing oyer the ar
rival of a daughter at their homo on the
21 Inst.
David Mong, of Oil City, tbe guest of
his son, A. W. Mong, of tbe township,
for tbe past two weeks, returned home
Cbas. Amann was down from North
Warren over last Friday nlgbt in the in
terest of a new gas stove which he is introducing.
M. J. McCullo.igh and daughter, and
Mrs. J. A. Small aud son, Gilpin, of Ne
braska, were among tbe Oil City visitors
last Friday.
W. W. and J. P. Grove, who have
been drilling in tho oil fields near Glas
gow, Ky., came home for the holidays
last Saturday.
B. G Stiles, of tbe flourishing mer
cantile firm of Stiles it Evans, Endeavor,
was transacting business at tbe county
capital Monday.
Many friends of Mrs. Dr. Hunter,
one of Tionesta's oldest and most highly
esteemed resideuts, will be pained to
learn of ber very critical illness.
Ernest Sibble.of German Hill, banged
the oflice door last Saturday with a nice
round "plunk" for another year's sub
scription to Forest county's popular pa
David DeWoody, of Akron, and Mrs.
enuie Chapman, of Youugstown, Ohio,
tbe guests of their nephew, Ed. DeWoody,
at Fox Creek, returned home last Satur-
Wm. Fish of Centreville, Crawford
county, drove over yesterday to see bis
half-brother, Capt. Knox, who we are
glad to report, is slowly gaining from bis
severe illness of tbe past month.
Townsman J. F. Overlander was
agreeably surprised one day last week by
the arrival of his son, Caldwell, of Alle
gheny, who bad just returned from a
bunting expedition in tbe big woods of
Wisconsin, and brought the o'd gentle
man a fine deer. The party of three rail
road engineers, of which Caldwell was a
member, brought six deer home with
them, the law permitting each man to
ring two with bim over the State's bor
President School House Burned.
Tbe school bouse near President, one
of the finest structures of its kind to be
found anywhere, la reported to have
burned to the ground last Friday night
the cause or origin of tbe fire being
mystery. It is thought that tramps may
have used the building during the nlgbt
and carelessly or maliciously set fire to it
The building was erected several years
ago by tbe late Edwin E. Clapp, who ao
cepted the contract from tbe school board
of President township for tMO. Mr
Clapp whs anxious that'Jiis township
should have a strictly first class building
and when be turned it over to the board
he found he had expended over five
thousand dollars in Its completion, but
there were no modern conveniences
lacking when he was through with bis
contract. When the school board pre
sented the contractor with an order for
his pay, $.)00, be passed the vouchor
back to the treasurer and asked bim to
mark it canceled. It is a pity tbe build
ing could not have remained a inouu
ment to Mr, Clapp's great-hearted geoer
Two Dollar Oil.
Death of Thomas Wilson.
Thomas Wilson died at bis home neat
Fagundus, Forest county, Pa., Friday
evening, November 27, 1003, aged 79
years, 11 months and 4 days.
Mr. Wilson had been seriously 111 for
tbe past two months and suffered tbe
moat excruciating pain at times. Though
not wholly unexpected by friends and
relatives, death was a surprise to all
when it came.
The deceased was boru in Yorkshire,
England, December 23, 1823 aud came to
America in 1851. He has been a re-ldint
fFaguudus for the past thirty years,
and waa loved and respected by all who
new bim. He was a kind father and a
loving husband, and was always ready to
help tbe sick and needy,
He is survived by lijs wife and four
children, John, George and Ida Wilson,
at home, and Mrs. Robert C. Mclutyre,
of Salem, W. Va.
Funeral services were beld Monday at
11 o'clock, at the Fagundus Methodist
chuicb, Rev. Mr. Potter, of West Hick
ory, officiating. After the exercises bis
remains were interred In Neiltown cem
etery. Tbe services were attended by a
arge number of bis friends who extend
ed their sympathies to the bereaved tam-
ly. Messrs. John Vail, Alex Ntely,
Matthew Mclntyre, Maurice Tucker and
ohn and George Wilson, were tbe pall
Tbe Stockholders of the Forest County
National Bank of Tionesta, Pa., will meet
on Tuesday, January 1.', r.HJt, at 2
'clock, p. m., at the oflice of the bank
for tho purpose of the election of directors
for the ensuing year.
Uimt A. H Kelly, Cashier.
Christmas galore, Hopkinb' store. 1
A bid of $2 a barrel for 10,000 barrels of
crude oil, represented by National Trail
sit certificates, was made on the floor of
the exchange Thursday by Thomas B,
Simpson, of Philadelphia, a former prom
inent br ker on tbe floor of the exchange
in tbe halcyon days of speculation. Mr,
Simpson is now a resident of Philadel
phia, but is hereon a business visit. Dur
ing the day a vale of 5,000 certificates at
$1.05 was recorded. With tbe exception
of tbe year 1805, the sale and bid yester
day is the highest quotation for certifi
cates for 25 years, or since tbe opening
and development of the prolific Bradford
field. On April 17, 1895, certificates Bold
atJ2.69. The opening price on that day
was S2.60, and after advancing to fl.d'J
the market became weak under the pres
sure to realize on their paper profits by
spucuUtors, and declined rapidly with
few sales to $2 12, subsequently rallying
to $2.17 at the close. The clearances, or
total transaction, on tbe exchange that
day were 352,000 barrels. The average
daily price of certificates during the
month ol April was (1.7993-100, and ti e
average daily clearances were 177,420
barrels. Derrick.
Local Institute.
A local institute ot the teachers of tbe
township and borough was beld in tbe
principal's room in tbe high school build
ing last Saturday. It proved a pleasant
and helpful convention of tbe teachers,
which was no doubt due to tbe enterprise
of the chairman, D. W. Morrison, who
took the Initiative Btep, and to the har
mony with which the teachers worked.
Tbe program as printed in this paper two
weeks ago, was carried out with the addi
tion of two recitations by Misses Merle
Dunn and Lenore Ritchey, both of which
were highly complimentary to the young
ladies and well pleasing to tbe teachers,
especially The Nineteenth Century Teach
er. Supt. Stitzinger and a uumberof teach
ers from neighboring townships were in
attendance, and their interest added
much to the Inspiration of the institute.
Among those present were: R. A. Reed,
Misses Guenther, Lohmeyer, McClenn
Mrs. Maude Berlin of Kingsley ; Misses
bertaa Fogle, Pearl a"d Mae Elliot of
Harmony; W, J. Stewart of HL-kory,
and Maxwell Heath of Green.
A Dargnin for Farmers.
The New York Tribune Farmer, a na
tional illustrated agricultural weekly of
twenty large pages, bas no superior as a
thoroughly practical and helpful publica
tion for tbe farmer and every member of
bis family, and the publishers are deter
mined to give it a circulation unequaled
by any paper of its class in the United
Knowiug that every enterprising, up-
to-date farmer always reads bis own lo
cal weekly newspaper, the New York
Tribune Farmor bas made an exceeding
ly liberal arrangement which enables us
to offer tbe two papers at so low a price
that no farmer can afford to lose the opportunity.
The prica of the New York Tribune
Farmer is (1.00 a year and tbe Forest
Republic n is (1.00 a year, but both pa
pers will be sent for a full year if you for
ward (1.25 to the Republican, Tionesta,
Send your name aud address to tho
New Y'ork Tribune Farmer, New York
City, and a specimen copy of that papei
will be mailed to you.
6o different games all new
one in each package of
Lion Coffee
at your Grocer's.
Lesson For Our Bear Hunters.
Tbe Sheffield Observer tells this bear
story which is somewhat of a takedown
to some of our bear hunters who would
scarcely have the nerve to tackle bruin
with a buggy whip:
"While driving to Sheffield recently
from her homo at Cooper Tract, Mrs. E.
A. Wolfe bad an experience that is worth
telling and does not fall to the lot of the
average woman, even in a bear country.
Mrs. Wolfe was accompanied by ber
daughter, and when driving along the
plauk road near Klondike she found a
large bear sitting in the road apparently
determined to hold the right of way.
When the borse bad got about as close as
horses usually want to get to a bear, It
stopped aud refused to advance. The
bear showing no inclination to move Mrs.
Wolfe arose iu the buggy and shook the
robe at the animal. As this bad no ef
fect in moving the bear Mrs. Wolfe got
out of tbe buggy and advanced, shaking
the robe. Bruin still refused to move,
and Mrs. Wolfe returned to the buggy
and secured the whip, and with that wea
pon drove the animal from the road into
the woods. Tbe lady showed remarka
ble nerve, and must be a wonder to some
hunters we know of that don't even shoot
at a bear without first selecting a tree to
climb iu case the shot should not prove
Tax ravers or Harmony Township.
Taxpayers of Harmony township will
please take notice that all taxes must be
paid by Dec. 31st. Otherwise steps will
betaken to force tbe collection of samo.
M. L. Ranoe, Collector.
brightens to-day's
Cream of the News.
Tbe man who bas lime to burn bas to
borrow a match to start it.
If you have any idea of purchasing a
gas stove this winter don't fail to inspect
tbe new radiator at Lanson's. It
He best expresses bis own gratitude
who causes another to be grateful
You can Ret a very nice plush cspe at
Heath & Feit's for (3.75. Former pi ice
f-5.00. U
The man who needs a place should
look for tbe place that needs him,
When you want a Christmas present.
that is a present, why not buy a piano,
organ or sewing macuinef Consult M.
A. Feit. n
It Is folly to biast of your Mils be
fore you have built your foundation.
Don't talk about Xmas goods. Go to
Hopkins' store and see them.
No man thinks ol his life as a
who has any grist worth grinding.
The largest line of Sterling silver
novelties ever exhibited in Tionesta at
Dunn's. it
u noes not lane mucti of a saint lo
denounce tbe sins he cannot digest.
Remember that the White Star Gro
cery is headquarters for choice confro
tionory, fruits and nuts for the holiday
trade. 2t
Tho man who hasn't enough religion
to last till he gets home from meeting,
hasn't enough to take bim to heaven.
Christmas galore, Hopkins' store. 1
-fortunate is the man who doesn't
have one-half tbe troubles that his neigh
bors think he has.
Faith's forelook
Santa Claus left tbe Isrgest share of
all the good articles at Dunn's drug store
this year. u
If I don't like a man's face, I can
never learn to like his politics and religion.
A few very nice coats for girls, sizes
8, 10 ami 12. One-fourth off former prices
makes them very cheap. Heath & Feit.
Homely boys and girls generally get
a full head of knowledge, while tbe pretty
ones are satisfied with swelled heads.
The acme of beat production and fuei
saving bas been reached in tbe new radi
ator gas beater for saie at Lanson's hard
ware store. Look it over. it
When men cease to be liars newspa
pers will tell tbe truth.
Very pretty toilet sets for either lady
or gentleman at Dunn's drug store. It
An Irishman says that big hearts and
big pocketbooks seldom travel band in
Think up what you want. Come to
Hopkins' store and you will find it.
Nicer and cheaper than you imagined. 1
Life wouldn't te such a bad scrape to
get into, were it not for tbe fact that we
have got to die to get out of it.
One-fourth off on all ladies' coats and
capes and furs at Heath & Knit's. It
Many a good woman can see whore
she might have been better looking.
As usual tbe While Star Groeory will
keep a supply of guns for rent during the
bunting season, and will be prepared to
fit rou out with the best of ammunition
for tbe occasion at reasonable cost. If
Strong is the man who knows bis
Coats at very low prices at Heath
Feit's. it
There's nothing more disgracelul
than incincerity.
Only those get to heaven who help
others get there.
Dolls from Bo te (2.50 at Dunn's drug
store. It
Ignorance is far loss odious than false
Those all-linen ladies' handkerchiefs
for 5c at Joyces' are proving agreatseller
and you should come early, before the
stock is exausted. it
What children need is more models
and fewer critics.
If you have not 1 Joked over Dunn's
line of Xmas goods yet you are missing
something. it
It's easy to explain why others
shouldn't make mistakes.
Local Institute nt Kiulcaror.
A local institute will be hold In Kin
dergarten ball, at Endoavor, Saturday,
Den. 12, 1903. The bearing of moral and
physical training on the Intellectual
training will be the basis of work.
History Bertha Fogle
Drawing .....Jennie Delo
Address ProC C. M. Freeman
Reading Mary Casey
Address lilanclie l'easo
Geography Emma Anderson
Recitation Lyiiia Alliaugh
Music (address) Minnie Griffith
Address Rev. II. B. Potter
Course of Study ..Kri(ion
Instrumental Musio ft-
" " .. ..Florence Rustler
" " Ellen Bowman
. " " ..Mrs. Ethel Alcock
Presents !
Au extra supply has been
received of all grades of
Gold Fish!
With an assortmrnt of -J, 1,
2 and 3 gallon globs, etc.
Call and examiue.
Against Ueady-to Wear Cloth
iug ia disappearing every day;
in tbe largo cities it has al
most entirely disappeared.
McCuen Cimpany's clothing is
winning its way in Oil City It's ap
pealing to the very best inlnrmed
people its style, its fit, tbe exclusivo
fabric and careful workmanship that
cJisliugui-lits ibis high grade apparel
from the commonplace is begioniog
to he understood aud appreciated.
Many of the new Wiuter Suits and
Overcoats we are showing this season
are correct adaptations of tbe exclu
sive custom models of Pool, of Lon
don, and ot Bell & Wefzel, of Fifth
The price ia right.
Men's Suits $10 to $25.
Men's Overcoats, $10 to $35.
.Young men's suits and overcoats,
ages 16 to 20 years, prices $2 to $4
Kverthing here to dress you well
while it is uew and up to date.
2b AND 29 SENECA ST. .
Useful articles as well as ornamental.
Hopkins' store is full to the sidewalk
with all kinds Xmas goods. All manner
of merchandise. Useful as well as orna
mental. It
Ili-ail About In Hurst 1'roui Ni-vrri- Itiliiius
"I had a severe bill-us attack and folt
like inv head was about to burst when I
gobhold of a free sample of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I
toi-k a dose of them after supper and the
next day lelt like a new man and have
been feeling happy ever since," hhvs Mr.
.1. W. Smith of Jiilifi, Texas. For bili
ousness, li troubles and constipa
tion these Tablets have no equal. Price
25 cents. For salo by Dr. J. C. Duun.
L. J. H.
L. J. H.
Christmas Galore at Hopkins' Store
Every year our assortment of Chrisutnas goods is
larger than the previous year. This year it will over
reach all previous efforts, both in quantity and qual
ity. Dolls, Toys and fancy bric-a-brac,
Rogers' Plated Silverware,
Sterling Silver,
Genuine Haviland China,
Fancy Decorated China.
Xmas Goods of Every Description.
L. J. Hopkins.
From time immemorial slipper have occupied a prominent
place iu the favor of gift buyers Last year, although we
made very extensive preparations, we could'nt quite supply
the demand. In planning for Christmas, 1903, we profited by
last year's experience, aud laid in slippers of all suits iu abun
dance. Meu's slippers, from 5lo to $: (10.
Ladies' warm nullifies at $1 I0. $1 2r, $1 50 and $2 00.
Pull line of Ladi-s', Misses' and Children's all wool Jer
sty leggios and the nun slipper soles.
Sycamoro, Seneca and Centre Streets,
is coming !
We beg to announce to the gift buyers of Oil City and vicinity
that cur stock of holiday arlel e ait now ready for inspection.
Wo have provided ltMre liberally than ever before every article
we show is useful and serviceable, and is designed for comfort or
id rumeiit.
We shall urge upou our friends tho advantage of making early
selections while stocks are at their best. This applies parlicul rly
to house coats, smokiug jackets, hath robes, and such articles as can
not be duplicated quickly.
A lounging robe, or bouse coat all'ords a mau mote real comfort
than any other gift.
Prices $:5 0O to $10.00.
Garments laid aside if deposit is made. All goods delivered
wheu promised.
T7- 1
41 c5c435ENE:CA ST. Oil. CITY PA