THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WINK, Eoitor 4 Propkictoh. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1903. may 3'et be known as Hie Jim Crow candidate, lor the Presldeney. OinxWB of the Solid South mid Tam liiHiiy.lhe Democratic party may be called nationally nonexistent. So much water has been gradually squeezed out in Wall street that little margin lor a panic remains. Ahout 3,000 witnesses and 50 lawyers will take part in the coming trial ol tlioi-e who participated in the massacre of the Jews at Kiehinett'. Panama's revolution has been without bloodshed or destruction of property. In cidentally, Uncle Sam will perform his obligation by keeping the islumiau route opeu. Threk New York papers, the Ameri can, the Journal aud Das Morgan Jour nal, are booininir William handolpu Hearst lor the Presidency. Hearst owns them all. A Nkw York paper safely declares that if the right candidate is nominated on the right platform and gets the rUbt number of votes, the Democratic party may win next year. At.L the land held by the religious or ders of the Philippines will probably be bouubt bv our government for fti.OOO.OOO This will put an end to one o the most aggravating questions concerning the islands. Accordinu to tho report of the Adju tant General, the regular army uow con sists ol 55,500 men and 3,iiSl officers. The united strength of the State malitias amounts to 116,542 men. 14,607 regular troops are now statioued in the Philip pines. A colorkd barber at the National capi tal said business had been bad ever since the Cleveland administration aud that he hoped for a Democratie administration next year. When asked to explain, be said, "The Democrats don't shave them selves." In deciding to make a tight for that $,'i0,000 legacy lett him by a New York admirer William Jennings Bryan wrote himself down as small potatoes. The generous aud proper thing to baye done would heve been to permit the money to go to the rightful heirs, and not lake ad vantage of the delusions of a weak but well-meaning old mun. Punx'y Spirit. Several hundred petitions against permitting Senator Heed Smoot to retain bis seat in the Senate have been tiled in the Senate. Churches, religious organi zations of all kinds, universities, col leges, and other educational Institutions are among those who have joined In this righteous protest. Senator Hoar declared that the sending of such petitions to the Senate was out of order and improper, but the Senator is getting old. The Industrie eitung says that of all the countries producing steel in 1902 the United States led, with a-i output of 15, 000,000 tons. These figures grow in Im portance when it is remembered that the world's production in 1904 was only 12,. 851,0n0 tons. Germany's production in 1902 was7,7S0,O0O tons, one-balf that of the United States, while England's was only 5,000,000 tons, or one-third the pro duction of the United States. A rkcest Washington dispatch says that Representative Joseph C. Sibley is slated by Speaker Cannon for Chairman of the Committee on Manufactures. This will give him a fine committee room and a clerkship at $2,000 per annum. Mr. Sibley will also retain his membership on the Committee on Insular Affairs and Postofllces and Post Roads. The chair manship is a decided recognition of Mr. Sibley's standing and influence. Senator Quay introduced last week a bill that ought to please all old soldiers. It is a service pension bill by which all men who served in the Civil war for not less than 90 days are to receive pensions. It applies to all who are not now receiv ing pensions and to those whoare getting less than f 12 per month. Veterans from 50 to 55 years of age are to receive $0 per month ; 5f to 60 years, $8 per mooth, and over 60 years ol aite $12 per month. All widows' pensions are to be not less than f 12. Carrie Nation has Joined the circle of cranks who "want to see the President." She introduced her coarse and annoying manners into the White House a few days ago, and the officials of the private sec retary's olllce were forced to turn her over to the police. If posiible, this per ennial nuisance should be placed under continuous restraint. She has been al lowed too much liberty with her vulgar fanaticism. Such characters, it allowed to continue tli- ir agitt:ons, eventually, either terminate their careers with crimi nal excesses or incite others to violence and crime. Kane Republican. At'TER a caucus of three-and-a-half hours last Monday the Democratic mem bers of the United States Senate were forced to admit that they were hopelessly divided on the question whether they should oppose ihe President if he should negotiate a canal treaty with Panama. While all of them regretted to let pass the opportunity of denouncing the ad ministration for its hasty recognition of 1 anama, they recognize that there is an almost universal Bentiment throughout the Southern States in favor of a canal, as the Southern people believe they could get higher prices for their cotton and cotton goods, it the canal were built, and lor this reason enough Southern jtfllludHlli; oruaiuiB wuuill support a treaty with Panama to insure it the nec essary two-thirds majority, even though some of the Republican Senators should refuse to follow their party. As the Sen ate is at present constituted the Republi cans need three of the Democratic votes in order to get a two-thirds msjority, which is required for the ratification of a treaty. As a large number of the minor ity Senators would vote for a treaty with Panama, the President is certain of tho support ofthe Senate in rase he decides to negotiate with tho now republic. As (o Pure Food. According to an eminent authority, the use of anything lor the preservation of canned goods, meats or other foods, is dangerous practice and liable to result in stomach troubles, for the reason that anything which will have the effect of a preservative will also destroy digestion and have the same effect inside that it ha" outside the stomach. Digestion la proorss of fermentation aud any drug or compound which will prevent It or pn tr filial Ion is unfit to go into the stomach. They effect the system profoundly and In some if not all of Its functional processes and are, therefore, to be avoided. In recent issue of "What to Eat" the edits said that we must have laws which' are practical, comprehensive and efiectlre of preventing the sale of and manufacture of adulterated food and drink products. He also advocates that food Inspectors be removed from politics aud to establish national and state laws with uniform provisions. The big manufacturers have a pull and are not interfered with by state officials and the state law is inoper ative as against out-of-the state manufac turers, though dealers who Innocently sell'goods which they paid for as being pure are dragged into the courts and fined. There certainly is a great need of laws which will both protect Ihe innoceut dealers and the consumer aud punish the guilty ones, the manufacturers. A fed eral law with honest and capable inspec tors would seem the proper thing. Tl tusvillo Courier. Mil) burg. Mrs. Cast'e, of North Clarendon, Is here visiting friends. Th- Long folks took supper at J. O. Richards' as did also Win. Richards' folks. Always glad to see old neigh bors. Joe Miller, of Kellettville, was here this week putting In a chimney at the N. N. McManigln house, and doing some stone work. Will be back again to build chimneys in the church and power house. Our old friend Boyd Winans was also up carpentering for Win, Richards. Mrs. Alshouse, mother-in-law of our neighbor, Grant Alshouse, went borne on Wednesday. His sister, Miss Als house, took her place. Grant lost his wife last spring and bis friends come to keep bouse for him. Fied Hall and Mr. McUlffort, of Iowa, and Minnesota, are here putting up a loading machine for McManigle A Brown. They expect to do good work with it. It's a tine looking piece of machinery and looks as though it would fill the bill) Quarterly meeting commenced on Fri day evening, Rev. John McGeary, Dis trict Elder, presiding. The services were good. Pilgrims Irom Buck Mills, Kel lettville, Porkey aud Garfield were here. Rev. Zahniser, preacher in charge. Lo cal preachers present, Rev. Richards, of May burg and Rev. Gifford, ofGilfoyle. The preaching by Rev. McGeary was deep and simple an old-fashioned mes sage, telling of help to be obtained by needy men and women, offeied by a God who loves them. Such meetings must do good. We miss our old friend Holmes, con ductor on the passenger train on the S. A T. R. R. Upon inquiry we find that be is laid off with Injured fingers, aa acci dent he met with last week. Don't let it be longer than possible, Gene. Trains on this railread are running very regular now, and the coming of rough roads, snow and general chilli ness, makes us grateful for a chance to ride in warm cars, without having to take the jolt of rough roads and freezing winds, to Bay nothing ot loss of time and temper. By-tbe-way, that expression "loss of temper,' haidly seems right. The fel lows that we talk about, saying tbey lose their temper, always seem to have plenty of it left, and if you touch them ever so gently, you discover that they have plenty on band. The hunters are coming in, looking up bear, dear and other game. This section has a deserved reputation for good sport of tbis kind, but the game Is scarce. I remember bunting on the headwaters of Bobs creek and Queen in company with some good banters, 30 years ago. We took home a wagon load. That time is past, never to re'urn. But when the time comes that all this land that once made such good bunting ground Is cleared up and farmed, Pennsylvania will be a great State, indeed. And then it is not only the farming of the surface ; away down, say 2.000 feet, there may be untold treas ure. Mobb Anon. There is more Catarrh in tbis sec' ion of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For" a great many years doctors pronounced it a loca disease, and prescribed local remedies, and bv constantly tailing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a con stitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufoctured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on the market, jt is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoontul. It acts directly on the blood ard mucous surfaces of the system. They oiler one hundred dollars lor' any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and tes timonials. F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Chnmberlniii's Cough Itt-nicdy I Pleasant to Take. The finest quality of granulated loaf sugar is used in the manufacture of Chamberlain's Cough Remedv, and the roots used in its preparation give it a fla vor similar to maple syrup, making it quite pleasant to take. Mr. W. L. Rode rick, of Poolesville, Md , in speaking of tins remedy says: I have used Cham b'rlain's Cough hemedy with my chil dren for several years and can truthfully say it is the best preparation of the kind I know of. Thechildreu like to take it and it has no injurious after effect. For sale by Dr. J. C. Dunn. If you would have lasting fame don't give the world a chance to forget you. FKOfll WOtTH AFHK'A. New Way of 1'nlnn Chnmberlniii's Coutih Itrineily. Mr. Arthur Chapman, writing from Durban, Natal, South Africa, says: "Aa a proof that Chamberlain's CoiiKh Rem edy is a cure suitable for old and young, I pen yon the following: A neighbor of mine bad a child Just over two months old. It had a very bad cough and the parents did uot know what to give it. I suggested that If they would get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and put some upon the dummy teat the baby was sticking it would no doubt cure tbe child. This they did ami brouuht about a quirk relief and cured the baby." This remedy is for salo by Dr. J. C. Duuu. 15 MEN BURNED TO DEATH. Italian Laborera Caught In a Fire In Their Sleeping Shanty. Altoona. Pa., Nov. 23. Thirty-five Italian laborera were burned to death In a shanty at Lilly. 18 miles west ot this city, Saturday morning and half as many more were seriously burned. The men were all employed by Mc Tinn ft Slmms, in the cutoff work of the Pennsylvania railroad at that point, and 65 of them were housed In a shanty 9.1 by 24 feet built of Inch hem lock board, lined and roofed with tar piper. In one end of the shanty was the commissary of the company and tho sleeping apartments of the men were In the other. A stove used In keeping the place warm became overheated and set fire to the building. At tho time all the men were asleep In their bunks. The heat awakened them and there was a wild scramble for tho door. Men fought each other In their madness to escape and those who did succeed In getting out made the panic worse by trying to enter the shinty to save their belongings. The Inflammable nature of the building and the straw In the bunks made It a tinder box and In lees than half an hour the whole house was a mass of ruins and the Inmates wero for the most part unrecognizable masses of charred flesh. When daylight came the watcher could count 28 bodies lying In the ruins and parts of bodies at different points In the debris, swelled the total up to the full number. Those of tho men who escaped were horriblv burned and were removed on the I -a In to the hospitals at Johnstown, where 10 of them are now dying. At noon, when the ruins had coolej sufficient to allow of a search, a mass ot bodies, piled in confusion at the single doorway of the shanty, told the story ot the struggle that had taken place. Men with Iron handles of satchels and trunks in what remainel of their hands and with little heaps of melted silver by their side, told of the efforts to save their belongings. In the mass of dead could be seen bod ies grasped by the hands of other dead as though to pull them our of the road. The rescuers took out 30 bodies and laid them In rows along the bank. Coroner Miller visited the scene and v.-Ill hold an Inquest on Tuesday. Many of the dead had been on the work only a short time and the work ot Identification will be difficult. SERIES OF HOLDUPS. More Attacks on Railroad Operators In Lonely Pennsylvania Stations. Williamsport, Pa., Nov. 23. Tho slayer of William Clendenln. the op erator at Brown's tower, hear Oak Grove. Is still at large. Saturday morning when It was reported that three men, who had been found with the watch and rings of the murdered man upon them, were being taken to Lock Haven, the county seat, to jail, a crowd collected which blocked the street for several squares. It turned nut that the rumor was a false one and the men were released. At 12 o'clock Friday night, the fourth of the remarkable series of at tacks on night telegraph operators was made. Thomas Dalton, who has charge of the Btatlon at Glrardville on the Reading railroad, kept his door locked and himself heavily armed aft er hearing of the numerous holdups. At midnight two masked men present ed themselves at the door and knock ed. When Dalton asked who was there they replied by giving the name of a wellknown operator on the line. When the door was thrown open the men rushed In, knocked Dalton down and while one guarded him. the other rifled the money drawer. Thev cemmanded him to open the safe, but he did not know the combination and could not do It. Before leaving the desperadoes locked him in a closet, with the warning that he would be shot If he left it. Two men have been arrested, charged with the crime. The fifth of the series of holdups of night telegraph operators occurred at Clearfield here at an early hour In the morning when the Pennsylvania railroad station was entered and the operator, V. B. Fletcher, held up. There were two of the burglars masked and heavily armed. They blew oft the outer door of the safe with nltro-glycerlne. The Inner door was not budged. The force of the explosion awakened the town, but in the darkness the fellows escaped. The operator was able to give no de scription of them. Rigger Killed by Incline Car. Greensburg, Pa., Nov. 23. John Anderson, a rigger at the American Sheet Steel company's Scottdale plant, met a frightful death. He was sont to repair a rope on an Incline and while he wag at work a loaded car from the company's mines was start ed down the incline. He was unable to Jump to a point of safety and was Btruck and dragged to the foot of the descent. His body was fearfully man gled. Died In the Philippines. Somerset, Pa., Nov. 23. The re mains of Miss Daisy Vogel, whose death occurred In the Philippines on Monday, Sept. 28, reached Somerset, accompanied by the mother and p sis ter, Miss Ella K. Vogel, who taught In tbe public schools of McKeesport for several years. The Hague tribunal ended the hear Ing of arguments on the Venezuelan claims and will now consider Us judg ment. Tbe Heat I.lnliiirnl. "Chamberlain's Pain Balm Is consid ered the best liniment on the market," write Post A Bliss, of Georgia, Vt. No other liniment will heal a cut or bruise so promptly. No other affords such quick relief from rheumatio pains. No other is so valuable for deep seated pains In the chest. Give this liniment a trial and you will never wish to be without it. Sold by Dr. J. C. Dunn. As usual the Whito Star Grocery will keep a supply ol guns for rent during the hunting season, and will be prepared to tit pou out with the best of ammunition for the occasion at reasonable cost. If Cream of the News. If a man begins to court trouble he usually ends by marrying it. Gold Seal Rubbers wear best. Heath Jt Feit, sole agents. It No woman ever made a fool of man; she merely developed blm. J New beaver hats at Joyce's millinery. See them, U A man seldom sees a perfect man without tbe aid of a mirror. Got one of those nice winter caps at Hopkin's. They have the style as well as tbe comfort. It Better be a big pig in a little bole than a Utile pig In a big hole. The Strootman shoe for ladies, and the Douglas shoe for men and boys. None better on earth, Hopkins, sole dealer here. It Were it not for clouds people would not lie able to appreciate sunshine. We only wish everybody knew how much better "Black Cat" hosiery wears than other. We would surely aell all the hosiery. Ask for No. 15 for your boy. Heath A Feit. It It may lie just as well to remember that fast men are slow pay. Winter's here for sure now, and what the average citizen wants Is the right kind of toggery lor the occasion. We've got U In any fashion you like. Our stock of clothing can't be beat. Com In and see. iiopkins. It A girl believes In platonlo alt'ection unlit she is old enough to know better. If you need a coat or cape It will pay you to come here. We have a nice stock and have marked them low. Heath A Feit. It -Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are becoming a favorite for stom ach troubles and constipation. For Bale by Dr. J. C. Dunn. (Jreat Fat Slock Show. Special rates via Nickel Plate Road for the International Livestock Exposition at Chicago. Tickets nu sale Nov. 29th to Dec. 1st, inclusive, good returning to and Including Dec 7th, '03. Get particulars from nearest agent or address A. C. Showalter, D. P. A., 807 State St., Erie, Pa. 218 2t CHEAP TRIP 10 COLORADO On November 3 a rate of $18.75 Chicago to Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo, will be offered by the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Kail- way. Through traiu service Chicago to Deovery every day. Folders free. TohD R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Room D, Park Building, Pittsburg, Pa. n30 WANTED -SEVERAL PERSONS of character aud good reputation in each state (one in this county required! to represent ana advertise old established wealthy business houses of solid financial standing. Salary $'21.00 weekly with ex penses additions!, all payable In cash direct each Wednesday from bead offices. Horse and carriage furnished when nec essary. References. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Colonial, 332 Dear born St., Chicago. s'i-4ui Notice ! Verna Hons, Lib., vs. Milo Rons, Jtcsp. in the Lourt of tvmmon I'lean of torexl County. No. 19. February Term. l!NO. Notice in Divorce, To Mi In Ross, respondent above named, Take Notice, that application for a divorce has been made in the above case, upon the allegation that you have wilfully and maliciously d sorted the li belant and absented yourself Irom her habitation without reasonable cause, for and during the term and space of two years and upwards. By reason of your dofalt in not entering an acpearance I have been appointed Examiner by the said Court. I have fixed Monday, the 7th day of December, next, at 1:00 o'clock p. m., as the time, and my otnee in l lo nesta, Pa., as the place lor taking testi mony in tbe cause, wben and where you may attend if you see proper. Samuel v. Irwin, examiner, 2t Tiouesta, Pa. Fred. Grettenborger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and General Klacksmithing prompt ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of and fust west of the Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. ORETTENBKRGER- Bank Statement. No. 5038. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FOREST COUNTY NATION AL BANK AT TIONESTA, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business Novemuer 17, 1103. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts $241,452 34 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 502 14 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 50,000 00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds 3.187 31 Stocks, securities, i to., 49,000 00 Banking-house, furniture, and fixtures 15,161 08 Due from approved reserve agents 109,107 24 Checks and otbor cash items 907 44 Notes of o her national banks ... 400 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 283 08 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie $17.85 80 Iegal ten-ler notes... 4.000 00 21,850 80 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treas'r(5percUoI circulation) 2,500 00 $494,447 43 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid In $50,000 00 Surplus fund 25,000 00 Undivided profits.lessexponses and taxes paid 7,084 70 National bank notes outstand ing 50,000 00 Dividend unpaid 120 00 Individual deposits subject to check 199,840 47 Demand certificates of deposit... 19!) 70 Time certificates ot deposit 102,190 50 $194,447 43 State of Pennsylvania, County of Forest, ss: I, A. B. Kelly, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief. A. B. KELLY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me tbis 23d day of November, 1903. C. M. ABNER.'Notary Public. Correct Attest : G. W. Roiiinson, T. F. RlTCHKY, J. T. Dale, Directors. Snowy Table Linen will add much to the enjoy meot of your Thanksgiving feast, and if you are short on this necessary article, give us a chance to ghow you what a small investment will do, G.W. TIONESTA MA-ItlClSTS CORPECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS Flour Jf sack 1.151.40 Corn meal, feed, 100 tb.. t.30 Corn meal, family, W 100 lb 1.50 Chop feed, pure grain 1.35 Oats .50 Corn, shelled ,75 Rnckwheat Hour, lb .03 Beans $ bushel 3.00 Ham, sugar cured .1)1 Bacon, sugar cured .16 Shoulders .10 Salt Pork, lb .14 Whitefish kit .70 Sugar n.0tij Syrup ,35($ .60 N. O. Molasses .35'i .50 Coffeo, Roast Rio 12j 1 5 Coffee, blended Java .. .20 Tea H6 .50 Butter .25 Rice 05(g.0 Eggs, fresh .30 Salti barrel 1.25 Lard .13 Potatoes, $ bushel .50 Potatoes, sweet, It .03 Lime $ barrel 1.00 Nails V keg 2.75 A.C.UREY, LIVERY Feed & Sale STABLE. Fine Turnouts at All Tines at Reasonable Rates. Hear of Hotel Weaver TI03STEST-A., PA. Telephone Xo. 20. IQS. M. H?lVEl PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER. Repairs) Holler, 81 UN, Tank, Agitator. Huj and Nells Necoud - hand Hollers Etc Wire or letter orders promptly at tended to. End of Suspension Bridge, Third ward, OIL CTT, IM. iJeakx j.lsim;ss, Practical ideas, up-to-date meth ods, make our studeots a success, and the calls fin (hem greater than we can supply. The best investment you can make for the business world is to take our Comraer -ial and Short hand Course. We teach more in one year than the ordinary school can io three. 25 of our students have ac cepted office positions since last April. Enter at any time. THE HOFF BUSINESS COLLEGE. Warren, Pa. 833 to California ami Northwest. New Pullman "Ordinary" sleepers, wide vestibuled and with every mod ern codvi nieDce, in charge of con-patent agents from Cincinnati and Chi cago. Kates fur berths less than half of cost in regular sleepers. Write to day for free descriptive rattler and full particulars to E. A. Richter, Traveling Passenger Agpnt, Illinois Central Railroad, 512 Park Build ing, Pittsburg, Pa. s23tf CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS ftatV. Alwnys reliable. Lnrilr. Halt rmimrljt ftrt KMT :K'N KNULINII ill Kd and Jold niftulllc bum, sealed with blue ribbon. Take no oilier. Ilrru dnntferoua alib.l lutlonanml Inillnlion. liny uf your Kruu'KUt, or send 4c. in Mam pi for Psrllpnlitra. Tmll monlala and '-Krllrf for I.adlra." In Irltrr, by murn Mall. 10,000 Tesllmonhils. Hold by ail UruxirUW. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. 100 Hadlaoa Mquare, I'll I LA., PA. MaaU.a tali aap.r. R1U i Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. ThlS Signature, New Dry Goods. New Dress Goods. New Ladies' Coats. New Misses' Coats. New Ladies' Skirts. Fall and Winter. Now Here and Arriving. HEATH aU ' JVO. A. B. A. Waynk Cook, President. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, DIRKCTORH A. Wayne Cook, O. W. Koblimoti, Win. Sinearhaugu, N. P. Wheeler, T. K. Rltehey. J. T. Pale, J. H. Kelly. Collections remittal 'for on day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise our custom era all the IxmoflU consistent with conservative b kiuir. Interont pild on time deposits. Your patronage respectfully nollcitod. It Will Only Cost One Cent to buy a postal card ami send lo the New York Tribune farmer, New York City, for a free specimen copy. Tbe New York Tribune Farmer is a Na tional Illustrated Agricultural Weekly lor farmers an ' their families, and EVERY issue contains matter instructive and entertaining to EVERY member of the family. The price i 81.00 per year, but if you like it you can secure it with your own favorite local news papor, Tun Fokest Rei'UHLICAN, Tioneata, Tit , at a bargaiu, liulli papers one year only 81 25. Send your order and money lo Tun He-ithmcan. Pay a little more, and vou' II iret the worth of ynur money. Many of theclieap "filled" Watch Cases are made to sell, not to wear. The Jas. Boss "iiar-. Case has been made for 50 years, and 7,000,000 have proved their worth. It is guaranteed to wear 25 years many have been worn over 40 years. By this mark tig you know them. We recommend this case. We can put any kind of movement you want in a HOSS CASK, but recommend our special make of ILLINOIS AND HAMILTON movem' nl8. For finish, strength, quality and time, they can't be beat. Htm YErFniTZt The LEADING JEWELER. 32SKNECA St., OIL CITY, I'A. jWepIwiti 1 'Send model, .ketch or photo ol Invention 101 I free report 00 intcntnhl lity. For free book , f !SCTRADE-MARKS "Wl mm ; Opposite U. S. Patent Office JWASHINGTO To Cure a Cold in One Day & FEIT. CT1 oo.ts. Kkllt, CaHhier. Wat. SMKARBACOH, Vice Prwklon NATIONAL BANK, PENNSYLVANIA. S50.000. RAILWAY. TIlEE TABLE SHEFFIELD & TIONESTA To Take KfTect July 0th, ll03. NOK'f'tTnnK"'"Tiiiu I WQUTll 3 Y " ts fatiiiim I 2 4 Leavo Arrlve'p. ni. p. in 7 Dili Nfttiraska 6 .10 7 30! Hosg ltun tt 3(1 7 III Lamentation' 6 20 17 4 Newtown Mills 0 15 1 4.VS (Id Kellettville 1 00 0 00 1 65 8 lf JItick Mills 112 455 60 2 05 H 25 Mayburjr 12 35 5 40 2 20 8 4(1 Porkey 1 12 10 5 '10 2 25 8 45 M iniater 1)2 05 5 25 2 :l() H 5c Wallers ill 55 5 20 2 40 0 00 IlastiMRs 11 40 5 10 2 55 0 15 Blue Jav 11 30 4 55 3 10 1)80 Henry's Mill 11 00 4 40 3 25 0 50 Barnes 10 40 4 25 S 45 1000 Shefueid 10 30 4 15 p. in la. ni Arrive Leave, in. p. m T. D. COLLINS, Prkbidekt. Pennsylvania RAILHOAD. BUFFALO AND ALLEGHENY VAL LEY DIVISION. Takinir ell'eut, June lat, 1003. No. 30 Buffalo Express, daily except Sunday 1107: a.m. No. 32 Oil City and Piitsbunr Exrresa.daily.except Sundav..7:17 p.m. No. 11:30 Oil City Aecmn.,Suu-" day only 8:50 a.m. No. 9:32 Oil City Aconm., Sun day only, 8:27 p.m. For Hickory, Tidioute, Warren, Kinzua, Bradford, Olean and the East : No. 81 Olean Express, daily exeept Sunday 8:61 a. m. No. 33 Pittsburg Express, daily except Sunday ;. 4:45 p. m. No. 9,33, Irvineton Accnm., Sunday only, 2:45 p. m. For Timo Tables and additional infor mation consult Tleket Agent. W. V. ATTERBTJRY, J. R.WOOD. General Manager. Passenger Trallio Mgr. GEO. II. 1IO YD, Oen'l Passenger Agt. Wanted-An Idea Who can think or ioihi simple t n 'eci your uiprh; viipt may lirimr you Wealth Wrlw JOHN WKbDKHBURN CO., Patent IttoF neya. Washington, D. c, for their 1,SD prlaa offer aud list ot two hundred lureulloui wanted. E&JS Cures Crip in Two Days. 'Sv&yr on every "T