The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 02, 1903, Image 3

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Editor 4 Pkopbicto.
1903 DECEMBER 1903
27 28
p. m.
p. ilk
p. in.
V Quarter
V Quarter
Koit.MKK President Cleveland ha.s killtnl
more ducks than President Roosevelt has
Thk new Hrilisb ambassador, Sir Mor
timer Durand, is now on h is way to
Tun Monroe doctrine is still in a tine
state of preservation. Anything that is
wrapped in the American flag is sure to
Bryan says, "The people do not know
Tom Johnson." They know that he is a
Rryatnle and that is sufficient lor them to
decide which way to vote.
Four assassins were rccen ly executed
in the Philippines and (heir bodies given
to their relatives. Two of the four have
since recovered.
Con. Bryan has exchanged hissomhre
ro for a hli(h silk hat. By the time he
gets up to King Edward ho will be wear
ing knee breeches and low thoes with
Skntor Nkwlanps, of Nevada, Intro
duced a joint resolution in the Senate in
viting Cuba to join the Union as a State,
but President Palnia says Cuba is getting
along very well as she is.
, In granting reciprocity to Cuba and in
negotiating a canal treaty with the new
republic of Panama, the Republican pol
icy met with such lavor with the public
that the Democrats do not dare appose it.
Thh case is clear. It is better to pro
tect your own and take chances on other
nations buying of you than to throw open
your industries to foreign competition,
with the possibility of not producing any
manufactures which they want to pur
chase. Thk United States is gathering a large
assortment of islands. Senator Lodge
proposes that we buy oi France the little
islands of Miquelon and St Pierre, otr the
eastern coast of Canada. They are the
remnant of France's great possessions in
North America.
The Standard Oil Company is going
into court to ascertain whether the gov
eminent has any power to regulate the
trusts. This 1b a distinct improvement;
it is not so very long since the trusts un
uertook to regulate the government,
courts or no courts.
Thk Lebaudy Brothers, of France, are
niot successful inventors of airships;
and also the most prudent ones, as they
hire someone else to ride in them during
the tests. Due ol their ships recently
broko the record for speed, and a lew
days afterward was wrecked against a tree.
Thk Hon. John Sharp Williams, the
Democratic leader of the House of Rep
resentatives, says that tariff reform
should be the issue of the next campaign ;
Gorman favors the race question ; Hearst
declares for "Democracy,. Labor's ally,"
and Bryan insists on the Kansas City
platform and says that free silver is not
dead, The prospects of a united Democ
racy are as you tins see them.
Reports concerning disaffection
among the Republicans in Indiana as to
f ie nomination of President Roosevelt
next year are emphatically denied by
Senator Fairbanks. The Indiana Repub
lican State Convention practically in
dorsed the President for the nomination
and Senator Fairbanks asserts that there
wili be no opposition to Mm from that
Stale. That would appear to be decisive.
British debaters of the tariff question,
on both sides, make the error of assum
ing that the United States can impose an
export tax on goods sent abroad. Mr.
Morley is the latest one to blunder in
this particular, for be is reported as say
ing at Manchester : "Suppose the Amer
icans, indignatat British retaliation, put
a half-penny a pound on your raw cot
ton, where would Lancashire be?"' The
United States Constitution renders such
an act impossible. America cannot re
taliate in just that way.
Thk governor, on the 25th ult., ap
pointed Samuel Gustine Thompson, a
prominent Philadelphia Democrat, to the
vacancy on the Supreme court bench
caused by the death of Chief Justice J.
Brewster McColluin. Thompson previ
ously sei ved for a few months on the su
prenie court bench, having been appoint
ed liy Pattison in 18!)3. The governor is
nothing if not graceful in appointing a
Democrat to succeed a Democrat, an act
of grace which Mr. Pattison jailed to
notice when he appointed a Democrat to
succeed a Republican.
Thk State Highway Department has
received applications lor thirty-two miles
of road to be constructed under the new
law. These applications come from
different sections of the State, but not
much If any of the work will be done un
til spting. If these roads cost say $50110 a
mile the total f-spenriiture on the thirty
two miles will be glfiO.OOO, nnd ofthat
amount tl e State will pay f Klfl.tififl.OG.
Phila. Press. At that rate, even though
the state pays by far the larger portion,
it makes an expenditure which few
country districts can afford, and they
will bo slow to avail themselves of the
provisions of the new law. '
The extra session cf Congress is now
practically over and the object for which
It was called may bo said to be accom
plished. The Cuban reciprocity bill
passed the House almost unanimously
and has been reported favorably and
without amendment to the Senate Com
mitteeon Foreign Relations. 'I he only
difference of opinion among tho majority
of the Senators is the day upon which the
vote should be taken, and even here there
is an informal agreement that December
IB shall be the date for passing the bill
luucn nas noon accomplice. I in eac
branch of Congress, which will hasten
the work of the regular session. The Re
publicans of the H uise have chosen the
Speaker ofthe Fifty-eighth Congress and
the Democrats ilie minority leader,
Speaker Cannon has made his committee
appointments and w ill announce them as
soon as the regular session meets, in
sieau 01 mree weeks anerwants as was
his lirst intention. Both Republicans
and Democrats have met in party caueu
and decided upon their tactics. All the
preliminary work of a first session of
Congress has been accomplished. In the
Senate many appointments have been
confirmed, nine!) incidental business re
ferred to committee, all the committees
announced, and agreements reached by
the members of each party on Cuban re'
ciprocity and other Important subjects,
Many petitions were received protest
ing against Reed Smoot. The appoint
ment of Dr. Crum, the negro collector of
Charleston, will be repotted on favor
ably by the Committee on Commerce,
General Wood's appointment to be major
general is still in the bands of the Com
mitt-eon military affairs, but friends of
the general have confidence in the out'
cc me.
One of the mo t important events of
the session is the decision ou the part of
the Democratic members not to oppose
the administration in the canal negotia
tions with Pauama. When the new Hay
Bunau Varilla treaty is sent to the Sen
ate it will surely be ratified, aud It is
doubted if the Democrats will even pro
long the debate, as they know the coun
try will nottole-ate anything which de
lays the construction of the canal. The
new treaty is considered a triumph for
the Republican administration.
The ritlsburtr Dispatch Offers a Chick
t'l'lng Huby Grand antl Fred
erick Upright.
The Pitisburg Dispatch has started
voting sonteat by which any person, club
society, church, school or organization
nay obtain a piano free of all cost. To
the person or organization receiving the
largest nu inner or votes, each coupon
published in the Daily Dispatch re pre
seining one vote, and each coupon in the
Sunday Dispatch representing three
votes, an $800 Chickering Baby Grand
Piauo will be given.
For the uext largest number of votes
ft50 W. F. Frederick Upright will be
given. Paid in advance subscriptions
lor three, six and 12 months call for
certificate for the votes represented bv
the days the subscription is for, and the
coupons can be sent in as well. It is i
great chance to get a piano tree. Infor
mation can be bad by reading announce
ment in the Pittsburg Dispatch or writ
Ing to Coupon Editor, The Pittsburg Dis
patch, Pittsburg, Pa.
8100 ItEWAIll), 9100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to leai n thai there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in nil its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only
positive cure known to the medical fra
ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly apon the blood
and mucous surface of the system, there'
by detro ing the foundation of th dia
ease, and giving the patient strength bv
building up the constitution and assist
ing nature in doing its work. The pro
priemrs have so much faith in Its cur'
tive powers thai they offer One Hundred
Dollars lor any case that it Tails to cure,
Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENEY& CO..
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are thebest.
Head About to Burst From Severe Bilious
"I had a severe bill us attack and felt
like my bead was about to burst when I
got bold of a free sample of Chamber
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I
liH-k a dose of them after supper and the
next day lelt like a new man and have
been leeling happy ever since," says Mr.
j. iv.aniiiu ot jiii i II, Texas, f or bill
outness, stniiia h troubles and constipa
tion these Tablets have no equal. Price
2o cents. For sale by Dr. J. C. Dunn.
See Here,
If you contemplate a trip to the West,
South or Southwest, the Nickel Plate are
making extremely low rates on Dec. 15th
and January Sth and 19th. These rates
are based on about one fare for the round
trip. Avail yoursell of this golden op
portunity to see the beauties of the West
cheap. For full information, write, trie
graph or phone A. C. Showalter, Dist.
Pass. A ut. Nick le Plate Road, 807 State
St., Erie Pa. (111)13
Be (Jutes.
Not a minute should be lost when a
child shows symptoms of croup. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy giveu as soon as
the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy coub appears, will prevent
the attack. It never fails, aud is pleas
ant and sale to lake. For dale by Dr. J.
C. Dunn.
Pennsylvania ltnllrand's Winter Excurxlou
Koute Book.
In pursuance of its annual custom, the
Passenger Department of the Pennsylva
nia Railroad Company hasjust issued au
a'traetive and comprehensive book di-.
criptive ofthe leading Winter resorts of
the East and South, aud gl' ing the rates
and various routes and combinations of
routes of trayel. Like all the publica
tions of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany, this "Winter Excursion Book" is
a model of typographical and pictorial
work. It is bound In a handsome and ar
tistic cover in colors, and contains much
valuable Inloruiatijii for winter tourists
and travelers 'n general. It can be had
free of charge at the principal ticket of
fices of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany, or will be sent postpaid upon ap
plication' to Geo. W". Boyd, General Pas
senger Agent, Broad Street Station.
Philadelphia. :i
When yon want a pleasant purgati
try t.hainlierlain'8 Stomach and Liv
1 "Py are easy to take and pro
duce no nausi a.griping or other disagree
able etlect. For sale by Dr. J. C. Duun.
Lots of furs yet at Hopkins' store. 1
Insane Mother and Daughter Shoot at
Every One Who Cornea Near Them.
Tamaqua, Pa., Nov. 110. Barricaded
In their home in McKeensburg, In
the country district near here, Re
becca Holland and her daughter, both
'relieved to be Insane, keep guard at
the doors and windows with revolvers
tnd shotguns and defy anybody to
come near the house. On Sunday
night they flred at people on their way
l ome from church and since then all
the residents of the little village have
been giving the house a wide berth
James Albert, an Arabian pcdler,
Visited the town and knocked on tho
door of the house. In response five
shots were fired through the panels of
d.e door, one of which Inflicted
s'lght wound on his right hand. Albert
cyme hero to swear out warrants for
the arrest of the women. It Is not be
lieved they can be taken without
The women are suffering from hal
Inclnations. believing that everybody
v ho comes near the house means to do
tl em harm. For the past five years
trey have lived aa recluses, seldom
leaving their home. A few weeks ago
the driver of a grocery team stopped
In front of the house and was about
to enter the gate when he was flred
r.pon from a window on the second
floor, the bullet grazing his head.
A Soldier Who Died In the Philippines
In September, 1902, Is Still Unburied
Pittsburg. Pa., Nov. 30. The body
of Private W. J. Fitzmaurlce is march
ing on. Three years ago on Thanks
giving at St. Louis the lad enlisted
and was assigned to Company F,
Twenty-sixth United States infantry.
Ho died on September 6. 1902, In the
Philippines. T. J. Fitzmaurice of
Perry, Okla,, the father, ordered the
tody sent to St. Louis for burial. It
was brought by the transport Sumter.
Months had passed by and the father
did not know of the shipment. Tho
body was sent back to New York and
thence to Philadelphia for interment.
Mrs. H. .1. Keenan, 722 Woods street,
Wllklnsburg, Pa., had written th-3
oeertermaster general, and by mistake
the body was presented by an ex
pressman at the door of Mrs. Keenan
fche advised the expressman to take it
An hour later she visited the ex
press office to arrange for its shipment
t i St. Louis, but the body had gone
back to Philadelphia. The affair Is
t-traightened out. and an uncle, Ed'
ward Rowlson. 9uG Laml street, St
Louis, will take charge of It when
it arrives.
Two Sisters Killed By Train.
Mouongahela, Pa., Nov. 30. Satur-
cay evening Evelyn and Minnie
Thompson, aged 10 and 19 respectively.
only children of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Thompson of Coal Bluff, were run
down and instantly killed by an ex
press train. The girls had started to
walk to the home of a friend to spenl
Sunday. They stepped from one track
to avoid an approaching freight train.
and almost directly in front of the ex
press, which came behind them at a
high rate of speed.
Burglars Raid Village.
Aiientown, Pa., Nov. 30. A gang or
five burglars visited the town of
Emails, live miles west of here, and
robbed the postofflce and the real es
tate office of Phaon C. Wenner. They
also entered the office of the Donald
eon Iron worke, but were frightened
eway. At the postofflce they secured
$.0 in stamps and $30. From Wen-
ner's safe the thieves secured several
hundred dollars worth of revenue
stamps and bonds valued at about $5.
Receiver For Ship Trust.
Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 30. The ap
peal of the United States Shipbuilding
company, against the decision or Judge
hlrkpatrlck appointing James Smith,
Jr., receiver for the corporation was
riecided against the company. Judge
Kirkpatrlck'8 action is sustained and
the order for the receiver is made
permanent or until the further order
of the court.
Inquiry Into Mine Disaster.
Uniontown, Pa., Nov. 30. After lis
tening to a number of witnesses the
.oroner's jury to inquire Into the ex-
loslon at the Ferguson mine, which
resulted in the death of 14 victims,
adjourned until this morning. Noth
ing was developed to show the cause
f the explosion. The failure to find
the body of Mike Benie is a mystery
that all the witnesses referred to.
Depends on Government.
Bethlehem, Pa., Nov. 29. The armor
late department of the Bethlehem
Pteel Company will be compelled to
close down In a short time, and several
hundred men will be thrown out of em
ployment, it is feared, if the govern
ment does not soon send In new orders
for armor plate.
Woman Pours Oil on Fire.
Mount Gilead, O., Nov. 30. While
pouring coal oil onto a slowly burning
fire an explosion occurred, burning
Mrs. Frank Lee and her little daughter
to badly that they died shortly after
from their Injuries. Another child was
lso severely burned, but will recover.
Fled in Their Night Robes.
Sharon, Pa., Nov. 30. Clad only in
their nMit robes, Mr. and Mrs. Mill
ward were driven from their beds by
fire and compelled to leap from a sec
ond story window to escape being
burned to death.
Bilious folic Prevented.
Take a double dose of Chamberlain's
Colic' Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as
soon as tho first indication of the disease
appears and a threatened attack may be
warded off. Hundreds of people use the
remedy in this way with perfect success.
for sale by Dr. J. C. Dunn.
Low Itntes via I lie Mt-ki-l I'lnie.
Dec. 15. Jan. Sth and 10th am th.. ,iaia
for the next low rate excursions via the
Nickel Plate road to the West. South ami
Southwest. Information In relerence to
these rates may be bad bv writimr
or phoning to A. C. Showalter, Dint. Puss,
flgi., i-o, ntatom., Krio, la. (i:i:i
An Enallsh Kleetlnn I'.siierleiu e.
An Englishman relate the following
election experience: "I was t;iking part
'in canvassing a constituency without
it representative. I wits iiuinmiiccd
its a speaker at it muss meeting held
In a largo Held within shadow distance
of a famous cathedral. One of the
other orators delivered the most Im
pressive speech 1 have ever heard, lie
sMke of the struggle of (he poor, how
they had to bear their burden. He
made me almost cry by bis eloquence,
lie talked nbout his own little home,
which lie only just ttiiimigod to keep
together by 'the sweat of his brow.'
Who is lieV I asked. 'Well,' replied
my friend, the candidate, "be is known
In bis own town ns "Popshop Dick"
liocauso he is a prosperous pawn
broker.' "
Sweetheart Abbey.
There is in (iallowiy, Scotland, an
ancient ruin known as Sweetheart ab
liey. Within its ivy covered, storm
battered walls lies burled the affec
tionate and devoted Porrorgill, with
the heart of Iter husband, John ltnllol,
embalmed upon her breast. Lovely In
their lives, in death they are not divid
ed. The (-rumbling ninsoiiry is still
and must ever be a romance In Its
symbols of deuth and decay, telling ev
ery day, as it has for tiOo years, the
thrilling story of a woman's tender
love and devotion.
The Snilanrxe Ilnbjr.
A Sudanese baby when dressed up In
Its best clothes Is probably the most
uncomfortable Infant In the world. The
coat or outer garment which fashion
dictates should be worn reaches to Its
very heels. It is of heavy velvet, hang
ing in many folds. Tlito in turn is
adorned witli countless buttons and
bangles of brass, considerably addiug
to its weight. Its cap in turn Is of the
same material, similarly decorated and
doubtless equally uncomfortable.
The Cradle.
Peter Cooper had fifty-live years ot
domestic happiness nnd morning fire
building. Mr. Cooper was an ingen
ious man. When a cradle became nec
essary in his home, as was sometimes
the case years ago, Peter rigged a self
rocking cradle, with a fan attachment.
Afterward lie patented the device and
sold the patent. There were many op
portunities "In those days."
Special Conducted Excursions via the
Nli-klo Plate.
The Nickel Plate will sell special ex
cursion tickets Dec. 15th, Jan. 5th and
19th at extremely low one way and round
trip rates to all points in the West, South
or Southwest. Address A. C. Showalter.
Dist. Pass. Agt., No. 807 State St.. Erie.
Pa. Write to-day. (12)jl3
"The best way to bury your sorrows is
to get your sympathies busy.
Ho Homcwhrre via the Mrkle I'lalr.
Special low rates one way, also round
trip yia the Nickel Plate on Deo. 15, Jan.
Sth and 10th to all points West and South
See or write A. C. Showalter, Dist. Pass,
Agt. 807 Slate St., Erie, Pa., for full par-
itcuiars. Three through fast express
trains in either direction daily. (H)J13
Verna Rots, Lib., vs. Milo Hons. Resn
In the Court of Common Picas of Forent
vmnty. Jo. February Term. 1003.
Aottce in Divorce.
To Miln Ross, respondent above
named, Take Aotiee. that anollcation for
a divorce has been made in the above
case, upon the allegation that you have
wiiauiy and maliciously a sorted the li
belant and absented yourself from her
habitation without reasonable cause, for
ana aurtng the term and space or two
years and upwards. By reason of your
iieiaii in noi entering an appearance I
have been appointed Examiner bv the
said Court. I have fixed Monday, the
7tb day of December, next, at 1:00 o'clock
p. tn., as the time, and my office in Tlo
nosta, Pa., as the place lor taking testi
mony in the cause, when and where yon
may attend if you see proper.
samuel v. irwin, rcxaminer,
2t Tionesta, Pa.
Fred. Grottonborger
All work pertaining to Machinery. En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit-
lings and General Klacksinitbing prompt
ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear ol and fust west of the
haw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
Bank Statement.
No. 5038.
of Pennsylvania, at tho close of business
Bovemoer 17. 1003.
Loans and discounts $241,452 34
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured 502 14
U. S. Bonds to secure circula
tion 50.000 00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds 3,187 31
Stocks, securities, tc 49,000 00
liaiiklng-liouse, lurniture, and
nxtures lo.lOl 08
Due from approved reserve
agents 109.107 24
Chocks and other cash items 007 44
Notes of o her national banks ... 4iH) 00
Fractional paper currency.
nickels. and cents 283 08
Lawful money reserve in bank,
Specie $17,850 80
legal ten ter notes... 4,000 00 21.850 80
Redemption fund with U. 8.
Treas'r(5 per ct.ot circulation) 2,500 00
$494,447 43
'apital stock paid in $50,000 00
Surplus fund 25,000 00
undivided pronis.iess expenses
and taxes paid 7.084 70
National bank notes outstand
ing 50.000 00
Dividend" unpaid 120 00
Individual deposits subject to
check 199,810 47
Demand certificates of deposit... lift 76
ime certmcatca oi deposit iU2,r.m 60
$104,447 43
Stnto of Pennsylvania, County of Forest,
I, A. B. Kelly, cashier of the ubove
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to tho best of my
knowledge and beliof.
A. B. KELLY, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
23d day of November, 1903.
C. M. Auner, Notary Public.
Correct Attest :
O. W. RoniNsoN,
T. F, Ritchey,
J. T. Dalk,
:,i ""' .A. i. vi
Articles that intercut-the average
man litis kind of weather, ami make
serviceable Christmas gifts
Mufllers ranging in price front '25c
to SI. Home very desirable patterns
and styles.
(iloves 25c tn 81
Cops, 825c to SI 50.
Suspenders, silk web, in fancy box,
50 ceols.
Flour IS sack 1.15 1.40
Corn meal, feed, 100 ft ,
Corn meal, family, 100 lb.
Chop feed, pure grain
Oats M
Corn, shelled
Hiiek wheat flour, $1 lb ,
Beans 19 bushel
Ham, sugar cured
Bacon, sugar cured
Salt Pork, 1 lb
WhitollshW kit
Sugar fia.nti)
ymp .ViM .50
N. O. Molasses .so
Coffee, Roast Kio 12JI5
Coffee, blended Java .20
Tea :i5 .50
Eggs, fresh
Salt barrel
Potatoes, "jd bushel
Potatoes, sweet, "r It
Lime barrel
Nails 19 keg
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Hear or Hold Weaver
Telephone A'o. SO.
Repairs Holler, Stills
Tanks Agitator. linvN
and Hells Neeoiul - hand
toiler, i:i e.
Wire or letter orders promptly at
tended to. Eud ofSuspei sinn Bridge,
Third ward, OIL CITY, IA.
1,1: aha msii:ss,
Practical ideas, up to date meth
ods, make our students a success, and
the calls tot (hem greater than we
can supply. The best investment
ynu can make for the business world
is to take our C mraer'ial and Short
hand Course. We teach more iu one
year than the ordinary school can in
hree. 32 of our students have ac
cepted office positions since latt
Spring. Enter at any time.
Wahken, Pa
l33 10 California and Norlliwesl.
New Pullman "Ordinary" sleepers,
wide vestibuled aud with everv mod
eru codv uience, in charge of corrpe-
teot agents troin (Jinciunati and Chi-
Kates for berths less than half of
cost in regular sleepers Write to
day for frue descriptive m i Iter and
full particulars to E. A Kichter,
Traveling Passenger Agent, Illinois
Central Railroad, 512 Pavk Build
ing, Pittsburg, Pa. s'23tf
afp. A Iwnys reliable. I.nrilra. ask nnipetst fo
M M MKM i:it M KKUMHII ill Knl and
;!! int'tHlllu Immih, ivulnl Willi blue ribbon.
Take no oilier. KpHia duiiurerouo nuboU
tullonaiintl Imitation, liuvur vuur UniKKixt,
or wnd 4r. ill Miiinp, fur Particular. Trill.
ntonlaU and Itrllpf Tor l.iMlira." In Mltr,
by rrlnrn Mail. 10.000 Teslliiuiiiliiln. hold by
all UrugKUts.
100 Hadlaon Mquarr, PHILA., PA.
Meatla this papar.
k2' rx.-c'T?
-v y
Take iaxauve uromo quinine Tablets.?
Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 months. ThiS Signature,
New Dry Goods.
New Dress Goods.
New Ladies' Coats.
New Misses' Coats.
New Ladies' Skirts.
Fall and Winter.
Now Here and Arriving.
A. Watnb Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook, G. W. Robinson, Win. NmoarbauKh,
N. P. Wheelor, T. F. Ritchey. J. T. Dale, J. H. Kelly.
Collections remitted 'for on day of pr.ymnnt at low rates. We promise our custom
era all the benefits consistent with conservative b klnii. lntorest pid on time
deposits. Your patronajre reHpectfully solicited.
It Will Only
Cost One Cent
to buy a postal card and send lo the New
York Tribune farmer, New York City, for a
free specimen copy.
The New York Tribune Farmer is a Na
tional Illustrated Agricultural Weekly fur
farmers an ' their families, and EVEUY issue
cot ta ins matter instructive and entertaining
to EVERY member of the fam ily. The price
is $1 00 per year, but if you like it you can
Beoure it with your own favorite local news
paper, The Forest Kepuiimcan, Tionesta,
I'a , at a bargain, Both papers one er only
$1 25
Seud your order aud money lo Tub He-
We have anything the heart could
wish. The great problem of finding
something to please liim or her is
easily snlvtd at this store, and at
moderate prices, too. Don't fail to
drop in and look over our stock when
in town. It would take many cut
umos in t h is paper lo attempt to
enumerate the many heauli ul things
you will find here.
We promptly obtain U. 8. and KoreiKn
Sonii model, sketch or photo oi invention lei
(reereportnn rmtentaWllty. For free book,
Opposite U. S. Patent Office
m f pi
To Cure a Cold in One Day
603 S.
Wm. Smkarbatoh,
Vloe Proslden
Kill, WAV.
To Take Kfl'cct July (ith, IU03.
J KaMt.rii Tim. NoUTIl
3 1 J
I a I 4
Leave Arrive
p. in. p. in
6 AO
0 80
6 20
0 15
I 1 00 6 00
112 45,5 50
1 12 85 5 40
12 10 5 'JO
12 05 5 25
111 55 5 2D
;ll 40 5 10
ill 30 4 55
111 00 4 40
10 40 4 25
10 30 4 15
I m. ii in
!7 00'
17 30j
Kokh Run
Newtown Mills
7 4l)i
7 4r.
K (Kl!
1 4."
Ruck Mills
May hu rjr
M iniHter
Ulne Jav
Henry's Mill
rrlve rjfiI,
1 55 8 15
2 05 8 25
2 20 8 40
2 25 S 45
2 ;i0;8 5l.
2 40 il (Ml
2 55 U 15
;t 10 I) 80
II 25 0 50
U 45 101)0
p.mU. in
T. D. COLLINS, Pkkmdknt.
Taking effect. November 20th, 1903.
No. 80 Buffalo Express, daily
excopt Sunday 11:10a. m
No. 32 Oil City and Pi tsburR
Ext ress.daily.except Sunday ..7:20 p.m.
, ForIIickory,Tidioute,Warren,KInzua,
uiaiuiMu, wiunil nuu lie I'.HNt:
No. 31 Olean Express, daily
exept Monday 8:48 a.m.
No. 33 PittHburR Express,
daily except Sunday 4:45 p.m.
For Time Tables and additional infor
mation coiiHult Ticket Agent.
General Manager. Passenger Trallio Mgr
GEO. 11. UOYD, Ofln'l Passenger Agt.
ol character and good reputation in
each state (one in this county required)
to represent and advertls old eslablitdied
wealthy business houses ol solid financial
standing. Salary 21.00 weekly with ex
penses a. ditiona', all payable In cash
lirect each W ednesday from bead offices.
Horse and carriage furnished when nec
essary. References. Enclose Bel f ad
dressed envelope. Colonial, 332 Dear
born St., Chicago, 82-4 tn
- Z"
on everv
yrviri box. 25c